1 minute read

How To Experience More Love In Your Life

When you’re happy with yourself, then all of your other relationships improve, too. A happy person is very attractive to others.

Therefore, the first relationship to improve is the one you have with yourself. If you’re looking for more love, then you need to love yourself more. This means no criticism, no complaining, no blaming, no whining, and no choosing to feel lonely. It means being very content with yourself in the present moment and choosing to think thoughts that make you feel good now.


10 Healing Activities to Experience More Love in Your Life Now

There’s no one way to experience love, for we all experience love in different ways. For some of us to really experience love, we need to feel love, through being hugged and touched. Some of us, however, need to hear the words “I love you.” Others need to see a demonstration of love, like a gift of flowers. Our preferred way of experiencing love is often the way we feel most comfortable demonstrating it back.