1 minute read

A Matter of Urgency

Our hope and prayer are to have the new ECDC building completed in time to welcome students for the 2024-25 school year. To accomplish this urgent goal, we need to secure $1.3 million in funding as soon as possible so that we can begin construction. Therefore, we encourage families to consider a 10-20% initial payment toward their total pledge, the balance of which can be paid over a three-year period.


Budgeting Your Gift

The following chart serves as a guide as you prayerfully consider your level of support. Please keep in mind that pledges are non-binding commitments made in good faith. To maximize the impact of your gift, you can fulfill your pledge over three years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my pledge binding? Will it be confidential? Pledges are not legally binding but are meant to be commitments made in good faith. All commitments will be kept confidential.

What if I need to make a change to my pledge?

We understand that changes in your circumstances can impact your ability to fulfill a pledge. All we ask is that you inform Gail Arnold at the office of any changes to your pledge. Changes, like the pledges themselves, will be kept confidential.

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes, payments made on a pledge to the campaign are tax deductible for the year in which they are made. If you have specific questions regarding tax deductibility, please contact your attorney or tax advisor.

Is this a good time to conduct a capital campaign?

There is never a perfect time to launch a capital campaign. However, at Divine Redeemer, our needs are pressing, and the Readiness Assessment confirms that our congregation believes it is the opportune moment for this campaign. There is a strong willingness to contribute time, talent, and treasure towards its success. Participating in God’s mission at Divine Redeemer is a remarkable blessing.

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