IndoGo! February 2015

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Happy Valentine's Day Pembaca setia IndoGo! yang budiman,

IndoGo! Magazine by P&V Group Inc. all inquiry, please contact:  1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free)   Publisher: PF Then, P&V Group Inc. Editorial Team: PF Then, Chichi Ng, Dessy Andriani, Irena Liza, Yayat Suratmo, Joshua Yogaswara, Meeghan Henry, Edward H. Santoso, Stanley Bratawira, Alexander Pangkerego, Andreas Willem, Inggrid Dotulong, Andrey Wowor, Amanda Ruth, Linda Tumboimbela, Yanti Walter Special Thanks to Contributors: Budijono Untung, MBA Rizal A. Tandrio Irsan Tisnabudi Konjen RI LA Dr. Vivienne Kruger ITPC-LA Jane Wibowo Rukun Minahasa California IndoGo! mengharapkan agar pembaca dapat mengirimkan artikel tentang event-event yang terjadi di komunitas anda. Hubungi kami, agar kami bisa meliput event anda. Copyright © 2014 by P&V Group Inc. P&V Group Inc. is not responsible for any damage due to the contents made available through IndoGo! Magazine.

Office Address: 33 E. Valley Blvd., Suite 214 Alhambra, CA 91801 (appt only) For Advertisement, please contact 1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free) Cover image of: Meeghan Henry Photo by : Stanley Bratawira Photography


February 2015

Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Pers Nasional Indonesia yang jatuh pada tanggal 9 Februari, IndoGo sebagai media komunitas Indonesia di Amerika, khususnya di Kalifornia Selatan, sekali lagi menyatakan dukungannya bagi persatuan komunitas Indonesia khususnya di Amerika dan dimana saja Anda berada. Diaspora Indonesia merupakan salah satu ujung tombak dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan bangsa. Karenanya IndoGo membuka pintu yang seluas-luasnya bagi pembaca untuk menyalurkan aspirasinya melalui IndoGo, karena IndoGo adalah milik kita bersama. Dari komunitas untuk komunitas. Di penghujung bulan Januari yang baru lalu, IndoGo berkesempatan mempromosikan Indonesia pada acara Lunar Festival di kota Riverside. Acara yang dihadiri oleh sekitar 25 ribu orang ini adalah merupakan ajang yang sangat tepat untuk mempromosikan komunitas kita. Acara mempromosikan Indonesia juga dijalankan melalui bidang kuliner. Acara Food Testing dan Workshop juga telah dilaksanakannya oleh Indonesian Trade Promotion Center dan dihadiri oleh pemuka-pemuka masyarakat dan warga Indonesia yang tinggal disekitar Los Angeles. Artis Meeghan Henry mengingatkan kita pentingnya "tahan banting", resilient. Artis Do-It-All ini berbagi cerita tentang kehidupan, karir dan sekolahnya. Sangat baik kiranya jika kita bisa memetik inspirasi dari artis serba bisa ini. Berbicara tentang inpirasi, edisi kali ini juga meliput acara pertemuan dengan wirausaha Indonesia yang sukses di Australia, Iwan Sunito, yang juga berbagi cerita tentang latar belakangnya dan saran-sarannya untuk para wirausaha muda. Artis Indonesia lainnya, Tania Gunadi, juga mengajak kita semua untuk menikmati TV series animasi terbarunya, Penn Zero. TV series ini mulai bisa dinikmati pada tanggal 13 Februari nanti. Selamat juga untuk Elvira Devinamira yang turut mengharumkan nama Indonesia dengan memenangkan Best National Costume pada pemilihan ratu jagat 2014 yang baru lalu. Bagi komunitas Indonesia di Amerika, khususnya di Los Angeles, pada bulan Februari nanti, dalam rangka memperingati hari Kasih Sayang, penyanyi Iis Sugianto akan memuaskan rasa rindu kita dan menghibur kita semua. Untuk lebih jelasnya, bisa lihat poster di halaman 39. Selain memperingati hari Kasih Sayang (Valentine's Day) di bulan Februari ini, pada tanggal 19 Februari nanti adalah hari raya Tahun Baru Imlek. Karenanya, bagi yang merayakan, IndoGo mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek, semoga di Tahun Kambing ini kita semua mendapatkan kesehatan, kebahagian dan keberuntungan. Xin Nian Kuai Le ! Akhir kata, mari kita tingkatkan prestasi komunitas Indonesia dimanapun anda berada. Selamat Membaca, Selamat Berprestasi dan ... Salam Indo ..... Go!

Lunar New Year IndoGo! present our sincere wishes and kind thoughts, May this Year of Sheep brings you health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year!

Xin nian kuai le

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Lunar Calendar, Five Element, Stem and Branch The first day of the 2015 Lunar New Year is on February 19, 2015 in China's time zone, which is GMT +8. This day is a new moon day, and is the first day of the first lunar month in the Lunar Calendar System. The exact new moon time is at 07:48 a.m. on February 19, 2015 in China's time zone. The Yellow King, Huang Di (éťƒĺ¸?) became the sixth king ever recorded in history. His reign start in 2697 B.C. He is

Yellow King (2697-2598 BC)

credited with improving the livelihood of the nomadic hunters of his tribe. He teaches them how to build shelters, tame wild animals, and grow five Chinese cereals. He also credited of the invention of carts, boats, and clothing. He is also said to have been responsible for the inventions of bow sling, math calculations, Chinese character writing system, Chinese astronomy and Chinese calendar, therefore Chinese Calendar will enter the 4712th year on February 19, 2015, which come from 2697 (year of Yellow King) + 2015. FIVE ELEMENT, STEM AND BRANCHES Chinese Lunar Calendar uses the cycle of 60 Stem-Branch counting systems and


February 2015

However, since the switch-over of Lunar New Year, is not January 1 as in the Gregorian calendar, therefore, a person who was born in January or early February may have the sign of the previous year. For example, if a person was born in January 1970, his or her element would still be Yin Earth, not Yang Metal. For this reason, many online sign calculators (and Chinese restaurant table mats) may give a person the wrong sign if he/she was born in January or early February.

the Year of 2015 is calculated as Wooden (Green) Sheep year. This calendars used to count the days, months and years. There are 10 Stems and 12 Branches in this system. Stems are named by the Yin-Yang plus Five Elements (Metal [white], Water [blue/black], Wood [Green], Fire [red] and Earth [yellow]). Therefore, it will be: Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yang Metal, Yin Metal, Yang Water and Yin Water. And the 12 Branches are known as the twelve zodiac animal signs. They are in order as follows: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, MonIn Vietnam the Rabbit zodiac sign is replaced by the cat key, Rooster, Dog and Pig. (note: In Vietnam the Rabbit is replaced YEAR OF SHEEP by the cat.) A Sheep is a farmland animal. Sheep are herbivores and like to eat grass, thereThis combination of Stem and Branches fore, sheep contains Earth and Wood in creates the 60-year cycle. Start from the Chinese Five Element theory. Sheep Yang Wood Rat and ends with Yin is one of lucky animals, sheep doesn't Water Pig. Since the zodiac animal has have to do the farm work, instead, all the 12 cycles, so every zodiac sign can only farmland jobs go to the Ox, therefore, Ox occur as either Yin or Yang. Therefore the doesn't like sheep. Sheep have freedom cycle will be: Yang Rat, Yin Ox, Yang Tiger, to look for any kind of grass. They never Yin rabbit, Yang Dragon, etc. worry about running out of grass. They have mild personalities and are friendly When trying to traverse the Lunisolar to humans.Chinese treat Sheep as an Calendar,, an easy rule to follow is that auspicious animal. years that end in an even number are Yang,, those that end with an odd number are Yin. The cycle proceeds as follows: If the year ends in 0 it is Yang Metal and if the year ends in 1 it is Yin Metal, etc. Therefore 2=Yang Water, 3=Yin Water, 4=Yang Wood, 5=Yin Wood, 6=Yang Fire, 7=Yin Fire, 8=Yang Earth and 9=Yin Earth. Chinese restaurant table mats may give a person the wrong sign if he/she was born in January or early February.

actually used Yang (羊), (三羊開泰)but later replaced with Yang 陽 character (from Yin & Yang 陰 陽) and it became (三陽開泰). Both Chinese "Yang" Character are pronounced as "Yang" which is homonym. YEAR OF SHEEP OR GOAT OR RAM? If you ask different Asian groups, you will probably get different answers. The Vietnamese community calls it the Year of the Goat; a Taiwanese and other Chinese group says it is the Year of the Sheep, while another goup call it Year of the Goat. Most Koreans call it the Year of the Ram.

YANG 陽 AND YANG 羊 Chinese always mention San-Yang-KaiTai (三羊開泰)which means "Three Sheep Start Fortune". San-Yang-Kai-Tai came from I Ching, which is the most profound foundation of Chinese philosophy. It states the natural phenomena of our universe, then applies it on people relationships in the family, organization, Technically, government and the nation. all verThe character "Yang" in term San-Yang羊 馬 Kai-Tai

the translation process, different people have interpreted the word differently. Many Chinese prefer to translate "yang" into "sheep" because the sheep is mild in nature. Chinese see mildness and moderation as virtues in a person. Naming the years after animals comes from an ancient legend. The Chinese believe the animal, which rules the birth year of a person, has a profound influence on his or her personality. Those born in the Year of the Yang (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015) are thought to be charming, elegant and artistic, and strongly family-oriented. The Chinese think of them as gentle and peaceful. They also passionate into what they do. In places where people celebrate Lunar New Year (China, Vietnam, Korea, etc), people prepare a feast of sweet sticky rice cakes and homemade candies. And on New Year's Eve families get together

6 1952 19 65 191951 53

2 99 7 1

1988 1 0 8 1976 98 1 1919753 1964 1199779

2024 2 231 2012 20025 0 2 01 9 2000 20 13

209964 1985 11999180 1 98 2 1973 19 86 1197 0 1961 19 74

2021 20 2009 20 20 08 1997 20 22

sions are correct. The Chinese Character for this year is "Yang" (羊) , a generic term for the various ruminant mammals. During

5 1946 19 59 191945 47

2 9 1982 9 199819 1970 1199835 1196 7 1958 19 71


1967 1 98

1955 1 96 0 6 1943 199456 8 191954 4

1197 6

6 1949 19 62 191948 50


2018 17 2006 20 200053 1994 12900179

2015 2 264 2003 20016 0 2 01 2 1991 19 04 2 0 1979 1 9

for a big reunion dinner (tuan-yuan-fan 團圓飯), where every dish served has its meaning. Jiao-zi (餃子), boiled Chinese dumplings, are popular because it has the shape of ancient Chinese Gold. Fish and chicken are also served because they sound the same as the words "abundance" and "auspicious." 

Happy Lunar New Year 2015 Wish you luck in the Year of Sheep May you be in good health, happy and prosperous throughout the year !!! February 2015




Bersiap-siaplah Menghadapi


Para orang tua terkadang kaget dengan penolakan anak-anaknya terhadap koreksi yang diberikan. Beberapa anak tampaknya selalu menolak pengajaran dan instruksi dari orang tua mereka. Sebagai orang tua, kita perlu belajar untuk menghadapi penolakan dan bahkan mempersiapkan diri sebelumnya. Ini akan tampak jelas sekali, tetapi banyak orang tua bereaksi dengan emosi ketika mereka tidak mendapatkan respon positif dari anak-anak mereka. Emosi itu seringkali memanaskan situasi dan tidak menolong sama sekali. Sepertinya kita mengharapkan anak-anak kita berkata, “Terima kasih ayah karena telah memerintahkan saya pergi ke kamar. Saya sangat menghargai batasan yang engkau berikan.” Atau “Saya menghargainya Mama ketika Mama memerintah saya membersihkan kamar dan merapikan ranjang saya.” Anakanak tidak akan merespon dengan cara begini. Kalau kita mengharapkan anak-anak kita untuk selalu menghargai disiplin kita, maka kita akan merasa putus asa. Kami tidak mengatakan untuk menurunkan harapan kita untuk anakanak kita. Anak-anak perlu koreksi dan orang tua lah yang dipakai Tuhan sebagai alat untuk membawa peruba-


February 2015

han hati pada anak-anak. Tetapi kita perlu bersiap-siap secara mental untuk saat-saat dimana anak-anak kita menolak. Kita harus tetap menguasi diri saat melakukan pekerjaan sulit sebagai orang tua. Koreksi adalah sulit, tetapi merupakan bagian dari pekerjaan kita. Salah satu tantangan terbesar adalah mengatasi sikap membangkang. Tampaknya sikap ini merupakan sikap spontan

dan otomatis dari anak-anak kita dan sikap ini sering membuat para orang tua capai. Dengan mengerti sikap ini sering kali membantu kita untuk merubahnya, tetapi rencana yang hanya terpusat pada perubahan tingkah laku jarang sekali produktif. Sikap membangkang adalah masalah hati dan diperlukan pelatihan yang lebih intens. Jadi, ketika anda perlu mendisiplinkan anak anda, dan anak anda memberikan respon negatif, ingatlah bahwa disiplin bukanlah diciptakan untuk hiburan. Anda perlu mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi penolakan, tetapi anda harus dapat bersiteguh karena anda tahu apa yang anda lakukan adalah untuk kebaikan anak anda anda. Disiplin yang sedang anda lakukan adalah untuk kebaikan anak anda. Ibrani 12:11 berkata, ““Memang tiap-tiap ganjaran pada waktu ia diberikan tidak mendatangkan sukacita, tetapi dukacita. Tetapi kemudian ia menghasilkan buah kebenaran yang memberikan damai kepada mereka yang dilatih olehnya.”  oleh Budijono Untung, MBA Parenting tip ini berasal dari buku “Home Improvement” oleh Dr. Scott Turansky dan Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.

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Managing Your Retirement and Estate Planning PART TWO There are two basic types of annuity contracts -- fixed and variable. Money in a fixed annuity earns a tax-deferred fixed rate of return from the life insurance company from which it was

purchased. You are guaranteed a fixed payout every month when you decide to begin receiving income. Money put in a variable annuity is invested in bond and stock funds, which you select. The value of the annuity and how much your money grows depend on how well those stocks and bonds perform. Like a fixed annuity, your money grows tax-deferred in a variable annuity. Keep in mind that an annuity is just one of many retirement savings options, and is by no means the right solution for everyone. An annuity is certainly no substitute for an employer-sponsored retirement plan like a 401K, but once you have contributed what you can into these plans, an annuity can be an excellent way to increase your financial security during your retirement years. ESTATE PLANNING BASICS Throughout your life, you've probably worked very hard to achieve a comfort-


February 2015

able life style for you and your family. But as you grow older and your estate grows larger, you need to shift part of your focus to making sure your loved ones will be provided for after you're gone. Are estate plans only for the rich and famous? Not at all. You don't need to be a multi-millionaire to want to protect your loved ones. A properly prepared estate plan should allow you to pass along what you own to whom you want to receive it, the way you want them to receive it, and when you want them to receive it. A great place to start is with a will. Amazingly, about 70% of Americans don't have wills. Creating a will forces you to add up all of your assets - your home, your cars, your investments, your life insurance, etc. and then specify who gets what in your estate. If you have children, your will should also specify who their guardian will be if something happens to you and your spouse. If you don't take this step, this crucial decision will be left to the courts. A properly prepared estate plan should also include: LIVING WILL Also known as a health care proxy, this important document enables you to specify whether you would want to be kept alive by artificial means should you become severely incapacitated due to illness or injury. This is not the kind of excruciating decision you would want to burden your family with having to make. Furthermore, if your intention would be to not go on life support if there was no reasonable expectation of recovery, having a living will means that money

that might have otherwise gone to pay for life-sustaining care will now be passed on to your loved ones. DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY An ordinary Power of Attorney allows someone else to act on your behalf when you cannot be present. For instance, that person can enter into contracts, negotiate, and settle matters as if they were you. But an ordinary power of attorney expires when a grantor becomes incompetent or passes away. By contrast, a Durable Power of Attorney can act on a person's behalf even while that person is still alive. In the event that you become incapacitated either due to disability or dementia, a Durable Power of Attorney will ensure that someone you trust will continue to make important financial and medical transactions on your behalf long after you have lost the capacity to handle these matters yourself.

The documents described above are some of the basic estate-planning tools. Together, they'll go a long way toward ensuring that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes. If you have an estate tax liability, you need a plan that will ensure that the bulk of your estate will go to your heirs, not the government. There are many strategies and techniques to accomplish this, and a financial advisor who specializes in estate planning can help you create the plan that's right for you. ď Ž (to be continued in next edition)

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February 2015


ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Dr. Vivienne Kruger hails from New York City, and is a social and cultural historian with an M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in American history from Columbia University. A trip across Java and Bali in 1993 made her fell in love with the exotic Island of the Gods at first sight! She has since enjoyed a twenty-year-long literary, spiritual, and cultural love affair with the gorgeous volcanic island where the gods live and the people smile and cook! She wrote several books, served as a special research consultant and columnist in newspapers and magazines about Balinese culture and cuisine. Dr. Vivienne Kruger's book "Balinese Food: The Traditional Cuisine and Food Culture of Bali" - (Tuttle Publishing, 2014, ISBN 080484450X), now available at and


reminder of the powerful, barely suppressed forces that simmer below: the magic mountain can occasionally rain down death, but it also gives the Balinese the precious gift of life. Its ongoing legacy to them is their rich, volcanic, mineral-laden soil and flowing irrigation water: fertile and bountiful, Bali blooms with food, fruits, and vegetation like an untouched, rarified Garden of Eden.

this time using complex calculations based on the Saka, the Hindu Balinese PART TWO lunar calendar. The celebration is Bali’s volcanoes have had an important, The Eka Dasa Rudra ritual, exorcises evil traditionally supposed to take place pervasive effect on its civilization, culture, forces and drives Rudra (the stormy side whenever the year number ends in two and agriculture: successive eruptions have of the god Siva) off into the eleven zeroes (March 28, 1979, being the deposited rich thick lava—the primeval directions of space: the last day of the Saka year ooze—the very stuff of life, all over the four cardinal points 1900). The climax of island. The rice fields, which give the of the compass the Eka Dasa Rudra Balinese both a sense of place and pur(North, South, East, took place on that pose and continuing sustenance, are the and West), the auspicious day: overflowing bounty of Gunung Agung. four inter-carornate offerings In each section of the island’s terraced dinal points were presented, rice fields, the corner nearest to Gunung (Northeast, eighty-five Agung receives the first honorific, young Northwest, different stems of rice at planting time. Southeast, native and Southanimal species Mountains also determine the precipitawest), plus up, were sacrificed, tion pattern on Bali--attracting, trapping, down, and cenpriests sprinkled and carrying down the crucial monter. The goal is to holy water on the soon rains needed to nourish the crops restore the balance crowds, and 200,000 below. Steeped in this lavish, farmable between Siva and people atRudra—between tended Nine of total Eleven directions of space. God Siva at the good and evil— center, and Rudra (Stormy Side of God Siva) at Southwest dance and to restore and harmony to humanity and to the universe. music performances without a mishap. Good and evil (and the It is incumbent on all Balinese to come to good will of Gunung Agung) Pura Besakih sometime during the enorwere finally brought back into mous, six-week celebration: thousands balance for another hundred of pilgrims arrive every day to pray, beyears! stow offerings on the temples, and bring back holy relics for their village shrines. Gunung Agung’s smoking Anxious to placate the uneasy spirits, the summit—as it rises out of the Holy priests sprinkled holy water on the crowds Eka Dasa Rudra was held again in 1979, morning mist--remains a stark


February 2015

Image by courtesy of

volcanic residue and running water, the lower slopes of Gunung Agung have already been resettled—the danger once again discounted. Grateful for the role that Gunung Agung plays in their lives, the Balinese love, trust, and worship their favorite mountain (honored in temples throughout the island). Gunung Agung breathes additional fire into the economy by providing the raw materials for Bali’s indigenous stone-carving industry centered in Batubulan. Village artisans use the soft porous sandstone--malleable and crumbly with volcanic ash--to sculpt ornate temple guardians, demons, deities, and mythological animals. These “paras” stone statues weather quickly and turn black in Bali’s humid climate: eroded by rooting plants and covered with lichen, they provide continual work for the talented local craftsmen. Enterprising residents of Sebudi and Sogra hack out blocks of the dark lava for the building trade—another unintentional, divine gift from the temperamental home of Bali’s gods.

 Mount Agung also determine the precipitation pattern. It attract, trap, and carrying down the crucial monsoon rains needed to nourish the crops. Postcards to commemorate 1963 Mount Agung eruption, issued by Indonesian Postal Office. 

posites—form the fundamental Balinese mindset: the eternal conflict between mountain and sea, forces of the upper and lower world, and between good and evil dictate many aspects of Balinese culture, behavior, and religion. Orientation is another critical component of the Balinese world view: they reckon both spatial and spiritual direction by Gunung Agung, the Olympian dwelling place of their Hindu gods. "Kaja" is toward the mountain, or upward, in the sacred direction of God and the hilltop deities. Opposed to kaja is “kelod”, seaward, or down toward the lower, impure waters Bali's talented local craftsmen work on "Paras" stone and away from must both please the gods and placate the revered mountain. The holy volcano the evil spirits) are precariously balanced is “ground zero” on Bali—the guiding in between on earth. The concepts of compass to a balanced universe. The polarity and duality—and the law of opprinciple of kaja/kelod determines both The Balinese cosmos is divided into three distinct realms. The mountains above are considered to be the celestial home of the benevolent gods, the ocean is home to the powerful demonic forces of destruction below, and the people (who

daily religious practices and village and temple architecture and placement. The orientation of housing compounds is aligned kaja-kelod: the family head lives in the most kaja building and sleeps with his head facing the sacred direction of the divine mountain. The house shrine is always in the kaja, mountainward side of the family compound (while the pigsty is in the kelod, seaward corner). The three principal temples in each village are also organized kaja-kelod: the Pura Puseh, dedicated to Vishnu the preserver, is constructed on the northernmost upslope, nearest to Gunung Agung. The Pura Desa, at the heart of the village near the bale banjar, is dedicated to Brahma the creator. The Pura Dalem, devoted to Siva the destroyer and recycler, is near the graveyard--facing the menacing sea underworld (of poisonous striped sea snakes, barracuda, and sharks!).  To be continued in next edition February 2015


SAN GABRIEL VALLEY LUNAR NEW YEAR FESTIVAL Sat, Feb 21, 2015 @ 10am~5pm on Valley Blvd, between Garfield and Almansor, Alhambra, CA 91801 Large-scale Lunar New Year celebration in Southern California. The main

SGV Lunar New

Year Fest

right on Broadway, end at Temple. FREE ADMISSION FESTIVAL OF FRIENDSHIP AT LOS CERRITOS CENTER Sat, Feb 7, 2015 @ 12~4 pm at Los Cerritos Center, Cerritos, CA 90703 The City of Cerritos and the Let Freedom Ring Committee, in conjunction with Los Cerritos Center, are pleased to announce the annual Festival of Friendship. The festival provides the community with a unique opportunity to see a variety of cultural acts performed live by local community groups on multiple stages inside the mall. Entertainment spanning an assortment of ethnic songs and dances from multiple

celebration is a street festival on Valley Blvd., the heart of commercial district in the San Gabriel Valley. The festival’s attendance has increased steadily over the years, averaging 25,000. FREE ADMISSION

Fullerton special education programs. Attractions: Aquarium of the Pacific on Wheels, Medieval Times, Skate Demo, Game Truck, Magician, Karaoke, Face Painting, Bouncing Zone, Baloon Twister, Acrobatics, Dance Acedemy, Music, etc. FREE ADMISSION

Chinese New Year Concert

CHINESE NEW YEAR CONCERT 2015 Sat, Feb 28, 2015 @ 7:00 pm Mt. San Antonio College Clarke Theater, 1100 N. Grand Ave, Walnut, CA 91789 String and Bamboo Orchestra, in collaboration with Chinese American Association of Walnut, is hosting a night of classical Chinese music by aspiring local artists to celebrate the New Year and honor the Chinese cultural heritage.

Public Events Sekitar Los Angeles

Museum, Atraksi dan Festival diseputar kota Los Angeles LOS ANGELES 116TH GOLDEN DRAGON PARADE & FESTIVAL Sat, Feb 21, 2015. Festival start @ 10am~5pm. Parade start at 1pm Celebrating over one hundred years of tradition. With 110,000 attendance each

Parking $3. Info: (909) 581-9377 FREE ADMISSION but you need to print FREE TICKET at

native cultures. A designated children's area with creative crafts will be open from 12~3 p.m., or until supplies last. FREE ADMISSION

116th Golden Dragon Parade / Festival

year lining the parade route and thousands viewing the telecast each year, this colorful celebration along North Broadway in Chinatown has become the premiere cultural event in the Southern California Community. The parade start at Hill St @ Temple, right on Bernard,


February 2015

Jalan Jalan

MARDI GRAS FOR AUTISM Sat, Feb 14, 2015 @ 11am~4pm at Fullerton Train Depot parking lot at 110 E. Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton The family-friendly activities designed to encourage families to enjoy the fun of Mardi Gras while raising money for

AMERICA'S GOT TALENT SEASON 10 OPEN AUDITIONS  LOS ANGELES Sat, Sun Feb 14, 15, 2015 @ 8am-7pm. (Come on either day) at LA Convention Center, 1201 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA, 90015

America's Got Talent is looking for the latest and greatest acts of all ages and any group size! A great opportunity for people to show their talent, which can lead to the chance to compete for the Million Dollar prize and gain national exposure. Any Age, Any Talent! Even if you have never auditioned for anything in your life, it will be a fun to spend the day and have some stories to tell your friends. 

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Culinary Historians of Southern California will held a FREE for public lecture :

“Food of the Gods: The Traditional Cuisine and Food Culture of Bali� THE LECTURER : Dr. Vivienne Kruger hails from New York City, and is a social and cultural historian with an M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in American history from Columbia University. A trip across Java and Bali in 1993 made her fell in love with the exotic Island of the Gods at first sight! She has since enjoyed a twenty-year-long literary, spiritual, and cultural love affair with the gorgeous volcanic island where the gods live and the people smile and cook! She wrote several books, served as a special research consultant and columnist in newspapers and magazines about Balinese culture and cuisine. Dr. Vivienne Kruger's book "Balinese Food: The Traditional Cuisine and Food Culture of Bali" - by Tuttle Publishing, 2014, ISBN 080484450X now available at and

Location : Mark Taper Auditorium, Central Library - Los Angeles 630 W. 5th St., Los Angeles CA 90071 Date and Time : Saturday, February 14th, 2015 start @ 10:30 AM Free and open to the public. Reception and Booksigning follows. February 2015


Tidak dipungkiri lagi bahwa bernyanyi sudah merupakan bagian dari hidup manusia. Dimana saja dan kapan saja kalau ada kesempatan, setiap manusia yang terlahir normal pasti bernyanyi. Sebagian memilih bernyanyi bersama teman-temannya di karaoke, sementara yang lain memilih bergabung dengan kelompok vokal atau paduan suara. Bagi yang pemalu memilih bernyanyi sendiri di kamar mandi agar tidak terdengar orang lain, atau tidak jarang juga banyak yang memilih bernyanyi sebagai kegiatan penghilang stress, duka, menunjukkan kegembiraan dan alasan-alasan lainnya, singkatnya dimanapun ada kesempatan pasti bernyanyi. Tidak ada salahnya sebelum bernyanyi terlebih mengenal beberapa unsur yang perlu diperhatikan agar pita suara yang telah Tuhan berikan kepada setiap manusia dapat tahan lama digunakan untuk bernyanyi. Bukan rahasia lagi, kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai teknik bernyanyi dapat mengakibatkan pita suara rusak secara permanen. VOKAL Ada baiknya sebelum bernyanyi terlebih dulu mengenal jenis suara sendiri. Biasanya bagi yang pernah belajar vokal atau bergabung dengan paduan suara pasti sudah mengenal jenis suaranya. Bagaimana dengan yang belum pernah belajar vokal atau tidak pernah bergabung dengan paduan suara? Cara termudah un-


February 2015

tuk mengenal jenis suara sendiri adalah mencari guru vokal dimana guru vokal biasanya menentukan jenis suara penyanyi berdasarkan dua unsur yaitu jenis suara (timbre) dan jangkauan nada (ambitus Ada penyanyi (ambitus). yang jenis suaranya Alto tapi jangkauan nadanya tinggi, ada juga sebaliknya dimana jenis suaranya Sopran tapi jangkauan nadanya tidak terlalu tinggi. Bernyanyi diluar batas kemampuan jangkauan nada (ambitus) juga sangat tidak sarankan, apalagi bernyanyi sambil setengah atau sepenuhnya berteriak seperti penyanyi rock. Bernyanyi dengan cara setengah atau sepenuhnya berteriak seperti penyanyi rock dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pita suara secara permanen. Satu-satunya cara untuk melebarkan jangkauan nada penyanyi hanya bisa dilakukan dengan cara latihan teratur, tentunya latihan dibawah bimbingan guru vokal, bukan dengan cara bernyanyi lebih keras atau berteriak.

Perbandingan Timbre suara manusia dan alat musik

Ada tahapan dan proses yang perlu dilalui agar penyanyi memiliki jangkauan nada yang lebar. Hal yang sangat penting disadari oleh semua orang yang senang bernyanyi, dimana pita suara sama seperti organ tubuh lainnya tidak bisa dipaksakan untuk bekerja di luar batas kemampuannya. Pita suara yang lelah biasanya ditandai dengan suara serak, tidak bisa bernyanyi sesuai nada yang diinginkan, dan lain sebagainya. Oleh karena itu sangat dianjurkan sekali apabila pita suara sudah lelah karena terlalu banyak bernyanyi atau berbicara, hal yang paling baik dilakukan adalah diam, tidak berbicara sama sekali, istiharat / tidur dan minum air putih hangat. Tidak ada yang lebih baik daripada minum air putih untuk mengembalikan kondisi pita suara seperti sedia kala. Apabila dalam beberapa hari cara ini juga tidak bisa mengembalikan suara seperti semula, segeralah ke dokter untuk mencegah kerusakan pita suara yang lebih parah. PERNAFASAN Dalam bernyanyi, nafas bisa diibaratkan sebagai sumber tenaga untuk membentuk suara yang indah. Penyanyi yang baik sudah tentu memiliki teknik pernafasan yang baik pula. Apabila penyanyi tidak dapat mengatur nafasnya dengan baik, maka akan berpengaruh pula terhadap proyeksi suara yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu seorang penyanyi yang baik biasanya dituntut untuk berlatih mengaktifkan diafragmanya agar suara yang dihasilkan bisa di proyeksikan dengan baik saat menyanyi. KETEPATAN NADA Bernyanyi dengan nada yang tepat juga sangat disarankan kalau tidak mau pendengar menutup kupingnya. Penyanyi dikatakan un-picth atau fals apabila tidak bisa bernyanyi sesuai dengan tinggi nada yang seharusnya. Harus diakui, perlu proses panjang dan banyak latihan agar bisa bernyanyi dengan nada

yang tepat terutama bagi yang tidak bisa mendengarkan nada dengan baik, biasa disebut tone-deaf. Beberapa tone-deaf test di internet bisa digunakan untuk melihat sejauh mana tingkat kepekaan untuk menangkap nada yang terdengar. FRASE DAN INTONASI Bernyanyi merupakan salah satu bentuk komunikasi, dimana dalam bernyanyi menggunakan kalimat atau biasa disebut lirik untuk menyampaikan pesan dari lagu yang dinyanyikan. Sama seperti dalam penulisan kalimat dimana tanda baca seperti koma, titik, spasi, dan lainnya, juga menjadi hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan agar kalimat tersebut mudah dicerna maknanya. Maka dalam bernyanyi juga harus memperhatikan frase dari lirik yang dinyanyikan, dengan kata lain frase adalah penggalan lirik agar mudah dimengerti dan terdengar indah saat dinyanyikan.

Ekspresi penyanyi Vina Panduwinata

Silakan bandingkan tiga penggalan lirik dari lagu September Ceria (Vina Panduwinata) dibawah ini, frase mana yang paling pas saat dinyanyikan? “Di ujung kemarau panjang / yang gersang dan menyakitkan”; “Di ujung / kemarau panjang / yang gersang dan menyakitkan” atau “Di ujung / kemarau panjang / yang gersang / dan menyakitkan” ( watch?v=e7lAH22kDLQ) Tak bisa dipungkiri lagi, frase atau penggalan lirik lagu berkaitan erat

dengan teknik pernafasan. Penyanyi yang memiliki teknik pernafasan baik tentu tidak kesulitan untuk membentuk frase yang baik tanpa harus kuatir terengah-engah atau kehabisan nafas sebelum lirik selesai dinyanyikan. Penyanyi yang dapat membentuk frase dengan baik maka dipastikan akan menyampaikan makna / isi lagu yang dinyanyikan dengan baik pula kepada pendengarnya. Biasanya untuk lebih meyakinkan makna dari lirik lagu yang dinyanyikan, penyanyi juga memberikan penekanan kepada kata-kata tertentu yang dikenal dengan nama intonasi. TEMPO DAN DINAMIK Tempo dan dinamik juga memegang peranan yang tak kalah pentingnya dalam bernyanyi. Dimana tempo biasanya menentukan seberapa cepat atau lambat lagu dinyanyikan sedangkan dinamik biasanya untuk menentukan bagian mana dari lagu yang perlu dinyanyikan lebih keras atau lembut. Penyanyi yang handal menggunakan kombinasi tempo dan dinamik untuk menunjukkan bahwa musik itu ekspresif dan indah. EKSPRESI Terakhir, yang tidak boleh dilupakan juga adalah ekspresi. Seringkali penyanyi ingin menunjukkan bahwa lagu yang dinyanyikannya benar-benar dihayati dengan cara memejamkan mata sambil mengerutkan

Ekspresi penyanyi Harvey Malaiholo saat menyanyikan lagi yang sangat dihayatinya.

dahi. Tidak ada salahnya dengan ekspresi ini, beberapa penyanyi kelas dunia pun sering melakukan ekspresi seperti ini tapi hati-hati juga bisa-bisa penyanyi terpeleset dari panggung karena terlalu lama memejamkan mata saat bernyanyi. Tidak ada salahnya juga apabila mencoba bernyanyi sambil tetap membuka mata dan tidak mengerutkan dahi. Dengan kata lain, coba tampilkan ekspresi wajah apa adanya tanpa dibuat-dibuat saat bernyanyi. Penasaran ingin menguasai teknik bernyanyi dengan cepat? Belilah buku teknik bernyanyi, dimana salah satu buku yang direkomendasikan adalah “Singing for Dummies” yang dapat dibeli di tokotoko online seperti Amazon. 


Rizal Tandrio (email: - Pelajar jurusan Musik, Rekaman Musik dan Produksi di Pasadena City College sejak tahun 2012, juga merupakan anggota American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM) dan pendiri Komunitas Paduan Suara Indonesia ( Memiliki minat dalam bidang teknologi rekaman untuk orkestra dan paduan suara, pendidikan musik untuk sekolah dasar dan menengah, serta paduan suara anak dan remaja. Sebelum berimigrasi ke Amerika pada akhir tahun 2010, penulis berprofesi sebagai pelatih paduan suara, guru musik dan juri di berbagai kompetisi paduan suara di Jakarta dan sekitarnya sejak tahun 1996.  February 2015


Penn Zero's Sashi will be voiced by

Tania Gunadi

Disney XD is adding another animated series to its slate. The kids channel has ordered animated comedy adventure series, Penn Zero: Part Time Hero, which will feature Vox voice Tania Gunadi as Sashi. Sashi, Penn Zero's friend, is a student at Middleburg Central High, and a part-time sidekick. Her personality is tough, levelheaded, and quick-witted. "Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero" is a Comedy Adventure American animated series produced by Disney Television Animation for Disney XD. The series debuted on December 5, 2014 as a preview, followed by the official premiere which will be on February 13, 2015. 2015 The series is about Penn Zero, a normal boy who becomes part-time hero and a leader of a team who saves the day by fighting villains in other worlds. The main characters will be: Penn Zero (voiced by Thomas Middleditch): Middleditch The main protagonist a part-time hero; Sashi (voiced by Tania Gunadi): Gunadi Penn Zero's friend, and a part-time sidekick; Boone (voiced by Adam DeVine): DeVine Penn Zero's second friend, and a part-time wise man. And as Villains will be voiced by Alfred Rippen, The main antagoMolina as Rippen, nist, and a part-time villain. STORY PLOT "Penn Zero: Part Time Hero", Hero" is about a boy Penn who suddenly lands a job as a part-time hero and leader of a team of good guys who zap to other


February 2015

Tania Gunadi, Bandung-Indonesia born actress can be reached at

worlds to save the day. Every day after school, Penn teams up with sidekick Sashi and wise man Boone to fight the evil part-time villain Rippen. Together, they tackle everything from space, the Old West, lands of enchantment and the ultimate challenge - suburbia. Jared Bush, the writer, and Sam Levine, the director, are both the executive producer of the series. You can watch Tania Gunadi as Sashi at the premiere of Penn Zero Friday, February 13, 2015 9:45/8:45 C, on Disney XD and Disney Channel. ď Ž


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Movie Reviews SEVENTH SON

A powerful knight, Master Gregory (Jeff Bridges), trains his young apprentice Tom Ward (Ben Barnes) to do battle against a witch Mother Malkin (Julianne Moore) who is gathering an army to wage super-


tells the story of super agent, Harry Hart (Colin Firth) who is a lethal yet elegant spy, with code-named Galahad, who mentor a deliquent street kid Gary "Eggsy" Unwin (Taron Egerton) to fight Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson). Kingsman is the name of the Savile Row menswear shop that serves as HQ for a super-secret spy organization of impeccably dressed gentleman spies, headed by Arthur (Michael Caine).


Rosie (Lily Collins) and Alex (Sam Claflin) have been best friends since they were 5. They were facing the highs and lows of growing up side by side. A fleeting shared moment, one missed opportunity, and the decisions that follow send their lives in completely different directions. As each navigates the complexities of life, love, and everything in between, they always find their way back to each other - but is it just friendship, or something more? Based on Cecelia Ahern's bestselling novel (Where Rainbows End), LOVE, ROSIE is a heart-warming, modern comedy-of-errors posing the ultimate question: do we really only get one shot at true love?


Based on comic book and directed by Matthew Vaughn ("Kick-Ass," "X-Men: First Class"), "Kingsman: The Secret Service" natural war on all of mankind in this adaptation of author Joseph Delaney's youngadult novel The Spook's Apprentice. Years ago, brave Master Gregory succeeded in capturing evil enchantress Mother Malkin and locking her away to rot in prison. Now Mother Malkin has escaped, and she's hungry for revenge.



F E B 13 FEBRUARY 2015 MOVIES Outcast SpongeBob Out of Water The Voices Accidental Love The Last Five Years (Musical) The Rewrite Old Fashioned McFarland, USA All The Wilderness Focus Maps to the Stars The Salvation February 2015

GENRE Action Animation Thriller Romance Romance Romance Romance Drama Drama Romance Drama Western


A family drama "Little Boy" starring newcomer Jakob Salvati as young Pepper Busbee, an imaginative child who believes he has special powers -- powerful enough to make his father return home safely after serving his country during World War II. Michael Rapaport plays Pepper's father who has always encouraged his son to believe he could accomplish anything, while his mother is played by Emily Watson. Written and directed by Alejandro Monteverde, "Little Boy" is emphatically inspiring and rousing. Survey the trailer of this film was so good, that said, you need to see this film as soon as it available. ď Ž

ACTORS/ACTRESSES Nicolas Cage, Hayden Christensen Tom Kenny, Antonio Banderas Ryan Reynolds, Gemma Arterton Jessica Biel, James Marsden Anna Kendrick, Jeremy Jordan Hugh Grant, Marisa Tomei Elizabeth Roberts, Rik Swartzwelder Kevin Costner, Maria Bello Danny DeVito, Kodi Smit-McPhee Will Smith, Margot Robbie Julianne Moore, Mia Wasikowska Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen January 2015

DATE Feb 6 Feb 6 Feb 6 Feb 10 Feb 13 Feb 13 Feb 13 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 27 Feb 27 Feb 27

Piala Oscar 2015

Banyak kejutan pada penghargaan Oscar ke 87 tahun ini Perhelatan terbesar dunia perfileman Amerika Serikat, Piala Oscar 2015, akan digelar pada tanggal 22 February 2015. Survei memprediksi film Boyhood (yang dibuat selama 12 tahun) diunggulkan untuk memenangkan Oscar tahun ini, disusul oleh American Sniper dan The Imitation Game. Karena banyaknya kejutan pada penghargaan Oscar ke 87 kali ini, tentu saja hasil survei tidak memberi jaminan pemenangnya. Kejutan piala Oscar untuk pemilihan Best Picture adalah tidak dinominasikannya film unggulan lainnya seperti Unbroken (Angelina Jolie), Nightcrawler (Jake Gyllenhaal), dan Gone Girl (Ben Affleck). Berdasarkan daftar film yang dinominasikan untuk memperebutkan piala Oscar 2015, mari kita tebak siapa yang bakal menang. 

Best Picture American Sniper Birdman Boyhood Grand Budapest Hotel Imitation Game Selma Theory of Everything Whiplash

Best Director Boyhood – Richard Linklater Foxcatcher – Bennett Miller Grand Budapest Hotel – Wes Anderson Birdman – Alejandro González Iñárritu Imitation Game – Morten Tyldum

Best Actress in a Leading Role Marion Cotillard – Two Days, One Night Felicity Jones – Theory of Everything Julianne Moore – Still Alice Rosamund Pike – Gone Girl Reese Witherspoon – Wild

Best Actor in a Leading Role Steve Carell – Foxcatcher Bradley Cooper – American Sniper Benedict Cumberbatch – Imitation Game Michael Keaton – Birdman Eddie Redmayne – Theory of Everything

Best Actress in a Supporting Role Patricia Arquette – Boyhood Laura Dern – Wild Keira Knightley – Imitation Game Emma Stone – Birdman Meryl Streep – Into the Woods

Best Actor in A Supporting Role Robert Duvall – The Judge Ethan Hawke – Boyhood Edward Norton – Birdman Mark Ruffalo – Foxcatcher J. K. Simmons – Whiplash

Best Animated Feature Film Big Hero The Boxtrolls How to Train Your Dragon 2 Song of the Sea The Tale of the Princess Kaguya

Best Documentary Citizenfour – Laura Poitras, Mathilde Bonnefoy and Dirk Wilutsky Finding Vivian Maier – John Maloof and Charlie Siskel Last Days in Vietnam – Rory Kennedy and Keven McAlester The Salt of the Earth – Wim Wenders, Lélia Wanick Salgado and David Rosier Virunga – Orlando von Einsiedel and Joanna Natasegara

Best Foreign Language Film Ida - Poland Leviathan - Russia Tangerines - Estonia Timbuktu - Mauritania Wild Tales - Argentina

Best Music (Original Song) "Everything Is Awesome" from The Lego Movie "Glory" from Selma "Grateful" from Beyond the Lights "I'm Not Gonna Miss You" from Glen Campbell: I'll Be Me "Lost Stars" from Begin Again



Caramel Apple

BAHAN : • 300 gr apel hijau, kupas, iris ½ cm, setengah lingkaran • 3 sdm mentega tawar • 75 gr Jans Sweet Cow Condensed Milk • 1½ sdt kayu manis bubuk SAUS KARAMEL : • 150 gr gula pasir • 200 ml air panas • 1 sdm maizena + i sdm air

TOPPING : • 100 gr margarin • 1 sdm tepung gula • 150 gr tepung terigu protein sedang. • 1 kuning telur • 50 gr biskuit Sultana • 50 gr kismis • 60 gr kacang madu, cincang kasar PELENGKAP : Vanilla ice cream

CARA MEMBUAT : • Panaskan mentega sampai leleh. Masukkan apel. Aduk sampai layu. • Tambahkan Jans Sweet Cow Condensed Milk dan kayu manis. Aduk rata. • Tata di pinngan tahan panas yang di oles margarin • Buat topping: Aduk margarine, tepung gula, terigu dan telur sampai berbutir-butir dengan garpu. Tambahkan biskuit sultana, kismis dan kacang madu. Aduk rata. • Tabur bahan topping di atas apel. Letakkan pinggan di dalam loyang berisi air selama 65 menit dengan suhu 170'C. • Buat saus: Panaskan gula sampai hangus. Tuang air panas sedikit-sedikit, aduk samapi larut. Kentalkan dengan larutan maizena. Rebus sampai meletup-letup. • Sajikan dengan ice cream dan saus karamel. Resep untuk 8 porsi

BAHAN PIE : • 150 gr tepung terigu protein sedang • ¼ sdt garam • 2 sdm DAIRY FARM Susu Kental Manis Rasa Coklat • 300 ml air • 1 butir telur • 1 sdm margarin, lelehkan

BAHAN VLA : • 400 ml air • 125 gr DAIRY FARM Susu Kental Manis Rasa Coklat • 4 sdm tepung maizena • ¼ sdt garam • sedikit esen vanilla • 1 kuning telur • 100 gr kelapa muda, keruk panjang


Chocolate Vanilla

CARA MEMBUAT : • Aduk tepung terigu dan garam. Campur DAIRY FARM Susu Kental Manis Rasa Coklat dengan air dan telur. • Tuang sedikit-sedikit ke dalam campuran tepung dan margarin leleh. Aduk sampai licin. • Tuang di pan dadar diameter 18 cm. Angkat. Sisihkan. • Cara mambuat VLA : Rebus semua bahan kecuali kuning telur dan kelapa muda. Pancing kuning telur. Ambil sedikit-sedikit adonan. Rebus lagi. Sajikan dengan VLA kelapa muda. Untuk 25 buah


February 2015

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Freeway 5 South, exit Lake Forest Dr just 5 minutes after Irvine Spectrum Mall February 2015



ture of her career in entertainment, being newly independent, and her blooming love life. ON HER FUTURE For some artists, education is not a top priority. However, for Meeghan, education is just as important as being a musician. She is entering her last semester of college at the University of La Verne in February of 2015. “I actually changed majors three times,” the political science major said. “I went into college as a radio broadcasting major, then became a TV broadcasting major, then public relations, and finally landed on political science.” Having been in the entertainment industry since she was a child, Meeghan has gone through many obstacles to get to where she is now. She recalled experiences of people trying to scam her, offering questionable deals and obscure contracts.


International Popstar

Meeghan Henry has been through some challenging times recently, but that hasn’t stopped her from moving forward and going after her dreams. From losing her mom to finishing college to still pursuing a career in entertainment, she’s proved that she is a force to be reckoned with. The Indonesian native has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry, racking up over


February 2015

135,000 fans on her Facebook page (Meeghan Henry) and over 180,000 followers on Twitter (@ MeeghanRadical). But don’t be fooled by her glamorous looks and sharp dance moves because she intends to make a solid reputation not only as an entertainer, but also as a businesswoman and legal professional in the business. In a recent interview, the IndoGo! cover girl opened up about the fu-

“It was after my encounters with such people that my mom and I started doing our own research into reading contracts, finding out what copyrights were and how to get them, unions I could join as a musician, and what I could be entitled to as an artist.” Her experience has led her to pursue further education into the legal world of entertainment. She said being a potential victim to such injustices in the field made her want to have the knowledge to correct such practices so that “others won’t have to go through what I had to go through.” She plans on going to law school after graduating with her bachelor’s degree in the spring at the age of 20. She also plans on continuing her career as a musician, although

she knows it will slow a bit while she is in school. However, she said she will never leave her fans and that nothing will ever stop her from creating music for them. Plans for new original music are still in the works.

and graduating that I consider boys a distraction nowadays. I’m dating, but I’m not getting serious with anyone just because I don’t want anything to distract me or slow me down from finishing school.”


Meeghan hasn’t had any public relationships and plans on keeping her love life as private as possible.

“It’s been really hard transitioning into being my own everything because my mom and I used to be a team - we did everything together. So when she passed, I was really lost in my ways and I didn’t know what to do, but I kind of just dove into it and kept doing what I did. I know she wouldn’t want me to stop anything, and I don’t want to because then all the work we did would have been for nothing. It’ll be two years this year [since she’s been gone] and I’m slowly getting the hang of things again.” ON BOYS “I’ve been really focused on school

“I love posting pictures on Instagram and Twitter because I want to share my life with my fans and they love it, too, but I really want to keep my relationships to myself. I mean, I feel like when things are really serious and I’m ready, I’ll feel more comfortable about sharing more, but I just don’t want things like that to affect my career or music.” Meeghan’s dating world has changed now, in contrast to when she was a freshman in college at the age of 16 and was nicknamed “jailbait.” However, even now at age 20, Meeghan has trouble finding guys who aren’t intimidated by her. Her history as Miss Teen Asia USA 2011, going into college at 16, being an Indonesian popstar, and now going into law school scares off many guys initially. “It’s funny to hear that kind of stuff because I’m just here thinking ‘Me? You’re intimidated by me?’ I guess I just have big dreams and I’m motivated and ambitious. I would love to find a guy who could support me in what I do and who also has big dreams and goals that I can support him in.”  February 2015


Malaysia’s foremost singing sensation, SHEILA MAJID has continued to hold her rank presence in regional music scene for the last twenty eight years with her trademark contemporary pop music tastefully with a Jazz and R&B flavour. She released her debut album Dimensi Baru, (translation: New Dimension) in 1985. With Emosi (translation: Emotion), released a year later, SHEILA MAJID made a Malaysian invasion of a very protective Indonesian market. She went on to win the prestigious BASF Award for Best Female Artist in R&B category in

1987; never before by a non-Indonesian. Her success in Indonesia was further entrenched by a 1988 nationwide tour, which received an overwhelming response. From Indonesia SHEILA MAJID spread her wings to Japan where she performed at the Tokyo Music Festival in 1989 and Okinawa Music Pageant in 1990. With two well-received albums and singles respectively she remains the first and only Malaysian artist to successfully infiltrate Japan, the world’s second biggest market. The 1988 multi-platinum selling album Warna (translation: Colour) were outstripping sales in her home country, and her popularity topped New Straits Times reader’s poll four consecutive years between 1987 to 1990. In 1990, she released her fourth album Legenda (translation: Legend) which was complemented by a two-year nationwide


February 2015

tour culminating in a concert at Stadium Negara, Kuala Lumpur which drew a record-breaking crowd of more than 10,000. Her tribute to Malaysia’s most unrivaled legendary artist, Tan Sri P. Ramlee, captured the imagination of the nation across the board, she even awarded the Ahli Mangku Negara (A.M.N), a federal honour, by His Majesty the Yang DiPertuan Agong IX.

2000, Malaysia’s equivalent of the Grammy.

The release of her fifth original studio album, Ratu (translation: Queen) in 1996 was a marked transition in SHEILA MAJID’s singing career. By now her

In November 2001, SHEILA MAJID was invited to represent Malaysia in Jakarta entitled DIVA SEA which brought together leading singers from Malaysia,

voice and singing style have matured completely. Her immense popularity and her enchanting velvety smooth sound had enabled her to collaborate with some of the world’s best musicians.

Indonesia and the Philippines. In October 2003, SHEILA MAJID was invited again to Jakarta by TransTV, Indonesia. This two hour special, entitled 'Konsert Perjalanan Seni Sheila Majid' was a prelude to the release of her much anticipated new album.

With this critically acclaimed album, SHEILA MAJID took her music to United Kingdom where she performed at a soldout concert at London’s West End Royalty Theatre in March 1996. In December of the same year she accepted an invitation by Ronnie Scotts’, the jazz Mecca of the Music world to take to the very stage where her idols like Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder had once performed. The release of SHEILA MAJID’s highly anticipated sixth studio album, Ku Mohon (translation: I Pray) in November 1999 is an affirmation of her leading position in the music industry. The album won four awards most notably ‘Best Pop Album’ at the Anugerah Industri Muzik (AIM)

In July 2000, SHEILA MAJID created history yet again by being the first local artiste to perform at the Dewan Filharmonic PETRONAS. The two night sell out concerts were held in conjunction with her fifteenth year anniversary in the music industry.

Cinta Kita (translation: Our Love), her seventh studio effort was another milestone in her career if not the Malaysian music industry as a whole. This album, helmed by Warner Music Indonesia saw SHEILA MAJID collaborating with some of Indonesia's industry giants like Andi Rianto, Tohpati and Indra Lesmana. In 2006 in conjunction with her 20th anniversary in the music industry, SHEILA MAJID was invited to perform at the Esplanade, Singapore. She was the first Malaysian singer to be given the honour of performing a solo concert at the prestigious performing arts venue. 

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 I’�� ���� ���� m��� ���e� �n� i� �us� �et� ����� ����� ���� .

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 M� p���nt� R����Y ���� K���i�� S�r�� �k� fla� �i�� no���� �i�� �r���. T�i� wa� ���� , �� f�v��i�� �i�� �r���n� ��

 S� g�o�! I’�� ���� c���n� ���� f�� ���� �e�r�. T��� ��� ���e� �e���� �n� ��� f�o� i� �� p��n�. Ge� ��� n�o��e�, I

Sate Ayam

Laksa Udang �ug�es� #8. S� ����� �n� �����! T��� m��� ����� ��� �� s�u�� , ��r�ec� b�l�n�� � ��i�� �n� tas�� .  I wa� �n�ro�u�e� ��i� ��� �� �� ����n� . S��i�u��� � �id��� ��� f�� Ind��e�i�� f�o� !!!


9 6 2 4 1 6 3 9 2 5 1 7 4

9 4 1















12+ 7+

lipat disini untuk menutupi answer sheet


2 3





3 8 2 9 4 5 7 1 6






6 5 9 2 1 7 3 4 8



4 7 1 6 3 8 2 5 9









8 2 6 7 9 1 5 3 4


Use number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The numbers in each thick outlined set of squares (called cages), must combine numbers (in any order) to produce the target number using the mathematic operation indicated (+). Sample: For 5+, you can use 1 & 4 or 2 & 3. Number can ONLY be used once per row & once per column. You can use same number within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column. Cages with just one square should be filled in with the target number in the top corner.


1 9 3 5 8 4 6 2 7



5 4 7 3 6 2 8 9 1



2 6 4 1 7 3 9 8 5

Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved


lipat disini untuk menutupi answer sheet

3 8 4 7


7 3 8 4 5 9 1 6 2

One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change

4 6 2 7 6 1 9


9 1 5 8 2 6 4 7 3

answer sheet

2 5 1



answer sheet February 2015




CINTA OH CINTA ! Menjelang Hari Valentine, Joko mengirim kartu special kepada Dewi, kekasihnya yang sudah dipacarinya sejak tahun lalu. Dengan tulisan berwarna emas di atas kertas berwarna merah muda dia menuliskan: “Dewi Valentineku, Cintaku, Sayangku, betapa bahagianya aku bisa mendapatkanmu. Cintaku kepadamu takkan pernah luntur dan layu. Justru semakin mekar dan membara. Kaulah satu-satunya pujaan hatiku dan gairah hidupku. Kata-kata tak dapat melukiskan betapa hebatnya cintaku padamu. Betapa dalam, luas, tinggi, lebar, dan tak terbatas! Walaupun aku harus mendaki gunung yang tinggi, mengarungi lautan yang luas, atau melewati padang gurun panas terik, aku tidak takut dan akan berjuang demi cintaku padamu. Aku sungguh rindu bertemu denganmu sayangku, cintaku, Valentineku! Kaulah satu-satunya jantung hatiku. Selamat Hari Valentine! Aku cinta padamu!” Peluk dan Cium Sayang, Joko. NB: Aku akan menjemputmu malam minggu, jika tidak ada kerjaan di kantor! Kita tertawa membaca surat dari Joko, karena isi suratnya bertolak belakang dengan ‘nota-bene’ (catatan tambahan)-nya. Kata “jika …” menjadi syarat yang menghalangi Joko untuk berani “mendaki gunung” atau “menyebrang lautan” atau melewati gurun” – dalam hal ini mengambil cuti kerja demi cintanya kepada Dewi. Kasihan si Dewi! Ternyata pekerjaan Joko telah menyita waktu kencannya dengan si Dewi. Mungkin sekali pertama kali berkencan, Joko berani membela cintanya tanpa membiarkan situasi, kondisi, dan syarat apa pun menghalanginya. Tetapi setelah berlalunya waktu ternyata cintanya yang tadinya “walaupun …” kini menjadi “jikalau ….”. Itulah cinta yang bersifat duniawi: egoistis, materialistis, nafsuistis, dan bersyarat. Kitab suci mengajarkan kita tentang cinta sejati, yaitu cinta yang tidak


February 2015

bersyarat apa pun, cinta yang bersifat ilahi, sama seperti cinta kasih Kristus kepada umat manusia. Perhatikan tulisan rasul Yohanes, “Marilah kita mengasihi bukan dengan perkataan atau dengan lidah, tetapi dengan perbuatan dan dalam kebenaran.” (I Yohanes 3:18). Cinta kasih yang sedemikian adalah cinta kasih yang lahir dari Allah Bapa melalui wujud pengorbanan Yesus Kristus di atas kayu salib (bacalah: I Yohanes 4:7-9). Cinta kasih seperti ini di-

dasarkan pada pilihan untuk mengasihi tanpa mengajukan syarat; bukan cinta yang berdasarkan emosi atau perasaan yang dapat berubah-ubah, atau yang tergantung situasi dan kondisi. Pilihan yang sedemikian diambil berdasarkan pikiran sehat dan kehendak bebas yang dipertimbangkan dengan matang. Maka, berapa besar pun harga yang harus dibayar, seseorang rela melakukannya tanpa mempertimbangkan untung rugi, tanpa keterpaksaan, tanpa sungut-sungut, dan tanpa penyesalan sedikit pun. Tetapi, pengorbanan dan harga mahal yang diberikannya justru menjadi alat dan cara untuk membangun cinta kasihnya secara progresif dan kreatif, juga mendatangkan sukacita, damai sejahtera, dan kebahagiaan yang murni.

Bagi Anda yang sudah mulai membangun atau sedang membangun cinta, mungkin sudah saatnya bertanya diri: “Apakah selama ini cinta kasihku penuh dengan syarat?” “Hal-hal apa yang menghalangiku mencintai dengan tanpa syarat?” Belajarlah memupuk dan membangun cinta yang sejati, cinta yang tak bersyarat, yang murni. Bagi Anda yang baru akan memulai menjajagi untuk membangun cinta, cobalah bertanya diri: “Relakah saya belajar secara konsisten untuk mencintai seseorang tanpa mengajukan syarat? tanpa mempertimbangkan

untung rugi demi diri sendiri? Tanpa ketakutan untuk membayar harga pengorbanan yang mahal demi membangun cinta yang sejati?” Anda berkata, “Wahhh, cinta sejati itu mustahil di masa sekarang ini. Mana mungkin ada? Mana mungkin bisa?” Jawabannya: tidak mustahil, memang sulit, tetapi tidak mustahil ada dan bisa! Kenapa? Sebab Kristus sudah menunjukkan teladanNya bagi kita semua. Dan, Dia berjanji akan memampukan siapa saja yang mau beriman dan belajar dari Dia. Tentunya dibutuhkan kerendahan hati dan kerelaan untuk belajar. Iya, rendah hati dan rela belajar dari Kristus!  Happy Valentine & Salam Sejahtera: Fong Thiam Hok

The Year of Multiplication of MIRACLE

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February 2015


Pada acara networking yang diadakan oleh IABC (Indonesian American Business Council) di Los Angeles California, yang dihadiri oleh Presiden IABC, Harry Chou, Mari Pangestu (mantan Menkeraf), dan Umar Hadi, Konsul Jenderal Republik Indonesia Los Angeles, Iwan Sunito, sebagai salah satu pembicara, memberikan pandangannya terhadap Indonesian Century (Abad Indonesia). Iwan Sunito, yang sudah tinggal di Australia sejak berumur 18 tahun, menceritakan bagaimana Crown Group, perusahaan yang dirintisnya, membuka jalan dan menjadi salah satu perusahaan kontraktor terbesar di Sydney, Australia. Sejalan dengan

Iwan Sunito

perusahaannya yang berbendera Crown Group berekspansi ke Indonesia karena terdorong fakta bahwa Indonesia akan menjadi salah satu dari tujuh negara berekonomi terbesar di dunia saat mencapai tahun 2030. Photo by: Stanley Bratawira Photography (

Iwan Sunito adalah pendiri perusahaan Crown International Development Pty Ltd. dan menduduki jabatan Chief Executive Officer of Development. Disamping itu Iwan Sunito juga membentuk Sydney Christian Worship Centre. Pria kelahiran Surabaya ini lulus dengan gelar Bachelor of Architecture (with Honors) dan menerima penghargaan Eric Daniels untuk Best Residential Design di tahun 1992. Dan di tahun 1993, dia berhasil menyelesaikan gelar Masters of Construction Management di University of New South Wales, Australia.

Iwan Sunito saat menerima Certificate of Appreciation dari IABC, disampaikan oleh Harry Chou (Presiden IABC), berfoto bersama Mari Pangestu (mantan Menkeraf) dan Umar Hadi (Konjen RI-Los Angeles)

Iwan Sunito yang lama tinggal di Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan ini lulus Master dari University New South Wales. Dan pada tahun 1994 mendirikan kantor arsitektur. Sebagai arsitek, Iwan Sunito selalu punya passion untuk membangun The Most Beautiful Building. Untuk mewujudkan impiannya dan mencapai keinginan untuk giving back to community, dia lalu merintis bisnis building developer. Dan pada tahun 1996, ia berhasil membuka Crown Group yang sekarang mempunyai cabang di Jakarta, Bali, Surabaya dan Singapura. Kedepannya dia berharap membuka cabang di Los Angeles dan di London.

Entrepeneur Sukses Indonesia di Australia mengembangkan Indonesia di Amerika, khususnya di Los Angeles, Iwan Sunata juga membawa timnya dari Australia untuk melihat kemungkinan menjadi pengembang di kota Los Angeles. Dia mengatakan bahwa, walaupun banyak orang Indonesia yang sudah mulai menjadi global player, akan tetapi negara asing seringkali missunderstand tentang

potensi Indonesia, karena seringkali mereka overlook positive changes yang sudah dicapai Indonesia, karena berita-berita positif tentang Indonesia tertutup oleh berita-berita negatif, seperti corruption, fundamentalist dan berita negatif lainnya. Karenanya Iwan Sunata ingin


February 2015

Crown Group berhasil meluncurkan hotel pertamanya di Sydney, Australia, dan akan dibuka pada tahun 2017. Pembukaan hotel tersebut menyusul suksesnya penjualan Sydney by Crown secara serentak pada 22 November 2014 yang baru lalu di Sydney dan Indonesia. Hotel ini nantinya akan menawarkan pengalaman yang unik bagi para tamunya dengan jalan menggabungkan privasi eksklusif apartemen kelas atas dan layanan tamu bintang lima. Pada lima tahun pertama perusahaan Crown Group, Iwan menggungkapkan "It's Tough - It's Hard" karena terbatasnya pengalaman, skill, knowledge dan networking. Dan mengatakan bahwa sukses yang dicapainya selama ini adalah merupakan anugrah, berkat yang dari atas. Sebagai penutup Iwan Sunito memberikan tip bagi entrepreneur muda: Entrepreneur bukan berarti harus bekerja sendiri akan tetapi bisa bekerja sama dalam bentuk partnership. Dia juga menyarankan untuk Think Big Start Small. Karena Small Dream=Small Action=Small Result. So, we need to chalenge ourselves to Dream Big. Often that big success doesn't come, because we do big thing. So please Do small thing in a big way. Jadi walaupun kerjaan kecilpun harus dikerjakan dengan luar biasa dan sungguh-sungguh. ď Ž

NORTHWOOD IRVINE Offered for $939,000 This beautiful four bedroom, three bath home features a great-sized bonus room, soaring ceilings and an open floor plan. Main floor bedroom with bathroom downstairs. The home has numerous upgrades including granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, French doors, and laminate flooring. Newer windows and doors are found throughout.

BEVERLY CENTER MIRACLE MILE LOS ANGELES Offered for $750,000 Beautiful bright and spacious two bedroom, two bath condo. Located in a quiet, well sought after Los Angeles neighborhood. Front unit. A very spacious and comfortable living area with fireplace and balcony. Kitchen includes refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, stove and washer/dryer. Gated community with garage and two parking spaces. The building is a close distance to The Beverly Center, restaurants, shopping and more.

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Steve Job has passed away, he would have been 60 years old this month. To remember his accomplishment to humanity and to inspire us, here is his short biography, just to remind us to "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" ... STEVEN PAUL JOBS, was born on February 24, 1955. He was an American businessman and technology visionary who was best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer

Steve with father, Paul Reinhold Jobs

of Apple Inc. His biological parents were University of Wisconsin graduate students, Joanne Carole Schieble and Syrian-born Abdulfattah Jandali. They were both unmarried at the time. Jandali was teaching in Wisconsin when Steve was born. He said had no choice but to put the baby up for

adoption. The baby Steve was adopted at birth by Paul Reinhold Jobs (1922-1993) and Clara Jobs (1924-1986). Later, when asked about his "adoptive parents," Jobs replied that Paul and Clara "were my parents". And he also stated in his authorized biography that "Paul and Clara are 100% my parents. And Joanna and Abdulfatah—are only a sperm and an egg bank. It's not rude, it is the truth". Unknown to him, his biological parents subsequently have a second child in 1957, novelist Mona Simpson, who became Steve Jobs biological younger sister. Steve later found out and met Mona in 1980. The Jobs family moved from San Francisco to Mountain View, California when Steve was five years old. The parents later adopted a daughter, Patricia Ann (Patty) Jobs. Paul was a machinist for a company that made lasers, and taught his son rudimentary electronics and how to work with his hands. Paul Jobs showed Steve how to work on electronics in the family garage, demonstrating to his son how to take apart and rebuild electronics

such as radios and televisions. As a result, Steve became interested in and developed a hobby of technical tinkering. Clara was an accountant who taught him to read before he went to school. Jobs's youth was riddled with frustrations over formal schooling. At Monta Loma Elementary school in Mountain View, he was a prankster whose fourth-grade teacher needed to "bribe" him to study. Jobs tested so well that administrators want-

In 1976, Steve Jobs received funding from a then-semi-retired Intel product-marketing manager and engineer Mike Markkula (on right).

ed to skip him ahead to high school—a proposal however his parents declined. Jobs then attended Cupertino Junior High and Homestead High School in Cupertino, California. During the following years Jobs met Bill Fernandez and Steve Wozniak, a computer whiz kid. Following high school graduation in 1972, Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Reed was an expensive college which Paul and Clara could ill afford. They were spending much of their life savings on their son's higher education. But Jobs feel he will not get any good from college. He dropped out of college after six months and spent the next 18 months taking only courses that he like, including a course on calligraphy. He continued taking classes at Reed while sleeping on the floor in friends' dorm rooms, recycling bottles for money, and getting weekly free meals at the Hare Krishna, a Hindu temple. In 1976, Jobs and Wozniak invented the Apple I computer. Along with Ronald Wayne, an electronics industry worker. They built first Apple computer in the


February 2015

 Steve Jobs with Steve Wozniak (right). Inset: Apple I computer

garage of Jobs's parents in order to sell it. They received funding from a then-semiretired Intel product-marketing manager and engineer Mike Markkula. In its first year of operations (1976), Apple's sales reached US$174,000. In 1977 sales rose to US$2.7 million, in 1978 to US$7.8 million, and in 1980 to US$117 million. By 1982 Apple had a billion dollars in annual sales. By 2014, Apple became the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, with an estimated value of US$672 billion. During an April 10 & 11, 1985 board meeting, Apple's board of directors gave John Sculley (former Apple CEO) the authority to remove Jobs from all roles, except chairman. Apple's board felt he was too young and temperamental to run Apple. Jobs later said, being fired was the best thing that could have happened to him; "The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life." And he

Jobs married Laurene Powell on March 18, 1991, in a ceremony at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. Presiding over the wedding was Kobun Chino Otogawa, a Zen Buddhist monk. Their son, Reed, was born September 1991, followed by daughters Erin in August 1995 and Eve in 1998.

added, "I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful-tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Through Apple, Jobs was widely recognized as a pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields. He revolutionized music industry with iPod in 2001 and revolutionized

cellphone/smartphone industry with first iPhone in 2007. Jobs also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar. Jobs died at his California home on October 5, 2011, due to complications from a relapse of his previously treated pancreatic cancer. ď Ž

Inspirational quotes by Steve Jobs (1955-2011) Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me. I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied, is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work, is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. Stay hungry, stay foolish . . . . February 2015


Artis terkenal Kate Burton (Putri dari aktor Richard Burton) bersama Dr. George Sun, pendiri MDSUN & istrinya, Zehra Sun.

Aktor peraih piala Oscar, Jon Voight, bersama Dr. George Sun, pendiri MDSUN & istrinya, Zehra Sun.

Presiden Direktur MDSUN Skin Care, Zehra Sun bersama Nellsen Young, Direktur Pemasaran MDSUN Skincare untuk Indonesia.

Direktur Pemasaran MDSUN Skin Care untuk Indonesia, Nellsen Young, mengunjungi Bpk Umar Hadi, Konjen KJRI-Los Angeles.

MDSUN Skincare

Melebarkan sayap ke Indonesia MDSUN Skincare adalah salah satu produk perawatan kulit yang dikembangkan oleh perusahaan kosmetik terkenal MDSUN Cosmeceutical Biotech USA yang didirikan oleh ahli bedah plastik terkenal di USA, Dr. George Sun, pada tahun 2001. MDSUN Skincare diolah dari perpaduan bahan-bahan unik yang sangat efektif dan berkualitas tinggi yang didedikasikan untuk merevolusi produk perawatan kulit yang telah ada dipasaran. Reputasi dan pengalaman yang dimiliki oleh Dr. Sun dibidang bedah plastik menjadikan beliau sangat paham akan komposisi-komposisi yang dibutuhkan di dalam produk perawatan kulit, yaitu selain efektif tentu harus aman bagi kulit. Dengan ribuan pengalaman atas pasien-pasiennya dan uji klinis yang dilakukan, menjadikan MDSUN sebagai produk perawatan kulit yang sangat berkualitas tinggi dan


February 2015

cocok untuk berbagai macam jenis kulit. Oleh karena itu, produk MDSUN Skincare tidak hanya diminati oleh masyarakat USA akan tetapi masyarakat dunia. Karena tingginya permintaan pasar atas produk MDSUN Skincare, maka setelah Macau, Taiwan, Italy dan Turkey MDSUN akan melebarkan sayap pemasaran produknya ke Indonesia. Kita patut berbangga dengan dipilihnya Indonesia sebagai salah satu Negara pemasaran produk MDSUN Skincare, karena tidak semua negara dipilih sebagai tempat untuk dipasarkannya produk MDSUN Skincare. Indonesia sebagai salah satu kiblat fashion dan kecantikan di wilayah negara-negara Asia menjadikan tempat yang cocok untuk memperkenalkan produk MDSUN Skincare. Menurut Marketing Director MDSUN Skincare untuk Indonesia, Nellsen Young,

"Sudah saatnya masyarakat Indonesia mendapatkan kesempatan untuk memakai produk perawatan kulit yang aman dan berkualitas tinggi. Untuk saat ini proses pemilihan distributor yang tepat sedang berlangsung. Mudah-mudahan proses tersebut berjalan lancar dan ditahun 2015 ini masyarakat Indonesia sudah bisa mulai merasakan perbedaan dari produk perawatan kulit yang selama ini ada di Indonesia dengan produk MDSUN Skincare.” Nellsen Young menambahkan, “Setelah mereka merasakan perbedaan tersebut, mereka akan mengetahui mana produk perawatan kulit yang terbaik.” Jakarta akan menjadi kota pertama untuk masyarakat di Indonesia untuk mencoba produk MDSUN Skincare dan dalam waktu yang singkat diharapkan MDSUN dapat merambah kota-kota besar lainnya seperti Surabaya, Medan, dan Bali sehingga seluruh masyarakat Indonesia dapat merasakan kualitas produk MDSUN Skincare. Dan untuk kedepannya Indonesia akan menjadi basis produk MDSUN Skincare untuk pasar-pasar ASEAN seperti Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand dan Philippines. 

Relationship Matters

Strengthening our relationship with God and one another


il m a f r u o f o Be part

Hills e ~ Chino in v Ir ~ San Jose rly Hills e ih v e n e B B ~ ~ via ont LA-Monro co ~ Frem is c n iladelphia a h r P F ~ n a S ta n ~ Atla urg Las Vegas ellevue ~ B ~ ~ Harrisb le C tt D a e n S o t ~ g ashin io Pinole nton ~ W an Anton S a r ~ c S in ~ t s k u A New Yor Houston ~ ~ o g sissauga a is ic M h C to ~ n o s r To Columbu er rkansas ~ A ~ s ~ Vancouv a l ll a a e D tr n o M owntown Toronto D Lucky Herawati • 626-358-2400 • IFGF is founded in 1989 in Indonesia and is currently ministering to people from various backgrounds globally. We are registered in the United States with headquarter in Los Angeles for the region of USA & Canada.



New Year’s Resolution

BKKI Houston

It is 2015 and it is the perfect time to set our business goals/resolutions for the new exciting year. The first key of setting a goal is it has to be clearly defined, measureable, achievable and has time limit. Once the goal(s) are clearly stated, the next step is to list the action items that need to be done in order to accomplish those goals. The following are some examples that can be tailored to fit our business:  Increase sales/profit/market share by XX% by end of 2015;  Launch X new products by mid of 2015;  Reduce fixed/ variable cost by XX% by end of 2015;  Delegate X% of my work;  Increase website/online store traffic by XX% When setting a goal, it has to be clearly defined because if we just say “I want to increase sale” then by increasing sales by $10 we already achieve our goal, but would we be satisfied with that improvement? Furthermore, the goal has to be challenging yet achievable. We may want

to reduce our cost by 50% in a year, but depending on our business and economic situation it may be impossible. The following is some sample action items to achieve the goals listed above:  Increase marketing budget in so-

Christmas Celebration

Badan Kerjasama Kristen Indonesia, Houston in coordination with KJRI Houston, held a joint Christmas celebration at the Consulate In-donesia, of Houston on December 20th, 2014. It was a festive and peaceful event, uniting Indonesian in Christmas Celebration. The following organizations attended the event: IFGF, Bethany, Catholic, Pentecostal, Advent, 1st Baptist and ICMI (Moslems), along with general public. For more info, contact BKKI’s President, Mr. Edwin Sutrisno email: 

cial media by X;  Hire X researchers/ increase R&D budget by X;  Write X articles on company blog/website;  Create guidelines or standard operating procedure to train employee. Keep our list of resolutions handy so you can look at them throughout the year. Also, as soon as we create our list of action items, assign them to ourselves or our employee(s). Put them on our calendar so we will remember to perform them. Happy New Year!!! —JK 

Indonesian American Chamber of Commerce Texas - website :

Franchising Indonesian Restaurant From Indonesians & For Indonesians As part of the expanded directive from the new Indonesian Presidency to Promote Indonesian Culture, commercially, IACCT would like to invite the Indonesian com-munity, restaurateurs and investors in general to participate in creating an Indonesian Restaurant Franchise. Indonesian food is endearing to Indonesians and close to our hearts. What a great vehicle to reach to other cultures and make this ef-fort to be “from Indonesians and for Indonesians.” Contact (281) 797-4387for details and how to participate.—8 


February 2015



Between Profit Making and Giving Back To The Community

Business Owner’s Balance Profit is necessary to grow a company. It can be reinvested back into the company by purchasing new equipment or hiring more employees. To a service based company, for example, sometimes the profit gets big enough that the owner would see a big chunk of that profit going to Uncle Sam (for USA business owners). We are not saying to cheat and avoid paying taxes all together; when the company profits, everyone will make money, including the government. To a true business owner who knows a success of a business has a lot to do with outside forces such as luck / God’s blessing and help of other people, it makes sense to give back to the community and give thanks. At the same time, it reduces tax payment responsibly.

Note, however, that the charitable contribution dollar plus tax payment total usually would be larger than if the company would just pay the tax on the profit alone. It is a New Year and we are in a spirit of giving. Here are some options, for US Business Owners:  Give to ourselves first by getting direct tax deduction: contribute to IRA, i.e. SEP IRA; contribute to HSA for our health as well. ;  Give to our favorite 501.c.3 organization, such as our college almamater. Some will even help advertise our business at the same time. ;  Give bonuses to our employees, as they really do matter. They love it, and it gives great boost on company morale. ;  Give back to our client network in a non-bribing way, for they have allowed us to grow. —8 

Win Apple iPad® Raffle

IACCT would like to collect individual and business data to form an “IACCT Member List.” By participating, you will be automatically entered into our Apple iPad® raffle once the new version comes out. We plan on doing the next drawing in November 2015 and you do not have to be present to win. We will announce the winner through our newsletter. The purpose of IACCT Member List: for scholars, it can be used to look for a job, for the unemployed to obtain ideas, for one aspired for small businesses to seek a Mentor, and for business owners to expand their business network and clients. -8  To participate Apple iPad® Raffle go to or Scan QR code here  with your smartphone. Get QR code apps here

Aria Services, Inc.

6602 Harbor Town Unit #101 | Houston, TX 77036 281.797.4387 (M) | 713.386.5066 (B/F) |

We provide Architecture & Engineering Services: Project Management, Construction Drawings, Structural Analysis, Site Visits and other 3rd Party Services for Wireless Telecom Industry February 2015


Indonesian Christian Church Rowland Heights

Alami suasana damai & sukacita Jadwal Kebaktian : - English Service (Youth) - Ibadah Umum (Indonesia) - Children Ministry - Doa Pagi (Everybody is welcome)

: : : :

Sabtu, Jam 4.15 sore Minggu, Jam 10.30 pagi Minggu, Jam 10.30 pagi Sabtu, Jam 8.15 pagi

Alamat : 19506 E. Walnut Dr. South, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Telephone : 909 444 7714 Memenangkan - Membangun - Menjangkau

Pst. Harry Widjaja (Senior Pastor)

Call for : Lunar New Year's



February 2015

Photo by: Stanley Bratawira Photography (

Riverside Lunar Festival 2015

Asian-Pacific Cultures, Cuisines and Fireworks Downtown Riverside was teemed with sights, sounds and flavors of the Asian-Pacific as the city celebrates the arrival of the Lunar New Year 2015. For the fifth consecutive year, the city host the “Asian Pacific Lunar New Year Festival“, featuring a parade, martial arts demonstrations, Asian cuisine and dancing, and more. Around 25,000 visitors to downtown Riverside was transported to the beauty of the magnificent ancient Orient. Festivities kicked off at 10 a.m. with a “Parade of Nations” along the Main Street pedestrian mall, from 10th Street to Mission Inn Avenue, ending at Lime Street.


February 2015

Traditional Dances, Taiko Drum, Karate, Kung-Fu and other martial arts demonstrations were showcased. Spectators also enjoyed oriental dancing and interactive performances by anime cosplayers, who dress and act out the roles of their beloved anime figures. Booths forming a marketplace outside the Riverside Public Library sold a variety of trinkets, artwork, other goods or services. IndoGo Magazine (as co-sponsor), Indonesian food and groceries vendors as well as Indonesian Consulate, Trade and Tourism - Los Angeles also among them to promote Indonesia culture, tourism and

businesses. A daylong health expo, provided by TzuChi Foundation, emphasizing the benefits of meditation and exercise also took place alongside the festival. Several tea pavilions were opened outside the Riverside Public Library at Lemon Street and Mission Inn Avenue -- the hub of the day’s activities. Teas from China, Japan, Korea, India and Thailand were served. And an international food court was available on Lemon Street, between Mission Inn and Sixth Street, where festival-goers enjoy ample of different varieties of cuisines. Festival, which organized by The Asian Pacific Cultural Association (ACPA) and City of Riverside, was wraped up at 7:00 p.m. with an extravagant Lunar New Year's fireworks display. Contact IndoGo Magazine, together, we can promote Indonesia for next year's Riverside Lunar Festival. 

February 2015


Photo by: Stanley Bratawira Photography (


February 2015

Photo by: Stanley Bratawira Photography (

February 2015


Photo by: Stanley Bratawira Photography (

KANTOR PERWAKILAN INDONESIA DI AMERIKA Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia 2020 Massachussets Ave. N. W. Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 775-5200 Fax: (202) 775-5365 Utusan Tetap R.I. di PBB 325 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 972-8333 Fax: (212) 972-9780 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Los Angeles 3457 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 Tel: (213) 383-5126 Fax: (213) 487-3971 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. New York 5 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065 Tel: (212) 879-0600 Fax: (212) 570-6206 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Chicago 211 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: (312) 920-1880 Fax: (312) 920-1881 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Houston 10900 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77042 Tel: (713) 785-1691 Fax: (713) 780-9644

DIREKTORI Dokter Umum Herman Sardjono, MD 72 West Las Tunas Dr. Arcadia, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 821-5305 Dokter Umum Joseph T Oei, MD 71202 E Huntington Dr, Duarte, CA 91010 Tel: (626) 303-5019 Dokter Gigi Herman Budiman, DDS 11816 Garvey Ave. El Monte, CA 91732 Tel: (626) 443-8744 OB/GYN - Fertility Clinic Lee C Terence, MD 203 N. Brea Blvd. #100 Brea, CA 92821 Tel: (714) 256-0777 Budincich Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic Polin Togi, LAc 140 N. Hill Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106 Tel: (626) 792-3390

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. San Francisco 1111 Columbus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133 Tel: (415) 474-9571 Fax: (415) 441-4320

Tip Top Mart Indonesian Grocery 704 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel, CA 91776 Tel: (626) 293-8882

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Honolulu 1001 Bishop Street, ASB Tower #2970 Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel: (808) 531-3017 Fax: (808) 531-3177

989 S. Glendora Ave. West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-5300

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Ottawa 55 Parkdale Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 1E5 Tel: (613) 724-1100 Fax: (613) 724-1105 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Vancouver 1630 Alberni Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6G 1A6 Tel: (604) 682-8855 Fax: (604) 662-8396 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Toronto 129 Jarvis Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5C 2H6 Tel: (416) 360-4020 Fax: (416) 360-4295 Embassy of United States of America Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia Tel: (62-21) 3435-9000


February 2015

Sam’s Nutrition 116 N. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754 Tel: (626) 288-2595 Ticket, Tour & Travel Best Deal Travel Tel: (909) 222-6713 Borneo Restaurant 19 S. Garfield Ave. #A Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 810-1366 Java Spice - Indonesian Rest. 1743 Fullerton Road Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Tel: (626) 810-1366 Merry’s House of Chicken 2550 Amar Rd. West Covina, CA 91792 Tel: (626) 965-0123

Tempe House Spicy Food 24984 3rd St. San Bernardino, CA 92410 Tel: (909) 889-2222 Chicky BBQ & Grill 1206 E. Huntington Dr. #A Duarte, CA 91090 Tel: (626) 357-1500 Benri Motor - Auto Repair 1710 W. Foothill Blvd. #A2 Upland, CA 91786 Tel: (909) 946-6078 Janty Noodle 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 14 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 480-1808 Bakmi Parahyangan 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 13 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 271-6535 Depot Bethania 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 16 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-7722 Go China Restaurant 136 North Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Tel: (626) 793-3888 Mien Nghia Noodle 7755 E Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 Tel: (626) 288-0177 H - Mobile Metro PCS Store 9000 Foothill Blvd. #112 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. Tel: (909) 222-1866

IKLAN MINI PERLU TRANSPORTASI ? Untuk tour $15/per-jam plus bensin harga murah untuk airport, dll. Hubungi : David (714) 936-8188 WANTED  COOKING CHEF Indonesian Restaurant Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 552-6668 DICARI KITCHEN HELPER Pria, Rest Indo. Can cook is a plus. Tel: (626) 357-1500 ROOM FOR RENT Pomona, NON Smoking. With or without bathroom. $400$500. Call: (909) 397-9772

BEGINNERS GUITAR LESSON FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Call Andrey : (909) 461-7921 DICARI SUSHI CHEF HELPER Daerah West LA, Must Speak English. Hub David Tel: (310) 689-6589 A MEN WITH A SIENNA Shuttle service, Personal Chauffeur, airport transfer, tours around Los angeles, etc. Call 626-378-3836 for rates OFFICES FOR RENT Alhambra for $600-$1350/m and 2 offices in Rowland Hts for $500-$750/m Contact: (626) 833-5263 DIJUAL MESIN PEMBUAT TEMPE Please call: (949) 680-0853 DIJUAL RESTAURANT INDO Call: (909) 913-1124 DICARI TUKANG MASAK KUE Di Orange County, Tel: (949) 458-1108, (949) 680-0853 HIRING CASHIER & CHEF/COOK Chinese Food in Pasadena Please call: (626) 757-3773 NOW HIRING OUTSIDE SALES PERSON Work on your own time high commision Tel: (626) 513-4301 ROOM 4 RENT For single female, $550/mo, util incl, no smoking, no pet, clean room. (626) 376-8115 CONTRACTOR Renovasi Residential, Commercial, Room Addition & New Construction, CA Lic. Call Johan at (626) 278-580 WANTED GRAPHIC DESIGN Part-time, student ok. Tel: (626) 513-4301 HIRING WAITERS / CASHIER Restaurant in Pasadena part-time, student ok. Tel: (626) 793-3888

To place an ad, call :



Senior Pastor Paul Tan Assistant Pastor Tom Lay

Sunday services & Church Office 8:30 AM (Indonesian) 11:00 AM (English) 18901 Amar Rd. Walnut, CA 91789 Tel: 626-964-1615 Fax: 626-964-1665 Facebook: CBCWalnut SAN BERNARDINO, CA

Pastor Him Djuhana

Sunday service 9:00 AM (English & Indonesian) 1860 Mountain Ave Loma Linda, CA 92364 Tel: 909-482-4466 SAN DIEGO, CA

Pastor John Hadi

Sunday service, 10 AM (English) 5520 Ruffin Road, suite 109 San Diego, CA 92123 Tel: 858-366-8885 FRESNO, CA

Senior Pastor Paulus Kristanto Sunday service, 10:30 AM 4665 N. First Street Fresno, CA 93726 Tel: 559-228-3222


Pastor Hermanto Anggono Sunday service, 10:00 AM 7223-B Florin Mall Dr. Sacramento, CA 95823 Tel: 916-267-1751


Pastor Hermanto Anggono


Senior Pastor Timothy Sjim

Sunday service, 2:30 PM Friday Home Prayer, 7:00 PM 1580 Gaylord St, Denver, CO 80206 Tel: 720-851-7047 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Meets every 2nd Thursday, 6 PM 6450 Corporate Center Dr. Colorado Springs CARE Cell: Every 4th Thursday, 6 PM Tel: 720-280-5000 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO Meets every 1st Monday of the month at 3:30 PM at Glenwood Suites 2625 Gilstrap Court Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 P.O. Box 1809 Parker, CO 80134 Tel: 720-851-7047 PORTLAND, OR

Senior Pastor Oscar Surjadi Sunday service, 10:30 AM 450 NE 78 Avenue Portland, OR 97213 Tel./Fax: 503-258-9292


Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Pastor Janto Jajaputra

Sunday service, 5:00 PM 1415 North “K” Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Tel: 581-308-0384 Church Office: 350 Kaila Ct, Ocoee, FL 34761 Tel: 407-492-0678 Facebook: City Blessing Ministries CHICAGO, IL

Pastor Rony Kuswanto

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 200 Rev. Morisson Blvd Rainbow Falls Community Center Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Tel: 847-232-0202 Fax: 847-346-0861

Sunday service, 11:00 AM Land O’Lakes Senior Center 6801 W. Wistaria Loop Land O’Lakes, FL 34639 Tel: 813-943-1902

Saturday service, 6:00 PM 2073 Oak Park Blvd., Bldg D MIAMI, FL Pleasant Hill, CA 94520 Tel: 916-267-1751 & 925-998-2788 Bambang Pramusinto Sunday service, 11:00 AM 400 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Tel: 786-306-7174

Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon Assistant Pastor Ronald Politton Sunday service, 4:00 PM 159 Rochester Hill Road Rochester, NH 03878 Mailing Address: 90 Indigo Hill Rd., #15 Somersworth, NH 03878 Tel. Office: 603-509-2937 Twitter & Instagram: @rochestercbc NEW YORK, NY

Lead Pastor Daniel Rachmat Youth Pastor Sean Hoffer

Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM - Indonesian 11:00 AM - Multicultural (English) 38-02 61st, Woodside, NY 11377 Tel./Fax: 718-803-3335 BLOOMINGTON, IN Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia Twitter: @cityblessing Tel: 630-656-4524 Facebook: CityBlessingChurchNYC WEST LAFAYETTE, IN

Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia

Saturday service, 4:00 PM 2234 Indian Trail Dr. ORLANDO, FL West Lafayette, IN 47906 Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Mailing Address: Pastor Eddy Djaja 2119 Carlisle Rd Sunday service, 1:00 PM West Lafayette, IN 47906 St. Paul’s Church Tel: 630-656-4524 1450 Citrus Oaks, Gotha, FL 34734 Tel: 407-429-0678 BOSTON, MA TAMPA, FL

Pastor Peter Tan, M.D.


Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 29 Denby Road Allston, MA 02134 Mailing Address: 24 Denby Road, Suite 130 Allston, MA 02134 Tel: 617-787-9119 Fax: 617-787-9449


Lead Pastor Ivan Jonathan

Saturday service, 10:30 AM Executive Boardroom A Executive Hotel & ConferenceCenter Burnaby 4201 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC V5C 3Y6 Tel: 604-771-4233

Elvira Devinamira Elvira Devinamira, Puteri Indonesia 2014, tampil menawan dengan kostum Borobudur pada acara pemilihan Ratu Jagat "63rd Miss Universe 2014" di Florida, USA pada tanggal 25 Januari 2015. Elvira berhasil meraih penghargaan Best National Costume dengan mengenakan kostum bertajuk ‘The Chronicles of Borobudur’ dengan bobot total hingga 20 kg (44 lb). Kostum ini dirancang oleh pimpinan dari Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC), Dynand Fariz. Kostum dibuat dari bahan Sutra Tafeta dengan motif Songket dipadu dengan manik-manik dan kristal. Pembuatan kostum ini memakan waktu dua bulan. Selamat kepada Elvira dan Dynand. ď Ž


February 2015






Perayaan Natal 2014

Gereja Bethel International Bethel International Church (GBI Monrovia, Los Angeles) dalam beberapa tahun ini telah mendatangkan beberapa penyanyi/ artis dari Indonesia seperti: Ari Wibowo, Sidney Mohede dan Group The True Worshiper bersama Ruth Sahanaya dan Sari Simorangkir, juga artis penyanyi kondang seperti Joy Tobing dan Delon Thamrin (keduanya adalah Indonesian idol yang pertama), juga Katon Bagaskara serta Ira Wibowo, kemudian Edward Chen dan di akhir tahun 2013 dan diawal tahun 2014 telah mendatangkan seorang penyanyi yang juga adalah Indonesian Idol yaitu Regina Ivanova. Di akhir tahun 2014 yang baru lalu, dalam rangka Perayaan Natal yang telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 Desember lalu, GBI Monrovia telah menampilkan dua bintang tamu dari Jakarta, mereka adalah pen-


February 2015

cipta dan penyanyi lagu-lagu rohani, Jason Irwanto Chang dan Jeffry Chandra. Jason Irwanto Chang sempat membawakan lagu yang diciptakannya yaitu Sentuh Hatiku yang merupakan Song of The Year, begitu pula lagu Tuhan Yesus Baik yang dibawakan dalam irama dangdut. Sementara Jeffrry Chandra yang muncul dalam acara pemasangan lilin membawakan sebuah lagu natal dalam suasana ruangan yang hanya diterangi oleh cahaya lilin. Kedua penyanyi handal ini dipakai Tuhan melalui suara emas mereka, untuk memberikan kesaksian hidup mereka yang sangat menguatkan para jemaat yang hadir pada malam itu> Acara Natal Bethel International Church (GBI Monrovia Los Angeles) diawali dengan doa pembukaan oleh Pastor Cornelius

Agung Lindarto yang kemudian disusul dengan beberapa lagu penyembahan dan pujian natal yang dipimpin oleh Mrs Linda Siek Lindarto. Firman Tuhan yang sungguh sangat menguatkan para jemaat, disampaikan oleh Pastor Nehemia Lolowang yang mana adalah Pastor Senior GBI Monrovia yang berdomisili di New York. Acara Candle Light Service diwakili oleh Pastor Nehemia Lolowang, Pastor Cornelius Lindarto, Bpk. Andi Lamendola dari BKS, ketua panitia Arlene Sumual serta wakil dari salah satu hamba tuhan yang hadir yaitu Pastor Cornelius Ritiau. Dalam acara natal ini, wakil dari BKSGICS, Bpk Andi Lamendola menyampaikan pesan natal dan himbuan agar tetap mempererat hubungan antara sesama umat Tuhan secara khusus di California Selatan. Panitia pelaksana acara natal Bethel International Church (GBI Monrovia LA) tahun 2014 ini adalah Ms Arlene Sumual.  (Submitted by : James R.)

Pemasangan Lilin Natal

Pdt. Nehemiah & Jeffry Tjandra

Pdt Nehemiah & Jason Chang

Jeffry Tjandra

Jason Chang

James & Jason Chang

February 2015


Los Angeles, California - January 16 2015 The Authentic Indonesia: Food Tasting and Workshop was held at the Consulate General of Indonesia in Los Angeles and received with enthusiasm from the Los Angeles community. The event is a collaboration between Indonesian Trade Promotion Center Los Angeles (ITPCLA), Consulate General in Los Angeles and Javara. Among the distinguished VIP guests was Mr. Norman Arikawa, Deputy Director of LA Port and Mrs. Julia Gouw, President and COO of East West Bank.

Our culinary has also the number 1 biggest potential from Indonesia’s Creative Economy TOP 15 products.” said Mrs. Pangestu. The 30 Traditional Culinary Icons was developed to narrow down – simplify and intensify - the diversity of Indonesian food promotion that it will accepted in any taste buds around the world. 30 TRADITIONAL CULINARY ICONS Among the TOP 30 food are Gado-gado, Rendang, Nasi Tumpeng, Serabi and more – from appetizers to desserts. Each of the

will be well-known in the U.S as well as internationally. At the sharing session, Founder and CEO of Javara, Mrs. Helianti Hilman explained about her business that after 5 years of operation, under JAVARA brand, the company now has build a partnership with over 50,000 farmers and 50 food artisans from across Indonesia. Up to today, Javara has developed and marketed over 500 premiums natural and organic food products of which over 190 are certified under EU,

AUTHENTIC INDONESIA FOOD TASTING AND WORKSHOP WORKSHOP Consul General of Indonesia in Los Angeles, the Honorable Umar Hadi opened the event with opening remarks, stating “Promoting Indonesia’s culinary to the U.S is going to be one of this Consulate’s focuses. Thank you, Ibu Mari Elka Pangestu, who has been one of the prime igniters to promote Indonesia’s culinary and food heritage internationally.” As a foodie himself, Consul General is looking forward to better explore and promote Indonesian food in Los Angeles, working closely with Indonesian Diaspora community in Los Angeles. The former Minister of Trade and Minister of Creative Economy and Tourism of Indonesia, Mrs. Mari Elka Pangestu presented a speech along with a presentation about Indonesia’s 30 Traditional Culinary Icons, “Indonesia has an extraordinary potential in biodiversity and it should be the biggest asset to increase Indonesia’s authentic food and culinary culture around the world.


February 2015

30 Icons corresponds to a specific city or province in Indonesia, thus promoting the region itself through its culinary heritage. Each food has specific stories, for example Mrs. Pangestu explains that Rendang means slow cooking and explained that the making of Rendang traditionally associated with family gathering and bonding. SHARING SESSION AND Q & A Head of ITPCLA, Mr. Arief Wibisono, during the sharing session said “We initiated this event with a vision to inform, educate and encourage the communities in LA about Indonesia’s authentic food. We also created this event Indonesian diaspora in LA as an encouragement and inspiration to develop a passion for entrepreneurship in Indonesian food and culinary related businesses.” Mr. Wibisono said that as more similar food and culinary-related events will be initiated, we are full of hope that in the next several years Indonesian food and culinary culture

US NOP & Japan standard and the products have been exported to Europe, America and Asia. Furthermore, Mrs. Hilman shared about different food coloring and the health benefits of the many of Indonesia’s natural products. COOKING DEMO During her cooking demo, she cooked pan-fried chicken using non-aromatic

Photo by: Stanley Bratawira Photography (

coconut oil, infused salt and spices such as Bali Petutu – personalized spices by Javara made from the combination of red onion, garlic, turmeric, betel leaf and chili. Another food that was is the demos are Yellow Rice/ Nasi Tumpeng (one of the 30 Traditional Culinary Icons), Butterfly Pea Flower Rice (blue rice), Sambal Roa, Sambal Kenari, Gulai Sauce and Sayur Lodeh Sauce. Online purchase will be available in the U.S within the next 4 months as a result of a

recent partnership with a distributor based in Portland, Oregon. For more information on Javara, visit The Indonesian government representatives in Los Angeles, the Consulate General and ITPCLA, are committed to strengthen and promote Indonesian food and culinary related in Los Angeles and the US. As we gear into 2015, we are confident that more Indonesian food

products and culinary will be exposed, benefiting both the community in the U.S who cares about healthy food lifestyle as well as Indonesian food exporters. For more info about this event, please contact Indonesia Trade Promotion Center Los Angeles (ITPCLA) at 213.387.7041 or email : ď Ž February 2015


Kunci Taon 2014 Tou Minahasa di Kalifornia Selatan Dengan Kebersamaan Kita Berkarya untuk Tanah Minahasa Sebagai bagian dari budaya orang Minahasa, Kunci Taon dirayakan sebagai kelanjutan perayaan tahun baru yang diadakan pada tanggal 31 Januari. Perayaan ini diadakan oleh Warga Masyarakat Kawanua di Kalifornia Selatan pada tanggal 31 Januari 2015 bertempat di Pacific Christian Center, City of Upland, California. Acara ini didahului oleh ibadah dengan pembawa renungan rohani oleh Pendeta Dr. Hendrik Sumendap yang mengemukakan secara luas tentang legenda asal Suku Minahasa dengan penekanan persaudaraan yang didukung catatan sejarah orang Minahasa dikuatkan dengan kutipan Firman dalam Alkitab. Dikatakan persaudaraan ini hendaknya dikokohkan oleh budaya Minahasa yang sangat indah dalam kehidupan masyarakat; Maleos Leosan (saling mencintai), Matombol Tombolan (saling mendukung), Masawang Sawangan (saling membantu) dan Malinga Lingaan (saling mendengar). Dikemukakan pula antara sesama orang Minahasa hendaknya senantiasa bersatu karena "Torang Samua Basudara". Dalam ibadah tersebut beberapa pendeta Gereja Kristen telah membawakan doa syafaat untuk bangsa dan negara, dan yang terutama telah didoakan tentang


February 2015

kedamaian dalam hidup berdampingan antara kerukunan masyarakat Kawanua di Kalifornia selatan. Hasrat dan anjuran hidup damai ini didukung oleh Bapak Emile Mailangkay sebagai Tonaas Wangko, yang membawakan sambutan, serta dukungan Konsul Jenderal RI di Los Angeles yang diwakili oleh Pendekar Sondakh sebagai Konsul Konsuler, dan yang sangat antusias dan sangat menghargakan usaha mempertemukan semua warga Kawanua di Kalifornia selatan adalah Bapak Gubernur Propinsi Sulawesi Utara, Dr S.H. Sarundayang yang menyampaikan sambutannya pada acara tersebut yang dibacakan oleh Henky Rumagit sebagai pengarah pada pelaksanaan acara tersebut. Ditambahkan pula bahwa hendaknya kehidupan damai antara warga masyarakat Kawanua yang berada di Amerika khususnya di Kalifornia Selatan yang dicetuskan pada acara ini, dilaksanakan dengan berkelanjutan. Pada acara tersebut Pendeta Yap Sangari telah membacakan himbauan, ajakan dan kerinduan masyakat Kawanua yang terdiri dari 5 bagian. 1.Hidup bedampingan dengan rukun dan damai antara pribadi, kelompok, serta saling menghormai keberadaan masing-masing.

2.Mengupayakan ethos kerja, serta menciptakan lapangan kerja demi kesejahteraan bersama masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya Minahasa. 3.Menciptakan rasa cinta tanah air Indonesia, tanah Minahasa khususnya, serta mewujudkan kepedulian terhadap prikehidupan bangsa Indonesia, khususnya orang Minahasa. 4.Memperkenalkan seni budaya Minahasa, demi pengembangan kepariwisataan. 5.Mengkoordinasikan serta memberikan bantuan bagi orang lanjut usia, anak yatim, serta mendukung berupa dana bagi pendidikan anak yang orang tuanya tak mampu membiayainya. Sesudah pembacaan ini, telah menaiki panggung semua utusan masyarakat Minahasa yang mewakili kota domisili di Minahasa serta rukun yang hadir, dengan doa pengukuhan himbauan, ajakan dan kerinduan untuk perwujudannya oleh Pendeta Rudy Lumenta yang datang dari Jakarta. Acara yang dihadiri ratusan masyarakat kawanua ini dimeriahkan oleh Group Kolintang milik Kawanua USA dengan pemain yang handal serta sejumlah artis

penyanyi lokal. Ketua perayaan ini Hengry Mendur telah mendahului sambutan yang menyambut kehadiran beberapa tokoh masyarakat dari Indonesia, antara lain Bapak Mayjen TNI (purn) Darpito, mantan Pangdam Jaya, pengusaha Bapak Frank Hadi, dan para tokoh organisasi Kawanua di Kalifornia. Adapun persembahan kasih yang terkumpul akan dikirim ke Minahasa untuk membantu pendidikan anak-anak berprestasi yang kurang mampu. ď Ž February 2015





6 3:1







Marilah Beribadah dan Bertumbuh Bersama Keluarga Besar






INDONESIAN GOOD NEWS CHURCH 14900 Central Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Pastor: Pdt. Dr. Eddy Fances Ph: 909-524-1108

Ibadah Umum/ Sunday Worship (English Translation Provided): Sunday 11.00 AM Sekolah Minggu Anak/ Children Sunday School: Sunday 11.00 AM Persekutuan Doa & Bible Study: Friday 07.30 PM

DATANGLAH & NIKMATILAH SANTAPAN ROHANI YANG MENYEGARKAN! Minggu 08 Feb 2015: “Kebangkitan Dua Saksi Allah” Minggu 15 Feb 2015: “Cinta Tempo Doeloe vs. Masa Kini” Minggu 22 Feb 2015: “Tanda-Tanda Si Anti Kristus” Minggu 01 Mar 2015: “Perempuan dan Naga Merah” Minggu 08 Mar 2015: “Tuhan vs. Hantu”

Ibadah Kontemporer Setiap Minggu, mulai 8 Feb., pk. 6:00 PM

Acara: Musik & Pujian Kontemporer, Renungan Aplikatif, dan Makan Malam Bersama sesudah Ibadah Ajaklah keluarga dan teman-teman untuk menerima berkat rohani dan jasmani yang amat istimewa!

Yesus Kristus berkata, “Marilah kepadaKU, yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, AKU akan memberikan kelegaan kepadamu.” (Injil Matius 11:28)


February 2015

Exclusively Distributed by: JANS ENTERPRISES CORP 1633 W. 2nd st., Pomona, CA 91766 Tel.: 909-629-1988

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at these places: Mie Janty (HK Food Court) Bakmi Parahyangan (HK Food Court) Simpang Asia (National Blvd.) Java Bistro (Rancho Cucamonga) * get one FREE Teh Kotak Less Sugar with purchase of an entree.

Exclusively Distributed by: JANS ENTERPRISES CORP 1633 W. 2nd st., Pomona, CA 91766 | Tel.: 909-629-1988

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