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The Power of Three C's

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Just Breath!

Just Breath!

by Latasha Howard

In times of uncertainty, it is very easy for any of us to become distracted, uneasy, and/or unfocused. Change is not easy. Disruption of our daily routines is not easy. Trying to find the calm in the midst of storms is not easy.

2020 has forced a lot of change upon us. March 2020 looked nothing like March 2019. These past few months have forced us to create “new normals” in our households, with our families, in our careers, with our fellowship, and with our extracurricular activities just to name a few.

The three C’s that have helped allow me to take a backseat and allow God to do what only God can do are: change, commitment, and consistency. Change is inevitable. Change is unavoidable. That is where perspective comes into play. Commitment is a choice.

We can either commit to or make the choice to complain about a situation or we can commit to allowing God to lead and ask for HIS guidance, wisdom, and knowledge through the situation. Pick something that can be a constant in your life. Whether or not that is running a mile every day, reading 3 nights a week, breakfast with a friend once a week, and/or praying every morning before you start your day. The one or two things in your life that are consistent will give you some reassurance and peace of mind amid the chaos.

This is a Bible verse that always gives me peace in the midst of the storms. Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Our Father calls us strong and courageous even when we feel we are at our weakest.

Finding the value in change will allow growth to take place. Commit yourself to looking at every situation with a positive perspective. A lot of what we go through is meant to teach us something. Asking God what the lesson is in many situations has helped me tremendously. Sit down and really think about what you have been consistent with the past three months. A goal, a challenge, an activity, anything. If you cannot think of something, now is a perfect time to start a new pastime.

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