D34S Newsletter February 2016

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Penguins! We are at the home stretch friends!! The month of February was riddled with so many exciting events. First of all, whoa, at Conclave on January 30th I gave birth to the future leader of our Division. When you see him around, please say hi and congratulate the Division 34 South Lieutenant Governor Elect for the 2016-2017 term, Albert Hwang! Conclave was coupled with our January DCM where we were able to hear updates from all the clubs about their recent and upcoming activities. The fun didn’t stop there though! The very next week we held Division 34’s annual Mr. Key Club Pageant. This year, Nathan Kruse from Division 34 North took home the title of Mr. Key Club. Larry Tran of Fremont was crowned 1st runner up and Marcus Laguisma of Monta Vista was crowned 2nd runner up. Shoutout to all of our representatives, Nicolas Zhao (Palo Alto), Aaron Wong (Cupertino), Alex Zeng (Gunn), Kian Nikzad (Mountain View). I had SUCH a fun night laughing with you all. I also got to live out my dreams of being in a high school musical. (Okay technically not a musical but I sang and we were in a high school so close enough). The energy from the crowd was unreal and I’m so happy to have been a part of a great night for a great cause! We also did a vote on an upcoming service project (at the time) however the people got back to me and informed me that the tree-planting at Graham Middle School became a private service event and was reserved for only the students at Graham. I’m sorry for not updating you all on that, but I’m looking into another event to do together, so stay posted! As of now, I’ll see you all at the March DCM (TBA) and the End-of-the-Year Banquet on April 2nd! Now for the sappy part. Sigh. District Convention is only 39 days away! And with that comes the end of the 2015-2016 term and beginning of the 2016-2017. We need to make these last few weeks really count, so remember to end the year strong! I’m so proud of everything you’ve all accomplished and I’m looking forward to seeing you all very soon! Lieutenant Governor 2015-2016

Conclave was an event where divisions from our region gathered together to each hold the January division council meeting as well as elect the lieutenant governor for the 2016-2017 term. The whole day was filled with voting, key club trivia, getting to know one another and of course cheering.

The Lieutenant Governors of Region 17 will officially start their term at District Convention 2016.

My name is Albert Hwang and I will be the Lieutenant Governor for Division 34 South for ‘16 ~ ‘17. As a student and as a liaison between the District and the Division and a liaison between the Division and our Region Advisors, it is cordial that I share some information about myself.

I came to join Key Club because Alec Deng, a previous Lieutenant Governor from Palo Alto, had reached out to me during our Club Day. I attended weekly meetings and service events and realized that this club was not merely a high school extracurricular but rather a life-changing opportunity that would give joy and ease some of the hard work of those who toil for the community while simultaneously improving my personality and my flaws, learning to empathize, and to identify with a different perspective. I hope to inspire the same spark and to provide an opportunity of personal growth, enlightenment, and introspection for all the high schoolers that join. I wish to increase the activity of our division and thereby increase the membership of our division by drawing public attention and by activating the clubs within reach of our division. I am incredibly excited to spend next year with you all. On a less serious note, I’d like to share some trivial details about myself - I love to eat, work out (so if you want a gym buddy, you know what to do!), travel, explore (anything, anywhere!), and to meet new people. My favorite foods are always changing, but I’m just into whatever’s super hot and spicy - hot wings, usually. I enjoy movies - all sorts of genres from drama, comedy, romance, to action, some of my favorites being “The Pursuit of Happiness”, “Interstellar”, “About Time”, “Forrest Gump”, and “Skyfall” (all of the James Bond series, really). In terms of literature, I like to experiment with different genres and styles of writing and I’ve found that I like peculiar styles of writing and genres - “Ulysses” by James Joyce,

dystopian novels such as “Brave New World” and “1984”, “The Lord of the Rings” series by Tolkien, “A Farewell to Arms” by Hemingway, and I suspect there will be more. In terms of music, I’m a fan of classic rock, punk rock, grunge, alternative R&B, and hip-hop - Queen, A$AP, The Notorious B.I.G, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Frank Ocean, and Pro Era. I guess I have a lot of “favorites”. If any of you would like to talk to me about anything, need a shoulder to lean on, want to talk to me about any of the aforementioned interests, suggestions for how I could better carry out a job, or ever feel like you can’t find someone to talk to, feel free to e-mail me at alberthwang99@gmail.com or follow me on social media - add and chat me on Facebook, follow and DM me on Instagram, or add me on Snapchat. At your service, Albert Hwang Division 34 South Lieutenant Governor Elect California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International

Divisions 34 North and South joined together for our 12th annual fundraiser where male contestants represented each school and competed in rounds of assorted activities.

On Saturday February 6, Division 34 North apes and Division 34 South penguins gathered at the Haymarket Theater in Palo Alto to organize the annual Mr. Key Club Pageant fundraiser to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). The pageant started off with swimsuit competition followed by the spirit wear, talent, and finally formal. Nathan Kruse from Division 34 North proudly took the winning title for Mr. Key Club 2016. Although the swimsuit competition was the highlight for many people, the talent show was what stood out to me. The participants not only brought key club spirit but also their creativity in performing. Performance stretched from singing, dancing, and

even Mean Girls reenactment. Apart from the participants’ performances, the show also included many other acts such as guest rappers and hip hop dancers. This was my first ever Mr. Key Club and it will be something I will never forget. It was a night to remember but also a proud moment. We raised over $400 for PTP. It was truly an unforgettable fundraiser; to see so many people embracing the key club spirit makes me so proud to be part of this family. Thank you Key Clubbers for this amazing experience. - Stina Chang, Gunn

Every year, Key Clubbers from all across the district come together to celebrate a spirited weekend after a year full of service. The CNH District Board is extremely excited to present to you the 70th Annual District Convention – Guardians of Service – where there will be countless opportunities to be recognized for your outstanding work and learn more about Key Club so you can take your journey through Key Club to the next level. With the thousands of buzzing bees at convention, you will also have the opportunity to interact with members from other parts of the district and see how others are stepping up to serve their homes, schools, and communities.

As DCON is very costly and also approaching fast, Cupertino Key Club decided to pay for the attendees' transportation and hotel fees to ease the cost on the members. To do this, we held many continuous fundraisers throughout the month of January, and these included Krispy Kreme doughnuts, churros, and cream puffs. Since our club didn't have too many successful fundraisers last year, this year was really our chance to test the waters and see what was popular throughout our school, so we had to take a risk. It was a lot of work trying to advertise and organize these fundraisers, but it was worth it in the end because we sold out all three times and made lots of profit in the end, without losing any money. Overall, it was an efficient way of receiving funds and also served to spread awareness for DCON. We will continue fundraising in March for DCON as well as for future funds going into next year!!

Mountain View had a huge success with our annual Rose Grams Sales. Sales on the first days were slow, but as time went on, more students heard about us and sales picked up. Prior to the fundraiser, we were struggling to meet funds for District Convention, but to our surprise, we completely sold out at school and to Kiwanis and profited a total of $508!! This year we were able to find the effective and ineffective ways of fundraising for next year.

check out the district newsletter for the month of February!

Alexa DeLa Pena Lieutenant Governor d34s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Mary Zhen Division News Editor d34s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Helena Chi Division Secretary lahs.kc.pres@gmail.com

Kelena Jue Eliminate Coordinator 10kelena.j@gmail.com

Gloria Cheng Executive Assistant glory132@gmail.com

Tesia Huang PTP Coordinator tesiahuang@gmail.com

Valerie Tan Executive Assistant valerietan.lhskey@gmail.com

keyclub.com cnhkeyclub.org division google group

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