Student Rep Forum Minutes 27.04.21

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Student Representative Forum 27th April 2021 – Microsoft Teams

1. Apologies: No apologies received

In Attendance: Alan Lofthouse (President Education), George Reeves (President Activities), Elisha Lycett (President Welfare), Jay Bunch (Chair), Eslam Eldoky (SCEDT), Tom Scott (SCEDT), Lewis Korir (SCEDT), Darren Poole (SSSHL), Craig Anderson (SHLS), Monique Graham (SHLS), Lily Hunter (SCEDT), Brian Kelly (SHLS), Ruth Barnes (TUBS), Alex Kemp (TUBS), April Crosby (MIMA)

2. Review of last meeting minutes to approve for accuracy

- Accuracy approved by all reps

3. NUS Conference Feedback

- George, Jay and Darren all attended NUS National Conference at the beginning of April, and they provided an update about conference and what happened there.

- Jay and Darren coordinated with each other so that they could attend different seminars that were on offer for delegates. Jay attended one covering decolonization of education and a fees and finance policy workshop.

- They covered the ‘Students deserve better’ campaign – covering maintenance grants, no academic disadvantages, rent rebates and pushing for fair treatment on students regarding accommodation. Darren gave an update on where NUS currently are with this campaign.

- The conference covered a lot on student mental health and wellbeing which was particularly good due to ongoing pandemic and lockdowns.

- Both enjoyed conference and would encourage anyone to attend to experience it and would both like to return themselves.

4. APP Feedback

- Alan asked for feedback on the APP which was circulated to all reps. Alan explained what the APP was and asked if the information was easy to understand and would students be able to explain what the APP was if they were asked.

- Most reps agreed that the paper seemed ‘straightforward’.

- Jay reminded people that if they have any further comment on the APP to contact Alan.

5. School Updates


 It has been quiet since the return after spring break

 Any issues that have come up, the team have been able to resolve quite quickly and have had meetings with Bev and Elaine as and when they have needed to

 Since the last SRF they have analysed the data from the survey they had carried out within the school and have pin-pointed any issues with the academic staff. Issues arising seem to relate to things such as communication and motivation levels amongst students.

 Been working with academic staff to improve communication in regard to work placement and work experience and this work will continue going forward into the next academic year to help to maximise student engagement with student futures.

 Will be looking to collaborate with partner colleges going forward.


 MIMA staff hold a course rep meeting every Wednesday with all of the reps across the school. April is invited and attends these too.

 It has been quiet since the return from spring break.

 The school are having an undergraduate review board this week so April has been rallying students in the school to get involved in that.


 Team meetings regularly and with the AD

 It has been quiet since the return after spring break

 Tracy has now left the team and the team are sad to lose her. Other members of the School Rep team also commended Tracy’s hard work on the team.


 No significant updates. Everything that had been raised previously with the staff has been addressed really quickly.

 Michelle Dickson has continued to be a great support to the rep team and the team themselves have been picking issues up quickly and getting resolutions for students.

 They have had news recently that the Teesside Advance Scheme is now adding stethoscopes etc. This is something that the reps have really campaigned for since lasts year to get additional items that would benefit students added to the scheme, so it has been great to see this introduced.


 No significant updates currently.

 A student had emailed in about their Python course and this has been passed along to the correct member of staff to deal with.

 They have received some questions about exam timetables which they are currently seeking answers to from the school.

 They have an upcoming meeting with Caroline and Andrew in May, but it has been quiet since returning after spring break.


Officer Updates

- Alan (President Education) – Alan has been reviewing the officer roles and the forums. He has also been looking at the SU opening hours for students who may

not be able to get on to campus during the normal library opening times so that they have somewhere to study.

- Elisha (President Welfare) – It has been quite quiet as students are busy with their assessments and exams. Elisha is currently working with staff from the university to provide free sanitary products for all students at Teesside in the toilets in some of the main buildings. They are currently speaking to managers in the University about it and contacting different companies to get products for students. They are hoping this will come to fruition in the next couple of months. The student support group is still going well and is still running so Elisha reminded reps to let any students know about it. 72 students have been interested in the group since the launch of it.

- George (President Activities) – George has just returned from 2 weeks annual leave. The University gym has now reopened. It is open from 7:15am. Anyone can email Teesside sport if they would like a refund or they can sign up for a new membership to last up until September. Some training sessions are starting back up again. Covid testing will be moved over to the Student Life building now. George is trying to work with the University to repair/replace the sports hall floor.

7. Questions for University Covid Manager, Sarah Bishop

 Sarah updated that they are aware that students are looking for the library to be open longer and they are looking into that. They have seen an increase in footfall into the library, hence the library now being open on weekends now. They will be looking to extend hours into evenings whenever they can.

 The postal loan service is now up and running so students can request texts to be sent to them. Chapters to you is still running and they also have a virtual learning hub that runs every evening from 5pm-7pm after the library has been closed for support.

 Working generally to ensure that students have access to the facilities which they need in line with government guidance. There have been difficulties, but the University has been trying to respond where possible.

 Out of hours mental health team is up and running now. It is there to support students if they are having any concerns. They can access this through the wellbeing inbox or approaching the mental health team directly. They are looking to do some group work to address any anxiety around the return to campus as some students are still worried despite the Covid safety measures in place.

 The University has launched a long Covid service. It will be looking at the impact on academic studies and how the University can support that for any students who are experiencing long Covid. Initially just gone out to students they know who has tested positive. Students have found it helpful. If students feel they are suffering from long Covid, they can now self-refer to this service through the student wellbeing inbox.

 Jay asked how the government roadmap lines up with the University plans? Does the University have their own roadmap that coincides with the government? Sarah responded that the University have a five-phase roadmap which you can see on the University Covid page on the website.

 Brain asked what the likelihood of students getting graduation ceremonies this year would be. Sarah said it is not looking likely, but it has not definitively been pulled yet however, there are a lot of complications surrounding it e.g. spaces on site, social distancing, time it would take to plan if restrictions are lifted on the 21st June etc.

 Lily followed on from the previous graduation and asked whether it would be possible to have smaller graduations within student’s own cohorts in smaller rooms. Sarah responded that the University are looking at all the options. The officers spoke to the VC this week in regard to graduations and if they were to do it in smaller ceremonies, due to social distancing, it would mean there would have to be around 120 ceremonies that took place so this would take up a lot of time.

8. AOB

 Kristy thanked the reps for all of their hard work across a difficult year. Also, the reps were reminded to book in their final 121’s for the year.

 Kristy also updated about School Rep recruitment for next year and asked the current team to circulate it to other students and ask them to get in touch with her if they were interested in the position.


- Reps to book in their final 121 sessions

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