IndoGo! May 2015

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Paramitha rusady May 16 Concert

HoLland festival May 24, 2015

Indonesian womeN Alliance Forum May 30, 2015

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Happy Mom's Day Pembaca setia IndoGo yang budiman,

Publisher: PF Then, P&V Group Inc. Editorial Team: PF Then, Chichi Ng, Dessy Andriani, Irena Liza, Yayat Suratmo, Joshua Yogaswara, Meeghan Henry, Edward H. Santoso, Stanley Bratawira, Alexander Pangkerego, Andreas Willem, Inggrid Dotulong, Andrey Wowor, Amanda Ruth, Linda Tumboimbela, Yanti Walter Special Thanks to Contributors: Budijono Untung, MBA Rizal A. Tandrio Irsan Tisnabudi Aryo Wicaksono Dr. Vivienne Kruger Konjen RI LA Jane Wibowo Alvin Darmajaya Ibu Sita Nila Purnama Bayu Samudro ITPC-LA Anton Hartono IndoGo! mengharapkan agar pembaca dapat mengirimkan artikel tentang event-event yang terjadi di komunitas anda. Hubungi kami, agar kami bisa meliput event anda. IndoGo! welcomed articles submitted by readers. Please submit articles about events that happened in your community. Contact us , so we can cover your event.

For Advertisement, please contact 1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free) Cover Image: Paramitha Rusady Photo provided by : Paramitha Rusady Copyright © 2014 by P&V Group Inc. P&V Group Inc. is not responsible for any damage due to the contents made available through IndoGo! Magazine.


May 2015

Bulan Mei ini adalah juga bulan peringatan Asian Pacific Heritage Month. Dalam kaitannya dengan peringatan Asian Pacific Heritage Month, karena prestasinya yang luar biasa dalam mempersatukan komunitas, Konsul Jenderal Umar Hadi dari Konsulat Republik Indonesia di Los Angeles terpilih menjadi salah satu dari enam individu yang akan mendapatkan penghargaan di acara 2015 Diversity Visionary Awards. Acara ini juga akan menghadirkan kesenian, tari-tarian dan acara lainnya, yang akan dibawakan oleh komunitas negara-negara Asia Pacific. Bagi yang berminat harap mendapatkan FREE tiketnya segera. (lihat keterangan di halaman 8) Dari segi prestasi, bulan ini IndoGo menyajikan Aryo Wicaksono, yang dengan prestasi luar biasanya di bidang musik, membawa harum nama Indonesia di dunia Internasional. Tidak ketinggalan Bapak William Wongso yang juga membuat nama Indonesia disebut-sebut di bilangan West Hollywood, karena beliau menyempatkan diri menghidangkan makanan khas Indonesia dengan standar restoran berbintang dengan tujuan mempromosikan Indonesia lewat Diplomasi Kuliner. Tidak ketinggalan bung Ferril Nawir juga mengharumkan nama Indonesia dengan diikutsertakannya lukisan beliau pada acara "Art in The Garden" yang masih akan di gelar sampai Agustus 2015. Disamping itu, ITPC LA juga telah, dengan sukses, mengadakan acara Indonesian Coffee Heritage. Acara ini diadakan untuk memperkenalkan dan mempromosikan bermacam-macam kopi Indonesia kepada khayalak umum Los Angeles dan sekitarnya. Di bidang hiburan, penyanyi cantik Paramitha Rusady akan datang langsung dari Indonesia pada tanggal 16 Mei ini untuk menghibur kita semua. Bagi yang kangen setengah mati dengan artis cantik ini segeralah dapatkan tiketnya. (Lihat keterangan lengkap di halaman 37). Disamping itu untuk mempererat tali persaudaraan antar komunitas, kita bisa datang dan berkumpul di acara Holland Festival yang akan diadakan pada hari Minggu tanggal 24 Mei ini, jangan sampai tidak datang ya... , acaranya banyak dan seru lho. Akhir kata, mari kita tingkatkan prestasi komunitas Indonesia dimanapun anda berada. Selamat Membaca, Selamat Berprestasi dan ... Salam Indo ..... Go!


Asian Pacific Heritage Month

Image by courtesy of

IndoGo! Magazine by P&V Group Inc. all inquiry, please contact:  1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free)  

Pertama-tama IndoGo mengucapkan Happy Mother's Day kepada para ibu yang selama ini menjaga kita sejak bayi sampai kita dewasa. Marilah kita bantu ibu kita dengan jalan ikut mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah; dari mencuci baju sendiri, membantu menyiapkan makanan, mencuci peralatan makan setelah makan, hingga membersihkan kamar kalian sendiri dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu, pada bulan Mei ini, kita juga memperingati Hari Kenaikan Isa Almasih (Mei 14), Hari Isra Mi'raj (Mei 16), dan peringatan Memorial Day (Mei 26); bagi yang merayakan, IndoGo mengucapkan selamat memperingati.

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"Tahukah engkau semboyanku? Aku mau! Dua patah kata yang ringkas itu sudah beberapa kali mendukung membawa aku melintasi gunung keberatan dan kesusahan. Kata "Aku tiada dapat!" melenyapkan rasa berani. Kalimat "Aku mau!" membuat kita mudah mendaki puncak gunung."

Ibu Nila Umar Hadi

Sambutan dalam Rangka Memperingati Hari Kartini 21 April 2015, Menyambut Mother's Day 10 Mei 2015, dan Undangan Terbuka mengikuti acara IWA Forum Perdana 30 Mei 2015. Assalamualaikum Wr Wb, Shaloom, Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua para Perempuan Indonesia: Welcome to the Beautiful Wisma Indonesia, our home away from home. Pada pagi yg cerah ini, kami senang sekali dapat berkumpul bersama, ibu-ibu, saudari, segenap teman yang kami hormati. Ibu-ibu Pemuka Masyarakat dan Ibu-ibu para pejabat Konsulat Republik Indonesia Los Angeles. Kami ucapkan terima kasih atas kesediaannya untuk menghadiri undangan kami ini. Today is a special day because, we are not merely here for a Sunday Brunch, we are here for an Important Cause, "Teteh nge-teh" ini adalah sebuah preamble untuk acara besar kita pada hari Sabtu 30 Mei 2015 yang akan datang yaitu Forum Perdana "Indonesian Women Alliance" (IWA) atau Aliansi Perempuan Indonesia di Amerika Serikat. Kami bangga dapat turut serta menjadi bagian dari pelaksanaan acara besar dan penting ini yang bertemakan: "Empowering Women, Inspiring Each other". Kami yakin bahwa kepanitiaan Indonesian Women Alliance telah mantap terbentuk ini atas gagasan brilian saudari Melany Lintuuran, staf lokal KJRI dan didukung oleh Bapak Umar Hadi, selaku Konsul Jenderal beserta jajarannya di KJRI di Los Angeles, dapat memberikan yang terbaik untuk suksesnya dan tercapainya cita-cita IWA. Tentunya harapan kami adalah Pemberdayaan Perempuan Indonesia di Amerika Serikat akan semakin terpacu untuk direalisasikan, dibangun dan diperkokoh melalui sarana informasi dan konektivitas yang dapat diperoleh melalui forum seperti ini dan besar harapan kami, akan berlanjut seterusnya. Misi dan Visi dari IWA Forum sesuai dengan temanya yang akan sangat


May 2015

bermanfaat bagi seluruh pihak terkait terlebih untuk anak anak perempuan kita. Personally, I am proud and touched as well, because as a mother to a young lady. She too, will have her own path and experiences as an Indonesian Woman living in America. Just like all the wonderful Indonesian women I see in front of me. And she will have a network of supportive women such as the Indonesian Women Alliance to rely on and look up to.

Doa kami, apapun aral melintang, Indonesian Women Alliance maju terus pantang mundur. Yang diawali dengan suatu ide, kemudian membuahkan suatu kemauan keras, "Aku Mau menjadi ... Kami Mau!", sehingga akhirnya akan terwujud, pada tanggal 30 Mei 2015 nanti. Dengan Semangat Persatuan, semoga kita semua dapat selalu hidup rukun dan peduli akan kepentingan bersama. Marilah kita saling menginspirasi satu sama lain untuk giat berkarya dalam memajukan keberdayaan kaum perempuan dan mengharumkan nama INDONESIA di Amerika Serikat.

Ibu-ibu sekalian, pada tanggal 21 April, kita memperingati Hari Kartini, Ibu R. A. Kartini, seorang pejuang hak hak Perempuan Indonesia, biarlah hari penting tersebut juga dapat menjadi suatu peringatan/reminder bagi kita semua untuk meneruskan segala upayanya dalam memajukan kaum perempuan Indonesia bukan hanya di Indonesia namun juga di seluruh pelosok dunia. Kami sangat percaya dengan anggapan bahwa "Strong Women Equals Strong Economy", oleh sebab itu, semakin diberdayakannya perempuan, maka taraf kehidupannyapun akan semakin baik.

Terima kasih atas dukungan ibu-ibu dan saudari saudari sekalian, sampai jumpa di tanggal 30 Mei 2015 nanti, don't forget to save the date, Saturday, May 30th 2015.

Akhir kata, izinkanlah kami bacakan sebuah kata bijak/quote dari Ibu R. A. Kartini:

Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah, wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb n

Ibu-ibu, saudari-saudari sekalian, mari kita nikmati hari yang cerah ini dengan mendukung dan bergabung dalam Indonesian Women Alliance ini, Let's enjoy the day, each other's company, and let's support the upcoming IWA Forum, Let's join the Indonesian Women Alliance.

open invitation - Inaugural Forum

Empowering Women, Inspiring Each Other Memberdayakan Perempuan, Menginspirasi Sesama Sat, May 30, 2015 @ 1pm at 3457 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010

Women's Health Fair, Beauty Tutorials, Start Your own Business Seminar, Immigration 101, Baking Made-Easy, Fashion Show, Door Prize, Meals & Child Care Provided, Bahasa & English, FREE Admissions

Indonesian Women Alliance USA - Aliansi Perempuan Indonesia Amerika contact: Melany 818.357.7672 Supported by Consulate general of The Republic of Indonesia in Los Angeles

Hailed by the SF Examiner after his San Francisco recital debut as a “virtuoso talent, offering an excellent combination of solid technique and sensitive expressiveness,” pianist Aryo Wicaksono has performed as a featured soloist and chamber musician in venues and festivals throughout the United States and in major cities internationally—and was the first Western classical music artist to hold a visiting artist-in-residence position at the American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Recent highlights

Musical in Tucson for 2006-2007 season. As a composer, Wicaksono created scores for the independent Japanese film short Dream of an Hour. He was pianist-composer in residence for the American Academy of Ballet School in July 2011, and some of his music was set into a ballet for the San Francisco-based Teatro Jaguar Luna. Currently Membership Manager for Chamber Music America, Wicaksono has also served as a consultant for music and

Aryo Wicaksono Virtuoso Talent with Solid Technique and Sensitive Expressiveness

With fellow pianist, and one of the greatest pianist in the world, Martha Argerich, from Argentina

include the Prokofiev Third Piano Concerto with Indonesia’s Nusantara Symphony Orchestra, under Maestro Hikotaro Yazaki; Prokofiev’s First Piano Concerto with United Arab Emirates Philharmonic Orchestra, under Philipp Maier; Prokofiev’s First Piano Concerto, in a sold-out orchestral debut with Russia’s St. Petersburg State Symphony; Prokofiev’s Third Piano Concerto in Tucson with Civic Orchestra of Tucson; and a 10-city tour of the U.S. East Coast with Dance Theatre of Harlem. As musical director and pianist for the William Finn’s musical Elegies–Looking Up, Wicaksono won the Arizona Daily Star’s 2006 MAC Award for Best Musical Performance and the Tucson Weekly’s Best


May 2015

music-development programs for universities and academies in South East Asia, United Arab Emirates, and Vancouver, BC, and was one of the judges for the 2nd Thailand Mozart International Piano Competition in June 2012. His former piano students have gone to attend undergraduate and graduate programs on full scholarships at The Curtis Institute of Music, Peabody Conservatory at the Johns Hopkins University, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, and Yong-Siew Toh Conservatory in Singapore. He taught a Colloquium Seminar Class in music career management for musicians at NYU Steinhardt in the Fall 2013, and has continued giving various classes in music career management at various universities such as Southwestern College San Diego, University of Arizona, and Assumption

Aryo's best friend at home; "Majestic Piano" with bunch of Stravinsky, Prokofiev and Rachmaninoff music sheet

University in Thailand. As a session presenter at regional conferences such as Western Arts Alliance, Arts Midwest, and SouthArts, he is also a Board Member of the Art-of-Giving Back organization (, and artistic director of Yogyakarta International Music Festival Academy. He currently lives in New York City. Upcoming 2015-2016 and beyond concert / teaching engagements will include Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Serbia. For more information and press reviews, please visit n Contact: Aryo Wicaksono email:

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2015 Diversity Visionary Awards A collaboration of diverse community organizations and partners celebrate

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Sunday, May 24, 2015 - 11:00am ~ 3:00pm Presented by the

Mistress and Master of Ceremonies




Culture Culture Alliance Alliance (PTCA) (PTCA) is is an an organization organization dedicated to bring diverse community dedicated to bring diverse community organizaorganizations tions together together to to share share in in trade trade and and cultural cultural colcollaborations, laborations, and and this this year, year, PTCA PTCA will will be be holding holding the the annual annual ”2015 ”2015 Diversity Diversity Visionary Visionary Awards” Awards” at South Coast Plaza in Costa at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. Mesa. At At this this year’s year’s event, event, Consul Consul General General Umar Umar Hadi from the Consulate of the Hadi from the Consulate of the Republic Republic of of Indonesia Indonesia in in Los Los Angeles Angeles is is one one of of the the six six individuals individuals who who will will be be honored honored at at the the event event for for his outstanding achievements, and Indonesian his outstanding achievements, and Indonesian American American Business Business Council Council also also will will join join PTCA PTCA in this celebration with other organizations in this celebration with other organizations as as well well as as sponsors, sponsors, such such as as Korean Korean American American Chamber of Commerce of Orange Chamber of Commerce of Orange County, County, the the Friends Friends of of Thailand Thailand International International Network, Network, the the Hong Hong Kong Kong Association Association of of Southern Southern California, California, the the Vietnamese Vietnamese American American Chamber Chamber of of ComCommerce of Orange County, South Coast merce of Orange County, South Coast Plaza, Plaza, Uniti Uniti Bank, Bank, Perfection Perfection Foods, Foods, Integrity Integrity Escrow Escrow and and Liliu Liliu Crystal Crystal Art. Art. This This year’s year’s community community partners partners are are IndoGo IndoGo Magazine, Magazine, Little Little Saigon Saigon TV, TV, the the National National Association of Asian American Professionals Association of Asian American Professionals of of

8 10

May May 2015 2015

Title and Location Sponsor

Carousel Court ~ Level 1 San Diego Fwy. (405) at Bristol Street 3333 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa, CA EVENT IS COMPLIMENTARY Limited seating – RSVP is REQUIRED Register On-line at For more information call 714.548.2762 or email Refreshments will be served.

Organization Sponsors and Community Event Partners

Orange Orange County, County, the the Philippine Philippine Cultural Cultural Center Center of America, Inc., the Vietnamese of America, Inc., the Vietnamese Photographic Photographic Society Society of of California, California, and and the the China-US China-US Business Business Association. South Coast Plaza Association. South Coast Plaza is is again again this this year’s year’s title sponsor and event host. “All the organizatitle sponsor and event host. “All the organizations tions involved, involved, and and event event partners partners are are excited excited that South Coast Plaza continues to that South Coast Plaza continues to support support the the Asian Asian community community through through this this event, event,”” said said Ngoc Ngoc Tinh Tinh Nguyen, Nguyen, this this year’s year’s Event Event Co-Chair, Co-Chair, who who has has

graced for years. years. graced the the organization organization of of this this event event for And this year, she shares this task with cochairs, And this year, she shares this task with cochairs, Mr. Mr. Jason Jason Lee, Lee, and and Mr. Mr. Joshua Joshua Yong. Yong. This year’s “Mistress This year’s “Mistress of of Ceremonies” Ceremonies” is is three three time Emmy Award winning Journalist Leyna time Emmy Award winning Journalist Leyna Nguyen, liate toNguyen, KCAL-TV KCAL-TV anchor anchor and and CBS CBS Affi Affiliate together with the “Master of Ceremonies” gether with the “Master of Ceremonies” Derrick Derrick Hoang Hoang Nguyen, Nguyen, APLC., APLC., of of Hon Hon Viet-TV's Viet-TV's Nguyen Nguyen Hoang Dung, and the New Saigon Hoang Dung, and the New Saigon Radio, Radio, and and formerly formerly with with the the White White House House Advisory Advisory ComCommission mission on on Asian Asian Americans Americans and and Pacifi Pacificc Islanders. Islanders. This event will feature a rich cultural This event will feature a rich cultural entertainentertainment ment program. program. This This event event is is complimentary, complimentary, and and RSVP at RSVP at n

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insurance/business/financial column by jane wibowo

Some Interesting and Weird facts about Insurance I know .... probably everybody will think like ... , what? Facts about insurance? But there are some interesting things about insurance which are worth knowing! Even Insurance companies have made it to the Guinness Book of World records! Now read some facts here! The world’s first skyscraper was the home insurance company building, erected in 1884-1894. The so-called Keith Richard New York Life Insurance Building in Chicago, Illinois. (picture taken 1900) Insurance paid for James Bond's actors

The Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards has insured just the middle finger on his left hand covered for $1.6 million dollars. May be he feared that some one would break it considering he used to stick it out so often!

any footballer’s — she’s insured them for $1 billion!

“Father of the Skyscraper” was miniatured by today’s standards, but gargantuan at that time. It was designed by William LeBaron Jenney for New York Life, and located on South LaSalle St., Chicago. The building is on preservation list by city of Chicago. Some public celebrities sometimes buy insurance for their body parts. They don’t take chances on getting any part of their body changed or disfigured. Singer Mariah Carey seems to think her legs are far more valuable than


May 2015

The James Bond actor’s body was reportedly insured for 5 million pounds back in 2008, when he was shooting for Quantum of Solace. It is believed that Daniel Craig insisted on doing his own stunts and suffered several injuries, so producers decided to keep their star covered — in a blanket of money! Unlike singer Mariah Carey who insures her legs but doesn't care if she lose her voice, but now we have got a singer who really care about his voice. It is the musician Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen. He insured his husky voice for 3.5 million pounds (US$ 5.3 million) with Lloyd Insurance company of London. David Beckham’s legs are insured at $35 million each. Mariah Carey's leg insured for US$ 1 billion

David Beckham

Singer Dolly Parton, had her breasts insured for $600,000. Dolly Parton

Now the weirdest Insurance! – Rocker David Lee Roth had his sperm insured for a million dollars! If any paternity suits were filed against him because of ROCK ‘n’ ROLL life style, the insurancecompany would pay the charges! n

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May 2015


ABOUT the author : Dr. Vivienne Kruger hails from New York City, and is a social and cultural historian with an M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in American history from Columbia University. A trip across Java and Bali in 1993 made her fell in love with the exotic Island of the Gods at first sight! She has since enjoyed a twenty-year-long literary, spiritual, and cultural love affair with the gorgeous volcanic island where the gods live and the people smile and cook! She wrote several books, served as a special research consultant and columnist in newspapers and magazines about Balinese culture and cuisine. Dr. Vivienne Kruger's book "Balinese Food: The Traditional Cuisine and Food Culture of Bali" - (Tuttle Publishing, 2014, ISBN 080484450X), now available at and at Barnes and Noble. Dr. Vivienne Kruger will lead guided tour groups to Bali beginning in June 2015. Please see her new BlogSpot:

Tropical Fruits of Bali by Dr. Vivienne Kruger Part TWO - The end Salak is grown on plantations in the village of Sibetan in Karangasem Regency (tours of eastern Bali often stop at the Sibetan Snake Skin Fruit Garden, 83 kilometers from Denpasar). Employing age-old methods of growing and picking, farmers at Putung (Duda Timur Village, Selat District, Karangasem Regency) also produce salak on low palms bristling with very sharp thorns (the trees reach maturity at five years and yield two annual harvests). Springing forth in clump-like bunches near the bottom of the trunk, salak is also known as Snake Skin Fruit because of its tough, brittle, dark brown skin covered with

coarse, triangular lizard-like scales. Shaped like an oversized garlic clove with pale yellow, pear-shaped lobes of tart fruit inside, salak tastes like a slightly sweet, firm water chestnut. Do not leave Bali without trying this popular Balinese specialty—rummage through the local market for them, peel away the papery bark, and eat whole like a crisp miniature apple. The Balinese are meticulous, patient “fruit detectives”: they are happy to nurture these difficult or astonishing species and specimens. They are innate, born “pomologists” (people who study and cultivate specialty fruit of the highest order). The Balinese will persist with and accept semi-obsolete heirloom fruits that have gone missing or been forgotten during centuries of industrialization--or have been ignored elsewhere because they are not easily marketable. Everything that grows in Bali

Salak (Snake Skin Fruit). Do not leave Bali without trying this popular Balinese specialty.

in Fruit) Tree. ntation. Salak (Snake Sk Sibetan Salak Pla to ur Bali offer a to


May 2015

will find its way into the Balinese kitchen. As a result, the Balinese enjoy rare varieties not grown by anyone else—and eat some of the most intensely delicious fruit in the world. The jackfruit tree was imported from India to Bali; it bears gigantic, green hanging globes of football-shaped fruit weighing up to 50 kilograms in mass. Roadside produce stands near the Jatiluweh rice fields and Tabanan vend the watermelon-sized jackfruit by the convenient half, quarter, or piece. Traditionally known as the “food of sages and philosophers”, jackfruit (“nangka” in Indonesian) has a green knobby exterior and a sun-yellow interior: break back the hard spine to push forward the receiving line of 20 nuts encased in slightly rubbery, delectable edible pods. This fruity meat (which smells like strong pineapple) is addictively sweet, sticky, and pleasant—you will find yourself jealously hoarding your large slice of heaven, which lasts well without refrigeration a day or more after being opened. Jackfruit is commonly eaten raw, for dessert, battered and deep fried like a banana, or curried (and is available overseas as a canned Thai export). Custard apples ("SRIKAYA")—veritable nectar of the gods--make a rare, precious appearance in tropical zones worldwide from South America to South Africa to Southeast Asia. The fruit, which resembles a large, fleshy, fat green artichoke with a malleable fuzzy shell, is extremely expensive at $7 apiece, but well worth it for this once in a lifetime dining experience! The creamy, white custard flesh (sectioned around large brown pits) is scooped out with a spoon and tastes like the luscious filling of a gourmet chocolate éclair. Another must-try local treasure is the elusive Vietnamese Dragon Fruit personally tracked down by the author in the Isestan Department Store in nearby Singapore. Colored a Candy Apple Chinese Red—with hard layered sheafs

Dr. Vivienne Kruger is leading exciting, two-week escorted tours to Bali beginning in June 2015. For full information, please see her new BlogSpot for details, at:

and pointy green petals—it resembles a royal jellyfish with long, spiky, rose/green trailing tendrils. Refusing to leave the fire-breathing dragon behind—or surrender it to Japanese

ters), accompanied by honey or syrup, are an incomparable way to finish a meal, and are a menu staple throughout the archipelago (the Balinese often choose this as their afternoon snack). The large, broad banana plant leaves also serve as natural plates and wrappings for food--and as disposable organic umbrellas during unpredictable, monsoon season downpours!

Nangka (Jack Fruit). Rubbery, strong smells, sticky and addictively sweet fruit.

The coconut fruit (and its tropical host tree) also plays an important, multi-purpose role in the culture and economy of Bali: it furnishes food (coconut cream, milk, water, meat, and palm sugar), cooking oil, and wood for house construction. The Balinese appetite prefers the young, moist coconut filled with sweet water and thin, soft, ready-to-eat meat. The pale yellow leaves of the immature coconut constitute a critical material for making Balinese religious offerings and ceremonial decorations (the older leaves are woven into mats). The mature coconut, with its thick fibrous husk, yields a hard, dry white flesh known as copra; it is cultivated on the northern coastal plain as a major export crop. Nothing is wasted on Bali: the shell of the coconut is used as both a sacred vessel to contain cremation ceremony ashes, and as charcoal fuel for grilling the “jukung”-fresh catch of the day on Jimbaran Bay.

customs officials en route to New York—I cut the prize open for an early morning, onboard airplane breakfast. The beautiful, flaming red skin guards a bright white interior speckled throughout with little black, poppy seed-like dots. Its magnificent, imperial appearance complements the soft, sweet meat inside— lap up every drop with a spoon as you marvel in amazement at this gloriYou can find Banana ous vanilla gift of nature.

everywhere and with different sizes too.

caught, and consumed in season. “Rujak”, a favorite sweet and sour Balinese snack, consists of a spicy sauce (shrimp paste, palm sugar, tamarind, chili peppers) poured over cut-up pieces of raw fruit such as water apple (jambu air), starfruit (belimbing), cherry-like kaliasem, or gooseberry. This dish is made or sold in every market, warung, and family compound throughout Srikaya

(Custard Apple)

Bali. Fruit, always the primary dessert, also forms the basis for unique, colorful, Balinese beverages like “Es Campur” (a mixed drink containing green tapioca, red sugar syrup, chipped ice, and various cut-up fruits such as avocado and jackfruit). Other concoctions include “Es Kelapa Muda” (young, sweetened coconut juice with shredded, soft coconut meat and ice), and natural fruit juice drinks from papaya to mango to passion fruit (markisa). (To insure hygienic standards of food preparation and avoid bacteria-based and viral-borne diseases, buy your own fruit, select only those with a skin or shell, peel them yourself, and use bottled mineral water for any necessary rinsing. The wise traveler’s maxim: boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it!) That said, relax and let yourself sample the full spectrum of the luxurious forbidden fruits that hang down from every ripe tree in the tempting Garden of Eden that we all know as Bali! - The End n

Bananas (in an endless From Susu to Raja profusion of interesting colors, sizes, shapes, and tastes) wend their way into the standard recipes of the Balinese kitchen (and, by extension, into the daily diet of visitors to the island). Bali’s backyard bananas, grown for local consumption, range from the dwarf-sized “biu (pisang) susu” (milk The fruits that flourish on Bali greatly affect banana) to the red-peeled “shrimp” specimen, its indigenous cuisine: this is a society which to the “biu batu”, or stone banana, which is mainly relies on locally available, fresh full of hard seeds. The “Raya” (grand) or “Raja” cooking ingredients and foodstuffs-- picked, (king) bananas are transformed into the Lecture by Dr. Vivienne Kruger "The Traditional Cuisine and Food Culture of Bali" succulent, green banana pancakes which are can be watched here: the highlight of the traditional, Ubud hotel Provided by Culinary Historians of Southern California, Chris Griffiths. breakfast. “Pisang Goreng” (fried banana fritMay 2015


Metro Art Moves: Union Station Tour, a Mother's Day Celebration Sun, May 10, 2015 @ 10:30a-12:30p Union Station, 800 N Alameda St Los Angeles, CA 90012 Join LA Metro for a special Mother's Day Union Station Tour, part of our Metro Art Moves tour

Union Station's Fred Harvey Rest.

series. Led by a trained Metro Art docent, the FREE, tour will cover historic Union Station art, architecture and spaces not generally open to the public, including the old ticket concourse and former Fred Harvey restaurant. Additionally, the tours will explore artworks located in the Gold Line, East Portal and inside the Metro

Come see a variety of vehicles including customs, antiques, classics, muscle, street rods, special interest, motorcycles, and tractors. Although we will not have berry picking this year, we will have fields full of produce to pick such as squash, onions, tomatoes and plenty of delicious pre-picked strawberries for sale. FREE Admission - Parking: $3/vehicle Long Beach Pride Parade and Fair Sun, May 17, 2015 @ 9:30a Parade: start at Bixby Park (Junipero Ave), along Ocean Blvd and end at Cerritos Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802 Long Beach Lesbian and Gay Pride Celebration has become the 3rd largest in the nation, now attracting over 80,000 participants over two days. More than 200 marching groups and floats comprise the parade entries since 1995. Salt-N-Pepa + Spinderella will be rockin' the main stage this year on Saturday May 16th, start @ 4pm. Join us to give back to the community and help continue the tradition! FREE ADMISSION

Cal Poly Pomona Car/Tractor Show

autograph programs at the Autograph Booth adjacent to the Courtyard Center. Saturday, May 24 Parade route : Start on Chapman Ave at 9th, moving west, turn left on Euclid, end at Stanford and Main. FREE Admission, FREE Parking Fiesta Hermosa Sat~Mon, May 23~25, 2015 @ 11a~6p Location: Hermosa Ave at Pier Ave Since 1972, the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce has produced Fiesta Hermosa, live music and art fair. Also provided, The Kiddie Carnival features a 30 foot slide, mechanical rides, rock climbing wall and

Public Events Around Los Angeles

Museums, Attractions and Festivals around city of Los Angeles Gateway. Tour-goers may then take advantage of Destination Discounts for dining along the Metro system locations. FREE ADMISSION monrovia day - Myrtle Madness Celebrating 129th b'day of Monrovia Sat, May 16, 2015 @ 8a~3p at Monrovia Library Park 321 S. Myrtle Ave. Monrovia, CA 91016 We offer a $7 pancake breakfast from 8a-11p (includes pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit, milk and juice) or BBQ from 11a-3p. Vendors: Shaved Ice, Cotton Candy, Face Painting, Carnival Games, Rock Wall, Euro Jump, Bouncers, Giant Slides, Game Truck, Classic Cars, Silent Auction Items and much more! So bring your blanket, family and pets and join us at Library Park. FREE ADMISSION, FREE PARKING The Cal Poly Pomona 9th Annual Tractor & Car Show and Strawberry Festival Sat, May 16, 2015 @10a-4p Farm Store at Kellogg Ranch, 4102 S. University Dr, Pomona, CA 91768


May 2015

57th Annual Garden Grove Strawberry Festival - May 22~25 Fri, 05/22 (1p~10p); Sat , 05/23 (10a~10p); Sun, 05/24 (10a~10p); Mon, 05/25 (10a~9p). Parade on Sat, 23th start @ 9:30 am The Garden Grove Strawberry Festival is one of the largest community festivals in the western US, and also one of the oldest since 1958. Many film and TV celebrities and local digni-

Garden Grove Strawberry Fest.

taries are honored in the parade. Participants are introduced at 8:00 a.m. at the festival breakfast held in the Garden Grove Community Center 11300 Stanford Avenue (Stanford and Euclid). The breakfast is open to the public. After the parade, celebrities are treated to a private lunch and then around 1 p.m. will be

Jalan Jalan

bungee jump, and games for kids from 3~10 years old. Pony rides, a Petting Zoo, and facepainters are sure to delight the little ones. FREE ADMISSION, FREE PARKING and FREE SHUTTLE BUSES from 7:30a to 7:30p Atlanta Boy Choir in Los Angeles Sunday, May 31, 2015 4:00 pm Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels 555 West Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is proud to host the Atlanta Boy Choir. The Grammy Award Winning choir, under the direction of its founder Fletcher Wolfe, has sung all over the world with great success and consistent critical acclaim. The choir had a special relationship with Pope Saint John Paul II, and they appeared numerous times with him at St. Peter's in Rome. This is a rare opportunity to hear this famous choir right here in Los Angeles. The concert is open to the public and will serve as a fundraiser for the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Music Fund. Flat Rate Secure Parking is $8.00 FREE Admission (donation welcomed). n

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Warga kota Los Angeles di Amerika Serikat mendapatkan pengalaman unik pada Minggu malam, 26 April 2015 di restoran “Hutchinson Cocktails and Grill� di kawasan West Hollywood, ketika mereka menikmati masakan asli Indonesia yang disiapkan oleh Bapak

William Wongso. Konsulat Jenderal Indonesia di Los Angeles mendatangkan Pak William dan tim untuk, bersama-sama staf dapur Hutchinson, mempersiapkan perhelatan malam itu. Pak William menyajikan rangkaian makanan otentik dari berbagai

Diplomasi Kuliner

Menghadirkan Makanan Indonesia Berkelas Dunia di Los Angeles


May 2015

daerah dengan caranya yang khas dan membuat sajian itu berkelas dunia. Sajian itu berkesan modern, artistik dan berkelas tinggi; tetapi tetap otentik dan membumi. Saus Rendang Padang yang sudah mendunia diaplikasikan dalam makanan

utama, dengan pilihan daging sapi atau ayam bakar. Untuk makanan pembuka, disajikan Asinan Jakarta yang menggugah selera. Binte Buluhunta dari Gorontalo disajikan sebagai sup dengan bahan utama jagung dan daging kepiting. Sepiring paduan makanan manis penutup terdiri dari Kue Lumpur, Kolak Pisang, dan Dawet Ayu telah membuat makan malam itu paripurna. Acara makan malam istimewa itu juga diiringi dengan alunan musik jazz dari trio piano, gitar, dan cello akustik yang dipimpin oleh warga Indonesia, Nita Sinaga. Suasana malam itu terasa betul-betul khas Indonesia. Panel-panel kayu, perabotan, ornament dan dekor restoran Hutchinson memang sangat terinspirasi

Indonesia, karena pemiliknya punya ikatan batin dengan Indonesia. Para hadirin pun banyak yang mengenakan busana Batik. Dengan lebih dari 17 ribu pulau sepanjang khatulistiwa, Indonesia dikaruniai keanekaragaman sebagai kekayaan bangsa. Makanan di Indonesia juga sangat beragam. Acara makan malam ini merupakan salah satu contoh paling baik tentang keanekaragaman Indonesia. Bhineka Tunggal Ika sungguh terasakan. “Kami ingin berbagi kekayaan bangsa Indonesia, yaitu keanekaragaman, kepada dunia,� tutur Umar Hadi, Konsul Jenderal Indonesia di Los Angeles. “Mempromosikan makanan Indonesia adalah salah satu cara,� tambahnya. Acara ini diselenggarakan oleh Konsulat Jenderal Indonesia di Los Angeles dan Indonesian Trade Promotion Center berkolaborasi dengan the Hutchinson Cocktails and Grill. n ITPC - Indonesia Trade Promotion Center Los Angeles email: Tel: 213.387.7041

May 2015


Movie Reviews San Andreas Avengers: Age of Ultron

Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron stars Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Evans (Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Mark Ruffalo (Hulk). Together with Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) and Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), and with the additional support of Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Don Cheadle (James Rhodes/War Machine), Cobie Smulders (Agent Maria Hill) and Stellan Skarsgård as Erik Selvig, the team must reassemble to defeat James Spader as Ultron. As a terrifying technological villain, Ultron emerges, it is up to The

tranquil routine playing cards with close friends, keeping up her garden, and relaxing with a glass of wine. When her beloved dog dies, there’s a mournful vacuum that draws new experiences and attachments into her world. She forges a friendship with her pool guy (Martin Starr) and allows a pal to drag her to a speed dating. And then there’s the gravelly-voiced, exuberant gentleman, Bill (Sam Elliot), who comes out of nowhere. The movie directed by Brett Haley, had its World Premiere at the Sundance Film Festival where it received a standing ovation for its star, Blythe Danner.

After the infamous San Andreas Fault finally broke, triggering a magnitude 9 earthquake in California, a search and rescue helicopter pilot Ray (Dwayne Johnson) and his ex-wife Emma (Carla Gugino) make their way together from Los Angeles to San Francisco to save their only daughter. But their treacherous journey north is only the beginning, and when they think the worst may be over…it’s just getting started.

imagine a place where anything is possible

May 22

may 1 APR 29


Tomorrowland Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans. And soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for an epic and unique global adventure. Along the way, they confront two mysterious and powerful newcomers, Wanda and Petro Maximoff, played by Elizabeth Olsen, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and an old friend "Vision" played by Paul Bettany.

I'll See You In My Dreams

Carol (Blythe Danner), is a retired schoolteacher and a longtime widow in her 70s. She enjoys a

May 15


May 2015

Disney’s Tomorrowland, is the upcoming science fiction film about interdimensional travel, robots and saving the world. The movie is set to star George Clooney as former boy-genius inventor, protagonist Frank Walker; Hugh Laurie as David Nix, the story’s villain, and Britt Robertson as Casey Newton, a curious teen who will unearth the secrets of a place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory. may 2015 Movies She's Funny That Way Cas and Dylan Ride 5 Flights Up Maggie Welcome to Me Bravetown The D Train Hot Pursuit Mad Max Pitch Perfect 2 Every Secret Thing Good Kill Aloft Survivor Aloha

Genre Comedy Drama Drama Comedy Thriller Comedy Musical Comedy Comedy Thriller Musical Thriller War Drama Action Comedy

Survivor is a film about Foreign Service officer in London (Milla Jovovich) as she tries to prevent a terrorist attack in New York. She’s forced to go on the run after she is framed for crimes she didn’t commit. She must clear her name and race against time to stop a terrorist attack aimed at Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Jovovich will be joined by a stellar supporting cast, which includes Pierce Brosnan (as The Watchmaker), Emma Thompson, Angela Bassett and Dylan McDermott. n

Actors/Actresses Imogen Poots, Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston Richard Dreyfuss. Tatiana Maslany Luke Wilson, Helen Hunt Diane Keaton, Morgan Freeman Arnold Schwarzenegger, Abigail Breslin Kristen Wiig, Joan Cusack Josh Duhamel, Lucas Till Jack Black, James Marsden Sofía Vergara, Reese Witherspoon Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron Britanny Snow, Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson Dakota Fanning, Elizabeth Banks Ethan Hawke, Bruce Greenwood Jennifer Connelly, Cillian Murphy Pierce Brosnan, Milla Jovovich Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone

Date May 1 May 1 May 1 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 15 May 15 May 15 May 15 May 22 May 29 May 29


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Indonesian culinary is bestowed with a very unique profile and covers a wide spectrum. There is no other country in the world with such culinary resplendence. From Sabang to Merauke, from Talaud to Rote Island, Indonesian culinary is innumerable. Judging from its vast variety, it would be unfitting to claim any dish as purely Indonesian. True Indonesian culinary is marked by cuisines of Aceh, Melayu, Palembang, Java and dozens of other “originating cuisines”. Just as Indonesia recognizes a wide variety of local dialects, so too the originating cuisines lend a hand to its many derivatives. For instance, Pariaman cuisine is known to have different characters from Kotogadang cuisine, and nothing in common with Kapau cuisine— even though they all belong to the genre of Minang cuisine.

ong-royong (working together towards a common goal), Indonesian culinary stems from the tradition of communal eating. One dish for all. In the past, the Dutch discovered this principle and created the rijsttafel tradition. We now bring you closer to the onset of the tradition: Tumpeng Nusantara (will be featured at the end, as the extra recipe as binding agent of all 30 recipes - red). With cone-shaped rice in the middle, Rendang Padang sits in state with Ayam Goreng Lengkuas from Bandung, Urap Sayuran from Yogyakarta and Sate Lilit from Bali. Tumpeng Nusantara is proof that elements Indonesian culinary can meet together beautifully in a state of harmony.

The visionary Empu Tantular, a 14th century poet sage of Majapahit Empire, wrote the sacred phrase which then became Indonesian national motto: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Unity in Diversity! Whereas Bhinneka Tunggal Ika originated from the principle tenet of got-

Foreword by Mari Elka Pangestu (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia)

The 30 INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL CULINARY ICONS featured in this article (adapted from the book with same title - red) is an important first step toward a thorough compilation of the richness and variety of Indonesian culinary. It is a duty we owe Motherland. Bon appetit, my brothers and sisters! Enjoy the sumptuous taste of Indonesian culinary.

Source: Indonesia's Official Tourism Ministry Website

see previous recipes on of gado-gado, where it was referred to in a popular song of the 40’s-50’s called “Gado-gado Betawi”. This song was later made popular by singer Ivo Nilakreshna. Today, gado-gado possesses a ubiquitous presence in Indonesia as a national carte du jour. Attractive in presentation and mouthwatering in taste, gado-gado makes a great appetizer.

05 Gado-Gado Jakarta

In essence, gado-gado consists of boiled or steamed vegetables added with slices of fried tofu and tempe (soy bean cake), as well as hardboiled egg. Common vegetables used are cabbage, bean sprouts, long beans (V. Unguiculata), spinach, chayotes, peria (Momordica charantia), and sometimes carrots. The vegetables are coated with peanut sauce dressing, which uses either ground fried peanuts or a mixture of cashew nuts. for finishing touch, gado-gado is given a dash of kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) and fried shallot sprinkles. As a single meal, can be paired with rice cakes or plain steamed rice. Gado-gado is also served with shrimp crackers or emping mlinjo (crackers made from gnetum gnemon nut). Another name for the dish, as referred to by Sundanese and Javanese, is Lotek.

Gado-gado is believed to be a Chinese Peranakan adaptation of Pecel Jawa popular among Dutch colonialists. Based on this assumption, the dish is predicted to have existed in the beginning of the 20th century. It is generally acknowledged that Jakarta is the birthplace


May 2015

Ingredient (serves 6) 150 gr long beans 125 gr bean sprouts 125 gr spinach/water convolvulus, use the stems and leaves

100 gr cabbage, julienned 150 gr cucumber, julienned 250 gr potato, boiled, cut into sizes of 1 x 1½ x 2 cm 250 gr firm yellow tofu, fried, cut into sizes of 1 x 1½ x 2 cm

165 gr 3 pcs eggs, hard-boiled, cut into halves 12 gr 3 tablespoons of fried shallots 30 gr 6 pcs shrimp crackers, fried 3 sheet kaffir limes, cut into halves 15-20 pcs emping (crackers made from melinjo or gnetum gnemon nuts), fried

Sauce 60 gr 3 pcs red chilies 3 gr 3 pcs bird’s eye chilies 2 gr 1 teaspoon shrimp paste, roasted 1½ - 2 teaspoons salt 125 gr cashews, fried, ground 125 gr peanuts, fried, ground 15 gr 3 teaspoons palm sugar 1 tablespoon tamarind juice 500 cc boiled water 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce

Direction 1. Boil the long beans, bean sprouts, spinach or kangkung (water spinach) and cabbage until well cooked. Lift and drain. 2. Grind the red chilies, bird’s eye chilies, shrimp paste and salt. Add cashews and peanuts, continue grinding while adding palm sugar, tamarind juice, boiled water and sweet soy sauce. Mix well. Heat the sauce in a pan, cook until boiling. Let it cool down. Squeeze kaffir limes into the sauce, mix well. SERVING: Place the boiled vegetables and fresh cucumber on a plate. Add the boiled potatoes, fried tofu and boiled eggs. Pour sauce over the vegetables, top with fried shallots, shrimp crackers and emping.

06 Urap Sayuran Jogyakarta

come out strongly. In Sumatra, the dressing is added with sliced raw shallots (sometimes slices of kincung/Etlingera elatior) and squeezed with calamasi (Citrus microcarpa). The most common vegetables used to make urap are kangkung (morning glory), long beans, bean sprouts. Others like to use cassava leaves, papaya leaves, cucumber and other types of vegetables. Daun pakis (Polystichum setiferum) is used to make Anyang. Other variants include a mixture of base ingredients with papaya flower, combined with shredded grilled chicken, grilled fish, shrimp, kepah, teri (Engraulidaei) and other ingredients. Ingredients (serves 6) 150 gr spinach, use leaves and stems, boil 150 gr young cassava leaves, boil and slice by 3 cm 150 gr long beans, cut by 2 cm, boil 150 gr bean sprouts, remove the roots, place into boiling water for less than a minute 140 gr 4 layers cabbage, remove the stems, slice by ½ cm, boil 375 gr ¾ pieces young coconut, dessicated

This vegetable dish is available everywhere in Indonesia –especially in Java, Bali and Sumatra— in different variants. Some call it Urap-Urap, others Urap-Urapan. In Central Java, urap is known as Gudangan. In Sumatra, it’s called Anyang. Balinese recognize a type of urap called Lawar. It is essentially a melange (mix) of boiled or steamed vegetables over rich, savory spices dominated by the use of dessicated coconut. The Java version of urap, as well as in several other regions in Indonesia, makes use of raw dessicated (dry) younger coconut mixed with spices. In Sumatra, the dessicated coconut is toasted half-done, creating a totally new taste and impression. Sometimes, the toasted dessicated coconut is pounded to create a softer result that blends nicely with the vegetables. Urap is a beautiful and crunchy melange of vegetables, seasoned with savory, fresh dressing. The types of ingredients used differ according to the characters of each region. In Java, for example, the tastes of shrimp paste and galangal

COCONUT SPICES (GROUND): 6 gr 3 pcs garlic cloves 100 gr 4-5 pcs red chilies, remove the seeds 5 gr 5 sheets kaffir lime leaves 3 gr 1½ teaspoons coriander, toasted 15 gr 3 teaspoons palm sugar 10 gr 2 teaspoons minced lesser galangal 5 gr 1-1½ teaspoons salt DIRECTIONS: 1. Boil the vegetables, drain, and set aside. 2. Coconut spices: mix the ground spices along with dessicated coconut. Steam for about 25 minutes, remove and set aside. (Steaming would make the spices last longer) 3. Mix the vegetables with the coconut spices. Serve immediately. NOTE: For platting there are two ways, served coconut spice separate with the vegetables or served mixed together the coconut spices and the vegetables. n May 2015


indonesian american chamber of commerce - texas

newsletter 05/15

Being a Small Business CEO It is a Lonely Place on the Top Choosing the entrepreneurial path is a VERY challenging endeavor. It could start with an opportunity, an idea or a place of desperation. The path itself, especially in the beginning, is quite lonely, scary, gloomy yet hopeful! Very often during that process, we would feel fear, doubt, questioning ourselves, yet we kept fighting. As the leader, we are the main engine, but we quickly would realize we could not do it by ourselves, despite the idea started in our mind. We would need outside help: a mentor, peers, our network, God, being in the right place at the right time, meeting the right person at the time when

we need that help, having the capital to do it, and so on. If we were blessed or lucky enough, our business would grow and we would have more help / employees. Afterwards, we realize as the company grew larger, we as the leader would also have less and less control over things: we have to rely on our clients, our employees, market volatility, etc. Speaking of market, even when the business is growing, and money is in the bank, a market slump or technology change, depending on our business, could ruin it all in an instant. —8 n

Indonesian Chamber of Commerce is inviting Small Business Owners to contact us and help put together a peer learning group for the following purpose : ● Get feedback about how I am currently running and growing my company ● Get answers on troubling matters that have challenged my company so far ● Figure out how much my company is worth at a given moment ● How to find the right talent, employees and keep them ● How to sell the company; how to increase profit ● Help your other peers to run their business better Check out our new Facebook page Give back and receive at the same time !

Win Apple iPad® Raffle

IACCT would like to collect individual and business data to form an “IACCT Member List.” By participating, you will be automatically entered into our Apple iPad® raffle once the new version comes out. We plan on doing the next drawing in November 2015 and you do not have to be present to win. We will announce the winner through our newsletter. The purpose of IACCT Member List: for scholars, it can be used to look for a job, for the unemployed to obtain ideas, for one aspired for small businesses to seek a Mentor, and for business owners to expand their business network and clients. -8 n To participate Apple iPad® Raffle go to or Scan QR code here  with your smartphone. Get QR code apps here

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May 2015


Lama tak muncul di layar kaca ternyata bukan berarti Paramitha Rusady memutuskan untuk vakum dari dunia hiburan. Mitha ternyata tengah mempersiapkan sebuah konser di Los Angeles, Amerika. Konser ini akan digelar pada hari Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015. Untuk mengingatkan kita akan Mitha, simak biografi singkat wanita cantik multi talenta ini . . . . . Berbagai predikat melekat pada diri wanita cantik ini, mulai dari bintang film, bintang iklan, penyanyi dan pencipta lagu, hingga pecinta lingkungan. Mitha, panggilan akrab artis multi talenta yang bernama lengkap Raden Pradnya Paramitha Chandra Devi Rusady ini berprofesi sebagai aktris dan penyanyi di dunia hiburan tanah air sejak dari era

1980an sampai era 2000an. Sejumlah penghargaan telah ia terima, diantaranya Penghargaan Wanita Kartini di bidang seni (1999), Bintang TV Favorit dalam Karmila versi Panasonic Awards (1998), dan Penghargaan Pecinta Lingkungan Flora dan Fauna Nasional (KLH) 1994-1995.

Mitha terlahir dari keluarga yang amat menggandrungi kesenian. Darah seni dari sang ibu Raden Ayu Marry Zumarya, dan ayah Raden Mas Yus Rusady Wirahaditenaya rupanya mengalir membentuk talenta seni Paramitha Rusady. Pada usia 6 tahun, Mitha kecil sudah ikut berperan sebagai Pinkan cilik dalam film dokumenter Di Bawah Nyiur Melambai. yang merupakan film dokumenter tentang pariwisata Sulawesi Utara. Selama periode sekolah menengah, ia mengaku hanya ikut-ikutan kegiatan kakaknya, Ully Sigar Rusady menjadi backing vocal grup pimpinan kakaknya itu. Barulah setelah banyak menerima tawaran sebagai bintang Iklan dan cover majalah, Mitha mulai berani jalan sendiri. Wanita berdarah biru yang lahir di Makassar (Ujung


May 2015

Pandang), Sulawesi Selatan ini, sejak remaja memang sudah bisa memainkan alat musik, menciptakan lagu, hingga menyanyikannya. Ia juga sempat belajar pada komponis kontemporer kondang Indonesia, Slamet Abdul Sjukur. Dengan modal paras cantiknya, Mitha akhirnya terjun ke dunia hiburan setelah menerima tawaran sebagai bintang iklan dan foto model majalah. Pada tahun 1985, tepatnya selepas SMA, ia mendapat tawaran main film Ranjau-Ranjau Cinta dengan lawan main Rano Karno dan disutradarai oleh Nasrie Chepy. Dari situ beberapa film layar lebar kemudian dibintanginya. Namanya segera meroket. Puncaknya saat ia tampil memerankan tokoh Nyi Iteung dalam beberapa film Si Kabayan berpasangan dengan aktor Didi Petet. Judul lain yang ikut melambungkan namanya adalah film remaja yang dibintangi Onky Alexander, Catatan Si Boy. Di tahun 1990, ia telah memerankan sedikitnya sembilan film layar lebar salah satunya adalah 'Bos Charmad' yang menghantarkan Mitha masuk dalam daftar nominasi Aktris Terbaik. Pada 1992, Mitha kembali dinominasikan sebagai calon penerima penghargaan Aktris Terbaik berkat aktingnya di film Kuberikan Segalanya. Film bergenre drama tersebut juga

Ketika produksi perfilman Indonesia surut di tahun 90-an, terhitung sejak tahun 1994, Mitha lebih banyak tampil di sinetron sambil tetap mengembangkan minatnya di bidang tarik suara. Kualitas akting Mitha di dunia sinetron mendapat apresiasi dimana pada tahun 1998, ia menerima penghargaan Aktris Drama dan Bintang TV Favorit lewat sinetron Janjiku dan Karmila. Karakter wajahnya yang sendu memang membuat sosoknya lekat dengan peran-peran protaganis, gadis baik-baik yang selalu tertindas. Meski demikian, Mitha tidak ingin terjebak pada peran seperti itu saja dan mencoba peran lain. Seperti dalam sinetron Berikan Aku Cinta dimana ia memerankan tokoh jahat. Sementara dalam sinetron Kesetiaan Bidadari, Mitha berperan sebagai polisi wanita. Pada tahun 2000, ia dinobatkan sebagai Aktris Terbaik dalam ajang Anugerah Prestasi 2000. Di sela-sela kesibukan-

Images courtesy and provided by Paramitha Rusady Collection

diikutsertakan dalam ajang Asian Film Festival 1992 di Fukuoka, Jepang.

nya sebagai aktris, Mitha sesekali tampil menunjukkan kebolehannya bernyanyi sambil bermain gitar akustik. Sepanjang karirnya di dunia olah vokal, ia telah menelurkan belasan album rekaman. Diantaranya Janjiku, Bias Asa, Tiada Lagi Asmara dan masih banyak lagi. Beberapa lagu dalam albumnya bahkan berhasil menjadi hits dan bertengger di deretan lagu-lagu populer selama beberapa tahun. Setelah lama vakum dari dunia musik, Mitha merilis single terbarunya pada Juni 2009. Single 'Bulan ke Tiga' menandakan kembalinya Mitha ke dunia tarik suara. Sementara untuk dunia akting, seiring usia, masa gemilang Paramita Rusady memang sudah surut. Ia tak lagi terlihat di layar kaca maupun layar lebar. Menurut ibu satu anak yang masih terlihat awet muda ini, beberapa tawaran peran di film layar lebar sudah diterima-

Paramitha Rusady - Concert for more info, see page 37 nya, hanya saja belum ada yang cocok. Ia mengaku sangat selektif dalam memilih peran. Selain itu, Mitha memang menyadari bahwa sekarang bukan

zamannya lagi. Saat ini, dunia perfilman sangat pesat, berbeda dengan masa keemasaannya dulu. Dari segi kualitas, kuantitas serta honor meloncat berlipat-lipat. Tak hanya itu, film sekarang juga sudah menjual kontroversi sebagai daya pikat orang menonton. Selain disibukkan dengan kegiatannya mengurus putra semata wayangnya, Adrian Tegar Maharaja Bago yang lahir pada tanggal Pada 14 Mei 2007, Mitha masih aktif terlibat dalam sejumlah aktivitas sosial terutama yang berhubungan dengan lingkungan. Bersama sang kakak, Ully Sigar, Mitha memang getol mengkampanyekan gerakan-gerakan cinta lingkungan lewat suara merdu dan alunan musiknya. Ia juga kerap diminta untuk menjadi juri dalam berbagai ajang seperti Kontes Lagu Alam, Kontes Pencipta Lagu Anak Anak, Kontes Menyanyi serta Festival Film. Paramitha rusady saat ini juga sedang aktif-aktifnya dalam kegiatan sosial yang mengikutsertakan orang lansia (lanjut usia). Malahan kabarnya ia juga berencana membuat rumah lansia, dan menurutnya ia juga berharap nantinya akan bisa menjadi duta lansia pada bulan Mei ini. “Harapan saya kedepannya bisa jadi duta lansia pada bulan Mei ini, sebab ngurusin lansia merupakan mimpi saya dari kecil, jika ketemu orang tua, duh aku seneng banget,� ungkap Paramitha Rusady. n May 2015



Happy Mother's Day Perjuangan seorang Ibu dapat kita lihat melalui perjuangannya saat ia mengandung kita selama sembilan bulan, mempertaruhkan nyawanya demi kita. Dan setelah Ibu melahirkan kita, dengan kasih sayangnya yang begitu besar terhadap kita ia mengurus dan membesarkan kita selama 24 jam dan tidak mengenal waktu baik siang maupun malam tanpa pamrih. Kasih sayang yang begitu besar dari seorang Ibu akan anaknya selalu ada di dalam doanya setiap saat dan sepanjang masa. Bukan hanya di hari-hari tertentu saja Ibu mendoakan untuk anak-anaknya. Seorang Ibu memiliki rasa sabar, pengertian, dan pemaaf yang begitu besar terhadap anak-anaknya tanpa syarat. Semua kebutuhan dan keperluan anak-anak dan suaminya selalu disiapkannya tanpa harus diminta. Ibu memang seorang wanita yang tangguh dengan segala tenaga yang dimilikinya, Ibu mampu mengurus semuanya dari mulai membesarkan anak-anaknya, mengurus suami, mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, mengatur urusan rumah tangga, hingga memasak setiap hari

untuk keluarganya. Dan semua itu dilakukannya dengan hati yang tulus dan kasih sayang yang begitu besar. Lalu bagaimana dengan Anda, apakah Anda sudah mencintai dan menyayangi Ibu Anda dengan setulus hati? Atau Take her for granted? Sudahkah Anda memberikan hadiah terindah untuk Ibu Anda? Sudahkah kita memberikan sedikit waktu untuknya? Seorang Ibu tidak mengharapkan apapun, baik hadiah yang indah atau mahal sekalipun. Hanya dengan melihat kebahagiaan, kesehatan dan kesuksesan bagi keluarganya itu sudah merupakan kado terbesar bagi sang Ibu. Mungkin hal ini bisa menjadi bahan renungan untuk kita semua, kapan terakhir kali kita menelpon Ibu? Kapan terakhir kali kita menjenguk ibu dan memeluknya dengan kasih sayang? Kapan terakhir kita mengundang Ibu untuk makan siang atau makan malam? Kapan terakhir kali kita mengajak Ibu jalan-jalan? Dan kapan terakhir kali kita berdoa untuk sang Ibu? - Happy mother's day mom ! n

Happy Mother´s Day

Mom is always Taking Care of You When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. You thanked her by screaming and crying all night long; When you were 5 years old, she gave you crayons. You thanked her by coloring the dining table, floors and the walls; When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school. You thanked her by screaming, "I'M NOT GOING!"; When you were 10 years old, she paid for piano lessons. You thanked her by never even bothering to practice; When you were 12 years old, she took you and your friends to the movies. You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row further. Teenage Years When you were 13, she suggested a haircut that was becoming. You thanked her by telling her she had no taste; When you were 14, she paid for a month away at summer camp. You thanked her by forgetting to call and to write her a single letter; When you were 15, she came home from work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked; When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her car. You thanked her by leaving the house every chance you could; When you were 17, she was expecting an important call. You thanked her by being on


May 2015

the phone all night; When you were 18, she cried at your high school graduation. You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn. Growing Older When you were 19, she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus, carried your bags and clothes. You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends; When you were 20, she asked whether you were seeing anyone. You thanked her by saying, "It's none of your business."; When you were 21, she suggested certain careers for your future. You thanked her by saying, "I don't want to be like you."; When you were 22, she hugged you at your college graduation. You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe; When you were 23, she gave you furniture for your first apartment. You thanked her by telling your friends it was ugly; When you were 26, she helped to pay for your wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you. You thanked her by moving as far away as you could; When you were 30, she called with some advice on the baby. You thanked her by telling her, you are outdated, "Things are different now."

When you were 50, your mother fell ill and needed you to take care of her. You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children. And then, one day, she quietly died. And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder. Let us take a moment of the time just to pay tribute and show appreciation to the person called MOM though some may not say it openly to their mother. There's no substitute for her. Cherish every single moment. Though at times she may not be the best of friends, may not agree to our thoughts, she is still your mother!!! Your mother will be there for you; to listen to your woes, your braggings, your frustrations, etc. Ask yourself "Have you put aside enough time for her, help her working in the kitchen, wash your dishes, do you laundry?" Show her love and respect, though you may have a different view from hers. Once gone, only fond memories of the past and also regrets will be left. Do not take your mom for granted. Love her more than you love yourself. Life is meaningless without her. Show your love to her by making your life meaningful and worthwhile and show the world you are what you are right now because of her. Hug and tell your mom that you love her. n

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American English Idioms Down to the wire

This phrase refers to a race where the winner is determined by whoever crosses the finish line (wire) first. Think of running competition, string (wire) is stretched across the finish to help the judges see clearly who crosses first in a close race. That string is the "wire". And the winner is the one who breaks the wire first. In short: it means, until the end or at the last minute. In context: We almost missed our flight, it came right down to the wire. The traffic on the way to the airport was horrible and we had to run to our gate.

From stem to stern

The front part of a ship is called the stem, and the rear is called the stern. From stem to stern means the entire ship. In short: thorough or complete. In context: I searched the house from stem to stern for that cat, then found him sleeping on a shelf right in front of me.

Irons in the fire

Once removed from the fire, the iron cools quickly. Blacksmiths work more efficiently by having multiple pieces of iron in the fire heating simultaneously. In that way, the Smith can always have a piece of iron red-hot and ready for hammering. In short: Having or pursuing multiple opportunities simultaneously. In context: I have been out of work for 6 months, but I have a number of irons in the fire.

Hold your horses

It is a reference to a person driving a vehicle that is pulled by horses. “Holding” the horses means to stop the horses and wait. This is a common phrase that is spoken to ask someone who is in a hurry to slow down or stop for a moment.

Hold your Horses !


May 2015

In short: To slow down or to stop. In context: Hold your horses! Grab an umbrella before you walk out into the rain!”

Living hand to mouth

During the Great Depression and other times of economic scarcity, people often did not know when or where the next meal was coming from. In such a case, when you get something in your hand that can be eaten, it goes into the mouth immediately: therefore "hand to mouth". In short: To be poor, to have difficulty supporting yourself. In context: Marcus lived from hand to mouth while studying for his Masters.

Three sheets to the wind

Prior to the 1810's it was common for ships to have three masts, (fore, main, and mizzen). The speed and direction of a sailing ship is controlled by the number of sails raised on each mast, the angle of the sails to the wind (trim of the sails), and the position of the rudder. If the sheets on all three masts are "in the wind", the ship loses all steering control. In short: Very drunk, highly intoxicated, unsteady, out of balance. In context: The groom made it to the alter, but he was three sheets to the wind.

Show your true colors

The expression goes back to the days of fighting war ship when ship captains would disguise the nationality of their vessels by flying a false flag. Once in range of their enemy, they would strike the false flag and hoist their own country's flag (their true colors). While one could say that it means to "show who you really are", the connotations of the expression refer more exactly to showing what your loyalties are. In short: To reveal your true intentions, personality or behaviors. Let others see what someone or something is really like. In context: Workers felt the company revealed its true colors during the crisis. n

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May 2015

grade wheels ensure smooth panning.

3 4 7 1 5 4 4 2 1 6 8 7 1 7 6 9 4

2 7 8 5 3

4 2 3 8

6 5 4 1

7 4 2 9

1 8 5 3

5 6 1 7

2 3 8 5

9 7 6 2

3 1 9 4

5 7 3 6 9 2 1 4 8 2 1 9 3 4 8 6 5 7









9+ 8+ 3+ 10+ 4+


fold here to cover answer sheet








5 4


Background image: Balinese Mask Dance








8+ 9+



Use number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The numbers in each thick outlined set of squares (called cages), must combine numbers (in any order) to produce the target number using the mathematic operation indicated (+). Sample: For 5+, you can use 1 & 4 or 2 & 3. Number can ONLY be used once per row & once per column. You can use same number within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column. Cages with just one square should be filled in with the target number in the top corner.





9+ 8+

6 5


For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.

3+ 10+ 4+

3 1 Background image: Mangosteen Fruit (Buah Manggis)

8 9 7 6

Change your thoughts, and you change your world. Put your heart, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. That is the secret of success.

fold here to cover answer sheet

1 5 7 8 6 9 4 3 2 3 9 8 5 2 4 7 1 6 4 6 2 1 7 3 9 8 5 answer sheet


8+ 9+

5 2


answer sheet May 2015


did you know


Do you ever heard a song with lyric like this: "I'd like to teach the world to sing, In Perfect Harmony, I'd like to hold it in my arms , and keep it company ...." Yes, it was a famous Coca Cola advertisement in 1970's. This year, the Coca Cola will be 129 years old and the iconic "Coke Bottle" will be 100 years old. Coca-Cola history began when the curiosity of an Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. John S. Pemberton. In his day Pemberton was a most respected member of the state's medical establishment. He was a practical pharmacist and chemist of great skill, active all his life in Dr. John S. Pemberton (1831-1888) medical reform, and a respected businessman. His most enduring accomplishments involve his laboratories, which are still in operation more than 125 years later as part of the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Born on January 8, 1831, in Knoxville, in Crawford County, Pemberton grew up and attended the local schools in Rome, Georgia, where his family lived for almost thirty years. He studied medicine and pharmacy at the Reform Medical College of Georgia in Macon. He practiced medicine and surgery first in Rome and its environs and then in Columbus, where in 1855 he established

First Coca Cola sold at Jacob's Pharmacy, Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886


May 2015

a wholesale-retail drug business. Pemberton served with distinction as a lieutenant colonel in the Third Georgia Cavalry Battalion during the Civil War and was almost killed in the fighting at Columbus in April 1865. In 1869 he became a principal partner in the firm of Pemberton,

M. Robinson, is credited with naming the beverage “Coca‑Cola” as well as designing the trademarked, distinct script, still used today. The first Coca Cola sales were at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886. It was initially sold as a medicine for five cents. In 1988, Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet's company) purchased 14,172,500 shares of The Coca Cola Company at a cost of $592,540,000. And in 2013, shows that Coca-Cola is Berkshire's second-largest holding, valued at year-end at roughly $16.5 billion. With about 400 million shares, Berkshire now owns 9.2% of the company. The Story Behind the Iconic Coke Bottle The first bottling of Coca-Cola occurred in Vicksburg, Mississippi, at the Biedenharn Candy Company in 1891. The proprietor of the bottling works was Joseph A. Biedenharn. The original bottles were Biedenharn bottles, which is very different from the much later design of famous 1915 design.

Coca Cola marketed as "Intellectual Beverages"

The 1915's Coca Cola bottle's designer, Alexander Samuelsson, was originally from Surte in Västergötland county, Sweden. Samuelsson emigrated to the United States where he joined the Root Glass Company, in Terre Haute, Indiana. In 1915, just a few years after his move to the U.S, Root Glass entered a national competition set by The Coca-Cola Company to design a new bottle

Wilson, Taylor and Company, which was based in Atlanta, where he moved in 1870. Two years later he became a trustee of the Atlanta Medical College and established a business in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where his own brands of pharmaceuticals were manufactured on a large scale. Pemberton was the most noted physician Atlanta ever had, but he is best known for his expertise in the laboratory, where he perfected the formula for Coca-Cola. Pemberton created a flavored syrup, took it to his neighborhood pharmacy, where it was mixed with carbonated water. Dr. Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper, Frank

One of the Coca Cola Bottling company at Palatka, Florida. Photo taken in 1905. (courtesy:, Jeff Brady)

shape that would protect Coca-Cola from copycat brands. The famous creative brief was to "design a bottle so distinct that you would recognize it by feel in the dark, or

lying broken on the ground.” Rising to the challenge, Samuelsson – who was then the shop foreman at Root Glass – sent two of his teammates, Earl Dean and Clyde Edwards, to the local library to research design possibilities. When they came across an illustration of a cocoa pod that had an elongated shape and distinct ribs, they had their shape. Root Glass developed the bottle idea and, under Samuelsson’s direction, produced a few sample bottles. On Nov. 16, 1915, the company’s application to patent the design was granted. Samuelsson’s name was on

However, competitor brands copied or only slightly modified the spencerian script logo. These competitor bottles created confusion among consumers. As a first step to help the bottlers, In 1906, The Coca-Cola Company introduced a diamond shaped label with a colorful trademark to stand out from the infringers. Unfortunately, Coca-Cola was often sold out of barrels of ice-cold water that would cause the labels to peel off. By 1912, The Coca-Cola Bottling Company sent a note all of its members noting that while The Coca-Cola Company had a distinctive logo, they did not have any way to protect their business. They proposed the members all join together and develop a “distinctive package” for their product. On April 26, 1915, the Trustees of the Coca-Cola Bottling Association voted to expend $500 to develop a distinctive bottle for Coca-Cola. And glass companies across the U.S. subsequently received a challenge to develop a “bottle so distinct that you would recognize if by feel in the dark or lying broken on the ground.” With that simple creative brief, the competition was on. And the winner was, Root Glass Company. The Root Glass Company put forth a patent registration under Samuelsson’s name in 1915. And in early 1916, a committee composed of bottlers and Company officials met to choose the bottle design. The Coca-Cola Company

and the Root Glass Company entered an agreement to have six glass companies across the U.S. use the bottle shape. One of the interesting notes about the shape is that while it is almost universally recognized, the form has evolved over the years. Just as the original patent from 1915 was a slightly fatter shape than the bottle that went into production, todays aluminum bottle is a 22nd century update of the classic design. As we celebrate 100 years of the patent of the famous contour shaped bottle, the Coca-Cola Company is making a documentary movie which will focus on the brand’s history and on the life of the Coca-Cola bottle. And it will be premiered for audiences worldwide for a great reminder of the brand’s lasting legacy 100th anniversary of great icon, the Coca-Cola Bottle. The documentary will premiere in November to coincide with the official date the Coca-Cola's patent in 1915. n

Images courtesy by Coca-Cola Company (

Earl R. Dean standing next to molding machine, used to make early Coca-Cola contour bottle.

the document. The following year, the bottle went into production in Terre Haute. The rest is history, with the unique shape, featuring contoured, fluid curves, becoming the world’s most successful-ever product design. Early Bottles The bottles used in those early days were simple straight-sided bottles that were typically brown or clear. The Coca-Cola Company required that the bottlers emboss the famous Coca-Cola logo onto every bottle.

On the left is early Coca-Cola bottle made by Biedenharn in 1891 and far right is the 22nd century aluminum Coke bottle. May 2015


Ferril Nawir from Indonesia pose with his "Bamboo Tree" painting together with Linda Brothers with her "Bamboo" weave.

Art in the Garden

Nature of Sculpture The exhibit celebrates art in the garden. Outdoor gallery displaying the work of more than 80 artists from Arcadia, Pasadena, Altadena, the San Gabriel Valley and Northern and Southern California. The artists will display their outdoor art in spots they’ve selected throughout the Arcadia Arboretum. Guests can wander the gardens and experience how the harmony of nature and sculpture elevates the human spirit. This exhibit opens now until August 1. n


May 2015

Salute to Veterans and their Families with LA County Mayor Michael D. Antonovich Sat, May 23, 2015 @ 10a~2p Arcadia County Park, 405 S. Santa Anita Ave, Arcadia, CA 91006. This 18th annual community program features interactive exhibitors and subject matter experts who provide information, services and resources to Veterans and their Families. Highlights of the event include a special Memorial Day Tribute Ceremony at 11:00 a.m., followed by a vintage aircraft flyover. The event will also feature skydivers; a Wall of Remembrance; military vehicles and equipment displays; a children's area; live entertainment; and food trucks/ booths, FREE haircuts, manicures, immunizations and health screenings, etc. Historically, this event has drawn an excess of 6,000 people FREE ADMISSION, FREE PARKING

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May 2015


Photos by Stanley Bratawira Photography

Shiela Majid Los Angeles Concert

Malaysia’s foremost singing sensation, SHEILA MAJID has continued to hold her rank presence in music scene for thirty years with her trademark contemporary pop music tastefully with a Jazz and R&B flavor. Start off with the 1985 release of her debut album, Dimensi Baru, SHEILA MAJID brought a new dimension to music industry; building a phenomenal following manifested by sold-out concerts in various cities. With Emosi, released a year later, SHEILA MAJID made a Malaysian invasion of a very protective Indonesian market. She won the prestigious BASF Award for Best Female Artist in R&B category in 1987; never before by a non-Indonesian.


May 2015

Her success in Indonesia was further entrenched by a 1988 nationwide tour, which received an overwhelming response. From Indonesia SHEILA MAJID spread her wings to Japan. With two well-received albums and singles respectively she remains the first and only Malaysian artist to successfully infiltrate Japan, the world’s second biggest market. In November 2001, SHEILA MAJID was invited to represent Malaysia in Jakarta entitled DIVA SEA which brought together leading singers from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. The concert was televised live to millions all over Indonesia. In October 2003, SHEILA MAJID was

invited to headline a live concert by one of Indonesian tv station. This two hour special, entitled ‘Konsert Perjalanan Seni Sheila Majid’ was a prelude to the release of her much anticipated new album, Cinta Kita. This album, helmed by Warner Music Indonesia saw SHEILA MAJID collaborating with some of Indonesia’s industry giants like Andi Rianto, Tohpati and Indra Lesmana who collectively contributed towards 80% of the album production. To date, both the album as well as its first single, ‘Kerinduan’ have reached number one in Indonesia. Now with the success of her Los Angeles concert Shiela Majid once again reign her singing sensation diva. n

May 2015


Photos by Stanley Bratawira Photography


May 2015

Scan here to watch Official trailer

Produced and directed by an Indonesian artist, Livi Zheng. Brush with Danger was in contention for the Academy Awards, Oscars. Brush with Danger is now available on iTunes, Time Warner, Comcast, Hulu Plus and Google Play.

DVD is available on Amazon

Kantor Perwakilan Indonesia di amerika Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia 2020 Massachussets Ave. N. W. Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 775-5200 Fax: (202) 775-5365 Utusan Tetap R.I. di PBB 325 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 972-8333 Fax: (212) 972-9780 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Los Angeles 3457 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 Tel: (213) 383-5126 Fax: (213) 487-3971 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. New York 5 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065 Tel: (212) 879-0600 Fax: (212) 570-6206 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Chicago 211 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: (312) 920-1880 Fax: (312) 920-1881 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Houston 10900 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77042 Tel: (713) 785-1691 Fax: (713) 780-9644

direktori Dokter Umum Herman Sardjono, MD 72 West Las Tunas Dr. Arcadia, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 821-5305 Dokter Umum Joseph T Oei, MD 71202 E Huntington Dr, Duarte, CA 91010 Tel: (626) 303-5019 Dokter Gigi Herman Budiman, DDS 11816 Garvey Ave. El Monte, CA 91732 Tel: (626) 443-8744 OB/GYN - Fertility Clinic Lee C Terence, MD 203 N. Brea Blvd. #100 Brea, CA 92821 Tel: (714) 256-0777 Budincich Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic Polin Togi, LAc 140 N. Hill Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106 Tel: (626) 792-3390

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. San Francisco 1111 Columbus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133 Tel: (415) 474-9571 Fax: (415) 441-4320

Tip Top Mart Indonesian Grocery 704 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel, CA 91776 Tel: (626) 293-8882

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Honolulu 1001 Bishop Street, ASB Tower #2970 Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel: (808) 531-3017 Fax: (808) 531-3177

989 S. Glendora Ave. West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-5300

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Ottawa 55 Parkdale Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 1E5 Tel: (613) 724-1100 Fax: (613) 724-1105 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Vancouver 1630 Alberni Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6G 1A6 Tel: (604) 682-8855 Fax: (604) 662-8396 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Toronto 129 Jarvis Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5C 2H6 Tel: (416) 360-4020 Fax: (416) 360-4295 Embassy of United States of America Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia Tel: (62-21) 3435-9000


May 2015

Sam’s Nutrition 116 N. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754 Tel: (626) 288-2595 Ticket, Tour & Travel Best Deal Travel Tel: (909) 222-6713 Borneo Restaurant 19 S. Garfield Ave. #A Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 810-1366 Java Spice - Indonesian Rest. 1743 Fullerton Road Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Tel: (626) 810-1366 Merry’s House of Chicken 2550 Amar Rd. West Covina, CA 91792 Tel: (626) 965-0123

Tempe House Spicy Food 24984 3rd St. San Bernardino, CA 92410 Tel: (909) 889-2222 Chicky BBQ & Grill 1206 E. Huntington Dr. #A Duarte, CA 91090 Tel: (626) 357-1500 Benri Motor - Auto Repair 1710 W. Foothill Blvd. #A2 Upland, CA 91786 Tel: (909) 946-6078 Janty Noodle 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 14 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 480-1808 Bakmi Parahyangan 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 13 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 271-6535 Depot Bethania 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 16 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-7722 Go China Restaurant 136 North Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Tel: (626) 793-3888 Mien Nghia Noodle 7755 E Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 Tel: (626) 288-0177 H - Mobile Metro PCS Store 9000 Foothill Blvd. #112 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. Tel: (909) 222-1866

iklan mini perlu Transportasi ? Untuk tour $15/per-jam plus bensin harga murah untuk airport, dll. Hubungi : David (714) 936-8188 WANTED - COOKING CHEF Indonesian Restaurant Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 552-6668 DICARI Kitchen Helper Pria, Rest Indo. Can cook is a plus. Tel: (626) 357-1500 dijual restaurant indo Call: (909) 913-1124

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May 2015

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indogomagazine | news highlights foreign investor - Indonesia will start offering foreign investors a lower tax bill if they reinvest profits back in Indonesia. Starting later this month, companies that reinvest dividends will receive a 30% deduction on their taxable income over six years, Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said in an interview. Those businesses also will be able to use losses to offset profits for up to 10 years, compared with five currently. Other incentives include lengthening tax holidays for certain industries, including the petrochemical sector, which is the biggest recipient of foreign investment in the country. The tax incentives would be aimed at keeping foreign capital within Indonesia’s borders, a move Mr. Brodjonegoro hopes will stem an exodus of hot money if the U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates, as expected later this year. Foreign investors are also looking for signs that Indonesia under President Joko Widodo is on firmer economic footing, with more reforms in store after Mr. Widodo cut decades-old fuel subsidies shortly upon entering office last year. That move, hailed by economists, effectively allowed market forces to govern the price of fuel. n investment in indonesia climb - Investment in Indonesia climbed to a record in the first full quarter since Joko Widodo became president, providing a boost to the leader’s goal of revitalizing Southeast Asia’s biggest economy. Jokowi, a furniture exporter before he entered politics, has pledged to simplify permits, upgrade ports and curb corruption. He set a 7 percent goal for gross domestic product growth within a term ending 2019, up from last year’s 5 percent. Total investment in Indonesia rose 16.9 percent to a quarterly record of 124.6 trillion rupiah ($9.6 billion) in the first three months of 2015 from a year earlier, Franky Sibarani, the head of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board, said in Jakarta. Approved foreign investment climbed 14 percent in rupiah terms, faster than the 10.5 percent rate the previous quarter. Singapore, Japan and South Korea were the three biggest sources of foreign investment in the last quarter, the investment board said without giving details on companies. Total investment growth is expected to stay above 16 percent from April to June as tax incentives lure projects, with a 2015 target for 519.5 trillion rupiah, Sibarani said. n Indonesia telecom - Internet firm Tata Communications and Indonesia's telecom, Indosat, have entered into a partnership for providing communication solutions to business houses in the island nation. "The partnership marks an important milestone for enterprises in Indonesia and also to our global MNC customers looking to expand into this market," Tata Communications Growth Ventures and Service Provider Business CEO Rangu Salgame said in a statement. With this partnership, Tata Communications' customers, globally, will be able to access Indosat's local data centres and services. Indosat and Tata Communications will offer enterprises with Indonesia presence unified communications, security services as well as several industry-specific solutions. "The development means enterprises will have access to tried and tested solutions that can be tailored to create local variations that ensure high performance, quick delivery and the highest level of customer support," Indosat President Director and CEO Alexander Rusli said. IT spending in Indonesia is expected to reach $14 billion, out of which telecom services will account about $5 billion and data centre services about $750 million by 2018. n poultry and palm oil - Cargill Inc. is upping the ante on its investment in Indonesia, one of the largest national economies in Southeast Asia. The Wayzata, Minnesota-based agribusiness giant is "in active discussions" to break into the country's poultry industry (most likely through a local partner) with additional plans to build a new processing facility. The company is also putting a "very significant" amount of money into building palm oil milling operations, said Cargill's Asia-Pacific chairman Alan Willits, though Willits declined to give a specific figure. This coincides with another project in the region: Cargill is building a $70 million factory in West Java that will make sweeteners for infant formula. The investments are part of a larger plan announced last year to put $1 billion more into Cargill's operations in the country. Cargill could also buy into aquaculture operations in Indonesia, an area of agriculture it has not yet entered into anywhere else. This is the latest in a series of large investments Cargill has made in the region. In 2013, Cargill invested more than $100 million in a new a cocoa processing plant there. n


May 2015

indogomagazine | news highlights coca cola INDONESIA - The Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta-based beverage company, will spend $500 million over the next several years to boost production in Indonesia. The company has invested $1.2 billion in Indonesia over the last 25 years. Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) marked two new production lines at Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia’s (CCAI) Cikekodan Plant in Bekasi, West Java. Coca-Cola announced plans to create a joint venture with Coca-Cola Amatil’s local Indonesia subsidiary to invest $500 million in return for an ordinary equity ownership interest of 29.4 percent, with the funds invested into CCAI operations in Indonesia to support accelerated expansion of production, warehousing and cold-drink infrastructure. With the expansion, the Coca-Cola system’s total direct and indirect employment in Indonesia will rise from 60,000 to a total of 135,000 within three to four years. In the past three years, CCAI commissioned 18 new production lines, deployed 150,000 coolers and built three mega distribution centers to increase capacity and build local capability with total investments exceeding $300 million. n instant noodle factory - Instant noodle maker Indofood plans to build a factory in Morocco this year, its sixth in Africa, after Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia. “The construction and other licensing-related processes may take nine months, so we hope that our Moroccan factory can begin trial runs, next year,” Hubert Sadeli, Indofood regional manager for Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries. Indofood production in Africa dates back to 1995 when its first Nigerian plant began operations. It has been dubbed the largest instant noodle manufacturing plant in Africa. Instant noodles made up Rp 19.6 trillion, of ICBP’s total net sales last year of Rp 29.9 trillion. At the same time, more natural resources from Africa, like crude oil from Angola, are flowing to Asia. But trade between both regions remains far below its full potential, prompting about 500 business leaders from both sides meeting in Jakarta to agree to form an Asian-African Business Council. The council, to be set up soon, will step up links between them, share know-how and boost investments. Its secretariat will be based in Indonesia, with a co-secretariat in South Africa. n Bandung Asian African Conference - Asian and African Head of states and delegates take part in a historical walk down the street during ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the Asian-African Conference in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, April 24, 2015. Asian and African leaders led by China’s President Xi Jinping, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo and Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Razak walk during a reenactment of the historic walk from 1955 along Asia Africa Street. The Indonesian organizers wanted the Asian African Conference to establish a new coalition of developing countries based on the 1955 Bandung Conference. That gathering brought together 30 leaders to oppose colonialism and the dominance of the Cold War super powers. The delegates cited economic inequality and global terrorism as the greatest problems they face today. The conference-ending declaration calls for increasing direct trade and investment between developing nations to address the global economic imbalance. China’s efforts stand out among the group, as Beijing pledged to reduce tariffs and increase development assistance. n google indonesia test mobile-optimized web pages - Google announced that it will begin running tests of a new way to deliver search results to mobile users with slower connections. The company’s pilot trials will initially take place in Indonesia, a country where the Internet is playing a greater role in people’s lives – but is still plagued by slow mobile connection speeds. With Google’s page optimization technology, however, the company says it’s able to load pages four times faster. The tests will begin in two weeks, the search giant says, and will involve displaying optimized web pages to users who Google detects are visiting from devices on slower mobile connections, like 2G, for example. These optimized pages will be loaded up by default, but users will have the option to click a link to visit the original page if they choose, and publishers also have a way to opt out of the optimizations. Only mobile users surfing the web from their mobile phones will see these new pages, not those using Google search from tablets or computers. For the time being, pages are only transcoded for Chrome browser and the Android browser (on Android 2.3 and higher). n May 2015


The first ever Indonesian Coffee Heritage event took place on Monday (4/6) at the Indonesian Consulate General featuring ten top-rated coffees from the tropical archipelago. Attending the event were 150 guests ranging from coffee lovers, business owners, government officials, as well as entertainers

General who was hosting the event. “In Indonesia coffee is more than just a commodity. It is a heritage that is affected by tradition and culture. At the end of the day, this event not only introduces and reminds local community about the secret of Indonesian coffees but also promoting Indonesia itself as a whole.”


Wonder Of The Heritage and celebrities. The event, consists of Coffee Cupping session and documentary film acquainting Indonesian coffee, was geared towards branding awareness and trade development of Indonesian coffee. “Our main objective is to let people know that Indonesia produces some of the best quality coffees available to the market today,” said Umar Hadi, Indonesian Consul


May 2015

“Many of us drink coffee everyday but don’t really know where it comes from,” added Arief Wibisono, Head of Indonesian Trade Promotion Center. “For example, maybe most of us who are regular to Starbucks and the Coffee Bean are not aware that some of the coffees we enjoy actually coming from Indonesia.” “I don’t drink coffee, but I love Indonesia,” said Councilman Tom LaBonge who was among the attendees. “I am very proud of Indonesia,

the fourth largest country in the world. It’s always important as Mayor Garcetti would say; we always turn around and celebrate diversity.” The first segment of the event, coffee cupping, was led by Mira Yudhawati, World

Barista Championship Censory Judge of 20132014. She is one of few Indonesians who hold a Q Grader certificate, a prestigious credential for qualified and professionally trained coffee cupper. Mira was assisted by another Q Grader barista, Intan Kumalasari, the winner of Best Espresso Category during the 2014 Indonesian Barista Championship 2014. Mira and Intan guided the guests through the coffee cupping session. Among the coffees featured are Malabar Coffee, the winner of last year Indonesian coffee auction sold with highest bid of US$ 30 per kilogram; the famous Aceh Gayo; and the widely popular Toraja coffee.

Ben Angelo of Stumptown Coffee Roasters, local-owned coffee shop and roaster with several locations at Portland, Seattle, New York, and Los Angeles, mentioned that he loved the event and he loved Indonesian coffees. More importantly, “I will definitely visit your booth at the SCAA,” he concluded. SCAA stands for Specialty Coffee Association of America, which had its 27th Annual Expo on April 9~12, 2015 in Seattle, Washington. Indonesia pavilion, themed “Remarkable Indonesian Coffee”, was located at Booth #5041 and #6038. Some praised the quality of Indonesian coffee. Steven, whose company Royal Pacific regularly imports Indonesian coffees, stated that Indonesian coffee is improving in terms of quality and packaging. Several local hotel, restaurant, and café owners also found Indonesian coffee, particularly the Aceh Gayo,

were appealing and expressed their interest in adding the coffee into their regular menu. “I love the rich coffee history of Indonesia” said Bai Ling, a Hollywood celebrity who has worked with many prestigious directors in movies such as Nixon, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of Sith and Taxi 3. “Heritage indeed plays a huge role in producing coffee. If you treat the coffee properly, since seeding, growing, harvesting, and finally brewing, it will taste best. And Indonesian coffee heritage is just about that: how to make the best coffee,” said Mira. Budi Kurniawan, a young Indonesian director whose movie was featured in the second segment of the event, could not agree more. His movie, “Aroma of Heaven”, has just May 2015


Photo by Stanley Bratawira Photography -

won the Best Editing Award at the 1st Ahvaz International Science Film Festival in Iran last February. This was the first time the movie was screened in the United States. “I have travelled a lot around my beloved country in the process of making this movie. I was fascinated by how our tradition and culture have been affecting our coffee,” Budi explained. “There will be a lot of story about it. The “Aroma of Heaven” is going to be the first of seven movie projects focusing on Indonesian coffee,” he continued.


May 2015

Most viewers praised the movie for its wonderful music and sound quality. The fascinating story about coffee heritage in Indonesia was also perfectly captured. Viewers were brought to the beautiful landscape of Indonesian countryside to meet the culture and the people that influential in producing top quality coffee. “It’s magnificent. I’ve never been to Indonesia, but he successfully makes me feel that I’m actually there to witness the diverse culture and its legacy in coffee industry,” a viewer commented. “This movie

is entertaining yet educating. I think his next project is going to be big,” her colleague added. Aroma of coffees and soft acoustical music formed the atmosphere of relaxation. Even better, guests also enjoyed the clear and starry night as they stepped outside to the roof for more lounging space. It was indeed the best way to learn about the world’s best-kept secrets: the wonder of Indonesian coffee. n Indonesia Trade Promotion Center Los Angeles | Tel: 213.387.7041

Walnut, CA

Senior Pastor Paul Tan Assistant Pastor Tom Lay

Sunday services & Church Office 8:30 AM (Indonesian) 11:00 AM (English) 18901 Amar Rd. Walnut, CA 91789 Tel: 626-964-1615 Fax: 626-964-1665 Facebook: CBCWalnut San Bernardino, ca

Pastor Him Djuhana

Sunday service 9:00 AM (English & Indonesian) 1860 Mountain Ave Loma Linda, CA 92364 Tel: 909-482-4466 San Diego, CA

Pastor John Hadi

Sunday service, 10 AM (English) 5520 Ruffin Road, suite 109 San Diego, CA 92123 Tel: 858-366-8885 Fresno, CA

Senior Pastor Paulus Kristanto Sunday service, 10:30 AM 4665 N. First Street Fresno, CA 93726 Tel: 559-228-3222

Sacramento, ca

Pastor Hermanto Anggono Sunday service, 10:00 AM 7223-B Florin Mall Dr. Sacramento, CA 95823 Tel: 916-267-1751

Concord, ca

Pastor Hermanto Anggono

Denver, CO

Senior Pastor Timothy Sjim

Sunday service, 2:30 PM Friday Home Prayer, 7:00 PM 1580 Gaylord St, Denver, CO 80206 Tel: 720-851-7047 Colorado Springs, CO Meets every 2nd Thursday, 6 PM 6450 Corporate Center Dr. Colorado Springs CARE Cell: Every 4th Thursday, 6 PM Tel: 720-280-5000 Glenwood Springs, CO Meets every 1st Monday of the month at 3:30 PM at Glenwood Suites 2625 Gilstrap Court Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 P.O. Box 1809 Parker, CO 80134 Tel: 720-851-7047 Portland, OR

Senior Pastor Oscar Surjadi Sunday service, 10:30 AM 450 NE 78 Avenue Portland, OR 97213 Tel./Fax: 503-258-9292

West Palm Beach, FL

Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Pastor Janto Jajaputra

Sunday service, 5:00 PM 1415 North “K” Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Tel: 581-308-0384 Church Office: 350 Kaila Ct, Ocoee, FL 34761 Tel: 407-492-0678 Facebook: City Blessing Ministries Chicago, IL

Pastor Rony Kuswanto

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 200 Rev. Morisson Blvd Rainbow Falls Community Center Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Tel: 847-232-0202 Fax: 847-346-0861

Sunday service, 11:00 AM Land O’Lakes Senior Center 6801 W. Wistaria Loop Land O’Lakes, FL 34639 Tel: 813-943-1902

Saturday service, 6:00 PM 2073 Oak Park Blvd., Bldg D Miami, FL Pleasant Hill, CA 94520 Tel: 916-267-1751 & 925-998-2788 Bambang Pramusinto Sunday service, 11:00 AM 400 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Tel: 786-306-7174

Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon Assistant Pastor Ronald Politton Sunday service, 4:00 PM 159 Rochester Hill Road Rochester, NH 03878 Mailing Address: 90 Indigo Hill Rd., #15 Somersworth, NH 03878 Tel. Office: 603-509-2937 Twitter & Instagram: @rochestercbc New York, NY

Lead Pastor Daniel Rachmat Youth Pastor Sean Hoffer

Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM - Indonesian 11:00 AM - Multicultural (English) 38-02 61st, Woodside, NY 11377 Tel./Fax: 718-803-3335 Bloomington, IN Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia Twitter: @cityblessing Tel: 630-656-4524 Facebook: CityBlessingChurchNYC West Lafayette, IN

Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia

Saturday service, 4:00 PM 2234 Indian Trail Dr. Orlando, FL West Lafayette, IN 47906 Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Mailing Address: Pastor Eddy Djaja 2119 Carlisle Rd Sunday service, 1:00 PM West Lafayette, IN 47906 St. Paul’s Church Tel: 630-656-4524 1450 Citrus Oaks, Gotha, FL 34734 Tel: 407-429-0678 Boston, MA Tampa, FL

Pastor Peter Tan, M.D.

Rochester, NH

Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 29 Denby Road Allston, MA 02134 Mailing Address: 24 Denby Road, Suite 130 Allston, MA 02134 Tel: 617-787-9119 Fax: 617-787-9449

Vancouver, BC

Lead Pastor Ivan Jonathan

Saturday service, 10:30 AM Executive Boardroom A Executive Hotel & ConferenceCenter Burnaby 4201 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC V5C 3Y6 Tel: 604-771-4233




6 3:1







Marilah Beribadah dan Bertumbuh Bersama Keluarga Besar







Indonesian Good News Church 14900 Central Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Pastor: Pdt. Dr. Eddy Fances Ph: 909-524-1108

Ibadah Umum/ Sunday Worship (English Translation Provided): Sekolah Minggu Anak/ Children Sunday School: Persekutuan Doa & Bible Study:

Sunday 11.00 AM & 06:00 PM Sunday 11.00 AM & 06:00 PM Friday 07.30 PM



Minggu 03 Mei 2015 Minggu 10 Mei 2015 Minggu 17 Mei 2015 Minggu 24 Mei 2015 Minggu 31 Mei 2015


“Tanda Umat Tebusan Allah” “Sayang Anak Larang Anak” “Neraka=Kekejaman Allah?” “50 Menjadi Milyarder” “Sabit Tajam Siap Diayunkan”

“Mau Berhasil? Ini Kuncinya” “Mama Tegar Di Masa Sukar” “Mengenal Empat Jenis Manusia” “Kebahagiaan Yang Terakhir” “Berkat Menantikan TUHAN”

Hadirilah! Kebaktian Kebangunan Rohani (KKR) Peringatan Hari Kenaikan Tuhan Yesus Ke Sorga

Kamis, 14 Mei, 2015, 19:00 PM

(Diawali dengan Makan Malam Bersama)

Topik: “Ada Apa Dengan Angka 40?”


May 2015

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