Student Rep Forum Minutes 30.01.24

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School Rep Forum Tuesday 30th January 2024, Microsoft Teams, 5pm

1. Apologies - Amy Colquhoun (SHLS), Abiola Fashina (SHLS), Matthew Lewis (SHLS), Bali Shaurya (TBS), Kaitlyn Ramsay (SSSHL), Lim Jing Ru (SCEDT), Joyce Tan (SACI), Adam Burn (SCEDT).

2. Present - Oluwafemi Abolade (President Wellbeing), Nevin Edwin (President International), Adewumi Michael (President Education), Mark Johnston (SSSHL), Lysa HARE (SHLS), Lisa Bennett (TUIBS), Nixon Christian (TUIBS), Darren Poole (SSSHL), Joshua Williams (SSSHL), Solomon Esther (SSSHL), Dan Scrafton (SCEDT), Oluwakemi Yakubu (SACI), Ahamad, Mujib (TUL), Brown, Victoria (Student Adviser - Wellbeing & Lifestyle), Maisie Craven (SU), Emmanuel Godwin (SU).

3. Review of last meeting’s minutes to agree upon accuracy. The previous minutes were accepted as accurate.

4. Review Actions from the previous meeting. All actions have been completed.

5. Student project – Vik Brown (Student Adviser - Wellbeing & Lifestyle)

Introduced herself as the Chair of LGBTQ+ Staff Focus Group. Also announced the project for LGBTQ+ History Month as well as collecting testimonies about the impact of Section 28.

Talked about the writing competition of which author Miles Nelson and last year's winner are part of the judges panel. Also informed the forum about the Creative writing workshop which would hold on Feb 28th, 121pm, booking required.

6. TU London welcome (MC)

Maisie: Introduced Ahamad, Mujib as the newly appointed school rep for Teesside university London.

7. SU Elections (MC)

Maisie: Reminded the forum about the SU elections for the position of president education, wellbeing and international. Mentioned the roles are paid roles which pays over £25k yearly. Advised anyone interested to reach out for further information he or she desires to know.

8. SU Awards (MC)

Maisie: Mentioned, the SU awards will hold on Thursday 18th April 2024 at the hub. How ever promised to set up Microsoft form to enable every one vote anonymously for the preferred candidate.


Maisie: Stated the SESC UET would hold on the 21st of February at the hub.

i. Dan: Asked if the SRF should try pushing student graduation subsidy.

ii. Maisie: Agreed that could be added however recommended it is approached and executed properly.

10.Otter AI (MJ)

Mark: Reminded the SRF about the university policy which is against the use of auto AI and urged everyone to oblige to this rule.

i. Dan: Agreed with mark and urged every member of the SRF to always disable any auto A.I software during the meetings.

ii. Joshua: wondered why the university was against the use of auto AI but he studies about auto A.I in a module provided by the university.

a. Maisie: In her reply to Joshua, maintained the university might have set up this policy against auto A.I because of privacy issues.

11.School Updates

a. SCEDT – Dan: Reported that the electrical outlets have been sorted out.

b. SHLS – Maisie: Mentioned some school reps worked at the open day and the feedback was brilliant. Also stated some mixed feedback regarding the new school fees payment plan among international students.

Also reminded the SRF about the ongoing NSS and urged the school reps to assist in promoting it. On the other hand, reported what Matthew said regarding the poor maintenance of the library facilities confirming it would be discussed during the course reps meeting.

c. SSSHL – Joshua: Disclosed his team has released another draft on the SSSHL channel. Also, would be rolling out the podcast soonest. expressed plans to start up the monthly drop-in sessions for students.

d. TUIBS – Lisa: Mentioned she participated in the open day, also dealt with some finance exam which was not conducted appropriately though they could have the exam results recalibrated or an uncapped resist.

e. SACI – Joyce: Currently let the school know about timetable and course lectures scheduling complains of the students. Also mentioned the request of some students to have a snack vending machine at the water house building.

Informed the forum about the ongoing hot campaign which is run within the school which will help in getting feedback from students.

12.Officer Updates

Navin: Talked about the cultural exchange campaign which had international students’ celebration day on the 17th of January 2024 of which over 15k students participated.

Appealed for volunteers for the break fast club. Also mentioned that Michael (president Education) held an academic misconduct campaign recently while Femi (president wellbeing) was currently doing the student supporting student campaign during the time of the meeting.

Disclosed that the university has noticed the buttery has been misused of which they tend to take action to mitigate the abuse soon. Then for the

school fees installment plan he also informed the forum that the school has agreed to adjust the payment plan for year 2025.

He maintained the school stated the payment plan was to remain 3 installments, but the pay months has been changed to October, December and February which is more like 2 months in between.

i. Nixon: Asked about the service letters charges made by the school.

a. Navin: Replied that Femi (President wellbeing) is following up with the university regarding service letters charges.

ii. Mark: Requested for the timetable of upcoming campaigns and activities led by the student officers.

B. Navin: Agreed to send across the campaign schedules and reports to the SRF.

13.AOB (Any Other Business)

Maisie: Informed the SRF about the course rep training which will start on Thursday 1st February 2024 through easter and would be working closely with SLA in this regard.

14.Next Meeting:

Tuesday 27th February 2024, MS Teams, 5pm

Any queries, please email Mark Johnston – SRF Chair at:

Or contact them via MS Teams.

SRF Meeting Etiquette

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 Please leave your microphone muted if you are not talking as this generally improves the connection quality as well as eliminating distracting background noise.

 Please only use your camera if you are the speaker. This allows for improved connection for all of the meeting participants.

 Please use the ‘raise your hand’ function if you wish to join the discussion, found at the top right of the meeting panel. (Note: this may not work if connected via the browser instead of the app).

Please wait for the chair to introduce you before you join in the discussion and remember to lower your hand once you are done talking.

 If you are using the ‘conversation/chat’ function, please indicate which agenda item your comments relate to. This will make including your comments as part of the meeting minutes easier to do.

 Please be aware that the agenda is very full and might take slightly longer than usual.

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