IndoGo! January 2015

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LAW OFFICES OF DAVID M. HAGHIGHI, APC Celebrating 14th Anniversary

CES 2015

Las Vegas


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Nasi Rendang

Ayam Goreng Muda

Kwetiau Siram

Nasi Campur Kalimantan

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Sate Ayam

Laksa Udang �ug�es� #8. S� ����� �n� �����! T��� m��� ����� ��� �� s�u�� , ��r�ec� b�l�n�� � ��i�� �n� tas�� .  I wa� �n�ro�u�e� ��i� ��� �� �� ����n� . S��i�u��� � �id��� ��� f�� Ind��e�i�� f�o� !!!

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VISIT & TEST DRIVE - FREE Gift Card Dinner/Lunch at Best Indonesian Food in LA “Chicky BBQ” for 2 person January 2015


Welcome 2015 Pembaca setia IndoGo! yang budiman, Tahun 2014 berlalu sudah, dan kita memulai lembaran baru tahun 2015. Sangat disayangkan bahwa Indonesia terpaksa menutup tahun 2014 dengan satu lembaran hitam, yaitu kecelakaan pesawat terbang yang merengut 162 orang. Komunitas Indonesia dan seluruh tim IndoGo menghaturkan turut berduka cita atas korban kecelakaan pesawat ini, dan turut berdoa bagi keluarga korban agar diberikan ketabahan dimasa sulit ini. IndoGo! Magazine by P&V Group Inc. all inquiry, please contact:  1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free)   Publisher: PF Then, P&V Group Inc. Editorial Team: PF Then, Chichi Ng, Dessy Andriani, Irena Liza, Yayat Suratmo, Joshua Yogaswara, Meeghan Henry, Edward H. Santoso, Stanley Bratawira, Alexander Pangkerego, Andreas Willem, Inggrid Dotulong, Andrey Wowor, Amanda Ruth, Linda Tumboimbela, Yanti Walter Special Thanks to Contributors: (alphabetical) Budijono Untung, MBA Rizal A. Tandrio Irsan Tisnabudi EDI Media Dr. Vivienne Kruger Konjen RI LA Kedubes RI Washington DC IndoGo! mengharapkan agar pembaca dapat mengirimkan artikel tentang event-event yang terjadi di komunitas anda. Hubungi kami, agar kami bisa meliput event anda.

Bagi komunitas Indonesia di Amerika, khususnya di Los Angeles, diakhir tahun 2014 sangat beruntung karena berkesempatan memuaskan rindu atas penyanyi terkenal Harvey Malaihollo yang berkesempatan datang menghibur pada acara ulang tahun geraja ICC (Indonesian Christian Church) ke 25 tahun. Selamat Ulang Tahun gereja ICC. Berkaitan juga dengan peringatan ulang tahun ke 25, ICC juga sempat menyelenggarakan acara Worship Concert - Miracle of Christmas dan acara Business Gathering dengan mengadakan seminar Business & Leadership dan juga digabung dengan acara Fashion Show yang digelar oleh perancang busana terkanal dari Indonesia, Valentino Napitupulu. Tidak ketinggalan bagi umat Kristiani, BKS-GICS (Badan Kerjasama Gereja Indonesia di California Selatan) juga menggelar acara tahunan Natal Bersama 2014 yang berlangsung sangat sukses. Jangan lupa tanggal 19 January nanti adalah hari peringatan Martin Luther King Jr. Mari kita memperingatinya dengan jalan membantu sesama kita. Carilah tempat untuk menjadi sukarelawan/volunteer dimana saja anda berada. Kunjungi website ini: atau dan carilah bentuk volunteer yang anda inginkan dan mulailah menjadi sukarelawan bagi sesama. Di penghujung bulan January, IndoGo! juga berkesempatan mensponsori acara Lunar Festival di Riverside. Mari kita meriahkan acara tahunan di hari Sabtu ini bersama keluarga dan teman-teman anda. Keep warm ! Akhir kata, IndoGo! mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2015 ! Mari kita tingkatkan prestasi komunitas Indonesia dimanapun anda berada. Selamat Membaca, Selamat Berprestasi dan ... Salam Indo ..... Go!

Copyright © 2014 by P&V Group Inc. P&V Group Inc. is not responsible for any damage due to the contents made available through IndoGo! Magazine.

Office Address: 33 E. Valley Blvd., Suite 214 Alhambra, CA 91801 (appt only) For Advertisement, please contact 1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free) Cover image of: Mr. Haghighi Esq. Photo by : Stanley Bratawira Photography


January 2015

py New Year p a H


Experienced representation to protect your rights to Live and Work in the United States!

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Attorney David M. Haghighi

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HAPPY 14th ANNIVERSARY Law Offices of David M. Haghighi, APC “Live Work USA” is much more than a slogan for attorney David M. Haghighi. These are the words that drive his legal career. His practice is solely dedicated to all areas of

Immigration and Nationality Law. Since being licensed in 2001, attorney Haghighi has successfully assisted thousands of clients with a wide range of immigration issues. One of the primary reasons for attorney Haghighi’s high success rate is his passion for his work and his focus on the best interests of his clients. Attorney Haghighi and his staff skillfully guide their clients through the complex and ever changing immigration process with passion and commitment, becoming their best ally and friend.


January 2015

The inspiration for immigration law is very close to Mr. Haghighi’s heart. He and his family went through the asylum process and were fortunate enough to be given

a chance and an opportunity to live and work in the United States. Simply said, Mr. Haghighi is not just another lawyer practicing immigration law. Instead, he fights for his clients as though they are his own family members, using all of his strength and experience.

Mr. Haghighi consistently travels all over the United States defending people in various immigration courts from deportation and removal, whether in detained or non-detained settings. Most notably Mr. Haghighi appears before immigration courts located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington. Mr. Haghighi also represents individuals before the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), Asylum Offices nationwide, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), and the Second, Third, Fifth, Eight, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Circuit Courts of Appeals. Throughout his career, Mr. Haghighi has observed that unfortunately not everyone wins. This is because immigration law is so complex and so punitive that if someone has the misfortune of following the wrong advice, the path to relief could forever be closed. This is where Mr. Haghighi excels. He pays very close attention to detail and always goes the extra mile fighting for his clients, which leads to a high success rate. Mr. Haghighi also credits his extraordinary success to his support staff. His office is comprised of

He also assists clients with religious worker visas, victim of crime “U” visas, including Battered Spouse, Children and Parents under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) act, adjustment of status, to other forms of relief from deportation or removal such as but not limited to, cancellation of removal, suspension of deportation, waivers for crimes and waivers for unlawful presence. cases. In short, Mr. Haghighi and his team strive to deliver top legal assistance with superior service. Mr. Haghighi feels blessed to have clients who entrust him with perhaps the most important decision of their lives. Mr. Haghighi’s practice within immigration law is extensive and varies from affirmative to defensive asylum and related cases to family, employment, and investment based visas.

Mr. Haghighi graduated with high honors from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) prior to attending Southwestern University School of Law where he received his Juris Doctorate degree. During law school, Mr. Haghighi externed for a federal judge in the United States District Court, Central District of California. For more information contact Mr. Haghighi’s office at (888) 785-5888 or visit 

Photograph by: Stanley Bratawira Photography

immigrants who know and appreciate what it is to have immigrated to the United States themselves. Mr. Haghighi’s office manager, Ms. Rini Soepriyadi, has closely worked alongside Mr. Haghighi for over 12 years serving their clients. Mr. Haghighi’s sister, Venus, is also part of the team, providing a family atmosphere and making sure that every client question is timely answered and clients are always kept informed about the status of their

January 2015


Berbicaralah kepada ANAKANAK REMAJA tentang KARAKTER Anak-anak remaja sedang berada pada tahap kehidupan penting dimana mereka mengembangkan sistem nilai mereka. Terkadang anak-anak remaja tidak responsif pada orang tua tetapi apa yang anda katakan mempunyai

pengaruh lebih daripada yang anda bayangkan. Luangkan waktu untuk menunjukkan kekuatan dan kekurangan karakter dan kemudian berikan tanggapan yang sesuai. Ketika anda melihat masalah, memberi konsekuensi pada kekurangan tertentu akan lebih produktif dibandingkan hanya memberikan “hukuman” pada seorang anak remaja. Anda mungkin berkata, “Saya merasakan kamu kurang menghargai, tetapi seringkali kamu menuntut aku berkorban. Aku tidak keberatan membantumu, tapi aku menolak kali ini dan aku akan melihat bila kamu mulai menghargai apa yang aku lakukan.” Tanggapan seperti ini mengajarkan anakanak muda nilai-nilai bersyukur disamping hanya memikirkan urusan-urusan dan kepentingan-kepentingan mereka sendiri.


January 2015

Seorang anak remaja yang kurang peduli pada tugas rumah tangga, perlu ikatan kontrak dimana orang tua setuju mengantarkan dia ke kegiatankegiatan yang lain bila anak itu setuju membersihkan mobil. Ini memaksa anak-anak muda untuk menghilangkan rasa menuntut dan mulai berpikir tentang kebutuhan orang lain. Terkadang anak-anak remaja ingin datang dan pergi sesuka hati mereka tapi mereka mengharapkan ada makanan tersedia di meja makan dan baju-baju yang sudah bersih tercucikan. Seorang ibu yang membesarkan anak remajanya yang ke-lima mengatakan, “Alan sekarang berusia 13. Ketika dia di TK dia didiagnosa mempunyai ADHD. Seringkali dia membantu dengan tujuan mengontrol keadaan. Suami saya dan saya belajar sepanjang tahun bahwa apa yang kita lihat sebagai area kelemahannya dapat berubah menjadi area kekuatannya dikemudian hari. Alan pemberani, tidak takut mencoba sesuatu yang baru. Musim panas kemarin dia pergi ke perjalanan misi dan merupakan anggota misi yang paling muda. Dia berhasil dan lebih berani dibandingkan orang-orang dewasa yang lain. Mereka melihat keinginannya untuk membantu sebagai suatu pembangung semangat.”

Amatilah para remaja dan berikan masukan tentang karakter mereka. “Tampaknya engkau mudah terpengaruh oleh teman-temanmu.” “Tampaknya kamu mempunyai masalah mengatur keuangan.” Jangan berlebihan dalam mengamati dan mencermati hal-hal negatif sebaliknya bantulah anak-anak remaja mengetahui kekurangan karakter mereka dapat menjadi cara efektif untuk membantu mereka bertumbuh. Carilah hal-hal positif untuk dipuji.

“Terima kasih telah mengambil inisiatif membersihkan dapur.” “Kelihatannya kamu mulai lebih teliti dengan pekerjaan rumah kamu.” Memberikan masukan yang berdasarkan karakter pada anak-anak remaja anda akan sangat membantu mereka bertumbuh.  oleh Budijono Untung, MBA Diterjemahkan secara bebas dari buku “Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, In You and Your Kids” oleh Dr. Scott Turansky dan Joanne Miller, RN, BSN. Bab 8 berjudul: Membantu AnakAnak Remaja Melewati “Tunnel Years”.

Sudahkah anda menyediakan dana pensiun untuk anda dan warisan untuk keluarga anda? Kami memiliki Indexed Universal Life (IUL) yaitu produk pensiun pribadi yang tidak kehilangan uang investasi di saat Stock Market Crash, memiliki proteksi Life Insurance (warisan), bunga antara 1% - 12% per tahun, Bebas Pajak (Tax Code 7702), tidak ada penalty untuk early withdrawal dan memiliki fasilitas Long Term Care (LTC) yaitu memberikan uang saku ketika anda terkena penyakit permanen / tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa selain berada diranjang.

Terbuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk menjadi Life Insurance Broker (diseluruh Amerika/50 States & Canada). Minimal harus memiliki Employment Authorization Card. Silakan menghubungi kami untuk produk-produk asuransi jiwa dan keuangan yang anda butuhkan.

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1206 E. HUNTINGTON DR., STE A - DUARTE, CA 91010 January 2015



Managing Your Retirement and Estate Planning PART ONE


You've worked hard for many years. You've planned and invested wisely. And now you're ready to kick back and enjoy the rest of your life without a worry in the world. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, we must confess that we can't guarantee that you won't have anything to worry about. But we can help prevent you from having to spend a lot of time worrying about your financial situation. How? With prudent financial planning. Just because you've reached all or most of your investment goals doesn't mean that you've crossed the financial planning "finish line." Now you've got to take necessary steps to ensure that your assets will be protected in life and in death. After all, you don't want to outlive your retirement savings or scale back your comfortable lifestyle after having spent so much time and energy creating a sizable retirement nest egg. And if you're interested in leaving an inheritance, you want to make sure that the bulk of your estate gets passed onto your heirs, not the government. So how do you achieve these goals? Careful retirement and estate planning, of course. Below we outline some of the key factors to consider in managing your retirement and estate. Please keep in mind, however, that we're only going to scratch the surface of what are admittedly rather complex subjects. As always, we suggest that you confer with a financial advisor or estate planning professional for assistance in making sure that you achieve your retirement and estate planning goals.


January 2015

ASSET ALLOCATION When you were younger and retirement was something you only dreamed about, you probably invested most of your money in stocks and mutual funds and that made a lot of sense at the time. With retirement years away, it didn't



that bit of advice, there are no hard-andfast rules. A low-risk, all-bond portfolio might make sense for one retiree while her neighbor might be more comfortable with her assets spread out evenly across the three primary investment markets: stocks, bonds and cash. Determining what the right mix is for you depends on a lot of different questions. How much money do you think you'll need each year to support your lifestyle in retirement? Will your need remain constant or do you think you'll live it up in the early years and live more modestly as you grow older? Do you anticipate dipping into your principal or are you planning to leave an inheritance to your heirs? These are just some of the questions you need to ponder. And even after you've answered them, determining which financial products to buy to meet your retirement planning needs can still be a daunting task. That's why it's always best to meet with a financial advisor who can help you navigate this complicated planning process. ANNUITIES There are a lot of ways to save for retirement and manage your savings. One product that helps you do both is an annuity. In fact, annuities are the only financial planning tool that can help you save and then provide you with a variety of payout options, including a secure and steady stream of income you cannot outlive.

matter much if the vagaries of the stock market dealt your portfolio some blows along the way. You knew that history and time were on your side and that your patience and investment discipline would be rewarded when you reached retirement age. But now that you're nearing or have reached retirement age, the ground rules need to change. An all-stock portfolio no longer makes sense as some retirees and near-retirees have learned the hard way over the past few years. But beyond

So what exactly is an annuity and how does it work? An annuity is a flexible insurance contract. It allows your retirement savings to grow on an income tax-deferred basis and then allows you to choose a payout option that best meets your need for income when you retire - a lump sum, income for life, or income for a certain period of time. An annuity often is described as the opposite of life insurance in that it pays while you live, and life insurance pays after you die. ď Ž (to be continued in next edition)





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January 2015


Do you have a passion for flying? Do you dream of picturing yourself spending each day amongst the clouds, surrounded by dazzling vistas while traveling above some of earth’s most beautiful landscapes? If the answer is Yes, then you’ll love a career as a professional Pilot. Pilot Careers are Rewarding and In-Demand Take your pilot career to greater heights with

California Flight Academy As a licensed pilot, you’ll not only enjoy your job, but you’ll also garner the prestige, respect and admiration that pilots naturally attract. On top of this, the demand for well-qualified pilots continues to expand. According to the Boeing Company: "The world´s airlines will need an additional 466,650 trained pilots

and 596,500 maintenance personnel to operate and maintain the airplanes that will be added to the fleet over the next 20 years." TOP PILOTS START AT CALIFORNIA FLIGHT ACADEMY CFA is a world-renowned flight school that has trained thousands of students from all parts of the globe. Graduates have successfully become private pilots, flight instructors and commercial airline pilots. Since its inception, CFA has set itself apart as a leader in the pilot training industry. From instructors and ground crew to administrative personnel, CFA is proud of the quality and competence of its employees along with the quality of its, meticulously maintained, 35 aircraft fleet and training curriculum. With over 80,000 flight hours completed,


January 2015

successful graduates all over the world, and zero student injuries, our track record speaks for itself. To ensure you receive the very best education possible, CFA flight instructors are carefully selected with the right certifications, credentials and experience. CFA also approved by the United States FAA for both part 61 and 141 training. This means that our training facilities, curriculum, Chief Flight Instructors and aircraft are inspected and approved by the FAA. CFA offers various courses and ratings ranging from Private Pilot to Commercial Pilot and Multi-Engine Rating. All courses are designed to give you more than the FAA minimum number of dual and solo flight hours, in addition to simulation hours, ground instruction and interactive computer-based instruction. WORLDCLASS FACILITY The CFA air strip is located at Gillespie Field in San Diego County. Gillespie supports a well-maintained, controlled environment that also includes an FAA control tower. Unlike many other airports, Gillespie is not hectic or overly-busy. This means more flight time for you, plus you’ll gain experience with control tower radio communications. Exceptional Climate Ideal for Flying CFA is located in sunny San Diego, California, in the United States of America. The U.S. Weather Bureau describes San Diego´s weather as the most nearly-perfect in America. On average, San Diego experiences 320 sunny days per year, with an average year-round temperature of 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit). San Diego’s beautiful climate makes it not only the perfect place to live, but more importantly, one of the most ideal places to fly.

Our optimally maintained aircraft fleet are cared for by our on-site FAA-certified mechanics. Safety of our students and staff is our number-one priority. In addition to safety inspections before and after every flight, our mechanics perform detailed mechanical inspections every fifty and one hundred hours to ensure they are safe and reliable to fly. COURSES AND RATINGS OFFERED As an FAA-approved school under parts 61 and 141, we are pleased to offer the following: Private Pilot Course; Instrument Rating Course; Commercial Pilot Course (Part 141); Multi-Engine Rating Course; Certified Flight Instructor (CFI); Certified Flight Instructor – Instrument (CFII); Airline Transport Pilot Rating (ATP). The average duration for the entire Commercial Airline Pilot Program is approximately nine months, but some have finished in less than 6 months. CFA will provide I-20 for International Student.

Contact : Hifni Andy Assegaf, Capt. Pilot, Flight & Ground Instructor Member of National Association of Flight Instructors since 1998. (Full bio can be read here (see page 11) at docs/indogo__july_2014 Tel: (909) 524-6644 pin BB 2698afb4 Email : California Flight Academy 2065 N Marshall Ave, El Cajon, CA 92220 

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Lengkap Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Anda Sehari-hari

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Commemoration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Martin Luther King, born in January 15, 1929, was an important civil rights activist. He was a leader in the movement to end racial segregation in the United States. His most famous address was the "I Have A Dream" speech. He was an advocate of non-violent protest and became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October 14, 1964 (aged 35). He was assassinated in April 4th, 1968 (aged 39). Shortly after he died, a campaign was started for his


January 2015

birthday to become a holiday to honor him. It was endorsed in 1976, and the bill became law in 1983. Martin Luther King Day was first observed in 1986, a federal holiday, which held on the third Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr. The commemoration is seen as a day to promote equal rights for all Americans, regardless of their background. We can mark the day by study about the work of Martin Luther King and the struggle

against racial segregation and racism. In recent years, federal legislation has encouraged Americans to give some of their time on this day as volunteers in citizen action groups. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'" Each year, Americans across the country answer that question by coming together on the King Holiday to serve their neighbors and communities. ď Ž

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KOMUNITAS PADUAN SUARA INDONESIA Mungkin banyak yang tidak mengetahui bahwa sebenarnya di Indonesia telah memiliki komunitas paduan suara sejak tahun lebih dari satu dekade lalu dimana saat itu email masih belum banyak digunakan sebagai sarana komunikasi oleh masyarakat di Indonesia. Walaupun komunitas ini hanya berkomunikasi dengan memanfaatkan internet tapi nyatanya sangat bermanfaat sekali untuk membangun jaringan komu-

nitas paduan suara yang solid. Terbukti saat ini komunitas paduan suara Indonesia telah memiliki ribuan anggota yang tersebar di seluruh pelosok nusantara. Berkat komunitas paduan suara Indonesia ini pula, rekan-rekan dari daerah dapat mengetahui perkembangan serta mendapatkan informasi kegiatan paduan suara di daerah lainnya terutama paduan suara dari kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Manado dan kota-kota besar lainnya. TAPAK TILAS Komunitas paduan suara Indonesia mulai muncul pada tahun 2000, dimana pada waktu itu masih belum banyak orang di Indonesia yang memiliki akun email dan terkoneksi dengan internet, walaupun warung internet (warnet) sudah mulai bermunculan disana sini. Feri Dewobroto adalah orang pertama yang mulai membangun komunitas paduan suara Indonesia, yang diberi nama Indonesian Choral Lovers atau yang disingkat ICL, dengan memanfaatkan yahoogroups yang sedang naik


January 2015

daun saat itu di kalangan netters. Anggota awal ICL hanya berjumlah 20 orang saja, itupun tidak semua anggota aktif, mengingat kecepatan koneksi internet saat itu di Indonesia masih sangat lambat dan tidak setiap saat orang membaca email.

hoogroups kena bajak. Feri gerah dengan pembajak akun emailnya, karena oleh pembajak, akun email Feri digunakan untuk meminta-minta uang kepada rekan-rekan lain atas nama Feri, sehingga terpaksa beliau meminta yahoo untuk me-non-aktif-kan email pribadinya yang kena bajak

Seiring dengan semakin populernya email di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia maka sudah dipastikan meningkat pula jumlah anggota ICL. Postingan-postingan mengalir dengan deras hampir setiap hari, mulai dari informasi kegiatan paduan suara seperti konser, workshop dan kegiatan paduan suara lainnya, diskusi ringan hingga perdebatan sengit. Tak jarang pula ditemukan sindiran antar sesama anggota, dimana tentu saja hal ini menunjukkan dinamika perkembangan paduan suara di Indonesia yang semakin pesat. Hingga akhir tahun 2010, jumlah anggota ICL sudah mencapai lebih dari 1.000 akun email dimana jumlah ini tentu saja cukup fantastis untuk ukuran komunitas paduan suara yang dimulai dengan hanya 20 anggota saja. Agak lupa, sekitar akhir tahun 2010, anggota komunitas yang tergabung dalam ICL ini, dihebohkan dengan menghilangnya grup kesayangannya dari yahoogroups dengan tiba-tiba. Setelah ditanyakan langsung ke Feri Dewobroto sebagai pendiri dan pemilik grup ICL, beliau menyatakan bahwa email pribadinya yang digunakan sebagai email utama untuk membuka grup ICL di ya-

tersebut. Singkatnya, sudah bisa ditebak tamatlah riwayat grup ICL seiring dihapusnya email Feri oleh yahoo. Hilang pula kumpulan debat dan diskusi selama satu dekade yang ada di grup ICL, hilang pula kontak seribu lebih anggotanya. Walaupun selama masa aktif grup ICL baru satu kali membuat kegiatan gathering alias temu anggota dengan memanfaatkan waktu pelaksanaan Festival Paduan Suara Institut Teknologi Bandung (FPS ITB) pada tahun 2002, setidaknya kehadiran ICL selama satu dekade (2000-2010) menunjukkan eksistensi komunitas paduan suara Indonesia. INDONESIAN CHORAL NETďšş WORK Dengan semangat pantang menyerah, beberapa rekan dari eks anggota grup ICL

losok nusantara. Diharapkan dengan kemajuan media sosial, teknologi dan jangkauan internet ke pelosok nusantara serta kecepatan internet yang cukup memadai di Indonesia saat ini, ICN dengan layanannya bisa dimanfaatkan oleh Komunitas Paduan Suara Indonesia untuk mengembangkan dan mempromosikan kegiatan paduan suaranya. Di usianya yang masih terbilang masih muda, Indonesian Choral Net yang lahir pada tanggal 5 Maret 2011, telah memiliki lebih dari 3.500 anggota dan telah membuat berbagai program kegiatan yang bermanfaat untuk komunitas paduan suara Indonesia, seperti Festival Paduan Suara Online, dimana festival ini merupakan festival paduan suara pertama di Indonesia secara online, majalah komunitas paduan suara Indonesia yang bisa diakses melalui link http://indonesianchoralnet.weebly. com/magazines, serta INDONESIAN CHORAL NET CHILDREN & YOUTH CHOIR FESTIVAL yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 12-13 Juni 2015 di Jakarta.

mencoba merayu Feri agar bersedia membuka kembali grup ICL, tetapi setelah beberapa kali usaha merayu Feri gagal, karena alasan kesibukkan beliau, maka beberapa rekan dari eks anggota grup ICL yang lenyap tersebut berinisiatif untuk membentuk grup komunitas paduan suara Indonesia yang baru. Bercermin pada hilangnya grup ICL yang mana diakibatkan oleh email pribadi pemiliknya kena bajak, maka untuk grup baru ini diputuskan untuk menggunakan email sendiri, sehingga kalau kena bajak lagi setidaknya tidak merugikan email pribadi pemilik grup. Facebook pun dipilih sebagai wadah grup yang baru, mengingat popularitas facebook sedang naik daun saat ini, pertimbangan lainnya karena hampir semua orang Indonesia memiliki akun facebook saat ini. Berdasarkan statistik, penduduk Indonesia berada di urutan keempat setelah Amerika Serikat, India dan Brazil ( top-15-countries-based-on-number-of-facebook-users/) sebagai pengguna facebook terbesar. Setelah sedikit memodifikasi kata 'lovers' menjadi 'network' maka nama resmi yang digunakan adalah Indonesian Choral Network atau kalau disingkat menjadi ICN. Pertimbangan memilih kata 'network' untuk menggantikan kata 'lovers' di akhir kalimat bertujuan agar grup ICN dapat membangun networking serta menjangkau lebih banyak lagi komunitas paduan suara di pe-

Singkatnya, INDONESIAN CHORAL NET-work adalah organisasi independen NON-PROFIT komunitas paduan suara Indonesia yang bertujuan sebagai jaringan komunikasi (networking) bagi semua komunitas paduan suara di Indonesia serta mengembangkan dan mempromosikan kegiatan paduan suara Indonesia dengan menyediakan layanan media komunikasi dalam bentuk online yang dapat diakses dan dimanfaatkan oleh semua komunitas paduan suara Indonesia. Tidak tertutup kemungkinan ke depannya, ICN juga akan membuka jaringan komunikasi bagi paduan suara Indonesia yang berada diluar Indonesia sehingga bisa saling belajar maupun bertukar pengalaman. Pepatah bijak mengatakan 'Tak kenal maka tak sayang', mari kunjungi website Indonesianchoralnet di www.indonesianchoral. net untuk lebih mengenal dekat komunitas paduan suara Indonesia, berkenalan dengan paduan suara Indonesia yang telah banyak berprestasi di tingkat internasional serta mendapatkan informasi terkini mengenai kegiatan paduan suara di Indonesia. ď Ž TENTANG PENULIS

Rizal Tandrio (email: - Pelajar jurusan Musik, Rekaman Musik dan Produksi di Pasadena City College sejak tahun 2012, juga merupakan anggota American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM) dan pendiri Komunitas Paduan Suara Indonesia ( Memiliki minat dalam bidang teknologi rekaman untuk orkestra dan paduan suara, pendidikan musik untuk sekolah dasar dan menengah, serta paduan suara anak dan remaja. Sebelum berimigrasi ke Amerika pada akhir tahun 2010, penulis berprofesi sebagai pelatih paduan suara, guru musik dan juri di berbagai kompetisi paduan suara di Jakarta dan sekitarnya sejak tahun 1996. ď Ž January 2015


ASIAN PACIFIC LUNAR NEW YEAR FESTIVAL  DOWNTOWN RIVERSIDE Sat, Jan 31, 2015 start @ 10am Location: Mission Inn Ave X Lemon St, Riverside, CA 91501. Downtown Riverside will be transported to the beauty of

nature in no time. Info: (626) 300-0777 FREE ADMISSION SYMPHONIC JAZZ ORCHESTRA Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 2:00 pm at Carpenter Performing Arts Center 6200 Atherton St, Long Beach, CA 90815. The 67-member Symphonic Jazz Orchestra joined by today's leading jazz artists including George Duke's "Dark Wood: Concerto for Bass and Orchestra." This is a free, ticketed event. (info: 562-985-7000). GET FREE TICKET at

at Long Beach Convention Center 300 E. Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90802 Four-legged friends can receive "spa treatments", sample delicious treats or try on furry fashions. And their humans will enjoy care/train tips from animal welfare organizations. Activities: agility demo, pet talent, costume shows, pet/owner look-alike contest and pet adoption. FREE ADMISSION - Bring your pet ! MARTIN LUTHER KING FESTIVAL Sat, Jan 17, 2015, parade @ 10:30am at King Park, 1950 Lemon Ave, Long Beach, CA 90806. Join us at the 27th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace and Unity Parade and Celebration. The parade kicks off at 10:30 am at the inter-

Asian Pacific Lunar New Year

magnificent Ancient Orient. Spectacular Parade start at 10 am (from City Hall on Main st traveling north-east, right on Mission Inn Ave, end at Lime St). Music, Taiko Drums, Dance, Art and, Cultural

Public Events Sekitar Los Angeles

Museum, Atraksi dan Festival diseputar kota Los Angeles performances throughout the day. FREE Arts and Crafts at Children’s Village, Health Expo, authentic Asian foods and variety of Teas at the Tea Pavilion. We encourage you to wear your favorite traditional cultural attire. And lastly, closing ceremony with Fireworks Display! FREE ADMISSION, FREE PARKING Rose Pruning Workshop

FREE ROSE PRUNING WORKSHOP Sat, Jan 10 @ 9a-11a at Crowell Public Library, 1890 Huntington Dr, San Marino, CA 91108. Ron Serven, City Arborist for San Marino will conduct rose pruning workshop. Learn the techniques in just an hour or so and be ready to work with


January 2015

MUSEUMS FREEFORALL Sat, Jan 31, 2015 @ 10am (pls check) In a joint effort to present the arts and culture to the diverse communities in Southern California, SoCal Museums

Jalan Jalan

section of Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave and Anaheim St. The celebration follows until 5:00 pm, at Martin Luther King Park. FREE ADMISSION "KINGDOM DAY PARADE" will also be held on Monday, Jan 19, 2015 @ 9am on Martin Luther King Jr Blvd (X Vermont Ave), Los Angeles, CA 90037.

Museum FREE-FOR-ALL Noah's Ark at Skirball

announces the tenth annual "Museums Free-For-All". Over 29 museums, presenting art, cultural heritage, natural history, and science, will open their doors free of charge. (General admission only and does not apply to special exhibitions. Check museum websites for hours & other info.) FREE ADMISSION - for museum's list: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PET EXPO Sat, Jan 24, 2015 @ 10:00 am-6:00 pm

LUNAR NEW YEAR STREET FESTIVAL Sat, Sun, Jan 24-25 12pm-9pm on Las Tunas Drive, Temple City, CA 91780 (between Temple City Blvd and Rowland Ave). Enjoy this family friendly event: Music, Food, Drink, Arts and more. FREE ADMISSION 

BY DR. VIVIENNE KRUGER PART ONE Jawaharlal Nehru labelled Bali the “morning of the world” : Gunung Agung (The Great Mountain), towering majestically over Karangasem Regency, is its brilliant, primordial, creative spark. Indonesia has 34 percent of the world’s active volcanoes: during

the highest mountain in Bali at 3,142 meters (10,308 feet), is part of a range of ten younger volcanoes which dominate the northeastern tier of the island on an east-west axis from Mt. Seraya to Mt. Baluran. (The still-active Mt. Batur, with its magnificent lakefilled caldera, last roused itself in 1926 to destroy 1,500 temples and kill over 1,000 Balinese!)

Balinese people were on their way to pray at Pura Besakih with Gunung Agung at the background.

the past 10,000 years, 132 volcanoes have spewed forth their venom on the unsuspecting archipelago. Bali lies along a large arc where two of the earth’s seven tectonic plates (the Indo-Australian and the Eurasian) meet—and where plates collide, volcanoes form and peaks ignite. "Ring of Fire", the ring of mighty, millionyear-old fire mountains which circle this part of the Pacific with their distinctive smoking cones, march all the way from famous Krakatoa to Bromo, Merapi, Agung, Rinjani and beyond. Virtually all of Bali is geologically volcanic: Gunung Agung,


January 2015

Classified as basaltic strato volcanoes, Bali’s mountains hurl out solid material (ash, pumice, and dust) accompanied by windstorms, tremendous pent-up heat and gases, and coursing liquid lava. Strato volcanic activity is typically unpredictable and irregular, with

On February 18, 1963, local residents heard loud explosions and saw clouds rising from the crater of Mount Agung. On February 24, lava began flowing down traveling 7 km in the next 20 days. On March 17, the volcano erupted, sending debris 8 to 10 km into the air and generating massive pyroclastic flows. These flows devastated numerous villages, killing approximately 1500 people. Cold lahars caused by heavy rainfall after the eruption killed an additional 200. A second eruption on May 16 led to pyroclastic flows that killed another 200 inhabitants. The lava flows missed, by mere yards, the Mother Temple of Besakih. The saving of the temple is regarded by the Balinese people as miraculous and a signal from the gods that they wished to demonstrate their power but not destroy the monument the Balinese faithful had erected.

long periods of apparent dormancy. Gunung Agung lay quiet for over 600 years until it awoke in a sudden terrible display of anger in the year of 1963, which cost it hundreds of feet of cone and caused cataclysmic destruction. Gunung Agung sent up a preliminary smoke signal warning on February 18th: preparations were in full swing only six kilometers away at Pura Besakih

procession straight toward the raging wall of lava. They held aloft the sacred effigies safeguarded in their shrines: the priests chanted, the penjors floated, and reverberating gongs played as the villagers embarked on their next incarnation. Even more lethal were the boiling waves of black volcanic mud speeding across the countryside at 40 miles per hour like an unstoppable roiling tsunami. The deadliest eruption in Bali’s recorded history left behind the bleak, lifeless, lifetorn devastation of a nuclear winter in once-verdant Bali.

lava began to cascade down the sacred slopes. Miraculously, universally revered Pura Besakih was spared as the molten lava parted (and poured down the other side), avoiding both the temple compounds and the throngs of assembled worshippers. Untamed nature ran amok in 1963: lava, smoke, and earthquakes killed thousands; left hundreds of thousands homeless; decimated crops; and scorched the once productive, emerald green valleys and rice fields.

Eastern Bali was hit particularly hard by lava: entire villages in Karangasem, Klungkung, Bangli, and Gianyar ceased to exist overnight. The wrath of Gunung Agung smothered a quarter of the island in volcanic ash, blocked out the sunlight, left the shifting earth hot underfoot, and sent hissing rock fragments hurtling towards helpless villages already ablaze. Crackling thunderstorms and lightning bolts crashed back down into Gunung Agung’s secret crater laboratory like an unholy, heretical experiment on the mystery and terror of creation itself. Caught in a gray, mid-day drizzle of volcanic cinders, panicked victims did not know which way to turn to flee the chaos. Many had lost family and home forever. The community of Badeg Dukuh, rather than abandon their ancestral compounds, set out in a holy Image of Sunset behind Gunung Agung Thanks to: Amed, Jonathan Copeland, Murni's Warung - Ubud, Bali

(Bali’s mother temple) for an elaborate Eka Dasa Rudra ceremony. Between February 19th and March 8th, Gunung Agung glowed yellow and rumbled: the priests confidently compared the sanctified drifting ashes to the precious holy water used to purify the massive Besakih temple complex. Thick columns of rising clouds, gravel rains, and flying boulders continued to stalk the month-long sacrificial rites, but the government only cancelled the remaining ceremonies when burning

Modern seismological interpretations aside, many Balinese believed that the catastrophe occurred during the Eka Dasa Rudra festival because the ceremony was held in the wrong year, thus incurring the displeasure of the offended gods of Mount Agung. Eka Dasa (Sanskrit word for eleven) Rudra, Bali’s most important religious ceremony, takes place only once every hundred years and requires five meticulous weeks of advance preparation. In 1963, the Eka Dasa Rudra sacrifice had not taken place for two hundred years: the Holy Document, the Radja Purana of Pura Besakih, demanded its restoration. The Council of Priests, pressed by then-President Sukarno (who wanted to show the island off to a convention of travel agents), may have pushed the event ahead for political rather than religious reasons. The experts acquiesced as the sacred lontar texts provide for the ceremony to be held at nonstandard times if it seems urgent to restore harmony. The gods knew better: they retaliated with a fiery holocaust that left Pura Besakih, alone, standing intact among the rubble! To be continued in next edition

January 2015



Predestination is a movie about time travel which similar with The Looper (Bruce Willis), but with a lot of twists. This is a movie about chronicles of a young man (Ethan

imagined - until he meets the kindly Brown family, who read the label around his neck ("Please look after this bear. Thank you.") and offer him a temporary haven. It looks as though his luck has changed until this rarest of bears catches the eye of a museum taxidermist.


JAN 9 Hawke), who in the movie later revealed to be intersex, taken back in time and tricked into impregnating his younger, female self (before he underwent a sex change) played by Sarah Nook. He thus turns out to be the offspring of that union, with the paradoxical result that he is his own mother and father. As the story unfolds, all the major characters are revealed to be the same person, at different stages of her/his life.

It has been two years since Lucasfilm was bought by Disney, the studio that has made its beloved Star Wars feature film franchise. Now, Lucasfilm Animation is preparing to release its first non-Star Wars related animated movie, titled Strange Magic, a fairytale musical inspired by William Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. The movie will use popular songs to chronicle the misadventures

JAN 23

“Black or White” is the story of a grandfather (Kevin Costner) who is suddenly left to care for his beloved granddaughter (Jillian Estell). When the little girl’s paternal grandmother (Octavia Spencer) seeks custody, a legal battle ensues that forces the families to confront their true feelings on race, forgiveness and understanding. Anchored by an all-star cast and based on real events, the movie is a look at two seemingly different worlds. To commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and addressing violent in Ferguson and New York it is sure nothing is as simple as black or white, but there must always a way to solve it. 

A young Peruvian bear with a passion for all things British travels to London in search of a home. Finding himself lost and alone at Paddington Station, he begins to realize that city life is not all he had

JAN 16 JANUARY 2015 MOVIE Taken 3 Song Of The Sea Blackhat The Weedding Ringer Escobar: Paradise Lost Spare Parts Still Alice Mortdecai Black Sea Little Accident Project Almanac Wild Card January 2015

JAN 30




of goblins, elves, fairies, and imps who fight over a powerful potion. The cast for Strange Magic includes Alan Cumming, Evan Rachel Wood, Kristin Chenoweth, Maya Rudolph, Sam Palladio, Alfred Molina, Elijah Kelley, Bob Einstein, Peter Stormare and newcomer Meredith Anne Bull. Additionally, Marius de Vries (Moulin Rouge!) will serve as the musical director and composer. Strange Magic may certainly be worth watching for all ages.

GENRE Action Animation Action Comedy Romance Drama Drama Comedy Thriller Drama Sci-Fi Action

ACTORS/ACTRESSES Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace Voice: Brendan Gleesons, Fionnula Flanagan Chris Hemsworth, Viola Davis Kevin Hart, Kaley Cuoco Benicio Del Toro, Josh Hutcherson George Lopez, Marisa Tomei Julianne Moore, Kristen Stewart Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow Jude Law, Ben Mendelsohn Elizabeth Banks, Josh Lucas Jonny Weston, Amy Landecker Jason Statham, Sofia Vergara

DATE Jan 9 Jan 9 Jan 16 Jan 16 Jan 16 Jan 16 Jan 16 Jan 23 Jan 23 Jan 23 Jan 30 Jan 30


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Bahan : • 70 gr bihun • 300 ml santan instan • 1 butir telur • 100 gr ayam • 1400 ml (Air Kaldu Ayam) • 1 Bungkus Bumbu Laksa Munik 70 gr Cara Memasak :

1. Rebus daging ayam hingga empuk, lalu suir-suir daging ayam dan sisihkan. 2. Masukkan santan dan bumbu ke dalam wajan masak dengan api kecil aduk-aduk sampai mengeluarkan minyak. 3. Campurkan bumbu dan santan yang sudah tercampur kedalam panci yang masih terdapat air rebusan daging ayam (air kaldu) aduk - aduk hingga rata dan masak sampai kuah mengental. 4. Masukkan bahan pelengkap kedalam mangkuk seperti : bihun, telur yang sudah direbus, suir'an ayam. 5. Siram dengan kuah panas. Angkat dan sajikan.


• 2 potong dada ayam dan paha ayam • 3 sdm tepung beras • Minyak Canola untuk menggoreng • 3 buah cabe besar, buang biji, haluskan • 3 buah cabe keriting, haluskan • 1 buah tomat, buang biji, cincang halus • 5 siung bawang merah, iris tipis • 2 siung bawang putih, iris tipis • 1 sdt ketumbar bubuk • Garam, gula, lada secukupnya • Bumbu Ayam Goreng Munik 140 gr

Cara memasak:

Dendeng Ayam Sambal

1. Iris tipis ayam lalu pukul-pukul sampai empuk dan gepeng. 2. Baluri ayam dengan Bumbu Ayam Goreng Munik, diamkan 1 jam. 3. Ayam yang telah dibumbui, digulingkan ditepung beras. Goreng sampai kering. 4. Panaskan 2 sdm minyak, tumis bawang merah, bawang putih sampai harum. Masukkan cabe, tomat, ketumbar, garam, gula, dan lada secukupnya. 5. Siram sambal diatas dendeng ayam garing. 24

January 2015



6+ 3

3 4 2


1 5 4












lipat disini untuk menutupi answer sheet




2 1














Use number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The numbers in each thick outlined set of squares (called cages), must combine numbers (in any order) to produce the target number using the mathematic operation indicated (+). Sample: For 5+, you can use 1 & 4 or 2 & 3. Number can ONLY be used once per row & once per column. You can use same number within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column. Cages with just one square should be filled in with the target number in the top corner.









answer sheet

Sudoku 5 1 2 4 9 7 3 8 6

6 8 3 1 5 2 4 9 7

4 3 7 5 1 8 9 6 2

8 6 5 9 2 3 7 4 1

9 2 1 6 7 4 8 5 3

1 5 6 7 4 9 2 3 8

2 7 4 8 3 5 6 1 9

3 9 8 2 6 1 5 7 4

Make a habit to tell people Thank You. Express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it.

lipat disini untuk menutupi answer sheet

7 4 9 3 8 6 1 2 5

answer sheet


9 2 5

4 3 4 1

5 1 2

7 8


9 6

8 4 3 5 1 7

1 January 2015


He urged families to be patient with his team as they identify loved ones. He wants to do his work right. "We have to make sure that we have to return that right body to the right family," he said. Decomposition also slows his work down. "The later the dead bodies come to you, the harder you work," he said. His team uses fingerprints and dental records as well as DNA to find out who they have recovered.

Air Asia QZ8501 Disaster Singapore-bound AirAsia Flight QZ8501 that departed from Indonesia's Surabaya disappeared on Sunday, December 28, 2014 after taking off at 5:35am. Less than an hour later at 6:17am it had lost all contact with air control. The flight was carrying 155 passengers and 7 crews. A major search mission was launched in the Java Sea near to where the plane disappeared from radar screens. As the search for AirAsia Flight QZ8501 stretched into its eighth day, the Java Sea continued to slowly give up the remains of the 162 victims aboard the ill-fated flight, as well as wreckage of the aircraft. At least four more bodies were recovered on Sunday, January 4, 2015, bringing the count to 37. The remains were transferred by helicopter to the processing center in Pangkalan Bun, Indonesia, to the north of the search area. AirAsia released the nationalities of the 162 passengers and crew which included 144 adults, 17 children, and one infant. The crew consisted of: two pilots, an engineer and four flight attendants. Total of 155 Indonesians, 3 South Korean, 1 French, 1 Malaysian, 1 Singaporean and 1 British.

SEARCH CONTINUES Marsdya Bambang Sulistyo, head of the Indonesian Search and Rescue agency, told reporters Sunday, although there has been an improvement in conditions, they remain difficult, with heavy rain and high waves continuing to hamper recovery efforts. The priority surface and underwater search areas remained the same, he added. Search teams have found several large pieces of debris believed to be parts of the aircraft. Sulistyo said the latest objects -- including one that is 18 meters long -- were located by sonar in the priority search area. Twenty aircraft and 27 ships were involved in Sunday's search. Divers are on standby but the underwater search was halted due to poor visibility and strong currents. SINKING BODIES Anton Castilani, head of the Disaster Victims Identification unit, is eager to get the rest of the victims out of the water before they sink to the bottom of the sea. He is in charge of identifying them and said that gases in the bodies that keep them afloat disperse after a few days in the water.


January 2015

RECOVERIES, IDENTIFICATIONS The USS Sampson, which the U.S. Navy has deployed to help, recovered some bodies. A limited number of them will be autopsied to determine the cause of death to aid the investigation, an Indonesian official said. But many families don't want autopsies done. "For the sake of the investigation, we agree, and it is accepted by Interpol, to perform autopsies on the pilot, co-pilot and some randomly selected passengers," said East Java Police Chief Anas Yusuf.

SEARCH PRIORITIES Finding the fuselage and flight data recorders of the Airbus A320-200 has priority for the 59 diving teams searching underneath the waves. Russia has joined the effort with 22 underwater teams along with a search plane and a cargo jet. The searchers are concentrating on a 1,575-square-nautical-mile zone that officials believe is the most probable area to find the remains of the aircraft. THE PLANE AND THE PILOTS The Airbus, operated by AirAsia's Indonesian affiliate, had accumulated about 23,000 flight hours in about 13,600 flights in six years. The plane's last scheduled maintenance was November 16. Flight 8501's veteran captain, Iriyanto, 53, had 20,537 flying hours, 6,100 of them with AirAsia on the Airbus A320, the airline said.

The first officer, Remi Emmanuel Plesel, 46, had 2,275 flying hours, a reasonable amount for his position. AirAsia captain seems to have found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Iriyanto, a former Indonesian air-force fighter pilot, sought clearance to climb from 32,000 to 38,000 feet to avoid a storm, but did not respond to air-traffic controllers when they gave clearance for a climb to 34,000 a short-time later. The pilots never made a mayday call. "It appears that he was picked up by an updraft or a clear-air turbulence, which caused the aeroplane to go vertical. That argument is born out by the fact that air-traffic control had noticed that his air speed had really died off," Peter Marosszeky, an aviation specialist fellow at the University of NSW, says. "If it did in fact go into stall, then the pilot would have had a lot of trouble getting out of it. You would have to be extremely experienced. But we really don't know precisely what caused it." "In this particular case, I am a little bit surprised that the aircraft took off and flew into these known conditions," he says. THE FLIGHT What we know: QZ8501 took off early December 28 from Surabaya, bound for Singapore. Roughly 35 minutes into the flight, the pilot asked air traffic control for permission to turn left and climb to avoid bad weather. Minutes later, the plane disappeared from air traffic control's radar. What we don't know: What happened on board after contact with the plane was lost. No distress call was received. SUSPENDED Indonesian authorities are looking into why AirAsia was flying that particular route on that particular day, a Sunday; the coun-

try's Transport Ministry says that AirAsia was permitted to fly it ONLY on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. AirAsia said it will cooperate with the inquiry and suspended all service from Surabaya to Singapore in the meantime. Between Lion Air (privately owned Indonesian carrier) and AirAsia have ordered more than 800 aircraft – one of the fastest growths of an airline capacity at any time in history. Indonesia's air traffic has increased five-fold since 2004 and now they country's airports, particularly the chronically clogged Soekarno-Hatta in Jakarta, are reaching the limits of their capacity. With the grim task of recovering the bodies of passengers and crew still under way, this crash presents AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandes with one of the biggest tests of his career. His investment in an airline with just two planes in 2001 has grown to span Asia with a fleet of almost 170 aircraft. It

has carried almost as many passengers as Indonesia has people. Gerry Soejatman, an Indonesian aviation analyst, says that, though Indonesian aviation has had a patchy record, he is confident that it's improving. On a vast, mountainous archipelago, with appalling road infrastructure and a minimal port network, air travel is growing as fast as the burgeoning Indonesian middle class can afford to buy a ticket to destinations in both their own country and others. COMPENSATION OFFERED As many endured the agonizing wait for news of their loved ones, families of those on board the plane were presented with a draft letter from AirAsia outlining details of preliminary compensation. This compensation money is for any "financial hardships" during this period of the search, and in the letters AirAsia stressed that it was not a confirmation that their family members were deceased. The letter states that families are entitled to about $24,000 for each family member who was on the plane. While some families signed the letter, others requested revisions to the wording. Australia and International Pilots Association treasurer Adam Susz also points out that the A320 airplane – a workhorse for airlines such as Jetstar and Air New Zealand – is one of the most popular and reliable in the world. "We want to reassure people that flying is an incredibly safe activity and events like this [AirAsia crash] are incredibly rare," he says.  January 2015


KANTOR PERWAKILAN INDONESIA DI AMERIKA Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia 2020 Massachussets Ave. N. W. Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 775-5200 Fax: (202) 775-5365 Utusan Tetap R.I. di PBB 325 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 972-8333 Fax: (212) 972-9780 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Los Angeles 3457 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 Tel: (213) 383-5126 Fax: (213) 487-3971 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. New York 5 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065 Tel: (212) 879-0600 Fax: (212) 570-6206 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Chicago 211 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: (312) 920-1880 Fax: (312) 920-1881 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Houston 10900 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77042 Tel: (713) 785-1691 Fax: (713) 780-9644

DIREKTORI Dokter Umum Herman Sardjono, MD 72 West Las Tunas Dr. Arcadia, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 821-5305 Dokter Umum Joseph T Oei, MD 71202 E Huntington Dr, Duarte, CA 91010 Tel: (626) 303-5019 Dokter Gigi Herman Budiman, DDS 11816 Garvey Ave. El Monte, CA 91732 Tel: (626) 443-8744 OB/GYN - Fertility Clinic Lee C Terence, MD 203 N. Brea Blvd. #100 Brea, CA 92821 Tel: (714) 256-0777 Budincich Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic Polin Togi, LAc 140 N. Hill Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106 Tel: (626) 792-3390

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. San Francisco 1111 Columbus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133 Tel: (415) 474-9571 Fax: (415) 441-4320

Tip Top Mart Indonesian Grocery 704 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel, CA 91776 Tel: (626) 293-8882

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Honolulu 1001 Bishop Street, ASB Tower #2970 Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel: (808) 531-3017 Fax: (808) 531-3177

989 S. Glendora Ave. West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-5300

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Ottawa 55 Parkdale Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 1E5 Tel: (613) 724-1100 Fax: (613) 724-1105 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Vancouver 1630 Alberni Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6G 1A6 Tel: (604) 682-8855 Fax: (604) 662-8396 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Toronto 129 Jarvis Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5C 2H6 Tel: (416) 360-4020 Fax: (416) 360-4295 Embassy of United States of America Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia Tel: (62-21) 3435-9000


January 2015

Sam’s Nutrition 116 N. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754 Tel: (626) 288-2595 Borneo Restaurant 19 S. Garfield Ave. #A Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 810-1366 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 17 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 552-6668 Java Spice - Indonesian Rest. 1743 Fullerton Road Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Tel: (626) 810-1366 Merry’s House of Chicken 2550 Amar Rd. West Covina, CA 91792 Tel: (626) 965-0123

Tempe House Spicy Food 24984 3rd St. San Bernardino, CA 92410 Tel: (909) 889-2222

ROOM FOR RENT Pomona, NON Smoking. With or without bathroom. $400$500. Call: (909) 397-9772

Chicky BBQ & Grill 1206 E. Huntington Dr. #A Duarte, CA 91090 Tel: (626) 357-1500

DIJUAL MESIN PEMBUAT TEMPE Please call: (680) 0853

Benri Motor - Auto Repair 1710 W. Foothill Blvd. #A2 Upland, CA 91786 Tel: (909) 946-6078 Janty Noodle 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 14 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 480-1808 Bakmi Parahyangan 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 13 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 271-6535 Depot Bethania 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 16 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-7722 Go China Restaurant 136 North Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Tel: (626) 793-3888

A MEN WITH A SIENNA Shuttle service, Personal Chauffeur, airport transfer, tours around Los angeles, etc. Call 626-378-3836 for rates ROOM FOR RENT Arcadia - $500 & $700 /mo. Util Incl, wi-fi, garage w/ remote, house cleaning Contact # 626-215-5567 DICARI TUKANG MASAK Rest. Masakan Indonesia di South Orange County, CA 92630. - Tel: (949) 680-0853 ROOM 4 RENT For single female, $550/mo, util incl, no smoking, no pet, clean room. (626)376-8115 NOTARIS & PENTERJEMAH Indonesia Inggris Tel: (626) 893-2188

Mien Nghia Noodle 7755 E Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 Tel: (626) 288-0177

WANTED  COOKING CHEF Indonesian Restaurant Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 552-6668

H - Mobile Metro PCS Store 9000 Foothill Blvd. #112 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. Tel: (909) 222-1866

HIRING WAITERS / CASHIER Restaurant in Pasadena part-time, student ok. Tel: (626) 793-3888

Ticket, Tour & Travel Best Deal Travel Tel: (909) 222-6713

IKLAN MINI DICARI KITCHEN HELPER Pria, Rest Indo. Can cook is a plus. Tel: (626) 357-1500 DICARI SUSHI CHEF HELPER Daerah West LA, Must Speak English. Hub David Tel: (310) 689-6589 PERLU TRANSPORTASI ? Untuk tour $25/per-jam plus bensin harga murah untuk airport, dll. Hubungi : David (714) 936-8188

OFFICES FOR RENT Alhambra for $600-$1350/m and 2 offices in Rowland Hts for $500-$750/m Contact: (626) 833-5263 CONTRACTOR Renovasi Residential, Commercial, Room Addition & New Construction, CA Lic. Call Johan at (626) 278-5808 DICARI TUKANG MASAK KUE Di Orange County, Tel: (949) 458-1108, (949) 680-0853 HIRING CASHIER & CHEF/COOK Chinese Food in Pasadena Please call: (626) 757-3773

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The Year Of God opening doors for MIRACLES Tahun dibuka-NYA Pintu-Pintu Mujizat

IBCCOG Diamond Bar IBCCOG San Bernardino 20418 Yellow Brick Rd. Seventh Day Advent Walnut, CA 91789 Church 1291 N. Rancho Ave. Colton, CA 92408 Service : Sunday, 10.00 am For info : Bernie Lauw Tel: 909.618.4618 Prayer Tower : Monday - 10:00 am Tuesday - 8:00 pm Thursday - 9:30 am

IBCCOG Santa Monica Westside Christian Fellowship 2948 Colorado Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90404

Service : Sunday 10:00 am

Service : Sunday 04:30 pm

For Info : Ps. Ray Soeoth

For Info : Surianto Hong Tel: 310.837.9888

Prayer Tower : Wednesday - 11:00 am Prayer Tower: Wednesday, 8.00 pm Saturday - 11:00 am


20418 Yellow Brick Rd, Walnut, CA 91789

Residence Inn - Marriot Beverly Hills 1177 S. Beverly Drive Los Angeles, CA 90035

525 E. Vine Ave. West Covina, CA 91790

626 297 4920

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4:30 PM

Pastors Diki & Henny Ngantung

1550 N. Palmetto Ave. Ontario, CA 91762

Sunday Service 10:30


Info: Carol (909) 499-9269 James (909) 532-3354 January 2015


New Gadget at CES 2015

Smart Clothing by Hexoskin

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has been the world’s ground for breakthrough technologies for more than 40 years. The CES is widely regarded as the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace. The CES this year is set to take place from the 6th to the 9th of January 2015 at Las Vegas, Nevada. Here are some of the previews that you can find from the show. 4K, 5K SMART TVS Cutting edge in Television innovation with bendable, curved screens, OLED, 4K, 5K, and 8K displays will still catch the attention this year CES. TVs might focus on new innovation on SUHD 4K (Super Ultra

to be a huge part of this year’s CES and in coming years. Comprising a wide range of devices from fitness watches and activity trackers to head-worn displays and Bluetooth jewelry that vibrates when you’ve got an incoming call. According to a report, one of the biggest More Affordable big curved 4K TVs Swiss watch brands TAG Heuer is apparently gearing up to launch a smartwatch. This year’s CES will be flooded with wearable products from all the top manufacturers. The smartwatch is going to be the “must-have” gadget the coming year.

High Definition) with 21:9 aspect ratio and also more services (UHD Alliance: Disney, Netflix, Warner, FOX, etc) for the masses. Samsung will partnership with M-Go for 4K movie download, Sony with collaborations with Netflix also LG will be the other major competitors going head to head in bringing 4k TVs at affordable prices. The highlights in television will be the Android TV. A TV with a SMART UI powered by Android, Google has already announced its partnership with Sony and Philips for its manufacturing and we might see a competitive market for it. SMARTPHONE, TABLETS AND WEARABLE GADGET Between smart watches, smart glasses and even smart clothing (OMSignal, Hexoskin and Myontec), wearable technology is going


January 2015

Tag Heuer will surprises smartwatch world.

glasses. Other high spec devices are also expected from Huawei, Asus and ZTE as well. LG come with G FLEX 2 which has a smaller display, better pixel density and an improved screen. Xiaomi MI5 will be making an appearance at the 2015 CES as well. SMART CAR Autonomous car will increase as well as the interaction between the technology and automobile industries increase, brand new

The market for smartwatch and tablets (or phablets) also getting more and more competitive. Kodak, yes the film maker, introduce their first Android IM5 smartphone. Sony will come with the new Sony Walkman and "attach" smart eyeglasses which will make any glasses become smart

Daimler chairman Dr. Dieter Zetsche delivered a keynote address, focus on autonomous car technology and show off a new concept car F-015 from Mercedes-Benz

Sony "Attach" smart eyeglasses

for CES 2015 is the Vehicle Intelligence Marketplace. The Marketplace will feature autonomous-driving, collision-avoidance and vehicle-communication technologies. Exhibitors in the area will conduct track

the digital technology supporting it, these machines are moving towards to more compact units. Showcasing the leaders in the 3D printing industry and jaw-dropping demos, you'll see the future of printing come to life.

BMW i3 will park itself, and pick you up when needed

BMW i3 Active Assist with Remote Valet Parking Assistant

demonstrations within the parking lot as well as on-the-road demos. Eleven manufacturers will exhibit at CES: Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Hyundai, Mazda, Mercedes, MINI, Toyota and Volkswagen. BMW's Remote Valet Parking Assistant, is the technology combines onboard laser scanners with a map of car park's layout to enable the driver to exit the vehicle before it navigates itself through the structure autonomously. BMW's 1-3 self-parking car is set to demonstrate a system that will automatically park a car in a multi-story car park without the use of GPS or the presence of a driver. The car will find an empty spot, park, lock itself and then wait to be summoned by the driver when they are ready to depart. The Remote Valet Parking Assistant is controlled via the driver's smartwatch, which also monitors the driver's location so the car can meet them at the car park exit. BMW says the same sensor technology can be used to bring crash-free driving closer to reality. Similar to the autonomous emergency braking (AEB) systems seen in existing vehicles, the system developed by the Bavarian car brand moni-

tors 360-degrees around the car, and acts to stop the car when it detects an obstacle. CONNECTED SMART HOME The idea that you can control your home’s temperature, opening blinds or turning on the lights with your smartphone is only the start of what a connected home can do. In this year CES, you will see plenty more smart home options launching; smart solar cell, home security (key/alarm system, surveillance camera), home entertainment (with bluetooth light speaker), refrigerator, washing machine, even Robotic Water Sprinkler.

Professional 3D Printer by 3D Systems

Smart Home gadget at kitchen

OTHER SHOWCASES In addition, the CES also showcases Morpheus Virtual Reality systems, Oculus Rift, the latest in-car infotainment systems including driverless cars, the latest modular PC concept, future of digital camera, drone technology and many more. And what we see at CES will empower users more than ever before to take control and better leverage the technology in their lives.

3D PRINTER Additive manufacturing has become one of the fastest-growing printing processes in the 21st century – virtually making an object appear out of thin air by generating successive layers of material to create a three-dimensional product. Most 3D printers are used to build prototypes for the medical, aerospace, engineering and automotive industries, but with the advancement of

Sony PS4 Morpheus VR

As we enter 2015, we build devices that designed to record and sense all data of our everyday existence. The electronic products has proven to be a watershed moment in the march toward a digitally defined physical world. Much like manufacturing innovation created the Industrial Revolutions of the 19th Century, consumer tech is ushering in a data revolution in the 21st Century that is redefining how we interact with technology. We have computers and are deployed widely. We carry them in our pockets and wear them, they are in our homes. This sea change is about more than just technology; it’s about people. We are surrounded by billions of connections; the lifeblood of tomorrow’s world will be data, in all its manifestations. By developing machines that can capture and make sense of data, we will unlock solutions to problems and it will also allow us to create solutions to problems we never even knew existed. That is the Digital Destiny before us. It’s not just an abundance of cool gadgets or better TV resolution or safer cars, it’s humanity’s future—our destiny—that hinges on an increased ability to harness the power of data through digitization. 



Doing Small Things With Great Love “None of us can do anything great on our own, but we all can do small things with great love.” - Mother Theresa I thank God for the conceited commitment of the congregation of Indonesian Good News Church of Los Angeles for the purchase of their church building. We joyously to celebrate their church 8th Anniversary. To God be the Glory! Often in our personal life, we become disheartened feeling we have little to offer and what lies ahead is too great and daunting a task to accomplish. At times, we feel that there is little we can do of great significance. But take courage! The Parable of the Mustard Seed can inspire us in our endeavors. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 13:31-32, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” The Point of the Parable of the Mustard Seed is that there is a radical difference between how things look at the beginning and how things can be! This truth is relevant to all of us. Whether we are growing in our personal Christian faith, starting a family, planning a business, beginning a project, being involved in the ministry and life of the church, etc. There are two lessons that we want to draw from this Parable. First, stop thinking of our deeds as small and insignificant. We do not know what God is doing through the seeds of deed we have planted. Only eternity will reveal the tremendous impact of our deeds. The case in this point is the growth of Indonesian Good News Church. It was initiated in 2006 with only about 10 persons, meeting for fellowship and bible study. A short while later, seven persons came to together and registered the Church under the Article of Non-Profit Organization in the State of California. And presently, we have a regular attendance of about 100-120 adults and about 25-30 children and youth attending the worship


January 2015

service every Sunday. The small seed of planting the church is showing growth and great possibility. Second, stop thinking of ourselves as “just one person.” Often we say to ourselves, “What can I possibly do… I am just one person?” Can God do uncommon works through the common deeds of one person? Does God use one person to do something with what he or she has to make a difference? Undoubtedly He does! Consider the following persons in the Bible stories: Moses had only a staff (Exodus 4), Aaron had only a rod (Exodus 7), David has only a sling (1 Samuel 17), Rahab had only a scarlet cord (Joshua 2), Mary had only some ointment (John 12). Consider what we can learn from the life of one person, Mother Teresa. For twenty years prior to her being known as a friend to the friendless, the victims of epidemics, the prostitutes, the homeless and the destitutes, Mother Teresa was just an average geography teacher who worked in Calcutta. Each morning, she would make her way to St. Mary’s High School to inspire young minds, but all around the school, conditions were anything but inspiring. Life on the streets was deplorable. Her route to work took her right by men and women who were homeless, destitute and incapacitated by diseases. Everyday, something in her spirit would cry out, “I just can’t stand this anymore!” Ultimately, though, the gut-wrenching poverty assaulted her senses and wretched her soul day in and day out and finally thrust her to form her very own order: the Missionaries of Charity. What began with a dozen or so people now has more than four thousand nuns throughout the world, ministering to the marginalized people: serving terminally ill persons, nursing open sores of lepers, providing homes and shelters for wayward street children, offering safe homes for prostitutes, feeding disease-riddled and bloated belly people in develop countries. It all began with one person who just couldn’t stand that the poorest of the poor was living without hope and dying without dignity.

Like mother Theresa, we are grateful to Christ for it was Christ who initiated and loved us (Romans 5:8). Even when we were far from Him and were His enemies. Likewise what we are doing in our lives personally and together as a church, is for Christ in living out our lives our serving to each other, and our reaching out to others. Because all things is from Christ and for Christ alone. One day, a group of American businessman visited Mother Theresa's convent in Calcutta and there they observed her cleaning the "open wounds" of one of the patients. One of the businessman whispered to another, "I wouldn't do that for a million dollars." Mother Theresa heard it and turning to the man she said, "I too wouldn't do it for a million dollars but for the love of Christ." There was a young man walking down a deserted beach just before dawn. In the distance he saw a frail old man. As he approached the old man, he saw him picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. The young man gazed in wonder as the old man again and again threw the small starfish from the sand to the water. He asked, "Old man, why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time?" The old man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. "But there must be thousands of beached and millions of starfish!" exclaimed the young man. "How can you make any difference?" The old man looked down at the small starfish in his hand and as he threw it into the safety of the sea, he said, "I made a difference to this one." So, don’t despise humble beginnings. Don’t discount the smallest of deeds. God inhabits in the tiny seeds of beginnings. God empowers these tiny deeds of great love. May your all of you be a great witness for God’s purpose and glory! The Lord bless all of you! by: Rev. Donald Chia, Ph.D.

NORTHWOOD IRVINE Offered for $939,000 This beautiful four bedroom, three bath home features a great-sized bonus room, soaring ceilings and an open floor plan. Main floor bedroom with bathroom downstairs. The home has numerous upgrades including granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, French doors, and laminate flooring. Newer windows and doors are found throughout.

BEVERLY CENTER MIRACLE MILE LOS ANGELES Offered for $750,000 Beautiful bright and spacious two bedroom, two bath condo. Located in a quiet, well sought after Los Angeles neighborhood. Front unit. A very spacious and comfortable living area with fireplace and balcony. Kitchen includes refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, stove and washer/dryer. Gated community with garage and two parking spaces. The building is a close distance to The Beverly Center, restaurants, shopping and more.

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ELLIS ISLAND IMMIGRANT STATION, which located in Upper New York Bay on Ellis Island (27.5 acres), opened on January 1, 1892 was the gateway for millions of immigrants to the United States as the nation's busiest immigrant inspection station from

landed on the other side of the planet. Spirit logged 7.73 km (4.8 mi) of driving instead of the planned 600 m (0.4 mi), allowing more extensive geological analysis of Martian rocks and planetary surface features. The rover became stuck in late 2009. Efforts to recover Spirit continued until January 26, 2010 when NASA officials announced that the rover was likely irrecoverably obstructed by its location in soft soil, though it continued to perform scientific research from its current location. Its last communication with Earth was sent on March 22, 2010, while its sibblings, Opportunity (MER-B), still in service until now covering over 40 km (25 miles) Mars surface.

EURO CURRENCY The euro currency (sign: â‚Ź) was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency on January 1, 1999, replacing the former European Currency Unit (ECU) at a ratio of 1:1 (US$1.1743). The physical euro coins and banknotes entered into circulation on 1 January 2002, making it the day-today operating currency of its members (18 Eurozone and 9 outside EU members). The euro is managed and administered by the Frankfurt-based European Central Bank (ECB) and the Eurosystem (composed of the central banks of the eurozone countries). As an independent central bank, the ECB has sole authority to set monetary policy. 1892 until 1954. The first federal immigrant inspection station was an enormous three-story-tall structure, with outbuildings, built of Georgia pine wood, containing all of the amenities that were thought to be necessary. Three large ships landed on the first day and 700 immigrants passed over the docks. Almost 450,000 immigrants were processed at the station during its first year. The island was made part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument in 1965, and has hosted a museum of immigration since 1990. SPIRIT LANDED ON MARS Known as MER-A (Mars Exploration Rover - A) is a robotic rover on Mars, active from 2004 to 2010. It was one of two rovers of NASA's ongoing Mars Exploration Rover Mission. Spirit landed successfully on Mars at 04:35 Ground UTC on January 4, 2004, three weeks before its twin, Opportunity (MER-B),


January 2015

GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE The construction of Golden Gate Bridge began on January 5, 1933. The project cost more than $35 million, completing ahead of schedule and under budget. The Golden Gate Bridge, authorized by an act of the California Legislature, was incorporated in 1928 as the official entity to design, construct, and finance the Golden Gate Bridge. However, after the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the District was unable to raise the construction funds, so it lobbied for a $30 million bond measure. The bonds were approved in November 1930, by votes in the counties affected by the bridge. The construction

first tunnels were built just below the surface using the cut and cover method. Later, circular tunnels – which give rise to its nickname the Tube – were dug through the London Clay at a deeper level. The Tube travel up to 60mph. Crossrail is under construction and expected to open in 2018, providing a new underground route across central London. Two options are being considered for the route of Crossrail 2 on a north-south alignment across London, with hopes that it could be open by 2033. THE FIRST A380 PASSENGER AIRLINER was revealed in Toulouse, France, January 18, 2005. It is the world's largest passenger airliner, and the airports at which it operates have to upgrade their

budget at the time of approval was $27 million. However, the District was unable to sell the bonds until 1932, when Amadeo Giannini, the founder of San Francisco–based Bank of America, agreed on behalf of his bank to buy the entire issue in order to help the local economy. AMERICA'S FIRST PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION was held on January 7, 1789. Voters cast ballots to choose state electors; at that time only white men who owned property were allowed to vote. George Washington won the election and was sworn into office on April 30, 1789. As it did in 1789, the United States still uses the Electoral College system, established by the U.S. Constitution, which today gives all American citizens over the age of 18 the right to vote for electors, who in turn vote for the president. Election Day is now hold on Tuesday between November 2 and 8. The next election will be the 2016 election, which will be held on November 8, 2016. LONDON UNDERGROUND (the Tube/the Underground). The idea of an underground railway linking the City of London was proposed in the 1830s, and the Metropolitan Railway was granted permission to build such a line in 1854. And in January 10, 1863, 151 years ago, the world's first underground railway opened a service between Paddington and Farringdon using gas-lit wooden carriages hauled by steam locomotives. The system now serves 270 stations and has 402 kilometres (250 mi) of track, 52% of which is above ground. The system's

facilities to accommodate it. The A380 made its first flight on 27 April 2005 and entered commercial service in October 2007 with Singapore Airlines as first customer. A380-800's cabin has 5,145.1 sq ft of usable floor space, 40% more than the Boeing 747 and provides seating for 525 people in a typical three-class configuration or up to 853 people in an all-economy class configuration. A section of the A380 fuselage (on right picture) clearly shows the planes three floors. According to Airbus, besides being lighter than traditional materials, by using 40 percent of latest generation of carbon composites and advanced metallic materials, offer significant advantages in terms of operational reliability, maintainability and ease of repair.

AUSTRALIA DAY is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, it marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and raising of the Flag of Great Britain at that site by Governor Arthur Phillip. In contemporary Australia, celebrations reflect the diverse society and landscape of the nation, and are marked by community and family events, reflections on Australian history, official community awards, and citizenship ceremonies welcoming new immigrants into the Australian community.  January 2015





January 2015

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Lucky Herawati • 626-358-2400 • IFGF is founded in 1989 in Indonesia and is currently ministering to people from various backgrounds globally. We are registered in the United States with headquarter in Los Angeles for the region of USA & Canada.



Promote Indonesia, Commercially Message From The New President, Joko Widodo

Indonesian Community in Houston, Texas welcomed its new Consul General of Indonesia for Houston, Mr. Edward “Henk” Saroinsong with his wife, Mrs. Ni Luh “Nyoman” Sundarwati Saroinsong.

Mr. Saroinsong’s remarks was brief, due to time constraint, but he did not hesitate to point out his primary mission while he is here in the US, probably on his last diplomatic mission before retirement: he has been instructed personally by the new Indonesian President to implement real action to sell Indonesian products and services to US, relying mainly on Indonesians who are here permanently. 

IACCT committee was represented by its President Mr. Irsan Tisnabudi and Mrs. Suzan Lin, current Treasurer. The reception was festive, orderly yet non-formal. The event was highlighted by traditional Indonesian dances, welcoming remarks from the prominent Indonesian community leaders, and closed with delicious Indonesian meal, prepared by members of Indonesian community in Houston, Texas.

New Consul General of Indonesia for Houston, Mr. Edward “Henk” Saroinsong (second from the left) with his wife, Mrs. Ni Luh “Nyoman” Sundarwati Saroinsong—standing to his left, with IACCT committee represented by its President Mr. Irsan Tisnabudi and Mrs. Suzan Lin, current Treasurer, framing the new couple

Energy Professionals, Unite ! - SIEPH On Friday, December 12, 2014, during a Discussion Panel event, held at the Consulate General of Indonesia, Houston, a new organization is formed: Society of Indonesian Energy Professional, Houston (SIEPH). Its purpose are: to foster collaborative dialog; promotes professional development, social interaction & individual learning; facilitates interdisciplinary knowledge exchange, and serves as recognized voice & advocate of Indonesian energy professionals. Should you have questions or interest, please contact its new Chairman, Mr. Bambang Gumilar at 


January 2015



Congratulations to our iPad Raffle Winner for 2014 The Indonesian American Chamber of Commerce, Texas would like to congratulate our iPad drawing winner, year 2014: Miss. Herlina Widjaja of Houston, Texas. She is an Independent Insurance Agent with New York Life.

Win Apple iPad® Raffle

With Irsan Tisnabudi (pic left), President of IACCT as witness, the drawing was done by Mr. Hendra Oktavianus (pic-right), former Vice Consul of Economics at KJRI Houston on November 24th, 2014. This year’s iPad is sponsored by Aria Services, Inc., www. Current members are automatically entered into next year’s drawing. More info about iacctx, call: 281797-4387  Indonesian American Chamber of Commerce Texas - website :

IACCT would like to collect individual and business data to form an “IACCT Member List.” By participating, you will be automatically entered into our Apple iPad® raffle once the new version comes out. We plan on doing the next drawing in November 2015 and you do not have to be present to win. We will announce the winner through our newsletter. The purpose of IACCT Member List: for scholars, it can be used to look for a job, for the unemployed to obtain ideas, for one aspired for small businesses to seek a Mentor, and for business owners to expand their business network and clients. -8  To participate Apple iPad® Raffle go to or Scan QR code here  with your smartphone. Get QR code apps here

Aria Services, Inc.

6602 Harbor Town Unit #101 | Houston, TX 77036 281.797.4387 (M) | 713.386.5066 (B/F) |

We provide Architecture & Engineering Services: Project Management, Construction Drawings, Structural Analysis, Site Visits and other 3rd Party Services for Wireless Telecom Industry January 2015


Photograph by: Stanley Bratawira Photography

MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS - Worship Concert Pada hari Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014 yang lalu bertempat di Ontario Convention Center, CA telah diadakan acara Miracle of Christmas, yaitu perayaan acara Natal dan juga dalam rangka peringatan HUT ke 25 gereja ICC. Acara diselenggarakan oleh ICC dan partnership GO4CHRIST dengan co-sponsor oleh Majalah IndoGo!.

Irwan Sulianto (Lead Singer/ Worship Leader), Samuel Malaihollo (Bass), Nathan Malaihollo (Keyboards), Jesse Tirayoh (Drums), David Tirayoh (Saxophone & Flute), Wawan Seputro (Electric Guitar) dan Singers (Ping Ping Gunawan, Luluk Elkos, Roland Lukito, Alma, Bella dan Kim Tirayoh)

Acara ini dimeriahkan oleh: -Robert & Lea Sutanto beserta Worship Alliance dari Jakarta (Raguel dan Kezia) serta dibantu oleh Tim dari Los Angeles (Richard Sompotan, Geraldine De Fretes William dan Adolfo Nicolas) telah mengajak para hadirin menikmati hadirat Allah dan jamahan kasih-Nya melalui lagu-lagu pujian dan penyembahan dari album terbaru mereka The Miracle of Christmas dan album re-mix dari lagu-lagu yang telah dipakai memberkati Indonesia dan secara International (Album Deeper in Love).

-Clarity Band dan YouthTeens ICC yang tampil dengan membawakan 5 lagu dan 2 diantaranya adalah lagu ciptaan sendiri dengan judul Right Now dan I’m Yours Forever. Clarity Band and YouthTeens ICC tampil dengan formasi: David Tirayoh (Lead Singer and Electric Guitar), Elaine Sumarli (Drums), Nathan Sumarli (Keyboards), Nathan Malaihollo (Keyboards), Sammy Malaihollo (Bass), Singers (Elysea Adi, Grace Jauwhannes, Kalina Sugiharto).

-ICC Worship Team dari LA tampil dengan menyanyikan lagu-lagu dari Hillsongs United, Christ Tomlin dan True Worshippers. ICC Worship Tim tampil dengan formasi sebagai berikut:


January 2015

-Harvey Malaihollo tampil dengan lagulagu special Christmas masih menunjukkan kemampuan dan teknik bernyanyi yang optimal. Harvey Malaihollo diringi oleh ICC Worship Tim dengan formasi: Yakub Immanuel Saputra (Lead Keyboards), Cakra Nelwan (Keyboard), Nathan Malaihollo

(Keyboards), Wawan Seputro (Electric Guitar), Sammy Malaihollo (Bass) dan Jesse Tirayoh (Drums). Harvey Malaihollo menyatakan kepuasan dengan band pengiring terkhususkan kemampuan Yakub Immanuel Saputra. Acara dibuka oleh oleh doa dari Rev. Hadianto Adi, disusul dengan sambutan dari Bapak Umar Hadi (KJRI LA) dan Bapak Danny Wurangian (BKS GICS) serta doa penutup oleh Rev. Hadiarso Adi. Sound System dan stage arrangement di Ontario Convention Center (kap. 2800 orang) dalam acara ini (Miracle of Christmas) adalah standard yang biasa dipakai dalam concert-concert acara seperti Hillsongs United, Michael W. Smith, Chris Tomlin atau show-show besar lainnya telah memberikan suatu porsi kepuasan yang diinginkan oleh para performers dan pendengar/ hadirin yang ada. Tentunya hal ini dapat terlaksana hanya karena anugerah Tuhan dan Tim Doa yang terus berdoa serta Tim Pekerja yang bekerja tanpa pamrih maupun para sponsor dan donatur yang terlibat. Tuhan Yesus memberkati kita semua. (ART) ď Ž

Indonesian Christian Church Rowland Heights

Alami suasana damai & sukacita Jadwal Kebaktian : - English Service (Youth) - Ibadah Umum (Indonesia) - Children Ministry - Doa Pagi (Everybody is welcome)

: : : :

Sabtu, Jam 4.15 sore Minggu, Jam 10.30 pagi Minggu, Jam 10.30 pagi Sabtu, Jam 8.15 pagi

Alamat : 19506 E. Walnut Dr. South, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Telephone : 909 444 7714 Memenangkan - Membangun - Menjangkau

Pst. Harry Widjaja (Senior Pastor)

Call for : New Year's


January 2015


Lights on Miracle Hill The volunteers have set more than 200,000 lights on the hill where City Blessing Church of Walnut resides at. It is open for public every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 5pm until 9pm when the weather permits. The visitors could enjoy the beautiful lights, the nativity scene, the North Pole section or the fruit if the spirits section.

Afterwards they were served a cup of hot apple cider and biscotti. There were average 100 cars every night. They said that they were blessed and looking forward for next year's Lights on Miracle Hill.  For info, please contact: City Blessing Church of Walnut, 18901 Amar Rd, CA 91789. Tel: (626) 964-1615

Joint Prayer

for Passenger and Crew of QZ8501 Indonesian community and the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia initiated a joint prayer on Sunday (28/12) for the passengers and crews of the missing AirAsia Flight 8501. The prayer was led by Consul General Umar Hadi, joined by leaders and representatives of the Indonesian communities in Los Angeles and the surrounding area. The Ambassador of Malaysia to the United States, H.E. Datuk DR. Awang Adek Hussein—who happened

to be in a working visit to Los Angeles—as well as the Consul General of Malaysia in Los Angeles also attended the ceremony. “The Indonesian community in Los Angeles is deeply concerned, including those who wish to know the whereabouts of their relatives on board the plane,” said Consul General Umar Hadi. “The Consulate has announced 24 hour hotlines for those inquiring about their families and relatives onboard the missing flight. We will keep you updated through the Consulate’s website and social media.” “The Government of Indonesia appreciates and welcomes the various offers of assistance from friendly


January 2015

countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, the United States and others,” said Umar. “We have to be patient as the search is still ongoing. We hope that the missing plane will soon be found and the fate of our beloved brothers and sisters onboard could be determined.” The Ambassador of Malaysia, H.E. Datuk DR. Awang Adek Hussin said that this incident was very heartbreaking since Malaysia had suffered two major airliner accidents earlier this year. “We are deeply saddened because there are so many passengers and crew are onboard the plane,” said the Ambassador. “We thank the Consul General and the Indonesian community in Los Angeles for organizing this joint prayer, and let us together pray to God for our brothers and sisters who are affected by this tragedy.” - KJRI LA  For information, inquiring about families/relatives onboard the flight, please contact Consulate General of Indonesia in Los Angeles Emergency Hotline, at +1 (213) 590-8095


Senior Pastor Paul Tan Assistant Pastor Tom Lay

Sunday services & Church Office 8:30 AM (Indonesian) 11:00 AM (English) 18901 Amar Rd. Walnut, CA 91789 Tel: 626-964-1615 Fax: 626-964-1665 Facebook: CBCWalnut SAN BERNARDINO, CA

Pastor Him Djuhana

Sunday service 9:00 AM (English & Indonesian) 1860 Mountain Ave Loma Linda, CA 92364 Tel: 909-482-4466 SAN DIEGO, CA

Pastor John Hadi

Sunday service, 10 AM (English) 5520 Ruffin Road, suite 109 San Diego, CA 92123 Tel: 858-366-8885 FRESNO, CA

Senior Pastor Paulus Kristanto Sunday service, 10:30 AM 4665 N. First Street Fresno, CA 93726 Tel: 559-228-3222


Pastor Hermanto Anggono Sunday service, 10:00 AM 7223-B Florin Mall Dr. Sacramento, CA 95823 Tel: 916-267-1751


Pastor Hermanto Anggono


Senior Pastor Timothy Sjim

Sunday service, 2:30 PM Friday Home Prayer, 7:00 PM 1580 Gaylord St, Denver, CO 80206 Tel: 720-851-7047 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Meets every 2nd Thursday, 6 PM 6450 Corporate Center Dr. Colorado Springs CARE Cell: Every 4th Thursday, 6 PM Tel: 720-280-5000 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO Meets every 1st Monday of the month at 3:30 PM at Glenwood Suites 2625 Gilstrap Court Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 P.O. Box 1809 Parker, CO 80134 Tel: 720-851-7047 PORTLAND, OR

Senior Pastor Oscar Surjadi Sunday service, 10:30 AM 450 NE 78 Avenue Portland, OR 97213 Tel./Fax: 503-258-9292


Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Pastor Janto Jajaputra

Sunday service, 5:00 PM 1415 North “K” Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Tel: 581-308-0384 Church Office: 350 Kaila Ct, Ocoee, FL 34761 Tel: 407-492-0678 Facebook: City Blessing Ministries CHICAGO, IL

Pastor Rony Kuswanto

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 200 Rev. Morisson Blvd Rainbow Falls Community Center Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Tel: 847-232-0202 Fax: 847-346-0861

Sunday service, 11:00 AM Land O’Lakes Senior Center 6801 W. Wistaria Loop Land O’Lakes, FL 34639 Tel: 813-943-1902

Saturday service, 6:00 PM 2073 Oak Park Blvd., Bldg D MIAMI, FL Pleasant Hill, CA 94520 Tel: 916-267-1751 & 925-998-2788 Bambang Pramusinto Sunday service, 11:00 AM 400 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Tel: 786-306-7174

Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon Assistant Pastor Ronald Politton Sunday service, 4:00 PM 159 Rochester Hill Road Rochester, NH 03878 Mailing Address: 90 Indigo Hill Rd., #15 Somersworth, NH 03878 Tel. Office: 603-509-2937 Twitter & Instagram: @rochestercbc NEW YORK, NY

Lead Pastor Daniel Rachmat Youth Pastor Sean Hoffer

Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM - Indonesian 11:00 AM - Multicultural (English) 38-02 61st, Woodside, NY 11377 Tel./Fax: 718-803-3335 BLOOMINGTON, IN Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia Twitter: @cityblessing Tel: 630-656-4524 Facebook: CityBlessingChurchNYC WEST LAFAYETTE, IN

Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia

Saturday service, 4:00 PM 2234 Indian Trail Dr. ORLANDO, FL West Lafayette, IN 47906 Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Mailing Address: Pastor Eddy Djaja 2119 Carlisle Rd Sunday service, 1:00 PM West Lafayette, IN 47906 St. Paul’s Church Tel: 630-656-4524 1450 Citrus Oaks, Gotha, FL 34734 Tel: 407-429-0678 BOSTON, MA TAMPA, FL

Pastor Peter Tan, M.D.


Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 29 Denby Road Allston, MA 02134 Mailing Address: 24 Denby Road, Suite 130 Allston, MA 02134 Tel: 617-787-9119 Fax: 617-787-9449


Lead Pastor Ivan Jonathan

Saturday service, 10:30 AM Executive Boardroom A Executive Hotel & ConferenceCenter Burnaby 4201 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC V5C 3Y6 Tel: 604-771-4233

Konser ”SATU DALAM DAMAI“ with Harvey Malaihollo & LAMA Band

Secara mendasar dan alami setiap manusia merindukan suasana “kesatuan” dan “kedamaian”. Khususnya masyarakat Indonesia yang ada di Los Angeles dan sekitarnya. Sebenarnya thema acara “SATU DALAM DAMAI” pada tanggal 31 Januari 2014 yang berakhir pada jam 1.00 pm, 1 Januari 2015 lebih cocok merupakan inisiatif bersama “dari rakyat dan untuk rakyat” yang disodorkan idenya melalui Event Coordinator Hanny Arke Tirayoh dan Troy Tetelepta serta Emile Mailangkay (KAWANUA USA). Acara yang bertempat di California Education and Performing Arts Center, Ontario dibuka melalui MC Melanie Lintuuran dengan artis-artis lokal dari Los Angeles, antara lain: Group Kolintang KAWANUA USA (Anton Moningka dan rekan-rekan),


January 2015

Gwen Simanjuntak, Renald Lintong dan Yunita Manurung telah memukai para hadirin/ pengunjung yang dihadiri oleh: Bapak Umar Hadi (KJRI LA), Dato Jamaiyah M. Yusof (Duta Besar Malaysia untuk Mexico) serta para pejabat Consulate General Malaysia di Los Angeles dan dari Malaysia; juga masyarakat Indonesia yang antusias menyambut acara ini dan melihat langsung artis Harvey Malaihollo. Penampilan LAMA Band yang mengiringi Harvey Malaihollo selama lebih dari 1 jam 50 menit sungguh sangat menunjukkan potensi dan kemampuannya yang mempesona para hadirin. LAMA Band adalah singkatan dari Los Angeles Musicians Alliance (LAMA) yang anggotanya terdiri dari: Satria Wicaksono (Wiwid) pada Lead Guitar Electric, Yosafat Manalu pada Drums, Ricky

Pattirajawane pada Bass, Troy Tetelepta pada Accoustic Guitar (rhythm). Saking antusias para hadirin sehingga meminta untuk Harvey masih tetap untuk menyanyikan lagu-lagu yang telah dipopulerkannya maupun lagu-lagu nostalgia yang menambah pesona indahnya konser “SATU DALAM DAMAI”. Acara ini semakin bertambah bobot kepedulian sesamanya dengan diadakan doa dan perenungan korban tragedy Air Asia – QZ 8501 oleh Bapak Hamdy Badar dan tutup tahun 2014 serta buka tahun 2015 oleh Bapak Hadiarso Adi, turut naik bersimpati Dato Jamaiyah M. Yusof (Duta Besar Malaysia) yang datang atas nama pribadi. Atas permintaan Event Coordinator Bung Hanny Arke Tirayoh kepada delegasi dari Malaysia untuk acara New Year Eve berikutnya (SATU DALAM DAMAI 2) untuk menghadirkan Sheila Madjid dan Siti Nurhaliza. Semoga. (ART) 

Photograph by: Stanley Bratawira Photography

Natal Bersama Badan Kerjasama Gereja-gereja Indonesia di California Selatan (BKS-GICS) telah diadakan pada tanggal 6 Desember 2014 yang lalu di Ontario. Natal Bersama yang dihadiri oleh jemaat dari Gereja-gereja Indonesia dan undangan ini berlangsung meriah dan diawali dengan Bazaar dan promo serta pelayanan perpanjangan paspor oleh

lo Winerungan dan Pdt. Agus Dody Widyatmadja, sedangkan pengisi acara adalah: GPI USA Laguna, Paduan Suara Gabungan Hamba Tuhan, House of Glory dan UNISDAC. Renungan Natal disampaikan oleh Pdt. Dr. Eddy Fances dengan tema “iPhone iPod iChrist iLord” .

yang didampingi oleh Konsul Protokol dan Konsuler Pendekar Sondakh dan para staff lainnya. Kata-kata sambutan diberikan oleh Ketua Panitia Meiske Taroreh Ngamba (yang mengucapkan terima kasih kepada gereja-gereja yang berpartisipasi dan kepada seluruh Panitia), Ketua Umum BKS-GICS Danny Wurangian dan Konjen RI Umar Hadi.

Natal Bersama BKS-GICS 2014 KJRI Los Angeles. Pelayanan Pemuda dan Remaja dan Pelayanan Anak-anak diadakan bersamaan dengan Ibadah dan Perayaan Natal untuk umum. Para Hamba Tuhan yang bertugas dalam Ibadah Natal Bersama ini adalah: Pdt. Jacques Louis, Pdt. Adri Laatung, Pdt. Henry Rumemper, Pdt. Raymond Lumingkewas, Pdt. Sammy Sapulete, Pdt. Dr. Eddy Fances, Pdt. Olvie Tirayoh, Pdt. David Young, Pdt. Daniel Pangau, Pdt. Paul Gunadi, Pdt. Nova Hideli-


January 2015

Hamba Tuhan yang hadir cukup banyak meskipun sebagian tidak bisa hadir karena ada acara/pelayanan yang sudah diprogramkan, ke luar kota, kedukaan maupun halangan mendadak. Dalam suasana kebersamaan dan persaudaraan yang erat Paduan Suara Gabungan Hamba Tuhan yang dipimpin oleh Pdt. David Young dengan bersemangat menyanyikan lagu “Lahir Kristus di Dunia”. Perayaan Natal Bersama dihadiri juga oleh Konjen RI di Los Angeles Umar Hadi

Acara perayaan diisi oleh: Sunday School, GMIM USA, IC-ADLA, Faith Echos dan Lenong BKS. Sebelum acara ditutup, Konjen RI dan Konsul Protokol dan Konsuler melakukan penarikan door prize dengan beberapa hadiah menarik dari para penyumbang/ sponsor. Setelah itu foto bersama para Hamba Tuhan, Panitia, Pengurus, jemaat dan perwakilan dari KJRI Los Angeles. “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015” - pnt. 

January 2015


Businessmen Gathering

Business and Leadership Seminar & Fashion Show Sabtu, 6 Desember 2014 yang lalu bertempat di Family Center – First Baptist Church Alhambra telah diadakan acara yang telah sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh para masyarakat di Los Angeles, dengan penuhnya semua kursi dan meja yang disediakan oleh tim penyelenggara ICC partnership dengan GO4CHRIST dan di co-sponsori oleh Majalah IndoGo!. Acara yang dibuat dalam rangka merayakan HUT ke 25 dari ICC yang dikaitkan dengan Fund Raising untuk Rumah Yatim Piatu, Feeding The Community, Share The Good News on the street dan Pelatihan Tim Jalur Depan dimeriahkan oleh: -LA Performers (Models): Jessica Miske Abbas, Joice Langie, Lily Katuuk, Briggite Langie, Amanda Mencesz, Alvina Tham, Christine

Maramis, Sherly N. Lucas, Fenny Tan, Luky Piring dan Jantje Louis. -LA Make Artist & Hair Do (assistant): Michelle Loho Ibrahim. -LA Models Cordinator: Like Loho. -Make Up Artist & Hair Do: Qiqi Franky (Director of Jakarta Fashion Week). -Irwan Chandra: Artist, Singer & Model dari Jakarta. -Valentino Napitupulu: Jakarta Top Designer dengan pengalaman lebih dari 25 tahun. Dalam Businesmen Gathering, sebagai pembicara adalah: -Speakers I: Mr. Andi Solaiman, MBA (Corporate Director of Salim Group). -Speakers II: Mr. David Utama, MBA -Speakers III: Mr. Prof. Dr. Hora Tjitra -Moderator.: Mr. Willy Tjen, MBA. Acara seminar ini sungguh diminati oleh masyarakat di LA dengan presentasi-presentasi yang menakjubkan, terutama ketika data-data eksplisit yang disampaikan oleh Prof. Dr. Hora Tjitra dengan pendekatan metodologi komunikasi dan budaya terhadap wilayah/ tempat yang berbeda-beda kulturnya. Acara ini dipandu oleh MC. Kim Victoria Tirayoh dan Irwan Sulianto. Turut memberikan kata sambutan mewakili KJRI LA adalah: Ibu Endang Mardeyani. Bapak Hadiarso Adi (founding Pastor ICC) mengatakan bahwa acara Businesmen Gathering dan Fashion Show ini sangat baik untuk dilaksanakan lagi, kepada Ketua Pelaksana Hanny Arke Tirayoh. Semoga. All the glory unto GOD. Blessings. (ART) ď Ž


January 2015

January 2015


Photograph by: Stanley Bratawira Photography




6 3:1







Marilah Beribadah dan Bertumbuh Bersama Keluarga Besar






INDONESIAN GOOD NEWS CHURCH 14900 Central Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Pastor: Pdt. Dr. Eddy Fances Ph: 909-524-1108

Ibadah Umum/ Sunday Worship (English Translation Provided): Sunday 11.00 AM Sekolah Minggu Anak/ Children Sunday School: Sunday 11.00 AM Persekutuan Doa & Bible Study: Friday 07.30 PM

DATANGLAH & NIKMATILAH SANTAPAN ROHANI YANG MENYEGARKAN! Minggu 11 Jan 2015: “Gaya Hidup Di Tahun 2015” Minggu 18 Jan 2015: “Cita-Cita Di Tahun 2015” Minggu 25 Jan 2015: “Tiga Huruf Berkhasiat Mujarab” Minggu 01 Feb 2015: “Manis Di Mulut Pahit Di Perut” Minggu 08 Feb 2015: “Kebangkitan Dua Saksi Allah” Yesus Kristus berkata, “Marilah kepadaKU, yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, AKU akan memberikan kelegaan kepadamu.” ”Jadi siapa yang ada di dalam Kristus, ia adalah ciptaan baru: yang lama sudah berlalu, sesungguhnya yang baru sudah datang.” ( Surat 2 Korintus 5:17; Injil Matius 11:28 )


January 2015

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