IndoGo! March 2015

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oliver prasetyo

Proud to be Indonesian

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Happy Spring Pembaca setia IndoGo! yang budiman,

IndoGo! Magazine by P&V Group Inc. all inquiry, please contact:  1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free)   Publisher: PF Then, P&V Group Inc. Editorial Team: PF Then, Chichi Ng, Dessy Andriani, Irena Liza, Yayat Suratmo, Joshua Yogaswara, Meeghan Henry, Edward H. Santoso, Stanley Bratawira, Alexander Pangkerego, Andreas Willem, Inggrid Dotulong, Andrey Wowor, Amanda Ruth, Linda Tumboimbela, Yanti Walter Special Thanks to Contributors: Budijono Untung, MBA Konjen RI LA Irsan Tisnabudi ITPC-LA Dr. Vivienne Kruger KJRI Chicago Jane Wibowo Benni K. Rahman Rizal A. Tandrio AAAC Chicago

Bagi pembaca yang belum pernah melihat parade St Patrick's day, bisa mencoba melihatnya, dan bisa mencek tempatnya di halaman Jalan-Jalan. Bagi komunitas yang tinggal di Amerika bagian Timur, IndoGo berharap supaya cuaca akan membaik, karena tanggal 20 Maret nanti kita akan memasuki musim semi. Musim semi adalah musim yang ditunggu-tunggu setiap orang, selain udaranya yang sejuk, tidak ketinggalan kita bisa menikmati berbagai macam kegiatan outdoor, salah satunya adalah acara Cherry Blossom festival yang diadakan di berbagai tempat. Pembaca juga bisa men-cek tempat-tempatnya di halaman Jalan-Jalan. Bagi yang ingin di rumah saja, alangkah baiknya juka bisa meluangkan waktu bersih-bersih rumah. Untuk itu IndoGo menyiapkan artikel tentang saran-saran untuk Spring Cleaning. Mengenai kegiatan komunitas di bulan February lalu, IndoGo sempat meliput beberapa kegiatan, diantaranya adalah kegiatan perayaan Lunar New Year di Chicago, Silaturahmi Dubes Budi Bowoleksono di Los Angeles, Penandatanganan MOU Pengusaha Muda, Acara Valentine's Day bersama Iis Sugianto dan acara pengumpulan dana di Gereja St. Stephen. Untuk profile IndoGo terbitan kali ini, silahkan simak cerita Oliver Prasetyo dan Irma Hardjakusumah yang masing-masing memiliki prestasi yang membuat harum nama Indonesia di mata International.

IndoGo! mengharapkan agar pembaca dapat mengirimkan artikel tentang event-event yang terjadi di komunitas anda. Hubungi kami, agar kami bisa meliput event anda.

Kepada pembaca setia IndoGo yang budiman, IndoGo sebagai media komunitas Indonesia di Amerika, khususnya di Kalifornia Selatan, sekali lagi mengingatkan bahwa IndoGo sangat mendukung persatuan komunitas Indonesia dimana saja Anda berada dan bangga akan prestasi komunitas Indonesia. Sejalan dengan pesan Bapak Dubes Budi Bowoleksono, Diaspora Indonesia merupakan salah satu ujung tombak dalam meningkatkan kerjasama Indonesia-Amerika. Karenanya IndoGo membuka pintu yang seluas-luasnya bagi pembaca untuk menyalurkan aspirasinya melalui IndoGo, karena IndoGo adalah milik kita bersama. Dari komunitas untuk komunitas.

Copyright © 2014 by P&V Group Inc. P&V Group Inc. is not responsible for any damage due to the contents made available through IndoGo! Magazine.

Akhir kata, IndoGo mengucapkan Happy St Patrick's Day and Happy Spring Season! Mari kita tingkatkan prestasi komunitas Indonesia dimanapun anda berada. Selamat Membaca, Selamat Berprestasi dan ... Salam Indo ..... Go!

Office Address: 33 E. Valley Blvd., Suite 214 Alhambra, CA 91801 (appt only) For Advertisement, please contact 1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free) Cover image of: Oliver Prasetyo Photo by : Xiao


Pertama-tama IndoGo ingin mengingatkan bahwa pada hari Minggu tanggal 8 Maret jam 2 malam adalah waktunya untuk memajukan jam anda karena dimulainya Daylight Saving Time. Jadi bagi umat Kristiani yang ingin ke gereja pada hari itu, harap diingat hal ini supaya tidak terlambat. IndoGo juga tidak lupa mengucapkan selamat merayakan hari Minggu Palma yang jatuh pada tanggal 29 Maret nanti.

March 2015

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Pada 28 Februari 2015, Masyarakat dan Diaspora Indonesia di Chicago sukses selenggarakan salah satu rangkaian perayaan The 32nd AACC Conference on Business and Networking & Annual Lunar New Year Celebration terbesar di Chicago yang dihadiri oleh ribuan peserta dan puluhan pejabat tinggi pemerintah dan parlemen lokal, wakil pemerintah federal serta beberapa anggota Kongres Amerika Serikat. Duta Besar RI untuk Amerika Serikat, Bapak Budi Bowoleksono, beserta Konsul Jenderal RI Chicago, Bapak Andriana Supandy, Presiden Indonesian Diaspora Network-Global, Bapak Mohamad Al-Arief dan Presiden Indonesian Diaspora Business Council, Bapak Edward Wanandi, juga turut hadir menjadi tamu kehormatan pada acara tersebut.

Dengan tema utama “E Pluribus Unum, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika� rangkaian kegiatan diselenggarakan selama satu hari penuh dan dibagi dalam 2 (dua) bagian,

Warna Indonesia

Pada Perayaan Imlek Komunitas Asia-Amerika di Chicago

Kegiatan perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek (Lunar New Year Celebration) tersebut merupakan kegiatan tahunan yang diselenggarakan secara bergilir sejak tahun 1983 oleh 16 komunitas masyarakat Asia-Amerika di Chicago yang tergabung dalam Asian American Coalition of Chicago (AACC). Pada tahun ini, untuk kedua kalinya sejak tahun 2006, Masyarakat dan Diaspora Indonesia di Chicago dipercaya menjadi tuan rumah penyelenggara. Sdr. Martino Tangkar, ketua Indonesian Diaspora Network-Midwest, dipercaya menjadi ketua AACC sekaligus bertanggung jawab untuk penyelenggaraan 32nd Conference on Business and Networking & Lunar New Year Celebration.


March 2015

yaitu Conference on Business and Networking pada pagi sampai dengan sore hari, dan Lunar New Year Celebration dalam bentuk gala dinner pada malam hari. Bertempat di Hotel Hyatt Regency, perayaan yang bernama The 32nd AACC Conference on Business and Networking & Annual Lunar New Year Celebration dimulai dengan pembukaan Pameran Bisnis dan Kesehatan oleh Ketua AACC Martino Tangkar, Konsul Jenderal Andriana Supandy dan Illinois Secretary of State, Mr. Jesse White. Dalam sambutannya, Konsul Jenderal Supandy menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada Diaspora Indonesia di

Chicago dan sekitarnya atas kesuksesan penyelenggaraan rangkaian perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek (lunar New Year Celebration) tahun ini. Konjen RI juga mengapresiasi upaya pengenalan kekayaan seni, budaya dan kuliner Indonesia di sepanjang acara perayaan tersebut kepada para pengunjung yang hadir. Disampaikan juga apresiasi kepada Mr. Jesse White atas

dukungannya pada komunitas Asia-Amerika selama menjabat sebagai Illinois Secretary of State terlama hingga saat ini. Acara pembukaan atau kick-off Perayaan Tahun baru Imlek di atas dihadiri oleh lebih dari 500 orang serta dimeriahkan dengan berbagai penampilan kesenian, antara lain: Reog Ponorogo oleh tim kesenian Singo Lodoyo dari Washington D.C.; tari Bubuy Bulan oleh tim kesenian Indonesian Dance of Illinois; tari Ronggeng Blantek oleh tim kesenian KJRI Chicago; Northern Lion Dance dan penampilan tari murid St. Therese School Chicago, serta penampilan akrobatik Jesse White Tumbling Team.

Secara bersamaan dengan kegiatan Pameran Bisnis dan Kesehatan tersebut juga diselenggarakan beberapa forum atau workshop paralel, yaitu: Networking Forum, Business and Health Forum; Youth Education Networking Forum, Immigration Law Workshop dan Culinary Workshop. Forum-forum yang ditujukan untuk pengayaan dan advokasi bagi warga Asia-Amerika di Chicago tersebut diisi oleh pembicara, seperti: pejabat Departemen Perdagangan AS dan White House Initiative on Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders (WHIAPPI), Department of Commerce – MBDA, Kantor Illinois Secretary of State, Wonjin Beauty Medical Group & Hanaro Medical Foundation dari Seoul, Asian Real Estate Association of America, Asian American Advancing Justice, Be The Match Foundation/Icla da Silva Foundation, dan PERMIAS Chicago.

Tidak kalah menarik, Chef Yono Purnomo dari Albany, New York, secara khusus memperkenalkan citarasa masakan Indonesia pada sesi demo kuliner serta melalui sajian kuliner Indonesia: Soto Ayam, Rendang Padang, Ikan Bumbu Rujak, Pisang Goreng Bali sebagai menu utama acara Gala Dinner kali ini. Sedangkan lipatan serbet berbentuk Bird of Paradise (Cendrawasih). Untuk semakin memperkuat pengenalan Indonesia, KJRI Chicago dan ITPC Chicago

turut berpartisipasi dalam Business Fair and Exhibition dengan membuka booth yang memperkenalkan produk-produk pangan dan potensi pariwisata Indonesia. Booth Indonesia menarik perhatian pengunjung untuk datang dan mencari informasi seputar Indonesia. Selain booth Indonesia, pameran juga diikuti oleh para sponsor acara seperti: Nielsen, Blue Cross Blue Shield Illinois, McDonald’s, University of Chicago-Medicine, Nicor Gas, CIA, Hanmi Bank, Attorneys’ Title Guranty Fund, Inc, Akira dan beberapa sponsor

Pada kesempatan tersebut, KJRI Chicago turut mengisi workshop Imigrasi bersama dengan Pengacara Lia Sundah Suntoso dari New York serta membuka pelayanan konsuler. Ketua IDN-Global, Mohamad Al-Arief, beserta tim advokasi IDN-USA juga mengisi workshop Imigrasi dengan mengangkat tema perkembangan RUU Dwikewarganegaraan yang telah masuk dalam daftar Program Legislasi Nasional. March 2015


lainnya. Digelar pula Peragaan Busana (Fashion Show) oleh Akira dan Lady Quaint. Lebih lanjut, kegiatan Gala Dinner yang merupakan puncak rangkaian perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek AACC dihadiri oleh lebih dari 1.000 peserta dan puluhan VIP, seperti: anggota Congress AS, yaitu Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth sebagai Keynote Speaker, dan Congressman Robert “Bob” Dold, serta Senat President John Cullerton, dan Senator Daniel Biss; Pejabat Negara Bagian Illinois: Secretary of State Jesse White, Comptroller Leslie G. Munger, Treasurer Michael Frerichs, dan Attorney General Lisa Madigan; Pejabat Cook County: Presiden Cook County Board Toni Preckwinkle dan Attorney Anita Alvarez; Commissioner of White House Initiative on Asian Americans


March 2015

and Pacific Islanders, Billy Dec; Mantan Gubernur Illinois Pat Quinn, dan; Kandidat Walikota Chicago Jesus Garcia. Disamping itu juga hadir perwakilan Konsul Jnderal Negara Asia lainnya. Selain pejabat pemerintahan dan parlemen, gala dinner dihadiri, diliput dan dipandu oleh beberapa anchors dan reporters media televisi Chicago, seperti Eric Horng dan Judy Hsu (ABC7), Judy Wang (WGN-TV News), Joanie Lum (Fox TV), Judy Wang (CLTV), Katie Kim (NBC 5), dan Susanna Song (CBS2). Acara gala dinner dibuka dengan lantunan lagu kebangsaan AS ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ dan lagu Indonesia Raya. Acara kemudian dilanjutkan oleh sambutan dari Ketua AACC, Sdr. Martino Tangkar, dan sambutan dari para tamu VIP dimulai dengan Sambutan Presiden Amerika Ser-

ikat Barack Obama (video message). Dalam hal ini, pada sambutannya di acara gala dinner, Konjen RI secara khusus menggarisbawahi bahwa tema ‘E Pluribus Unum; Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ yang dipilih sangat tepat untuk menggambarkan Indonesia yang terdiri dari lebih dari 17 ribu pulau, ratusan kelompok etnis dengan bahasa dan budaya yang berbeda-beda. Perbedaan-perbedaan yang dimiliki Indonesia tersebut merupakan aset untuk kemajuan dan kekuatan Indonesia. Konjen RI juga menyampaikan kesamaan pandangan RI-AS tentang potensi keberagaman bagi persatuan dan kemajuan bangsa juga dinilai sebagai salah satu pendorong kemajuan penguatan kerjasama bilateral RI-AS. Tammy Duckworth, Congresswoman keturunan Asia-Amerika pertama dari Illinois yang lahir di Thailand dan pernah

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March 2015

Untuk memeriahkan acara gala dinner, komunitas Indonesia menampilkan beberapa kesenian tradisional Indonesia, seperti Barong Bali (oleh Indonesian Dance of Illinois – IDI) dan Tari Puspanjali (oleh Indonesian Performing Art of Chicago – IPAC) yang diiringi oleh alunan gamelan Bali secara live oleh Tim Gamelan dari University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Reog Ponorogo oleh Kelompok Singo Lodoyo (Washington DC), Tari Gambyong Pangkur dan Gamelan Jawa oleh Tim Kesenian KJRI Chicago. Selain itu juga ditampilkan Tari Kreasi Journey to Harmony yang menampilkan ragam budaya komunitas Asia-Amerika. tinggal selama delapan tahun di Indonesia didaulat menjadi keynote speaker pada acara gala dinner. Pada pidatonya yang sebagian disampaikan secara lancar dalam bahasa Indonesia, Tammy Duckworth menyampaikan rasa senang dan kekagumannya atas kemeriahan perayaan lunar New Year tahun ini. Beliau juga menyampaikan kenangannya selama tinggal di Indonesia yang memperkaya pengalaman dan pandangan hidupnya tentang pluralitas.

Pada perayaan Imlek kali ini, AACC secara khusus menyerahkan penghargaan “The Grand Asian American Sandra Otaka Memorial Award” kepada Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan dan “The Pan Asian American Ping Tom Memorial Award” kepada Aurora Abella-Austriaco, warga Filipino American yang adalah Ketua Asosiasi Bar Chicago. Selain itu, AACC menyerahkan penghargaan untuk kategori Community Service Awards dan Youth Who Excels. Dari Komunitas Indonesia terpilih Sdr. Prabowo Woerjadi untuk kategori

March 2015


Community Service Awards dan Sdr. Catherine Au Jong untuk kategori Youth Who Excels. Medali dan piagam penghargaan untuk ke-20 awardees diserahkan oleh Dubes RI untuk AS. Usai gala dinner, masyarakat dan Diaspora Indonesia berkesempatan untuk bertemu dan berbincang informal dengan Dubes RI. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Dubes RI menyampaikan apresiasi dan ucapan selamat atas kesuksesan Masyarakat dan Diaspora Indonesia dalam penyelenggaraan Tahun Baru Imlek di Chicago. Dubes RI juga menyampaikan bahwa Indonesia telah menunjukkan kemajuan yang sangat pesat terutama dalam penerimaan terhadap pluralitas yang ada. Hal


March 2015

ini merupakan aset negara yang sangat berharga. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang melibatkan Diaspora Indonesia, seperti halnya perayaan Imlek AACC ini, dapat memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi para Diaspora Indonesia utamanya dalam membangun networking dengan komunitas-komunitas Asia-Amerika lainnya (connecting the dots). Lebih lanjut Dubes RI menjelaskan bahwa hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan AS saat ini berada pada tingkatan terbaik dibandingkan masa-masa sebelumnya. Namun demikian masih ada beberapa aspek dalam hubungan kerjasama ini yang belum digali secara maksimal. Untuk itu, Dubes RI menghim-

bau masyarakat dan Diaspora Indonesia di AS untuk bersama-sama dengan perwakilan RI mengeksplor lebih jauh potensi-potensi kerjasama yang menguntungkan bagi kedua negara. Secara umum, acara gala dinner berlangsung meriah dan semarak. Para undangan yang hadir kagum dan menyampaikan apresiasi atas terselenggaranya gala dinner yang dimeriahkan dengan kesenian tradisional Indonesia. Apresiasi tersebut juga disampaikan oleh para tamu undangan dan VIP kepada Dubes RI dan Konjen RI. n KJRI Chicago: Martino Tangkar , Bernadeta Pratiwi, Jepri Edi | Photographer: Raymond Tambunan

March 2015


My name is Oliver Pras. I was born and raised in Queens, NYC. At an early age, it had always been a dream of mine to be an entertainer. I was quite the rambunctious child, often running around loudly without a care in the world. In an attempt to offer my sister and I a better living environment, my parents moved us to the suburbs of New Jersey, just 15 minutes away from Manhattan. In high school I was very shy and quiet. I didn't have many friends and was very to myself. I was often picked on and bullied by my peers. That changed during college.

I attended Ramapo College, a state college of New Jersey. I joined the international fraternity, Phi Kappa Sigma, and finally became outgoing and lively. No longer the quiet and shy kid in high school, I had blossomed into a very likable and fun person. My fraternity had allowed me to experience so many wonderful things and I wouldn't change my college experience if I had the chance to do it again! Graduating college, I had bounced around a few traditional jobs. However, I had soon become stagnant and found myself wondering what I was doing with my life. I did not want to spend the rest of my life in a cubicle. I started reminiscing about the dreams I had of being a successful and respected actor and model. Many people initially told me how I wasn't tall enough or good looking enough to model, but I didn't listen. One day, a random fellow commuter had approached me and asked if I were currently a model, to which I replied that I wasn't. She informed me of a casting and I reluctantly went. Upon attending, I was chosen right away and thus started my modeling career. Starting off wasn't easy. But like my dad always says: "No Pain, No Gain". Slowly, but surely I had booked various runway shows and editorials. Eventually, I had successfully booked the GAP campaign "Dress Normal". In 2011, my cousin from New York decided to

have his wedding in Bali, Indonesia. At this point, I hadn't been to Indonesia in over 15 years. I was so ignorant to Indonesia and its culture. Although I grew up with a fairly large Indonesian community here in NY, I really didn't know what Indonesia was truly about. Upon arriving in Bali and Jakarta, I was overwhelmingly culture shocked! Heck, I don't even know America outside of the East Coast, let alone Indonesia. I hadn't been here in so many years! I was reunited with cousins, aunts, uncles, and my grandmother... all whom I hadn't seen since I was a child! I remember how takut it was for me coming out of the airport and being overwhelmed by all the motors that seemed to swarm the vehicle. The entire experience was so wonderful that I decided to return in 2013. I had become so enamored and so proud to be Indonesian! It was around this time that I realized that I wanted to bring our culture to America in some capacity. When modeling or auditioning for roles, I proudly and always promote my Indonesian heritage. I am after-all, 100% Indonesian (Manado/Jawa). It is my sincere dream and hope that I can one day bring Indonesian culture to American entertainment. The other day I attended an Asian arts exhibit. While there were many impressive and large exhibits portraying countries like Korea, Japan and Thailand... there was only a tiny little corner for Indonesia. We are the fourth most populated country in the world! Surely, our culture alone is deserving of more space and recognition! I want to one day change that! I have just booked a trip to Jakarta for April/ May to begin my modeling and acting career in Indonesia. I will be meeting with entertainment executives, modeling agencies and various publications in the hopes of a long term career in Jakarta. Afterwords, I will be returning to NYC for my best friends wedding. Expect to see me back in Jakarta by July for the long haul and I absolutely cannot wait! n


March 2015

Age: 27 Height: 5'11" Weight: 155 lbs Shirt: 13.5 Neck: 13" Sleeve: 33" Chest: 36" Waist: 30" Inseam: 32" Suit: 36R-US Shoe size: 9 US Hair color: Black Hair Length: Short Eye Color: Brown Ethnicity: Asian Skin Color: Tanned Shoot nudes: No Tattoos: None Piercings: None March 2015

shirt by J.Crew | watch by Timex | photography: Adrian Alicea

wardrobe by GAP collection watch by Timex image: Cedeno Photography

Oliver Prasetyo


ABOUT the author : Dr. Vivienne Kruger hails from New York City, and is a social and cultural historian with an M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in American history from Columbia University. A trip across Java and Bali in 1993 made her fell in love with the exotic Island of the Gods at first sight! She has since enjoyed a twenty-year-long literary, spiritual, and cultural love affair with the gorgeous volcanic island where the gods live and the people smile and cook! She wrote several books, served as a special research consultant and columnist in newspapers and magazines about Balinese culture and cuisine. Dr. Vivienne Kruger's book "Balinese Food: The Traditional Cuisine and Food Culture of Bali" - (Tuttle Publishing, 2014, ISBN 080484450X), now available at and at Barnes and Noble. Dr. Vivienne Kruger will lead guided tour groups to Bali beginning in June 2015. Please see her new BlogSpot:

by Dr. Vivienne Kruger Part tHREE - THE END The “great mountain” casts a long ritual, geological, and literal shadow over Bali--and beyond. Gunung Agung's mist-ringed slopes and crown are visible all the way from the white sands of Kuta Beach to Bali's pristine sister island, Nusa Lembongan. To visit Gunung Agung in person, explorers can drive up the backroads from Klungkung through numerous small villages that escaped the creeping lava flow (souvenir boulders strewn by the cataclysm are now used as doorsteps and seats!). Gunung Agung’s outburst wreaked a level of havoc still visible all along the rugged slopes: pass through Sideman, Iseh, Selat (a completely rebuilt, formerly prosperous market

Landscape of Pura Besakih (Mother temple) facing North towards Sacred Magic Mountain, Gunung (mount) Agung, in Bali, Pulau Dewata (Island of Gods), Indonesia.


March 2015

town), and the new Sebudi (the original agricultural hamlet remains permanently buried under 130 feet of black lava and debris!) Few mountain communities survive (or have been reconstituted) above this level other than Sogra, the highest village on the mountain. (Sogra’s entire population was suffocated by searing clouds of crater-propelled gases; they were later found in-situ by a search party--perfectly preserved under a thin coating of ash, in a macabre, wax-works collection of freeze-frame poses.) The road stops just beyond Sogra near Pura Pasar Agung, a small, seldom-visited temple twice as far up the mountain as Besakih. Of great symbolic significance as the final gateway to the home of the gods and ancestors, it was also destroyed during the volcanic mayhem and only rebuilt in the late 1970s.

Inveterate trekkers can ascend up to Mount Agung’s peak from Sogra (or a tougher six to eight hour climb from Sebudi). To experience sunrise from the navel of the world, walk from Sebudi to the settlement of Sangkawasa, camp overnight, and set out at 3:00 A.M. on a three-hour hike through crumbling, chilly, wind-pocked terrain to the crisp, clear, morning edge of the crater. You can also tackle the mountain from behind Pura Besakih on a rough, slippery, ten-kilometer trail through dense low foliage and volcanic particles, but you should request permission from the temple authorities first (no one must stand higher than the temple when a ceremony is in progress). The Balinese consider this sojourn to the shrouded, mountaintop spirit realm to be taboo, disrespectful, and dangerous: one must never disturb Ida Bhatara Gunung Agung. Several tourists have disappeared without a trace: it is advisable for day trippers to start early in the morning, travel with a local guide—and, to appease the deities—carry the correct handmade offerings on your head, walk barefoot, don proper temple attire (a sarong and sash), and dress in humble white. To visit Gunung Agung is to tread in the supernatural realm of the spirits: the best, and certainly the easiest way to heed the call of

the mountain is to join the steady stream of devotees and tourists at the Pura Besakih temple complex. Pura Besakih, the spiritual center and principal state temple of the island of the gods, was built in the tenth century by a Javanese priest, Danghyang Markandeya, who journeyed to Bali with his devotees to spread the Hindu religion. Besakih (whose long axis is aligned with the peak of Gunung Agung) is perched 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) above sea level on the southwestern slopes of the vigilant, brooding mountain. On a site probably also sacred to the volcano god in pre-Hindu times, it has evolved over its thousand-year history into a sprawling complex of over two hundred towering, watlike shrines and temples arranged in seven terraces going up the hill. Each of the eight regencies has its own temple dedicated to the high gods with eighteen separate sanctuaries for high-caste Brahmin families. This forest of black-thatched “merus” (pagoda-like structures with multi-tiered, sugar palm roofs) stands out in breathtaking silhouette against Bali's blue sky. Inside the core of each meru is an unobstructed square tunnel through which deities, ancestors, and spirits descend from the mountain (on festive occasions) to temporarily inhabit shrines set at the base.

Pura Besakih facing south.

The central and most important temple, Pura Penataran Agung (dedicated to Siva), represents the three manifestations of one supreme god: Brahma on the right, Siva in the middle, and Vishnu on the left. Temple structures are the critical link between the realms of heaven and earth. The ancient religious site has tremendous psychological and spiritual resonance: local Balinese people visit it every single day to pray and to collect holy water for use in village rituals. Rich families with their own private temple compounds come here every week to tend to

Pura Penataran Agung

Forest of black-thatched “merus” (pagoda-like structures with multi-tiered, sugar palm roofs).

the contents of their ancestors' shrines and pay their respects to the gods with lovingly crafted offerings. This sacred mountain, internationally regarded as one of the eight chakra points of the world, harnesses and radiates religious, symbolic, and psychic energy--its primordial force is palpable even during a brief visit. With fifty-five ceremonies held here each year, you will undoubtedly get to witness a colorful processional file of women in bright yellow lace kebayas and cloth sarongs bearing palatial temple offerings of rice, fruits, and flower petals. Don't let the omnipresent hawking detract from this characteristically serene, spiritual, and contemplative Balinese experience. Let one of the eager local guides attach himself to you--it is well worth the price to gain access to special worship areas and enjoy a running cultural commentary on the significant sites. (You never need to bring an umbrella even if it is raining at Besakih--it is only holy water sprinkled down by the gods!) While Pura Penataran is off limits to tourists (you can quietly observe celebrations from the periphery), a temple guardian/guide can escort you into private compounds to pray and receive a holy water blessing from the sacred basin below Lord Vishnu's hibiscus-bedecked statue. When you leave Pura Besakih, you will feel peaceful, revitalized, and renewed: this powerful, concentrated energy node connects travelers and pilgrims alike to the earth's central, vital core. All of Bali emanates this vibrant life energy--focused on and funneled through Gunung Agung, the center of the cosmos. - The End n March 2015


financial column by jane wibowo

Managing Your Retirement and Estate Planning Part two - The end If you have an estate tax liability, you need a plan that will ensure that the bulk of your estate will go to your heirs, not the government. There are many strategies and techniques to accomplish this, and a financial advisor who specializes in estate planning can help you create the plan that's right for you. But to help you get started, here are some options to consider:

Gifting One of the simplest ways to reduce your estate tax liability is to transfer money to loved ones while you're still living. This is called "gifting" and here's how it works. Every US citizen is entitled to give away up to $14,000 per person per year. A husband and a wife can give $28,000 to any child, grandchild or anyone else for that matter, and as long as you stay within the limits, none of these "gifts" are subject to gift or estate taxes.

us would like to leave an inheritance to our loved ones. But not all of us will succeed in creating a sizable estate to pass along. Life insurance does something that no other product can do - it can create an instant estate. Life insurance is also a great vehicle for paying estate taxes. When a person with an estate tax liability dies, their family members often have no choice but to quickly sell off certain assets to pay for federal and state estate taxes, lawyers fees, probate costs, etc. The proceeds from a life insurance policy create instant liquidity when someone dies, eliminating the need to liquidate other assets, often for a fraction of their true value.

Bypass Trusts If you die and you're married, the proceeds of your estate can be passed on to your spouse tax free thanks to something called the "unlimited marital deduction". But if you've leave a sizable estate to your spouse, all you've really done is shift the estate tax burden. One way to address this problem is by creating bypass trusts for you and your spouse. Bypass trusts allow each spouse to take advantage of the $5.34 million federal estate tax exemption. In other words, the IRS allows up to $10.68 million (the combined exemptions of you and your spouse) to "bypass" your estates. This simple arrangement can save your children hundreds of thousands of dollars in estate taxes.

Life Insurance Life insurance can help address a number of estate planning issues. First, one of the main reasons people buy life insurance in the first place is to create an estate. Most of


March 2015

Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts While it's true that life insurance can create an instant estate for your loved ones, it can also create an instant estate tax problem for them if you don't plan properly. For example, consider a couple in their 50's that has equity in their home of $1,000,000 and an additional $1,000,000 in stocks, mutual funds, 401Ks and college savings plans for their three children. Because they have three young children, both parents have $3.5 million in life insurance coverage. If one of them were to die, they would go from not having any estate tax liability (remember they currently have a net worth of $2,000,000) to having a fairly sizable one.

One way to address this situation is to set up an irrevocable life insurance trust. This is a trust that owns your life insurance policy (or policies). It pays the premiums to keep the insurance in force, collects the death benefits when you die, and distributes the money according to the terms of the trust. Since you don't own the insurance, the proceeds aren't included in your estate. You determine the trust terms when you set it up. For example, you determine to whom distributions will be made and how they will be handled. It is quite common to name one's spouse and children as beneficiaries. You can include provisions in the trust that pay income to your spouse during his or her life or to allow the trustee to supplement your spouse's income to maintain his or her lifestyle or to handle unexpected expenses. If the surviving spouse dies prematurely too, the trust should specify how the proceeds will be divided among the remaining beneficiaries. When there are multiple children, it is fairly common to have the principal paid out in equal shares when the children reach certain age milestones. For instance, distributions might be made on three occasions, when the children reach ages 25, 30 and 35.

Other Options to Consider In addition to irrevocable life insurance trusts and bypass trusts, there are QTIP trusts, Charitable trusts, Qualified Personal Residence trusts and many other sophisticated planning tools. The best way to make sense of the options available to you is to consult with professionals - financial advisors, attorneys, accountants - who specialize in estate planning. They can help you make the right choices for your family, ensuring that the share of your estate gets passed onto your heirs, not Uncle Sam. n

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March 2015


Spring Cleaning

Find Happiness in a Less Cluttered Home "Don't throw it! We might need it someday". Well, some people use-up all their basement or garage space, and have to park their car(s) on driveway or even on the street. Some, even rent a storage to keep their clutter. Sound familiar? It's true that most of us have a little "too much stuff ". But with your willingness, energy and motivation, you can start your Spring Cleaning to declutter your home ... and your life! We are living in a world based on consumerism, so don't buy stuff you want, but buy the things that you need. Sometimes there's a good deal of advertising that wants us to stock up, but please be reassonable. Always shop with a list and buy what you need. And

Do not declutter the whole house in one day. Very few people have the energy and/ or focus to spend 10 hours organizing. You'll likely become frustrated and less efficient as the day progresses. It's much better to spend a few hours on one project. This way you'll feel motivated to do more, not burned out by the process. Do not think that once you've organized your space, that you are done. You should expect regular upkeep, managing incoming and outgoing items.

before you go weekly grocery shopping, try to clean up your fridge first, so you won't buy same stuff you already have which hiding all the way back of your refrigerator. By having less clutter you are creating an environment that will allow you to flourish and reach your greatest potential. Try to limit the amount of stuff in your life to only things you truly love. Decluttering is much easier when you're deciding what to keep rather than what to toss. You have to be able to pass "letting-go process". We often feel overwhelmed when we see all of our stuff. Pick one small area to begin and separate those clutter in categories. Pick up one thing at a time and ask, "Do I still love and use this, or can I let it go?" And there's nothing wrong if you want to keep some sentimental items, but it's important to be realistic.


March 2015

Not everybody has a clean home resemble like Ikea catalog. If you do, great, but your home is the space that is really used by an actual people, not one that has been carefully staged by a team expert of home decorator. Although for some people, they cannot work if their workspace "too clean", but keep in mind the goal is to set up a space that works well for your needs.






Begin Cleaning To start cleaning/decluttering, these are guidance how you sort stuff. You need to realistically determine each item, whether you want to keep it, donate, throw, or give a chance another month to see if you relly miss them before you throw it. Sort by category To truly see what you have, you must gather every single item in a particular category in one place, then consider them all side by side. So you don't need to keep 3 paper shredder, 5 hammers, 10 bottle opener, 4 carpet vacuum cleaner, ... etc. Do you love it? According to Marie Kondo, tidying expert, you should ask yourself, "Does this thing spark joy?" If it gives you a thrill as you hold it, keep it. But if it doesn't, that's all you need to know: throw it in the donate pile. Throw your ugly shirt If you have clothes you know ď‚„ to page 38

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BI$NI$ PADUAN SUARA oleh Rizal Tandrio

ATTIRE Berpaduan suara identik dengan attire, apparel, uniform, costume dan lain-lainnya atau seragam istilahnya. Tidak heran banyak anggota paduan

( Kalau kita mengunjungi kedua toko ini melalui website-nya, maka jelas sekali mereka sudah menyiapkan segala jenis model seragam, kain, ukuran dll. yang sudah jadi dan siap dibeli. Tidak puas? Pelanggan pun bisa memesan model seragam sesuai keinginannya. Tidak hanya seragam saja yang mereka tawarkan tetapi juga aksesoris pemanis untuk tampil seperti kalung, bros, gelang, dan aksesories lainnya.

Grup paduan suara memerlukan seragam dan perlengkapan/alat pendukung. Salah satunya adalah "choral raiser" yaitu "tangga" tempat berdirinya grup paduan suara saat bernyanyi.

suara yang jauh-jauh hari sebelum penampilan sudah ramai mendiskusikan pakaian apa yang digunakan saat tampil. Kebanyakan paduan suara di Indonesia kalau membuat seragam untuk paduan suara biasanya mencari tempat menjahit pakaian umum, dimana bisa mengukur pakaian tiap anggotanya satu per satu. Bagaimana dengan di Amerika? Di negara yang serba praktis ini, ditambah paduan suara ada dimana-mana, maka bisnis menjahit pakaian khusus untuk paduan suara pun tumbuh subur, contohnya Tuxedo Wholesaler ( dan Southern Performance Apparel


March 2015

oleh penggiat musik atau paduan suara. Di Amerika bisnis jualan partitur ini bisa dikatakan punya prospek yang bagus, karena kebiasaan orang Amerika selalu membeli yang asli, bukan membeli yang bajakan atau fotokopi dari orang lain. Biasanya fotokopi partitur di Amerika masih bisa dimaklumi sepanjang untuk kepentingan edukasi di lingkungan sekolah. Karena banyaknya karya musik, dimana tidak mungkin semuanya ditempatkan di rak-rak toko maka sebagian besar sheet music publisher atau penerbit partitur di Amerika memilih menjualnya melalui toko-toko online seperti Sheet Music Plus (http://www. dan J.W. Pepper ( AWARD Tidak bisa dipungkiri dalam kegiatan bermusik, selalu ada yang berprestasi atau yang sudah menjadi anggota selama bertahun-tahun. Ingin memberikan penghargaan kepada anggota paduan suara yang berprestasi atau sudah menjadi anggota paduan suara selama bertahun-tahun? Jangan kuatir, ada bisnis yang bergelut di bidang berbagai jenis penghargaan untuk diberikan kepada anggota paduan suara atas prestasi atau pegabdiannya. Toko ini menjual berbagai macam

SHEET MUSIC Tentunya dalam berlatih paduan suara, anggota memerlukan partitur (ulasan mengenai partitur pernah dibahas di Majalah IndoGo bulan Oktober 2014). Bisnis berjualan partitur bisa dikatakan sama seperti bisnis seragam paduan suara, dimana kedua bisnis ini bisa digolongkan sebagai bisnis utama di bidang paduan suara atau musik Grup paduan suara juga memerlukan partitur (Music sheet) dimana selalu dicari

image by courtesy of University of Connecticut

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3580 Wilshire Blvd., FL 17 - Los Angeles, CA 90010 Fax: (213) 985-7189 | website: bentuk penghargaan mulai dari pin, medali, trofi, sertifkat hingga plakat. Salah satu toko yang menjual berbagai macam penghargaan ini adalah Award Emblem (http://www.awardemblem. com). MUSIC SUPPLY Tentunya dalam ber-paduan suara atau ber-orkestra, selain alat musik seperti piano, biola, flute, dan alat musik lainnya, juga memerlukan perlengkapan pendukung, seperti kursi, choral raiser, map (folder), stage, music stand, dan alat pendukung lainnya. Lalu dimana bisa membeli perlengkapan pendukung kegiatan musik ini? Silakan kunjungi salah satu toko yang menjual perlengkapan musik ini : Valiant Music ( TOUR CONCERT ORGANIZER Pergi tur bersama keluarga atau teman-teman naik kapal pesiar atau me-

ngunjungi objek wisata sudah biasa. Biasanya sebagai peserta tur, hanya pasif menonton pertunjukkan orang lain. Bagaimana kalau sekali-sekali merasakan tampil untuk ditonton orang lain saat tur? Cobalah pergi tur bersama teman-teman yang punya hobi menyanyi atau bermain musik. Jalan-jalan sekaligus merasakan tampil di gedung-gedung pertunjukkan kelas dunia. Ada banyak agen perjalanan yang khusus menangani tur konser ke berbagai negara di dunia, contohnya Bob Rogers Travel ( dan American Classic (https:// Sebenarnya masih ada beberapa bisnis lagi yang bisa dikembangkan untuk paduan suara, seperti bisnis makanan (catering) dan sepatu untuk tampil. Tertarik untuk membuka bisnis paduan suara? n

Tentang Penulis Rizal Tandrio (email: - Pelajar jurusan Musik, Rekaman Musik dan Produksi di Pasadena City College sejak tahun 2012, juga merupakan anggota American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM) dan pendiri Komunitas Paduan Suara Indonesia (www.indonesianchoral. net). Memiliki minat dalam bidang teknologi rekaman untuk orkestra dan paduan suara, pendidikan musik untuk sekolah dasar dan menengah, serta paduan suara anak dan remaja. Sebelum berimigrasi ke Amerika pada akhir tahun 2010, penulis berprofesi sebagai pelatih paduan suara, guru musik dan juri di berbagai kompetisi paduan suara di Jakarta dan sekitarnya sejak tahun 1996. n

March 2015


Movie Reviews run, hunted by Jeanine (Kate Winslet), the leader of the power-hungry Erudite elite. chappie as a dogged police detective who’s been Racing against time, they must find out Chappie (voiced by Sharlto Copley) tells hunting him for 30 years. Lately, it seems what Tris's family sacrificed their lives to the story of a robot programmed with arti- Jimmy’s only solace can be found at the protect, and why the Erudite leaders will do ficial intelligence who is stolen and given bottom of a whiskey glass. But when Jimanything to stop them. Haunted by her past new programming, becomes the first robot my’s estranged son, Mike (Joel Kinnaman), choices but desperate to protect the ones with the ability to think and feel for himself. becomes a target, Jimmy must make a she loves, Tris, with Four at her side, faces choice between the crime family he chose one impossible challenge after another as and the real family he abandoned long ago. they unlock the truth about the past and Now, with nowhere safe to turn, Jimmy just ultimately the future of their world mar 6 has one night to figure out to make things right

mar 27


The film looks to have a more comedic tone. And the prospect of seeing Hugh Jackman stretch his comedy talents in an offbeat sci-fi comedy is highly enticing. The film also stars Sigourney Weaver, and Dev Patel

Insurgent is the second installment in the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth. It is the sequel to Divergent and is followed by the third and final installment of the series, Allegiant. In episode Insurgent, starting where the last book left off, Beatrice "Tris" Prior (Shailene Woodley), Tobias "Four" Eaton (Theo James) are now fugitives on the

mar 20

run all night

This movie tells the story about an aging hitman, Jimmy Conlon (Liam Neeson), once known as The Gravedigger and his longtime best friend, a mob boss, Shawn Maguire (Ed Harris). Jimmy, now 55, is haunted by the sins of his past—as well

m a r 13


March 2015

march 2015 Movies Kidnapping Mr. Heineken The Second Best Exotic Marigold Two Men in Town Unfinished Business Anarchy Cinderella Home Sweet Hell Tracers The Gunman Get Hard Serena

Genre Romance Comedy Drama Comedy Drama Adventure Comedy Action Action Comedy Drama


When Earth is taken over by the overly confident Boov, an alien race in search of a new place to call home, all humans are promptly relocated while all Boov get busy reorganizing the planet. But when one resourceful girl, Tip (Rihanna), manages to avoid capture, she finds herself the accidental accomplice of a banished Boov named Oh (voiced by Jim Parsons - Big Bang Theory). The two fugitives realize there’s a lot more at stake than intergalactic relations as they embark on the road trip of a lifetime. Jennifer Lopez and Steve Martin also lend their voices to the movie. n

Actors/Actresses Sam Worthington, Anthony Hopkins Judi Dench, Dev Patel, Richard Gere Forest Whitaker, Harvey Keitel Vince Vaughn, Dave Franco Ed Harris, Ethan Hawke Lily James, Helena Bonham Carter Katherine Heigl, Patrick Wilson Taylor Lautner, Marie Avgeropoulos Sean Penn, Javier Bardem Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper

Date Mar 6 Mar 6 Mar 6 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 13 Mar 13 Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 27 Mar 26

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Indonesian culinary is bestowed with a very unique profile and covers a wide spectrum. There is no other country in the world with such culinary resplendence. From Sabang to Merauke, from Talaud to Rote Island, Indonesian culinary is innumerable. Judging from its vast variety, it would be unfitting to claim any dish as purely Indonesian. True Indonesian culinary is marked by cuisines of Aceh, Melayu, Palembang, Java and dozens of other “originating cuisines”. Just as Indonesia recognizes a wide variety of local dialects, so too the originating cuisines lend a hand to its many derivatives. For instance, Pariaman cuisine is known to have different characters from Kotogadang cuisine, and nothing in common with Kapau cuisine— even though they all belong to the genre of Minang cuisine.

ong-royong (working together towards a common goal), Indonesian culinary stems from the tradition of communal eating. One dish for all. In the past, the Dutch discovered this principle and created the rijsttafel tradition. We now bring you closer to the onset of the tradition: Tumpeng Nusantara (will be featured at the end, as the extra recipe as binding agent of all 30 recipes - red). With cone-shaped rice in the middle, Rendang Padang sits in state with Ayam Goreng Lengkuas from Bandung, Urap Sayuran from Yogyakarta and Sate Lilit from Bali. Tumpeng Nusantara is proof that elements Indonesian culinary can meet together beautifully in a state of harmony.

The visionary Empu Tantular, a 14th century poet sage of Majapahit Empire, wrote the sacred phrase which then became Indonesian national motto: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Unity in Diversity! Whereas Bhinneka Tunggal Ika originated from the principle tenet of got-

Foreword by Mari Elka Pangestu (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia)

01 Asinan Jakarta

The 30 INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL CULINARY ICONS featured in this article (adapted from the book with same title - red) is an important first step toward a thorough compilation of the richness and variety of Indonesian culinary. It is a duty we owe Motherland. Bon appetit, my brothers and sisters! Enjoy the sumptuous taste of Indonesian culinary.

Source: Indonesia's Official Tourism Ministry Website

dish tends to be on the hot-and-sour side. According to its origins, the name asinan refers to the pickling process, which employs the use of salt and vinegar. Its refreshing palate makes asinan most suitable as an appetizer. Among the many types of asinans out there, two of the most popular ones are Asinan Betawi and Asinan Bogor. Generally speaking, Asinan Betawi uses vegetables and peanut-based sauce; whereas Asinan Bogor uses local fruit and a kind of sauce made of chili, garlic and vinegar. The most common vegetables used in asinan are sawi asin (pickled bok choy), cabbage, bean sprouts, grated carrots, lettuce and slices of yellow tofu. Some versions add the use of jicama and sweet potatoes to result in a crunchy texture. Peranakan-style Asinan uses tek kim leaves (antanan) and chives (leaves and bulbs). The fruit used in asinan are locally grown and widely available in the Jakarta-Bogor area, such as green mango, kedondong (Spondias dulcis), salak (Salacca zalacca), jambu air (Syzygium aqueum), green papaya, jicama, nutmeg, pineapple and grapes. Because of its fruit content, Asinan Buah appears more like rujak, with the exception that rujak uses fresh fruit.

Asinan is an appetizer or salad made from raw vegetables and fruit. Despite the name –asin means salty— the most apparent taste of this


March 2015

INGREDIENTS (serves 5-6) : 200 gr Firm yellow tofu, cut into the size of 1 x 1 x 2 cm 100 gr Cabbage, thinly sliced by 1 cm

150 gr Bean sprouts, remove the roots 200 gr Salted Chinese cabbage, washed, drained and sliced by 2 cm 150 gr Cucumber, sliced by ½ cm 150 gr Carrots, coarsely grated 100 gr Chives, washed, roots removed 50 gr Coriander leaves, remove the roots (to taste) ASINAN SAUCE (COMBINE ALL EXCEPT FOR THE VINEGAR) : 80 gr 3-4 pcs red chilies, ground 5 gr 1 tablespoon dried shrimp, soaked in hot water, ground 50 gr 5 tablespoons fried peanuts, ground 300 gr sugar 3-4 teaspoons salt 1000 ml boiled water 3 teaspoons vinegar 25%

GARNISH : 150 fried peanuts 7-8 pcs noodle crackers 8 tablespoons palm sugar syrup COOKING METHODS : 1. Wash and prepare the vegetables. 2. Asinan sauce: Heat the sauce ingredients over fire, stirring until well blended and boiling. Cool down, add vinegar, mix well. 3. Place the vegetables into the bowl. Pour the sauce over it. Keep in refrigerator for half a day. 4. Take it out, scatter with fried peanuts, noodle crackers and palm sugar syrup.

02 Tahu Telur Surabaya

A similar version of tahu telur in Semarang is served with gimbal udang (deep-fried savory cracker made from medium-sized shrimp). While there is no clear historical note to explain the origins of the dish, it is believed that tahu telur is a fairly new creation in East Javanese culinary repertoire beginning in the 1940’s. INGREDIENTS (serves 6-8) : 400 gr Tofu 440 gr 8 pieces eggs, scrambled ¾ teaspoons pepper ¾ teaspoons salt Cooking oil

Tahu Telur is a popular light meal in East Java. With appropriate serving size, it can be categorized as an appetizer that paves the way for a wide palate of flavors. In essence, tahu telur is a tofu omelet, made from diced white tofu that are deep fried in egg batter. The omelet is served on the bed of steamed bean sprouts, sprinkled with celery slices, and coated with peanut-based sauce. Adding to the finishing touch are kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) and fried shallots. In Surabaya, some vendors add petis (fermented shrimp paste) in the sauce to give it a kick. It is customary to serve tahu telur with pickled cucumber and colorful tapioca crackers. It can also be served as a single meal with the additon of rice cake. This dish is a comfort food easily obtained from pushcart or streetside vendors.

PEANUT SAUCE: 6 gr 5-6 pcs bird’s eye chilies, fried 40 gr 2 pcs red chilies, fried 8 gr 4 cloves garlic cloves, fried 20 gr 2 tablespoons peanuts, fried 7.5 gr 1½ teaspoons palm sugar, thinly sliced 2-3 tablespoons dark shrimp paste ½ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce 100 cc water

GARNISH: 150 gr cucumber, deseeded, cut in dices by the size of 1 cm 200 gr bean sprouts, roots removed. Place the bean sprouts in boiling water for less than one minute, then drain them 16 gr 4 tablespoons fried shallots 20 gr 2-3 stalks celery stalks, thinly sliced

cooking DIRECTIONS: 1. Cut tofu in dices of 1½ cm. Fry it until half-cooked, remove and set aside. Divide the tofu into 6-8 servings. Mix one part of tofu with one part of the scrambled egg. 2. Heat cooking oil in wok, place one part of tofu, round-shaped. Fry until well cooked. Remove and drain. Repeat the same process to the remaining tofu. Add more cooking oil, if necessary. 3. Peanut sauce: Blend well garlic and chilies. Add the fried peanuts, continue grinding. Add the dark shrimp paste, salt, sweet soy sauce and palm sugar. Thin it out with water, mix well. 4. Prepare the egg tofu on a plate, scatter bean sprouts and cucumber on top. Pour the peanut sauce on top, sprinkle with fried shallots and celery. Serve immediately. n March 2015


South Pasadena. 7th annual Doggy Day (& Cats too) Sat, Mar 7, 2015 @ 10am~1pm Garfield Park, 1750 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA 91030 Disc dog live demonstration, adoption/rescue agencies, pet groomers/trainers, pet products and services, pet photo booth, peanut butter licking contest, demo by K-9 unit, dog parade, costume contest and more. The event will feature a variety of fun activities for dogs, cats and families. Take your dog and cat out to Doggy Day at Garfield Park ! FREE AdmissioN

robotic using lego for kids grade 2-6 Sat, Mar 14, 2015 @ 1pm~3pm Baldwin Crenshaw Plaza, 3650 W Martin Luther King Jr, Los Angeles, CA 90008. Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Kid's Club and Sylvan Learning Center present: STEM Robotics for Kids! Designed for children in grades 2~6. Children will build and program robots using LEGO WeDo software as they compete in friendly competitions. Participants will receive exclusive

3. Festival at south hills plaza Sat, Mar 21, 2015 @ noon~6pm 1420 S. Azusa Ave. West Covina, CA91791 Food, dance, taiko, art/craft and more. More parking space at Coronado School and South Hills Academy. FREE shuttle all day provided by City of West Covina. FREE AdmissioN 4. cherry blossom viewing at balboa park Start early March. Park open from sunrise to sunset. 6300 Balboa Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91406. Over 2,000 beautiful Cherry Blossom trees at Lake Balboa Park. When they are blooming the lake becomes a spectacular site. Have a picnic with your family and friend, bring your food and blanket. There is also a huge play area with swings and slides for the kids. It's hard to predict when the Cherry blossom trees will bloom, call the park and ask them: (818) 756-9743 FREE AdmissioN

Public Events Sekitar Los Angeles

Museum, Atraksi dan Festival diseputar kota Los Angeles art night Pasadena Fri, Mar 13, 2015 @ 6pm~10pm Pasadena Museum of California Art, 490 E. Union St, Pasadena, CA 91101

cherry blossom events : 1. Festival at schabarum park Sat, Mar 7, 2015 @ 10am~4pm Schabarum Park, 17250 E. Colima Rd. Rowland Heights, CA 91748. Featuring Taiko, Music, Dances, Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Hula Dances, etc. Parking Fee $6 FREE AdmissioN to festival

t ArtNigh a Pasaden

Enjoy a free evening of art, music and entertainment as Pasadena’s most prominent arts and cultural institutions swing open their doors. For total of 17 venues. Free shuttles will loop throughout the evening. Park at any one venue and ride to the others. LA County's favorite food trucks are coming to ArtNight. Shuttle Map - FREE AdmissioN


giveaways. Come early, space is limited on a first come first serve bases. FREE AdmissioN

March 2015

2. Festival at torrance Sun, Mar 15, 2015 @ 11am~4pm Columbia Park, 18861 Prairie Ave, Torrance (@ Prairie and 190th). Live entertainment and interactive activities. Sponsors by the City of Torrance. FREE AdmissioN

Cherry Blossom at Balboa Park, Van Nuys

Jalan Jalan

St. Patrick's Day Parade Sun, Mar 15, 2015 start @11am Parade start in front of Hermosa Beach City Hall (Staging area at corner Valley k's St. Patric ade r a P y a D

Dr and Pier Ave) travelling west on Pier Ave and turn south at Hermosa Ave, and end at 10th St. This 20th popular parade draws an estimated 30,000 people who come to enjoy the parade, great food, shopping and beautiful weather. For folks who never visit Hermosa Beach lately, this is the right time to take a look. FREE AdmissioN

Tip Top Mart ( Indonesian Grocer ies ) : el Branch San Gabri E6 # r. D s Tunas 704 W. La 6 7 7 1 9 el, CA San Gabri 2 8 8 .8 3 6.29 Phone: 62 Hours: n e p O pm 10 am - 9 Mon - Sat: - 8 pm Sun: 10 am

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March 2015


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Nasi Rendang

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Nasi Campur Kalimantan


March 2015

 I’ve been here many times and it just gets better every time .

 As for me , I will definitely come here again

 My parents REALLY like Kwetiau Siram aka flat rice noodle with gravy. This was like , my favorite dish growing up

 So good! I’ve been coming here for over years. They are sweet people and the food is on point. Get the noodles, I

Sate Ayam

Laksa Udang suggest #8. So chewy and yummy! They make their own hot sauce , perfect balance of spice and taste .  I was introduced this spot by my friend . Seriously a hidden gem for Indonesian food !!!

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Selamat Dari Kecelakaan Mobil Suatu hari saya bersama anak saya, Scott, mengendarai mobil Honda Accord menuju ke tempat perbelanjaan di Citadel, California. Kami melewati Freeway nomor 5. Semua kendaraan yang di freeway melaju dengan kecepatan tinggi. Tiba-tiba ada sebuah mobil Cadillac, entah pengendaranya mabuk atau mengantuk, atau ugal-ugalan; dia menabrak sebuah mobil yang kencang melaju. Akibatnya mobil itu tidak bisa mengendalikan diri dan menabrak sebuah mobil lain. Lalu, sebuah mobil Jaguar juga tertabrak dan dalam waktu yang cepat sekali, mobil kami ditabrak oleh mobil Jaguar itu. Semua rentetan tabrakan beruntun itu terjadi cepat sekali. Saya dan anak saya tidak tahu menahu sama sekali saat terjadi kecelakaan tersebut. Cerita lengkapnya baru diketahui setelah kejadiaan kecelakaan di hari itu. Saya tidak bisa berpikir apa-apa waktu itu. Yang pasti mobil kami melayang di udara dan terbalik. Roda mobilnya di atas dan kap mobil menghantam pembatas jalan raya yang terbuat dari besi. Lalu mobil itu terbalik sekali lagi ke posisi normal, tetapi seluruh kaca mobil hancur berkeping-keping. Saya dikeluarkan dari jendela mobil, dan diletakkan terbaring di jalan raya. Anak saya berteriak, “Mami, kita ada di mana?” Dia berpikir kami berdua sudah meninggal dan mungkin ada di sorga. Kami sungguh–sungguh mengalami penyertaan dan pertolongan Tuhan yang ajaib. Kami berdua dibawa ke rumah sakit, dan diperiksa. Ternyata kami berdua hanya luka-luka ringan. Bagian kepala, otak, tulang, dan badan kami tidak apa-apa. Ini benar-benar mujizat yang tidak masuk akal. Sangat mengherankan. Kalau bukan Tuhan yang berkarya dan melindungi, kami pasti sudah tiada, atau cacat, atau


March 2015

luka-luka parah. Melihat mobil yang hancur berantakan, sungguh tidak percaya kalau kami selamat dan tidak ada luka yang berarti. Ketika kita yang berhati-hati di jalan raya, ada saja orang lain yang sembrono dalam mengendarai mobil, dan bisa mencelakai kita. Namun, Tuhan Allah kita ajaib, Dia berjanji akan menyertai dan melindungi setiap kita yang beriman dan berharap kepadanya. Saya teringat Firman Tuhan yang dituliskan pemazmur, “TUHAN akan menjaga engkau terhadap segala kecelakaan; Ia akan menjaga nyawamu. TUHAN akan menjaga keluar masukmu, dari sekarang sampai selama-lamanya.” (Mazmur 121:7-8). Janji Firman Tuhan

ini sungguh saya alami bersama anak saya, Scott, yang juga setia beriman dan berharap kepada Tuhan Yesus, yang lebih dahulu sudah mengasihi kami dan menyelamatkan kami melalui pengorbananNya di atas salib, mengampuni dosa kami dan memberikan jaminan hidup yang kekal. Saya teringat kotbah di hari Minggu sebelumya di gereja, yaitu tentang mengucap syukur dalam segala hal. Rasul Paulus menuliskan Firman Tuhan, “Bersukacitalah senantiasa. Tetaplah berdoa. Mengucap syukurlah dalam segala hal, sebab itulah yang dikehendaki Allah di dalam Kristus Yesus bagi kamu.” (I Tesalonika 5:16-18). Bagaimana bisa mengucap syukur dalam peristiwa kecelakaan mobil ini? Bila ada hal-hal yang menyenangkan, pada umumnya manusia lebih mudah bersyukur daripada menghadapi hal-

hal yang tidak menyenangkan. Kita diajar bukan mengucap syukur yang berfokus kepada masalah kita. Tetapi fokus kepada Tuhan. Bukan mengucap syukur untuk . . . , tetapi mengucap syukur, walaupun . . . . Sebab Tuhan tetap menyertai, Tuhan tetap melindungi, Tuhan tetap memelihara, Tuhan tetap menopang, Tuhan tetap tidak berubah selama-lamanya. Bila kita fokus kepada pribadi Tuhan dan karyaNya, maka dalam segala hal kita bisa tetap menaikkan ucapan syukur kepadaNya. Pelajaran rohani ini yang saya pelajari melalui kejadian kecelakaan itu. Tidak putus-putusnya saya mengucap syukur kepada Tuhanku Yesus Kristus, yang sudah menyelamatkan aku dan anakku dari bahaya maut. Bila aku mau menghitung semua berkat-berkatNya, tidak habis-habisnya aku bisa menghitungnya. Mungkin saat ini Anda sedang mengalami hal-hal yang tidak menyenangkan, dan sulit untuk mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan. Mungkin juga sedang bertanya-tanya kenapa Tuhan mengijinkan kejadian yang negatif terjadi dalam hidup Anda. Jangan sedih, kecewa, menyalahkan Tuhan atau menyalahkan orang lain, keadaan, atau mengatakan ‘memang nasib sial’. Di dunia yang sudah berdosa dan tidak sempurna ini, bisa saja ada hal-hal yang tidak menyenangkan terjadi. Belajarlah menaikkan syukur yang berfokus kepada Tuhan, bukan fokus kepada masalah, atau kepada manusia, atau kepada keadaan. Sebab Allah kita sungguh jauh lebih besar melampaui masalah, keadaan, manusia, dan apa pun di dunia ini. Belajarlah fokus kepada Pribadi Kristus dan karyaNya. Tetaplah beriman dan berharap kepadaNya; maka Dia akan turun tangan menolongmu. n Salam Sejahtera: Istiawati Sulaiman

The Year of Multiplication of MIRACLE

IBCCOG Diamond Bar IBCCOG San Bernardino 20418 Yellow Brick Rd. Seventh Day Advent Walnut, CA 91789 Church 1291 N. Rancho Ave. Colton, CA 92408 Service :

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Sunday, 10.00 am

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Spring Season


March 2015


 from page 20 you'll never wear outside, throw it. I had an old t-shirt that I would wear on the weekends. But it is too ugly to wear it going out, so I have to change into something less embarrassing. So, free yourself of that t-shirt. You won't read that book twice Unless it's a reference book or collector comic book, forget about re-reading books you liked. How many books have you actually

Don't keep gifts out of guilt Sometimes you got gifts that you don't like. You can donate the gift without guilt. People don't notice when their gift is missing from your house.

your drawer For your drawer, try to arranging clothing so they stand side by side, rather than in piles. So it will be easy for you to find and pick up your favorite t-shirt.

Recycle packaging As soon as you get new stuff, get rid of its packaging. Recycle both, the box and the manual right away. Nowadays, you can always get manual online.

Storage are for hoarders Beware on clever storage solutions. If you provide storage, you will stuffing as many things as possible into your closet, without examine whether you need it or not. Keep it Organized Now you've done cleaning and decluttering. It is your responsibility now to keep it clean and tidy. Most of us inherit a habits keeping stuffs, and it is true, and it has its own satisfactions. While we are not slobs or hoarders, but you have to let go things that are not needed anymore.

read a second time? Especially your high school or college book. Donate that unneeded book to someone who will get a thrill when they pick it up, or sell it on ebay. Discard Everything Recycle/shred those piles of papers. Papers will never inspire joy. Old lecture materials? Credit card statements? Some people have a hard time getting rid of papers. But when they finally got rid of it, they're still fine. If you still need to keep it, get yourself a document scanner, and keep it digital and shred those documents to prevent identity theft.


March 2015

photos and mementos You don't need to keep all those Hawaii trip picture or old birthday cards. Take out only 5 best photos per day of every trip that bring back the joy of that time. And get rid old birthday cards and high school love letters. Clear them out and make space for the things you truly love now. Their time has passed. Cherish who you are now. Teach kids to tidying up While exercising the motoric skill, a threeyear-old can start folding and rolling their clothes. In a way this will teach them to clean up. Clothes are something kids wear everyday so it’s easy for them to have a sense about their belongings. It’s also easy to decide on a fixed place for clothes, so kids can become accustomed to managing their own stuff and returning things to where they belong. This also applied to their toys, so they can earn a stronger sense of valuing things with respect and appreciation.

You need to keep in mind, in order to have a clean and tidy home, you should truly want to have a clean uncluttered home. Decluttering is not a task to be taken lightly. And remember to declutter following by category, rather than cleaning room by room. Gather all of the clothing and place it in one pile.

This gives you an accurate picture of exactly what you have. People will realize what they have, which usually about three times as much as they thought. When you're organised, you avoid misplacing things and buying duplicates. You'll also save time by knowing where things are, and feel good about your home. Keep exercising to decide what you want to keep instead of focus on what you want to throw away. If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to declutter your home and your life, then this is the right time to do it. Make 2015 the year you declutter your life. n

NORTHWOOD IRVINE Offered for $939,000 This beautiful four bedroom, three bath home features a great-sized bonus room, soaring ceilings and an open floor plan. Main floor bedroom with bathroom downstairs. The home has numerous upgrades including granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, French doors, and laminate flooring. Newer windows and doors are found throughout.

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did you know


Eiffel Tower, Paris’ most recognizable monument, was originally intended as a temporary installation for 1889 Paris Exposition, now it become one of the most enduring symbols of France, and home of television and radio broadcasts antenna. On March 31, 1889, the Eiffel Tower is dedicated in Paris in a ceremony presided over by the acclaimed bridge

Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923)

builder, architect and metals expert Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923), the tower's designer, and attended by French Prime Minister Pierre Tirard. While Eiffel himself often receives full credit for the monument that bears his name, it was one of his employees—a structural engineer named Maurice Koechlin—who came up with and fine-tuned the concept.


March 2015

In 1889, to honor of the centenary of the French Revolution, the French government planned an international exposition and announced a design competition for a monument to be built on the Champde-Mars in central Paris. Out of more than 100 designs submitted, the Centennial Committee chose Eiffel's plan of an open-lattice wrought-iron tower that would reach almost 1,000 feet above Paris and be the world's tallest man-made structure. Eiffel's tower was greeted with skepticism from critics who argued that it would be structurally unsound, and indignation from others who thought it would be an eyesore in the heart of Paris. Unperturbed, Eiffel completed his great tower under budget in just two years. Only one worker lost his life during construction, which at the time was a remarkably low casualty number for a project of that magnitude. The light, airy structure was by all accounts a technological wonder and within a few decades came to be regarded as an architectural masterpiece.

The Eiffel Tower is 984 feet tall and consists of an iron framework supported on four masonry piers, from which rise four columns that unite to form a single vertical tower. Platforms, each with an observation deck, are at three levels. Elevators ascend the piers on a curve, and Eiffel contracted the Otis Elevator Company of the United States to design the tower's famous glass-cage elevators. The elevators were not completed by March 31, 1889, however, so Gustave Eiffel ascended the tower's stairs with a few hardy companions and raised an enormous French tricolor on the structure's flagpole. Fireworks were then set off from the second platform. Eiffel and his party descended, and the architect addressed the guests and about 200 workers. In early May, the Paris International Exposition opened, and the tower served as the entrance gateway to the giant fair.

The Eiffel Tower remained the world's tallest man-made structure until the completion of the Chrysler Building in New York in 1930. Incredibly, the Eiffel Tower was almost demolished when the International Exposition's 20-year lease on the land expired in 1909, but its value as an antenna for radio transmission saved it. It remains largely unchanged today and is one of the world's premier tourist attractions.

One of the most recognizable structures on the planet, the Eiffel Tower underwent a major facelift in 1986 and is repainted with 60 tons of paint (about 12,000 gallons) every seven years to protect it from rust. It welcomes more visitors than any other paid monument in the world—an estimated 7 million people per year. Some 500 employees are responsible for its daily operations, working in its restaurants, manning its elevators, ensuring its security and directing the eager crowds flocking the tower’s platforms to enjoy panoramic views of the City of Lights. n

Eiffel Tower Facts 1.There are 1710 steps from ground to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and it has 108 stories. 2.Eifell Tower open 9:30 am to 11:45 pm. And last lift at 11:00 pm. It has extended hours in summer. The ticket cost are vary between 10~19 Euro ($13~19). 3.The construction start on January 28, 1887, and it took 2 years, 2 months and 5 days to finish. It completed on March 15, 1889 and open to public on March 31, 1889. 4.It has 20,000 bulbs (5,000 each side) for main lighting to sparkle the tower. 5.The tallest structure in the world from 18891930. And called "La Dame de fer" (Iron Lady) 6.Total parts of 18,000 wrought iron (strong yet lighter) pieces weight of 10,100 tons. 7.It has 120 antenna on the roof. 8.Around 7 million visitors a year come to Eiffel Tower. 9.The base width of the tower is 125 meters (410 foot) and the heights (with antenna) is 324 meters (1066 foot) 10. It cost 7,799,401.31 French gold francs in 1889 to build. (around $36m in today's money)

March 2015


Kantor Perwakilan Indonesia di amerika Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia 2020 Massachussets Ave. N. W. Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 775-5200 Fax: (202) 775-5365 Utusan Tetap R.I. di PBB 325 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 972-8333 Fax: (212) 972-9780

direktori Dokter Umum Herman Sardjono, MD 72 West Las Tunas Dr. Arcadia, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 821-5305 Dokter Umum Joseph T Oei, MD 71202 E Huntington Dr, Duarte, CA 91010 Tel: (626) 303-5019

Tempe House Spicy Food 24984 3rd St. San Bernardino, CA 92410 Tel: (909) 889-2222 Chicky BBQ & Grill 1206 E. Huntington Dr. #A Duarte, CA 91090 Tel: (626) 357-1500 Benri Motor - Auto Repair 1710 W. Foothill Blvd. #A2 Upland, CA 91786 Tel: (909) 946-6078

DICARI Kitchen Helper Pria, Rest Indo. Can cook is a plus. Tel: (626) 357-1500 ROOM FOR RENT Pomona, NON Smoking. With or without bathroom. $400$500. Call: (909) 397-9772 beginners guitar lesson for children and adults Call Andrey : (909) 461-7921 Dicari Sushi Chef Helper Daerah West LA, Must Speak English. Hub David Tel: (310) 689-6589

Acara Temu Muka Dubes - 2/2

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Los Angeles 3457 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 Tel: (213) 383-5126 Fax: (213) 487-3971 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. New York 5 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065 Tel: (212) 879-0600 Fax: (212) 570-6206

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Chicago 211 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: (312) 920-1880 Fax: (312) 920-1881

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Houston 10900 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77042 Tel: (713) 785-1691 Fax: (713) 780-9644

Dokter Gigi Herman Budiman, DDS 11816 Garvey Ave. El Monte, CA 91732 Tel: (626) 443-8744

OB/GYN - Fertility Clinic Lee C Terence, MD 203 N. Brea Blvd. #100 Brea, CA 92821 Tel: (714) 256-0777 Budincich Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic Polin Togi, LAc 140 N. Hill Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106 Tel: (626) 792-3390

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. San Francisco 1111 Columbus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133 Tel: (415) 474-9571 Fax: (415) 441-4320

Tip Top Mart Indonesian Grocery 704 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel, CA 91776 Tel: (626) 293-8882

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Honolulu 1001 Bishop Street, ASB Tower #2970 Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel: (808) 531-3017 Fax: (808) 531-3177

989 S. Glendora Ave. West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-5300

Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Ottawa 55 Parkdale Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 1E5 Tel: (613) 724-1100 Fax: (613) 724-1105 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Vancouver 1630 Alberni Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6G 1A6 Tel: (604) 682-8855 Fax: (604) 662-8396 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Toronto 129 Jarvis Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5C 2H6 Tel: (416) 360-4020 Fax: (416) 360-4295 Embassy of United States of America Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia Tel: (62-21) 3435-9000


March 2015

Sam’s Nutrition 116 N. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754 Tel: (626) 288-2595 Ticket, Tour & Travel Best Deal Travel Tel: (909) 222-6713 Borneo Restaurant 19 S. Garfield Ave. #A Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 810-1366 Java Spice - Indonesian Rest. 1743 Fullerton Road Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Tel: (626) 810-1366 Merry’s House of Chicken 2550 Amar Rd. West Covina, CA 91792 Tel: (626) 965-0123

Janty Noodle 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 14 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 480-1808 Bakmi Parahyangan 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 13 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 271-6535

Depot Bethania 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 16 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-7722 Go China Restaurant 136 North Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Tel: (626) 793-3888 Mien Nghia Noodle 7755 E Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 Tel: (626) 288-0177

H - Mobile Metro PCS Store 9000 Foothill Blvd. #112 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. Tel: (909) 222-1866

iklan mini perlu Transportasi ? Untuk tour $15/per-jam plus bensin harga murah untuk airport, dll. Hubungi : David (714) 936-8188 WANTED - COOKING CHEF Indonesian Restaurant Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 552-6668 For rent - los angeles back house studio 41 St & Morgan Ave, Bath and Kitchen. 3 miles to USC, close to fwy/park/train/bus/ school. Park on street Util incl. NO PET - $850/mo

A Men with a Sienna Shuttle service, Personal Chauffeur, airport transfer, tours around Los angeles, etc. Call 626-378-3836 for rates OFFICES FOR RENT Alhambra for $600-$1350/m and 2 offices in Rowland Hts for $500-$750/m Contact: (626) 833-5263 dijual mesin tempe Please call: (949) 680-0853

dijual restaurant indo Call: (909) 913-1124 dicari tukang masak kue Di Orange County, Tel: (949) 458-1108, (949) 680-0853 HIRING waitress/cashier Restaurant in Pasadena Must speak English Please call: (626) 757-3773

now HIRING outside sales person Work on your own time Tel: (626) 513-4301 ROOM 4 RENT For single female, $550/mo, util incl, no smoking, no pet, clean room. (626) 376-8115 CONTRACTOR Renovasi Residential, Commercial, Room Addition & New Construction, CA Lic. Call Johan at (626) 278-580 HIRING Waiters / Cashier Restaurant in Pasadena part-time, student ok. Tel: (626) 793-3888

To place an ad, call :











2 8+

15+ 10+



lipat disini untuk menutupi answer sheet







lipat disini untuk menutupi answer sheet

7 1 3 2 8 9 5 6 4



6 4 9 3 7 5 8 1 2



2 5 8 4 6 1 7 9 3



3 9 1 8 2 7 6 4 5



8 7 6 5 9 4 2 3 1

2 8+

Use number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The numbers in each thick outlined set of squares (called cages), must combine numbers (in any order) to produce the target number using the mathematic operation indicated (+). Sample: For 5+, you can use 1 & 4 or 2 & 3. Number can ONLY be used once per row & once per column. You can use same number within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column. Cages with just one square should be filled in with the target number in the top corner.


3+ 7+


4 2 5 1 3 6 9 7 8

15+ 10+


1 6 2 7 4 8 3 5 9

If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing, success will be yours.

4 2 6 9 3 9 1 8 3 5 2 6 8 1 3 6 8 3 9 7 8 2


5 3 7 9 1 2 4 8 6

When you wanna succeed as bad as you wanna breathe, then you'll be successful.



9 8 4 6 5 3 1 2 7

answer sheet

9 8



answer sheet March 2015


3 2 5

3+ 7+

indonesian american chamber of commerce - texas

newsletter 03/15

Exit Strategy

Small Business Checklist Many business owners forget to set a goal for themselves on when and how they are going to exit the business. Ideally, this is setup before the business even breaks ground. We are not talking about closing doors or filing bankruptcy, although those are certainly some of the options. This is when an owner finds himself stuck and married to the business and he has no idea how to get out of it. Sell the business Especially if the business is growing with good EBITDA number, and take the early retirement.

good employees is key. The passive owner can just ride the company however long he wants it to be. It feels like retirement anyway. Have a Will in place to make sure the ownership will pass along appropriately. We usually would get into a business because of previous experience, opportunity or desperation. We concentrate on having a successful business, so we do not have a finish line in mind, so to speak. It is OK to develop the strategy after we are in the business.

Sell the company stocks Plenty of option here to reduce “liability,” encourage ownership to key people and still take profit from share of the stock as minority owner.

Liquidate the business If passing the business, merging or selling did not work, then business liquidation would be the next step. Have a plan in place, and consult company lawyer and accountant.

Grow it large enough that the owner has no say in the company operation It is being a true business owner, or owning a stock on Wall Street. Having

Filing bankcruptcy For this last resort option, visit SBA’s link here ( bankruptcy-options-small-business-owner ) —8 n

Win Apple iPad® Raffle

IACCT would like to collect individual and business data to form an “IACCT Member List.” By participating, you will be automatically entered into our Apple iPad® raffle once the new version comes out. We plan on doing the next drawing in November 2015 and you do not have to be present to win. We will announce the winner through our newsletter. The purpose of IACCT Member List: for scholars, it can be used to look for a job, for the unemployed to obtain ideas, for one aspired for small businesses to seek a Mentor, and for business owners to expand their business network and clients. -8 n To participate Apple iPad® Raffle go to or Scan QR code here  with your smartphone. Get QR code apps here

Aria Services, Inc.

6602 Harbor Town Unit #101 | Houston, TX 77036 281.797.4387 (M) | 713.386.5066 (B/F) |

We provide Architecture & Engineering Services: Project Management, Construction Drawings, Structural Analysis, Site Visits and other 3rd Party Services for Wireless Telecom Industry 44

March 2015

Photos by Stanley Bratawira Photography

Koperasi UKM Indonesia dan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia di Los Angeles Bekerjasama Penetrasi Pasar di Amerika Serikat Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA, February 27, 2015 Dalam usaha mendorong ekspor Indonesia ke Amerika Serikat, khususnya produk-produk UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah), telah dilangsungkan penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman Bersama antara Koperasi IKM (Industri Kecil dan Menengah) dan Islands Treasure Republic (ITR) LLC untuk bekerjasama dalam peningkatan ekspor ke AS dan pemberdayaan usaha kecil dan menengah di Indonesia. Penandatanganan ini dilaksanakan di ruang showroom Indonesia Trade Promotion Center Los Angeles (ITPC LA) dan disaksikan oleh Duta Besar LBBP Republik Indonesia untuk Amerika Serikat, Bapak Budi Bowoleksono dan Konsul Jenderal Republik Indonesia di Los Angeles, Bapak Umar Hadi. Koperasi IKM merupakan badan usaha koperasi yang didirikan di Jakarta sebagai koperasi primer nasional oleh para pelaku UKM yang tersebar di beberapa propinsi di Indonesia. Ketua Pengurus Koperasi IKM, Bapak Yan Razif berujar, ”Koperasi IKM berusaha menjembatani UKM Indonesia menuju pasar global dimana Los Angeles merupakan pilot project kami.” Kerjasama ini dilakukan dengan pengusaha muda Indonesia yang menetap di Los Angeles, Michael David Jeremiah Widjaja, yang mempunyai mimpi untuk dapat mempromosikan kekayaan produk, kultur dan seni Indonesia di pasar internasional khususnya di segmen high-end.” Ditambahkan Yan, ”Selain AS, rencananya, Koperasi IKM akan masuk ke negara-negara potensial diantaranya negara di Amerika Latin, negara di Timur Tengah, negara di Afrika Barat, Hong Kong, dan China.” Bapak Konsul Jenderal Umar Hadi menyampaikan bahwa, “UKM Indonesia adalah tulang punggung perekonomian Indonesia dan salah satu komponen penting dalam mewujudkan mandat pemerintah RI untuk meningkatkan ekspor sebesar 300% untuk 5 tahun ke depan.” Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut Indonesia harus dapat menembus pasar di AS dengan produk-produk yang berkualitas dan mempunyai nilai tambah. “Los Angeles merupakan tempat yang strategis secara geografis dan berperan sebagai pintu masuk produk-produk Indonesia yang

akan masuk ke Amerika Serikat dan negara sekitarnya, seperti Kanada, Meksiko dan Karibia. Pasar AS dan sekitarnya masih banyak potensi yang belum digarap sepenuhnya,” lanjut beliau. Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia Los Angeles (KJRI LA) dan Indonesia Trade Promotion Center Los Angeles (ITPC LA) akan terus mengambil peran aktif untuk menfasilitasi dan membina perusahaan Indonesia dalam menembus pasar Amerika Serikat yang hingga sekarang merupakan pasar terbesar di dunia. Salah satu program untuk memfasilitasi dan membina perusahaan Indonesia adalah Program Inkubasi. “Perwakilan perdagangan RI di AS (Kantor Atase Perdagangan dan ITPC) saat ini mempunyai program Inkubasi untuk membantu perusahaan yang baru akan masuk pasar AS namun memiliki keterbatasan sumber daya dan informasi,“ jelas Arief Wibisono, Kepala ITPC LA. Saat ini terdapat 5 perusahaan inkubator yang tersebar di West Coast dan East Coast yang menjadi binaan perwakilan perdagangan RI di AS. “Siapapun dapat masuk dalam program inkubator sepanjang mereka berkomitmen mempromosikan produk Indonesia dan mempunyai business plan yang jelas untuk masuk pasar AS,” tambahnya. Sekilas Mengenai Islands Treasure Republic Islands Treasure Republic, LLC merupakan sebuah perusahaan di Los Angeles yang memiliki semangat dan tujuan untuk memberdayakan UKM Indonesia dan membuka jalan agar produk-produk Indonesia dapat dikenal oleh konsumen di Amerika Serikat. Dalam satu tahun terakhir ini, ITR telah memasarkan produk leather fashion accessories dengan merek Treasure Indonesia. Produk Treasure Indonesia dirancang untuk dapat menampilkan ketrampilan pengerajin Indonesia dan juga keindahan Batik. n For more info, contact: Indonesia Trade Promotion Center Los Angeles (ITPC-LA) 3457 Wilshire Blvd. Suite #101. Los Angeles, CA 90010 Phone: 1(213)387-7041 | Email: March 2015


Irma Hardjakusumah

Desainer Indonesia Rancang Ruang Pesta Oscars 2015 Desainer interior asal Indonesia, Irma Hardjakusumah, merancang ruang pesta Governors Ball 2015, salah satu pesta perayaan Oscars terbesar dan paling banyak dihadiri oleh selebriti.

Ballroom yang bertempat di Hollywood & Highland Center, Los Angeles, seusai ajang pembagian piala Oscar.

Di balik kemegahan pesta pembagian Piala Oscar, Governors Ball, ada sosok warga Indonesia, Irma Hardjakusumah, yang Irma Hardjakusumah (kanan), desainer yang merancang ruang pesta Oscars Governors Ball 2015 bersama wartawan VOA, Vena Annisa. (VOA/Vena Annisa) hampir setiap tahunnya menjadi desainer interior langganan untuk dian ia tuangkan ke dalam desain untuk berbagai pesta besar di Hollywood. pesta Governors Ball kali ini. Governors Ball tahun ini mengambil tema Hollywood Tempo Dulu, dimulai dari era 1920an hingga 1940an. “Jadi ruangannya itu ada kesan old Hollywood, old glamor,” papar Irma saat ditemui VOA di Los Angeles, California. Bersama sang produser, Cheryl Cecchetto, untuk proyek Governors Ball tahun ini, Irma bekerjasama dengan perpustakaan Margaret Herrick di Beverly Hills yang menyimpan sejarah dan perkembangan dunia perfilman di Amerika. Di sinilah ia banyak mendapatkan inspirasi yang kemu-


March 2015

“Mulai foto-foto di belakang layar, foto-foto publikasi atau istilahnya photo set, desainer kostum, pokoknya dunia perfilman dari mungkin awal abad ini,” jelas lulusan Universitas Indonesia jurusan arsitektur yang juga pernah meneruskan pendidikan di University of California di Los Angeles dan Art Center College of Design. Ribuan foto yang menggambarkan perkembangan dunia film di Amerika dari perpustakaan tersebut akan menghiasi ruangan pesta Governors Ball yang tahun ini akan diselenggarakan di Ray Dolby

Irma yang berusia 40 tahun itu sangat bersyukur bisa terlibat dalam penggarapan desain berbagai pesta yang sangat prestisius di Amerika seperti Governors Ball untuk Oscar dan Emmy Awards. Namun, menurutnya, yang menjadi kepuasan bagi dirinya sebagai seorang desainer adalah ketika ia tetap diizinkan untuk berkreasi. “Sebenarnya yang sangat saya nikmati dalam proyek-proyek ini adalah mereka itu mengizinkan saya untuk mencoba banyak sekali bentukan-bentukan ruang yang belum pernah saya coba sebelumnya,” papar Irma yang sudah tinggal di Amerika selama 17 tahun terakhir ini. “Jadi di sini saya lihat sebagai satu peluang untuk mencoba struktur baru, atau mencoba set baru, atau istilahnya pushing the envelop,” lanjutnya. Untuk Oscars Governors Ball tahun ini, koki terkenal Wolfgang Puck kembali hadir dengan menu ekstravaganza seperti burger mini andalannya dan hidangan ikan salmon berbentuk piala Oscar untuk sekitar 1.500 tamu yang hadir. (Dhania Iman & Vena Annisa VOA) n

Richard Greico (22 Jump Street) Dr. George Sun| bersama Sofia Milos (CBS drama CSI: Miami)

Kenny Chin (Film: Birdman)

MDSUN Skincare

Menjadi Sponsor Hadiah Acara Piala Oscar

Dr. George Sun dan istri

Foto bersama actress Renee Taylor dan Joe Bologna

Photo courtesy by MDSun Collection

Restoran Fig & Olive di Hollywood telah menjadi tuan rumah acara tahunan ke-7 Doris Bergman Valentine Romantis Lounge, yang diadakan dalam rangka memperingati Academy Awards (Piala Oscar) ke 87. Lebih dari 100 bintang Hollywood menghadiri acara ini. Acara pemberian hadiah untuk piala Oscar ini disponsori oleh MDSun Skincare, yang hadir bersama ahli biokimia dan bedah plastik, Dr George Sun. Kali ini MDSun Skincare mempromosikan produk Super Brightening C Serum dan Colagen Lift dengan formula triple DNA. n

March 2015


Valentine's Day Special Concert

Romantic Night With Iis Sugianto

Siapa yang tak kenal artis senior ini yang laris di era 80-an. Pada hari Valentine, 14 Februari yang baru lalu, Iis Sugianto telah sempat datang menghibur masyarakat Indonesia di Los Angeles dan sekitarnya. Malam gala show yang berjudul Romantic Night With Iis Sugianto dipenuhi pengunjung yang telah rindu dengan lagu-Lagu kenangan tempo doeloe. Iis Sugiyanto yang mempunyai nama lengkap Kuspuji Istiningdyah dilahirkan di Jakarta pada tanggal 17 November 1961. Karirnya dalam dunia musik diawali dari munculnya Iis Sugianto di acara Kenalan Baru di TVRI pada tahun 1978. Iis sempat berkiprah awal dengan digandeng oleh penyanyi kawakan Fariz RM. Namun Nama Iis Sugianto baru mulai melambung setelah almarhum Rinto Harahap memolesnya dan menyanyikan lagu-lagu karya beliau.


March 2015

Album pertama yang melambungkan namanya adalah Jangan Sakiti Hatinya, disambung dengan albumalbum populer lainnya yang beberapa kali sempat meledak dan menjadikan nama Iis Sugianto sebagai penyanyi wanita idola pada era 1980-an. Bakat menyanyi Iis Sugianto ternyata mengalir kental di keluarganya. Terbukti kakak Iis yang dikenal dengan nama Yayuk Sugianto dan adiknya Nani Sugianto juga sempat berkiprah di dunia tarik suara. Kakak Iis, Yayuk Sugianto kemudian menikah dengan penyanyi balada Indonesia terkenal Ebiet G. Ade. Pada kesempatan ini Iis Sugianto membawakan lagu-lagu populernya yang bernuansa romantis, seperti Jangan Sakiti Hatinya, Nasibku Nasibmu, Akupun Ingin Cinta, Jangan

Tinggalkan Kusendiri, Bunga Sedap Malam, dan Seindah Rembulan. "Orang mengenal saya melalui lagulagu tersebut. Dan panitia bilang pas kok dibawakan dengan nuansa perayaan Hari Kasih Sayang. Karena lagu-lagu tersebut bernuansa cinta," kata Iis. Disamping itu Iis juga sempat menyanyikan lagu-lagu medley Indonesia dari berbagai daerah di seluruh Tanah Air. Sukses pentas panggung Iis Sugianto adalah berkat kerja keras One Team Production. One Team Production sudah beberapa kali membidani pentas-pentas musik artis terkenal yang didatangkan secara langsung dari Indonesia. One Team Production itu sendiri sebagian besar terdiri dari kumpulan musisi dan penyanyi handal dari Los Angeles. n (oleh Setyowati) Lucky Herawati • 626-358-2400 • IFGF is founded in 1989 in Indonesia and is currently ministering to people from various backgrounds globally. We are registered in the United States with headquarter in Los Angeles for the region of USA & Canada.

Photos by Stanley Bratawira Photography

Lunar Dance IC-ADLA

Acara Perayaan Chinese New Year dan Fundraiser Pemugaran Gereja Indonesian Catholic Community of Archdiocese of Los Angeles (IC-ADLA), pada hari Sabtu, 28 February 2015 yang baru lalu telah mengadakan acara Lunar Dance yang diadakan dalam rangka merayakan hari raya


March 2015

Chinese New Year. Acara Lunar Dance ini juga diadakan dalam rangka mengumpulkan dana yang ditujukan untuk pemugaran Gereja St. Stephen. Acara yang dimulai pada pukul 6 sore ini dilanjutkan dengan makan malam ber-

sama. Band Jolali dengan lagu-lagu yang menghibur, memeriahkan acara yang juga dihadiri oleh pemuka-pemuka masyarakat dan komunitas Indonesia sekalian yang datang dari wilayah Los Angeles dan sekitarnya. n

Pada tanggal 14 Februari 2015, The 90s Festival sukses digelar di The Venue Concert Hall Eldorado, Bandung. The 90s Festival ini menghadirkan 13 artis papan atas 90an dari berbagai jenis musik seperti, Air Band, Funky Kopral, Voodoo, Caffeine, ME Boyband, Fatur Nadilla, Java Jive, Andre Hehanussa feat Katara, BaseJam Reunion, Sheila on7, P-­project, Ria Enes dan Susan serta Eddi Brokoli. Selain artis pengisi, pada the 90s Festival juga terdapat 90s Zone yang terdiri dari makanan 90an, mainan 90an, CosPlay 90an, dan hal-­hal mengenai 90an lainnya yang melengkapi the 90s Festival ini.

the 90s Festival bisa diadakan di kota-­kota lain di seluruh Indonesia, biar yang kangen-­ kangenan suasana 90-­an tidak hanya di Bandung” ujar Sigit pada akun twitter @sigitwardana “Tiga vokalis BaseJam Reunion "ber-­Sinergi, ber-­Kimia, ber-­Kolaborasi & disatukan" hanya di the 90s Festival 14 Februari kemarin, di The Venue Concert Hall Eldorado Bandung. Bertepatan 25 tahun era 90an. Event pertama di Indonesia yang berhasil menyatukan band, musisi & penyanyi dari tahun 90an, kami berharap akan bergulir di kota-­kota lain di Indonesia.” Ujar Adon

The 90’s Festival Bandung

Para artis berharap festival juga digelar di kota lainnya Walaupun ada sedikit insiden di akhir acara the 90s Festival disaat Sheila on7 tampil, namun artis-­artis pengisi the 90s Festival mengapresiasi the 90s Festival dan berharap the 90s Festival digelar kembali di kota lain. Salah satunya disampaikan oleh Sigit Wardana ex-vokalis BaseJam “Terimakasih banyak buat the 90s Festival yang sudah menjadikan BaseJam Reunion sebagai salah satu pengisi acara tanggal 14 Februari 2015 kemarin. Tidak hanya BaseJam Reunion yang kangen-­kangenan sama penonton di the 90s Festival, tetapi pengisi acara juga asyik kangen-kangenan loh di backstage! Seru dan lucu! Mudah-­mudahan


March 2015

Saptowo, vokalis BaseJam lain melalui akun instagramnya @adonsaptowo “Acara the 90s Festival kemarin sangat-­ sangat luar biasa bagi saya, reuni bersama teman-­teman, kemasan yang sangat baik, harus ada lagi acara kaya gini” ujar Didan personil M.E. Boyband. Tidak mau ketinggalan, Fatur, vokalis Java Jive dan duet Fatur-Nadila turut memberikan komentar “Proud! Acara semalam bagus banget, miss-kordinasi pasti ada, even bigfest like JavaJazz, terimakasih untuk Accellera, you did the best you can for Bandung.“ Artis pengisi the 90s Festival lainnya, yaitu

Caffeine pun turut angkat berbicara serta berterima kasih kepada Accellera serta panitia the 90s Festival. “Thanks Accellera Ent., semalam asyik dan seru banget acaranya kumpul dan reunian, semua penonton ikut nyanyi juga. Semoga acara the 90s Festival hadir di kota-­kota lain” ujar Caffeine melalui akun twitternya @caffeineband Satu-­satunya band pengisi the 90s Festival dari lini musik rock, Voodoo, juga menyampaikan kesan mengenai the 90s Festival melalui akun twitter @VOODOO_WOB. “Terimakasih buat Accellera Ent. Sebagai pihak penyelenggara dan promotor dari the 90s Festival, kalian AMAZING sudah berani untuk membuat acara semegah dan sekeren ini,” tutur Voodoo. “Mudah-­ mudahan the 90s Festival dapat berlanjut ke kota-kota lain untuk mengobati rindu para penikmat musik berkualitas generasi tahun 90an. Generasi millennium harus mengetahui bahwa tahun 90 adalah masa kejayaan musik Indonesia, dan melalui acara the 90s Festival kita dapat melakukan itu,” tutur Voodoo kembali melalui akun twitternya. Voodoo juga berharap bahwa di the 90s Festival selanjutnya semakin banyak band dari genre Rock, “Kami adalah satu-­satunya Band Bergenre Rock dari tahun 90an yang tampil di the 90s Festival, semoga di the 90s Festival selanjutnya band dan musisi rock lainnya dapat turut serta di acara the 90s Festival.” Tidak mau ketinggalan, solois kondang, Andre Hehanussa juga turut menyampaikan apresiasinya pada the 90s Festival. “Terimakasih the 90s Festival membuat Bandung tetap kreatif dan sukses untuk semua artisnya. Semoga polisi Bandung bisa mengerti yang membuat event the 90s Festival adalah anak-­anak hebat Bandung dan Sheila on7 merupakan band hebat, kenapa kaku dengan waktu ya pak. Kejadian kemarin di Bandung bukan kesalahan siapa-siapa tetapi cara polisi yang kurang fleksibel mengamati jenis event” tutur Andre melalui akun twitternya. Para Artis-­artis pengisi di the 90s Festival berkata bahwa the 90s Festival memang tempat mereka untuk reuni kembali dan sepakat bahwa the 90s Festival harus diadakan kembali di kota lainnnya. n

March 2015


kemitraan komprehensif dengan Indonesia, AS dipandang sebagai sebagai mitra potensial dengan terbukanya potensi bisnis dan kerja sama. Namun, potensi yang ada tersebut terlebih dahulu harus dibuka (unlock) untuk selanjutnya dikaitkan (connect) dengan mitra-mitra di Indonesia. Untuk itu, Dubes RI mengajak Masyarakat dan Diaspora, sebagai aset berharga yang ada di luar negeri, untuk bekerja sama dan saling mendukung dengan Pemerintah dalam upaya memajukan kepentingan Indonesia.

Silaturahmi Masyarakat Indonesia Dengan Duta Besar

Budi Bowoleksono

Pada tanggal 27 Februari 2015, KJRI Los Angeles menyelenggarakan Silaturahmi antara Masyarakat Indonesia dengan Duta Besar Luar Biasa Berkuasa Penuh Republik Indonesia untuk Amerika Serikat, Bapak Budi Bowoleksono beserta Ibu Reshanty Bowoleksono. Acara diselenggarakan di Ruang Pertemuan Lantai 3 KJRI Los Angeles. Acara dimulai pada pukul 20.45 dengan penampilan home band dari KJRI Los Angeles yang membawakan medley lagu “Kebyar Kebyar” dan “Bendera”. Konsul Jenderal Republik Indonesia di Los Angeles Umar Hadi selanjutnya memperkenalkan Dubes Budi Bowolek-


March 2015

sono beserta Ibu kepada masyarakat Indonesia serta mengundang Dubes RI untuk menyampaikan sambutan dan pidato perkenalan. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Dubes RI memperkenalkan diri beserta istri di hadapan para undangan. Selanjutnya, Dubes RI menyampaikan mengenai perkembangan hubungan bilateral Indonesia-Amerika Serikat dan pentingnya posisi Indonesia di mata AS saat ini. Dubes juga menekankan prioritas utama Pemerintahan baru RI saat ini, yaitu pembangunan ekonomi. Dalam hal ini, diplomasi Indonesia harus diabdikan untuk untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat. Dengan adanya

Di akhir sambutannya, Dubes RI beserta Ibu menerima serangkai bunga dari seorang gadis cilik sebelum turun kembali ke tempat. Gadis cilik tersebut merupakan satu dari empat orang anak yang selanjutnya menampilkan “Tari Carano”. Tari ini merupakan tarian selamat datang untuk menyambut tamu agung di daerah asalnya, yaitu Minangkabau. Acara dilanjutkan dengan penampilan kesenian dari masyarakat Indonesia lainnya, yaitu: Lagu “Cucak Rowo” oleh David Mulyatno; Lagu “Situmorang” oleh Jan Pieter, diiringi oleh tari "Tortor" secara spontan oleh sebagian undangan, termasuk Dubes dan Konjen RI; Tari “Pa’gellu” oleh Kelompok Seni Toraja; Lagu “Papua Dalam Cinta” oleh mahasiswa Papua dari CalState San Bernardino; Lagu “Rame-Rame” dan “Sajojo” oleh kelompok musik Faith Echoes. Lagu “Sajojo” diiringi pula dengan tari-tarian oleh mahasiswa Papua dari CalState San Bernardino; Lagu “Rumah Kita” dan “Indonesia Jaya” oleh home band KJRI Los Angeles. Lagu “Indonesia Jaya” merupakan penampilan kesenian terakhir pada malam hari tersebut, yang turut mengundang Dubes dan Konjen RI untuk bernyanyi bersama di atas panggung. Acara ditutup dengan ramah tamah dan foto bersama Dubes RI dengan para undangan. n Benny Kurnia Rahman

Vice-Consul for Information, Social and Cultural Affairs Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia

March 2015


Photos by Stanley Bratawira Photography

Indonesian Christian Church Rowland Heights

Alami suasana damai & sukacita Jadwal Kebaktian : - English Service (Youth) - Ibadah Umum (Indonesia) - Children Ministry - Doa Pagi (Everybody is welcome)

: Sabtu, Jam 4.15 sore : Minggu, Jam 10.30 pagi : Minggu, Jam 10.30 pagi : Sabtu, Jam 8.15 pagi

Alamat : 19506 E. Walnut Dr. South, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Telephone : 909 444 7714 Memenangkan - Membangun - Menjangkau


March 2015

Pst. Harry Widjaja (Senior Pastor)



Daniel Pangau


San Gabriel 1820 S. Del Mar Ave. San gabriel, CA 91776


mira loma: 6597 rose quartz circle. mira loma, ca 91752

irvine: 15791 rockfield blvd. suite j irvine, ca 92618


brea: 562 e. Lambert Rd. brea, ca 92821

*) for more Information: 310.483.3418




Walnut, CA

Senior Pastor Paul Tan Assistant Pastor Tom Lay

Sunday services & Church Office 8:30 AM (Indonesian) 11:00 AM (English) 18901 Amar Rd. Walnut, CA 91789 Tel: 626-964-1615 Fax: 626-964-1665 Facebook: CBCWalnut San Bernardino, ca

Pastor Him Djuhana

Sunday service 9:00 AM (English & Indonesian) 1860 Mountain Ave Loma Linda, CA 92364 Tel: 909-482-4466 San Diego, CA

Pastor John Hadi

Sunday service, 10 AM (English) 5520 Ruffin Road, suite 109 San Diego, CA 92123 Tel: 858-366-8885 Fresno, CA

Senior Pastor Paulus Kristanto Sunday service, 10:30 AM 4665 N. First Street Fresno, CA 93726 Tel: 559-228-3222

Sacramento, ca

Pastor Hermanto Anggono Sunday service, 10:00 AM 7223-B Florin Mall Dr. Sacramento, CA 95823 Tel: 916-267-1751

Concord, ca

Pastor Hermanto Anggono

Denver, CO

Senior Pastor Timothy Sjim

Sunday service, 2:30 PM Friday Home Prayer, 7:00 PM 1580 Gaylord St, Denver, CO 80206 Tel: 720-851-7047 Colorado Springs, CO Meets every 2nd Thursday, 6 PM 6450 Corporate Center Dr. Colorado Springs CARE Cell: Every 4th Thursday, 6 PM Tel: 720-280-5000 Glenwood Springs, CO Meets every 1st Monday of the month at 3:30 PM at Glenwood Suites 2625 Gilstrap Court Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 P.O. Box 1809 Parker, CO 80134 Tel: 720-851-7047 Portland, OR

Senior Pastor Oscar Surjadi Sunday service, 10:30 AM 450 NE 78 Avenue Portland, OR 97213 Tel./Fax: 503-258-9292

West Palm Beach, FL

Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Pastor Janto Jajaputra

Sunday service, 5:00 PM 1415 North “K” Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Tel: 581-308-0384 Church Office: 350 Kaila Ct, Ocoee, FL 34761 Tel: 407-492-0678 Facebook: City Blessing Ministries Chicago, IL

Pastor Rony Kuswanto

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 200 Rev. Morisson Blvd Rainbow Falls Community Center Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Tel: 847-232-0202 Fax: 847-346-0861

Sunday service, 11:00 AM Land O’Lakes Senior Center 6801 W. Wistaria Loop Land O’Lakes, FL 34639 Tel: 813-943-1902

Saturday service, 6:00 PM 2073 Oak Park Blvd., Bldg D Miami, FL Pleasant Hill, CA 94520 Tel: 916-267-1751 & 925-998-2788 Bambang Pramusinto Sunday service, 11:00 AM 400 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Tel: 786-306-7174

Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon Assistant Pastor Ronald Politton Sunday service, 4:00 PM 159 Rochester Hill Road Rochester, NH 03878 Mailing Address: 90 Indigo Hill Rd., #15 Somersworth, NH 03878 Tel. Office: 603-509-2937 Twitter & Instagram: @rochestercbc New York, NY

Lead Pastor Daniel Rachmat Youth Pastor Sean Hoffer

Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM - Indonesian 11:00 AM - Multicultural (English) 38-02 61st, Woodside, NY 11377 Tel./Fax: 718-803-3335 Bloomington, IN Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia Twitter: @cityblessing Tel: 630-656-4524 Facebook: CityBlessingChurchNYC West Lafayette, IN

Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia

Saturday service, 4:00 PM 2234 Indian Trail Dr. Orlando, FL West Lafayette, IN 47906 Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Mailing Address: Pastor Eddy Djaja 2119 Carlisle Rd Sunday service, 1:00 PM West Lafayette, IN 47906 St. Paul’s Church Tel: 630-656-4524 1450 Citrus Oaks, Gotha, FL 34734 Tel: 407-429-0678 Boston, MA Tampa, FL

Pastor Peter Tan, M.D.

Rochester, NH

Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 29 Denby Road Allston, MA 02134 Mailing Address: 24 Denby Road, Suite 130 Allston, MA 02134 Tel: 617-787-9119 Fax: 617-787-9449

Vancouver, BC

Lead Pastor Ivan Jonathan

Saturday service, 10:30 AM Executive Boardroom A Executive Hotel & ConferenceCenter Burnaby 4201 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC V5C 3Y6 Tel: 604-771-4233




6 3:1







Marilah Beribadah dan Bertumbuh Bersama Keluarga Besar







Indonesian Good News Church 14900 Central Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Pastor: Pdt. Dr. Eddy Fances Ph: 909-524-1108

Ibadah Umum/ Sunday Worship (English Translation Provided): Sekolah Minggu Anak/ Children Sunday School: Persekutuan Doa & Bible Study:

Sunday 11.00 AM & 06:00 PM Sunday 11.00 AM & 06:00 PM Friday 07.30 PM

DATANGLAH & NIKMATILAH SANTAPAN ROHANI YANG MENYEGARKAN! IBADAH TRADISIONIL -11:00 AM IBADAH KONTEMPORER - 6:00 PM Minggu 08 Mar 2015: “Tuhan vs. Hantu” Minggu 15 Mar 2015: “Pintar Belum Tentu Berhikmat” Minggu 22 Mar 2015: “Si Naga Memburu Perempuan” Minggu 29 Mar 2015: “Tujuh Kepala Sepuluh Tanduk” Minggu 05 Apr 2015: “Kematian Sudah Mati”

Minggu 08 Mar 2015: “Sejuta Terima Kasih” Minggu 15 Mar 2015: “Membedakan Kristen Asli & Palsu” Minggu 22 Mar 2015: “Sembuh Dari Kejenuhan Hidup” Minggu 29 Mar 2015: “Mengenal Roh-Roh Zaman Ini” Minggu 05 Apr 2015: “Percaya Paskah? Dapat Mujizat”

Hadirilah! Ibadah Jumat Agung 3 April, 2015, 19:00 PM Topik: “Masuk Sorga Tak Perlu Dibaptis”


March 2015

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