Berlin Technology Hub - Prospectus

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Green Finance delivering Bottom Up Funding for Infrastructure.

Research and Development

Inventor Enterprise

Zero Carbon Pensions

Local Administration

Mutual Insurance

Social Order

Social Enterprise World wide users Energy, Food, Transport Habitation

Green Fund Investors

Fund Governance

Mutual Insurance

National Security

Technology Applicators The Legal framework of community user groups.

A wholesome society exists when the whole Community takes shape, therein lives the strength of the Individual Soul. - Motto of Social Ethics.

Community Capital Framework

Connected Balanced Resilient Prudent

The incorporation of species and materials adapted or suited to the area, e.g. reflect the local area in gardens and landscaping

Identification between people and place expressed through friendship, culture and local traditions, e.g. hold community events in a public building or place

Secure and diverse forms of tenancy and community management of assets, e.g. enable the community to create housing and services suited to their needs

Delightful places that people love and want to be in, e.g. craft buildings that consider local styles, materials, climate and context and give a distinct local character


social exchange



Local ecosystems remain whole by retaining and creating links. e.g. maintain wildlife corridors and natural water courses

A network of social and community organisations that promote connections between people, e.g. support clubs, sports teams, cafés, and volunteer opportunities

Accessible capital and local goods as well as supported commercial hubs and local trading, e.g. facilitate local markets and supply chains

Neighbourhoods with linked walkable streets allowing access to public spaces and transportation, e.g. develop logical routes where all daily needs are within a five-minute walk

biodiverse habitat




A sustainable relationship between man, animals and plants, e.g. produce diverse crops around a town for food security

An inclusive, diverse and mixed population that is tolerant and respectful, e.g. provide homes that the community can afford

A mixed local economy and a mixed profile of investment, e.g. make local goods available and affordable

Places with beautiful and wellscaled architecture and a mix of building types, e.g. design a high street with decorated shop fronts


local governance



The ability for the natural environment to respond and adapt to changes in climate and human activity, e.g. include natural drainage systems to reduce the risk of flooding

Local planning and organising frameworks and life-long education opportunities, e.g. promote education and skills training opportunities for all ages

A flexible economic framework with a broad range of economic activities at different scales, e.g. build new housing in phases, using a sustainable growth model

Building types, spaces and uses that are suited for the region that can adapt and change over time, e.g. plan houses that could become flats, businesses or small shops


access to services



The protection, management and enhancement of natural resources, e.g. use sustainably harvested timber and other natural materials

Safe community facilities and amenities for people, e.g. maintain a centrally located library and health and job centres

Frugal financial planning with a vision of quality giving long-term returns. e.g. incorporate timely maintenance and community reinvestment schemes

A priority to refurbish and renovate with recycled and lasting materials and renewable resources, e.g. use passive cooling and heating and employ renewable energy sources

Sustainable Urban Drainage, Upton, UK Masterplan by The Prince’s Foundation

The Library, Rose Town, Jamaica, Masterplan by The Prince’s Foundation

Local commerce in the market at Brownsword Hall, Poundbury

A high-density, mixed-use neighbourhood in Waterloo


Built place-making


Financial stewardship


Social belonging


Natural native



How the principle of community capital works at different scales

An economy founded on wealth, real wealth and committed to sustainable wealth generation is superior to an economy founded on debt and based on unused energy. While a civilization based on renewable sources of energy – wind, wave, solar, geothermal, tidal and forestry shows signs of longevity, a civilization based on finite sources of energy cannot but meet, eventually its own demise. This is not due to anything other than advances in technology – advances in technology that see ready and unlimited power production when allied to appropriately de-risked and stable sources of finance that address the needs of Social Welfare, Social Dividend, The Common Pool and Return on investment. A combination of Technology, Energy, Investment and Infrastructure Spend calls to be allied into a Framing Paradigm – The Four Agreements – informed by and informing the wider strategy of Capital Generation, Investment Security, Environment and Social Dividend – payable to the Common Pool and realized in terms of increased Food Security and Energy Security. Thus we see that the entire arrangement rests on Design Principle – which Design Principle informs and is informed by the needs of Man and Nature, Community and Capital to realize productive and collaborative ends through the conjunction of Wealth Generation, Food Production and Food Distribution, Technology and Energy. Such a model for allowing insurance to be the battery of the Economy – where circuitry is in place to realign 15% of excess cash for investment through de-risked funding at the base of the pyramid – the Repair Business – Renovating and Renewing the Conditions for creating, attracting and managing wealth through attention to Community Capital, Soil Capital, Knowledge Capital and Natural Capital of which financial Capital is but one – and the expression of asset realizable in liquid form. The most important Capitals – fertility in the top soil and healthy structure of DNA exist without any tradable form other than through the use of selective breeding for resilience in local strains – which agriculturalists have been doing ever since farming first started in Mesopotamia with the Sumerians.

Green Finance – de-risked investment that pays a return on investment through pre-calculated return through Bottom of the Pyramid infrastructure as an investment creates a polarity for Economy where Insurance rather than the fictitious creation of value through printing money holds the power through Conservative Asset Management Principle. This Stewardship Economic addresses the Sustainability of Design, Auditing, Accounting Principle and Relationship of Trust – to enable a reciprocity of arrangement where otherwise there is purely coercion and extraction in an opportunistic competition for scarce resources based entirely on the outcome of conflicting forces where brute strength prevails. This Governance issue – a call to recognize value and the value attached to clean air and fresh water, healthy source of food and ability to provide for the future without incurring debt on future generations – is in line with the Principles and Practice of Eco-capitalism and calls for The Appreciation and hence Reversal of Gresham’s Law that degrades that which is of value – namely currency. The Currency – the Current – powered by the Battery – the Insurer – addresses the needs of the Common Pool by taking an Architectural and Design-led Perspective that is in line with the needs of the modern-day metropolis to feed and sustain its population with energy security at the top of its agenda. This architectural view is realized through appreciating the interdependent dynamic that relates to Cyber Governance – relation with IT and Solar Energy as sources of power – and managing the intermediary stage of access to energy for the purposes of wealth generation through the appropriate deployment of technology. Thus – through use of tool – one can address the related areas of:  Housing  Healthcare  Pensions  Transport  Finance  Energy  Education  Design

This Eight-fold model is encapsulated in Vitruvian Principle and Principle of Taoist Economy that provides a Methodology for the Integration of The Science of Mathematics, The Mathematics of Insurance and the Assurance of Mathematics based on Flow – Capital Flow and Flow Management Systems through Governance and Support, Software and IT, Accounting and Auditing and Financial Services. Conclusion A new generation of financial products and services based on Safe Haven Investment, backed up by Insurance Guarantee with Enterprise Support and Career Support services available by subscription and licensed to design principle, education, qualification, technical validation, kite-mark and consumer protection complete the picture of what is required for Stable State Governance based on Stable State Economics to realize Stable State Prosperity through appropriate management of Stable State Currency – Fid: Def – through a move to Recognise That which is Of Value through a move known otherwise as The Reversal of Gresham’s Law or Green New Deal.

At the start of the 21st century, humanity is becoming a predominantly urban species and this represents a fundamental, systemic change in the relationship between humans and nature. Today the ecological footprints of cities cover much of the Earth’s surface, and urban energy use is intimately linked to climate change. The challenge we now face is no longer just to create sustainable cities but truly regenerative cities: To assure that they do not just become resource-efficient and low-carbon-emitting, but that they positively enhance rather than undermine the ecosystem services they receive from beyond their boundaries. Creating regenerative cities primarily means this: To develop comprehensive political, financial, and technical strategies to assure a restorative relationship between cities and the ecosystems from which they draw resources for their sustenance.

"Agropolis" © Herbert Girardet/Rick Lawrence "Agropolis": the traditional town embedded in its local landscape Towns and cities cannot exist in isolation from nature. They need sustenance for their people and this requires elaborate resource supply arrangements. In his book "The Isolated State", the 19th century German economist and geographer Johann Heinrich von Thünen described how traditional human settlements were systemically linked to their local landscapes via a range of concentric rings representing various modes of cultivation. In the absence of efficient transport systems, cities depended on nearby market gardens, orchards, forests, arable and grazing land, and local water supplies for their sustenance. I have chosen to use the term "Agropolis" for this traditional type of human settlement. The rise of "Petropolis" All this changed fundamentally with the industrial revolution. The new fossil fuel-based technologies severed the intimate linkage between towns and cities and their local hinterland. The modern city can be described as "Petropolis": all its key functions – production, consumption, and transport – are powered by massive injections of non-renewable fossil fuels. Cities were no longer centers of civilization but of mobilization, making long-distance access to resources possible as never before; they increasingly relied on globalized production as well as consumption. But with much of the "easy" coal, oil, and gas now used up, and with climate change and other forms of pollution an ever-growing concern, Petropolis is becoming an increasingly precarious habitat for humanity. The concept of Petropolis needs to be challenged fundamentally as its systemic flaws become increasingly apparent. The challenge now is for us to face up to the environmental impacts of modern urban living before it fatally undermines the health of our planet home. The

"planetary boundaries" that are becoming evident in the face of global industrialization, urbanization, and population growth have major implications for urban decision-making.

"Petropolis" © Herbert Girardet/Rick Lawrence From Petropolis to Ecopolis At the start of the 21st century, a primary task for city people and urban policymakers is to try and map out what is necessary in order to try and expand the parameters of what can become politically possible. We want urban environments that are free from pollution and waste accumulation, but we also need to get to grips with the impacts of cities beyond their boundaries. And we want our cities to provide pleasant spaces for work, recreation and human interaction, and efficient mobility. Can we create human habitats that satisfy the needs of people whilst also assuring ecological resilience?

"Ecopolis" © Herbert Girardet/Rick Lawrence This is where the concept of "Ecopolis" – an ecologically as well as economically restorative city – becomes relevant. It proposes a new integration of the human habitat within its local environment. A new emphasis on regional food needs to be augmented with local, renewable, modern energy supplies. Renewable energy technologies allow us to bring the energy economy home, back to the urban region, from far-flung oil fields and coal mines. Already many smaller towns across Europe have substantial supplies of wind power, biogas, and solar energy from their local region. Both, Europe and the United States are experiencing the rapid growth of farmers’ markets and community-supported agriculture. Currently, such developments are mainly driven by private initiatives. The challenge we face is to initiate public policies that contribute to the emergence of environmentally regenerative cities, and to create new businesses and jobs from greening the urban economy.

The ecological, economic, and social externalities of our urban systems need to be addressed in new ways. Cities exist by taking resources from nature. Ecopolis will actively help to regenerate natural systems from which it draws resources. To initiate projects for restoring the health of forests, soils, and aquatic ecosystems that have been damaged by urban resource demands certainly goes beyond strictly urban policy parameters. Creating frameworks for appropriate action will involve both political and business decisions – with a spectrum ranging from transnational to national, regional, and local levels of decision-making. The following list of policies is based on proposals I made for Adelaide eight years ago, which were scrutinized and largely implemented by the government of South Australia under Premier Mike Rann. Metropolitan Adelaide, with a population of over a million people, has become a global leader in initiating regenerative urban development: Efficient use of energy Make efficient energy use by all sectors a key focus of urban planning and management Modify building codes to make resource-efficient building practice the norm Create energy sufficiency standards to limit per capita energy consumption "Solar city" development Introduce feed-in tariffs for renewable energy, enabling owners to sell electricity to the grid at preferential rates Support renewable energy development as an important new manufacturing industry Water security "Waterproof" cities by encouraging water efficiency and rainwater collection in households and businesses Make wastewater recycling and reuse a central plank of water policy Zero waste Develop new industries for processing organic wastes into soil-enhancing materials Implement policies for the cost-effective reprocessing of all technical wastes Use zero-waste policy to create new green businesses and jobs Local food Encourage local peri-urban food production for local markets Encourage farmers’ markets and community-supported agriculture Sustainable transport Create new pedestrian zones wherever possible Create a comprehensive network of dedicated cycle lanes across cities

Encourage public transport by improving its attractiveness, frequency, and flexibility Stimulate development of new electric- and fuel-cell vehicle technology Encourage car-sharing as a key feature of urban transport Nature and the city Encourage tree planting for biodiversity and soil erosion control in and around the city Make carbon sequestration a key aspect of peri-urban tree planting Develop initiatives to help restore forests in remoter areas Green business Boost green business by effective use of government procurement Encourage resource efficiency in all businesses Create “green business incubatorsâ€? across the city A culture of restorative urbanization Ensure that it is addressed through education, the media, and public events Ensure that all citizens have a stake in restorative development Produce regular reports on implementation of eco-restoration policies and practices The challenge now is to initiate a mutual learning process in which cities across the world can exchange experiences and information about best policies and practices of regenerative urbanism. It seems to me that the Heinrich BĂśll Foundation could make a major contribution to this vitally important process.

Energy isn’t the issue – there is enough energy reaching us from the sun and we’ll work out how to harness it. The real issue is materials – there aren’t that many meteorites, so we only have what exists in the earth.

Has political dysfunction weakened America to the point where all it can hope for is a passably managed decline? Is Europe’s decay inevitable? Will Chinese technocrats lord over all of humanity by the year 2039?

In “The Fourth Revolution: The Global Race to Reinvent the State,” John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of The Economist, and Adrian Wooldridge, managing editor of The Economist, answer these questions in an insightful and thought-provoking way. During this book forum, the authors will explain why — after three revolutions have created the nation state, liberal state, and welfare state — the time is ripe for the completion of the fourth revolution, which will finally create the smaller, more focused, and more efficient government envisioned by Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan, and Margaret Thatcher.

As a species we have convinced ourselves that we are not part of nature, so 3.8bn years of R&D doesn’t apply to us, only the last 200 years. Look at a spider making thread, and then look at the huge chemical plant making our synthetic equivalent – we have a lot to learn from nature.

Energy isn’t the issue – there is enough energy reaching us from the sun and we’ll work out how to harness it. The real issue is materials – there aren’t that many meteorites, so we only have what exists in the earth.

The Institution of Big Society calls for the Integration of Conservation, Healthcare, Energy, Education, Technology, Agriculture and Housing (CHEETAH) in a ready-todeploy package of measures supported by Systems, Software, Services and Security that can be rolled out at the local level by elected mayors – in the context of Appropriate Governance – Regulation, Structure, Processes, Capital Deployment, Products, Recycling and Reporting – the 7 Indices of Circular Economy. As a species we have convinced ourselves that we are not part of nature, so 3.8bn years of R&D doesn’t apply to us, only the last 200 years. Look at a spider making thread, and then look at the huge chemical plant making our synthetic equivalent – we have a lot to learn from nature.

Energy isn’t the issue – there is enough energy reaching us from the sun and we’ll work out how to harness it. The real issue is materials – there aren’t that many meteorites, so we only have what exists in the earth.

Circular Economy is detailed in the accompanying work – Technology and Agriculture that takes a look at Town and Country Systems according to the Ecopolis – Agro-polis Model of World Future Council and UN Habitat.

Previous attempts to address Climate Change have as yet produced impasse: What is called for is: 1. Stewardship of Resource – Conservative Asset Management Principle 2. Risk-averse rather than risk-taking behaviour – recycling according to underwriting principle 3. Governance – Triple Bottom Line Accounting – Reporting – Validation - KPIs 4. Macro and Micro Understanding according to Agro-Economy and AgroEcology 5. Food Security and Energy Security – DESIGN Plan 6. Integrated Back-Office Systems 7. Integrated Banking and Insurance Systems 8. Access to Justice Provision of the above is made possible by IBIS – IBOSS – AGRICOLA Systems – Vitruvian Systems – SATORI Systems and Terra Madre in the context of insurers and pension service providers delivering Bottom Up Financing for Infrastructure As an Investment according to Transport Plans for Surface Grid Integration (SGI) that sees the emergence of Open Capital for Open Society in line with World Wide Five Pillars Authority – Farming – Finance – Forestry – Fisheries and Food – see: and the work of Sir Albert Howard.

As a species we have convinced ourselves that we are not part of nature, so 3.8bn years of R&D doesn’t apply to us, only the last 200 years. Look at a spider making thread, and then look at the huge chemical plant making our synthetic equivalent – we have a lot to learn from nature.

Energy isn’t the issue – there is enough energy reaching us from the sun and we’ll work out how to harness it. The real issue is materials – there aren’t that many meteorites, so we only have what exists in the earth.

As a species we have convinced ourselves that we are not part of nature, so 3.8bn years of R&D doesn’t apply to us, only the last 200 years. Look at a spider making thread, and then look at the huge chemical plant making our synthetic equivalent – we have a lot to learn from nature.

Energy isn’t the issue – there is enough energy reaching us from the sun and we’ll work out how to harness it. The real issue is materials – there aren’t that many meteorites, so we only have what exists in the earth.

As a species we have convinced ourselves that we are not part of nature, so 3.8bn years of R&D doesn’t apply to us, only the last 200 years. Look at a spider making thread, and then look at the huge chemical plant making our synthetic equivalent – we have a lot to learn from nature.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Lao Tzu

The City Corporation A company of men is dependent upon supply lines (access to Energy) when in the field – so too is the city corporation dependent on its supply of energy. This corporation is none other than the City Corporation – the Municipal Corporation whose Momentum in Creating Capital depends on its 

Know-How (Science)

Access to Capital – Finance

Food – Agriculture

Technology – Use Of.

Strategy for Natural Capital creation

Services and Revenues

Integrated corporate and municipal strategy makes use of Integrated Science – Capital – Agriculture and Technology to deliver best practice. Essential to these Four Agreements being effective are: energy security and food security - which find coherent expression in the Green City Model – Ecopolis – Agro-polis – which modern day polis holds the key to effective municipal coherence in terms of revenue – governance – energy – finance and sustainable technology – dependent as all these Five Aspects are on Design. 

Soclal Franchise - A Design-informed Model – Open Capital for Open Society

1. Franchising Inclusive Capitalism (Big Society) in accord with the Green Imperative. The Sustainable City State can plug into: 

Open Capital for

Transition to low-carbon technology (Energy Security)

Local agriculture (Food Security)

Making use of Know-how (Science) embedded in the Sustainable City Free-state Open Society Eco-polis Design Model. Zero Carbon Pensions

Allied to design of the city state – Science – Technology – Capital and Agriculture are Pension-led models for addressing the needs of the population through recurring revenues created from investment in low-carbon technology.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Lao Tzu

This design-led Finance Strategy is called Zero Carbon Pensions and provides a useful starting point for Social Franchise (dissemination of best practice according to the Sustainable City Model). The Sustainable City addresses: 




Food as well as Energy and Technology in an Integrated Scientific Perspective.

The same Systems’ Thinking can also inform 12 Areas under the heading Sustainable City Design 1. Transport 2. Healthcare 3. Environmental Services 4. Accounting Principles 5. Governance (Eunomia) 6. Education 7. Security 8. Defence 9. Social Services 10. Development of Natural Capital 11. The above are informed by Integrated Insurance Principles to de-risk Enterprise Lending and provide for Zero Carbon Pensions. 

This is made possible by IBIS – Integrated Banking and Insurance Software 12 Collection of Revenues and Governance are addressed through Chambers of Commerce Strategy.

Chambers of Commerce Strategy are powered by Integrated Back-Office Systems – iBoS.

Both( 11) and (12) IBIS and iBoS are available from Nudge Digital.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Lao Tzu

Items 1-10 are dealt with in the Eunomia Series on Sustainable City Governance – Social Franchise Package – Prinzip – Praxis – Methodology and Overview. It is for the City Corporation to state its desired objectives in an independent statement of interest and value (The City Protocol) to create the Protocol of Understanding that enables City Governance proceed on a Sustainable Basis. Participating City Corporations 1. Eco-polis – agro-polis cities 2. Bristol Green Capital 3. Cities informed by Berlin Technology Hub – The Four agreements 4. City of London Corporation 5. Red Dragon Cities 6. Taoist Economy

He who knows others is wise; He who know himself is enlightened. – Lao Tzu

For one who stands representing Sacred Culture (The way of the Elders, the lore of Nature) it is all too easy to be embattled by predatory forces of self-interest that are inimical to the ways of Being that are long-held and established but with whom one finds oneself in a losing battle to stand in defence of and take on the ways of Man with his known capacity for Fallen Nature. To be at odds with Nature – there is but one loser – and it is Man himself who finds himself on the losing side if he seeks to disrespect the Ways that are Bigger, More Powerful and Longestablished in order to extract from them what he can. Thus – species without a commercial value become driven to extinction – those with a commercial value likewise find themselves on a losing streak – the only way to deal with creatures that have a commercial value is Farming With Compassion. The call is to integrate the needs of Secular Culture with Sacred Culture in such a way as that See a Need – Meet a Need is not corrupted by selfinterest, hostile intent, extractive method or reductive technology that will reduce man to slave in order to Feed The Machine. Just as technology brings with it advance – increase in healthcare benefits, sanitation, prosperity and design – the technology requires careful alignment with the Needs of Man. This is not just what he wants to buy – a refrigerator that needs replacing every five years, a car that breaks down, lipstick and computer games. The Needs of Man are defined by the Seven Agreements – one for Each Day of the Week – Place of Safety – Defence against Hostile Forces – Freedom from fear – Health – Relationship, Livelihood – Meaningful Work – Food and Recreation – embedded in an all encompassing all-informing Cosmology that provides: Sense of Sacred – Meaningful Refuge and Hope. That this is dependent on Man himself making an Effort – namely Faith – is too much for the reductive, immediate reptilian side of the brain to cope with – hence Education and Security and Home and Family – The Four Agreements – need to be held together by a Dimension of Life based on ritual – Sacred Food – “ana atman” – that Vedic Culture knows so well.

I have three treasures. Guard and keep them: The first is deep love, The second is frugality, And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world. Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world. – Lao Tzu – The Way of The Tao Te Ching

He who knows others is wise; He who know himself is enlightened. – Lao Tzu

The challenge thus is one of communicating Right Intent – the Second of the Noble Eight fold Path that begins with Right Value and follows from Right Perception that is included in Right Value. Without Shared Value one can never make it to the following steps of Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood – never mind realise Right Concentration and Right Practice. Simply – Doing the Right Thing is not immediately obvious – nor even seen to be beneficial by those who have not had the benefit of a Classical Education. Which is why - we need the Chinese more than even they can realise. And besides – they outnumber everyone else on the Planet so we might as well harness the wave and use wave power to engage in renewable energy – which of course is a technology issue – and The Chinese love to talk about Technology. Here come the Nine renewables – Wind, Wave, Tidal, Aerobic Digestion, Aerobic Digestion Landfill, Bio-char, Solar, Forestry and geothermal not to mention Hydrogen which is the subject of Jeremy Rifkind’s book that the Chinese are familiar with. Why We Need Chinese Culture Two Reasons: 1. Sun Tzu – Art of Strategy and 2. Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching For those familiar with Hieronymous of Damascene – Taoism provides a balance of Christian value and Common Sense that is amenable to those who are not familiar culturally with the exploits of Roman ways of treating people and who for whatever reason prefer to avoid the cultural legacy of the civilising force of the West. Taoism provides a way for East-West Synergy and reciprocity to be framed in culturally convenient ways – see The Tao of Christ or for those of any age – even and especially Children - The Tao of Pooh – by Benjamin Hof. For the Four Antagonistic Sacred Forces to come together it is necessary to embed Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Taoism in an East – West Framework that respects Ancient Wisdom and what better way than by calling on one another to engage in Right Speech? This is one component of The Four Agreements – see the work by Dan Ruiz – namely – not to have grand expectations, to be scrupulous with one’s word, not to

I have three treasures. Guard and keep them: The first is deep love, The second is frugality, And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world. Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world. – Lao Tzu – The Way of The Tao Te Ching

He who knows others is wise; He who know himself is enlightened. – Lao Tzu

take criticism personally and having appropriate respect – to do one’s best. This frames the Sacred in humanistic terms that are Spiritual at their heart. The underlying Dynamic – is Give and Take – this is the essence of Taoism – without Reciprocity there can be no Meaning – and without Meaning – no Currency. It is in all our interests to have Faith in the Sovereign – the Meaning of Currency in our pocket – without which basic respect the devaluation become translated into something much more powerful and amoral – market forces – with the attendant consequence that we all end up preying – on one another – better to pray when tossed about on a stormy sea in a lifeboat than prey on one another for a life-jacket. The fact is that Navigation Skills are more valuable than all put together. And Steering a Boat is not more than Running and Economy – it is only when everyone thinks he or she can “have a go” at steering that the trouble begins. When one is steering blind in a rudderless craft with no sense of navigation skill then one looks for the kind of Stewardship of Economy that is based on Defence – Security – Land and Law – Natural Law and Development of Natural Capital that is realised by creation of wealth for the Land in Harmony with Natural Rhythm . This is Taoism – at home in the Tao which is the Way of Heaven and Earth. Connecting Heaven and Earth is an Aikido move – Uchi Nage – which the exponent of Cultural Diplomacy is called to perform. Aikido means “Way of Harmony”. We need Harmony in Architecture, Medicine, Law and Accounting – this is what is called for. For, if some of us are counting on a different frame of reference – what is there but mutual conflict, misunderstanding – with all that that can give rise to by way of mistrust, and mutual incomprehension?

Praxis The Practical Art of Diplomacy The Deal

I have three treasures. Guard and keep them: The first is deep love, The second is frugality, And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world. Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world. – Lao Tzu – The Way of The Tao Te Ching

He who knows others is wise; He who know himself is enlightened. – Lao Tzu

We need Integrated Medicine – Chinese Taoist Medicine is informed by a Cosmology that can be judged by its results – to keep people healthy rather than treat symptoms. Treating symptoms is good for manufacturing – but wheel chair makers do not provide adequate means of Transport for All and what we need are Modern Cities based on Integrated Design Principles that address the needs of Food Security and Energy Security. The Integrated City Model is a Blueprint for Taoist Design and Chinese Technology and Chinese Investment provided that the system can be run on the Principles that accord with the need of Eco-capitalism. This is based on Triple Bottom Line Accounting – namely where impact on People and Place – People and Nature are assessed in the Governance Procedures – this is according to Integrated Capitalism where Natural Resources are seen as value and on which fresh air, clean water and natural health dependent on healthy food are seen as invisible components of Financial Capital – which is but the tip of the iceberg in the development of Natural Capital that depends on Human Capital – Social Capital, Knowledge Capital, Infrastructural Capital, Cultural Capital and Soil Capital. It all depends on the Soil – and this is where Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester come in with specialist knowledge and expertise for other countries dependent on Chinese technology and Chinese investment. The secret of Green Finance is to create revenue streams from Bottom Up Funding – whereby investment is injected at grass roots and creates rental income through being supported by appropriate infrastructure – Design – Technology – Investment and Science – which is why we need Taoist Investment – Taoist Design – Taoist Technology and Taoist Principle – informed by Chinese experience to provide the Coherent Cosmology for Sustainable Planet Regeneration. Of course the business opportunity is to export understanding of Taoist Medicine – this can be taken care of by Integrative Medicine – Dr Rosy Daniels – Bath – and Integrative Architecture – according to Taoist Principles that develop Natural Capital – and this can be taken care of by architect Friends while the Development of Green Finance

I have three treasures. Guard and keep them: The first is deep love, The second is frugality, And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world. Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world. – Lao Tzu – The Way of The Tao Te Ching

He who knows others is wise; He who know himself is enlightened. – Lao Tzu

can be taken care of through Holders of Value – those Value organisations that accord with The Four Agreements to put Conservation at their core. Here we need of course to integrate our Design with your Technology and Investment through Law and Accounting – for Law we have Sun Tzu who provides us with Natural Law – founded on the needs of Civilisation and for Accounting we have Principle-led Accounting for Sustainability led by the Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland with their Chinese Rules This is called Commonwealth Strategy for BRIC countries – it is governed by Institute of Chartered Accountants in Edinburgh – with Integrated Taxation payable to WWF Scotland through SKY TV. Thus the Commonwealth can set the world to work and collect the tax for Conservation using Integrated Taxation Principle based on the Four Agreements and the Development of Natural Capital. Taoism is purely a Methodology to communicate aright the work that needs to be done in the interests of Harmony – to repair damaged eco-systems, to restore order to imbalance, to redress injustice through appropriate mediation – skill rather than conflict – and to engage in necessary investment for transition to low-carbon technology to address food security and energy security in such a way as addresses the three disparate strands of human health and happiness, prosperity and planetary needs through Systems’ Understanding – and Taoism is nothing other than Systems’ Awareness though accessible by other names – Dharma, Vedic Law, Natural Law and The Logos. The opportunity then is to bring understanding of Chinese Culture in such a way as that Education, Healthcare, Architecture and Investment can be integrated with the needs of Investment, Technology, Enterprise, Land, Community, Agriculture, Food, Nature (the Sacred) and Conservation. By Integrating the above through Energy requirements – investment in Renewable Energy then Energy Security can be addressed in such a way as is compatible with appropriate land use, appropriate use of

I have three treasures. Guard and keep them: The first is deep love, The second is frugality, And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world. Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world. – Lao Tzu – The Way of The Tao Te Ching

He who knows others is wise; He who know himself is enlightened. – Lao Tzu

technology and sustainable investment in food and energy security –community building and Stable State Governance. It is by addressing the issue from one of Stable State Governance that one is able to see through competing claims for loyalty and discover a unifying perspective from the intersection of Land and Technology and Investment and Value that is held together by a Conservative Approach – Stewardship as Duty and not Stewardship as Job – the Good Shepherd does not run away when threatened by wolves predating His Flock in the way the hireling does. It is by taking The Long View that one does The Right Thing. Such is the Preserve of One who has Studied Military Science and understands the demands of Unified Field Perspective. He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces. He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all ranks. He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign. * If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle

I have three treasures. Guard and keep them: The first is deep love, The second is frugality, And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world. Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world. – Lao Tzu – The Way of The Tao Te Ching

He who knows others is wise; He who know himself is enlightened. – Lao Tzu

*By altering his arrangements and changing his plans, [the skillful general] keeps the enemy without definite knowledge of his movements. By shifting his camp and taking circuitous routes, he prevents the enemy from anticipating his purpose. * When invading hostile territory the general principle is that penetrating deeply brings cohesion; penetrating only a short way means dispersion. * Confront your soldiers with the deed itself; never let them know your design. When the outlook is bright, bring it before their eyes; but tell them nothing when the situation is gloomy. Chapter twelve: attack by fire * Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical. * If it is to your advantage to make a forward move, make a forward move; if not, stay where you are. Chapter thirteen: Use of spies * Hostile armies may face each other for years... This being so, to remain in ignorance of the enemy's condition simply because one grudges the outlay of a hundred ounces of silver in honours and emoluments, is the height of inhumanity.

I have three treasures. Guard and keep them: The first is deep love, The second is frugality, And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world. Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world. – Lao Tzu – The Way of The Tao Te Ching

He who knows others is wise; He who know himself is enlightened. – Lao Tzu * [Among the classes of spies is "doomed spies". The translator quotes a commentator: "We thus ostentatiously do things calculated to deceive our own spies; who must be led to believe that they have been unwittingly disclosed. Then, when these spies are captured in the enemy's lines, they will make an entirely false report, and the enemy will take measures accordingly, only to find that we do something quite different. The spies will thereupon be put to death."]

I have three treasures. Guard and keep them: The first is deep love, The second is frugality, And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world. Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world. – Lao Tzu – The Way of The Tao Te Ching

From Education to Employment The questions around from Education to Employment are as much a matter for governments as they are for parents. Students who do not discover their aptitudes and capabilities risk becoming a social cost and liability for social service providers as well as a missed opportunity for relationship. The key to successful transition relies on Four Framing Considerations: 1. What is the Nature and Structure of Educational Engagement? 2. Are the Transition Structures in place from continuity providers – e.g. financial service providers, insurance companies, relationship managers and stakeholders? 3. To what extent are missed opportunies a failure of “reading the marketplace” – navigation, signposting, literacy and understanding? 4. The question that arises – to what extent can it be in the interest of financial service providers to sponsor coherence in local economy and facilitate appropriate navigation. The Navigation Navigation of the route from Education to Employment calls for interest to be engaged at an early level by stakeholders, namely the parents, educators, employers and students themselves. This engagement is best effected by those who have access and vested interest in long-term relationship building with the economic players – the life assurance companies, the pension providers, the funders of local infrastructure, the investors, local authorities themselves in the context of providing an appropriate, relevant education for an educated workforce to design next-generation successful enterprise – culture – societal renewal, organisation, service provision and community that serves the needs of People and Nature – People and Place. The Holders of the Vision The Holders of the Vision bodies of Governance, Law that is government, local elected representative or

are the Trustees – the Elders – the and Fiscal Responsibility – whether government, elder, trusted advisor, custodian of value.

Accordingly The Blueprint for Education to Employment is held by Community Capital Development Foundation and Requests for Proposal are invited by investors, pension funds, financial service providers and education providers on appropriate measures that may be taken to address current impasse – with or without the assistance of Community Capital Development Foundation, The Global Alliance of Banking on Values, United Nations – Principles of Responsible Investment – employers and social service providers, the Rockefeller Foundation – World Future Council and UNICEF. Interested parties are invited to submit proposals for sustainability in the areas of:  Provision of Energy  Provision of Financial Services  Provision of Education  Provision of Employment  Provision of Career Support  Provision of Social Service  Provision of Healthcare  Fashion, Design, Culture, Music, Dance and Song According to the criteria indicated for provision of tender on a regional, sub-regional or national basis accordance with the guidelines for co-operation with Sustainable Banking – according to UN Principle and Earth Charter.

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, can never be beautiful”. Xenophon Community Regeneration Forum introduces you to social investors. We deliver Institute of Strategic Studies CPD for Business, Finance, Law, Accounting, Corporation Governance & Economy. The role of the Forum is to support projects and initiatives that are: environmental, ethical, educational, social and sustainable. We provide bursaries and funding, curricula design and course development. We offer publishing and media services – ideas incubation & Ethical Support for Green Projects. We work with schools and education providers. We provide career orientation and enterprise support to graduates and school leavers. rd

The Forum’s main activity is to identify and support 3 sector organisations to attract and retain key personnel, as well as to deliver services that support community regeneration and sustainable community. The forum uses the processes and discipline of venture capital expertise, with the added expertise of futures’ thinking, strategy design and development of social capital. Instead of maximising its own profits, The Forum seeks to develop social capital through a network of relationships, strategic, local and inter-community. Our role is to enable community to find its voice and develop resilience through the principles and practice of Transition Culture, low carbon-lifestyle, eco-living, reskilling and opportunity for all. We specialise in the use and deployment of independent media, and our principles are based on the work of E.F. Schumacher – Economics As If People Mattered. The Forum is therefore allied to a positive social vision that is based on the principles of human ecology and Whole Person Development. Community Regeneration is at the forefront in development of social capital and cultural enterprise in the context of multi-cultural understanding, education and conservation. We invite members of the ethical sector to apply to join us. As an ethical sector member (charity, community collective, co-op or Social Enterprise) we help you take a strategic approach to delivering products or services to your audience, the markets in which you operate and the community of interests that you address. We welcome ethical sector members who seek to work with us in any one or more of the following specialist areas: rural community, urban renewal, “Farms For the Future”, low-carbon lifestyle, eco-living, opportunity for all, local food production and work-life balance. We work with law service providers in the specialist areas of good governance, community leadership, due diligence, CSR, sustainability and charity or CIC formation. We can provide capacity building for your organisation (CIC, charity or co-op) as well as: revenue generation, fund-raising, events planning, membership sign-up and subscription services to generate recurring revenues.

“Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!” Greece as a Technology Hub Introducing the work of: MIT Enterprise Forum The Prague Security Studies Institute Institute of Strategic Policy Studies Movement for Open Government WIKI-Government Systems

HARMONICS An Introduction Harmony is at the root and source of: Dharma, Justice, Design, Language, Nature, Science, Art – Mathematics and Civilisation. As Pythagoras indicated – The results of Mathematical Proportion apply to all spheres of our life including: Management, Leadership, Intelligence, Adaptation, Economy, Finance and Flow. We introduce 7 works for Management Education based on our understanding of Language and Leadership for Management of Enterprise, Community, Nation or Government. WIKI-Government Systems and Services, Software and Support are underpinned by our commitment to Deep Democracy through Finance and Technology, Investment, Defence, Energy, Agriculture and Law. The work we do IDEAL NGO provides for Safe-haven investment in Green City Infrastructure for Pension Funds and Institutional Investors in a number of Key Regions:  Europe  Asia  Latin America  The Commonwealth  Russia  North America  Africa. Contact us Directly for details of aligning Finance with Technology through the deployment of Assets and Resources for the development of the Four Capitals: Community Capital, Human Capital, Knowledge Capital and Natural Capital in line with RIO Nation objectives. See: Swords to Ploughshares: Addressing The Knowledge Capital Base of: 1. Yourself as an individual 2. People and their organizations

Wiki – Government Systems for Finance and Design, Technology and Capital. Open Capital for Open Society

Knowledge Capital The Seven Works we introduce to you are: 1. Good Business, Flow, Leadership and the Making of Meaning 2. The Evolving Self 3. Economics As If People Mattered 4. The Economics of Good and Evil 5. Eunomia Vols 1-12 6. Lingua Vista – Language and Management Systems based on the Harmony of Language and Mathematics – Economics and Ecology 7. Terra Firma Economics By way of introduction to our Management and Leadership Series of Titles we enable Kindle Download of an introductory work: Zen & The Art of Civilisation – Cultural Enterprise – a Handbook for Commercial Ecologists. We run retreats and seminars on Zen and the Art of Making a Living by Laurence Boldt at selected venues and Hub locations for those who want to access subscription services and enterprise support for ideas incubation and “Ethical Support for Green Projects”. See: Schedule of Services – Offer of Service – School of Writers and SCENE – Social & Cultural Enterprise in the New Economy. For organizations in the New Economy 1. We offer bespoke Management Degree Course programmes in languages, leadership, economy, design, web services and communications. 2. Our Degree Programmes are bespoke and made and branded to suit your organizations brand and recruitment strategy for lifelong learning, continuous improvement and kaizen. We work with and universities worldwide in creating the next generation of learning programmes for the NOOWEB Learning Platform based on Language, Communications, Leadership and Harmonics Economy. 3. Subscription Services Plug you into Our Systems, Services, Software and Support. We are open to application from Sponsors, Patrons, Fellows and Partners who seek to be of influence in the world of Design, Communications, IT, Investment, Infrastructure, Education Technology and Healthcare. 4. The Entry-level services available for individuals are ideas incubation and Ethical Support for Green Projects (by subscription) for those who learn a language with us, Wiki – Government Systems for Finance and Design, Technology and Capital. Open Capital for Open Society enroll on a management course or attend a retreat seminar. 5. Entry-level services for organizations are defined for those whose remit is: environmental, ethical, educational, social or sustainable. The Next Step 6. Go to and select your subscription for support, services, software and systems. For Those Who WANT TO Know More – The role of AI 

 

Our Language Learning Systems for Foreign Language Learning are available in: Russia, China, Japan, Europe, Latin America, The Commonwealth, Africa and North America. We provide Management Handbooks for your organization or Campus to deliver Graduate Level Learning and CPD based on Harmonics and New Economy for the next generation of professional. Language Systems enabling Open Source Communication are available on a bespoke basis according to your defined needs. We welcome campus wide collaboration in Green Technology and AI applications for those who seek to replicate Harmonics Economy on a local, regional or national basis.

What We Offer Working with Open Capital for Open Society we enable National Partners to align Finance with Technology with National Need and Design (Capital Generation) in the areas of development of: Community Capital, Human Capital, Natural Capital and Soil Capital through the application of Green Finance at the Source of Opportunity (Need) through deployment of financial investment and technology at community level (Green City Partnerships) in accord with the Eco-polis – Agro-polis model of World Future Council. Green 1. 2. 3.

City Partnerships offer: Access to Finance Triple-Bottom Line Accounting Green New Deal contracts for National players to sign up local authorities through Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce and licensing of WIKI-Government Systems for Deep Democracy.

Wiki – Government Systems for Finance and Design, Technology and Capital. Open Capital for Open Society The Four Agreements The Four Agreements enable the alignment of Finance with Technology through: 1. Integrated Banking and Insurance Services 2. Infrastructure as an investment (Safe Haven Destination for funds in Green City Infrastructure) 3. Zero Carbon Pensions – investment in renewable energy and solar-powered Chambers of Commerce. 4. Integrated Taxation based on local revenues collected through registered and licensed enterprise with each Fair Trade Chamber of Commerce. Principles – Natural Capital The above is in accord with the call to Address Gresham’s Law through the integration of macro- and micro-understanding of economy and to enable risk-averse enterprise lending be underpinned by insurance and Conservative Asset Management Principle distinct from risk-prone debt-based economy that is not informed by the Science of Economy and Finance – Commercial Ecology and the development of Natural Capital. See: Eco-capitalism – Wiki-pedia and Taoist Economy. The model The model is based on The Seed of Life – 7 Components The Seven Components are: 1. Design – Open Source Design for Green City Planning based on Vitruvian and Taoist Principles of Sustainability – Technology and Finance providing the medium of Man and Society to work in Harmony with Nature for the creation of Eco-capital – Natural Capital – in line with the needs of the RIO Nations and United Nations accord for Responsible Investment. 2. IT – The Provision of Chamber of Commerce functionality through Triple-Bottom-Line Accounting and deployment of Finance for Safe Haven Investment. Systems, Services, Software and Support are provided on license to those who subscribe to Chamber of Commerce Functionality – available through Software As a Service. 3. Finance – Integrated Banking and Insurance Services complement Insurance – backed Back-Office Systems and Insurance Based Asset Management, IBIS – IBBOS and IBAM are available through Nudge Digital Software as a Service. 4. Funding – Investment comes in the shape of non-debt finance seeking Safe Haven Investment and Return on Investment. We work with Pension Funds, insurers, savers, investors and financial service providers to enable Bottom Of the Pyramid Funding to go into renewable energy projects, IT infrastructure, social assets, agricultural assets, transport, healthcare and education to provide Wiki – Government Systems for Finance and Design, Technology and Capital. Open Capital for Open Society for food security and energy security in accord with the need to develop Human Capital, Community Capital, Natural Capital and Soil Capital – replenishing depleted top soil to create fertile conditions for Agro-Economy. 5. WIKI – Government Systems include access to electoral voting systems through civic participation and Social Contract for Unified Integrated Taxation based on Stewardship of Natural Resources and Eco-capitalism based on the safeguard of value through understanding of Gresham’s Law. 6. Security. Financial Security – Identity Security – Swords to Ploughshares and de-escalation of conflict is enabled through Insurance Backed Legally Integrated Normative Knowledge – I BLINK that provides for Insurance based corporate governance, professional and commercial liability coverage and access to conflict resolution, justice and healthcare. 7. Norms and Standards – Qualifications and Education are provided by: and North-South Fair Trade Economic Partnerships for Chamber of Commerce operations – Solar Energy and Renewable Resource management through CPD and kai-zen. Each local authority The local authority is enabled to access the CHEETAH license agreement for Conservation – Housing – Energy – Education – Technology – Agriculture and Healthcare by signing up to subscription services delivered by Service Providers in conjunction with Infrastructure as an investment – and Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce services delivered on a Regional Basis by appropriate IT service providers. Design Design Partners capable of working with BIM Open Source are invited to participate on a regional or national basis with Finance Service Providers and Fair Trade Economic Partners through the medium of Nudge Digital and Berlin Technology Hub and the Fair Trade Chamber of Commerce partnership license.

Wiki – Government Systems for Finance and Design, Technology and Capital. Open Capital for Open Society

License is available to subscribers as part of a Service Level Agreement for the provision of hosting, support, software, services and systems for WIKI-Government that can be made available to local authorities on a regional or national basis in conjunction with services for education and software support.

Wiki – Government Systems for Finance and Design, Technology and Capital. Open Capital for Open Society

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