Student Rep Forum Minutes 02.02.21

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Student Representative Forum 2nd February 2021 – Microsoft Teams

1. Apologies: Brian Kelly (SHLS), April Crosby (MIMA)

In Attendance: Alan Lofthouse (President Education), George Reeves (President Activities), Elisha Lycett (President Welfare), Jay Bunch (Chair), Eslam Eldoky (SCEDT), Tom Scott (SCEDT), Lewis Korir (SCEDT), Tracy Bushnall (SSSHL), Darren Poole (SSSHL), Shaun Burns (SSSHL), Craig Anderson (SHLS), Monique Graham (SHLS), Lily Hunter (SCEDT), Ruth Barnes (TUBS), Alex Kemp (TUBS)

2. Review of last meeting minutes to approve for accuracy

- Accuracy approved by all reps

3. Catch Up and Introductions of new School Reps

 All reps were welcomed back after the Winter break.

 New School Reps, Craig Anderson (SHLS) and Alex Kemp (TUBS) were introduced to the team

4. Questions for University Covid Manager – Sarah Bishop

 Sarah (SB) introduced herself and her role to the reps. Her position is for 12 months at the University and she reports directly to Rosie Jones (Head of SLS). She will be continuing to attend SRF going forward to answer any questions that the reps may have.

 Tracy Bushnall (SSSHL) noted that she was pleased with measures that have been in place at the University. She has always felt safe coming on to campus and that the risk of infection was low coming on to campus. There has however, been some uncertainty amongst students about coming back on to campus. Tracy asked if the University could ensure that they continued with positive messaging to students and avoid fear driven narrative. SB said that they will be looking to build reassurance for students into their comms and they certainly want to resolve any uncertainty amongst students or any feedback they get about this from the reps.

 Lewis Korir (SCEDT) asked about student mental health and is there anything in place for helping students to maintain a routine. Elisha responded and outlined that she can help and do posts around this, maybe in Wellbeing Wednesday. SB outlined there are lots of additional things that have been put in place to support students’ mental health during the pandemic. They have partnered with Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind to deliver online mental health training courses, access to Student Space, they have out of hours provision starting for students. There are lots of routes that students can go

through regarding access to health in SLS. SB will be looking to get some signposting for the reps to share with schools. In response to the routine, SB outlined there is a range of access to online health and social clubs which they University promoted in the University update. Signposted to the University website and updated campus community pledge.

 Alex Kemp (TUBS) had some questions from students who are worried about coming back on to campus if they are living with vulnerable people. Will testing still be available on the return to campus for asymptomatic people and will provisions be put in place for people who cannot attend University due to this? SB to go away and get an answer for the reps about this.

5. Officer Updates

- Alan (President Education) – Alan outlined that his updates are the same as they were when the officers attended SESC with the reps. Alan has been revisiting the SU bylaws to see if there are any updates needed. They are currently dealing with some things with the SU trustees, but this is standard SU practice. He has been raising any feedback with the University which has been brought to him by students and he also asked the School Reps if they had any ideas, or if they would like to do something to raise awareness of the School Reps that he would be open to work on that with them.

- Elisha (President Welfare) – Elisha outlined that her updates are the same as they were when the officers attended SESC with the reps. In addition, Elisha will be looking to write a letter to private landlords about rent for students who have been unable to return to their accommodation. This was done last year although it was not met with a desirable response so Elisha will be trying to reach out again. It is also LGBTQ+ History Month and Elisha reminded the reps that if they had any ideas they can raise them with her.

- George (President Activities) – George outlined that his updates are the same as they were when the officers attended SESC with the reps. George is also looking at the other forums at the moment and how we can sustain them and keep engagement up amongst students. He has been attending DSG to plan the upcoming elections and reminded the reps that nominations open soon, and they can speak to him if they want any further information about officer or NUS delegate positions. He noted that Refresher’s was last week, and it had gone well. He reminded reps that the officers are there to support them in any way if they need it. He has also met with Sarah and Rosie from SLS last week which led to Sarah attending SRF going forward.

6. School Updates


 The reps have been working closely with Bev and Elaine within their school.

 They held a meeting with their Course Reps before Christmas which had went well and have organized another for later in this week.

 They have been dealing with ongoing issues surrounding seminars etc.

 They have a created a Padlet to communicate with their course reps, and course reps can submit any feedback or ideas directly to them through this.

 They attended a meeting in the school with Bev Boden, Elaine Fryett and Gill Owens surrounding the no-detriment policy. All school reps and course reps in the school were invited to attend this.

 Academic of the Month – a new initiative they are looking to implement within the school to boost staff morale


 Kristy to request written update from April to circulate to the rest of the team.


 Noted that the reps within SSSHL have been busy since the beginning of January

 The reps posted an update on the School Rep social media following their SESC meeting. This summarised everything that had been raised and the feedback they had, had from the University surrounding this.

 They have continued to meet with their AD. They have asked the AD to ask course leaders to communicate with their individual courses about the no-detriment policy and how it impacts them.

 The Dean of the school has asked the reps if they would do a video which can be added on to the course modules to promote the student reps. The team are looking to speak to Kristy about this.

 Some of the team held a Psychology drop-in for all years. This was a peer support chat where they introduced the rep roles and they would like to continue to do more of these going forward.

 The team held a general drop-in with all their course reps in January to gather feedback.

 Team meetings every Friday


 Some students have had some online issues, but these are being dealt with and the reps have had some good communications with the staff within the school (AD, registrar etc.).

 No outstanding issues now. As a team they have managed to resolve any previous outstanding issues from students.

 They have a Q&A planned for March with their course reps.


 The team have been looking at access to software and applications for students within the school.

 The reps have asked for personal tutors to reach out to their students more.

 Had a student approach them regarding their feedback on their module. The reps raised this with Andrew Bingham, and he has now contacted the student directly. This issue seems to have now been resolved.

7. Officer Elections Update

- It was noted that the officer and NUS Delegate elections are upcoming. The officers reminded the reps that if any of them were interested in standing for an officer position, or for an NUS Delegate position they can get more information

from them or even have a chat with them further about the positions before nominations open.

8. AOB

Infographic Update – due to IT issues before Christmas, Kristy had been unable to move forward with creating an infographic for students. Now that Kristy has obtained a loan device from the IT Department this is something that she will be looking to work on.

 School Rep social media team – This idea was raised at SRF before the Christmas break. Lots of the School Reps felt that they are unable to commit more hours to a team and regular posting and would prefer to continue to post as they have updates. They will not be looking to develop a social media team at this time.

 Student Comms – Tracy noted that they are aware through SESC that the University has a problem with engaging students in the University comms. Is there anything that the officers can do long term to ensure students are staying in the loop, reading emails and communications?

 Students Supporting Students Group – Elisha has developed a peer support group with Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind for students to chat to each other and to combat loneliness amongst students. Sinead from Mind also attends this. Elisha asked the reps to promote the groups out to their schools and fellow students.

 Noted to invite SB to next SRF

Next Meeting – Tuesday 23rd February 5pm-6pm


- Kristy to start developing infographic

- Kristy to invite Sarah Bishop to next SRF

- SB to provide update on any questions that where asked where she was to seek further advice from colleagues.

- Officers to look at ways they can ensure that students are staying the loop and reading emails and University comms

- Kristy to get update from April and circulate amongst rep team for information

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