Almanah 45. Festivala Borštnikovo srečanje

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44. Festival Borštnikovo srečanje v številkah

44th Borštnik Theatre Festival in Numbers

Maribor, od 16. do 25. oktobra 2009

Maribor, October 16 to 25, 2009

V tekmovalni program 44. Festivala Borštnikovo srečanje je selektorica dr. Barbara Orel uvrstila 11 predstav, vendar se jih je festivala udeležilo le 10, prav toliko pa je bilo tudi strokovnih pogovorov o tekmovalnih predstavah, ki sta jih na Malem odru pripravila in vodila Jernej Novak in Jaroslav Skrušný. V spremljevalnem programu se je po izboru selektorice zvrstilo 5 predstav, uprizorjene so bile 4.

There were 11 performances selected by Barbara Orel for the competition programme of the 44th Borštnik Theatre Festival; of these, 10 were staged; expert discussions on ten competing performances were organized and moderated by Jernej Novak and Jaroslav Skrušný. There were 5 performance selected for the accompanying program, with only 4 of them staged.

stava je bila odigrana v Kulturnem domu Pekre, Kulturnem centru Pekarna, Visoki poslovni šoli Doba in Avtosalonu Jarc Maribor. Predstava Osamljena ženska se je dvakrat zgodila v Narodnem domu (prvič ob pričetku, drugič ob zaključku festivala); prav v Narodnem domu pa se je 15. oktobra odvil tudi Uvod v Festival. V okviru Tovornikovih dnevov je bila ena predstava uprizorjena tudi v Selnici ob Dravi.

Centre, the Doba High Business School and the Jarc Car Showroom hosted one performance each. The performance A Lonely Woman was staged twice in the Maribor National Hall (on the opening and closing day of the festival). And on October 15, the National Hall hosted the Introduction to the Festival. One performance was staged in Selnica ob Dravi, as part of Tovornik Days.





Strokovni del letošnjega festivala je obsegal tri simpozije (od katerih sta bila dva mednarodna). Simpozij z naslovom Od Antigone do Krsta pri Savici je bil na sporedu 21. oktobra in je obeležil izid II. in III. knjige Zbranih del Dominika Smoleta. Udeležili so se ga štirje razpravljalci in 31 poslušalcev. Prvi mednarodni simpozij, Povezovanje festivalov Zahodnega Balkana, ki ga je organiziral Slovenski center mednarodnega gledališkega inštituta v sodelovanju s Festivalom BS, je potekal 23. oktobra. Simpozija se je udeležilo 7 predstavnikov slovenskih, hrvaških in srbskih festivalov ter 32 poslušalcev. Drugi mednarodni simpozij Umetnost, kultura, mesto, ki se je zgodil dan za tem, je predstavil 10 referatov. Simpozija se je udeležilo 50 poslušalcev. V Literini knjigarni je bilo v štirih dnevih predstavljenih 14 knjig in 1 revija, in sicer Amfiteater, revija za teorijo scenskih umetnosti. V okviru Festivala BS je bila predstavljena tudi monografija Devetdeset let Slovenskega narodnega gledališča v Mariboru in sicer 21. (na Malem odru) in 22. oktobra (na Visoki poslovni šoli Doba). En dan festivala je bil tudi letos posvečen delu študentov AGRFT, v okviru katerega so se na dveh prizoriščih predstavili z dvema produkcijama študenti 2. in 3. letnika igre, režije in dramaturgije študijskega leta 2007/2008, in sicer s tremi enodejankami A. P. Čehova Medved, Snubač, Jubilej, in študenti 4. letnika s predstavo Fedra Jean Racinea. V dodatnem programu se je odvila predstava Barčica za punčke Milene Marković v izvedbi Srbskega narodnega pozorišta Novi Sad ter melolog Faust Fantasia v izvedbi Petra Steina (glas) in Artura Annecchina (klavir).

This year’s festival included three symposia, two of these international. From Antigone to Baptism at the Savica, on October 21, marked the publication of the II and III volume of the Complete Works of Dominik Smole; there were three speakers and 31 listeners. The international symposium, Linking the West Balkan Festivals, organized by the Slovenian Centre of the International Theatre Institute in cooperation with the Borštnik Theatre Festival, was held on 23 October; there were 7 representatives of Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian festivals and 32 listeners. The international symposium Art, Culture, City was held one day later and included 10 presentations; there were 50 listeners. There were 14 books and 1 journal – Amfiteater, a journal of contemporary performing arts – presented in the Litera Bookshop during the four days of the festival. The monograph Ninety Years of the Slovenian National Theatre Maribor was also presented, first on 21 October (Small Stage) and then on 22 October (High Business School Doba). One day of the festival was again dedicated to the students of the Academy of Theatre, Radio Film and Television. The 2nd and 3rd years acting, directing and dramaturgy students in the academic years acting 2007/2008 staged three one-act plays by A. P. Chekhov (The Bear, The Proposal, The Anniversary), and the 4th year students staged Jean Racine’s Phèdre. The accompanying programme included Milena Marković’s A Boat For Dolls performed by Srbsko narodno pozorište Novi Sad and Faust Fantasia by Peter Stein (voice) and Arturo Annecchino (piano).

Ob 44. Festivalu Borštnikovo srečanje je izšel dvojezični almanah (v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku). Prav tako so bili natisnjeni dvojezična programska zloženka in 10 biltenov - eden od njih je bil posebna izdaja ob simpoziju Umetnost, kultura, mesto. Pri nastajanju biltenov je sodelovalo 10 študentk dramaturgije na AGRFT.

The 44th Borštnik Theatre Festival was accompanied by the Slovene-English almanac. Other publications included a bilingual brochure and 10 newsletters; one was dedicated to the symposium Art, Culture, City. Ten dramaturgy students of the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television participated in the preparation of the newsletters.



Nagrade Strokovna žirija je ob zaključku 44. Festivala Borštnikovo srečanje podelila 12 nagrad, žirija za podelitev najvišjega priznanja za igralsko ustvarjalnost pa je Borštnikov prstan podelila dramski igralki Minu Kjuder.

Awards The jury of experts gave 12 awards. The highest award for cre­ative acting, the Borštnik Ring, went to drama actress Mi­ nu Kjuder.



Slovenski gledališki festival je spremljalo 39 akreditiranih novinarjev iz slovenskih in zamejskih medijev.

The Slovenian theatre festival was attended by 39 accredited journalists from Slovenian and foreign media.



V času 44. Festivala BS se je zvrstilo 59 dogodkov, od tega 41 v prostorih SNG Maribor in 18 na drugih prizoriščih. Vse dogodke si je skupno ogledalo 5.820 gledalcev.

There were 59 events altogether during the 44th Borštnik Theatre Festival; of these 41 took place in SNG Maribor and 18 at other venues. The events were seen by 5,820 spectators in total.



Dogodki 44. Festivala Borštnikovo srečanje v okviru rubrike Festival BS drugje so se zvrstili na različnih prizoriščih. 6 predstav je gostil Prvi oder Prve gimnazije Maribor. Po ena pred-

Borštnik Festival Off-site events took place at different venues. The Stage One of Prva Gimnazija Maribor hosted 6 performances. The Pekre Cultural Centre, the Pekarna Cultural

Lidija Koren, izvršna producentka BS

Lidija Koren Executive Producer

V Mariboru, 29. oktobra 2009 Maribor, 29 October 2009



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