June Newsletter

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New York District Division 9

Brooklyn Tech Key Club at the June 1st Rally Against the Garbage Station

June Newsletter (3rd Newsletter) Midwood Key Club at their Coney Island Beach Clean Up

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Lieutenant Governor Clifford Young New York District Key Club Division 9 (Brooklyn) Key Club Beavers

Table of Contents/ Upcoming Events                 

Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting……………..Page 1 Divisional Staff Update…………………………Page 2 Key Club In The Summer……………………….Page 3 Service Spotlight’s…………………………..Pages 4-11 Senior Farewells……………………………Pages 12-13 Key Club International Convention………...Page 14 The Leadership Training Conference…...….Page 15 Paperwork Status………………………………Page 16 Contact Information………………………….Page 17

Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting Dear Division 9 Key Club Beavers, Happy June! It has been a pleasure serving as your Lieutenant Governor for another month. With all things exhausting including regents exams, finals, and final assignments we need an exciting Key Club Summer filled of Key Club events. Cheers to Service and Key Clubbing. I’ve been communicating with various past and present district officers in order to better plan events that better fit our division and help benefit the district in reaching its’ goals. I’m always here ready to listen to the members’ ideas. This month is one, as a Division Nine Key Clubber/Officer you will have the opportunity to read service spotlights, information about next years’ International Convention, District Convention (Leadership Training Conference), and more! *Have a great summer to those traveling!* Yours In Service, Clifford Young Lieutenant Governor New York District Division 9 cliffordyoung.ltg@nydkc.org

Divisional Staff Update (Executive Assistant) Dear Division 9 Key Club Beavers,

It’s been an amazing last month of my junior year and I couldn’t have wished to spend it any other way than being Division 9’s Executive Assistant! I’ve had the honor of getting closer with the Lieutenant Governor and attending events that put smiles on many faces, including mine. A few of my favorite events that I’ve attended this past month has been Peanut Day, Africa Project, and the magnificent Dream Prom for Autism! It was such a delight collecting money for children in need, sending supplies to those who need it the most, and of course, partying and meeting some AMAZING people! If it weren’t for key club I would have never had any of these experiences, and I cannot wait to continue my journey on being an avid Key Club member while helping our division stay strong. Yours In Service, Timmy Dhakaia Divisional Executive Assistant Division 9 New York District tdhakaia@gmail.com

Key Club In The Summer I know it can be difficult for Key Club to remain active during the summer because of vacation plans and/or other summer plans. However, the only that ended was the school year. The Key Club service year spans from April to March. To help assist with ideas for summer events, here are a few … ~ Barbecue: Since we are in Brooklyn we have Prospect Park[1] to utilize to lets do so. For this idea create a simple agenda of activities and gather at least 10-15 members in an area of the park. Get someone to handle the grill, get through the activities planned, and have some fun. ~Water Fight: It’s called summer for a reason. Its H-O-T. For this event, you can get water balloons, water guns, or anything water related. Just charge a simple fee to participate[2]. [3] ~ Beach Day: Not all Key Club events have to be hands on. They can be fun and have a little fundraiser involved. You can also invite Key Clubbers from around the division in addition to our sister divisions (8, 8A, 10, and 11) (aka our fellow City Divisions.) [1] Any park event that has a large group or plans to spend a long period of time needs a park permit. [2] Any funds collected can be donated to efforts towards District Project or The Eliminate Project. [3]Key Clubber are High School Students therefore they have big stomachs. Make sure you have an arrangement for food during either of events. 

Service Spotlight: Spark Event 

One event that Abraham Lincoln Key Club had to do is the spark event with other two high schools. The event consisted of the club going to Queens to plant trees. However, instead of planting trees we instead put mulch around the already planted trees. Due to the rain of the night before, the path to get there was muddy. Unfortunately, most of our key club members were wearing sneakers; so we all went home with muddy sneakers. All in all, we had fun, pictures and videos were taken by our club president. Also, our vice president took a bunch of selfies. Afterwards we were treated by the stuff members to lunch, which was really good and they gave us there help to the environment instead of looking for a reward. In addition it was very nice to be a way from technology and one with nature. We heard the birds chirp and the wind blow lightly on us. Our members interacted with us and everyone had a role in this, they all left the park muddy and with a sense of accomplishment. This trip really impacted the members who had gone. Everyone was very uncomfortable when we stepped off the grass; it was very confusing to have been flat ground. ~Key Club Officers Abraham Lincoln High School Key Club

Service Spotlight: Spark Pictures

Service Spotlight: Rally Against the Garbage Station 

On June 1, 2014, Brooklyn Tech Key Clubbers and other clubs/ organizations gathered at Caesar’s Bay to support Assemblyman William Colton’s “Rally Against the Garbage Station.” Assemblyman Colton has hosted many of these rallies in the past to protest the garbage station. If the garbage station is approved, then many carcinogenic chemicals will go into the ocean, killing fish and other marine life. The amount of supporters in this campaign have grown ever since Colton began this campaign. At this rally, members looked on as representatives from all around the city spoke about their opposition against the garbage station. Members also held up signs to protest the dump and interacted well together by expressing their concerns about the environment. I have been a supporter of Colton’s campaigns since freshman year, and I believe that these events make a difference for the community by advocating for a better environment. I had a lot of fun at the rally, and I wish to participate in any future rallies that Colton holds in the future. ~Sandy Mui Editor Brooklyn Technical High School Key Club

Service Spotlight: R.A.G.S Photo’s

Service Spotlight: Ennis Park Stewardship & Compost Windrow Build 

On June 22, 2014, Brooklyn Tech Key Clubbers helped the Gowanus Canal Conservancy around Ennis Park. Members assisted with pulling out weeds for many tree beds. The Gowanus Canal Conservancy is an organization that serves as an environmental representative for the Gowanus Canal Watershed. At the event, a representative of the organization, Bob, educated us about different plants and trees and other concerns about the environment. Members interacted well together by teaming up to take out weeds for different tree beds. We finished weeding a total of 16 tree beds. It was really funny when some members found things that the adults lost in the tree beds, such as a weeder and gloves. I especially liked how well we worked with representatives of the organization because even though we just met them at the event, we all united as one to help the environment. I had a lot of fun at the event and I hope to participate in future events for the Gowanus Canal Conservancy. ~Sandy Mui Editor Brooklyn Technical High School Key Club

Service Spotlight: E.P.S.C.W.B. Photo’s

Service Spotlight: Autism Prom The Autism Prop was my favorite event of the service year so far. Nothing can compare to the feeling of visually seeing how you are making a difference in someone else's life. On my way to the Dream Prom, I did not know what to expect, because I had never met an autistic person before. As soon as I walked through the restaurant doors, I was so surprised by the amount of energy in the room! Kids of all ages ranging from about 11-18 were jumping, dancing, laughing, and enjoying themselves as much as they possibly could. I think we all learned a few very important lessons that night as we watched the strength and optimism in those kids. By the end of the night, we pretty much met all the kids at the prom, danced like there was today, and were thanked sincerely by the guardians of the children. It was in that moment that I really felt like I'm changing someone's life. -Liana Zinytche President Midwood High School Key Club 

I enjoy my experiences as a Key Clubber. I get to meet new people and one example was at the Autism Prom. I had a great time with everyone! It was fantastic to see all these bright and cheerful smiles on every child’s faces during that day, and they brought smiles to my face too. This was an excellent opportunity for me to dance as well as share my company with autistic kids. It made me feel proud as a Key Clubber to contribute my part into making them feel happy that day. To me, this is the same thing as being a cooperative citizen, and I can do my part for a better society. ~Hong Gao Treasurer Franklin D. Roosevelt

Service Spotlight: Autism Prom Photo’s

Senior Farewell: Class of 2014 

I have been a member of Key Club for four years and President for two. Going into key club freshman year I didn't really know what to expect, I've never been part of a club before and I was extremely shy. And boy, do I not regret walking into that room. I have become the confident person I wanted to be. And through that confidence I have made so many friends I will never forget. As a graduated high school senior I know I left Key Club in good hands. Thank you to all those- A.L.H.S. Key Club members and advisors who have made Key Club an experience I will hold on to forever. I will never forget Key Club. Melissa Amber Goodseit Immediate Past Key Club President (2012-2014) Abraham Lincoln High School Key Club

Senior Farewell: Class of 2014 Dear Division 9, When I started Key Club in my freshman year, I was that girl who went to events with a friend or two, not saying much to other attendees and avoided older, enthusiastic Key Clubbers who tried to get me to be more open. At the time, I was intent on volunteering my time, not trying to make friends with strangers. Despite not trying, it happened anyway. I started seeing many of the same people week after week and we ended up commiserating over the amount of work and lending a helping hand. These new people I met weren't limited to Tech. I've gotten to know Key Clubbers from Midwood, Dewey, and other schools. That's the beauty of Key Club. Not only does our organization inspire leadership, taught by our fellow peers, it also encourages a sense of family that is vital to our spirit of service. It makes volunteering that much more fun when you arrive at a location and see familiar faces. Seeing smiles and making others smile make what we do feel so good. Next time you're at an event, whether it is with your club or another, I encourage you to introduce yourself to someone new. Make connections. Challenge yourself to make a difference in someone's day and maybe even someone's life. ~Sincerely, Sharon Cai Immediate Past President (2013-2014) Brooklyn Technical High School Key Club 

Key Club International Convention What Is International Convention?    The purpose of the convention is to elect the international officers, review accomplishments of the past year and set policies for the coming year. New programs are announced and national speakers participate. Members from every club should attend each year. When Is ICON?    ICON is June 30th - July 5th. However, the deadline for submitting deposits has passed. If you are interested in coming to ICON 2015 keep a look out on keyclub.org in April or ask next service year’s Lieutenant Governor. Why go to the convention?    Because it’s the biggest event of the Key Club year! Imagine celebrating the amazing things Key Club does with more than 1,600 Key Clubbers from all across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.

The Leadership Training Conference 

At the conclusion of each service year the New York District meets in Albany for our Leadership Training Conference (District Convention). This 3day (weekend) experience is full of workshops, friends, and fun. LTC is great for incoming officers to be trained and as well as graduating seniors to say goodbye. Join us this year for an extraordinary weekend and a fulfilling opportunity. LTC 2015 (Albany, NY) March 27th-29th,2014 The Desmond Hotel

Paperwork Status (June) Key Club


April MRF


A. Lincoln




Brooklyn Tech




E. R. Murrow






F. D. Roosevelt J. Madison




J. Dewey








Contact Information (District and Division) •  •  •  •  •  •

District Administrator Mr. John Goldstein: nydkca@frontier.com District Governor Jacob Spencer: jacobspencer.gov@nydkc.org District Secretary Heather Farley: heatherfarley.sec@nydkc.org District Treasurer Anusha Syed: anushasyed.treas@nydkc.org Lieutenant Governor Clifford Young: cliffordyoung.ltg@nydkc.org (347-633-0897) Kiwanis Committee Representative Mr. Leonard Gioia: Lgioia3@verizon.net

Thanks For Reading! •  •

Have A Great Summer! Happy Key Clubbing!

cliffordyoungltg.wix.com/ division9keyclub nydkc.org keyclub.org

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