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Sheila Brown can remember going to the mountains of New Hampshire on the weekend when she was a child to visit a family friend named Bessie.

It was at Bessie’s farmhouse that her love of art developed.

“I was there from ages five to 12 every weekend. But there wasn’t a lot to do up there. I did a lot of drawing and sketching; my mother would teach me about nature and the forest.”

While her two kids (Max and Jack) were at school, art started returning to her life. She joined painting groups, got her big break at The Little River Gallery, and won an award in Invercargill.

“That sort of gave me the confidence to say, ‘I’m going to go in this direction’.”

Always though, art remained a companion.

“Art is my best friend. And I needed to see it every day. I must paint every day to be in that space whether I’m feeling good or bad.”

Some 20 years later, she has her own gallery space, Xgaleri, in the Guthrey Centre, which she runs with her eldest son Max.

Sheila’s practice manifests in abstract depictions of nature, with much movement, and birds form a central theme.

Max, who has trained as an industrial designer, uses his emotional and spatial design specialities which have also helped him discover his artistic identity.

“My art is an emotional relationship from a product of nature. And then I develop abstraction from that concept. It’s always derived from nature and textures or architecture.”

As the space develops, they are opening the gallery to more events. This engagement with the public and potential buyers is something the pair enjoy, often discovering new meanings in the work through conversations over the canvases. 2023 will provide opportunities to meet the artists.

Max is looking to have a solo show in May titled ‘Everything’s gone green’ and Sheila is planning one in August or September.

They say that art has brought them closer together and invite anyone to come into their space to discuss their work.
