Student Rep Forum Minutes 27.02.24

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School Rep Forum Tuesday 27th February 2024, Microsoft Teams, 5pm

1. Apologies - Oluwafemi Abolade (President Wellbeing), Nevin Edwin (President International), Adewumi Michael (President Education).

2. Present - Mark Johnston (SSSHL), Amy Colquhoun (SHLS), Abiola Fashina (SHLS), Matthew Lewis (SHLS), Bali Shaurya (TBS), Kaitlyn Ramsay (SSSHL), Lim Jing Ru (SCEDT), Joyce Tan (SACI), Adam Burn (SCEDT), Lysa HARE (SHLS), Amy Colquhoun (SHLS), Abiola Fashina (SHLS), Matthew Lewis (SHLS), Bali Shaurya (TBS), Kaitlyn Ramsay (SSSHL), Lim Jing Ru (SCEDT), Joyce Tan (SACI), Adam Burn (SCEDT).Lisa Bennett (TUIBS), Nixon Christian (TUIBS), Darren Poole (SSSHL), Joshua Williams (SSSHL), Solomon Esther (SSSHL), Dan Scrafton (SCEDT), Oluwakemi Yakubu (SACI), Ahamad, Mujib (TUL), Maisie Craven (SU), Emmanuel Godwin (SU).

3. Review of last meeting’s minutes to agree upon accuracy. The previous minutes were accepted as accurate.

4. Review Actions from the previous meeting. The previous minutes were accepted as accurate.

5. SU Elections (MC)

Maisie: Reminded the forum about the SU elections for the position of president education, wellbeing and international. Mentioned the roles are paid roles which pays over £25k yearly.

6. SU Awards (MC):

Maisie: Announced the nomination of the reps of the year award is still open until Friday, March second. Mentioning that only reps can nominate them selves for the award as voting.

7. School Updates

a. SCEDT – Adam: Mentioned holding engagement stalls to gather student information and collaborating with the sustainability society for a trip to the Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre.

He also addressed working with university staff to ensure building hours reflect the student handbook and the progress made on the SCEDT sign petitioning campaign.

Also, announced plans to attend upcoming school conferences and continue running engagement events in the coming weeks.

b. SHLS – Abiola: reported on several student concerns. He mentioned feedback from nursing students regarding a high failure rate in a specific exam, attributing it to lack of support and insufficient materials.

Additionally, he highlighted concerns from food science and technology master's students about their timetables being changed without proper communication, causing inconvenience.

Finally, He reported feedback from a course rep requesting more social events to promote cultural integration and diversity within the school.

i. Maisie: provided updates on several issues raised by attendees. These included addressing dissatisfaction with risk assessments for animal science dissertations and organizing social events to improve student engagement.

She announced plans for afternoon drop-in sessions in March at the SU for course reps to network and discuss matters informally, with a focus on potential recruitment.

Maisie confirmed the scheduling of a meeting between SHLS reps and senior staff to discuss various issues, including town hall meetings and Celeste.

c. SSSHL – Kaitlyn: Mentioned recent drop-in sessions with minimal attendance, both in-person and online. Discussions are ongoing to enhance engagement strategies. Newsletter distribution has been successful, but no other inquiries or updates have been reported.

d. TUIBS – Bali: Provided updates on TUBS, including the establishment of a digital marketing society to engage marketing students and efforts to address the lack of practical experience in the course.

Stated that Feedback from students highlighted the need for more engagement and involvement from NGOs, with plans in place to enhance student engagement and address concerns about course representation.

Shaurya also raised queries about unanswered feedback forms, requesting information from.

e. SACI – Kemi: Informed the SRF Forum about heart campaign which students at the school had where final year students wrote about their positive experiences in the university which was done in collaboration with the Associate Dean of school of Arts and creative industries.

f. TU London – Maisie: Gave on update on Mujib, the TU London student representative. She stated that Mujib has been busy attending an introductory conference, running engagement events, and meeting with students and staff.

Where he has identified key concerns from students, including fees for international students, accommodation issues, and unmet expectations upon arrival at the London campus. She also mentioned that He (Mujib) is working to address these concerns and is planning to spearhead a free breakfast initiative like the one offered on the Middlesbrough campus.

8. Officer Updates – No Updates

9. UET SESC – Mark: Commended all rep members that were present at the event lats week.

a. Maisie: Agreed with mark as well mentioned the school reps did an excellent job asking questions.

10.AOB (Any Other Business)

Maisie: Expressed concern about the engagement of rep members during towards the SRF meeting and course rep meetings. She how ever mentioned plans to introduce activities that would keep all rep members engaged during meetings.

a. Dan: expressed interest in starting a podcast to engage with other course reps across campus and improve overall student engagement and experience. He sought advice on the best person

to approach regarding this initiative and discussed the potential for gathering feedback to enhance student experiences further.

11.Next Meeting: Tuesday 19th March 2024, MS Teams, 5pm

Any queries, please email Mark Johnston – SRF Chair at:

Or contact them via MS Teams.

SRF Meeting Etiquette

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 Please leave your microphone muted if you are not talking as this generally improves the connection quality as well as eliminating distracting background noise.

 Please only use your camera if you are the speaker. This allows for improved connection for all of the meeting participants.

 Please use the ‘raise your hand’ function if you wish to join the discussion, found at the top right of the meeting panel. (Note: this may not work if connected via the browser instead of the app).

Please wait for the chair to introduce you before you join in the discussion and remember to lower your hand once you are done talking.

 If you are using the ‘conversation/chat’ function, please indicate which agenda item your comments relate to. This will make including your comments as part of the meeting minutes easier to do.

 Please be aware that the agenda is very full and might take slightly longer than usual.

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