Student Rep Forum Minutes 05.10.21

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Student Representative Forum 5th October 2021 – Microsoft Teams

1. Apologies: Tracy Goddard (SSSHL), Laura Edwards (SHLS), Alex Kemp-Hall (TUBS)

In Attendance: Rebecca Gilling (President Education/ Chair), Harriet Dryden (President Activities), Madhu Bethina (President Welfare), Craig Anderson (SHLS), Jess Snaith (SHLS), Kainat Nasir (SSSHL), Darren Poole (SSSHL), Katie Harland (SSSHL), Chisolu Obumneke-Okeke (SSSHL), Sarah Jackson (TUBS), Alison SmithPaul (MIMA), Rachel Burrows (MIMA), Jay Bunch (SCEDT), Rodrigo RoldanRomero (SCEDT), Lewis Korir (SCEDT)

2. Review of last meeting’s minutes

- Accuracy of minutes from last meeting was agreed.

3. Student Success Team Introduction

- Ben Bones and Megan Sormus from the new Student Success Team in the University introduced themselves to the team and explained the role that the Student Success team plays. Currently they are focusing on Foundation students or any student who may be disengaged from University life.

- The team are based in the Student Life building and have a pop-up hub in the creator lab and are there to advise students of all that is on offer for them at University e.g., academic skills workshops, 121’s in library, SU Societies and Clubs etc.

- The team would like to work closely with the School Reps to promote the services on offer for students and help students feel more engaged in University life or know what support is available for them. They are keen to build up a good working relationship with the SU and as the reps are speaking to other students on a regular basis it is important for them to know what is available for them.

- Jay (SCEDT) asked when the Student Success team are available in the Student Life Building for students. Megan outlined that they are currently running a popup for students in the Student Life Building, Monday to Thursday 9am-4pm and Friday 9am-3pm and this will be running until the end of October. After that they may be based there on a more permanent basis on different days.

- Ben and Megan invited the School Reps to come along to the pop-up sessions so that they can see what they do first-hand.

- Kristy outlined that there was an opportunity for the reps to work with the Student Success team and do some social media posts to promote the service out to students.

- Kainat (SHLS) and Darren (SSSHL) outlined that they had both been foundation year students and it seems like a good initiative. Both offered to speak further with the team to help them tailor their message to those students more.

- Jay (SCEDT) suggested that they will promote the Student Success Team but in turn it would be great if the team could promote the School and Course rep system if they come across anyone who has an academic problem.

- The School Reps are to arrange a time to visit the team in the Creator Lab.

4. Elections

a. Chair/ Deputy Chair

i. Kristy explained the role of the Chair and asked for anyone who wanted to stand to register their interest with her by 5pm on Wednesday 6th October.

ii. Darren (SSSHL) and Kainat (SHLS) both stood for the role of Chair

iii. Kainat was elected as Chair. Darren elected as Vice-Chair.

b. Scrutiny Committee

i. Kristy explained the role and that two reps were to be appointed to this committee. Anyone who wanted to stand was to register their interest with her by 5pm on Wednesday 6th October.

ii. Craig (SHLS) and Tracy (SSSHL) both stood for Scrutiny committee and were both elected.

5. SU Democratic Reform

- Rebecca (President Education) explained the current set up of the democratic forums in the SU and how they work.

- Rebecca went on to explain the reasons behind the reform, explaining that with the current structure it doesn’t allow for as many students to hold the officers to account. This was also identified by the previous officer team and they want as many students as possible to hold them to account.

- She continued to explain that this would me Scrutiny Committee, Societies Federation and Athletic Union would not continue to exist in their current form and would become a town-hall style meeting open to all students who wish to attend. Also, academic societies would become part of SRF.

- Rebecca explained that this is due to be tabled at the AGM in November but the finer details of how this will work are still to be finalised. She welcomed any feedback of input from the School Reps on how this would work in principle.

6. School Updates


o The team have been having their weekly meetings to discuss anything that needs raising. It has come to their attention that since the return to campus the Athena Building has not resumed their 24-hour access for students. Students have highlighted to the reps that they are unhappy with this. The team have raised this with Andrew Bingham (AD Learning & Teaching) and he will be raising this in a future meeting.

o The team now have access to notice boards in Stephenson to put up rep related content.

o The team have also asked about the new building master plan for University in general.

o The team have set up their first two drop-in sessions for the year. The first will take place on the 14th October and the second will be on the 28th October. They will be looking to advertise this on social media and the notice boards in Stephenson.

o Jay had noticed that the notice board in the SU is quite empty now and wondered if it would be possible to use this space to advertise too. Kristy to confirm this.

o Lewis highlighted the introduction of the degree calculator and thought that this was a good idea but believed that communication to students about this was lacking. Rebecca explained the degree calculator a bit more to the reps who did not understand what it was and agreed that communication about this sort of tool has been sparse.

o The reps have worked with the school to have the old Blackboard updated to have a link to take students to the new Blackboard as there were sometimes when it was automatically logging in students to the older version. Although, if students have auto-login that link does not appear for the new Blackboard so Jay will be raising this with Andrew.

o The team have had the standard timetabling issues which have all been picked up now.


o Jess has identified a problem within the Paramedic practice course regarding student mentors. At current when they are out on placement for a 5-week block, they may have six/seven different paramedics who you work with, so you do not have that standard support and go-to person throughout which is difficult particularly for third years. There is no consistency in support so there is potential for people to not recognise where a student needs more support as they may perform well one day with one person, but other times in that same area does not perform well but that competency has already been signed off. Nursing students have a consistent mentor, and it is something paramedic students think they will benefit from. Students were asked at the beginning of the year which mentor they wanted, but it seems that not many people are working with who they requested. This was something Brian (previous SHLS School Rep) had began to pick up previously so Jess will be continuing with this and looking into this more.

o There was an issue at the beginning of the year because a lot of students did not have TUSC access to all the buildings and the rooms where they had lectures. This will be investigated by the team. Darren (SSSHL) raised the point that if a student has used the library they must scan out when they leave otherwise this has stopped people’s TUSC cards working on other buildings.

o Craig raised the issue of car parking as a student had been blocked in by a taxi in a student car park for 2 hours last week. He raised this

with security, and they have agreed to do further patrols around the car parks.


o Usual timetabling issues have arisen in the school

o The team have had a couple of students who have contacted them looking to transfer on to online learning as they are anxious about the return to campus and do not feel safe, the team had sent/ reiterated the university guidance but were met with some confrontation from one student. Rebecca reiterated the university guidance that all students must study on campus although it has been highlighted that there is a disparity between how the schools are currently managing this. In SHLS some of their courses are operating on a hybrid model. When the students had contacted the school about online studying though they were met with the response of ‘if you are not comfortable then you may wish to defer the year’. Rebecca and the officers are going to raise this with the University going forward to ensure that there is a standardised approach in place for all students or that the support is there for those students who do not feel comfortable being back on campus.


o Sarah asked what the University stance was on recording sessions because there are some tutors that re not doing this and the Business school has a lot of International students currently quarantining and missing their first two weeks of lectures. Rebecca outlined that from the campus operations group she attends, it is her understanding that students who are not yet in the country or currently quarantining are able to attend classes online therefore, things should be recorded for them to access, with the caveat that they will attend campus eventually.

o The School Reps were in every induction talk throughout Fresher’s week in TUBS. The staff are supportive and are being responsive to any issues that are arising.

o The school have given the team a permanent space for drop-ins on a Wednesday afternoon on the second floor of the Business School. They are also getting notice boards put up.

o The team have received lots of feedback about the new Blackboard as Blackboard app has been logging students out each time a new update onto a module. They are looking into this with the staff. The University are also currently working on archiving previous year’s modules and work for student to reflect on.

o Car parking has come through as a big issue for students. A lecturer had told the reps that they had been consoling a crying student in the car park as they had queued for ages to park, and it had made them late for their lectures. Harriet and Rebecca highlighted they have had a lot of car parking feedback and will be picking this up with the University.

o Clarendon building entrance and exits are something which the students want changing. They would prefer if the entrance and the exit doors were the other way around. Other schools highlighted they would also like the entrances and exits looking at across the buildings.


o Rachel has just joined the team so has not attended any meetings yet so had no updates. Alison had to leave the meeting so Kristy to get her updates at a later time.

o Generally, within the school students are happy to be back on campus and back into the studios as they are quite practical courses.

7. Officer Updates

 Rebecca Gilling (President Education): Talk to TUSU, Fresher’s ballots and induction talks. Working with the School Reps around academic issues that have arisen around timetables, Blackboard Ultra etc. Working with Vik Brown on the period poverty campaign and discussed transgender issues as part of this. Working with the University on Your Voice Matters campaign which will be a rolling initiative going forward that students can use to raise general complaints of queries and these will be tabled by the University. Working on re-creating the student charter but would like to get some feedback on it so there will be potential for involvement from reps in the focus groups. Rebecca is doing a Q&A with Mark Simpson next week that will be shared on social media for students to watch.

 Madhu Bethina (President Welfare): Currently working on Student Safety Day (19th October). This will include University staff and external agencies. Running the Student’s Supporting Student’s Group on a Wednesday with the University. Induction talks for all students. Organising a Bollywood night with the events team. Was asked if Madhu was doing anything for Black History Month and it seems there are no current plans in place.

 Harriet Dryden (President Activities): Recently been Fresher’s so Harriet has been helping societies and clubs with their return to campus. She has been helping with room booking and coaches etc. for the groups. She has spoken to the University about increasing international participation and they have agreed to buy some mats so that they can put on some daytime sport for them. Organising Diwali, and has a meeting tomorrow about this. She is working with the University Christian societies to organize an event for the Christmas period. Worked with Cleveland police on an anti-spiking campaign which will now be linked in with the Safety Day. Working with Vik Brown on Period Poverty campaign. Lobbying the university for a new sports hall floor. Talk to TUSU, Fresher’s Ballot and spoke to Mark Simpson about keeping Wednesday afternoons free.

8. AOB

- Jay (SCEDT) gave some facts to the reps that they thought may be interesting. During Fresher’s there was 178 vaccinations done on the vaccine bus and the bus will be back in November to provide

boosters or second shots. There have only been two reported cases of Covid-19 on campus since the return and these were isolated cases. Jay also asked if Sarah Bishop could be invited to the meetings again going forward. Kristy to organise this.

- Kainat (SHLS) would like to arrange a Christmas fundraising/charity drive for people who are in hospitals over Christmas. Harriet to meet with Kainat to discuss this further and how it could work, with potential involvement from clubs and societies.


- Kristy to ask SB to attend the meetings again

- Kristy to ask Alison for any updates from MIMA

- Officers to pick up issue with University surrounding car parking, and disparity of guidance for online learning

- Harriet to meet with Kainat about Christmas charity initiative

- Kristy to announce elections results

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