IndoGo! April 2015

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Los Angeles, May 2, 2015

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Happy Earth/Arbor Day Pembaca setia IndoGo! yang budiman,

IndoGo! Magazine by P&V Group Inc. all inquiry, please contact:  1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free)   Publisher: PF Then, P&V Group Inc. Editorial Team: PF Then, Chichi Ng, Dessy Andriani, Irena Liza, Yayat Suratmo, Joshua Yogaswara, Meeghan Henry, Edward H. Santoso, Stanley Bratawira, Alexander Pangkerego, Andreas Willem, Inggrid Dotulong, Andrey Wowor, Amanda Ruth, Linda Tumboimbela, Yanti Walter Special Thanks to Contributors: Budijono Untung, MBA Konjen RI LA Irsan Tisnabudi ITPC-LA Dr. Vivienne Kruger Pegasus Cycling Jane Wibowo IFGF Monrovia Rizal A. Tandrio IndoGo! mengharapkan agar pembaca dapat mengirimkan artikel tentang event-event yang terjadi di komunitas anda. Hubungi kami, agar kami bisa meliput event anda. IndoGo! welcomed articles submitted by readers. Please submit articles about events that happened in your community. Contact us , so we can cover your event.

For Advertisement, please contact 1-877-800-6331 (Toll Free) Cover image of: Shiela Majid Photo provided by : Shiela Majid Copyright © 2014 by P&V Group Inc. P&V Group Inc. is not responsible for any damage due to the contents made available through IndoGo! Magazine.


April 2015

Bagi yang merayakan, IndoGo mengucapkan Happy Easter! Tidak ketinggalan di bulan April ini juga banyak hari peringatan lainnya; salah satunya adalah hari peringatan Kesadaran Autisme Dunia yang jatuh pada tanggal 2 April. Menanggapi peringatan hari Autis ini, silahkan menyimak tulisan mengenai bagaimana kita layaknya menanggapi orang-orang yang menggunakan kata "Autis" yang tidak pada tempatnya. Mari kita tingkatkan rasa toleransi kita. Disamping itu, di bulan April, kita juga memperingati Earth Day (April 22) dan Arbor Day (April 24). Dalam memperingati kedua hari ini, IndoGo mempersiapkan artikel untuk mengingatkan bagaimana layaknya kita menjaga bumi yang kita cintai ini. Banyak sekali kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan di setiap kota. Hubungi city hall atau perpustakaan di kota anda untuk berpartisipasi, ber-volunteer atau sekadar mengikuti seminar tentang lingkungan hidup. Sedangkan kegiatan di tanah air, bagi yang tinggal di Indonesia, semua mata akan tertuju ke kota Bandung. Bulan ini akan diadakan pertemuan Asia Afrika yang ke 60! Banyak sekali kegiatan yang akan diadakan, terutama di bidang pariwisata. Bagi yang sempat, datanglah ke kota Bandung pada bulan April ini. Dari bidang hiburan, NOAH akan berlaga di Washington DC, bagi yang sempat datang, anda bisa juga menikmati Cherry Blossom Parade. Tidak ketinggalan saudara-saudara kita dari IFGF juga akan mengadakan show "Les Miserables". Karena show ini sangat bagus, bagi pembaca IndoGo, segeralah dapatkan tiketnya Dan jangan lupa tanggal 2 May nanti akan diadakan konser Shiela Majid, yang terkenal dengan tembangnya "Antara Anyer dan Jakarta". Bagi yang ingin kangen-kangenan dan bernostalgia, jangan tunggu lagi, dapatkan tiketnya segera. Bagi yang ingin memperkenalkan buah-buahan tropis ke teman-teman anda sekalian, IndoGo edisi bulan memuat artikel baru dari Dr Vivienne Kruger mengenai "Tropical Fruit of Bali", silahkan simak artikelnya. Jangan lupa, bulan April adalah "TAX Season" jangan terlambat mem-file laporan pajak tahunan anda. Demikian halnya dengan asuransi kesehatan anda. Jane Wibowo akan menerangkan bagaimana caranya mendapatkan "Exemption" dari Tax Penalty karena tidak memiliki Asuransi Kesehatan. Dan seperti biasa, bagi yang ingin meluangkan waktunya bersama keluarga, bisa melihat kolom jalan-jalan untuk mengisi waktu weekend anda bersama keluarga. Dari bidang prestasi, selamat kepada Sdri Jane Wibowo yang telah mengharumkan nama Indonesia dengan meraih Women Achievement Award. Dan di bulan April ini, pembalap sepeda Pegasus akan berlaga di Arkansas dan New Mexico dengan USA Tour-nya, selamat berlaga! Akhir kata, mari kita tingkatkan prestasi komunitas Indonesia dimanapun anda berada. Selamat Membaca, Selamat Berprestasi dan ... Salam Indo ..... Go!

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plant and care for trees, in order to raise awareness about the important role trees play in our environment. HOW CAN YOU PARTICIPATE IN EARTH DAY OR ARBOR DAY? HERE ARE A FEW SMALL THINGS THAT YOU CAN DO.

PLANT A TREE Besides being a fun activity for your family, planting trees help to lower greenhouse gas emissions, and they provide a habitat for a variety of other plants and animals. More trees in your yard can actually lower your cooling bill by providing shade over your house. To celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day, some cities Senator Gaylord Nelson (1916-2005) from Wisconsin (left) the force behind the and organizations offirst Earth Day; Denis Hayes (center) and John McConnell (1915-2012) fer FREE TREE. Check out your local city websites and libraries. John McConnell in 1969 at UNESCO conference in San Francisco. Now, Earth Day is RECYCLE, REUSE AND VISIT A NEARBY celebrated each year on April 22 in over RECYCLING FACILITY 175 countries around the world. Over Recycling processes are fascinating and fun 20 million people participated in the first to watch. If you save up recyclable materiEarth Day in 1970. The goal of Earth Day is als to drop off during the visit, you’ll earn to inform about Earth's environmental some extra money you can use to buy ice issues and inspire change in preserving our natural resources. Similar to Earth Day, Arbor Day is a U.S. holiday celebrated during the last Friday of April. Arbor Day encourages people to


cream cones afterward. Carry a cloth bag for carrying things in instead plastic bags SAVE ENERGY It’s often as easy as changing your light bulbs, adjusting the temperature setting on your fridge, air conditioner and water heater. Try to ask people to use less paper to dry their hands or ask them to turn the lights off when they leave the room. SAVE WATER There are many ways to save water in your home, these are some of them: Turn the water off when you are brushing your teeth. If you are washing your hands, turn the water off when you are scrubbing your hands with soap. Take shorter showers every day. Plant native plants. They use less water because they're used to the local conditions, while imported plants often need more water. Wash your car using a bucket rather than the hose and drive the car onto grass, so that the water you do use also waters the grass.

Happy Earth Day April 2015

Image courtesy by

Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations. Its name and concept was pioneered by

and animals. Bring some large bags and gather up trash to revive your park. For safety reason, use sticks to pick up the litter.

PLANT VEGETABLE GARDEN April is the perfect time to plan your garden. Section off an area of your yard and decide what you’d like to grow this year. If you don’t have a yard, window boxes and large pots work just as well. Homegrown vegetables are pesticide-free and help you save money. You can also nourish them with recycled kitchen scraps and grass clippings. Let your children choose new types of fruits or vegetables to try out each year, and give them responsibilities in the garden. GO HIKE OR HAVE A PICNIC Nature hikes are a great way to appreciate the details of our beautiful earth. Pick a park or nearby trail, or visit a new place every year on Earth Day. Cook and bring meal using all non-processed foods on your picnic and share it with friends and family. HELP TO PLANT FLOWERS Contact your favorite organization, most are thrilled when someone offers to help to beautify their grounds. VOLUNTEER TO CLEAN PARK/BEACHES Parks provide places for everyone in the community to enjoy nature. Unfortunately, litter detracts from their beauty, and can be dangerous to people

MAKE NATURE CRAFT Get together with your family and build a birdhouse or make a bird feeder to encourage the local bird population. For an extra-special Earth Day craft, use objects that would've otherwise been thrown away to create it. READ A BOOK / WATCH A MOVIE Watch movie or read a book on an issue such as pollution, endangered species, water shortages, recycling, and climate change. Learn about a region you've never considered before, like the Arctic, the deserts, or the rain forests. Think about the issues that concern you the most and join a local group that undertakes activities to help protect the environment in your area. HOLD EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT Teachers, professionals, students, anyone who cares about the environment and is willing to teach others, can all provide environmental lessons for others. For example, give a speech at your local library on how to compost; take a group of children down to the recycling center to show them how things are recycled; offer to teach your office colleagues how to make environmentally-friendly choices at work during one lunch hour. Everyone has environmental knowledge they can share with others. EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY Anything to help our environment is a perfect thing to do on Earth Day and every day. Don't restrict yourself to just one day a year; learn about how you can make a difference to environmental protection all the time. And put it into practice - every day! GARAGE SALE, DONATE, OR REUSE Many of us take up a lot of natural resources with stuff we don't really need, want or

use. Ironically, there's a still lot of people who don't have basic necessities. Plus, a lot of your unwanted clutter can be used by local charities to resell for much-needed cash. Hold a clothing swap. This can be a fun, free way for friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors, and the like to find new wardrobe finds. GET YOUR CHILDREN INVOLVED By giving their old toys and games to other children who could make use of them, older children learn two lessons: One is about giving to others, and the second is about reusing and recycling instead of throwing things away. USE EARTHFRIENDLY PRODUCTS Try making up a simple vinegar-and-water counter cleaner, or swapping out your bleach cleaner for a less-toxic orange-based one. Just try it. You don't necessarily have to give up your heavy-duty cleaners--just try using them when you really need to disinfect, rather than simply clean.

RIDE YOUR BIKE Use your bicycle or other forms of human powered transportation to commute to work or school and to run errands. Or just walk, its good for your health. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT Engage others in conversations about your environmental concerns. Don't be preachy, just appropriately present some facts and then explain your feelings about them. ATTEND AN EARTH DAY EVENT Earth Day events are held across the nation, and across the world and are full of fun activities for family and the kids. See Earth Day Official Site for further information and pick a place close to you, events can be seen at  April 2015


Membangun Keakraban Capai Hubungan Harmonis Dengan Anak Orang tua perlu menjaga keseimbangan ketika mereka berurusan dengan anak-anaknya. Keteguhan, konfrontasi, dan koreksi dalam kehidupan anak-anak adalah alat-alat yang dipakai Tuhan untuk mengatasi issue hati. Anda belum selesai dalam pendidikan anak-anak anda hanya dengan memberitahu anakanak anda hal-hal yang benar. Ingatlah bahwa seorang anak hanya dapat menahan tekanan sedekat hubungan anda dengannya. Mereka yang menggunakan kekerasan dan tekanan tanpa mempunyai hubungan yang akrab dengan anak-anaknya akan menghasilkan anak-anak pembangkang dan pemarah. Tuhan Yesus memberikan contoh yang sangat sempurna dengan meninggalkan agenda untuk melayani orang lain dan berhubungan langsung

dengan hati mereka. Dia menegur Martha karena Martha sibuk sekali bekerja dan memberikan pujian pada Mary yang dengan setia duduk disampingNya dan mendengarkanNya (Lukas 10:38-42). Banyak orang tua yang bertanya, “Mengapa saya menginginkan keakraban dengan anak-anak saya?” Kejauhan hubungan dengan anak-anak terkadang kelihatannya tidak apa-apa. Beberapa orang tua putus asa dengan peran mereka dan mendambakan kebebasan. Seorang ibu bahkan percaya menjaga jarak adalah hal yang sehat dan berkata, “Bukankah para remaja diharapkan


April 2015

membenci orang tua mereka untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi perpisahan dan mempunyai kemandirian yang mereka perlukan?” Sikap semacam ini menghambat keefektifan orang tua. Anak-anak remaja mungkin menolak kedekatan dengan orang tua mereka, tetapi masa-masa remaja adalah waktu dimana mereka paling membutuhkan kedekatan hubungan ini. Nilai-nilai baru dan perlunya membuat keputusan-keputusan dan pilihan-pilihan yang sulit memerlukan kebijaksanaan yang belum mereka miliki. Anak-anak muda perlu bimbingan dan petunjuk dari para orang tua mereka. Kedekatan emosional dengan anak-anak anda bukanlah hanya bertujuan agar anda merasa sudah melakukan hal yang baik. Hubungan emosional yang intim dengan anak laki-laki atau perempuan akan memperlembut hati dan mempersiapkan jalan untuk pengajaran yang perlu terjadi dan bahkan membuatnya jadi lebih efektif. Terlebih lagi, lewat hubungan emosional inilah nilai-nilai hidup bisa diajarkan. Hubungan ini membuat anak-anak berpikir dua

kali sebelum mereka memberontak dan sering kali membuat anak-anak anda lebih memperhatikan dan menghargai latar belakang Ibu dan Ayah mereka. Membangun relasi tidaklah mudah, tetapi carilah kesempatan-kesempatan untuk menyakinkan dan memuji dan anak anda. Sempatkan waktu untuk mendengar dan menikmati dunia dan perspektif anak anda, bahkan bila pandangan mereka sangat berbeda dengan anda.

Menghargai keunikan anak-anak anda akan sangat bermanfaat dalam membangun hubungan dengan hati anak anda dan membangun kedekatan. Hubungan relasi akan menang pada akhirnya. Diperlukan waktu, dan rencana dari pihak anda, tetapi janganlah membiarkan kesibukan hidup ini mengecoh anda dan anak anda dari peningkatan kedekatan relasi yang harmonis.  oleh Budijono Untung

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The ObamaCare Mandate and How You Can Qualify for an Exemption from the Tax “Penalty” ObamaCare Mandate: Those who choose not to purchase insurance will have to pay a tax “penalty” unless they qualify for an exemption. Exemptions from ObamaCare’s tax “penalty” mandate are available to a number of Americans. We will cover all of the ObamaCare exemptions below, but first let’s take a quick look at common exemptions from the fee, how to avoid the fee, and what happens if you don’t get covered. QUICK LIST OF COMMON OBAMACARE EXEMPTIONS Here are common ObamaCare exemptions from the fee claimed on the 8965 exemptions form: 1. You got covered during open enrollment either inside or outside the Marketplace 2. You went less than three months without coverage 3. You don’t have to file taxes because your income is below the tax filing threshold 4. Coverage would cost more than 8% of household income per person 5. You got denied Medicaid or CHIP If you can afford health insurance but choose not to buy it, you must have a health coverage exemption or pay a fee. (The fee is sometimes called the "penalty," "fine," "individual responsibility payment," or "individual mandate.")



April 2015

If you didn’t have coverage in 2014, you’ll pay the higher of these two amounts: • 1% of your yearly household income. (Only the amount of income above the tax filing threshold, about $10,150 for an individual, is used to calculate the penalty.) The maximum penalty is the national average premium for a bronze plan. • $95 per person for the year ($47.50 per child under 18). The maximum penalty per family using this method is $285. If you don’t have coverage in 2015, you’ll pay the higher of these two amounts: • 2% of your yearly household income. (Only the amount of income above the tax filing threshold, about $10,150 for an individual, is used to calculate the penalty.) The maximum penalty is the national average premium for a bronze plan. • $325 per person for the year ($162.50 per child under 18). The maximum penalty per family using this method is $975. If you don’t have coverage in 2016, you’ll pay the higher of these two amounts: • 2.5% of your yearly household income or $695 per person ($347.50 per child under 18). In future years, the fee is adjusted for inflation.


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April 2015


ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Dr. Vivienne Kruger hails from New York City, and is a social and cultural historian with an M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in American history from Columbia University. A trip across Java and Bali in 1993 made her fell in love with the exotic Island of the Gods at first sight! She has since enjoyed a twenty-year-long literary, spiritual, and cultural love affair with the gorgeous volcanic island where the gods live and the people smile and cook! She wrote several books, served as a special research consultant and columnist in newspapers and magazines about Balinese culture and cuisine. Dr. Vivienne Kruger's book "Balinese Food: The Traditional Cuisine and Food Culture of Bali" - (Tuttle Publishing, 2014, ISBN 080484450X), now available at and at Barnes and Noble. Dr. Vivienne Kruger will lead guided tour groups to Bali beginning in June 2015. Please see her new BlogSpot:

familiar guava, pomegranate, grapes, and watermelon).


perfection. Sampling the various Balinese fruits is therefore a stimulating culinary joyride: natural genetic selection encourages great variability and difference in taste, apAdventurous eaters and health-conscious travelers will invariably come into contact with pearance, and quality per species according and want to explore the gustatory pleasures of the exotic East during their sojourn on to local soil condiBali. Fruit here is mainly homegrown by tions, the season, and regional climate and small landowners who plant a few wild trees rain patterns. in their house yard to generate extra income. The fruits grow naturally without special attention or interference: they are not scientif- Professional visiting collectors harvest ically bred, sprayed, fertilized, cultivated, and these crops from nursed along to a high-yield Western peak of the widely scattered market-driven, blemish-free, transport-hardy farms throughout Bali and deliver the freshly-picked bounty to Rambutan the local village markets. Ready for sale, the fruit is piled high on the market stall counter in round rattan baskets or spread out on a plaited straw or plastic mat on the street on market day (usually three times a week per village). This is where and how the Balinese (and savvy tourists) go to select and buy their household produce (supplemented by roadside warungs/flatbed truck depot suppliers). Go early in the morning when the trading is most active, and be sure to bargain for the best price per piece, bunch, or kilogram. Beautiful arrangement of various fruits/flowers/ cakes or other foods called "Gebogan".


April 2015

Visitors can feast on fabled durian, rambutan, mangosteen, salak, jackfruit, custard apple, and dragon fruit (plus local varieties of more

DURIAN comes from the word for thorn, "duri", referring to its hard, thorny shell covered with sharp green armadillo spikes. The monster-sized durian is the King of Asian fruit--a cultural, sociological, and olfactory experience all by itself. The unfairly maligned, universally reviled fruit is strictly prohibited in hotel rooms and banned on airline carriers throughout Southeast Asia (warning notices are posted on hotel room doors next to--and of equal importance to--fire evacua-



tion instructions! To savor this favorite (but expensive) Indonesian delicacy, you must first breach both its offensive "rotten cheese" smell and defensive, maze-like system of interior layered sections. Cut it open and press against the stiff outer rind to expose

Rambutan Tree

the rows of nuts hiding deep within the soft, surrounding cream colored flesh. Undeniably an "acquired taste," the edible pulp is a cross between a cantaloupe laced with garlic and custard doused with onion (with a pungent souvenir aftertaste!). Durian is also available in a packaged, dried, candied format, more palatable to the tongue and less noxious to the nose--and easier to sneak past vigilant 5-star receptionists and suspicious, confiscatory flight attendants.

Rambutan trees line the highway from Mengwi to Bedugul, brilliant and heavy with scarlet red clutches of hairy fruit spheres every September. Rambutan ("rambut") means hair in Bahasa Indonesia) are a unique, small round fruit bearing a thin skin of soft, brushlike cilia with a tart, translucent, lychee-like white pulp. These vermilion treats are always infested with a piggybacking colony of active, determined ants caught in the spiny bower of crosshairs: follow the Balinese example and swim them or shake them out in the sink to send them on their way. The mangosteen ("Manggis"), once Queen

Victoria's favorite native fruit, is a round magenta ball with a pointed knob and a crowning cluster of contrasting chartreuse leaves. Like a shiny Christmas tree ornament waiting to be opened, its hard, thick, crumbly husk conceals six or seven segments of soft white flesh— scrumptious, juicy, and as sweet as pie. Always buy a small, soft mangosteen gosteen—these are the fresh ripe ones. Do not select a large hard fruit—even though these are particularly pretty and visually enticing! Raid your hotel’s complimentary fruit basket or negotiate for a knot of market mangosteens tied together with the ubiquitous, pink, Balinese plastic string. (Mangosteen skin stains anything it touches a deep purple hue, so watch out for your white cotton clothing!)

Mangosteens are also notoriously difficult to open even with a sharp knife. The Balinese are always brilliant, however, and incredibly inventive in any and all situations. The children of the gods invented an ingenious, local manual method of opening the obstinate mangosteen sphere. The Balinese hold and cup the fruit in their two hands, and press inwards on the ball with the palms and heels of both hands. The trick is to squeeze the sides of the ball hard with both hands simultaneously—this makes the mangosteen break open at the top. Reveling in their victory, they pull down on the sides, peel it down, and it is ready to relinquish its sweet-satin treasures!  { To be continued in next edition }

Mangosteen ("Manggis")

Dr. Vivienne Kruger is leading exciting, TWO-WEEK ESCORTED TOURS TO BALI beginning in June 2015. For full information, please see her new BlogSpot for details, at: Lecture by Dr. Vivienne Kruger "The Traditional Cuisine and Food Culture of Bali" can be watched here: Provided by Culinary Historians of Southern California, Chris Griffiths. April 2015


LONG BEACH FORMULA EPRIX Sat, Apr 4, 2015 @ 7am~5pm E. Shoreline Dr, Long Beach, CA 90802 Formula E is the world’s first fully-electric motorsport with 10 teams and 20 drivers racing. The Long Beach Formula E race Long Beach Formula ePrix

uses a modified configuration of the iconic Long Beach street circuit in South California, which is the longest running in the US, beginning in 1975 and hosting

MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL Sat, Apr 11, 2015 @ 11am - 4pm at Chino Hills Com Ctr, 14250 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 The Rotary Club of Greater Chino Hills is hosting Multicultural Festival. The Festival will showcase the culture of various national groups residing in the Greater Chino Hills area and surrounding communities. The event will celebrate the diversity of people in the form of food, dress, arts and crafts, songs and dances, and national dress. The Festival will introduce and promote fellowship among the different groups. FREE ADMISSION AND PARKING WALK NOW AUTISM SPEAKS 5K WALK AND RESOURCE FAIR Sat, Apr 18, 2015 @ 8am at Rose Bowl Pasadena, 1001 Rose Bowl Dr, Pasadena, CA 91103. Walk Now for Autism Speaks is an inspirational and impact-

CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Sat, Sun Apr 18~19 @ 11am~6pm Barnes Park, 350 S. McPherrin Ave., Monterey Park, CA 91754 City of Monterey Park are pleased to present the 18th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival. Take the time to see, hear, and taste a bit of the Japanese and Japanese American culture through a first-hand experience of watching traditional Japanese dancing, hearing the resounding beats of the taiko drums, observing the mastery and various skills of martial arts, participating in the ancient art of the tea ceremony, or buying hand-made crafts or food with an Asian flair. Other highlights of the festival include games and crafts for children, and numerous cultural

Public Events Around Los Angeles

Museums, Attractions and Festivals around city of Los Angeles Formula One from 1976 to 1983 before staging annual CART, Champ Car and IndyCar races. Formula E cars will use the same iconic start/finish line adjacent to the Marina before heading off in a clockwise direction past the Rainbow Lagoon. They will then turn right onto South Pine Ave before re-joining with the more familiar track configuration. The cars will then pass around the grounds of the Convention Centre before a final righthand hairpin brings them back across the start/finish line to complete the lap. FREE ADMISSION, Parking around $10~$25 or Go Metro take a bus/rail.

WalkNow Autism Speaks


April 2015

Jalan Jalan

displays. Raffle top prize $1,000. FREE SHUTTLES from various locations. FREE ADMISSION AND PARKING

Cherry Blossom Festival

ful opportunity to raise money and awareness to help change the future for all those who struggle with autism. There will be Resources Fair to learn about autism. FREE ADMISSION CLAREMONT EARTH DAY Earth Day celebration in Claremont, CA Sat, Apr 18, 2015 @ 10am-3pm at along 2nd street (Indian Hills & College Ave). Live music, food, solar/green products, demo, local schools’ and colleges’ exhibits, earth-friendly and kids’ activities! FREE ADMISSION

JACKALOPE ART AND CRAFT FAIR Sat, Sun, Apr 25~26, 2015 @ 11am to 6pm. Location: Central Park, Old Pasadena, 275 S Raymond Ave, Pasadena CA 91105 A series of FREE community workshops will take place throughout the weekend at the fair. This location is open to all ages and is handicap friendly. Plenty street parking /garage around the blocks. FREE ADMISSION  Jackalope Art & Craft Fair

Chicky BBQ & Grill Juga Menerima Pesanan •Nasi Tumpeng •Nasi Bakar •Nasi Timbel •Nasi Padang •Aneka Satay:

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American English Idioms BITE THE BULLET This phrase can be used for any occasion where someone has to make a difficult decision. You will often hear it in a situation where someone doesn’t really want to do something or they are not sure what the outcome will be. Usually, it refers to something that needs to be done, no matter what. In context: To make that sale you’re going to have to bite the bullet and call the client. CASH COW This phrase does not refer to a farm animal. It describes a product or service that makes a lot of profit for a company without much work to do. In context: The new online booking service is a real cash cow for my travel company. HARD SELL This doesn’t mean that something is hard to sell. It actually refers to selling using force and pressure, sometimes in an aggressive way to make sure that the customer buys the product. In context: I used the hard sell today and sold double what I usually do.

DOG-EAT-DOG WORLD This is often used to refer to the aggressiveness and do whatever it takes to win. It implies that a lot of people only care about themselves and will do anything to get to where they want to be. In context: I'm up against my friend for the promotion, but it's a dog-eat-dog world so I am going to do anything to get it. BROWNIE POINTS Giving someone “brownie points” is like saying well done or thank you. They are basically an invisible credit for doing something well or doing something good that has helped someone else – maybe your boss or another colleague. In context: I scored brownie points from my boss for handing my report in early. GENERATE LOTS OF BUZZ ‘Buzz’ is another word for interest or

attention, so to generate lots of buzz means to make a lot of people start talking about a product or service in a positive way. If thousands of people recommend a service and are writing and saying great things about it, this is successfully generating a buzz. In context: Our marketing campaign has generated lots of buzz for the new booking service. KEEP YOUR EYE ON PRIZE Keeping your eye on the prize means you are looking ahead to the end result and know exactly want you want to get out of a project. It means you are staying focused and are aware of the steps you need to take to get there, even if they don’t seem like they will help at the time. In context: There are lots of difficult tasks in this project, but if you keep your eye on the prize you'll get there in the end. DOT YOUR I'S AND CROSS YOUR T'S This looks like it might be a fairly complicated phrase, but it's one of the easiest ones on this list. It simply means to be really carefuly and pay attention to all of the small details. In context: Make sure you dot your i's and cross your t's for this report, because the client is going to be looking really closely for any mistakes. FACE THE MUSIC Facing the music refers to a potentially bad situation that you need to give your attention to. It could be an angry customer or a meeting with the boss. Either way, you know that there is a problem that needs to be dealth with. In context: I've been called to the boss's office. It's time to face the music. 


April 2015


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House of Chicken Indonesian Cuisine Ayam Goreng “Kremesan”, Ayam Kalasan, Ayam Penyet, Mie Ayam Jamur, Nasi/Bakmie Goreng Jawa, Nasi Sayur, Rawon Buntut, Soup Buntut, Soto Madura, Soto Ayam, Nasi Bungkus, Nasi Kuning, Nasi Gudeg, Nasi Empal, Pempek Telur, Lontong Cap Gomeh, Sate Ayam/Babi, Lemper, Risoles, Bakso Goreng, Saucijzenbroodjes, Lapis Surabaya, Es Blewah, Es Cendol, Es Kacang ijo, Es Teler

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Freeway 5 South, exit Lake Forest Dr just 5 minutes after Irvine Spectrum Mall April 2015



Profesi di Bidang Musik oleh Rizal Tandrio Pernahkah sebagai orang tua kebingungan tak kala mendengar keinginan anaknya menjadi pemusik? Mungkin di benak para orang tua tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan dengan hanya menyandang titel sarjana musik dibandingkan sarjana hukum, dokter, arsitek dan lain sebagainya. Benarkah demikian? Apakah belajar musik hanya semata-mata untuk menjadi performer atau guru saja? Mari kita simak beberapa profesi dalam bidang musik yang bisa ditekuni berikut ini. ARTIST / PERFORMER Tidak bisa dipungkiri, ketika ada pertanyaan: “Apa major anda?� dan jawabannya adalah “musik�, maka kebanyakan orang akan berpikir kelak yang bersangkutan setelah lulus pasti menjadi artis atau performer. Tidak salah memang, biasanya sebagian besar yang belajar

dalam satu orkes simfoni hanya memerlukan satu orang pianist saja? Lalu kemana sisanya? Banyak yang tidak menyadari bahwa untuk menjadi performer bukan hanya identik dengan tekun berlatih, disiplin, audisi tetapi juga keberuntungan. Faktor keberuntungan inilah biasanya yang tidak melekat di semua performer. Bagi yang bercita-cita menjadi music performer, sebenarnya tidaklah perlu berkecil hati, masih banyak cara untuk berkarya menjadi pemusik, dimana salah satunya adalah dengan membagi ilmu maupun pengalamannya dengan menjadi pengajar atau guru. Bagi yang ingin menjadi music performer di Amerika sudah jelas harus mengambil jurusan music performer, dengan pilihan intsruments atau vokal.

PENGABA Faktanya, di Indonesia hampir semua conductor atau pengaba tidak pernah mengenyam pendidikan musik secara formil. Malah banyak juga diantaranya yang sebenarnya beralih profesi, dimana gelar sarjana yang dimiliki samasekali tidak berhubungan dengan musik tetapi melatih paduan suara atau menjadi guru musik.

Yo Yo Ma pemain cello ternama, lulusan sekolah musik Julliard di New York, saat tampil dihadapan Presiden Ronald Reagan dan Emperor Akihito.

Josh Groban lulus sekolah musik Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, yang berkampus di California State University di Los Angeles, California, United States.

musik tentu ingin menjadi artis atau performer. Faktanya, persaingan yang ketat akhirnya membuat kondisi bahwa hanya sebagian kecil saja yang mengambil jurusan music performer kelak akan benar-benar menjadi artist atau performers. Illustrasi, sebagai pianist,


April 2015

GURU Tidak dipungkiri lagi, ketika keberuntungan tidak memihak pemusik, maka yang semula bercita-cita menjadi performer pun akhirnya harus mengalah menjadi guru. Sebenarnya kenyataannya tidaklah demikian, untuk menjadi guru musik sebenarnya harus belajar ilmu keguruan atau dalam musik biasa dikenal dengan istilah pedagogi. Sudah bukan rahasia lagi apabila seseorang pintar dalam ilmu yang ditekuninya tetapi belum tentu yang bersangkutan bisa mengajar, begitu juga sebaliknya seseorang yang tidak terlalu pintar tetapi malah bisa mengajar. Untuk menjadi guru yang baik sebenarnya perlu kombinasi keduanya karena perlu keahlian untuk mentransfer ilmu tersebut. Untuk itulah untuk bisa menjadi guru musik di Amerika, siswa harus mengambil jurusan music education, dimana biasanya terbagi menjadi dua konsentrasi jurusan yaitu choral/vocal teaching dan instrumental teaching.

Ini ibarat seperti naik pesawat tetapi pilotnya tidak pernah mengenyam pendidikan pilot secara formil. Tentunya hal ini menjadi keprihatian sendiri, mengingat di Amerika untuk jurusan conductor baru ditemui di tingkat S2 (master), dengan kata lain untuk bisa menjadi seorang conductor, setidaknya harus memiliki gelar master. Di Amerika jurusan conductor biasanya terbagi menjadi dua: choral conducting dan instrumental conducting. Beberapa universitas di Amerika juga mensyaratkan untuk mengambil jurusan conducting di jenjang master, siswa diwajibkan menguasai bahasa asing yang biasa digunakan dalam karya musik (arts song, opera, dan lainnya) seperti Jerman, Italia, atau Prancis. KOMPOSER Menjadi komposer di Indonesia mungkin hanya identik dengan sebatas membuat lagu yang laku di jual di stasiun televisi

atau dijual dalam bentuk ring tone untuk cellphone, tetapi tidaklah demikian di Amerika. Terima kasih kepada Hollywood yang telah membuat pekerjaan komposer menjadi cukup bergengsi di Amerika Serikat. Menjadi komposer di Amerika bukan hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri perfilman Hollywood tetapi juga dunia! Lihat saja pada saat acara Grammy Award (aslinya Gramophone Award), dimana bisa ditemui begitu banyaknya penghargaan yang diberikan untuk jenis/kategori musik yang berbeda. Tidak bisa dipungkiri, dengan adanya Grammy Award setiap tahunnya, mendorong para komposer di Amerika untuk menjadi produksif, menghasilkan Pengaba ternama Indonesia, Avip Priatna, pendiri Jakarta Concert Orchestra, adalah alumni University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna.

banyak karya yang berkualitas. Kontras sekali dengan di Indonesia, dimana tidak banyak ajang penghargaan berkelas untuk para komposer/musisi seperti Grammy Award. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa pekerjaan menjadi komposer kurang dihargai di Indonesia. Di Amerika, siswa yang ingin menjadi komposer bisa mengambil jurusan commercial music atau composition / arranging. SOUND ENGINEERING Di Indonesia pekerjaan sebagai sound engineering masih dianggap sebagai pekerjaan yang dipandang sebelah mata dan tidak berkelas. Tidak jarang di events besar, mayoritas yang bekerja sebagai sound engineering adalah orang yang di-training langsung oleh pemilik sound system untuk mengoperasikan perlengkapan sound system miliknya. Terlepas

dari si pemilik sound system tersebut pernah belajar sebelumnya atau tidak, kenyataannya untuk menjadi sound engineering yang handal juga perlu belajar. Di AmerBagi yang senang komputer, anda bisa mengambil ika, biasanya jurusekolah musik untuk menjadi Sound Recording Artist. san ini dikenal dengan nama music producer di Amerika, sebaiknya mengamtechnology atau music production. Di bil jurusan music business terlebih dulu. jurusan ini siswa bukan hanya diajarkan untuk mengoperasionalkan peralatan atau menggunakan software rekaman, Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi bidang tetapi juga dilatih yang bisa ditekuni dalam bidang musik pendengarannya seperti music commentator (critic), music historian, music librarian dan lainnya. agar bisa mengBeberapa penelitian yang dilakukan para hasilkan post music production ahli membuktikan bahwa lulusan musik yang berkualitas. lebih disukai karena selain memiliki baMaka jangan heran nyak kemampuan / skills yang diinginkan dalam kebanyakan bidang industri, juga apabila di dalam kurikulumnya akan banyaknya bidang ilmu yang bisa dipeladitemukan kelas te- jari dalam musik. Masih ragu mengijinkan ori musik / harmoni putra-putri anda untuk belajar musik? ď Ž layaknya siswa music performer, juga TENTANG PENULIS beberapa univerRizal Tandrio (email: rizaltandrio@ sitas di Amerika - Pelajar jurusan Musik, yang menawarkan Rekaman Musik dan Produksi di Pasmaster degree adena City College sejak tahun 2012, (S2) untuk jurusan juga merupakan sound engineering. anggota American Choral DirecMANAGER DAN PRODUCER tors Association Seperti yang diketahui, dalam music (ACDA), Interbusiness atau music industry, seorang national Federartist / performer biasanya tidak lepas ation for Choral dari management yang menaungMusic (IFCM) dan inya, dimana dalam hal ini manager pendiri Komunitas Paduan Suara dan producer-nya. Tentu saja menjadi Indonesia (www.indonesianchoral. manager dan producer bukan hanya net). Memiliki minat dalam bidang perlu handal dalam urusan manageteknologi rekaman untuk orkestra ment seperti memahami selera musik dan paduan suara, pendidikan musik pasar, mempromosikan album / artis untuk sekolah dasar dan menengah, baru, mengatur jadwal tampil artis, serta paduan suara anak dan remaja. dan lainnya, tetapi juga harus mengerti Sebelum berimigrasi ke Amerika pada mengenai hukum dan undang-undang akhir tahun 2010, penulis berprofesi bisnis musik di Amerika agar tidak salah sebagai pelatih paduan suara, guru langkah dan tidak melakukan pelanggamusik dan juri di berbagai kompetisi ran yang sangat sensitif di bisnis musik, paduan suara di Jakarta dan sekitarnya seperti pelanggaran hak cipta. Untuk itu, sejak tahun 1996. ď Ž bagi yang tertarik menjadi manager atau April 2015


Movie Reviews EX MACHINA Alex Garland makes his directorial debut with the stylish and cerebral thriller, EX MACHINA. Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a programmer at an internet-search giant, wins a competition to spend a week at the private mountain estate of the company's brilliant and reclusive CEO, Nathan Bateman (Oscar Isaac). Upon his arrival, Caleb learns that Nathan has chosen him

APR 10

MONKEY KINGDOM Monkey Kingdom is a nature documentary film about a family of monkeys living in ancient ruins founded in the jungles of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka. Monkey Kingdom's characters lead by a female toque macaque, Maya. Maya's world is changed when her son Kip becomes part of her extended family. Maya’s family has its share of diverse personalities and she wishes her son to have the best advantages for advancing within the family's social strata. When their home is overrun by a neighboring tribe of monkeys, the family has to find a new home. Maya uses her inherent smarts to lead the family to new resources. The film is narrated by Tina Fey.

politician, sends him to a behavioral clinic run by an unconventional doctor (Kyra Sedgwick). But Vincent made his mom a promise, and with the help of a rebellious anorexic (Zoë Kravitz) and his withdrawn OCD roommate (Dev Patel), the three embark on a life-changing race to the sea that includes car theft, shoplifting, fights and self-discovery. THE AGE OF ADALINE Suffering a freak accident one icy night, Adaline (Blake Lively) soon discovers that she no longer ages normally. In fact, she seems to stop aging completely, a secret she decides to hide from

THE ROAD WITHIN A lighthearted coming-of-age story about three teenage residents at a behavioral clinic and the unexpected but life-changing road trip that takes them all by surprise. Robert Sheehan stars as Vincent, a young man with Tourette’s Syndrome whose symptoms intensify after the death of his mother. His dad (Robert Patrick), a frustrated

APR 24 to be the human component in a Turing Testcharging him with evaluating the capabilities, and ultimately the consciousness, of Nathan's latest experiment in artificial intelligence. That experiment is Ava (Alicia Vikander), a breathtaking A.I. whose emotional intelligence proves more sophisticated--and more deceptive--than the two men could have imagined.

APR 17

APR 17 APRIL 2015 MOVIES Woman in Gold Effie Gray Electric Slide Cut Bank The Longest Ride Lost River Clouds of Sils Maria True Story Beyond the Reach The Water Diviner The Forger


April 2015

everyone else. Adaline soon embarks upon countless adventures during the 1900s, but she remands herself to a solitary life to protect her secret. Love eventually finds Adaline in her solitude, though. At that point, she must decide whether to reveal her secret and start living for the first time since her accident or continue living a life of loneliness. Her decision will impact every facet of her life for better or worse.  GENRE Drama Drama Action Thriller Romance Fantasy Drama Drama Thriller Adventure Action

ACTORS/ACTRESSES Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds Emma Thompson, Dakota Fanning Patricia Arquette, Jim Sturgess Liam Hemsworth, Billy Bob Thorton, John Malkovich Scott Eastwood, Britt Robertson Director/Writer by : Ryan Gosling Kristen Stewart, Juliette Binoche, Chloe Grace Moretz James Franco, Jonah Hill Michael Douglas, Jeremy Irvine Russell Crowe, Olga Kurylenko John Travolta, Christopher Plummer

DATE Apr 1 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 10 Apr 17 Apr 17 Apr 24 Apr 24

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Indonesian culinary is bestowed with a very unique profile and covers a wide spectrum. There is no other country in the world with such culinary resplendence. From Sabang to Merauke, from Talaud to Rote Island, Indonesian culinary is innumerable. Judging from its vast variety, it would be unfitting to claim any dish as purely Indonesian. True Indonesian culinary is marked by cuisines of Aceh, Melayu, Palembang, Java and dozens of other “originating cuisines”. Just as Indonesia recognizes a wide variety of local dialects, so too the originating cuisines lend a hand to its many derivatives. For instance, Pariaman cuisine is known to have different characters from Kotogadang cuisine, and nothing in common with Kapau cuisine— even though they all belong to the genre of Minang cuisine.

ong-royong (working together towards a common goal), Indonesian culinary stems from the tradition of communal eating. One dish for all. In the past, the Dutch discovered this principle and created the rijsttafel tradition. We now bring you closer to the onset of the tradition: Tumpeng Nusantara (will be featured at the end, as the extra recipe as binding agent of all 30 recipes - red). With cone-shaped rice in the middle, Rendang Padang sits in state with Ayam Goreng Lengkuas from Bandung, Urap Sayuran from Yogyakarta and Sate Lilit from Bali. Tumpeng Nusantara is proof that elements Indonesian culinary can meet together beautifully in a state of harmony.

The visionary Empu Tantular, a 14th century poet sage of Majapahit Empire, wrote the sacred phrase which then became Indonesian national motto: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Unity in Diversity! Whereas Bhinneka Tunggal Ika originated from the principle tenet of got-

Foreword by Mari Elka Pangestu (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia)

The 30 INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL CULINARY ICONS featured in this article (adapted from the book with same title - red) is an important first step toward a thorough compilation of the richness and variety of Indonesian culinary. It is a duty we owe Motherland. Bon appetit, my brothers and sisters! Enjoy the sumptuous taste of Indonesian culinary.

Source: Indonesia's Official Tourism Ministry Website

comfort food readily found all over Indonesia, in different version and names. Most use glass noodles. When the glass noodles are replaced with egg noodles, the dish is called sotomi. In general, soto uses chicken or beef as the source of protein. However, some interpretations of soto use shrimp and fish.

03 Soto Ayam Lamongan

Soto Ayam Lamongan refers to transparent yellow chicken soup (although some versions use coconut milk) made using savory and thick chicken broth. As a single meal, Soto Ayam is served with rice that is placed at the bottom of the bowl. When treated as an appetizer, chicken broth thinned so as to avoid being too savory and oily. Its wide spectrum of flavors reflects the use of rich spices, which include shallots/garlic, candlenut, galangal, ginger, lemongrass and others. The whole chicken is deep-fried and cut thinly (not shredded or diced and cooked in soup), complimented by glass noodles, boiled bean sprouts and cabbage slices. After the soup is poured over, it is common to add slices of hard-boiled chicken egg and sprinkle fried shallots and thin slices of celery on top of the dish.

This soupy dish, Soto, had originated in the Chinatown area of Semarang. It also makes use of glass noodles, shredded chicken and fried garlic—all of which are elements of traditional Chinese cooking. In Makassar, soto is called coto. Soto is one of the most popular types of


April 2015

INGREDIENTS (serves 7-8) : 3000 cc water 500 gr ½ free-range chicken 36 gr 3 pcs lemongrass stalks, crushed 30 gr 3 cm galangal, crushed 1 gr 1-2 pcs cloves

2 gr

½ pcs nutmeg 1½ teaspoon salt 100 gr 2 pieces limes sliced into small parts Cooking oil

GROUND SPICES: 120 gr 12 pcs shallots 12 gr 6 pcs garlic cloves 21 gr 3 cm ginger 15 gr 3 cm turmeric 20 gr 5 pcs candlenuts, toasted 1½ teaspoon pepper and 1½ teaspoon coriander, toasted COMPLEMENTARY: 50 gr dry vermicelli, soaked in water until soft, cut by 10 cm 165 gr 3 hard-boiled eggs, sliced 50 gr cabbage, sliced by ½cm, boiled 150 gr bean sprouts, placed in boiling water for less than a minute 10 gr 2 celery stalks, cut by ½ cm 6 gr 3 tablespoons of fried garlic Sambal (chili paste)

04 Rawon Surabaya

KREMES  TOPPING  : 200 g 10 pcs garlic , finely chopped and deep fried DIRECTIONS: 1. Boil chicken along with lemongrass stalks, galangal, cloves, nutmeg and salt. Turn down the heat, keep cooking until the broth subsides. Take out the chicken. Measure the broth at 1.750 cc. Add more water if necessary, then continue cooking. 2. Fry the chicken, drain and shred it. Set aside. 3. Heat 6 tablespoons of oil, sautee the ground spices until well cooked and aromatic. Add to the broth. Bring to another boil, add sweet soy sauce, remove. 4. Serving: Divide among the bowls: cabbage, shredded chicken, bean sprouts and vermicelli. Pour in the chicken broth, top with celery and fried garlic. Add slices of hard-boiled eggs. Serve hot with limes and sambal. be excluded from the cooking process, it can always be sprinkled on top of the dish. By default, rawon is served with salted egg, raw bean sprouts, sambal terasi (chili condiment with shrimp paste) and shrimp crackers. Rawon has become a nationally accepted dish, always present on major Indonesian restaurants. It is believed that rawon have existed in Indonesian culinary for more than one hundred years. INGREDIENTS (serves 6): 2.500 cc water 500 gr beef rump 39 gr 3 pcs lemongrass stalks, crushed 20 gr 1½ cm galangal, crushed 8 gr 8 sheet kaffir lime leaves 45 gr 3 stalks scallions, sliced by 1 cm 4 tablespoons cooking oil GARNISH: 3 pcs salted eggs, cut into 6-7 small pieces  150 gr mung bean sprouts  Sambal terasi (chili paste that uses shrimp paste)  Shrimp crackers  Sliced limes (to taste) 

Rawon is an authentic dark-colored soupy dish from East Java known for its rich taste, which results from the use of strong spices. Because of its strong taste, rawon is usually served with rice, and not as a single meal such as soup or soto. When served as an appetizer soup, rawon must first be thinned. The strong nutty, earthy flavor and dark color of rawon come from kluwek or keluak (Pangeum edule). Keluak tastes much like a black olive. The basic ingredients for rawon include shallots, garlic, red chili, candlenut, galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves and Indonesian bay leaves. Although most of the spices are then ground, it is still relatively easy to trace the tastes of candlenut, galangal and kaffir lime leaves. The slow cooking method results in tender and savory meat. Rawon is served with fried shallot sprinkles on top. Should scallion

GROUND SPICES: 60 gr 2-3 pcs red chilies 80 gr 8 pcs shallots 8 gr 4 pcs garlic 8 pcs keluwak (black nut), use the soft flesh inside 12 gr 3 pcs candlenuts, lightly toasted 3 gr 1½ teaspoons shrimp paste, roasted 2 teaspoons salt 7 gr 2-3 teaspoons coriander, lightly toasted 8 gr 1½ cm turmeric 21 gr 1½ cm ginger 1-1½ teaspoons tamarind juice

DIRECTIONS: 1. Place meat in water, bring to boil. Add lemongrass stalks, galangal and kaffir lime leaves, continue cooking until meat is tender. Take out the meat, cut in 1x1 cm dices. Measure the broth at 1.600 ml. Put the meat back into the broth. Cook at medium heat. 2. Sautee the ground spices until well cooked and aromatic. Add the scallion, stir for two minutes, then add into the broth pot. Continue cooking until all ingredients are well cooked. Remove from heat. 3. Serving: pour the meat soup into a bowl; serve with mung bean sprouts, salted eggs, sambal terasi, lime juice and shrimp crackers.  April 2015





Avoid Audit and Maximize Deductions This is one of the critical time when maintaining good relationship with an accountant pays off (Every business owner needs a BAL – Banker, Accountant and Lawyer). As a business owner, it is important to understand how taxes will affect our business, how to avoid audits and maximize tax deductions. The following are 5 advices to help business owner in preparation for the April 15, 2015 Tax filing deadline.

1.KEEP GOOD RECORDS Good recordkeeping all year-round is the first step to ensure taxes are filed accurately. Keep important paperwork that might be needed to back-up deduction claims, in case of an audit. 2.SMALL BUSINESS JOBS ACT TAX Consult with an accountant about Small Business Jobs Act Tax to see if our business is qualified. The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 has over 17 tax provisions to decrease tax burdens

for small businesses. Utilizing some of these provisions could deliver great savings for our business. 3.AMORTIZE SOME OF THE EXPENSES If our business has high expense with small income in 2014, consult with an accountant if it is better to amortize some of the expenses. This may help reduce risk of getting audited and reduce tax for future years when our busi-ness generates more income. 4.AVOID COMMON AUDIT RED FLAGS FLAGS, such as: classifying employees as independent contractors, home office deduction, and large amount of miscellaneous expenses. 5.KEEP BUSINESS AND PERSONAL EXPENSES SEPARATE. The IRS scrutinizes personal expenses that may have been claimed as business expense. It is best to have separate bank and credit card accounts for business and personal use. —JK 

Win Apple iPad® Raffle

IACCT would like to collect individual and business data to form an “IACCT Member List.” By participating, you will be automatically entered into our Apple iPad® raffle once the new version comes out. We plan on doing the next drawing in November 2015 and you do not have to be present to win. We will announce the winner through our newsletter. The purpose of IACCT Member List: for scholars, it can be used to look for a job, for the unemployed to obtain ideas, for one aspired for small businesses to seek a Mentor, and for business owners to expand their business network and clients. -8  To participate Apple iPad® Raffle go to or Scan QR code here  with your smartphone. Get QR code apps here

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April 2015

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Nasi Rendang

Ayam Goreng Muda

Kwetiau Siram

Nasi Campur Kalimantan

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 M� p���nt� R����Y ���� K���i�� S�r�� �k� fla� �i�� no���� �i�� �r���. T�i� wa� ���� , �� f�v��i�� �i�� �r���n� ��

 S� g�o�! I’�� ���� c���n� ���� f�� ���� �e�r�. T��� ��� ���e� �e���� �n� ��� f�o� i� �� p��n�. Ge� ��� n�o��e�, I

Sate Ayam

Laksa Udang �ug�es� #8. S� ����� �n� �����! T��� m��� ����� ��� �� s�u�� , ��r�ec� b�l�n�� � ��i�� �n� tas�� .  I wa� �n�ro�u�e� ��i� ��� �� �� ����n� . S��i�u��� � �id��� ��� f�� Ind��e�i�� f�o� !!!

Inspire NUSA Inc. at Jak TV for


Konser Sheila Madjid kali ini akan merupakan konser pertamanya di Amerika Serikat. Pada saat konser nanti Sheila akan membawakan semua lagu-lagu populer yang sebagian diciptakan oleh komposer Indonesia seperti Antara Anyer dan Jakarta, Warna, Aku Cinta Padamu dan lainnya. Konser kali ini akan ditangani oleh music director dari Malaysia akan tetapi dibantu oleh musisi lain dari Indonesia. Ada Reza Saleh (basis yang berkarir di LA) dan Demas Narawangsa yang sedang kuliah di Los Angeles Music College. Konser ini digelar sebagai bukti bahwa penyanyi dan musisi Indonesia-Malaysia mampu untuk Goes International. Konser Shiela kali ini dipromotori oleh Inspire Nusa, didukung oleh Acha Productions. Ini merupakan debut pertama


April 2015

Inspire Nusa yang langsung dipercaya oleh management Sheila Madjid untuk menyelenggarakan konser ini. Tidak mudah mendapatkan kepercayaan dari penyanyi legendaris, apalagi Sheila belum pernah tampil di Amerika Serikat. Sementara Acha Productions sudah beberapa kali menggelar konser musisi Indonesia di Amerika Serikat. Beberapa musisi yang pernah dibuatkan konser di Washington DC oleh Acha Productions adalah Nidji, Superman Is Dead, Rhoma Irama & Soneta Group, Dorce serta yang terakhir adalah Tohpati dan Simak Dialog. Untuk ticket sales Shiela Majid concert, please email or contact ke: 626-800-2570 or Info tentang Inspire Nusa: ď Ž

by Bakmi Parahyangan

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Penderitaan Yesus Kristus Judul film karya Mel Gibson yang berjudul “The Passion of The Christ”, yang beredar di tayangan layar putih tahun 2004, bercerita tentang 12 jam waktu akhir hidup Yesus Kristus, mulai dari pergumulan Kristus di Taman Getsemani hingga penyalibanNya. Film ini dibuat atas dasar keempat kitab Injil dan catatan harian dari Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich (17741824) sebagaimana dikumpulkan dalam buku “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ”. Produksi ini mulai pada 4 November di Matera dan Craco (Italy bagian Selatan), lalu pindah posisi ke Cinecita (Roma) untuk pengambilan gambar bagian dalam. Mel Gibson memilih pengambilan gambar pada bulan November, karena warna cahaya yang terpantul pada bebatuan kuno wilayah Matera, dan hamparan di sekitar Matera sangat mirip dengan wilayah sekitar Yerusalem. Lebih lagi, Sassi, bagian kuno dari Matera yang ditinggalkan 50 tahun lalu, tetap nampak seperti kota pada lebih 20 abad yang lalu. Pada film ini semua adegan dilakukan dalam bahasa Latin dan Aramic. Untuk penonton di Amerika dan negara lain, ada bantuan terjemahan (substitles). Mel Gibson adalah produser dan sutradaranya, sedang Yesus diperankan oleh James Caviezel. Dalam panorama penyaliban, tangan yang memegang palu dan meletakkan paku pada tangan Yesus adalah tangan Mel Gibson sendiri. Film ini walaupun cukup banyak kontroversilnya, ternyata menjadi film terlaku di kelasnya. Hanya dengan modal US$ 30 juta, ternyata telah meraup uang sebesar US$ 611,9 juta. Luar biasa, ternyata bukan saja banyak orang percaya yang menonton film ini, ada cukup banyak orang non-Kristen yang juga menontonya, bahkan mendapatkan manfaat keselamatan jiwa. Film ini bukan saja beredar di Amerika, tetapi sampai ke seluruh dunia dengan respons yang amat positif, terlepas dari sebagian kecil reaksi yang kurang menyenangkan. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, karena kemurahan Tuhan saya sempat mengunjungi salah satu museum yang sangat


April 2015

terkenal di Eropa, di St. Petersburg, Russia, yaitu Hermitage Museum yang dibangun oleh Katherine the Great. Disitu digantung sebuah lukisan Rembrandt yang dikagumi setara dengan The Night Watch, yaitu “Return of the Prodigal Son” (“Kembalinya Anak Yang Hilang”). Teologi Liberal telah mencoba menyelewengkan fakta sejarah Alkitab menjadi cerita mitos, atau legenda, atau mencoba menafsirkan catatan Alkitab dengan selera sendiri yang sangat “Rationalis”. Seorang imam yang bernama Henry Nouman menggambarkan Kristus sebagai “Anak Yang Terhilang”. Jelas penafsiran ini ngawur dan salah. Hal ini telah merendahkan martabat Alkitab ke posisi yang amat rendah, ibarat catatan kuno manusia yang tidak sempurna, yang cacat, dan penuh kesalahan. Dengan munculnya film Mel Gibson, “The Passion of The Christ” dia mencoba mengangkat kembali gambaran Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang sejati. Kristus rela menderita hingga mati di atas kayu salib, semata-mata demi menggantikan hukuman dosa yang harus ditanggung oleh manusia berdosa. Kristus bukan “Anak yang Terhilang”. Dari catatan sejarah dan Alkitab tidak ada indikasi itu. Sebaliknya Dia telah menjadi JuruSelamat bagi manusia berdosa yang adalah “anak-anak yang terhilang”. Ya, kita manusia berdosalah yang sebenarnya digambarkan dalam perumpamaan Anak Yang Hilang itu. Hilang dalam dosa, hilang dalam pengenalan diri, hilang dalam pengenalan terhadap Allah, hilang dalam pengenalan terhadap alam, terhadap sesama, dan hilang dalam kutukan dosa yang mengancam dengan hukuman kebinasaan kekal. Kehadiran Yesus Kristus dalam dunia ini (Allah yang berinkarnasi menjadi manusia adalah sesungguhnya sebuah penderitaan yang berat. Dan, puncaknya adalah kematian di atas kayu salib pada Hari Jumat Agung yang mengerikan itu. (Lihat: Yohanes 1:1-3, 14, 18; Yohanes 19:1-30; Filipi 2:5-7; Matius 27:27-55). Namun hanya dengan jalan inilah manusia bisa dibawa mengenal Allah dan kembali

kepada sang Bapa yang menunggu kepulangan Anak yang Hilang itu. (Lihat juga: Yohanes 14:6; Efesus 2:8-9). Rasul Petrus menuliskan Firman Tuhan, “Ia sendiri [Kristus] telah memikul dosa kita di dalam tubuh-Nya di kayu salib, supaya kita, yang telah mati terhadap dosa, hidup untuk kebenaran. Oleh bilur-bilur-Nya kamu telah sembuh. Sebab dahulu kamu sesat seperti domba, tetapi sekarang kamu telah kembali kepada gembala dan pemelihara jiwamu.” (1 Petrus 2:24-25). Penderitaan Yesus Kristus setiap tahun dirayakan oleh ratusan juta manusia percaya yang dikenal dengan Jumat Agung. Bukti bahwa Kristus adalah Juruselamat manusia adalah KebangkitanNya pada hari yang ketiga setelah kematianNya. Ini bukti bahwa kematianNya telah mengalahkan kuasa maut, kuasa dosa, dan kuasa Iblis. (Lihat: Yohanes 20:1-10; 1 Korintus 15:54-58). Kebangkitan Kristus setiap tahunnya dirayakan oleh ratusan juta umat percaya, yang dikenal dengan Hari Paskah. Walaupun dalam film Mel Gibson ada beberapa tayangan yang nampaknya tidak ada dalam catatan Alkitab, tetapi itu hanyalah “satelit” yang menambah hidupnya dan dinamiknya film tersebut. Intisarinya adalah bahwa Dia telah mencoba menempatkan posisi hidup dan pelayanan Tuhan Yesus Kristus dengan tepat. Penderitaan Tuhan Yesus Kristus ibarat “domba penebus dosa” – yaitu “Anak Domba Allah” yang disediakan oleh Allah Bapa demi penebusan hukuman dosa bagi manusia yang telah memberontak kepadaNya. Iya, termasuk saya dan Anda sekalian. Maukah Anda datang kepada Kristus dengan hati yang rendah, hati yang bertobat, dan hati yang bersyukur atas segala pengorbananNya bagi Anda? Jangan tunda! Anda akan dijadikanNya anak Allah yang mewarisi KerajaanNya (Yohanes 1:12). Selamat Hari Jumat Agung dan Selamat Hari Paskah! Salam Sejahtera dalam Kristus: John Tan Hong Seng - GBI Los Angeles

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Troy Poluan

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Tel: 909-322-6589 Coverage area: Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Orange County Pengalaman pembelian Gedung Gereja, Commercial Building, Residential Properties, and Business for Sale. First Time Buyer, ½% Down Payment, Down Payment Assistant Program, Investment Properties, or Luxury Houses. FOR SALE : South Fontana 4 Beds 2.5 Baths. Coming Soon. Call for price. FOR SALE : Loma Linda Asian Grocery Store. Price: $100K. FOR SALE : T-Mobile store business for sale in Hacienda Hts. Price: $120K - gross revenue $12K/mo FOR SALE : Restaurant - Inland Empire Price: $35K/obo

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fold here to cover answer sheet

fold here to cover answer sheet














9 3 4 6

6 2 7 1

1 9 8 5




Use number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The numbers in each thick outlined set of squares (called cages), must combine numbers (in any order) to produce the target number using the mathematic operation indicated (+). Sample: For 5+, you can use 1 & 4 or 2 & 3. Number can ONLY be used once per row & once per column. You can use same number within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column. Cages with just one square should be filled in with the target number in the top corner.


5 4 1 7






7 5 2 3

7 1 9 2 8 6 5 4 3 3 5 6 1 4 9 7 8 2



3 6 9 8



2 1 3 4



8 7 6 2

Successful people take action to make positive changes in their lives. Unsuccessful people generally don’t take risks and stay in their comfort zone.

4 2 6 9 3 9 1 8 3 5 2 6 8 1 3 6 8 3 9 7 8 2


4 8 5 9

Your dream can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.



6 3 5 4 1 8 2 9 7 2 4 8 7 9 3 1 5 6 1 9 7 5 6 2 8 3 4 answer sheet

9 8



1 4

8+ 2


answer sheet


April 2015

KANTOR PERWAKILAN INDONESIA DI AMERIKA Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia 2020 Massachussets Ave. N. W. Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 775-5200 Fax: (202) 775-5365 Utusan Tetap R.I. di PBB 325 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 972-8333 Fax: (212) 972-9780 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Los Angeles 3457 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 Tel: (213) 383-5126 Fax: (213) 487-3971 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. New York 5 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065 Tel: (212) 879-0600 Fax: (212) 570-6206 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Chicago 211 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: (312) 920-1880 Fax: (312) 920-1881 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Houston 10900 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77042 Tel: (713) 785-1691 Fax: (713) 780-9644 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. San Francisco 1111 Columbus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133 Tel: (415) 474-9571 Fax: (415) 441-4320 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Honolulu 1001 Bishop Street, ASB Tower #2970 Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel: (808) 531-3017 Fax: (808) 531-3177 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Ottawa 55 Parkdale Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 1E5 Tel: (613) 724-1100 Fax: (613) 724-1105 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Vancouver 1630 Alberni Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6G 1A6 Tel: (604) 682-8855 Fax: (604) 662-8396 Konsulat Jenderal R.I. Toronto 129 Jarvis Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5C 2H6 Tel: (416) 360-4020 Fax: (416) 360-4295 Embassy of United States of America Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia Tel: (62-21) 3435-9000

DIREKTORI Dokter Umum Herman Sardjono, MD 72 West Las Tunas Dr. Arcadia, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 821-5305 Dokter Umum Joseph T Oei, MD 71202 E Huntington Dr, Duarte, CA 91010 Tel: (626) 303-5019 Dokter Gigi Herman Budiman, DDS 11816 Garvey Ave. El Monte, CA 91732 Tel: (626) 443-8744 OB/GYN - Fertility Clinic Lee C Terence, MD 203 N. Brea Blvd. #100 Brea, CA 92821 Tel: (714) 256-0777 Budincich Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic Polin Togi, LAc 140 N. Hill Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106 Tel: (626) 792-3390 Tip Top Mart Indonesian Grocery 704 W. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel, CA 91776 Tel: (626) 293-8882 989 S. Glendora Ave. West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-5300 Sam’s Nutrition 116 N. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754 Tel: (626) 288-2595 Ticket, Tour & Travel Best Deal Travel Tel: (909) 222-6713 Borneo Restaurant 19 S. Garfield Ave. #A Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 810-1366 Java Spice - Indonesian Rest. 1743 Fullerton Road Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Tel: (626) 810-1366 Merry’s House of Chicken 2550 Amar Rd. West Covina, CA 91792 Tel: (626) 965-0123

Tempe House Spicy Food 24984 3rd St. San Bernardino, CA 92410 Tel: (909) 889-2222 Chicky BBQ & Grill 1206 E. Huntington Dr. #A Duarte, CA 91090 Tel: (626) 357-1500 Benri Motor - Auto Repair 1710 W. Foothill Blvd. #A2 Upland, CA 91786 Tel: (909) 946-6078 Janty Noodle 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 14 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 480-1808 Bakmi Parahyangan 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 13 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 271-6535 Depot Bethania 989 S. Glendora Ave, ste 16 West Covina, CA 91790 Tel: (626) 962-7722 Go China Restaurant 136 North Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Tel: (626) 793-3888 Mien Nghia Noodle 7755 E Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 Tel: (626) 288-0177 H - Mobile Metro PCS Store 9000 Foothill Blvd. #112 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. Tel: (909) 222-1866

IKLAN MINI PERLU TRANSPORTASI ? Untuk tour $15/per-jam plus bensin harga murah untuk airport, dll. Hubungi : David (714) 936-8188 WANTED  COOKING CHEF Indonesian Restaurant Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: (626) 552-6668 DICARI KITCHEN HELPER Pria, Rest Indo. Can cook is a plus. Tel: (626) 357-1500 DIJUAL RESTAURANT INDO Call: (909) 913-1124

FOR RENT  LOS ANGELES BACK HOUSE STUDIO @41 St & Morgan Ave, Bath and Kitchen. 3 miles to USC, close to 4 Fwy/park/train/ bus/school. 32m2. Park on street. Util incl. NO PET! $800/mo. Tel: 323-837-8187 BEGINNERS GUITAR LESSON FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Call Andrey : (909) 461-7921 ROOM FOR RENT Pomona, NON Smoking. With or without bathroom. $400$500. Call: (909) 397-9772 DICARI SUSHI CHEF HELPER Daerah West LA, Must Speak English. Hub David Tel: (310) 689-6589 DICARI TUKANG MASAK KUE Di Orange County, Tel: (949) 458-1108, (949) 680-0853 A MEN WITH A SIENNA Shuttle service, Personal Chauffeur, airport transfer, tours around Los angeles, etc. Call 626-378-3836 for rates OFFICES FOR RENT Alhambra for $600-$1350/m and 2 offices in Rowland Hts for $500-$750/m Contact: (626) 833-5263 DIJUAL MESIN TEMPE Please call: (949) 680-0853 HIRING WAITRESS/CASHIER Restaurant in Pasadena Must speak English Please call: (626) 757-3773 NOW HIRING OUTSIDE SALES PERSON Work on your own time Tel: (626) 513-4301 ROOM 4 RENT For single female, $550/mo, util incl, no smoking, no pet, clean room. (626) 376-8115 CONTRACTOR Renovasi Residential, Commercial, Room Addition & New Construction, CA Lic. Call Johan at (626) 278-580 HIRING WAITERS / CASHIER Restaurant in Pasadena part-time, student ok. Tel: (626) 793-3888

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The National Cherry Blossom Parade is one of the centerpiece events of the fourweek National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. The parade is a celebration of spring. The parade route travels along historic Constitution Avenue. Cherry blossoms are flowers of the cherry blossom tree known in Japan as the “sakura”. Although not entirely indigenous to Japan, it is the country where cherry

of mortality, as well as symbol of Hope, Power and Humanity. The overall symbolism of the cherry blossom has interestingly transcended into other deeply rooted meanings as well. Each year, the National Cherry Blossom Festival commemorates the 1912 gift of 3,000 cherry trees from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo to the city of Washington, DC. The gift and annual celebration honor the lasting friendship between the United States and Japan and the continued close relationship between the two countries. It took the coordination of many to ensure the arrival of the cherry trees. A first batch of 2,000 trees arrived diseased in 1910, but did not deter the parties.

Yukio Ozaki (尾崎 行雄), (1858-1954) was a liberal Japanese politician, born in modern-day Sagamihara, Kanagawa. Washington DC's annual display of blooming cherry blossoms can be seen in West Potomac Park surrounding the Tidal Basin, was a result of Ozaki's persistence in furthering project to send 3,000 cherry trees during a time when he was mayor of Tokyo. These flowering trees were the genesis of the continuing National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. and in other states as well.

blossoms are revered with ceremonial receptions called Hanami and symbolized as an omen of good fortune, an emblem of love and affection, as well as an enduring metaphor for the fleeting nature

Between the governments of the two countries, coordination by Dr. Jokichi Takamine, a world-famous chemist and the founder of Sankyo Co., Ltd. (today known as Daiichi Sankyo); Dr. David Fairchild of the U.S.

The Two persistent women: First Lady Helen Taft (18611943) (left) and Eliza Scidmore (1856-1928), the first female board member of the National Geographic Society

Department of Agriculture; Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore, first female board member of the National Geographic Society, and First Lady Helen Herron Taft, more than 3,000 trees arrived in Washington in 1912.

Tokyo's Mayor Yukio Ozaki, pictured here with his daughters walking along the Tidal Basin


April 2015

In a simple ceremony on March 27, 1912, First Lady Helen Herron Taft and Viscountess Chinda, wife of the Japanese ambassador, planted the first two trees from Japan on the north bank of the Tidal Basin in West Potomac Park. Over the years, gifts have been exchanged between the

two countries. In 1915, the United States Government reciprocated with a gift of flowering dogwood trees to the people of Japan. In 1981, the cycle of giving came full circle. Japanese horticulturists were given cuttings from the trees to replace some cherry trees in Japan which had been destroyed in a flood. Since First Lady Taft’s involvement, the nation’s first ladies have been proponents of the Festival. Historically, many were involved in events through the National Conference of State Societies’ Princess Program. First Lady Mamie Eisenhower crowned Cherry Blossom Queen, Janet Bailey, in 1953, and in 1976 Betty Ford invited the princesses to the White House.

First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, planted first Yoshino Cherry tree in 1965

In 1965, First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson accepted 3,800 Yoshino Cherry trees from the government of Japan and held a tree planting reenactment. All first ladies in recent years have served as Honorary Chair, many participating as well. In 1999, First Lady Hillary Clinton took part in a tree planting ceremony. In 2001, First Lady Laura Bush greeted guests with remarks at the Opening Ceremony. Honorary Chair First Lady Michelle Obama was involved in 2012, planting a cherry tree in West Potomac Park among dignitaries and guests. Today’s National Cherry Blossom Festival has grown from modest beginnings to the nation’s greatest springtime celebration. School children reenacted the initial planting and other activities, holding the first “festival” in 1927. Civic groups helped expand the festivities in 1935. The Festival expanded to two weeks in 1994 to accommodate a diverse schedule during the blooming period. And it growing

Sat, Apr 4 @ 1pm-9pm. Free music, family-friendly activities and live entertainment at multiple outdoor venues on the Southwest Waterfront. Fireworks start at 8:30pm. Lantern Lighting Sun, Apr 5 @ 2:30pm Lantern Lighting Ceremony at the Tidal Basin Grand Ball Fri, Apr 10 6pm-midnight Official Cherry Blossom Grand Ball. An event that National Cherry Blossom includes a formal introducCelebration is a Four-Weeks tion of the Cherry Blossom event. And these are the Princesses and the coronaprogram of rest of the event: tion of the 2015 US Cherry Waterfront Fireworks Blossom Queen (by spinning again in 2012, to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the gift. And it was marked with a five-week celebration. Today, the Festival spans four weekends and welcomes more than 1.5 million people to enjoy diverse programming and the trees. Over the years, millions have participated in the annual event that heralds spring in the nation’s capital.

Each year since 1948, 50 representatives from the U.S. states and territories come together to participate in the Cherry Blossom Queen Festival.

the Wheel of Fortune). Sakura Matsuri

Sat, Apr 11 at 10:30am-6pm The largest street festival of its kind in the U.S. features Japanese arts, culture, cuisine, and much more. Main Event Parade Sat, April 11 at 10am-12pm National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade ® on Constitution Avenue. The one of DC’s largest spectator events, the energy-filled Parade runs along Constitution Avenue. More info at: www.national 

Yoshino Cherry Trees

April 2015


newgadget marketplace


Polaroid - Socialmatic Camera

FlexScan EV2730Q - 1920x1920

4moms mamaRoo infant seat

Revolutionary Way of Taking Pictures. Shoot. Print. Share. A 14 MP front camera with LED flash and 2MP rear camera makes taking pictures simple. ZINK® Zero Ink® Technology prints beautiful 2”x 3” photos, without ink. Add icons, clip art and text making it your own.

With a 1920 x 1920 resolution, this monitor is as wide vertically as it is horizontally. Now you can scroll less, see more, and work better. The EV2730Q is wide all around provides users with 78% more pixels compared with a standard wide screen 1920 x 1080 monitor.

The 4moms® mamaRoo® infant seat bounces up and down and sways from side to side, just like parents do when comforting their babies. It can be controlled with your smartphone apps. Built-in sounds & MP3 plug-in. Adjustable seat to any position up to full recline.

hereO GPS watch

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The hereO GPS watch is the world’s smallest real-time GPS location device created specifically for children age 3 and up. Parents can know their children whereabouts anytime, anywhere. With historical locations, parents can track where their children have been throughout the day.

A global leader in flash storage solutions, just introduced the 200GB SanDisk Ultra® microSDXC™ UHS-I card, Premium Edition, the world’s highest capacity microSD card for use in mobile devices. The card provides the freedom, without worrying about storage limitations.

IKEA just announced a new line of lamps and tables that feature integrated wireless charging. Lineup will include bedside tables, desk, floor, and table lamps. The charging spot is built into the base, while the floor lamp features a small shelf to put your smartphone on. Available: April 2015.

Huawei Android Watch

Livestream Broadcaster

Othermill - CNC PCB Miling Machine

Features: Android OS, heart rate monitor and fitness tracking, six-axis motion sensor and a barometric sensor. It has a 1.4-inch AMOLED screen with 400 x 400 resolution, 286 ppi and a 10,000:1 high contrast ratio. Over 40 different customizable watch faces. Available summer 2015.

Transfrom any HDMI camera into HD live streaming device with your Livestream Broadcaster TM. Go live via Wi-Fi, Ethernet or 4G USB modem. Feature: 3 hrs battery life for wireless live streaming. Wireless multi camera production. Remote control from your phone or the web.

The Othermill is a portable, precise CNC milling machine to create 2D and 3D objects out of durable materials, such as wood, metal, and plastic, using digital designs. The tools and materials you need to get started with 3D cutting right away are included, no assembly required.

April 2015


SUNDAY - APRIL 5, 2015

Stop Menggunakan Kata “AUTIS” Sembarangan! Memang Kenapa? Belakangan ini kita sering mendengar, membaca atau melihat, ada sebagian anggota masyarakat yang menggunakan kata “Autis” dengan demikian mudah dan enaknya, untuk mengambarkan keadaan orang yang asyik dengan dirinya sendiri dan tidak peduli dengan lingkungan sekitarnya, bahkan ada pula yang menggunakan kata autis itu dalam konteks untuk mengejek atau mengolok-olok orang lain. Kata “autis” misalnya sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan orang yang sedang keranjingan menggunakan cell phone atau smart phone. Demikian juga terhadap oknum pejabat atau politikus atau orang biasa yang asyik dengan kepentingan dirinya dan tidak peduli dengan kepentingan masyarakat di sekitarnya, acap kali ada yang mengumpamakannya sebagai Autis. Selain itu, kita juga masih sering menjumpai adanya orang yang mengejek atau mengolok-olok orang lain dengan kata “autis”, termasuk di sosial media dan juga terkadang kita masih menjumpai adanya pembawa acara atau pembicara yang melakukan hal seperti itu di layar televisi. Penggunaan kata “autis” seperti itu tentunya tidak dapat dibenarkan atau diterima oleh kalangan yang cukup memahami dan peduli dengan autisme, terlebih lagi oleh penyandang autisme dan keluarganya. Mengapa demikian? Untuk menjelaskannya kiranya ada baiknya kita simak uraian berikut ini. Autisme adalah suatu gangguan perkembangan yang kompleks, yang ditandai oleh adanya gangguan komunikasi, gangguan interaksi sosial dan adanya tingkah laku tertentu yang khas, yang gejalanya itu sudah timbul pada anak sebelum berusia tiga tahun. Keadaan penyandang autisme memang sering disebutkan seperti hidup di dunianya sendiri, namun sebetulnya tidak sesederhana itu. Autisme lebih kompleks daripada itu. Autisme adalah suatu diagnosa yg ditegakkan berdasarkan sejumlah gejala yang ada pada seseorang, dan berdasarkan kriteria diagnosa tertentu.


April 2015

Jadi pengertian autisme tidak lain dan tidak bukan mengarah kepada adanya gangguan perkembangan tertentu yang dialami oleh seseorang. Diagnosa autisme biasanya dan seyogianya juga ditegakkan berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan yang seksama, dan label autis itu digunakan dengan maksud untuk memahami keadaan gangguan yang dialami seseorang dan untuk tujuan memperbaiki hambatan atau gangguan yang ada tersebut, bukan dengan maksud untuk melecehkan, mengolok-olok ataupun memojokkan. Autisme bukanlah suatu keadaan yang diinginkan, bukan sesuatu yang secara sengaja dipilih dan bukan sesuatu yang menyenangkan serta diharapkan oleh keluarga. Autisme dapat terjadi karena adanya permasalahan pada susunan syaraf pusat (ketidaksempurnaan secara neorobiologis), dan hal ini dapat dialami oleh individu siapa saja tanpa memandang asal usul suku, latar belakang sosial ekonomi, pendidikan orangtua maupun negara atau tempat asal. Asal mula terjadinya autisme bukan pula disebabkan oleh kesalahan orangtua dalam mengasuh atau mendidik anaknya. Mengacu pada penjelasan tersebut di atas, maka kiranya dapat dimengerti bahwa, orang yang demikian asyiknya menggunakan cell phone sehingga tidak peduli dengan lingkungan sekitar, seakan-akan hidup dalam dunianya sendiri karena keasyikannya itu, jelas berbeda dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya dari individu autistik. Demikian juga orang yang tidak peduli dengan lingkungan masyarakat di sekitarnya, yang cuma asyik memikirkan kepentingan dirinya atau kelompoknya, juga jelas tidak tepat kalau diumpamakan seperti individu yang hidup dengan autisme. Apalagi jika diingat bahwa pengguna cell phone atau orang yang tidak peduli dengan orang lain itu, biasanya mereka melakukannya dengan sengaja atas kesadaran dan pilihannya sendiri, sedangkan pada penyandang autisme, mereka terlihat seperti hidup dalam dunianya sendiri itu karena mengalami gangguan dalam perkembangannya. Dengan demikian mengumpamakan pengguna cell phone sebagai “autis”,

atau mengatakan bahwa orang yang tidak peduli dengan kepentingan orang lain itu sebagai “autis”, secara obyektif dan dari segi definisinya juga sudah tidaklah tepat. Dalam hal ini terlihat, meskipun mungkin saja orang yang menggunakan kata “autis” seperti itu memang semula tidak bermaksud menyinggung atau melecehkan penyandang autisme dan keluarganya, tetapi yang jelas ialah telah terjadi kekeliruan dalam menasfsirkan kata “autis” itu. Di samping itu, sebagai mahluk sosial yang seyogianya juga peka terhadap perasaan orang lain, kita dapat memahami bahwa autisme bukanlah keadaan atau kata yang boleh dengan seenaknya dipakai untuk bahan gurauan, mengolok-olok atau mengejek orang lain, apalagi jika hal itu disampaikannya secara terbuka kepada publik melalui media massa. Demikian rumit dan banyak permasalahan dalam hal kemampuan berkomunikasi, interaksi sosial dan tingkah laku serta emosi, yang mungkin dialami penyandang autisme. Banyak para orangtua atau keluarga dari penyandang autisme, sehari-hari dan secara terus-menerus berjuang dengan segala daya dan upaya, untuk mengatasi atau memperbaiki kekurangan yang ada pada anaknya. Tak terhitung betapa banyak waktu, tenaga dan perhatian serta biaya bahkan juga air mata, dicurahkan orangtua dalam rangka menanggulangi masalah gangguan autisme pada anaknya. Selama ini, komunitas autisme juga terus-menerus berjuang mengusahakan supaya penyandang autisme dapat lebih diterima dan memperoleh perlakuan secara wajar di dalam masyarakat. Maka, bisa kita bayangkan, betapa sedih dan betapa hati terasa seakan disayat-sayat, bila sementara itu, ada orang lain yang dengan seenaknya menggunakan kata “autis” sebagai bahan olok-olokan misalnya. Demikian kiranya dapat dipahami, betapa penggunaan kata “autis” yang tidak pada tempatnya di dalam masyarakat itu memang perlu dihentikan. Sebaliknya, jika kita dapat bersikap lebih bijaksana dan peduli serta menghargai keberadaan orang-orang yang hidup dengan kebutuhan khusus termasuk autisme, maka hidup ini akan terasa lebih bermakna. Bukankah demikian?  Penulis: Drs. Stanley Bratawira Psikolog dan pemerhati tentang autisme

The Year of Multiplication of MIRACLE

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Brooklyn Roasting Company (BRC) is both a roastery and an espresso lab based in Brooklyn, New York. What began as a small company with 3 employees and a small café on the side for retail, BRC is now a growing company with 46 employees and a 3rd café that is opening very soon. The owner of this very special company is Mr. Michael Pollack, an American with a big appetite for

Located in the historic coffee center in Brooklyn that once housed the largest coffee roaster of America in the 19th century, BRC currently carries 6 different kinds of Coffee from the different and unique islands of Indonesia. From their regularly brewed coffees to their wide selections of espresso, the coffee they buy from Indonesia remains to be the heart and soul of their business.

Indonesia's Specialty Coffee at New York City's Brooklyn Roasting Company specialty coffee from around the world. Mr. Pollack started his coffee business two-and-ahalf years ago simply out of a deep love for coffee, and Indonesia’s coffee is responsible for the growth and success of the company today. Nevertheless, the vision and mission of Brooklyn Roasting Company has evolved overtime. Not only does it intend to help people fall in love and have a passion for coffee, Mr. Pollack has the desire to sell more coffee in order to buy more coffee and change lives at origin. In other words, he wants to change the lives of others for the better with one cup of coffee at a time.


April 2015

BRC sells their coffee to restaurants, cafes, and retail stores in the greater metropolitan area and through the 2 cafes that they currently operate in New York. Mr. Pollack states that BRC will continue to expand in the US market and is looking forward to explore and buy more coffees from the world, especially Indonesia. Indonesian Trade Promotion Center Los Angeles (ITPC-LA) met with Mr. Michael Pollack and was introduced to Brooklyn Roasting Company for the first time during the 25th Annual Exposition of SCAA (Spe-

cialty Coffee Association of America) in Boston, Massachusetts. During the interview with ITPCLA, Mr. Pollack warmly welcomed ITPCLA and expressed His deep love for coffee that originates from Indonesia. Although Mr. Pollack has yet to visit Indonesia, he is well pleased with the many different consumer products offered by Indonesia. Mr. Pollack hopes to one day be able to travel to Indonesia for at least 2 months and embark on an adventure to look for the best coffee Indonesia can offer, while enjoying the rich and unique culture and landscape of Indonesia. Before concluding the interview, ITPCLA also had the chance to ask Mr. Pollack’s opinion about the overall of Indonesian products and their prospect of entering the US market. Mr. Pollack said, "All kinds of products from Indonesia has an opportunity to be introduced in New York and the rest of America, and if coffee is leading the way, they have opened a very large door." He hopes that coffee from Indonesia will continue to be maintained in its quality and distinct characteristic. He wishes that the people harvesting and handling the coffee beans in Indonesia will put all their love and care to the products, so that consumers from around the world will be able to get the richness and authenticity of Indonesia’s coffee. Visit Brooklyn Roasting Company at: 25 Jay St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (York Street Station on F train) For More Information Visit: For more info, contact: Indonesia Trade Promotion Center Los Angeles (ITPC-LA) 3457 Wilshire Blvd. Suite #101. Los Angeles, CA 90010 Phone: 1(213)387-7041 | Email:


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April 2015


The 1955 Bandung Conference and its present significance SIXTY YEARS AGO, on April 18-24, 1955, a conference that involved five sponsoring countries (Burma, Ceylon, India, Indonesia and Pakistan) and 24 participating countries from Asia and Africa convened in Bandung. The Bandung Conference turned out to be

a historic watershed in the international relations of those countries. Amid pressure from the growing Cold War bipolarism, those countries were able to concertedly affirm that they would choose neither the East nor the West but pursue their own path and strategy under the guidance of the “Bandung Principles”. By the later stages, the Bandung Conference had inspired not only the independence of new countries in Asia and Africa and the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement but also the fight against racialism. The Bandung Principles was one of the most important outcomes of the conference. Since their inception, the principles have been navigating countries in the


April 2015

Asian-African continents as well as those in other continents through the turbulence of the Cold War period. Unlike inter-regional cooperation between Asia and Europe through ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) or East Asia and Latin America through FEALAC, (Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation) Asia-Africa inter-regionalism for many decades had been less structured. This has no longer been the case since 2005 when Indonesia hosted the Asia-Africa Summit where more than 80 heads of state and government attended.

lery of Indonesian as well as Bandung history. For younger generations of the country, however, the conference and its meaning have unfortunately turned out to be less appealing than other more recent inter-state initiatives such as APEC, ASEM and G20. The Bandung Conference is also an icon in the history of Indonesian diplomacy. It is a symbol of independence. Independence in policy, in action and in making choices. In the present context of international relations, cooperation between Asian and African countries remains critical, and even becomes more important than ever before. Both Asia and Africa continue to experience changes. Geo-economically speaking, Asia has become more and more strategic. With the rise of India and China, and emerging economies like Indonesia, Asia is in a position to contribute to global growth. One of the Bandung Principles clearly underlines the abstention from intervention or interference in the internal affairs of another country. But in reality, there are conditions that humanitarian intervention will eventually be invoked if all other efforts have

The Summit agreed on a New Asia-Africa Strategic Partnership (NAASP) that aimed to promote a deeper and more structured and systematic cooperation between Asia and Africa. At the 2005 Summit, the Bandung Principles were enriched. New norms and values were embraced. Those new principles include among others democracy, promotion and protection of human rights and multilateralism.

failed. There are many more issues that Asia and Africa can work together on. Poverty remains a pressing issue in both continents. Compounded by demographic challenges, poverty has become abject and more burdensome.

The Bandung Conference has given Indonesia particular meanings. It revived the bebas aktif foreign policy, and now it has become a national heritage in the gal-

Quoting president Sukarno’s opening speech at the Bandung Conference entitled “Let a New Asia and a New Africa be born,” the answer is that Asia and Africa can do much. Now it depends on the commitment and determination of the countries in both continents. It is only natural that many quarters would expect the founding countries to take the lead in that regard.  (Y. GH Mulyana - Jakarta Post)

The Pegasus Continental Cycling Team New Mexico and Arkansas USA TOUR The Pegasus Continental Cycling Team of Indonesia was established by Mr. Indra Bakrie. The cycling team is the Indonesian top independently owned team that has competed in many Asian tournament. Mr. Bakrie is a passionate cyclist himself and for the first time ever, he has brought his cycling team to the USA to compete. Follow us as we are taking the cycling world by storm. At Pegasus Continental Cycling Team of Indonesia we specialize in road biking excursions for established and expert bikers. But we also offer beginner programs for folks just getting started on the trails. Our certified guides will keep you safe and your adrenaline pumping.

OUR 2015 TEAM 1. ALI SAHBANA, Agung; 2.ARISTYA, Chelly; 3.CAHYADI, Aiman; 4.ISWANA, Arin; 5.LESMANA, Dani; 6.MANULANG, Robin; 7.NOVARDIANTO, Jamalidin; 8.PATRIA DINAWAN, Rastra; 9.ROHENDI, Teten; 10.SETIAWAN, Odie Purnama; 11.SURYADI, Dadi Coach/Sport Director: Wawan Seto Budi; Assistant Sport Director: Fila Faliona; Mechanic: Jatmiko; Physical Therapist: Margi Yudha Wirawan; Next Tour: Pegasus will attend Tournament in Arkansas and New Mexico. JOE MARTIN STAGE RACE April 23 - 26, 2015 Arkansas, USA.

The Joe Martin Stage Race is part of USA Cycling* National Racing Calendar (NRC) series and new for 2015 the race is sanctioned through the UCI and we’re part of the UCI America Tour. The 2015 race will be ranked in the top ten of a very elite racing schedule that will see races held from coast to coast. Over 700 athletes representing 20 foreign countries and all 50 states will be attending this year's race. TOUR OF THE GILA April 29th - May 3th 2015 Silver City, New Mexico, USA The Tour of the Gila is a cycling stage race for both men and women located in New Mexico, USA. The "Gila" began in 1987. For 2012, the men's Gila has been added to the UCI America Tour as a UCI classification 2.2 stage race, which permits UCI ProTeams to enter if they so choose.  April 2015


Jane Wibowo with Senator Hernandez

2015 Women's History Month

mist, Girls Scouts, and Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Each March, during Women's History Month, remarkable women whose contribution improve the lives in their communities are celebrated. The California Legislature began this tradition in 1987 and continues it today.

She quote : “I knew that I needed to learn as much as possible in shortest period of time the ins and outs of my business and work harder than my fellow businessmen and competitors. I spent lots of time reinventing the wheel but I pressed on doing what was necessary to be successful in this business. “

Women of Achievement Awards

Today women who represent the very best the 22nd Senate District, which include Alhambra, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, South San Gabriel, Rosemead, El Monte, South El Monte, Baldwin Park, Irwindale, Industry, Avocado Heights, La Puente, Valinda, West Covina, Vincent, Azusa, Citrus, Covina, Temple City, Arcadia and surrounding neighborhood, are being honored. From business to community service, to education, to social services, to environmental protection, each honoree has profoundly affected her community.


April 2015

Each woman being honored has given of herself in significant ways in order to make her community a better place to live and work. Each woman has been chosen for this honor based on her continued service and dedication to local residents. It is with a sense of respect, pride, and celebration that tribute is paid to these women today. This ceremony is offered as an acknowledgement of their individual contribution and commitment. Jane Wibowo , an Indonesian immigrant, who start her own business, First Way Insurance Inc., at the age of 23, was recently presented with 2015 “ Business” Women of Achievement award. Jane is also very involved with her community and participates in various roles in the non profit sector such as Rotary, Soropti-

“It is my wish, desire and hope that women will start to look beyond what they think they are capable of and embrace the opportunities they can create. Women do take an important role in everyday life as a mother, sister, friend, business woman, teacher, volunteer and in many other roles and do not forget that fact. I would also like to challenge all the women in this room to have a wonderful time while helping other, learning about themselves, expanding their minds and live a fulfilling life full of rich experiences. “ 

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The Easter Play

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IFGF is founded in 1989 in Indonesia and is currently ministering to people from various backgrounds globally. We are registered in the United States with headquarter in Los Angeles for the region of USA & Canada.


INDOGOMAGAZINE.COM INDONESIA-JAPAN - Indonesian President Joko Widodo visited Japan on March 23. During a meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the two leaders concurred in establishing a “Japan-Indonesia Maritime Forum” as early as possible for intergovernmental consultations on maritime safety and security as well as the promotion of maritime industries. Comprising more than 13,000 islands, Indonesia is a maritime country like Japan. Since taking office last autumn, Joko has been advocating a maritime state vision, placing high priority on such measures as curbing piracy and securing effective management of natural resources. In 2007, Japan provided Indonesia with three patrol vessels. This country should steadily expand support for Indonesia by giving full play to Japan’s knowledge and technology. At their talks, Abe and Joko also confirmed the importance of bilateral cooperation for the expansion of trade and investment. Abe told Joko that Japan will provide about ¥140 billion in yen loans for rapid urban railway network projects and other infrastructure plans in Indonesia.

INDONESIA-CHINA - Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo is paying a state visit to China on March 26, marking his second trip to Beijing since he assumed office in October 2014. In his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Jokowi noted approvingly that “our cooperation in all fields has progressed” since the two last met, on November 2014 APEC summit in Beijing. Jokowi assured Xi that “Indonesia is committed to deepening its cooperation with China at the bilateral, regional, and international levels.” The focus for this cooperation was clear even before Jokowi arrived: boosting trade and investment. During their talks, Jokowi and Xi noted that China and Indonesia are quite complementary economically. As Jokowi put it, “Indonesia has rich natural resources, and China has knowledge and experience in the field of infrastructure.” In an interview, Jokowi said he was particularly interested in “infrastructure and manufacturing developments.” Jokowi also listed highways, railroads, power plants, and ports as ripe for joint projects between Chinese and Indonesian firms. After his three-day state visit, he will fly to Hainan Province to attend the Boao Forum for Asia 2015 on Saturday. FREE VISA TO INDONESIA - The government of Indonesia has announced that beginning in April, visa requirements will be waived for nationals from additional 30 countries (including USA, China, South Korea, Japan, Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, Netherlands, etc) making a total of 45 (contact Indonesian Embassy/Consulates for complete list) , allowing them to visit Indonesia for short-term stay without visas. The government hopes that by the end of this year, up to 10 million foreign tourists will have spent a minimum of $1 billion. Official statistics show that Indonesia received 9 million foreign tourists in 2014, compared to the 8.8 million visitors recorded one year earlier. In contrast, Thailand received 26 million foreign tourists while Malaysia had 27 million foreign tourist arrivals in 2014 alone! Concerning the issue of visa-free travel, Indonesia’s Chief of Armed Forces, Gen. Moeldoko, has added his voice, saying that the government had had lengthy discussions about any security matters related to the new policy. He said the cabinet had come to the conclusion that there is no problem with it being implemented. CHINA'S INVESTMENT IN INDONESIA - Marking another major overseas initiative among Chinese enterprises, China Minsheng Investment (CMI) unveiled projects in Indonesia, backed by a huge investment of US$5 billion. Lin Huizhen, CMI president, noted that from the outset, the company had decided to extend the tentacle of its investments to overseas markets, adding that it has zeroed in on the major three markets in Europe, Singapore and Indonesia, according to the report. Consequently, the company has set up branches in London and Indonesia. Chinese enterprises, especially those in the private sector, can help Indonesia with major investment projects now on the drawing board. And CMI will solicit Indonesia partners for the project to facilitate its implementation, said Li. CMI will lead a consortium consisting of a score of major Chinese enterprises to build the projected park, which will house enterprises in a range of industries, including coal-chemical engineering, electrolytic aluminum, steel, power generation, cement, infrastructure, harbor, deep-sea fishing and helicopter manufacturing.


April 2015


KAMPUNG HALAMAN NEW MITSUBISHI FACTORY IN INDONESIA - Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) and partner PT Krama Yudha have held a ground-breaking ceremony for its new manufacturing facility in the GIIC Industrial Estate, Bekasi, Indonesia. Under the joint-venture, called Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia, the next-gen Pajero Sport, the Colt L300 truck/van and a new small MPV are set to be built here from April 2017. Through the new plant, Mitsubishi will expand its Indonesian business by switching from the current consignment production to in-house production, and some parts of the vehicles made here are set to be exported to other ASEAN nations. The plant will be Mitsubishi’s second-biggest in ASEAN after the Laem Chabang, Thailand production hub. “We will further contribute to the development of Indonesia’s automobile industry and society through employment of 3,000 staff at the new manufacturing plant, development of new part suppliers, technology transfer, and export,” said MMC chairman and CEO Osamu Masuko. The Japanese carmaker says it considers ASEAN its most important market. And the plant has an estimated production capacity of 160,000 units a year.

FRANCE OFFERS RAFALE TECHNOLOGY - France has pledged to transfer technologies to Indonesia to enable local involvement in the production of the Dassault Rafale multirole combat aircraft if it is selected to meet a requirement in the Indonesian Air Force. The French ambassador to Indonesia Corinne Breuzé said in a statement on 26 March that France intends to be flexible in facilitating Rafale collaboration between manufacturer Dassault and Indonesia's state-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara (PTDI). She added, "With the support of the French government, Dassault is open to any possibility of partnerships and transfer technology." In the statement the ambassador also promoted the Rafale as a "100% French" aircraft that would provide the TNI-AU with operational independence, without the requirement for approval from a third party. The Rafale is a latecomer in the competition to replace the aging American-made F-5 E/F Tiger II operated by the Indonesian Air Force. The Indonesian Air Force has repeatedly said it prefers the Su-35, the latest iteration of the Flanker family of jet fighters, although the final decision will be made by the Defense Ministry. DIRECT FLIGHT GUANGZHOU-MANADO - National flag carrier Garuda Indonesia will in June officially launch a direct flight service from Guangzhou in China and Manado in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. In April, the airline will open another flight service to connect Bali and Manado, the provincial capital of North Sulawesi. “This means that many foreign tourists from Bali and China will come to North Sulawesi,” said North Sulawesi Vice Governor Djouhari Kansil when opening the ‘North Sulawesi Tourism Roadshow’ in Kuta, Bali, last Friday (27/3). A rising number of Chinese tourists have visited North Sulawesi in the past years. In February, for instance, a group of 165 Chinese tourists from Chengdu visited North Sulawesi. Their chartered aircraft landed in Manado’s Sam Ratulangi International Airport after a 4.5-hour direct flight from Chengdu, China. During their four-day stay in North Sulawesi, shortly before the Chinese New Year, the Chinese visitors enjoyed tourist attractions in Manado including its China Town, Bunaken National Marine Park, Pulau Lihaga and Kota Tomohon. NEW SUPERBLOCK IN MANADO, INDONESIA - Lippo Group, a prominent business group through PT. Lippo Karawaci Tbk, a leading developer in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, launched its latest prestigious project, an integrated development in Prime Central Business District of Manado, North Sulawesi, called "Monaco Bay" Manado Resort City, a Luxurious Resort Integrated Development with a value of Rp 6 trillion. Ivan Boediono, Chief Executive Officer of Lippo Homes and Jopy Rusly, Chief Marketing Officer of Lippo Homes, announced the commencement of Monaco Bay development. Ivan Boediono said, "Monaco Bay is the largest and latest development in eastern Indonesia and is the only development with a luxurious resort style integrated concept. Monaco Bay will make the city of Manado comparable to the best international standard resort cities in the world like Monaco City. Monaco Bay which will be developed in 8 ha area, is designed by a team of international architects. Eight landmark towers are planned to build. This project will make Manado, which already famous as a marine tourist destination also strengthen its presence as an international resort town. April 2015


April 2~4, 2015 IFGF - 147 West Palm Avenue, Monrovia A fugitive on the run, a promise made to a dying mother and, above all, the hope that despite our circumstances, we still have the power to change the course of our destiny.

deeming nature of love and the strength of the human spirit. This exciting new Broadway revival has been nominated for three 2014 Tony Awards.

A world renowned musical, Les Miserables is coming to IFGF Los Angeles at Monrovia in collaboration with Centre Stage, directed by Keely Milliken.

Set against the dramatic backdrop of the 19th century France and the June Rebellion, Les Miserables follows the escaped convict Jean Valjean as he tries to build a new life for himself and his adopted daughter, Cosette. However, he is hunted for almost two decades by the unrelenting police inspector, Javert whose only dream is to see Valjean behind bars once again. ď Ž

Les Miserables is one of the few musicals that has truly lasted the test of not only time but over 20 translations and 42 countries around the world, and still retained its timeless message of the re-


April 2015

ď ľ (for more info, see page 49 or call 626.358.7700)

April 2015


Photo by Stanley Bratawira Photography -












*) for more INFORMATION: 310.483.3418

Call for :

Spring Season



April 2015


Senior Pastor Paul Tan Assistant Pastor Tom Lay

Sunday services & Church Office 8:30 AM (Indonesian) 11:00 AM (English) 18901 Amar Rd. Walnut, CA 91789 Tel: 626-964-1615 Fax: 626-964-1665 Facebook: CBCWalnut SAN BERNARDINO, CA

Pastor Him Djuhana

Sunday service 9:00 AM (English & Indonesian) 1860 Mountain Ave Loma Linda, CA 92364 Tel: 909-482-4466 SAN DIEGO, CA

Pastor John Hadi

Sunday service, 10 AM (English) 5520 Ruffin Road, suite 109 San Diego, CA 92123 Tel: 858-366-8885 FRESNO, CA

Senior Pastor Paulus Kristanto Sunday service, 10:30 AM 4665 N. First Street Fresno, CA 93726 Tel: 559-228-3222


Pastor Hermanto Anggono Sunday service, 10:00 AM 7223-B Florin Mall Dr. Sacramento, CA 95823 Tel: 916-267-1751


Pastor Hermanto Anggono


Senior Pastor Timothy Sjim

Sunday service, 2:30 PM Friday Home Prayer, 7:00 PM 1580 Gaylord St, Denver, CO 80206 Tel: 720-851-7047 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Meets every 2nd Thursday, 6 PM 6450 Corporate Center Dr. Colorado Springs CARE Cell: Every 4th Thursday, 6 PM Tel: 720-280-5000 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO Meets every 1st Monday of the month at 3:30 PM at Glenwood Suites 2625 Gilstrap Court Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 P.O. Box 1809 Parker, CO 80134 Tel: 720-851-7047 PORTLAND, OR

Senior Pastor Oscar Surjadi Sunday service, 10:30 AM 450 NE 78 Avenue Portland, OR 97213 Tel./Fax: 503-258-9292


Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Pastor Janto Jajaputra

Sunday service, 5:00 PM 1415 North “K” Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Tel: 581-308-0384 Church Office: 350 Kaila Ct, Ocoee, FL 34761 Tel: 407-492-0678 Facebook: City Blessing Ministries CHICAGO, IL

Pastor Rony Kuswanto

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 200 Rev. Morisson Blvd Rainbow Falls Community Center Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Tel: 847-232-0202 Fax: 847-346-0861

Sunday service, 11:00 AM Land O’Lakes Senior Center 6801 W. Wistaria Loop Land O’Lakes, FL 34639 Tel: 813-943-1902

Saturday service, 6:00 PM 2073 Oak Park Blvd., Bldg D MIAMI, FL Pleasant Hill, CA 94520 Tel: 916-267-1751 & 925-998-2788 Bambang Pramusinto Sunday service, 11:00 AM 400 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Tel: 786-306-7174

Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon Assistant Pastor Ronald Politton Sunday service, 4:00 PM 159 Rochester Hill Road Rochester, NH 03878 Mailing Address: 90 Indigo Hill Rd., #15 Somersworth, NH 03878 Tel. Office: 603-509-2937 Twitter & Instagram: @rochestercbc NEW YORK, NY

Lead Pastor Daniel Rachmat Youth Pastor Sean Hoffer

Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM - Indonesian 11:00 AM - Multicultural (English) 38-02 61st, Woodside, NY 11377 Tel./Fax: 718-803-3335 BLOOMINGTON, IN Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia Twitter: @cityblessing Tel: 630-656-4524 Facebook: CityBlessingChurchNYC WEST LAFAYETTE, IN

Associate Pastor Iwayan Subagia

Saturday service, 4:00 PM 2234 Indian Trail Dr. ORLANDO, FL West Lafayette, IN 47906 Lead Pastor Fredy Liwang Mailing Address: Pastor Eddy Djaja 2119 Carlisle Rd Sunday service, 1:00 PM West Lafayette, IN 47906 St. Paul’s Church Tel: 630-656-4524 1450 Citrus Oaks, Gotha, FL 34734 Tel: 407-429-0678 BOSTON, MA TAMPA, FL

Pastor Peter Tan, M.D.


Senior Pastor Zulvy Leon

Sunday service, 10:00 AM 29 Denby Road Allston, MA 02134 Mailing Address: 24 Denby Road, Suite 130 Allston, MA 02134 Tel: 617-787-9119 Fax: 617-787-9449


Lead Pastor Ivan Jonathan

Saturday service, 10:30 AM Executive Boardroom A Executive Hotel & ConferenceCenter Burnaby 4201 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC V5C 3Y6 Tel: 604-771-4233




6 3:1







Marilah Beribadah dan Bertumbuh Bersama Keluarga Besar







INDONESIAN GOOD NEWS CHURCH 14900 Central Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Pastor: Pdt. Dr. Eddy Fances Ph: 909-524-1108

Ibadah Umum/ Sunday Worship (English Translation Provided): Sekolah Minggu Anak/ Children Sunday School: Persekutuan Doa & Bible Study:

Sunday 11.00 AM & 06:00 PM Sunday 11.00 AM & 06:00 PM Friday 07.30 PM



Minggu 05 Apr 2015 Minggu 12 Apr 2015 Minggu 19 Apr 2015 Minggu 26 Apr 2015 Minggu 03 Mei 2015


“Kematian Sudah Mati!” “Pulih Dari Kekecewaan” “Pulih Dari Depresi” “Siapakah 666 Itu?” “Tanda Umat Tebusan Allah”

(Bergabung dengan Ibadah Pagi) “Kasih SetiaNya Kekal Selamanya” “Pulih Dari Keraguan” “Bagaimana Mengenal Kehendak Allah?” “Mau Berhasil? Ini Kuncinya!”

Hadirilah! Ibadah Jumat Agung 3 April, 2015, 7 PM Topik: “Masuk Sorga Tak Perlu Dibaptis”

Ibadah Minggu Paskah 5 April, 2015, 11 AM Topik: “Kematian Sudah Mati!” (Diawali dengan Easter Breakfast Pk 9:30 AM)


April 2015

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