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B1. design concept

Before 3D modeling anything in Rhino I resorted back to pen and paper to brainstorm possible designs to achieve an omni directional model. After a few iterations, a mechanism relating to an umbrella was the most efficient system to deploy a retracted shape into a circular-shaped shield.


B2. design precedents

I researched shading devices that resembled the umbrella mechanic that I want to utilize in my physical model. The Madinah Piazza Shading Project is a development that implements multiple large umbrella style forms to shade large open spaces for locals to pray. It was a common problem that there was never enough space for people to gather and pray at the mosque, however these machines allow for cover from the elements and create a usable large open space. I love this creative form of ephemeral style architecture and want to use the same level of creativity for my model exhibition.

B2. design precedents

This art installation uses umbrellas hanging from the ceiling with flowers hanging from them to create a chandelier art piece. I love this art piece as it forces its viewers to look up and entirely immerse themselves in the atmosphere it creates. I want my exhibition to have a similar aura that draws viewers in and allows them to interact closely with its mechanism. The model will have depth and invoke emotions that relate to Perseus’ journey to slay Medusa. Another element I liked about this piece was its ability to be deconstructed and reinstalled at various locations. My models will have the same benefits and have versatility to its display options.