July Newsletter

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July Newsletter •  Key Club International •  New York District Key Club •  Division 9

•  Kiwanis Committee Representative Leonard Gioia •  Lieutenant Governor Clifford Young •  Divisional Executive Assistant Timmy Dhakaia

To The Nines !

New York District Key Club Table of Contents •  •  •  •  •

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Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting…………………………………………………Page 1 Executive Assistant’s Greeting……………………………………………………Page 2 The Leadership Training Conference and District Projects……………........Page 3 Service Spotlight’s (Including Pictures)………………………………………Pages 4-7 International Convention 2014 (Including Pictures)…………………….Pages 8-13 •  Information Page…………………………………………Page 8 •  2014-2015 International Board…………………………Page 9 •  Letter From The Governor………………………………Page 10 •  Letter From The International President……………...Page 11 •  A Word From Other Districts’ Members………………Page 12 •  My Adventures……………………………………………Page 13 Amendment Review…………………………………………………………Pages 14-15 The Eliminate Project……………………………………………………………Page 16 Club Paperwork…………………………………………………………………Page 17 District and Division Contact Information………………………………….Page 18

New York District Key Club Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting Dear Division 9 Key Club Officers, Members, and Guests, Hello Division 9! I hope your summer has been going as well as mine. I have returned from International Convention 2014 with new ideas and ways to improve the division and assist you all. I expect you all to still be attending Key Club events and representing Key Club where you go. I have been attending events sponsored by other divisions and just want you all to know that you can too. I look to you all as well as myself for ideas in terms of events to benefit our district charities and/or Kiwanis charities. Please submit them to myself or Executive Assistant Timmy Dhakaia. Also, this month’s newsletter contains interesting service spotlights about Division 9 Key Club events, information about the past International Convention as well as next year’s, the famous Eliminate Project, and the contact information of the District and Division Boards. Yours In Service, Clifford Young Lieutenant Governor New York District Division 9 cliffordyoung.ltg@nydkc.org

New York District Key Club Executive Assistant’s Greeting Dear Division 9 Key Club Officers, Members, and Guests,

Summers here but the key club spirit remains as strong as it can be! Now that many of us have free time its best if we use it wisely and be as productive as possible. It looks like a lot of events are being held over the summer from several schools and it looks like it can be one of the most eventful summers some might have! I look forward to attending the many upcoming events, so please inform me of them. I can't wait to attend your events as it is important to me to be a Key Club member. Enjoy these days to the best of your capabilities, but make sure it is worthwhile. Have a fabulous summer everyone! Yours In Service, Timmy Dhakaia Divisional Executive Assistant Division 9 New York District tdhakaia@gmail.com

New York District Key Club

The Leadership Training Conference and District Projects •

At the conclusion of each service year the New York District meets in Albany for our Leadership Training Conference (District Convention). This 3-day (weekend) experience is full of workshops, friends, and fun. LTC is great for incoming officers to be trained and as well as graduating seniors to say goodbye. Join us this year for an extraordinary weekend and a fulfilling opportunity.

LTC 2015 (Albany, NY) March 27th-29th, 2015 The Desmond Hotel

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District Project #1: St. Jude Children’s Hospital St Jude is unlike any other pediatric treatment and research facility. Discoveries made there have completely changed how the world treats children with cancer and other diseases. With research and patient care under one roof, St Jude is where some of todays most gifted researchers are able to do science faster than ever before and find a cure. In order to find a cure St. Jude needs us to raise enough funds for them to be able to research, funds that we Key Clubbers can help provide as well!

•  District Project #2: Make A Wish •  The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition in the United States and its territories, on average, every 38 minutes. They believe that a wish experience can be a game changer. That one belief guides them and inspires them to grant wishes that change the lives on children everywhere. In order to grant these wishes, the foundation needs funds that we Key Clubbers can help provide!

New York District Key Club Service Spotlight: Marine Park Wetland Grass Planting • 

On July 9th, 2014, Brooklyn Tech Key Clubbers gathered at Marine Park to help plant spartina. Spartina is a type of grass that is found throughout Marine Park and helps control erosion. Unfortunately, many geese have recently eaten a lot of the spartina on the beach of the park, so members assisted in replanting the grass. Members also helped clear trash and algae on the beach and worked well together to spread the spartina out throughout the entire beach. Some interesting things found on the beach during the event were horseshoes, crabs, and mussels. What I liked best about the event was that we were able to help out the environment in some way while also being able to learn more about the environment, as the NAV team spoke to us about the different types of grass and other things related to our surroundings. I had a lot of fun at the event and I look forward to working with the NAV team in the future! ~Sandy Mui Club Bulletin Editor Brooklyn Technical High School Key Club

New York District Key Club Service Spotlight:

Brooklyn Walk Now For Autism Speaks •

On July 20, 2014, Brooklyn Tech Key Clubbers gathered at Prospect Park to volunteer and walk for the Brooklyn Walk Now. Volunteers helped out with setup and breakdown of the event, petitioning to increase advocacy of autism to the federal level, and cheering on the walkers. We were able to accomplish the Autism Speaks’ goal of 500 signatures for the petition! Members worked well together to help achieve this goal and to ensure that the walk began and ended smoothly. The day began as extremely cloudy and even had some drizzles of rain, but as the event progressed, it became sunny, making the walk an even more enjoyable experience. We always enjoy volunteering for walks because the organizations that host these walks are for a good cause and it helps raise awareness for disorders, such as autism. We hope that the petition we assisted with will make the government pay more attention to autism and allocate more funds towards autism research. We had a lot of fun helping out with such a great cause and would definitely volunteer in it again! Club Officers Brooklyn Technical High School Key Club

New York District Key Club Service Spotlight: Africa Project

The Africa Project was an unforgettable experience. When we first got there, it seemed kind of sketchy, but we started working and it was really fun. As I packed boxes I couldn’t help but think about how soon enough thousands of schools all over Africa will receive the box that I packed for them! The boxes contained books, clothes, uniforms, games, and the like which most are used to having. However for the kids in Africa, these items could change their lives. I was glad to be a part of the Africa Project.

~Alex Syroyezhkina Key Club Member Midwood High School Key Club

On July 11th, I went to the Africa Project with other Key Clubbers. We met up at Midwood H.S. and then we were driven to the Africa Project. When we got there, we worked as a team and separated soccer uniforms by color and placed them into boxes. Each box was packed with uniforms of two different colors. We also packed shoes, books, and bags into different boxes. When a box was completely full, we taped it shut and labeled it. Then, we loaded the boxes into the shipping container for Zimbabwe. One member took inventory of the items that were in the shipping container while the rest moved the boxes. When we were done, we were very hungry, so we enjoyed two delicious pizza pies and got a ride back to Midwood. We worked very well together as a team and had a lot of fun. ~Rachel Bai Key Club Member Midwood High School Key Club Member

New York District Key Club Service Spotlight: Soup Kitchen Volunteering • 

The Soup Kitchen event took place on July 1st, a perfect way to begin summer volunteering! This was a wonderful event in which members had the opportunity to serve nutritious food to homeless people. We were warmly welcomed at the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen and were then taught what we were required to do. Each volunteer was assigned a specific position, such as preparing silverware, putting food onto a tray, providing drinks, and the like. The members worked together wonderfully. Seeing the expressions of gratitude on the people we helped really made us feel like we were helping. We also saw how some people are so happy even though they live on bare minimums. The Soup Kitchen event was truly an eye opening experience, and the members really enjoyed helping the homeless. We all hope to return soon! ~Liana Zinytche Club President Midwood High School Key Club

New York District Key Club

Key Club International Convention

•  What Is International Convention? The purpose of the convention is to elect the international officers, review accomplishments of the past year and set policies for the coming year. New programs are announced and national speakers participate. Members from every club should attend each year. •  When Is ICON? ICON is early July. If you are interested in coming to ICON 2015 keep a look out on keyclub.org in April or ask next service year’s Lieutenant Governor. •  Why go to the convention? Because it’s the biggest event of the Key Club year! Imagine celebrating the amazing things Key Club does with more than 1,600 Key Clubbers from all across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.

•  ICON 2015 is with Circle K and Kiwanis for 100th Anniversary of Kiwanis International. Join In Indianapolis, Indiana in July 2015.

New York District Key Club International Convention 2014: 2014-2015 International Board International President: Maria Palazzolo International Vice-President: Kevin Zhang International Trustees: •  Jenalee Beazley (Southwest District) •  Gary Cheng (Michigan District) •  Renisha Daley (Jamaica District) •  Tashrima Hossain (Texas-Oklahoma District) •  Laken Kelly (New York District) •  Nicole Lema (New Jersey District) •  Rip Livingston (Alabama District) •  Robbie Mathis (Kentucky-Tennessee District) •  Shane Meyers (Florida District) •  Liz Moore (Capital District) •  Barry Seng (Pennsylvania District)


New York District Key Club

International Convention 2014: Letter From the Governor Hello Division 9! My name is Jacob Spencer and I am currently serving you as your 2014-2015 New York District Governor. These first few months have been very busy, but yet very successful. Early this month, the New York District Board, a few New York District members, and I traveled to Anaheim, CA for the 71st Annual Key Club International Convention. While at the convention in Anaheim, CA, we attended workshops, elected the new International Board, and voted on Amendments to our bylaws that will affect Key Club for generations. Some of the workshops we attended included “Connecting the family, one K at a time,” “The final countdown: Strategic updates from The Eliminate Project,” “Nickelodeon Worldwide Day of Play,” (which was run by two New York District Key Clubbers) and “Y.O.L.O: You only lead once.” The New York District Board will be taking the skills that we learned and implementing them into our divisions and clubs. The New York District had three candidates running for international office this year. IP District Governor Paul DeSantis ran for International President. IP Division 11 (Manhattan) Lt. Governor Lillian Xie and IP Division 24 (St. Lawrence River area) Lt. Governor Laken Kelly both ran for the position of International Trustee. After a long campaign, Laken Kelly emerged victorious and is now an International Trustee. Despite excellent campaigns, Paul and Lillian did not get elected. We are all very proud of our district! The most important thing that we did while at convention was vote on six amendments to our bylaws. The first amendment changed the requirements of becoming a district in Key Club. You now need 15 active Key Clubs and 450 active members to become a district. This amendment passed. The second amendment made honorary membership only applicable to non-Key Club members. This amendment passed. The third amendment took 50 cents from our dues that automatically go into an endowment, into the general fund. This amendment passed. The fourth amendment raised dues to eight dollars and fifty cents. This amendment was amended and passed as a 50 cent increase. Dues for New York District Key Clubs are now $13. The fifth amendment limited members to only be able to hold elected office for four years. This amendment failed. The sixth amendment made it so that you can be in elected office for as long as you are in high school. This amendment passed. I know that Lt. Governor Clifford has already explained this to you, but I wanted to clarify and explain what we did at this convention. I encourage all of you to consider attending the 100th Anniversary Kiwanis, Circle K, and Key Club International Convention to be held in Indianapolis next year. If you have any questions about what occurred at ICON or any questions about the New York District, please email me at jacobspencer.gov@nydkc.org. I would like to sincerely thank you for your service to your homes, schools, and communities. It is people like you that truly make this organization great! Yours In Service, Jacob Spencer District Governor New York District of Key Club International

New York District Key Club

International Convention 2014: Letter From the International President Hey, Key Clubbers! My name is Maria Palazzolo, and I am your Key Club International President for the 2014-2015 Key Club year! I was elected at the International Convention in Anaheim, California, about three weeks ago. Our International Conventions are absolutely amazing, and Anaheim was no exception. Imagine a convention in an amazing place with your closest friends – friends that also understand the importance of being selfless and serving others. Over 1,500 influential and passionate teenagers from all over the world join together to celebrate a successful year and learn more about the amazing organization that we know and love. Sure, the weekend is educational because of our workshops (on causes such as the Eliminate Project), our sessions, and our election process. However, it is also a fun weekend! We have dances that are SO much fun, and we have entertainment in the form of magicians and motivational speakers. Next year, our International Convention will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, along with the International Conventions for Circle K International (the college version of Key Club) and Kiwanis International. We will be celebrating 100 years of service for Kiwanis, and it is sure to be an amazing time! I will do my best to make this convention the best we have ever had and have made it my mission to increase our convention attendance substantially to make sure that you have the best experience while there! If you have any questions about Key Club International, International Convention, or would just like to talk to me, feel free to email me! Have a great year, and thank you for all that you do in your homes, schools, and communities! Yours in service, Maria Palazzolo International President Key Club International ipmariapalazzolo@gmail.com

New York District Key Club

International Convention 2014:A Word From Various Key Clubbers Dear Division 9 For the first time in my life -besides the first day of preschool- I was surrounded by total strangers, but for FOUR days. Up at beautiful Anaheim, California (where the Disney innuendos don't stop) I left for the 2014 Key Club International Convention. I launched myself out of my comfort zone onto an alien adolescent world of surprisingly mature and passionate kids. They are the bodies shaking the ground, but the souls shaking the core. Together we felt the potential in our leadership, and even the impact of our friendships impressed in each others lives as we grew to be better people. If I learned one thing, Key Club is here and now with no one to tell us otherwise we aren't already changing the world. Yours In Service, Abeygail Panganiban Key Club Member Division 37S California-Nevada-Hawaii District of Key Club International International Convention was a great experience not only because of the workshops but also the people that attended. Through the people and their passion for service, my view of Key Club as a community has been reinforced. ~Theresa Lin, District Executive Assistant New York District of Key Club International

Dear Division 9 of the New York District, International Convention 2014 was an unforgettable experience. ICON 2013 in DC left me wanting more- more fantastic, motivational speakers, more information on how I can get involved in Key Club, and more time to socialize with Key Clubbers from all over the world- so, I was obviously anxiously anticipating this year's convention in Anaheim. Being a part of an event with 1600 other Key Club members makes you realize just how large and powerful our organization is; especially when you realize that our membership is over 267,000. One highlight of ICON 2014 for me was being elected as a 2014-2015 International Trustee- I couldn't be more honored and excited to serve KCI in this capacity next year. If you didn't make it to Anaheim, join us in Indianapolis for ICON 2015; I hope to see you there. Yours In Service, Rip Livingston International Trustee Key Club International

ICON was such an amazing experience! Being elected International Trustee was such an honor, and I loved being able to spend time with some of my closest friends. ~Laken Kelly, International Trustee, Key Club International

ICON was the most incredible and life-changing experience of my life. ~Kalvin Chi Divisional Historian Division 11 of the New York District ICON was very fun.

~Aaron Cheung Lieutenant Governor Division 11 of the New York District

New York District Key Club

International Convention 2014: My Adventures Firstly, I’d like to thank the Brooklyn Division Kiwanis for sponsoring me to attend this fantastic Key Club affair. This trip was the best week I could ever ask for. The four days that made up this incomparable convention was incredible. From the workshops to the different members across the 33 districts of Key Club International it was spectacular. I have new insight on this organization and what it means to me. I love this organization deeply and want to improve my own division. Specifically, we ,as the 1600 Key Clubbers that attended, stayed at the Anaheim Marriott. As Key Club TV aired throughout the night, it recapped some of the most important highlights of the day. It even broadcasted some New York District Board Members. All events within this convention blended well, so thank you to the 2013-2014 Key Club International Board for planning and executing a wonderful 2014 International convention in sunny Anaheim, California. •

New York District Key Club Amendment Review 1.  Amendment #1 (PASSED) ~Presented by the Key Club International Board of Trustees •  Article IX Districts Section 4. In order to form a new district, the proposed area must include at least 15 active Key Clubs and at least 450 active Key Club members. In the event a district fails to maintain this club and membership level for three years, the Key Club International board may decertify the district by two-thirds majority vote. In such case, the International director shall provide written notice to the governor and secretary of the sponsoring Kiwanis district and the governor and administrator of the Key Club district at least 120 days prior to any meeting at which the district’s decertification shall be considered. 2.  Amendment #2 (PASSED) ~Presented by the Key Club International Board of Trustees •  Article VIII. Club Members Section 6. Any person, not in high school or an educational equivalent, who has performed some distinguished public service may be elected an honorary member of a club for a period of one year. Honorary members shall pay no dues and shall not be entitled to any privilege of a Key Club member. 3.  Amendment #3 (PASSED) ~Presented by the Key Club International Board of Trustees •  Article XXII. Revenue Section 1. Each Key Club shall pay Key Club International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual dues of six dollars and fifty cents (US $6.50), being membership dues and subscription to the Key Club International publication, for every member, but not including honorary members. Dues shall be payable during a period of at least 60 days according to a schedule set forth in Key Club International Board Policies and defined for each nation taking into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs. 1.  Amendment #1= This explains the proper way to form a new district. 2.  Amendment #2 = This explains that any person or persons who help out with your Key Club can be apart of it by being named an Honorary Member and they pay no dues and receive no Key Clubber privileges. 3.  Amendment #3 = This explains that the previous fifty cents that was added to the Youth Opportunities Fund is no longer being added, but to the aid of Key Club debt.

New York District Key Club Amendment Review 4.  AMENDMENT AMENDED BY THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES AND SUBSEQUENTLY PASSED (Amendment #4) •  Article XXII. Revenue Section 1. Each Key Club shall pay Key Club International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual dues of seven dollars (US$7), being membership dues and subscription to the Key Club International publication, for every member, but not including honorary members. Fifty cents of the dues of each member shall be deposited into the Youth Opportunities Fund to create an endowment to fund grants to clubs and scholarships. Dues shall be payable during a period of at least 60 days according to a schedule set forth in Key Club International Board Policies and defined for each nation taking into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs. 6.  Amendment #6 (PASSED) ~Presented by the St. Andrew High School for Girls, Jamaica District •  Article VIII. Club Members Section 1. The membership of individual Key Clubs shall consist of students from the high school in which they are enrolled. Membership should cover one's tenure in high school as stipulated by their education system. These members should be interested in service and qualified scholastically by school district requirements for extracurricular activities and of good character. No potential member will be denied the chance of membership in Key Club due to previous service experience or lack thereof. 4.  Amendment #4 = This explains the dues increase for the next service year. International dues have gone up by fifty cents. In addition with our district dues this brings total dues to $13 plus club dues. 6.  Amendment #6 = This explains that Key Clubbers whose secondary education is longer than four years can remain in Key Club and hold office for all of their time in secondary school.

New York District Key Club The Eliminate Project •

The Eliminate Project is a worldwide International campaign (brought together by Kiwanis International and UNICEF) to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. “This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 60,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch.” –New York District Key Club Website. This is the last year of the project. So now, it is up to the club officers and members to push, support, and fundraise like crazy to help Kiwanis International and UNICEF reach its goal of $110 million. We already have over $55 million jointly. Key Clubs can hold a variety of fundraisers. These fundraisers don’t have to correlate with the mission of the Eliminate Project, simply have an event and charge a simple fee to save lives in which MNT still exists. Some Summer Ideas that can benefit the Eliminate Project are… •  Barbecue: Since we are in Brooklyn we have Prospect Park to utilize to lets do so. For this idea create a simple agenda of activities and gather at least 10-15 members in an area of the park. Get someone to handle the grill, get through the activities planned, and have some fun. •  Water Fight: It’s called summer for a reason. Its H-O-T. For this event, you can get water balloons, water guns, or anything water related. Just charge a simple fee to participate. •  Beach Day: Not all Key Club events have to be hands on. They can be fun and have a little fundraiser involved. You can also invite Key Clubbers from around the division in addition to our sister divisions (8, 8A, 10, and 11) (aka our fellow City Divisions.)

New York District Key Club Club Paperwork Key Club



June MRF

A. Lincoln




Brooklyn Tech




E. R. Murrow






F. D. Roosevelt J. Madison




J. Dewey








New York District Key Club District and Division Contact Information •

District Administrator Mr. John Goldstein: nydkca@frontier.com

District Governor Jacob Spencer: jacobspencer.gov@nydkc.org

District Secretary Heather Farley: heatherfarley.sec@nydkc.org

District Treasurer Anusha Syed: anushasyed.treas@nydkc.org

District Bulletin Editor Sharon Lin: sharonlin.editor@nydkc.org

District Webmaster Danny Qiu: dannyqiu.tech@nydkc.org

District Executive Assistant Kiera Solomon: kierasolomon.ea@nydkc.org

District Executive Assistant Theresa Lin: theresalin.ea@nydkc.org

Lieutenant Governor Clifford Young: cliffordyoung.ltg@nydkc.org (347-633-0897)

Kiwanis Committee Representative Mr. Leonard Gioia: Lgioia3@verizon.net

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New York District Key Club

Thanks For Reading! •  Have A Great Summer! •  Happy Key Clubbing! cliffordyoungltg.wix.com/division9keyclub nydkc.org keyclub.org

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