Democracy and Defence

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Green Finance delivering Bottom Up Funding for Infrastructure.

Research and Development

Inventor Enterprise

Zero Carbon Pensions

Local Administration

Mutual Insurance

Social Order

Social Enterprise World wide users Energy, Food, Transport Habitation

Green Fund Investors

Fund Governance

Mutual Insurance

National Security

Technology Applicators The Legal framework of community user groups.

A wholesome society exists when the whole Community takes shape, therein lives the strength of the Individual Soul. - Motto of Social Ethics.

Community Capital Framework

Connected Balanced Resilient Prudent

The incorporation of species and materials adapted or suited to the area, e.g. reflect the local area in gardens and landscaping

Identification between people and place expressed through friendship, culture and local traditions, e.g. hold community events in a public building or place

Secure and diverse forms of tenancy and community management of assets, e.g. enable the community to create housing and services suited to their needs

Delightful places that people love and want to be in, e.g. craft buildings that consider local styles, materials, climate and context and give a distinct local character


social exchange



Local ecosystems remain whole by retaining and creating links. e.g. maintain wildlife corridors and natural water courses

A network of social and community organisations that promote connections between people, e.g. support clubs, sports teams, cafés, and volunteer opportunities

Accessible capital and local goods as well as supported commercial hubs and local trading, e.g. facilitate local markets and supply chains

Neighbourhoods with linked walkable streets allowing access to public spaces and transportation, e.g. develop logical routes where all daily needs are within a five-minute walk

biodiverse habitat




A sustainable relationship between man, animals and plants, e.g. produce diverse crops around a town for food security

An inclusive, diverse and mixed population that is tolerant and respectful, e.g. provide homes that the community can afford

A mixed local economy and a mixed profile of investment, e.g. make local goods available and affordable

Places with beautiful and wellscaled architecture and a mix of building types, e.g. design a high street with decorated shop fronts


local governance



The ability for the natural environment to respond and adapt to changes in climate and human activity, e.g. include natural drainage systems to reduce the risk of flooding

Local planning and organising frameworks and life-long education opportunities, e.g. promote education and skills training opportunities for all ages

A flexible economic framework with a broad range of economic activities at different scales, e.g. build new housing in phases, using a sustainable growth model

Building types, spaces and uses that are suited for the region that can adapt and change over time, e.g. plan houses that could become flats, businesses or small shops


access to services



The protection, management and enhancement of natural resources, e.g. use sustainably harvested timber and other natural materials

Safe community facilities and amenities for people, e.g. maintain a centrally located library and health and job centres

Frugal financial planning with a vision of quality giving long-term returns. e.g. incorporate timely maintenance and community reinvestment schemes

A priority to refurbish and renovate with recycled and lasting materials and renewable resources, e.g. use passive cooling and heating and employ renewable energy sources

Sustainable Urban Drainage, Upton, UK Masterplan by The Prince’s Foundation

The Library, Rose Town, Jamaica, Masterplan by The Prince’s Foundation

Local commerce in the market at Brownsword Hall, Poundbury

A high-density, mixed-use neighbourhood in Waterloo


Built place-making


Financial stewardship


Social belonging


Natural native



How the principle of community capital works at different scales

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

Democracy is in trouble, no question about that, and it comes in part from a deep dilemma in which it is embedded. It's increasingly irrelevant to the kinds of decisions we face that have to do with global pandemics, a cross-border problem; with HIV, a transnational problem; with markets and immigration, something that goes beyond national borders; with terrorism, with war, all now cross-border problems. In fact, we live in a 21st-century world of interdependence, and brutal interdependent problems, and when we look for solutions in politics and in democracy, we are faced with political institutions designed 400 years ago, autonomous, sovereign nation-states with jurisdictions and territories separate from one another, each claiming to be able to solve the problem of its own people. Twenty-first-century, transnational world of problems and challenges, 17th-century world of political institutions. In that dilemma lies the central problem of democracy. And like many others, I've been thinking about what can one do about this, this asymmetry between 21st-century challenges and archaic and increasingly dysfunctional political institutions like nationstates. And my suggestion is that we change the subject, that we stop talking about nations, about bordered states, and we start talking about cities. Because I think you will find, when we talk about cities, we are talking about the political institutions in which civilization and culture were born. We are talking about the cradle of democracy. We are talking about the venues in which those public spaces where we come together to create democracy, and at the same time protest those who would take our freedom, take place. Think of some great names: the Place de la Bastille, Zuccotti Park, Tahrir Square, Taksim Square in today's headlines in Istanbul, or, yes, Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Those are the public spaces where we announce ourselves as citizens, as participants, as people with the right to write our own narratives. Cities are not only the oldest of institutions, they're the

I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

most enduring. If you think about it, Constantinople, Istanbul, much older than Turkey. Alexandria, much older than Egypt. Rome, far older than Italy.

Cities endure the ages. They are the places where we are born, grow up, are educated, work, marry, pray, play, get old, and in time, die. They are home. Very different than nation-states, which are abstractions. We pay taxes, we vote occasionally, we watch the men and women we choose rule rule more or less without us. Not so in those homes known as our towns and cities where we live. Moreover, today, more than half of the world's population live in cities. In the developed world, it's about 78 percent. More than three out of four people live in urban institutions, urban places, in cities today. So cities are where the action is. Cities are us. Aristotle said in the ancient world, man is a political animal. I say we are an urban animal. We are an urban species, at home in our cities. So to come back to the dilemma, if the dilemma is we have old-fashioned political nation-states unable to govern the world, respond to the global challenges that we face like climate change, then maybe it's time for mayors to rule the world, for mayors and the citizens and the peoples they represent to engage in global governance. When I say if mayors ruled the world, when I first came up with that phrase, it occurred to me that actually, they already do. There are scores of international, inter-city, cross-border institutions, networks of cities in which cities are already, quite quietly, below the horizon, working together to deal with climate change, to deal with security, to deal with immigration, to deal with all of those tough, interdependent problems that we face. They have strange names: UCLG, United Cities and Local Governments; ICLEI, the International Council for Local Environmental Issues. And the list goes on: Citynet in Asia; City Protocol, a new organization out of Barcelona that is using the web to share best practices among countries. And then all the things we know a little better, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the Mexican Conference of Mayors, the European Conference of Mayors. Mayors are where this is happening. And so the question is, how can we create a world in which mayors and the citizens they represent play a more prominent role? Well, to understand that, we need to understand why cities are special, why mayors are so different than prime ministers and presidents, because my premise is that a mayor and a prime minister are at the opposite ends of a political spectrum. To be a

I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

prime minister or a president, you have to have an ideology, you have to have a metanarrative, you have to have a theory of how things work, you have to belong to a party. Independents, on the whole, don't get elected to office. But mayors are just the opposite. Mayors are pragmatists, they're problem-solvers. Their job is to get things done, and if they don't, they're out of a job. Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia said, we could never get away here in Philadelphia with the stuff that goes on in Washington, the paralysis, the non-action, the inaction. Why? Because potholes have to get filled, because the trains have to run, because kids have to be able to get to school.

And that's what we have to do, and to do that is about pragmatism in that deep, American sense, reaching outcomes. Washington, Beijing, Paris, as world capitals, are anything but pragmatic, but real city mayors have to be pragmatists. They have to get things done, they have to put ideology and religion and ethnicity aside and draw their cities together. We saw this a couple of decades ago when Teddy Kollek, the great mayor of Jerusalem in the '80s and the '90s, was besieged one day in his office by religious leaders from all of the backgrounds, Christian prelates, rabbis, imams. They were arguing with one another about access to the holy sites. And the squabble went on and on, and Kollek listened and listened, and he finally said, "Gentlemen, spare me your sermons, and I will fix your sewers." That's what mayors do. They fix sewers, they get the trains running. There isn't a left or a right way of doing. Boris Johnson in London calls himself an anarcho-Tory. Strange term, but in some ways, he is. He's a libertarian. He's an anarchist. He rides to work on a bike, but at the same time, he's in some ways a conservative. Bloomberg in New York was a Democrat, then he was a Republican, and finally he was an Independent, and said the party label just gets in the way. Luzhkov, 20 years I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

mayor in Moscow, though he helped found a party, United Party with Putin, in fact refused to be defined by the party and finally, in fact, lost his job not under Brezhnev, not under Gorbachev, but under Putin, who wanted a more faithful party follower. So mayors are pragmatists and problemsolvers. They get things done. But the second thing about mayors is they are also what I like to call homeboys, or to include the women mayors, homies. They're from the neighbourhood. They're part of the neighbourhood. They're known. Ed Koch used to wander around New York City saying, "How am I doing?"Imagine David Cameron wandering around the United Kingdom asking, "How am I doing?" He wouldn't like the answer. Or Putin. Or any national leader. He could ask that because he knew New Yorkers and they knew him. Mayors are usually from the places they govern. It's pretty hard to be a carpetbagger and be a mayor. You can run for the Senate out of a different state, but it's hard to do that as a mayor. And as a result, mayors and city councillors and local authorities have a much higher trust level, and this is the third feature about mayors, than national governing officials. In the United States, we know the pathetic figures: 18 percent of Americans approve of Congress and what they do. And even with a relatively popular president like Obama, the figures for the Presidency run about 40, 45, sometimes 50 percent at best. The Supreme Court has fallen way down from what it used to be. But when you ask, "Do you trust your city councillor, do you trust your mayor?" the rates shoot up to 70, 75, even 80 percent, because they're from the neighbourhood, because the people they work with are their neighbours, because, like Mayor Booker in Newark, a mayor is likely to get out of his car on the way to work and go in and pull people out of a burning building -- that happened to Mayor Booker -- or intervene in a mugging in the street as he goes to work because he sees it. No head of state would be permitted by their security details to do it,nor be in a position to do it. That's the difference, and the difference has to do with the character of cities themselves, because cities are profoundly multicultural, open, participatory, democratic, able to work with one another. When states face each other, China and the U.S., they face each other like this. When cities interact, they interact like this. China and the U.S., despite the recent meta-meeting in California, are locked in all kinds of anger, resentment, and rivalry for number one. We heard more about who will be number one. Cities don't worry about number one. They have

I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

to work together, and they do work together. They work together in climate change, for example. Organizations like the C40, like ICLEI, which I mentioned, have been working together many, many years before Copenhagen. In Copenhagen, four or five years ago, 184 nations came together to explain to one another why their sovereignty didn't permit them to deal with the grave, grave crisis of climate change, but the mayor of Copenhagen had invited 200 mayors to attend. They came, they stayed, and they found ways and are still finding ways to work together, city-to-city, and through inter-city organizations. Eighty percent of carbon emissions come from cities, which means cities are in a position to solve the carbon problem, or most of it, whether or not the states of which they are a part make agreements with one another. And they are doing it. Los Angeles cleaned up its port, which was 40 percent of carbon emissions, and as a result got rid of about 20 percent of carbon. New York has a program to upgrade its old buildings, make them better insulated in the winter, to not leak energy in the summer, not leak air conditioning. That's having an impact. Bogota, where Mayor Mockus, when he was mayor, he introduced a transportation system that saved energy, that allowed surface buses to run in effect like subways, express buses with corridors. It helped unemployment, because people could get across town, and it had a profound impact on climate as well as many other things there. Singapore, as it developed its highrises and its remarkable public housing, also developed an island of parks, and if you go there, you'll see how much of it is green land and parkland. Cities are doing this, but not just one by one. They are doing it together. They are sharing what they do, and they are making a difference by shared best practices. Bike shares, many of you have heard of it, started 20 or 30 years ago in Latin America. Now it's in hundreds of cities around the world. Pedestrian zones, congestion fees, emission limits in cities like California cities have, there's lots and lots that cities can do even when opaque, stubborn nations refuse to act. So what's the bottom line here? The bottom line is, we still live politically in a world of borders, a world of boundaries, a world of walls, a world where states refuse to act together. Yet we know that the reality we experience day to day is a world without borders, a world of diseases without borders and doctors without borders, maladies sans frontières, MÊdecins Sans Frontières, of economics and technology without borders, of education without borders, of terrorism and war without borders. That is the real world, and unless we find a way to globalize democracy or

I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

democratize globalization, we will increasingly not only risk the failure to address all of these transnational problems, but we will risk losing democracy itself, locked up in the old nation-state box, unable to address global problems democratically.

So where does that leave us? I'll tell you. The road to global democracy doesn't run through states. It runs through cities. Democracy was born in the ancient polis. I believe it can be reborn in the global cosmopolis. In that journey from polis to cosmopolis, we can rediscover the power of democracy on a global level. We can create not a League of Nations, which failed, but a League of Cities, not a United or a dis-United Nations, but United Cities of the World. We can create a global parliament of mayors. That's an idea. It's in my conception of the coming world, but it's also on the table in City Halls in Seoul, Korea, in Amsterdam, in Hamburg, and in New York. Mayors are considering that idea of how you can actually constitute a global parliament of mayors, and I love that idea, because a parliament of mayors is a parliament of citizens and a parliament of citizens is a parliament of us, of you and of me. If ever there were citizens without borders, I think it's the citizens of TED who show the promise to be those citizens without borders. We are ready to reach out and embrace a new global democracy, to take back our democracy. And the only question is, are you?

I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

White-label Diplomatic Services Document Management Secure Data Rooms Economic Orientation Conflict Resolution Treaty and Accord based on Terra Firma Economics -

1. Terra Firma Accord


2.Terra Firma Provision


3. Swords to Ploughshares


4. Integrated Banking & Insurance Services

The appropriate use of technology provides a basis for Stable State Economics based on natural rates of return. Where a superior technology offers a more lucrative rate of return – the interest rate is adjusted to reflect the corresponding Level of Risk. Thus – through Appropriate Use of Appropriate Technology we can bring a Risk Management (underwriting) perspective allied to Estate Management Principle – Terra Firma Methodology to address the needs of the Estate of the Social Realm. This Social Trust Agreement – Swords to Ploughshares – enables two things; 1. The licensing of Know How so as to deliver Best Practice – Knowledge Economy 2. Technology Transfer The Transition to low-Carbon Economy is thus effected by integrating: Terra Firma Estate Management Principle Zero Carbon Pensions Terra Firma Economics Sustainability With Technology – Swords to Ploughshares I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

Integrated Banking and Insurance Services together with Technology - serves to realise Zero Carbon Pensions

Wicksell was enamored with the theory of Léon Walras (the Lausanne school), Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (the Austrian school), and David Ricardo, and sought a synthesis of the three theoretical visions of the economy. Wicksell's work on creating a synthetic economic theory earned him a reputation as an "economist's economist." For instance, although the marginal productivity theory – the idea that payments to factors of production equilibrate to their marginal productivity – had been laid out by others such as John Bates Clark, Wicksell presented a far simpler and more robust demonstration of the principle, and much of the present conception of that theory stems from Wicksell's model. Wicksell's (1898, 1906) theory of the "cumulative process" of inflation remains the first decisive swing at the idea of money as a "veil" as well as Say's Law. Extending from Ricardo's investigation of income distribution, Wicksell concluded that even a totally unfettered economy was not destined to equalize wealth as a number of Wicksell's predecessors had predicted. Instead, Wicksell posited, wealth created by growth would be distributed to those who had wealth in the first place. From this, and from theories of marginalism, Wicksell defended a place for government intervention to improve national welfare. Wicksell influenced the field of constitutional political economy. His 1896 work on fiscal theory Finanztheoretische Untersuchungen called attention to the significance of the rules within which choices are made by political agents, and he recognized that efforts at reform must be directed toward changes in the rules for making decisions rather than trying to influence the behaviour of the actors.[2] Wicksell's most influential contribution was his theory of interest, published in his 1898 work, Interest and Prices. He made a key distinction between the natural rate of interest and the money rate of interest. The money rate of interest, to Wicksell, was merely the interest rate seen in the capital market; the natural rate of interest was the interest rate that was neutral to prices in the real market, or rather, the interest rate at which supply and demand in the real market was at equilibrium – as though there were no need for capital markets. This theory was taken after of the Austrian School, which theorized that an economic boom happened when the natural rate of interest was higher than the market rate.

I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

This contribution, called the "cumulative process," implied that if the natural rate of interest was not equal to the market rate, demand for investment and quantity of savings would not be equal. If the market rate is beneath the natural rate, an economic expansion occurs, and prices, ceteris paribus, will rise. This gave an early theory of endogenous money – money created by the internal workings of the economy, rather than external factors, and various theories of endogenous money have since developed.[3] Wicksell's theory of the "cumulative process" of inflation remains the first decisive swing at the idea of money as a "veil". Wicksell's process has its roots in that of Henry Thornton . Recall that the start of the Quantity Theory's mechanism is a helicopter drop of cash: an exogenous increase in the supply of money. Wicksell's theory claims, indeed, that increases in the supply of money leads to rises in price levels, but the original increase is endogenous, created by the relative conditions of the financial and real sectors. With the existence of credit money, Wicksell argued, two interest rates prevail: the "natural" rate and the "money" rate. The natural rate is the return on capital – or the real profit rate. It can be roughly considered to be equivalent to the marginal product of new capital. The money rate, in turn, is the loan rate, an entirely financial construction. Credit, then, is perceived quite appropriately as "money". Banks provide credit, after all, by creating deposits upon which borrowers can draw. Since deposits constitute part of real money balances, therefore the bank can, in essence, "create" money. Wicksell's main thesis, that disequilibrium engendered by real changes leads endogenously to an increase in the demand for money – and, simultaneously, its supply as banks try to accommodate it perfectly. Given full employment, (a constant Y) and payments structure (constant V), then in terms of the equation of exchange, MV = PY, a rise in M leads only to a rise in P. Thus, the story of the Quantity Theory of Money, the long-run relationship between money and inflation, is kept in Wicksell. Primarily, Say's Law is violated and abandoned by the wayside. Namely, when real aggregate supply does constrain, inflation results because capital goods industries cannot meet new real demands for capital goods by entrepreneurs by increasing capacity. They may try but this would involve making higher bids in the factor market which itself is supply-constrained – thus raising factor prices and hence the price of goods in general. In short, inflation is a real phenomenon brought about by a rise in real aggregate demand over and above real aggregate supply. Finally, for Wicksell the endogenous creation of money, and how it leads to changes in the real market (i.e. increase real aggregate demand) is fundamentally a breakdown of the Neoclassical tradition of a dichotomy between monetary and real sectors. Money is not a "veil" – agents do react to it and this is not due to some irrational "money illusion". However, we should remind ourselves that, for Wicksell, in the long run, the Quantity Theory still holds: money is still neutral in the long run, although to do so, Wicksell have broken the cherished Neoclassical principles of dichotomy, money supply exogeneity and Say's Law. ( Parts of Wicksell´s ideas would be expanded upon by the Austrian school, which used it to form a theory of the business cycle based on central bank policy – changes in the level of

I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

money in the economy would shift the market rate of exchange in some way relative to the natural rate, and thus trigger a change in the relative proportion of the production of consumer goods to investment, which would ultimately result in an economic correction, or recession, in which the proportion of production of consumption goods to investment in the economy is pushed back towards the level that the natural rate of interest would result in. The cumulative process was the leading theory of the business cycle until John Maynard Keynes' The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Wicksell's theory would be a strong influence in Keynes's ideas of growth and recession, in Gunnar Myrdal's key concept Circular Cumulative Causation and also in Joseph Schumpeter's "creative destruction" theory of the business cycle.

I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

Government is dysfunctional. Michael Bloomberg

I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers. Michael Bloomberg

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Introduction Global Risk 1. Fiscal crises in key economies 2. Structurally high unemployment/underemployment 3. Water crises 4. Severe income disparity 5. Failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation 6. Greater incidence of extreme weather events (e.g. floods, storms, fires) 7. Global governance failure 8. Food crises 9. Failure of a major financial mechanism/institution 10. Profound political and social instability The Demand The systemic nature of our most significant risks calls for procedures and institutions that are globally coordinated yet locally flexible. As international systems of finance, supply chains, health, energy, the Internet and the environment become more complex and interdependent, their level of resilience determines whether they become bulwarks of global stability or amplifiers of cascading shocks. Strengthening resilience requires overcoming collective action challenges through international cooperation among business, government and civil society.

For those who want to know more Ten Global Risks of Highest Concern in 2014 Source: Global Risks Perception Survey 2013-2014. Note: From a list of 31 risks, survey respondents were asked to identify the five they are most concerned about.

– The risks considered high impact and high likelihood are mostly environmental and economic in nature: greater incidence of extreme weather events, failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation, water crises, severe income disparity, structurally high unemployment and underemployment and fiscal crises in key economies.

“The more laws, the less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Female respondents perceived almost all global risks as both more likely and more impactful than did males, especially in the environmental category. Younger individuals gave higher scores for the impact of almost all of the risks, particularly environmental risks, such as water crises, greater incidence of natural catastrophes, the loss of biodiversity and greater incidence of extreme weather events. – The risks perceived to be most interconnected with other risks are macroeconomic – fiscal crises, and structural unemployment and underemployment – with strong links between this macroeconomic risk nexus and social issues, such as rising income inequality and political and social instability. The failure of global governance emerges as a central risk that is connected to many different issues. Mapping perceived interconnections between risks helps to understand the potential transmission channels between them. – The decline of trust in institutions, lack of leadership, persisting gender inequalities and data mismanagement were among trends to watch, according to survey respondents. Experts added further concerns including various forms of pollution, and accidents or abuse involving new technologies, such as synthetic biology, automated vehicles and 3-D printing.

“The more laws, the less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

By way of Communication we indicate opportunity for Universal Response to the Two Big Challenges of Climate Change and Economic Reform – Stable State Governance – Prinzip & Praxis – The Repair of Nations by means of Best use of Government Asset A Partnership Approach to

The Wealth of Nations By means of Document Management File-sharing Collaboration Validation, Legal, Insurance, Fiscal and Auditory Systems for Sustainable Development Community Capital

We have a model for Governmental Economic Localism (Development of Community Capital) based on fiscal and economic integration through the alignment of technology and finance with National need through Terra Firma Estate Management Principle (Chartered Survey) Insurance, Finance and Law. We have Economic Technology and Finance – Estate Management model that introduces the work of Price Waterhouse Coopers, Oliver Wyman, lawyers, insurers, surveyors, estate managers Jones Lang La Salle and Grant Thornton accountants with Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland and Systems Engineers for Sustainability – IT Service Providers and provision of Cloud Services through Document Management and File Sharing Collaboration Systems. This collaboration of Professional Service Providers (The Big Four) between banks and insurers provides the basis for Economic Internationalism based on Stable State Governance aligning micro- and macro- economic understanding with Estate Management need. This Governance Methodology is - founded on Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill in such manner as can inform best practice for secure economic democracy worldwide. This best practice relies on co-operation between insurers and legal service providers, informed by scientists, researchers, academics and economist observers from an appropriate National University who advise overseas government on best practice to see in as part of its daily supervision and dealing with external relations.

“The more laws, the less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Insurers co-operate with legal service providers, accountants and observers according to the requirement of development of Natural Capital in line with World Future Council objectives, United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment and Economic and Environmental Resilience through the development of Community Capital. This in essence is the model for Capital Creation – Economic Regeneration and sustainable influence - through insurance as Governance. Please find available Two Documents that encapsulate a Long-term Immediate and Strategic View to meeting the need. - IDEAL NGO – Institute of Strategic Policy Studies Movement for Open Government sets the Demand for: A – Accounting Principle – Triple Bottom Line Accounting for People, Nature and Dividend G – Governance – Fair Trade – Open Society – The Mutualisation of Organisations to Accord with the Needs of the Common Pool O – Operating System – Open Source – Win-Win – Open Capital for Open Society R – Reporting – Public issue of accounts – Integrated Taxation – Tax Justice – Free and unfettered media A – Agro-Economy – Sustainable Development through the Agropolis – Eco-polis model to address the needs of Food Security and Energy Security. The Conerstones 1. 2. 3. 4.

Education and Healthcare – supported by The Common Pool Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce Finance and Insurance – Integrated Banking and Insurance Social Enterprise – Sustainability – STAMP I and STAMP II

The Chambers of Commerce Agreements – Commonwealth Strategy for BRIC countries provide for: Services – Education and Healthcare – Systems – Agreements with Universities – Enterprises – Banks – Insurers  DESIGN  Civil Engineering  Integrated Taxation Based on:  Security – Internet Security through Agreed Protocols IT Support – Infrastructure as a Service and Software as a “The more laws, the less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Service  Infrastructure as an Investment – Zero Carbon Pensions – Transport – Energy – IT – Chambers of Commerce under the Eco-polis Agro-polis City model of World Future Council.

Agreements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Collaboration with Insurers Collaboration with Universities Collaboration with IT Service Providers Internet Security – Visegrad Data Security Institute Design – Vitruvian Partnerships – Integrated Building Design – Urban Planning – Building Energy – Building Security – Finance and Insurance 6. Chambers of Commerce – Green New Deal 7. Integrated Taxation – based on Social Contract 8. Food Provision – based on Logistics – Food Markets – Distribution and Retail 9. Hubs - Serviced Office Workspace 10. Telecoms 11. Transport 12. Agro-Economy and Agro-Ecology – Food Security and Energy Security The Four Agreements 1. Finance Provision – secured under the Regional Agreement. 2. Local – Chamber of Commerce – Social Enterprise – Green New Deal 3. National Agreement – Technology Agreement to Supply 4. Collaboration Agreement with Key Service Providers. RoadMap Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce rest on Four Agreements with the  National – Agreement to Supply Technology  Regional – Financial and Insurance Support And  Local – Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce  In conjunction with Technology Partners: STAMP I and STAMP II

“The more laws, the less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

Praxis The Appropriate Response lies in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Governance Through Insurance Appropriate Use of Appropriate Technology Transition to Low Carbon Economy Food Security and Energy Security Social Trust Models Integrated Revenue Collection – Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce 6. Universal Insurance based on Health and Life Principles –  Conservative Asset Management Principle  Stewardship  Taoist Economy  Harmony of People and Place – People and Nature Through:  Technology Licensing  Validation – Insurance – CPD and KPIs  The Four Agreements SOCIAL TRUST Foundations Are Established for: 1. Food, Healthcare and Housing – The Social Contract 2. Development of Community Capital 3. Development of Environmental and Economic Resilience 4. Design – Development – Defence 5. Security and Justice 6. Law and Insurance Terms and Conditions The Above Six Trust Foundations are Powered by 1. Document Sharing and Collaboration Systems – VITRUVIUS Systems 2. Vitruvius Systems Come with Mapping Technology 3. Access to Lawyers and Investors – insurers and Planning Authorities – Levels 1-4 Access 4. Access to Design and Architects – Levels 5-6 Access 5. Access to CPD – KPI – Insurance and Validation codes – CICERO Systems – Level 7 6. Access to Community Capital – SOCIAL Trust Agreements and Zero Carbon Pensions – Services by Subscription – Level 8 Access.

“The more laws, the less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

A Story of Economy, Ecology and Law Access codes are available for 1. Mapping – Scoping out 2. Planning – Investment Approval – Levels 1-4 3. Designs and Construction Agreements – Levels 5-6 4. Legal Agreements – Insurance and Validation – Level 7 5. Enterprise Support – Level 8 6. Justice and Arbitration – available by subscription – Reconciliation, dispute settlement and mediation services - on application by arrangement – Level 9 7. Revenue Collection and Taxation – Level 10 8. CPD – Level 11 9. Research and Research Validation – Level 12

– From Cicero – Currency in Crisis – Economic Regeneration Organisation Cicero Foundation translates global business — across cultures and beyond borders. We are an independent translation and localization services firm that specializes in adapting products and information for worldwide markets, from localization in the Far East to consulting in the Middle East, testing in the E.U. to staffing in the U.S. We help your brand transcend borders, open new markets, and gain a competitive edge in new languages worldwide.

Complete translation services for the real world Since our founding, our global team of technical and linguistic experts

“The more laws, the less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

has served as a trusted partner to Yahoo!, Sony, HSBC, Ogilvy, The Metropolitan Museum and other industry leaders, giving them a consistent voice in key language markets. If it falls under the umbrella of professional translation services, you can rely on Cicero Foundation to provide you with the highest quality, lawyers, strategist and translation and localization work in the world working from Unified Field Perspective.

Localization, consulting testing, staffing and more… Our comprehensive translation and localization services include: Localization & Translation: Explore the range of services we provide for websites, software, documents, marketing initiatives and more. And, learn where “translation” services fits into the global product and information lifecycle. Consulting Services: Put our real world expertise to work for your next bold move into a new language market. Let us share with you our insight into localization process improvement, global readiness and more. Testing & QA: Looking for a way to ensure your product is ready for market? Our testing teams are experts at finding and fixing discrepancies that can hinder your launch. Apps, software, websites… all require thorough testing in order to make your best impression abroad. Localization Staffing: Learn about Cicero Global Workforce, our comprehensive staff placement service, which places highly-trained, multilingual staff on teams around the globe. Marcus Tullius Cicero (/ˈsɪsɨroʊ/; Classical Latin: [markʊs tul.ljʊs ˈkɪkɛroː]; Ancient Greek: Κικέρων Kikerōn; 3 January 106 BC – 7 December 43 BC; sometimes anglicized as Tully


/ˈtʌli/), was a Roman philosopher,

politician, lawyer, orator, political theorist, consul and constitutionalist. He came from a wealthy municipal family of the Roman equestrian order, and is widely considered one of Rome's greatest orators [2][3] and prose stylists. His influence on the Latin language was so immense that the subsequent history of prose in not only Latin but European languages up to the 19th century was said to be either a reaction against or a return to his [4] style. According to Michael Grant, "the influence of Cicero upon the history of European literature and ideas greatly exceeds that of any other [5] prose writer in any language". Cicero introduced the Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary [6] (with neologisms such as humanitas, qualitas, quantitas, and essentia) distinguishing himself as a linguist, translator, and philosopher.

“The more laws, the less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The more laws, the less justice.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

You will notice from the Top Ten Global Risks - Profound Political and Social Instability as appearing at number 10. This, alongside the other nine is a SYSTEMIC Risk that has nothing to do with any one individual, organisation, government - but can be assessed from an insurance/governance/investment/justice perspective in enacting such measures as may enable BALANCE. This BALANCING MECHANISM is a matter of Arbitration, Justice, Fair Trade and Governance - integrated through insurance and life assurance subscription - as part of a Pension Plan, Insurance Plan, Subscription Service and SOCIAL CONTRACT the elements of which are comprised by AGRICOLA Systems - Country and Land Systems CICERO Systems - Estate Management, Legal and Justice Systems VITRUVIUS Systems - Development, Investment - Design and City Systems for Town and Country TERRA MADRE Systems for Commerce - Cultivation - Agro-Economy and AgroEcology based on the Development of Community Capital. Please find attached PROSPECTUS indicating the integration of All Four Systems through a Document Management - File Sharing and Collaboration System for Distributive Justice (Arbitration) and Distributive Networks (IT and EGovernment) and Governance through insurance in the context of Oliver Wyman Consulting, - Lloyds of London and Stockholm Environmental Institute introducing the work of development of Community Capital - in response to the call for The Development of Environmental and Economic Resilience from Grantham Institute. The integration of the System is available through IDEAL NGO in conjunction with Development and Design, Investment and Law Service Providers worldwide subscribing to Visegrad Data Security Institute - Systems and Services, Software and Support according to monthly subscription - see Service Level Agreement. We can be reached on 07530 367488 to discuss opportunity for Dutch - Swedish UK - Edinburgh - Zurich - Prague co-operation to de-risk unstable state and serve the needs of insurers to realise best practice in the areas of sustainability, development of environmental and economic resilience and transition to low-carbon economy through Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce Strategy for work-life balance and Harmonics Economy based on Unified Field Perspective - the integration of Science - Economics, Ecology and Law. Community Capital Development Group. Community Capital Development Group We consist of: Design, Funding, Technology and Pension specialists. According to the Principles of Sustainable Design – projects in accord with Sustainable Provision of Public Services can be designed and financed in accord with technology licences from Green New Deal.

The next step To sign up as a Partner with Green New Deal – Community Capital Development Group or Food For Cities – see our web site for details of retreats and venues to discuss and approve collaboration, planning, investment or affiliation. The flow of Decisions, Actions, and Events as they occur moving down from Top to bottom and Left to right. The tabular view below does not identify a critical path, merely suggests a process which may lead Transition.

IDEAL NGO and Partners

Delivery Partners: Construction, Regional Authority and AEGIS Foundation. [ Technologies of Transition]

Community Capital Management Foundation with Investment Trust launched in Region

Licence Application - and approval by the United Nations ICEF: for AEGIS approval.

Funding Delivered to Community Capital Development Fund Local Credit Union.

Formation of Local Authority Social Enterprise enabling Partnership with Delivery Group.

Development Activities

& Holdings transferred to Trust.

IBIS through Nudge Digital Local Authority Project site acquisition. for Insurance-based & Social Partners. Infrastructure Services – Construction Group IBIS I & AEGIS Representatives Information based Identify project location and Insurance Support scope. IBIS II Integrated Banking & Insurance Software – IBIS III Asset backed currency for capital expenditure only. Capital delivery for planning phase.

Transfer Asset into Community Trust.

Planning Design integrating technologies Definition of Project phases - Budget.

Delivery Finance meeting Resource commitment for needs for Bottom up project delivery according Finance for Infrastructure to Budget. [according to Budget rules] .

Finance and Training for


Site Development Commences according to plan.

Marketing delivers the Investor Community as Licence Subscribers within a Social Enterprise.

Work continues according to plan.

Local Fair Trade Chamber of

Site completion and


Social Enterprises which make delivery according to Budget and subscription.

Flow of fees from Subscribers to contracting Bodies associated with the Asset and AEGIS delivery

Commerce delivers Social Enterprises enabling delivery of AEGIS Technologies into Region.

commissioning according to Licence.

Infrastructure Transport and additional assets transferred to Trust

Occupation by Community Investor/ Subscribers.

Financial Completions and ongoing Licence fee according to Agreements

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Machiavelli

Scottish and Commonwealth Insurers’ Open Network Introducing: East-West Synergy Institute North-South Fair Trade Economic Partnerships Nudge Digital: Systems, Services, Software and Support Working in Conjunction with: Product and Service Suppliers and Providers Delivering Green New Deal

We provide: Funding, Capacity Building, Strategy Design and Policy Formation for People and Their Organisations who seek to work: 1. In The UK – on a city-by-city – town-by-town basis 2. Or Overseas (Foreign and Commonwealth) 3. To work on a Collaborative (non-competitive) basis with: Central and Regional Authorities – Local Government and Registered Service Providers In Order To: 1. Create the Conditions to attract Local Inward Investment to a Region 2. Engage in Knowledge Economy through Technology Transfer There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Machiavelli

3. Develop Capacity through enabling economic and environmental resilience 4. Develop Natural Capital – in line with Rio Nation objectives. About Us We work with National and Regional, Local and Individual Partners to:  Disseminate Best Practice  Engage in Triple-Bottom-Line Accounting  Create Sustainable Returns on Investment Through Green Funding  Deliver Zero Carbon Pensions.

Our Documentation Our Documentation indicates that we act as:  Finance Brokers  Funding Agents  Governance Document Agents  Accounting, auditing and Green Fund managers for reporting, accountability and transparency according to Open Society Protocols, Systems, Processes and Procedures.

We are inviting applications to deliver product and service – disseminate best practice and support the needs of the nextgeneration in accord with our Governance Protocol – The Green New Deal and Governance Praxis Document – Green New Deal Delivery. We are looking for organisations that can provide expertise in any of the following areas:  Investment – Insurance –  Design – Defence  Energy – Education – Ecology – Enterprise – Economy There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Machiavelli

 

Agriculture – Accounting – Auditing – Actuarial Services Law – Land – Estate and Building Management – Urban Planning

For a copy of our Prospectus – About Us – We provide 1. Communications and Law Services combining:  Communications – Web – Design – Print – Broadcast – TV and PR - We integrate the communication needs of your organisation through integrated Print – Web – Design – Digital and TV communications – integrating your Business Strategy with Your IT Strategy and Aligning Your Communications with Your IT. If you offer expertise in the fields of:  Broadcast  Enterprise Support  Economic Resilience  Banking or Insurance Services Then contact us for access to our Agreements for:  Conservation  Healthcare  Energy  Ecology  Technology  Agriculture  Housing These Are The CHEETAH agreements – that can be used to deliver services in conjunction with Best-Of-Breed World Wildlife Conservationists – World Futures Council and United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment – to partner with Appropriate Authorities to deliver best-of-breed services on a National or Regional Basis. The Above is Based On The Breaking of Nations – Robert Cooper Influencing the world – Guardian Books  The Wealth of Nations – Adam Smith The Economics of Good and Evil – Sedlacek Good Business, Leadership, Flow and The Making of Meaning Economics As If People Mattered – chapter 8 – from which chapter an entire socio-economic, environmental and commercial ecology flows. See: There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Machiavelli

1. What we Offer The Next Generation – Career and Enterprise Support 2. How to Join Our Network of Venues Delivering Services By Subscription 3. How To Establish Your Own Network of Career Support and Enterprise Support Hubs 4. Cultural Enterprise – Hubs supporting:  Ideas incubation and Ethical Support for Green Projects  Fresh, seasonal, local produce – Food and Drink Hubs – Zen Cafes  Dance, Yoga and Physical Fitness Centres for Mind, Body and Meaning  Cultural Regeneration Hubs for Local economy and Design  Infrastructure Hubs for Public Services – Food Security – Energy Security – Healthcare Security – Economic Security and Bio-security  Design and Architecture – Civil Engineering – Water – Sanitation – Transport – Systems and IT for Healthcare security based on Zero Carbon Pensions.

Based on an essay that has been hailed as one of the most influential policy pieces published in the last decade, Robert Cooper sets out a radical new interpretation of the shape of the world in this path-breaking book The Breaking of Nations. Cooper argues that there are three types of states in the world that deal with each other in different ways: 'premodern' parts of the world, without fully functioning states, 'modern' nation states, concerned with territorial sovereignty and national interests, and 'post-modern' states in which foreign and domestic policy are inextricably intertwined, tools of governance are shared and security is no longer based on control over territory or the balance of power. Among first world nations, societies may operate on the basis of laws, openness and cooperative security. But when dealing with a hostile outside enemy, civilized countries need to revert to tougher methods from an earlier era: force, pre-emptive attack, deception - if we are to safeguard peaceful co-existence throughout the civilized world Like Robert Kagan’s best-selling Of Paradise and Power, The Breaking of Nations is essential reading for a dangerous age, a cautionary tale for superpowers, and a prescient examination of international relations in the twenty-first century.

There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Machiavelli

There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Machiavelli

There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Urban poverty tends to be fuelled by people migrating towards the cities in an attempt to escape the deprivations associated with rural livelihoods. Partly due to the rural decline, the world is urbanizing at a fast pace and it will not be long before a greater part of developing country populations is living in large cities. Therefore, urban food security and its related problems should also be placed high on the agenda in the years to come”.

Low Carbon Economy – The Eco-polis Agro-polis Model – Green Funding - Use of Appropriate Technology – Science & Finance – Schumacher Partnerships The Friends of the Earth Strategy Document for Urban Planning, Civic Governance and Food & Energy Security – work with us to devise your own strategy policy planning for development of Natural Capital, futures thinking and wealth generation

1. About Us We advocate Food for Cities through use of Science – Technology and Finance to address energy security and food security through Urban Renaissance – Town & Country Planning. 2. What We Do We work with Design Partners – Vitruvian Partnerships to create sustainable town planning through the interplay of Science – Technology and Finance – Green Funding to inform low carbon lifestyle and to enable State Governance – Stable State Governance – through an understanding of Stable State Economics – Economic As If People Mattered – through the pursuit of Stable State Prosperity in accord with The Wealth of Nations and Commonwealth Strategy for BRIC Countries. 3. Investment See: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Green Funds Zero Carbon Pensions Chambers of Commerce Strategy Taxation Policy – Institute of Strategic Policy Studies – Institute of Strategic Affairs

See: Cultural Enterprise Handbook 4. Research See Technology and Application of – New Science We enable futures’ thinking, strategy design and development of Natural Capital. We provide ideas incubation and Ethical Support for Green Projects. We support projects that are educational, environmental, ethical, social and sustainable. “The task of feeding the world's cities adequately constitutes an increasingly pressing challenge, requiring the co-ordinated

interaction of food producers, transporters, market operators and a myriad of retail sellers. It also requires constant improvements in the quality of transport and distribution systems. Not least, it involves a shared understanding among city officials and national and international development agencies of the common problems and the potential solutions faced when seeking to feed cities on a sustainable basis”.

Urban poverty tends to be fuelled by people migrating towards the cities in an attempt to escape the deprivations associated with rural livelihoods. Partly due to the rural decline, the world is urbanizing at a fast pace and it will not be long before a greater part of developing country populations is living in large cities. Therefore, urban food security and its related problems should also be placed high on the agenda in the years to come”.

We provide Enterprise Support and Career Support as subscription services through Chambers of Commerce. 5. Capacity Building We can develop capacity for your NGO, charity, charity trading arm, community energy project, local authority – university – research unit or policy advice centre. 6. Advice We specialise in insurance codes for risk – see Classified Document – Lloyd’s Only. We de-risk commerce – enterprise – loans – finance – construction – agriculture – development – healthcare – public services – governance and justice through Open Society Methodology and insurance coding – see Standards – Schumacher Institute. 7. Research Jobs We design courseware – develop curricula and license CPD for enterprise professionals and their organisations through our university and local authority partners. We enable Education Broadcast and licensing of professional qualifications according to insurance standards of professional and legal competency for institutes and trade bodies. 8. International - Development Aims See the work of New Directions Foundation in Sustainability – Healthcare – Education – Energy – Environment – Resilience in Local Economy – Conservation & Insurance in Africa – India – South-East Asia – The Americas – Europe – Russia – China – Brazil and the Commonwealth. See the work of Environmental Services – available by license to local authorities – Clear Stream Trading. See Fair Trade Economic Foundation and Berlin Technology Hub. 9. Schumacher Partnerships The above are governed by insurance standards from Schumacher Institute and Fair Trade Economic Foundation – Open Society and Friends of the Earth. 10. Enterprise British Terra Madre operates under the auspices of Royal Agricultural College through Science – Technology and Finance – integrated. We support: - Food For cities - Low carbon Technology - Smart Cities – Sustainable City – Solar City – Green City “The task of feeding the world's cities adequately constitutes an increasingly pressing challenge, requiring the co-ordinated

interaction of food producers, transporters, market operators and a myriad of retail sellers. It also requires constant improvements in the quality of transport and distribution systems. Not least, it involves a shared understanding among city officials and national and international development agencies of the common problems and the potential solutions faced when seeking to feed cities on a sustainable basis”.

Urban poverty tends to be fuelled by people migrating towards the cities in an attempt to escape the deprivations associated with rural livelihoods. Partly due to the rural decline, the world is urbanizing at a fast pace and it will not be long before a greater part of developing country populations is living in large cities. Therefore, urban food security and its related problems should also be placed high on the agenda in the years to come”.



Town and Country Planning Conservation and Resilience in local economy through bio-diversity and commercial ecology – urban ecology and Urban Renaissance. Wealth Management through Waste Management – Rec-cycling – in tune with the Development of Natural Capital and Wealth of Nations – see Scottish Enlightenment and European Growth Pact – Vitruvian Partnerships.

11. Technology - Wealth creation and wealth generation through Gross Domestic Output – Recycling – Repair – Renewal and Restoration – Urban and Rural Conservation. - Wealth generation through appropriate use of technology and appropriate land use. - See the work of Vandana Shiva – Navdanya – Earth Democracy –“Soil Not Oil”. 12. Planning – Design – Science – Culture See the influence of Vedic Maths on Eco-architecture and Planning. - Sanitation – Housing – Energy – Environment – Technology – Finance – Engineering = Resilience in local economy.

“The task of feeding the world's cities adequately constitutes an increasingly pressing challenge, requiring the co-ordinated

interaction of food producers, transporters, market operators and a myriad of retail sellers. It also requires constant improvements in the quality of transport and distribution systems. Not least, it involves a shared understanding among city officials and national and international development agencies of the common problems and the potential solutions faced when seeking to feed cities on a sustainable basis”.

Dealing with Kobayashi Maru Stable State Operating Systems Open Capital for Open Society v. The Aggregated Force of Private Interests A Fair Trade Solution for Stable State Governance Based on the Integration of: Economics, Ecology and Law Wiki-Government Upgrade to Stable State Operating System Internet v.7.0 Deep Democracy is founded on the observation that that which is repressed and denied expression through awareness is stored in the unconscious (an iceberg below the water line) while that which is not repressed psychologically represents just a fraction of total awareness. From a security perspective – that which is denied or ignored finds expression by turning against itself or converting into an enemy figure those elements of the unconscious that represent the latent unacknowledged aspects of libido. In order to lead a full well-rounded live at ease with himself and the world, the individual needs to acknowledge those aspects of that would otherwise remain shunned, neglected, denied or ignored. From a political angle those Shadow elements call for re-integration into the societal psyche. When not acknowledged they can manifest as a technical, legal, financial, personal, situational or psychological problem. The problem once resolved transforms awareness into a new level of understanding, integration and harmony. For the purposes of diplomacy, unless conflict is acknowledged and dealt with it can when repressed emerge as latent or overt hostility that can threaten or jeopardize the health, safety and well-being of those involved. As a methodology for Conflict Resolution – Harmony – Aikido provides a Cosmology based on the dual interplay of opposites; this is a dynamic that is resolved through integration on

the corporeal level through individual interaction in the context of dynamic understanding, adaptation and recognition. Deep Democracy is a large group facilitation and change management model that integrates concepts from quantum physics, psychology, and anthropology. The basic approach combines the use of dual awareness; an attitude of inclusiveness towards subjective experience; tools for modeling, analyzing, and intervening in the process structure of group dynamics; and an integrated methodology known as Worldwork to prevent, manage, resolve, or control conflicts and co-create greater understanding, meaning, and group cohesion

The Deep Democracy Institute holds the vision of developing a global professional community of leaders, mentors, conflict resolution experts and coaches that follow the deep democracy principle. It does that by conducting training programs, facilitating open town meetings, publishing books, videos and podcasts. DDI consults to individuals, organizations, and government organizations in the implementation of Deep Democracy, change management processes, and all areas that can strengthen individual and organizational impact according to the Deep Democracy paradigm. DDI also plans to deploy hot spot teams to areas that are conflict stricken. E-Government with Style World Integration Knowledge Investment WIKI – Government Distinct from the Strategy of Stealing Other People’s Secrets in order to provide for National Security the WIKI Government recognizes the inherent disorder associated with No-Win situation. To resolve the situation a joker card is played – that through entering the game flips into its opposite value and so provides a way out from a Lose into a Win situation simply through the context of The Game. Business As Game, Law as Game – Money as Game are played according to Win-Lose Game Theory that is itself based on the reductive destructive two-fold Logic of Chess that results in annihilation through War of Attrition. A New Operating System is called for – one based on Three Fold Logic in order to realize Stable State Governance – a state that cannot come about through the conflict of opposites unless resolved at a higher level of synthesis between Thesis and Antithesis.

This Hegelian Logic forms the basis for Enlightenment politics from WIKI Government based on the Common Pool of Science and Shared Through Open Protocol with Friendly States in order to tackle the issues that threaten planetary stability – food security, energy security, climate change, degradation of natural habitat, loss of bio-diversity, social unrest, democracy and economic security – poverty and deprivation, tyranny and oppression. The call is to realize an Integrative Methodology based on Defence and Conservative Asset Management Principle that can usher in universal healthcare and education through shared protocols, non-destructive technology, open protocols and financial and economic reform that enable The Common Pool to realize resilience in local economy through the application of Science – Pure Science – Pure Logic – Pure Reason and Pure Maths. WIKI Government is informed by Harmonics and the Mathematics of Insurance and The Assurance of Mathematics to provide a strategy for Climate Change and Stable State Prosperity through Zero Carbon Pensions and Applied Defence and Security through: STARS AND STRIPES (The Flags of The World) & Eco-Capitalism. 

We exchange experiences and ideas between practitioners, diplomats, leaders, lecturers and researchers and further their opportunities to present their work to the European, Asian, American, and African worlds.

Our Subscription Services – for: Patrons, Sponsors, Fellows and Partners. 

 

Establish a process-oriented think tank to exchange ideas, research results, and contacts at the international level and to build an international professional leadership community. Strengthen and deepen the process of "Second Globalization," the building of multidimensional sustainable international relationships. Develop training programs in leadership, coaching, group facilitation, and organizational and business development based on the methods and principles of Deep Democracy. We are available for consulting individual, organizational, and government branches in all areas of leadership.


Tao – Nature – Situation – Leadership – Art – The Five Fundamentals

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.” De-risking the Future calls for: Economy 1. Integrate Principles of Defence with Principles of Economic Growth 2. We can call this – The Responsive Adapted Economy – The Adaptive Response Economy 3. It relies on software and communications. 4. Security software to prevent cyber attacks and communications between central govt and regional govt. 5. At regional level it depends on partnerships enabled by 6. Banks – Insurers – Integrated Banking and Insurance Software 7. Governance of business – Fair Trade Economic Foundation – whereby all businesses are signed up to Fair Trade agreements (Swords to Ploughshares) and signed off by lawyers and accountants, IT and design people and secure server connections are in place for them to trade worldwide on a fully accountable integrated basis . 8. See Kenichi Ohmae – Business Without Borders. Agriculture The new economy is based on “see a need – meet a need” – this calls for the adaptive response and appropriate use of appropriate technology. Modern defence is all about supply lines – and defending your source of energy. For the Taliban that means defending their poppy fields – which agro-economy taps into money from a drugdependent culture (The West) feeding their funds so they can pay disaffected youths to take pot shots at soldiers. The security situation is much more serious than this – and is not to be commented upon in email. There are serious ideological, national and psychological issues that go to the heart of Afghan identity that cannot be effectively resolved by putting in place Afghan security. Scottish & Commonwealth Insurers’ Open Network 2012

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e, you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

Tao – Nature – Situation – Leadership – Art – The Five Fundamentals

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.” Barrage balloons provide a way for Afghan farmers to feed themselves – extract the source of power from the Taliban by a Hearts & Minds policy addressing the need for healthcare, education, renewable energy, governance, security and welfare. Simply – one acts by addressing unstable states with provision of energy that disrupts the source of illegal income from fanatical groups – as well as addressing the gulf between Sacred and Secular State interests from a practical ethically-informed position. Security Security – is key – as is understanding of the principles of defence – it is not just about technology – but the level of adaptation to provide disruptive technology to counter the attack. This is not necessarily about bigger and stronger machines – but smarter technology – and the classic understanding of Sun Tzu plays a part in informing this position. Tax Each is assisted or hampered by his supply lines according as to how they provide access to necessary energy, the security and resilience and expense thereof in maintaining which access are relevant factors. Provide what is needed – create stability – and TAX at source. Publications – available from Red Dragon Partnerships (Ravenskirk Legal) 1. The Taoist Economy – an Economic Growth Pact based on Classical Principles of Defence 2. Red Dragon Partnerships Handbook – investment from China, Brazil, Germany and Switzerland for Stable State Governance 3. Eco-polis – Agro-polis – Food For Cities 4. Renewable Energy – powering The Transition Economy 5. Transition Economics 6. Eunomia – Law and Governance – in Eight and a half volumes 7. Volume 8 1/2 - Charters for corporations and insurance terms and conditions for the city-state engaging in Stable State Economics. 8. Berlin Technology Hub – a consortium of technology providers for Renewable Energy 9. Green Finance – Principles and Practice of Sustainable Funding 10. Integrated Taxation Policy from Institute of Strategic Policy Studies Scottish & Commonwealth Insurers’ Open Network 2012

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e, you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

Tao – Nature – Situation – Leadership – Art – The Five Fundamentals

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.” 11. Chambers of Commerce 12. Commonwealth Strategy for BRIC Countries 13. Vitruvian Partnerships – a Guide to Town & Country Planning 14. Swords to Ploughsgare – Agro-economy and agro-ecology

Scottish & Commonwealth Insurers’ Open Network 2012

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e, you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.” The challenge The challenge is to usher in an era of low-carbon technology – to bring about Jobs through Green Finance – to protect habitat, to ensure bio-diversity – to accord with the Rights of Nature and indigenous people – to safeguard traditional livelihoods and Ancient Wisdom and to recognise we are but custodians of Terra Madre. The opportunity is realised in a number of ways: - moving from Risk-based to risk-averse Entrepreneurial Culture – realised through Conservative Asset Management Principle – informing and informed by The Common Pool – Principles and Practice of Insurance. 1. Swords to Ploughshares – investment in Renewable Energy instead of weapons of destruction. 2. To engage in Green Finance. 3. To ensure Stable State Currency for the purposes of Stable State Governance. 4. To provide education to realise the same. 5. To recognise the contribution of Orthodox Culture. 6. To recognise the contribution Islamic banking has to ethical sector financial stability 7. To allow hostile, toxic, noxious or otherwise obsolete technology, exploitative principle, extractive method and other such diverse forms of tyranny, coercion, violence and deviation from Natural Law to meet their own end – the evolutionary cul-de-sac. 8. That which Respects Life, propagates. 9. To provide for Orthodox education to provide for the same. 10. To work on the basis of the distributed network. See Schumacher Capital Partners – Economics As If People Mattered. The role of the non-exec director. 11. To realise Standards of Governance, Standards of Qualification, Standards of Financial Probity, Standards of Investment, fit to be governed by Standards of Insurance and Accounting and Sustainable Finance. 12. To uphold such standards by use of seal, stamp, insignia and crest. To uphold Standards According to Key Performance Indicators – Triple Bottom Line Accounting – Environmental and Social Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. 13. To allow for investments to pay an investor dividend and a social dividend – not necessarily financial.

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.” 14. To provide for Integrated Taxation Policy that recognises the primacy of Healthcare and Education as Currency – provides for Stable State Economics through appropriate planning according to Stable State Prosperity and recognises the role of the sovereign state of Commonwealth participating in the Common Weal. 15. To follow the principle of human-scale design, human-scale development, appropriate land use, appropriate use of technology by following Principles of Harmony – Harmonic Economy. 16. To accord to the two triangles of Energy, Agriculture and Capital. To provide the role for Sustainable Technology to mediate Capital Production – Natural Capital – according to the intersection of Fortune, Necessity and Virtue to enable ethical Governance to accord with Natural Law. 17. To recognise the stability of 3-fold Logic – Insurance – (Crown) – Law and People. 18. To provide for Eunomia – or Eumonia – for monistic tradition to live the ethically informed life according to Natural Law. 19. Eunomia – is available in Eight and a half volumes. The halfvolume contains the Governance Document for nation state, city state, banking sector, broadcast, media and communications, Conservative Asset Management Principle and Health and Safety Terms and Conditions for Insurance purposes for workplace, factory, hospital, office, prison, shop, studio, place of entertainment, place of healing, place of education community or social space or broadcast facility. 20. The Governing Conditions are set by The Four Agreements – the intersection of Science, Capital, Agriculture and Technology that relies on Energy and Energy investment that can be realised through Green Finance and Zero Carbon Pensions. 21. Transport Technology – Environmental Services – Waste Management and Wealth Management provide an integration of Healthcare and Education, Social and Financial Policy and Taxation. 22. See 23. Leonidas Communications Agency – 24. Technology – Berlin Technology Hub – a participation of Nations committed to Rights of Nature and the application of Integrated Taxation Policy through an understanding of Science, Technology, Capital and Agriculture through the transition to low-carbon technology. 25. To follow The Middle Way and the Four Noble Truths.

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.” 26. To abide by the principles of Taoist Economy – Balance, Growth, Decay, Renewal and Care – the Five Vedic Principles of ana atman.

The Eight Volumes of Eunomia 1. Governance and Law 2. Agriculture & Taxation 3. Technology and Nature 4. The Human Touch 5. Energy and Nature 6. The Kabbalah 7. Healthcare & Food For Cities – Eco-polis – Agro-polis 8. Zero Carbon Pensions & Transport – Integrated Taxation Policy See:

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.” I.

IBIS - Integrated Banking and Insurance Software

The IBIS suite of systems is designed to provide an integrated, cost-effective ‘Customer Investment solution’ for use by Banks and insurance companies. It facilitates a stand-alone, cloud-based mechanism whereby insurance companies and banks work collaboratively to provide unique riskassessed investment opportunities. By integrating the customer engagement, application and provision process IBIS delivers a unique and seamless unified service offering to high-net-worth individuals. IBIS delivers flexible, cohesive services enabling accelerated business development through increased accessibility, efficiency, productivity and reduced costs of acquisition.

II. The key to protecting any organisation from compliance and information security problems is the participation of all users, including staff and contractors, in the ongoing initiatives that are in place to mitigate the risk of incidents and compliance

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.�

failure. Such a role can assist insurers, not just assessing risk, but managing and monitoring risk assessment and risk management awareness. Obtaining and ensuring, continuity of this user participation is very difficult and quite costly to execute using existing management tools, structures and processes. In addition, reporting on compliance using these largely manual approaches is patchy at best, further hindering the organisation’s capability to demonstrate compliance.

The MetaCompliance suite of software products has been developed to solve these types of problems for insurers and finance providers through the implementation of easy to use compliance automation. MyCompliance is the latest addition to the product suite and is aimed at encouraging the user to participate in compliance activities. MyCompliance allows the user to access compliance content at anytime, from anywhere, from any device. MyCompliance makes compliance easier for the user through ease of getting to their compliance obligations and as a result of making the experience as intuitive as possible via a graphically rich portal.

From our experience, users will engage in compliance activities if access to content and tasks is made as simple and swift as possible. The majority of users recognise that compliance is a necessary element of working in a modern organisation that relies on data and is based on information technology. They accept that participation in compliance programs is an aspect of their employment contract. However, it is expected that the organisation provide the means for these obligations to be undertaken in the quickest and easiest way possible. MyCompliance provides the means by which users are facilitated.

In practice, this means that a user can access compliance content at work. Alternatively, the user can access MyCompliance from their home PC or during their commute to work and can deal with obligations such as annual surveys, company policies, e-learning and media learning. MyCompliance is a Cloud based environment that facilitates these access needs of a modern staff and contractor population. All that is required is a browser or the MyCompliance mobile application.

III. Incorporating mobile devices in compliance projects The explosion of mobile devices within the workplace is set to continue. Mobile devices are used by the user population during fallow time such as their commute to work. MyCompliance allows the

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.”

organisation to capitalise upon these remote access opportunities. The software provides the ability for users to access their policies, risk assessments, surveys, e-learning and media learning via the MyCompliance mobile application.

This use of consumer technology within the organisations compliance strategy encourages the engagement of the user in the risks for the organisation.

IV. Bringing partners and third parties into the compliance framework Recognised as a foundation of most organisations today, partners and third parties are intimately involved in key business processes that allow the organisation to function. However, whilst significant focus is placed on the insider threat, often the issue of third parties is over looked. This is particularly true in relation to compliance and IT security frameworks. There are significant challenges to incorporating third parties in compliance programs. MyCompliance provides the mechanism to bring third parties into key compliance programs that form the basis of an organisation’s corporate governance structure. As with internal staff, MyCompliance allows compliance content such as policies, surveys, e-learning and media learning to be disseminated to trusted third parties via a graphically rich portal or via the MyCompliance mobile application. V. MetaCompliance Advantage is the only solution that allows insurers and finance providers to target and engage all users in their information governance programme. Mobile and remote workers, third pary and nonelectronic users are all catered for within MetaCompliance, allowing insurers to verifiably communicate information governance policies, risk assessments and awareness/education messages and programmes to everyone who will acccess information on their systems.

VI. Education – Eco-learning Obtaining participation in e-learning is challenging. Meta Compliance’s Eco-learning Connections functionality enables the delivery of a completely automated and enforced user awareness programme, scheduled to the end user on the desktop, ensuring 100% PARTICIPATION by a given date. This unique functionality within Eco-learning provides an interface into most SCORM-based E-learning solutions. VII. User Experience of IBIS

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.” There are several essential components required to deliver a seamless integrated and cohesive service delivery which comprise of the customer interfaces, the bank and insurance collaborative working environments, cloud-based IBIS system and secure database. Secure customer access to IBIS is made via a smart phone device and /or a web browser. If using a smartphone, QR codes can act as sign-posts to facilitate easy access to the portal, videos and other promotional materials. User experience is key when presenting a unified and cohesive ‘Offer of Service’ to potential investors. By using interactive processes IBIS presents users with access to relevant and pertinent investment information, opportunities and investor / investment evaluation tools. The system then provides further intuitive tools to facilitate the investment enquiry and application process. Bank account, insurance and investment opportunity application forms are delivered via intuitive customer questionnaires and tools via the system interface providing an efficient, measured and tailored approach to the user experience. VIII.

Banks and insurance companies

Banks and insurance companies can access the IBIS via a secure client management portal which allows for tracking of campaigns, communications, content changes, updates and management reporting. Data security is of paramount importance with all system communications. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) provides encrypted communication and secure identification of network web servers. HTTPS connections are used for payment transactions and for sensitive transactions / data interchanges between all systems. All data is securely stored on dedicated servers (using HP’s Bladesystem technology) for improved performance, reliability and management with regular offsite back-ups and 24/7 Hardware and network monitoring and support.

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.�

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

In order to arrive at an adequately principled basis for European co-operation it is necessary to arrive at a politically integrated view of: economy, democracy, justice, society, medicine, science, culture and law. This conjunction of eight areas of life can be determined according to our notion of Truth. If our definition of Truth is not water tight then our treatment of economy and the positions held around the eight areas become the object of competing interests. Democracy suffers without an adequate socio-economic and political philosophical justification of Truth. The concept of Truth is embedded within a Trinity of Justice, Meaning and Value inherent in Principle – out of which emerges Understanding – which is framed by Purpose and Meaning and Law (Natural Law – Principle). Without according these reference points along two axes of meaning - Necessity and Intent - then it is hard to accommodate the respective competing interests that seek to use recourse to might, money, weaponry and trickery rather than responsibility to achieve their own ends. The whole is brought together by Economic Defence Principles – informed by an informing Unified Field Perspective which integrates Science and Law – Currency and Land into a Principle of Military Science and Stable State Governance that derives its legitimacy from the conjunction of Natural Law and Consent. This consent is based on the primacy of being at liberty to derive benefit from environment, society, neighbour and Nature based on principles of: care, cultivation, diligence, responsibility, respect (healthcare, housing, access to energy, access to food and welfare, pension rights) and defence of trade, in return for which taxation is paid. The right to earn a livelihood or pursue a vocation is central to the civilised life just as are necessary for the realisation of this end access to healthcare, access to clean water, land rights, access to justice, social contract to live in accord with Law and conscience and to exercise a duty of care to neighbour and Nature based on respect for Life and respect for the conditions of Life – for Life is our Wealth – indeed our only Wealth is Life itself. Thus we can approach an integrated set of principles for Stable State Governance based on the practical needs to address economic demand for: trade, enterprise, currency, law and the right to work.

Looking at the work of Adam Curtis – Whatever Happened to our Dream of Freedom – The Trap – we can see how reductive, materialistic science, devoid and uninformed of a concept of Truth degenerates into a struggle between competing interests. Without an overarching principle of Value and Meaning than Science degenerates into an unholy struggle just as Currency, Language and Law can become debased when not upheld. The cause for this phenomenon of Bad money driving out Good Money (Gresham’s Law) – is dealt with in the work by Sedlacek – The Economics of Good and Evil. It is clear that a Gold Standard is called for to avoid the relativisation of the important components of Civil Society. Gresham’s Law indicates that expedience when not upheld by enforceable standards results in debasement of currency. That Gold Standard is found in a notion of Dharma (Truth) Dharma has the Sanskrit root dhri, which means "that without which nothing can stand".[1] or "that which maintains the stability and harmony of the universe." We thus see that informed by a negative conception of Truth – that which does not deceive – we can arrive at a clear and informed practical position for future European co-operation based on Enlightenment values that inform and are informed by 3-fold Logic, structural integration, the integration of Mind, Body and Meaning and derive for their validity on the imperative for Man to live in Harmony with Man and Nature. This perspective can come from an understanding of Defence and Natural Law based on Conservation Principles – the conservation of Life –the Hippocratic Oath “to do no harm” in accord with the needs of Survival – determined as they are by the exigencies we find ourselves in proximity too, having to make do with limited resources and not incur a legacy of debt to be imposed on future generations if we are to live without our means and balance the books. So much comes from Adam Smith – The Wealth of Nations and is informed by works subsequent to that opus – and Smith’s second work: Theory of Moral Sentiments. Points of Reference  The  Economics of Good and Evil

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Economics as If People Mattered The Breaking of Nations Good Business, Flow, Leadership and the Making of Meaning The Evolving Self Leadership and the New Science Capitalism – a Love Story The Tao of Physics The Art of War Why Societies Collapse Taoist Economy The Future of Management Zen and the Art of Civilisation The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight Zen and the Art of Making a Living Business without Borders For People and for Profit The Trouble with Markets – Saving Capitalism from Itself Money for Nothing – Financial Fantasy and the Economy of the Future The Upside of Down – Catastrophe, Creativity and the Renewal of Civilisation Eco-capitalism Eunomia

Protocol Her Majesty commands her ministers to make all such best effort and due haste to ensure stable state provision of health and healthcare services as are necessary for upholding and maintaining The Common Weal – comprised as that is of the health, wealth and prosperity of her subjects and those of foreign dominion. In witness whereof her Majesty’s Royal Colleges – The Royal College of Physicians and The Royal Agricultural College of Cirencester make all such observance as may be necessary for the upholding and maintenance of standards as shall ensure the same. In observation of which it is deemed appropriate for those holding Royal Charter to inform ministers and insurers alike of that which will impede, delay, obstruct or otherwise hinder in whatsoever way that which is necessary for the management and maintenance of appropriate levels of care and risk, failure of which to observe both brings with it injury, suffering, discomfort, pain or loss of life which may or may not result in material loss to insurers who stand to lose in the failure of adequate levels of care necessary to provide for patient well-being, recovery, satisfaction, comfort and well-being.

In observance of which standards as are necessary to uphold, it is observed that to allow unchecked that which predates, is hostile to, derives benefit from or otherwise extracts from the stable state management, administration, smooth-running, governance and performance of a place of care, healing and recovery is a failure of duty on behalf of those charged to be responsible for healthcare and the adequate provision thereof. Her Majesty commands her ministers to uphold and respect the sanctity of life and for physicians to have Respect for Life and Respect for the Conditions Of Life – to practice beneficence and to do no harm as is in accord with Hippocratic Tradition. In observance of which Hippocratic Tradition it is called to have Duty of Care for Earth on which all sentient life depends, for people, the needs of the patient, the community, the society in which he or she is citizen or child and needs of family in which he or she may be entrusted in care. The call for Defend Life and the Living systems and Natural Resources on which we depend for food, fresh air, clean water and fertile soil call for a duty to protect from the predation or extraction for profit of that which is toxic, poisonous, inimical or otherwise unfriendly to the maintenance of health, wealth, prosperity and well-being consisting as that does in a balance – the balance of the physical system of which mind, body and dimension of meaning participate to enter into the life well-lived, the life of the citizen, and the dimension of meaning that is part and parcel of the civilized life, raising as that does man from animal while enabling sentient life to participate in the Balance of Nature on which all Life depends.

A civilization founded on renewable energy is superior to one founded for its source of energy on fossil fuels. The one is limited, of finite duration only, in the way the other is not. The civilization founded on renewable source of energy – timber – geo-thermal – wind, wave, tidal and solar power shows sign of resilience that a civilization founded on the extraction of not unlimited amounts of polluting, toxic sources of energy does not. The one supports civilized life, in the way the other is inimical to it and hence to the Stuff of Life itself. Life is our wealth – indeed it is our only wealth. Our only wealth is life itself. Why Societies Collapse.

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The role of Corporate Governance The Nature of Corporation The Breaking of Nations Caveat Vendor

The role of Corporate Governance The role of corporate Governance – Corporate social Governance – is best understood in the light of the Nature of Corporation. A corporation does not possess the ability to feel – think or act with feeling – all managers can do is slavishly to obey its DNA programme to serve that appetite for cash. Effectively a sociopathic entity – with all the rights of an individual at law and entrusted with cash, savings and investment the corporation has none of the sanctions imposed on individuals, and has none of the physical constraints of requiring a body and a place of dwelling. All a corporaton need do, to exist, is predate. There is a distinction between Extractive Economy and Supportive Economy – the one extracts opportunistically – the other supports – people and nature – people and place. The role for insurers in the race to govern the legitimate pursuit of enterprise is to derisk predatory and offensive action to be replaced by a principle of defense – conservative asset management principle – so that the corporation 1) is sensitive to the needs of its customers and its reputation 2) Does not engage in unjust enrichment 3) Is governed by Governance conditions failure to fulfill which negate the effect of professional liability insurance – exposing the corporation to unlimited downside and 4) enabling adequate investor protection through a mix of Reporting – Transparency – Triple Bottom Line Accounting – Social Responsibility – governed by conditions that confirm what an organization communicates (Communication Policy) How an organization conducts itself (Health and safety) the match of which is reported internally by insurance underwriting – Key Performance indicators – Reputation – Transparency of accounts – Reporting – Reputation governed by principles of Accountability – informed by Unified Field Perspective – Caveat Vendor.

A civilization founded on renewable energy is superior to one founded for its source of energy on fossil fuels. The one is limited, of finite duration only, in the way the other is not. The civilization founded on renewable source of energy – timber – geo-thermal – wind, wave, tidal and solar power shows sign of resilience that a civilization founded on the extraction of not unlimited amounts of polluting, toxic sources of energy does not. The one supports civilized life, in the way the other is inimical to it and hence to the Stuff of Life itself. Life is our wealth – indeed it is our only wealth. Our only wealth is life itself. Why Societies Collapse.

The Nature of Corporation - Perhaps it is time for a debate? National taxation strategy –versus- international taxation strategy? Which is better? Sustainability – what does this mean? Corporate social responsibility – what is the role of corporate social governance? It is a feature of reductive materialist analytic science that value does not figure in the computation of actions and their consequences. When disregard for the quality of life is disregarded we are left with a methodology that does not compute the two fold consequence of action – composed as that is of quantity (reward or punishment0 and quality – the qualitative nature of the outcome of behaviour as seen from the point of view of another. By incorporating Unified Field Perspective into our computation of micro- (corporation) and macro(economic) trend then we can see that the failure to calculate the effect of the lowest unit of aggregate energy – oikos – the household - has an effect on both Economy and Ecology. It is an ecological view of commercial ecology and urban ecology that is called for to address the wider dysfunction of currency predation – leading as that does to loss of national sovereignty and acting against effective integrated taxation policy. Integrated taxation policy can only be effected when there is a clear relation between the taxable unit – the corporation and the national interest – represented by currency – which relationship has been torn apart by the international appetite of the corporation to amass unto itself the most it can get away with – without regard to the national interest. The Breaking of Nations This subject is dealt with in the work “The Breaking of Nations” by Robert Cooper which witnesses the allegiance politicians pay to corporate interests that are at odds with national boundaries of defence. The only way that an integrated currency can operate on the basis of Stable State Governance is through Integrated Taxation Policy that draws the boundary at the national or local level in the case of local taxes and collects tax at the international level by an international independent authority – a state or an organization – that has as its end the facilitation of the free flow of goods and services, people, traffic and free flow of capital. There is the proviso that financial capital is but one manifestation of capital – and that stable state capital is

A civilization founded on renewable energy is superior to one founded for its source of energy on fossil fuels. The one is limited, of finite duration only, in the way the other is not. The civilization founded on renewable source of energy – timber – geo-thermal – wind, wave, tidal and solar power shows sign of resilience that a civilization founded on the extraction of not unlimited amounts of polluting, toxic sources of energy does not. The one supports civilized life, in the way the other is inimical to it and hence to the Stuff of Life itself. Life is our wealth – indeed it is our only wealth. Our only wealth is life itself. Why Societies Collapse.

realized through the deployment of fiscal capital and financial capital through appropriate use of appropriate technology allied with appropriate use of natural resource to create three capitals – human capital – social capital and natural capital.

The role of insurers is to enable Chamber of Commerce Strategy – with appropriate Fair Trade Agreements in place for the corporation governed by Governance charter in order to safeguard the interest of investors and stakeholders from pursuit through the courts for a claim against the corporation for unjust enrichment or failure to abide by contractual terms and conditions – determined as fair decent honest and legal at outset – for how can the justice system be expected to uphold that which is seen as patently unfair at outset? The role for mediation in dispute coincides with the call for the corporation to set national boundaries to its scope and ambition – delivery of product or service – for thee is nothing to prevent it setting up in adjacent jurisdiction for the purposes of obtaining business licence – insurance cover to operate and displaying local knowledge of its commitment to people and place – people and nature – which is the basis of eco-capitalism. Caveat Vendor Insurance as governance through Key performance indicators can see rewards go to those who place a value of clean water, fresh air and fertile soil – and do not encroach on the rights of indigenous population to house and feed themselves, produce their own capital – natural social and human and pay taxes – fiscal capital. When the local level is ignored in favour of the desire for enrichment at the behest of aggregates of financial capital – then the conditions for Zero Carbon Pensions do not obtain. Healthcare policy integrating pension policy and social policy through appropriate use of low carbon technology holds the key to address the needs of the modern city in terms of food security and energy security through Food for Cities. National government can enable big society in terms of allowing for ethical and mutually governed organisations take care of generating human capital, social capital and natural capital – governed by conservation through insurance – Conservative Asset management principle – in line with the needs of The Scottish Enlightenment – The Wealth of Nations – see Adam Smith. The unregulated pursuit of self-interest threatens to make beggars of us all. The recent report published by Chatham House – Resource Futures – indicates this is so. The Nation State is beggared by porous borders – allowing cyber crime and siphoning off of profits to international tax havens by over-mighty corporations whose sole purpose is to hoover up cash in return for the minimum effort – to the exclusion of national interest – in the name of “capitalism”. Whether or not this is called “capitalism” it is activity that Government has no part to support. At the same time – species are driven to extinction when there is no commercial value attached to their survival. When there is commercial value – they are hunted and poached to extinction in the desperate scramble for cash. The desperate scramble for cash is on imposed on nation states by an over mighty – insufficiently governed financial sector that seeks to appropriate the largest amounts of cash for least effort – opportunistically, using every extractive method at its disposal – gambling with national currencies – to the extent that enforced privation becomes a National Security issue for sovereign states and a threat to national state stability through the influx of refugees and economic refugees for unstable regions of the globe. The answer lies in a step-change to Eco-capitalism – where National Borders are respected – security issues are addressed – Respect for Life and the Conditions of Life is upheld and one where Economics As If People Mattered and The Economics of Good and Evil inform best practice. Party to these arrangements are institutions, organisations, universities, local authorities, insurers, the ethical finance sector and those engaged in supporting economic regeneration and community-led regenerative cities in a Town & Country Planning initiative based on the Eco-polis – Agropolis model that addresses food security and energy security for towns and cities – favoured by and The Heinrich Boll Foundation.

A Partnership of Ethical Interests The parties to this Ethical Sector Revival are: 1. The Commonwealth 2. Orthodox Nations 3. Sacred Culture interests – Islamic banking 4. The Ethical Financial Sector – the insurers, credit unions and mutual finance 5. Mutual organisations 6. The conservation, Education and Healthcare Sectors 7. Renewable Energy investors 8. Sustainable Technology investors, suppliers, scientists, suppliers, technicians and organisations The above rests on a Strategy for Agricultural Policy – from which all flows – based on an understanding of agro-economy – agro-ecology and disease prevention through perma-culture principles. The Central Grounds – Switzerland and Africa The strategy is: to Take the High Ground - Occupy the Middle Ground and Radiate in all Directions. The above is in accord with the needs of: 

Taoist Economy

Vedic Principles of Healthcare & Architecture

The Dharma

The Logos

Right Livelihood

The Middle Way

The Noble Eight-fold Path 

The Four Noble Truths

Natural Law Commonwealth Strategy for BRIC Countries

This is Commonwealth strategy for BRIC countries based on Africa as a self-reliant continent – exporting her surplus to feed the world. The same strategy can be used for the continent of Latin America and as national security policy for Nation States. The above is in accord with the United Nations Environment Programme – United Nations Programme for Responsible Investment and United Nations’ Principles of Sustainable Insurance. To realise the above ends – Agricultural Policy based on respect, care for and stewardship of the Earth calls to be made in conjunction with a Social Contract between Crown – Law and People that understands and applies the work of The Jubilee Centre, The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith , a Theory Concerning Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith, The Open Society Foundation and the demands of Eco-capitalism that call for an understanding of Stable State Economics, Stable state Governance, Stable State Prosperity and stable State Currency. Currency regulation – indicated and defined by appropriate understanding of Natural Law as indicated by and provided for by the terms of the Social Contract – is indicated by a phenomenon known as the Reversal of Gresham’s law. Gresham’s Law states that “bad money drives out good”. With the appropriate recognition of appropriate value – stable state currency – value recognition means the reversal of this. “Good money drives out bad”. This is the end of the Social Contract. See: -

The world is an increasingly unstable arrangement. For those Patrons and Sponsors, Fellows and Partners of Scottish and Commonwealth a Solution is at hand. The Administrative – Technical – Financial and Accounting conditions that facilitate Stable State Governance are available via The Four Agreements Extranet that is available as CPD – Consultancy – Resource and Bespoke Service to those Fellows – university authorities, research institutes, think-tanks and NGOs that seek to disseminate best practice. WE work with organizations – investors and pension fund authorities that seek to realize Stable State Governance. For access to our services in 





Far East


Contact us directly.

World Security Protocol Principle Whereof it indicated by way of invitation to: universities, insurers, regional, local and national authorities to participate in the movement known as Green New Deal, otherwise known as Swords to Ploughshares which abandonment of the technology of destruction paves the way for Inclusive Capitalism, Open Capital for Open Society and the realisation of Stable State Governance without which Stable State Prosperity does not obtain. Praxis On behalf of Scottish and Commonwealth Insurers Open Network, insurers, finance service providers, investors, those who seek to realise a return on capital through Conservative Asset Management Principle are hereby invited to consider the application of Unified Field Perspective to the development of Natural Capital in line with Rio Nation objectives and the realisation of Community Capital Development. Invitation is hereby extended to consider the work of the following: Methodology According to United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment UNODO UN Habitat Programme UNICEF UNHCR UN Framework Convention on Climate Change The Grantham Foundation Berlin Technology Hub Big Society Inclusive Capitalism UN Sustainable Development Services Network World Wide Web Foundation WWF Objective Which organisations can bring to bear the necessary understanding of Terra Firma Economics and the application of terra firma estate Management Principle for such desirable outcomes as may address climate change security, economic and environmental resilience, cyber crime, terrorism, the externalisation of cost, and triple bottom line accounting in the interest of People Planet, and Principal. Which triple bottom line accounting procedure overseen by appropriate accountants, lawyers, actuarial service providers and IT security system providers, collectively deliver SATORI Systems regulating Socially Approved Technology Operating Regional Insurance. Summary Application is hereby invited for the establishment of regional and national Innovative Finance Management Committees made up of those who can receive funds from public and private investment source, pension fund allocation, and central funding for the deployment of technology, the licensing of know- how and the necessary Technology Transfer Agreements such as may, or many not underpin Transition to Low Carbon Economy as maybe required by insurer determination to limit exposure to downside loss.

Overview The above is realised through a mix of statutory and voluntary insurance according to underwriting principle and actuarial science as may enable Zero Carbon Pensions for Universal Welfare, access for justice, education and healthcare, and habitat for humanity in line with the need for Stable State Economics and Stable State Currency Management as witness the phenomenon known as the Reversal of Gresham’s Law. International Such as may be translated into social policy, economic policy, security considerations and technology transfer has made available through the agency of Berlin Technology Hub, licensed defence networks, integrated banking and insurance services and World Food for the replenishment of top soil and the development of: Soil, Seed, Human and Knowledge Capital through the appropriate use of appropriate technology in accord with the needs of governance, accountability, reporting and best practice as determined by insurer term and condition. See Social Charter, Terra Firma terms and conditions, The Earth Charter, United Nations Charter and UNICEF convention. e=email&source=email&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ios-share SYNERGIA Civics Systems Provide: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


Interim Management CPD – Citizenship and Leadership – Reading the Marketplace – for individuals and their organisations Outsourced Business Management HR Functions IT – Cloud – Servers – Extranet – Intranet – Security Communications Legal Accounting Design Web Services Applications Brand Management Big Data Strategy

How We Work By enabling you to align your Business Strategy with your IT Strategy and aligning your Communications Strategy with your IT – we enable One Point of Control through Integrated Design Systems – SATORI Systems – enabling staff and interim management understand their role and duties within the context of the workplace. e=email&source=email&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ios-share Contracts Flexible contracts with us for outsourced staff relieve the headache and risk of HR function, selection and recruitment – with performance related contracts and loyalty rewards – with all the confidentiality of an exclusive Management Consultancy. We provide access to:                     

Temporary Staff Flexible Workforce Search and Selection Outsourcing Interim Management Coaching and Mentoring CPD Legal Services Accounting HR Function Cloud Services IT Support Security Insurance Confidentiality Design Communications PR Language Services Print Management Document Services

We can act as your one-stop shop for your Communication Needs. We specialise in projects that are environmental, ethical, social, sustainable, educational and strategic. For a needs-analysis of the Communication Needs of Your Organisation – contact us directly for a test-and-see appraisal of your brand and its scope – the potential for risk management and efficiency – savings and performance-related reward through interim management and strategic staff recruitment. We introduce the work of:     

World Wide Web Foundation WWF Kew Russia Today Al-Jazeera e=email&source=email&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ios-share                           

CNN BBC Embassies and participating organisations Insurers Investors Local Authorities Technology Service Providers Conservationists Lawyers Accountants Management Consultants Web Service Providers Wi-Fi Specialists Infrastructure Service Providers Engineers Without Borders Red Cross UNICEF UN HCR UN Habitat Programme UNIDO UN Principles of Responsible Investment UN Sustainable Development Network Systems Data Centres Integrated Banking and Insurance Services – IBIS™ Socially Authorised Technology Operating Regional Insurance – SATORI™ Systems Howard-Higgins Agricultural Systems™ World Food Systems™

Berlin Technology Hub Swords to Ploughshares™ Governing The Caliphate The Call for Best Practice Lloyds’ insurers issue a Statement upon the Dissemination of Best Practice according to Conservative Asset Management principle – Stewardship of Natural Resource and non-destructive use of Technology – failure to adhere to which renders policyholders exposed to liability claims which exposure to downside loss it is that insurers seek to limit - through the Dissemination of Best Practice according to UN Habitat™ Programme according to which household policy holders live peaceably with their neighbour – resolving dispute amicably without use of violence and through legitimate economic means validated by UN Principles of Responsible Investment. Insurance Cover Which insurance cover and investment protocol together may be applied severally and in conjunction with appropriate use of appropriate technology for the free and fair allocation of resource – which allocation of resource and conservation of natural resource accords with the Five Pillars of Islam for Governing the Caliphate. Underwriting Principle Thus Underwriting Principle can usher in the UN Habitat programme which may or may not be accompanied by support and investment according to sharia principles and the Governance of Arbitration as determined by Natural Law as those who would seek appropriate insurance cover may see best fit. Fit Agency The Agency for which Representation is made is comprised of those who would seek to avail themselves of educational opportunity for those and those party to the deprivations and injustices that accompany conflict and discord – which conflict may be resolved by peaceable and timely mediation, intervention and arbitration such as may prove rewarding for those who would otherwise lack access to basic provision of resource such as may enable them to go about their business and conduct their lives and governance free of unwanted persecution, tyranny, oppression, piracy, violence or other such ill as may accompany those not party to Stable State Prosperity. Formula for Stable State Prosperity Which Formula For Stable State Prosperity is informed by Stable State Economics and the accompanying provision of insurance service such as may realise Stable State Governance for the purposes of Stable State Currency – which object is the fit and proper subject of regard for the Defender of the Faiths – Fid: Def whose hand may be sought to warrant sufficient safeguard as may be sought in the Five Pillars of Islam – operating through World Wide Five Pillars Authority Governing Finance, Forestry, Fisheries, Finance and Food.

Peacekeeping Agency WW FPA undertakes to perform such tasks as may be necessary to provide for food security and energy security through the appropriate deployment of technology as may be enabled by appropriate insurance for appropriate quarter so long as peaceable accord prevails over the desire to impose suffering and discontent such as may or may not be facilitated or otherwise by Strategic Use of Underwriting Principle for Licensing and Validation of Technology, Technology Rental and Distribution of Rental Return at Source through appropriate software, systems, services and support as may usher in Swords to Ploughshares – Green New Deal – Technological Options for Town and Country Regeneration according to UN Habitat Programme and the Terms and Conditions of The Earth Charter. 1. 2. 3. 4.

For Details of Green New Deal – contact Berlin Technology Hub Directly for its publications – Governing the Caliphate Stable State Technology Conservative Asset Management Principle - CAMBRIDGE Protocol™

Green New Deal The Green New Deal is realised through Four Agreements. 1. Placing of the Technologies of Transition into Social Trust for the benefit of the people of…………………. In the region of………………. according to Principles of Fair Trade, accounting, governance, Corporate Public Responsibility and Open Capital for Open Society. 2. Licence to Manufacture the Technologies of Transition is issued in accordance with the demand for Design Principle and Local Manufacture in accord with the Eco-polis – Agro-polis model of World Future Council in line with the needs of the UN Habitat™ Programme. 3. Socially Approved Technologies Operating Regional Insurance – SATORI™ Systems are licensed according to the terms of Software as a Service from BASIC™ Support Services and NUDGE™. 4. The CAMBRIDGE Protocol™ – Conservative Asset Management Bringing Reductions in Direct Government Expenditure provides the Indenture that enables Return on Investment through Integrated Banking and Insurance Services – Islamic-based Investment Security – IBIS – to realise Zero Carbon Pensions and Green New Deal™ – Swords to Ploughshares. Green New Deal comprises Ten Agreements including UN Principles of Responsible Investment – Conservative Asset Management Principle – Terra Firma™ Estate Management Terms and Conditions and The Earth Charter. Berlin Technology Hub

The Green New Deal is a package of policy proposals that aims to address global warming, and financial crises. It echoes the New Deal, the social and economic programs launched by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression.[1] The proposals of the Green New Deal generally echo the recommendations of UN-mandated organizations like ICLEI or theTEEB, of global NGOs, and of the Basel II and related monetary accords, especially as these relate to reforms to measurement of fundamental ecosystem risk and financial liabilities. The reinsurance industry and The Economist have also consistently expressed support for the general principles of consistent global carbon and emissions charges, for metrics of ecosystem destabilization risk and a generally high value on nature's services which underlie human valuation. Several of the proposals have already been implemented in one or more G8 or G20 countries including Norway, South Korea, the UK, US and European Union. The financial proposals echo some already underway at the IMF, World Bank, BISand ECB to better reflect ecosystem valuations and reduce systematic incentives to invest in "dirty" over "clean" industries.

Swords to Ploughshares™ ANVIL™ Green New Deal™ Governing The Caliphate Swords to Ploughshares™ is a Conservation Initiative – introducing Green New Deal™. The Amazon Imperative The Green New Deal™ comprises a Commercial, Financial, Strategic and Diplomatic Response to the uncertainty that attends depletion of natural resource and destruction of living systems. See: The Economics of Good and Evil by Sedlacek – The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith – Economics As if People Mattered by Schumacher and The Economics of Biodiversity – Substituting the Certainty of Investment Science and Conservative Asset Management – Stewardship of Resource – for the uncertainty of risktaking and hence management of unstable outcomes marks the distinguishing feature of: Operation OMEGA™ Operational Management Effecting Governance Authority NUDGE DIGITAL™ That Operational Management – its systems – services – support and software are trademarked and licensable to participating NGOs through Normative Underwriting of Direct Government Expenditure – NUDGE™ through the Medium of NUDGE™ Digital providing Digital Services for Governance-in-a-box™ and Government–in–a–box Systems™ and Services, Support and Software based on The CAMBRIDGE Protocol™ – Conservative Asset management Bringing Reductions in Direct Government Expenditure. Software for Governing the Caliphate This is realised through Software for Governing the Caliphate that is based on Insurance-backed Investment Services – Islamic Based – Investment Services - IBIS™ that is Sharia-Compliant and enables – Banking Regulation of Universal Normal/Natural Economic Independence through Two means: Technology Transfer and License of Know-How. 1. Technology Transfer Agreements can be applied for on application to BTH. 2. Know-How licensing Agreements can be entered into upon demonstration of appropriate understanding and responsibility for the Operation of Technology. 3. The Swords to Ploughshares™ Transition enables The Technologies of Transition to be invested in and insured – rented and applied for the purposes of Supportive Economy and Community Capital Development – distinct from use of Technology as weapon for the purposes of destruction with the consequence of erosion of capital and the loss of livelihood with consequent basis of deprivation and motive to regain by force that which was taken through tyranny, oppression, violence or deprivation with consequent sowing of the seeds of conflict. 4. The ANVIL™ Strategy Authorises Normally Valid Investment License. Validated Investments can be licensed – without which license insurance is not operational.

Thus – Chambers of Commerce – independent NGOs Governing Regional independence can safeguard Economic Prosperity and Collection of Revenue through RDAS™ Software – Revenue Distribution at Source. Revenue Collection Integrated Taxation can take place through Technology Rental. This Technology Rental is comprised of Four Agreements 1. Energy Plant for Buildings and Building Rental 2. Vehicle Rental 3. Technology Rental 4. Equipment Rental Thus: Energy – Transport – Healthcare and Security can be brought under one head of Technology Rental from The Defence of Capital Position that is Stewardship Economics – informed as that is by Unified Field Perspective – education for which is licensable and available on application to British Asian Studies international Council. British Asian Studies – International Council  BASiC™ Healthcare  BASiC™ Insurance  BASiC™ Education  BASiC™ Welfare Form the Four Agreements for the Access For Justice insurance Package that is available on application for supply of BASiC™ Technology – enabled by IBIS™ Software from Nudge Digital™ for integrated Banking and insurance Services. The Basic Regeneration of Universal National Economic Independence has its roots in the work of Robert Cooper – author of “The Breaking of Nations” and the UN Habitat Programme that informs and is informed by Bristol Green Capital – winner of European Green City Capital Competition 2015. Nudge Digital are proud to be associated with the City of Bristol and a list of its BRUNEI™ – compliant organizations is available by going to the Inclusive Capitalism Programme of Commonwealth Social Franchise available from Berlin Technology Hub. Fortune Green New Deal™ is available for those who manage the intersection of Fortuna, Necessita and Virtu through the Foundation of; Policy Officers’ Licensing Options – POLO™ Foundation operating through insurance companies that accord with UN Principles of Responsible Investment – Authorised Licensed Policy Holder Annuities – ALPHA™. Terra Firma™ Estate Management Thus we have Operation ALPHA & OMEGA™ introducing Swords to Ploughshares™ under trademarked, licensing validation of insurance and policy according to the Terms and Conditions of Biig Society™ – Open Capital for Open Society – Inclusive Capitalism according to CAMBRIDGE Protocol™ informed by and informing Terra Firma Economics™ – based as that is on Terra Firma Estate Management principle™.

[1] A trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a recognizable sign, design orexpression which [2][3][4][5] identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. The trademark owner can be an individual, business organization, or any legal entity. A trademark may be located on a package, alabel, a voucher or on the product itself. For the sake of corporate identitytrademarks are also being displayed on company buildings. Green New Deal The Green New Deal is a package of policy proposals that aims to address global warming, and financial crises. It echoes the New Deal, the social and economic programs launched by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression.[1] The proposals of the Green New Deal generally echo the recommendations of UN-mandated organizations like ICLEI or the TEEB, of global NGOs, and of the Basel II and related monetary accords, especially as these relate to reforms to measurement of fundamental ecosystem risk and financial liabilities. The reinsurance industry and The Economist have also consistently expressed support for the general principles of consistent global carbon and emissions charges, for metrics of ecosystem destabilization risk and a generally high value on nature's services which underlie human valuation. Several of the proposals have already been implemented in one or more G8 or G20 countries including Norway, South Korea, the UK, US and European Union. The financial proposals echo some already underway at the IMF, World Bank,BIS and ECB to better reflect ecosystem valuations and reduce systematic incentives to invest in "dirty" over "clean" industries. Sacred Culture For questions not directly addressed in the primary sources, the application of sharia is extended through consensus of the religious scholars (ulama) thought to embody the consensus of the Muslim Community (ijma). Islamic jurisprudence will also sometimes incorporate analogies from the Quran and Sunnah through qiyas, though many scholars also prefer [6][7] reasoning ('aql) to analogy. Sharia & Natural law The introduction of sharia is a longstanding goal for Islamist movements globally, including in Western countries, but [8] [9] [10] attempts to impose sharia have been accompanied by controversy, violence, and even warfare. Most countries do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize sharia and use it as the basis for [11] divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population. In Britain, the Muslim Arbitration [1 Tribunal makes use of sharia family law to settle disputes, and this limited adoption of sharia is controversial. Natural law, or the law of nature (Latin: lex naturalis), is a system of law that is determined by nature, and so is [1] universal. Classically, natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze human nature — both social and personal — and deduce binding rules of moral behavior from it. Natural law is often contrasted with the positive law of a given political [2] community, society, or state. In legal theory, on the other hand, the interpretation of positive law requires some reference to natural law. On this understanding of natural law, natural law can be invoked to criticize judicial decisions about what the law says but not to criticize the best interpretation of the law itself. Some scholars use natural law [3] synonymously with natural justice or natural right (Latin ius naturale), while others distinguish between natural law and [1] natural right. Swords to ploughshares (or swords to plowshares) is a concept in which military weapons or technologies are converted for peaceful civilian applications. The phrase originates from the Book of Isaiah: And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.—Isaiah 2:3–4 The ploughshare is often used to symbolize creative tools that benefit mankind, as opposed to destructive tools of war, symbolized by the sword, a similar sharp metal tool with an arguably opposite use.

Berlin Technology Hub About Us Berlin Technology Hub specialises in International Development through Technology Deployment and Innovative Finance. As a Specialist working in Communications Agency we bring together expertise in: Design, Print, Web and Broadcast with Language Services and software localisation expertise for Finance and Insurance Service Providers in: Africa, Europe, The Americas, Asia and The Commonwealth. Our Products and Services Our Service Offering for Universities and Local Authorities is indicated in the Commonwealth Social Franchise – Green New Deal – that indicates the role of Innovative Finance through Sustainable Technology Deployment. Our Regional and National Partners For those Town & Gown Authorities that apply successfully they are granted territorial rights to license Sustainable Technology, receiving a share of all Rental Income from Rental of Technology. Security We introduce the work of Lloyd’s Insurers of London and reinsurance providers to reduce exposure to downside loss through appropriate risk management and insurance cover. Education Leadership in Sustainability as well as language training courses are available under licence from The School of A key part of the work we do revolves around Knowledge Economy and Technology Transfer. We invite universities and research institutes to work with us on the integration of Science to address the key problems of the day: Climate Change, Food Security, Energy Security, Healthcare and Poverty. See our White Paper on Risk and Risk Management. Working with Us We have an ongoing requirement for Agents and Universities, Local Authorities and National Partners who want to co-operate in the areas of Innovative Finance, and deploy Sustainable Financial Services in the context of Development – Green City Development according to the UN Habitat Programme and Ecopolis – Agro-polis model of World Future Council.

Student Options available under licence through their University or Place of Study from The School of Students are invited to apply for a language learning course to learn English as a Foreign Language – or the Second Language of choice – with the option to work from any location in The Hub Network – Successful completion entitles students to apply to enrol on the Leadership in Sustainability Programme. This is a 10-month or two-year Graduate or Post-graduate Programme to introduce you to the principles and practice of Unified Field Perspective – Integrative Science – Economics, Ecology, Fair Trade and Conflict Resolution. (Legal and Accountancy Training are also options). Alumni and Graduates Student graduates receive certification through their Alumni with the options of Career Support and Enterprise Support by subscription to pursue their chosen field on interest on an independent, freelance or contractual basis any one or more of the following: International Development Healthcare Hospitality Communications IT Technology Sustainability Environmental Services Agriculture Tourism Education Innovative Finance Security Risk Management Customer Services Project Management Leadership Enterprise Support Urban Planning Rural Development Training Corporate Services Law Accountancy Consulting Strategy Creative Services Cultural Enterprise

Physical Fitness – Sports and Physiotherapy Medicine Community Healthcare Social Services Mentoring Architecture Engineering Forestry Land Management Construction Design Education PR Context We operate in the context of UN Principles of Responsible Investment – the UN Habitat Programme – UNIDO – UNICEF and UNHCR for Regional and Global Security through the integration of: Innovative Finance Insurance Energy, Education, Enterprise and Economy Law Development Services These FIELD™ Services integrate Design and Engineering with Construction and Technology for the successful deployment of: Machinery, Land, Capital and Labour through: Unified Field Perspective. Technology These technologies are indicated in the SHIRE™ Agreements: 1. Secure IT and Medical Technology 2. Housing and Healthcare 3. Servers and IT Infrastructure servicing insurance and investment 4. Regeneration 5. Energy, Education, Enterprise and Economy The Next Step Funding in the form of Social Resource is made available to those individuals and organisations that sign up to the CHEETAH™ Agreements. The CHEETAH™ Agreements cover: Conservation – Capital – Housing – Healthcare – Energy – Education – Technology Agriculture and Housing. By signing up to a CHEETAH™ Agreement you can access SATORI Systems™ – Socially Approved Technology Operating Regional Insurance – for Commercial and Healthcare, Liability and Savings, Pension

Plans, Life Assurance and Welfare covered by a mix of Statutory and Voluntary Insurance.

From Education to Employment The questions around from Education to Employment are as much a matter for governments as they are for parents. Students who do not discover their aptitudes and capabilities risk becoming a social cost and liability for social service providers as well as a missed opportunity for relationship. The key to successful transition relies on Four Framing Considerations: 1. What is the Nature and Structure of Educational Engagement? 2. Are the Transition Structures in place from continuity providers – e.g. financial service providers, insurance companies, relationship managers and stakeholders? 3. To what extent are missed opportunity a failure of “reading the marketplace” – navigation, signposting, literacy and understanding? 4. The question that arises – to what extent can it be in the interest of financial service providers to sponsor coherence in local economy and facilitate appropriate navigation. The Navigation Navigation of the route from Education to Employment calls for interest to be engaged at an early level by stakeholders, namely the parents, educators, employers and students themselves. This engagement is best effected by those who have access and vested interest in long-term relationship building with the economic players – the life assurance companies, the pension providers, the funders of local infrastructure, the investors, local authorities themselves in the context of providing an appropriate, relevant education for an educated workforce to design next-generation successful enterprise – culture – societal renewal, organisation, service provision and community that serves the needs of People and Nature – People and Place. The Holders of the Vision The Holders of the Vision bodies of Governance, Law that is government, local elected representative or

are the Trustees – the Elders – the and Fiscal Responsibility – whether government, elder, trusted advisor, custodian of value.

Accordingly The Blueprint for Education to Employment is held by Community Capital Development Foundation and Requests for Proposal are invited by investors, pension funds, financial service providers and education providers on appropriate measures that may be taken to address current impasse – with or without the assistance of Community Capital Development Foundation, The Global Alliance of Banking on Values, United Nations – Principles of Responsible Investment – employers and social service providers, the Rockefeller Foundation – World Future Council and UNICEF. Interested parties are invited to submit proposals for sustainability in the areas of:  Provision of Energy  Provision of Financial Services  Provision of Education  Provision of Employment  Provision of Career Support  Provision of Social Service  Provision of Healthcare  Fashion, Design, Culture, Music, Dance and Song According to the criteria indicated for provision of tender on a regional, sub-regional or national basis accordance with the guidelines for co-operation with Sustainable Banking – according to UN Principle and Earth Charter.

British Asian Studies – International Council BASIC™ Education – BASIC™ Public and Civil Environmental and Social Responsibility For Individuals and Their Organisation WE PROVIDE Career Support & Enterprise Support: Start-up Finance Sustainability And CPD

Access for Justice Services For Individuals and Their Organisations According to a number of Subscription Options 1. 2. 3. 4.

Access Access Access Access

to to to to

Mediation Conflict Resolution Arbitration Diplomacy*

The Above Four Bands of Service by Subscription are subject to the Terms and Conditions that attach to 2 – 3 – and 4. These are that you register your contracts and agreements according to Fair Trade and Best Practice Chambers of Commerce Rules of Accounting, Transparency, Governance, Accountability and Reporting. Franchises for Law, Accounting, Design, IT and Communications – Green Films TV are available for those who take advantage of Green New Deal – Chambers of Commerce – Zen Cafes – Hubs of Influence. Territorial Rights for: 1. Access for Justice Services - are available on application. 2. Social Franchises for Provision of Professional Services. 3. Chambers of Commerce Hubs of Influence – 4. Diplomacy – Conflict Resolution at NGO and Diplomatic Level are available to those who subscribe to the British Asian Studies International Council for Economic, Environmental, Technological and Financial Commercial Responsibility in line with our Programme for Corporate Public Responsibility and Reporting between Green Films TV and participating insurers provide BASIC ™ Validation and Licensing of Education and Qualifications – with or without the Options by Subscription of Career Support, ideas incubation and Ethical Support for Green Projects. BASIC ™ supports projects that are: ethical, environmental, educational, social and sustainable.

BASIC ™ supports projects that are: ethical, environmental, educational, social and sustainable.

The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD. Green New Deal Swords to Ploughshares Inclusive Capitalism Seedbed Conservation Trust Seedbed Conservation Trust is a Family Trust forming the basis for Stewardship of Natural Resource and governance of Best Practice. The Buckland Protocol for World Farming 1. The Trust supplies seed and Seed Capital. 2. In return it provides a blueprint for Agriculture: Conservation, Healthcare, Education, Energy, Technology, Accounting and Housing - A CHEETAH 3. The Number of CHEETAH Agreements is limited to the number of Cheetahs On The Ground. 4. Embodied Law Enabling Political Harmony And Nation-wide Trust introduces Individuals and organisations equipped with ELEPHANT Accord. The Number of ELEPHANTS determines the number of ELEPHANTS On The Ground. 5. Legal Insurance Operating Norms (LION) provide the basis for Locally Approved/ Legally Authorised Municipal Banking – Military Bonds. (LAMB) “And so the LION shall accord with the LAMB”. 6. Seedbed Conservation Trust provides the basis for Four Individuals and their organisations to realise the heritage of those people and their lands that feed them to be insured, protected and cultivated in defence against the ravages of erosion, predation, hostility, poverty, conflict, warfare, oppression, disease, despair, hunger, lack of water, lack of healthcare, lack of sanitation, lack of housing, lack of agriculture, lack of vegetation and lack of appropriate support from suitable quarter to address the issue of Climate Change and the attendant ills that attach thereto. 7. Conservative Asset Management Enterprise Licensing is available on a MUNICPAL and Country-wide basis in the context of: BUSINESS LICENSING, FARMING AND INSURANCE. 8. Thus we address the Challenge of Transition to Low Carbon Economy with appropriate practical understanding founded on the basis of Justice for All.

For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD. The Governing Constitution Shall contain the names of 

The Doctors and Nurses

The Engineers

The Water and Sanitation Specialists

The Food Supply Agents

The Farmers

The Municipal Workers

The House-builders

The Lawyers

The Parties

The Signatories

The Witnesses - for all are Custodians.

1. These are the Twelve Parties to Four Agreements – The Tao – The Logos – The Dhamma and Natural Law in the Body of the 12. 2. The Register shall be held as a UNICEF Record for the dissemination of best practice to refer to the People and Place, People and Nature that participate as part of Living Heritage – of ancestral, family, paternal and maternal, fraternal and filial patronage, sponsorship, fellowship and partnership, sisterhood and fellowship. 3. Blood Lineage shall be determined with reference to DNA and DNA records for the purposes of medical and welfare benefit in line with the project of the SAUDI Kingdom as shall be made available for the investigation and research into Gene Therapy and the basis of Human Genome Scientific Best Practice.

For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD. 

Animal Welfare

Plant Prosperity

Mineral Asset

Planetary Welfare

National Accord

And Family Welfare

Shall be dealt with according to: 4. UN Principles of Accord - based on the UNICEF Convention of the Rights of The Child: UN Principles of Responsible Investment – UN Habitat Programme and UN Principles for Green Finance. See: 

Swords to Ploughshares

Diplomacy & Negotiation I – II and III

Seedbed Conservation Trust Education and Schools Programme for University Voting Rights and Grant Allocation for Research made available through Grantham Institute and UNEP.

For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. Niccolo Machiavelli

About Us As an international Technology Agency we ensure you have the Commercial, Strategic, Diplomatic and Financial Resource to deploy technology. We work with those people and organisations that seek to: 1. Extend their influence 2. Leverage their know-how 3. Through Technology Deployment And: 4. Strategic Partnership. We introduce the work of Nudge Digital – Government Contractors who integrate expertise in: Branding, Communications, Web, Mobile, Application Development, Design and IT to ensure you have the Systems and Services, Software and Support to take your mission forward. Praxis We use Soft Power to realise influence. Soft power is a concept developed by Joseph Nye of Harvard University to describe the ability to attract and co-opt rather than coerce, use force or give money as a means of persuasion. In recent days the term has also been used in changing and influencing social and public opinion through relatively less transparent channels and lobbying through powerful political and non-political organizations. Nye coined the term in a 1990 book, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. He further developed the concept in his 2004 book, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. The term is now widely used in international affairs by analysts and statesmen. For example, in 2007, CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao told the 17th Communist Party Congress that China needed to increase its soft power, and the US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates spoke of the need to enhance American soft power by "a dramatic increase in spending on the civilian instruments of national security – diplomacy, strategic communications, foreign assistance, civic action and economic reconstruction and development." According to the 2013 Monocle Soft Power Survey, Germany currently holds the top spot in soft power.[1] The top ten is completed by the UK, the US, France, Japan, Sweden, Australia, Switzerland, Canada and Italy.

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Niccolo Machiavelli The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. Niccolo Machiavelli

Our Language Service Providers establish the framework for Communications Strategy based on multi-lingual competency within your organisation to take your mission forward. We work with projects that are: environmental, ethical, educational, social and sustainable in the interests of Corporate Public Responsibility and the Realisation of Benefit. Our work in Innovative Finance attracts a following at national and strategic level and is designed to be relevant to insurance providers and financial service providers as well as the local authority sector and those engaged in Knowledge Economy and Technology Transfer – universities, institutes, colleges and think-tanks. We deploy CPD training in Diplomacy & Negotiation designed for embassy staff, those engaged in attracting inward investment, trade development, urban regeneration and City Planning. Our commitment is to enable staff and organisation to participate the Transition to low-carbon economy through understanding the financial, commercial, strategic and diplomatic understandings of this position – which all calls to be addressed from a Communications Perspective. We introduce the work of The Grantham Institute, WWF and Inclusive Capitalism. Methodology Our influences include:  Economics as If The Future Mattered by Enlightenment Economics – Diana Coyle – Co-chair of BBC Trust  The Wealth of Nations – Adam Smith  The Economics of Good and Evil – Sedlacek  Economics as If People Mattered – Schumacher Objective Our Conflict Resolution and Diplomatic Services (Language Services) are available for embassies and embassy staff to deal with the realities of dealing in a competitive world of competing claims for supremacy. We refer to the work The Breaking of Nations by Robert Cooper and to our own original research on the subject: The Repair of Nations – Global Finance in 21st Century and the Commercial Ecology of Capital Development.

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Niccolo Machiavelli The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. Niccolo Machiavelli

We work with trade development agencies and architects and city planners that work in the context of Green City Planning (Town & Country Systems) according to World Future Council and UN Habitat Programme according to the principles of Innovative Finance and UN Principles of Responsible Investment. Your future with us If you have or would like to acquire Second Language ability we provide for self-managed study of English as a Second Language from Zero Knowledge of the Roman Alphabet to advance translator training – according to the Lingua Vista Principles of Harmonic Language Training – Study Programme. 

To apply – contact us directly.

To apply for a scholarship or bursary contact The School of

Services by Subscription We offer Career Support and Enterprise Support (Leadership in Sustainability CPD and design and creative services by subscription for those who establish a strategic arrangement with us – either as an individual or organisation. Establishing your needs We work on a Four-stage Analysis 1. We scope the needs of your organisation 2. We identify opportunity 3. We analyse your capacity to respond appropriately 4. We enable capacity-building, resource development and advocacy Establishing a Communications Platform On completion of which we can establish a Communications Platform for maximising influence based on: 1. Print Management 2. Document Services 3. Cloud-based infrastructure 4. Communications Strategy Language Services We provide this Communications Platform in the context of CICERO Foundation and Cloud Services for Enterprise Advantage – available via Language Service Providers who can take care of your multi-lingual needs. Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Niccolo Machiavelli The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. Niccolo Machiavelli

A Partnership Approach to the needs of a Changing World If you are interested in partnering with us to establish your influence or your organisation as a Hub of Strategy and Communications powered by Cloud-based Technology contact us directly. We align your business strategy with your IT strategy. We align your Communications Strategy with what IT can enable. Thus from one point of control you can leverage your know-how, maximise influence and take forward your Brand and Identity to align your business with the needs of today’s world through appropriate Technology Support.

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Niccolo Machiavelli The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. Niccolo Machiavelli

Planning A Sustainable Future Sustainability means planning our future in a way that we do not set ourselves up to crash and burn at some future date. Long-term planning has not been something politicians excel at or are even good at. Our system is geared at getting politicians re-elected and fulfilling the most pressing needs of today. Things like profit, greed, and quenching our un-relinquishing desire for growth are given priority over longer term issues and needs. Mapping out a logical and sustainable long-term plan requires delving into some rather hefty philosophical questions like what brings real happiness. We would have to think about what kind of society and world future generations might want to live in. We would have to recognize the role of the human animal in the overall scheme of things. As the population has soared during the last two hundred years man has spread out and constructed infrastructure across the planet to support this growth using more natural resources than at any time in history. Already more is needed and the repairs required to maintain what we have built will be staggering. It appears we lack the courage to even discuss these issues in any real way. Do not expect to be guided by politicians, the super wealthy or most business leaders. Few people are willing to come out and say the recently adopted modern model of life based on lifestyles developed in America and western society are unsustainable. The few that mutter these words are often scorned. This could all be considered part of a giant conspiracy of silence but is more likely a head in the sand act of denial, but denial that will lead to our demise. Jeremy Grantham’s investment firm GMO manages about $110 billion in assets. He also backs the Grantham Institute of Climate Change at London’s Imperial College. He says population growth is a huge “threat to the long-term viability of our species when we reach a population level of 10 billion” because it is “impossible to feed the 10 billion people.” Billionaire Bill Gates says we should cap global population at 8.3 billion at the same time his vaccine and other programs are extending life expectancy. Columbia University’s Earth Institute Director Jeff Sachs says even 5 billion is unsustainable. To stop adding more people our population is tough enough. But how do eliminate two billion from today’s seven billion total? Voluntary? We should remember that for most of his 60,000 years on earth Man has been a minor consumer of the earth’s stores of energy. With the discovery of fire man began to increase his demands and draw on the short-term energy stores that had been accumulated over scores of years or even centuries by woody plants. Only in the last hundred years with the invention of the internal combustion engine and a huge increase in population has Man begun to tap the planets long-term energy supplies of oil and natural gas at an alarming rate. In merely a blink of an eye we have shaped a world where our lifestyles revolve around and are dependent on oil and the consumption of energy from fossil fuels. As the world continues to develop the importance of design and quality are factors that cannot be stressed enough. An issue we are failing to address is that as the worlds population soars we cannot afford the luxury of constructing buildings that grow obsolete or must be replaced every few decades, buildings should last for centuries.

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Niccolo Machiavelli The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. Niccolo Machiavelli How we use our new skills and the choices we make will determine if we blanket the world with Las Vegas style resorts on every corner, fill the sky's with glass towers, or construct homes and shelters suitable for our fellow man. It is concerning that in developing countries such as China and India with huge populations of have-nots we are seeing developers follow the same flawed pattern of growth that America pioneered. The creation of huge wealth in China has manifested itself in conspicuous consumption as people rush to show they are successful. Poor planning for a lifestyle of efficiency and social interaction has promoted the private automobile, highways and the construction of high-rise towers. The ability of the planet to sustain this recent lifestyle is too new to have stood the test of time. “One of the disturbing facts of history is that so many civilizations collapse,” warns Jared Diamond, environmental anthropologist and author of the classic “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.” Many “civilizations share a sharp curve of decline. Remember this is totally entwined with the economy and everyday life. Indeed, a society’s demise may begin only a decade or two after it reaches its peak population, wealth and power.”

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Niccolo Machiavelli

Preamble The role of Environmental & Conservation Sector NGOs is seen to be instrumental in informing the regional and national authorities of:........................... with strategic, commercial, diplomatic and financial implications of conforming to insurer requirements for Stewardship and Development of Natural Capital, Conservative Asset Management Principle and Protection of BioDiversity – The Four Agreements. See: UN Principles of Responsible Investment, The Economics of Bio-Diversity – The selected NGOs are invited to put themselves forward to work with BRIC countries on Taoist Economy, Inclusive Capitalism through Commonwealth Strategy using Chambers of Commerce to govern – safeguard – insure and licence registered business and enterprise in the region governed by relevant regional or national authority. Applications for territory to operate according to Commonwealth Social Franchise are invited from those NGOs that seek to use their environmental and sustainability understanding to inform sustainability, governance, revenue collection, reporting, accounting, accountability and Corporate Public Responsibility. They work with: corporations, organisations, enterprise and manufacturing bodies in the fields of: Conservation, Healthcare, Energy, Education, Technology, Agriculture and Housing – the CHEETAH framework to govern their Transparency and Accounting, as well as act as broker between CHEETAH Service Providers for the local authority and the authority themselves who may or may not be invited to grant licensing and revenue collection powers to the NGO working with Lawyers of Dispute Settlement, Mediation, arbitration, Governance and Conflict Resolution and Accountants providing Accounting and Reporting – Triple Bottom Line Accounting for People, Planet and Principal as well as Designers of Web and Mobile Applications. Communications and integrated IT serve the communication needs of Service Providers acting on behalf of the People and electorate base of power on whom they depend to serve and whose interests they defend by means of contact with the elected representatives. The NGO is furnished with the Social Contract: 1. Principle of Open government 2. Terms and Conditions of the Regional Authority to operate in serving People, Planet and Principal 3. Insurance commitment to abide by The Earth Charter and Commonwealth Charter 4. Offer of Service – ability to create the conditions to attract inward investment to the region by means of a mix of voluntary and statutory insurance – integrated banking and insurance services – according to United Nations Principles of responsible Investment, The World Future Council, Design Plans for Eco-polis – Agro-polis and UNICEF Principle upholding the interests of the next generation.

The Commonwealth Social Franchise is a financial services Product and Service offering that is based on 1. Granting investment to local business and serving the population 2. Registering and Licensing Enterprise 3. Ushering in Inclusive Capitalism through Design and iT, Financial Services and Communications 4. Collecting Revenues 5. Providing for Ideas incubation and Ethical Support for Green Projects 6. Providing Education 7. Enabling Healthcare and Integrative Welfare through a mix of statutory and voluntary insurance 8. Enabling Access for justice and in so doing enabling transition to low-carbon economy. Commonwealth Social Franchise works on integrative banking and insurance services – a mix of risk management and financial support for bringing in investment into Key Areas. This Commonwealth Social Franchise effectively acts as a Governance bridge between the national or regional authorities and the Global Money Markets and the providers of Public Sector services as local level. This relationship works using a mix of Public and Private Sector funding to create a Return on Investment through applying Funding at the Base of the Pyramid at local level in terms of infrastructure, service, delivery, transport, communications and logistics including: Natural Capital (Conservation) Housing, Energy, Education, Technology, Agriculture and Healthcare according to the Principles of Stewardship and Development of Natural Capital. The Franchise 1. Licenses Enterprise 2. Provides estate management services 3. Licences investment in property 4. Provides a Return on Investment through Community Co-ops relating to Property Rental 5. Works with Pension Fund Providers 6. Provides for Zero Carbon Pensions

Letter to Lloyds’ Insurers Scottish & Commonwealth Insurance Open Network There are some matters that require to be drawn to the attention of insurers since they are directly concerned in the understanding and risk assessment, risk management, risk underwriting and the understanding of the nature of risk itself. There is a distinction to be made between science and New Science, just as there is a distinction to be made between 'science' that is dysfunctional and Science that is based on Truth, Reality, Understanding, and Epistemological Insight. A Functional approach to Science is marked by the ability to distinguish between that which works and that which is conjectural. Just as scientific methodology requires - speculative abstraction is bound to be replaced by sound understanding founded on evidence. There is a Perspective informed by science that is called Unified Field Perspective; this operates at the intersection of Science, Law, Technology and Commercial Best Practice. Unified Field Perspective enables understanding of risk, assessment of risk, evaluation and risk management from a coherent insurer's perspective that can inform best practice and Health and Safety in the area of commercial enterprise and transport activity to the satisfaction of both insured and insurer and end customer. The risk that attaches to current management practice stems from the failure to understand science and scientific methods, that is the subject of an accompanying letter with reference to NHS operations and the field of healthcare and health management, health policy and delivering of healthcare services at community level informed by Trust policy and national policy. 2 The companies that are relevant to effective insurance are founded on the principles of practice of the Scottish Enlightenment as evidenced in Edinburgh by the work of Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and others as distinct from French pseudo-Enlightenment that was the province of writers such as Voltaire, Rousseau and others. This distinction between Scottish Enlightenment and pseudoEnlightenment corresponds exactly to the distinction between science that is dysfunctional and New Science founded on solid methodology, sound evidence and proper understanding of scientific methodology. See Conjectures and Refutations – by Prof K.R. Popper – The Open Society and Its Enemies and Leadership and the New Science by Margaret Wheatley. 3

There are companies that have traditionally understood the principles of practice of ethical insurance that have become subsumed by conglomerated aggregation of capital with consequent diminution of the ability to assess risk and underwrite risk appropriately.


The old companies that are no longer seen on the high street, practised values that are now called for.

The simple route for insurers to inform Unified Field Perspective is to provide commercial and professional liability insurance on the basis that the insured individual has qualifications from an approved exam board institute that is satisfied that the ability of the individual is assured by his or her capacity to judge the difference between that which makes a difference and that which does not. The ability to judge distinction and in particular material distinction is an important ability to be able to judge that which is a material risk and that which is not. That ability to judge the distinction between material risk and that which is not necessarily a risk factor is all-important for those who make decisions, have decision-making ability or make decisions that affect the life, wellbeing, prosperity or conduct of others, which ability to judge is all part of one's ability to respond appropriately to a situation without which ability to respond one has little or no responseability. 24 areas of insurance for insurers to be informed by Unified Field Perspective 1 Commercial and professional liability 2 Education – universities and professional institutes (qualifications) 3 Science and New Science – UFP – unified field perspective 4 Economic decision-making and decision-making ability 5 Apprenticeships 6 Healthcare 7 Prisons 8 Local government 9 Technology 10 Police 11 Finance and banks 12 Energy – natural power 13 Transport – integrated transport systems 14 Chemicals – toxic and non-toxic distinction 15 Natural life sciences 16 Medical technology 17 Bio-engineering 18 Fuel sources 19 Reparation to eco-systems 20 Investment opportunities 21 Public private investment 22 Pensions 23 Savings, loans and investments 24 Publishing, media and broadcast – broadcast technology

Fundamental to addressing societal dysfunction is addressing the issue of alcohol and drugs and addictive behaviour from integrated unified field perspective. Alcohol, drugs, addictive behaviour, relationships, family life, market economy, nuclear family, household economy and housing form the foundation for new economic development initiatives (NEDI – Eunomia principles, practice and methodology for economic understanding). Eunomia at city level informs transport, food, healthcare, jobs, lifestyle, law and order, policing, social security, welfare, environment, natural resources, conservation, education and taxation – revenue collection, customs, duties, excise, tolls and penalties. Rewards and incentives, incubator and pump priming available as subsidies, bursaries, incentives and start-up finance are those to be attracted to areas where economic regeneration is required. The primacy of health and safety. If you know about health and defence, you know how to look after yourself. If you can't look after yourself, you are not in a position to look after others properly. If you can't look after yourself or others, this is an indicator of responsibility or lack thereof – which is a risk for insurer to be decided whether moral risk or material risk. Those who know how to look after themselves can exercise their responsibility by demonstrating their ability to respond appropriately. In such a way material risk and all moral risk can be readily assessed by level of awareness, alertness, fitness and readiness to respond, fundamental to which is the level of understanding that the individual he or she may have as a result of his or her background, education, history, experience, past experience and prospect of future reward. Scottish and Commonwealth Insurers Open Network work with Town & Country Planning and Vitruvian Partnerships to implement planning design, building regulations, health and safety, construction law, property law and urban planning as indicated by an understanding of building and building fitness in the built environment and natural environment, urban and rural, with particular regard to rural urban mix, local food production, local economic independence, selfsufficiency, food security, energy security and integrated food distribution systems as made available with the provision of comestibles from John Lewis Partnership and Waitrose Plc. Specifically from an insurer's perspective, SCION introduces a methodology for assessing level of understanding and awareness and mental fitness, evidenced by design, words, text, communications, choice of building and use of building.

Design informs indicators evidencing mental awareness and natural defences are indicators for those who are familiar with the principles and practice of demonstrating awareness of responsibility for oneself and responsibility for others, ability to defend one's own interests and ability to defend the interests of those for whom one is responsible, which people are one's customers or one's electorate or one's community, family, clan or interest group, united by bonds of ethnicity, kinship, blood, economic interests, mutual interests, common interests, geography or shared source of energy, without which ability to safeguard those interests or to serve those interests one may be indicated as insufficiently capable to respond to real needs and without sufficient clarity of understanding and awareness, insufficiently capable of responding to perceived needs without either of which one is incapable of responding appropriately in a timely manner in a useful way, in a way that is of benefit and thus without sufficient capability to respond, one might say that one is impaired in one's responseability. Impaired responsibility is an insurer's risk whether moral or material, to be determined by appropriate testing. There is a call for legal reform in order for Scientific, Legal, Commercial, Agricultural, Financial and Technological considerations to be informed by Unified Field Perspective and for insurers to deploy Unified Field Perspectives in the assessment and underwriting of risk, 1: Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, individuals have a duty to inform of breach of law or actions that may impinge on the health and safety or welfare of an individual or individuals whether actual, likely or possible, and attempt to prevent disclosure is covered under the Act as a criminal offence. 2: European law. There is no requirement in UK courts to comply with European law other than as Convention and it is enough to add as a note that European law is not being followed in this case to enable European law to be challenged. It is by Convention only that European law is complied with. Time perhaps to're-examine' that 'Convention'? 3: Chancery Law provides sound opportunity for creating precedent for action that is simply not conscionable. Use of Chancery law in conjunction with common law and case law together all three provide adequate safeguards for the sound operation of British justice. To do so requires harmonisation of Chancery law, case law and common law with European law as overseen by sensible judges as opposed to sclerotic rule followers.

4: Insurance requires the operation of the causative principle which is the law, intersecting with the normative principle which is the operation of individual judgments in order for responsible decision-making to occur. When it is decided that insurance premiums that differ for men and women are 'unfair', then it is a question of Fairness that requires re-examination, not the destruction of insurance principles for assessing risk and underwriting risk accordingly. 5: Petitions that gain signatures of 100,000 or more automatically qualify for consideration. It is timely to indicate a distinction between helpful petitioning and unhelpful petitioning. Reactive or destructive petitions that seek to dis-empower individuals of human rights are for the exit and petitions that empower and safeguard the operation of individual and civil rights are worthy of consideration. European law that seeks to uphold and make all else subservient to freedom of movement of people, goods and services imposes by default a destructive and deleterious principle that erodes quality of life by moving people and products and places of wealth creation around constantly to the erosion of civil liberties and in contravention of the principles of asset management and wealth management. 6: For those who understand Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations, the Cantillon Principle is required as a unifying principle in order for the Wealth of Nations as a standard to be understood and applied effectively. Nor is it possible for economic integration to occur when nations are prevented from determining national economic policy. Neither is it possible for economic policy to be determined when the principles of economic defence are obscured and prevented from informing economic policy. It is not possible for economic defence to occur when currencies are traded against each other, not in a marketplace for indeed it is possible to trade currency against one another in a marketplace, but not as when the marketplace is obscured by a casino house, in which case trade is not seen as distinct from betting and the talk of derivatives and derivative trading obscures proper wealth creation. Nor is it possible for market economy to be replaced by casino economy, for bets and derivatives to replace trade and exchange and in the event of such obscurantism occurring there is only cloudy thinking, cloudy judgement and steering blind with neither navigation nor rudder nor wind nor sail, cast adrift upon a stormy sea with neither life jackets nor equipped to row a lifeboat, there is but only hope to be spotted by an observant Sea-king. Unified Field Perspective requires that there are shared values to inform the legal, the commercial, the military and the strategic and accord between the legal, the practical, the pragmatic and wealth

creation with the pragmatic being the safeguard of wealth creation, wealth management and asset management. Unified Field Perspective also requires the integration of the medical, the educational, the social and the operation of the city state in such a way as enables civic participation and the operation of civic rights. Unified Field Perspective finally requires the intersection between welfare, benefits, revenues and constants in such a way as enables the individual to receive what is due and to yield what is due accordingly. “From Each to Each according to his Needs, From Each according to his Means�. The second principle is the Categorical Imperative: to treat each not as a means to an end but as an end in himself or herself – from The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant. Machiavelli wrote three important points: men believe that they cannot hold securely what they possess and then they obtain more at others' expense. Machiavelli also wrote that a city is minded to provide an outlet for the ambitions of its citizens, especially a city that seeks to avail itself of the goodwill of the populace in important undertakings. He also wrote finally that princes are very good at making laws but very bad at keeping them, whereas people are very good at keeping laws but very bad at making them. Machiavelli's advice to a prince is that if he seeks to make himself a prince of a city he is advised to either go and live there or destroy the city, simply to avoid the instability that arises from tyranny, for once plotting has begun it is impossible to counteract without first seizing power. See Machiavelli, The Discourses, Il Principio and other writings.

Scottish & Commonwealth Insurers Open Network

The Repair of Nations

Dear Sirs, We write to inform you that through legal transfer of: KnowHow, Methodology, Trademarks, License and Technology access and Memoranda of Understanding between: (Insert name of organisation(s)…………………………………………… And UNICEF UK – The Grantham Institute UK – Fauna-Flora – The Rainforest Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Voice for the Voiceless, St John’s Ambulance, British Red Cross… and others & Seedbed Conservation Trust – Resources are in place to put at the service and disposal of H.M. Government. Notifications have been received from insurers and others of readiness and intent to: Apply: Unified Field Perspective Deploy: SATORI Systems Employ: The Integration of Economics, Ecology Fair Trade and Law To the realisation of Desirable End: Namely, Big Society Otherwise known as Open Capital for Open Society Which Movement for Open Governance is founded on The Earth Charter and UN Principles of Responsible Investment in line with insurance underwriting principle to limit exposure to downside loss (Risk Management) based on appropriate Asset Management Methodology informed by: Conservative Asset Management Principle (Stewardship Economics. The reforms that are necessary for the realisation of Big Society will depend upon co-operation between UNICEF UK and the government of the day.

This co-operation is called for in order to see in the Patents, Protocols, Accords and Understandings that accompany Transition to Low-carbon Economy through “Swords to Ploughshares” and Realisation of Universal Welfare. The dissemination of Best Practice according to UK interests in seeing the rights and responsibilities, of the private sector shall be translated into Corporate Public Responsibility with attendant benefits to the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet and Principal. We advocate and lead change of the basis on which UK plc is run, from being profit driven to Principle Led. That Principal is Health of the Private Sector and Benefit to the Common Weal on which all prosperity depends – through appropriate 3rd Sector Support. We have the support of the Co-Chair of BBC Trust – author of Economics as If The Future Mattered – published by Enlightenment Economics. Statement of Intent WWF will be invited to communicate on behalf of those unvoiced and the basis of Principal – Capital as distinct from interest or income as being the Legitimate Pursuit of Interest for those engaged in Private Sector or Public Service – which includes wholly but not exclusively the development of Community Capital – in the context of Human Capital, Knowledge Capital, Soil Capital, Seed Capital – Technology Capital in which Financial Capital is but one liquid expression of the Seven Capitals that comprise the Seven-note Scale that constitutes Harmonic Economy. This Development of Natural Capital requires the use of Technology as Tool not Technology as weapon, The realisation of Supportive not Extractive Economy, Man in co-operation with Nature, not at war with Nature – the which three agreements are completed by Balancing The Books – matching inputs with outputs and replenishing the depleted topsoil in order that……. (Insert name of Place) may cultivate The Land so as that she may feed herself and her children. This modus operandi is based on the integration of AgroEconomy and Agro-Ecology, Fair Trade and Law that finds articulation in the work of Sir Albert Howard – a Testament to Agriculture and finds practical expression on Chamber of Commerce Strategy – Commonwealth Heritage Addressing Municipal Benefit through Economic Regeneration. CHAMBER strategy is simply to Create the Conditions necessary to attract inward investment – to facilitate Technology Transfer through skillshare and Knowledge Economy and to address Food Security.

The Agro-Economic model to address Energy Security is in line with the Eco-polis – Agro-polis model of World Future Council – for which funding is readily available – in line with Rio Nation objectives for the Development of Natural Capital. This arrangement for People and their organisations is informed by UN Principles of Responsible Management Education and comes with the opportunity for all who are called or invited to Step Up To Serve. Notification on behalf of insurers worldwide Step Up To Serve will be invited to communicate on behalf of the people and the next generation the mandate for Stable State Prosperity based on Stable State Economics without which basis Stable State Governance does not obtain. Called for, is defence of confidence in currency value (Defence of the Faith) – which situation is indicated in the work of Will Hutton – The State We’re In. The follow-up work – The State To Come – indicates the role that a mix voluntary and statutory insurance has to play in the unfolding of UK influence as indicator of Sound Governance and Prudential Financial Accord with other nations and between nation states. The call for The Repair of Nations follows from the observations of Robert Cooper The Breaking of Nations – and which work is available on application to UNICEF UK in the context of Green New Deal. The Economics of Bio-diversity provide the basis for International Protocols of Diplomacy and Negotiation – which Protocol, Principle, Practice and Methodology for tolerating a diversity of opinion and full and frank, honest and principled exchange of views through public, private, social, broadcast media, print, stage and film. Which Protocol Diplomacy and Negotiation – O.S. 3.0 - is made available through AGRICOLA Systems – the Voice of the Land – working with Reignite, Water Aid, Engineers without Borders, The Cambridge Institute for Leadership in Sustainability, Royal Economic Society, Royal Institute of Engineers, The King’s Trust, Royal Corps of Signals, REME and Army Legal Corps.

A Critique of “The Prince” – founded on the writings of Machiavelli: “The Discourses” and: “Il Principe”. A view of Machiavellian import can be gleaned by taking a look at Machiavelli’s own writings. His own works contain clues that can reveal the inferences that can safely be drawn his observations, as well as providing a critique to appreciate the scope and depth of the lessons he seeks to impart. Machiavelli held a view of human nature – based on both historical interpretation and contemporary observation. He states, unambiguously: "Men are inclined to think that they cannot hold securely what they possess unless they get more at others' expense". Machiavelli - The Discourses Book 1 - The Best Form of Government - Discourse 5 - Whether the Safeguarding of Liberty can be safely entrusted to the Populace

This is an important clue. He observes – in The Discourses “The populace is very good at keeping laws, but very bad at making them”. “A prince is very good at making laws, but very bad at keeping them”. Clearly, from this conjunction of observations can be deduced, starkly, that a prince is predictably ambitious, but at the same time, predictably unreliable, erratic and a force that not sufficiently stable to be free of caprice, least of all error, greed or corruption. Machiavelli makes no secret of his admiration for public service. "Every city should provide ways and means whereby the ambitions of the populace may find an outlet, especially a city which proposes to avail itself of the populace in important undertakings". Machiavelli - Discourse 4 - That which makes the Republic both Free and Powerful. He makes no secret of the fact that popular loyalty is there to be cultivated – as a stabilising influence. The implication is that “important undertakings” – the tasks that citizens are called on to perform, taxation, and war have, by their nature a destabilising influence. Cultivating stability, is a prudent action that the civic politician is recommended to recognise, if nothing other, than as: “enlightened self-interest”. When Machiavelli points to desirable outcomes, he values stability that fosters Virtu, which he describes as “glory”. That which is unstable, or lacking virtue, can hardly be described as “glorious”.

His perspective is informed by a functional perspective – he describes as desirable that which is “good for” the functioning of the city, the state or republic - and its “glory”. Glory, far from being imprecise, is easily recognisable by its absence. Glory is an “emergent property”, much like happiness – residing not in any one feature, but a cluster of contributory factors, loss of any one of which redounds on “The Glory Factor”. These components include: reputation, influence, the virtu of both leaders and citizens, popular support and the effectiveness of prudent governance in avoiding ignominy, insecurity, disaster or such afflictions as can befall the unprepared. Disaster can follow inexorably, when not informed by virtu. Machiavelli cites the case of the Venetians – “they operated securely and gloriously when they fought with their own troops - but they abandoned that strategy and began the usual practice of waging war in Italy”. -

XII - Of the various kinds of troops and mercenary soldiers.

He clearly implies the use of mercenaries and unpaid conscripts, he need not be specific, he makes the point not only that both are satisfactory, but allows the reader to draw the clear inference that the usual practice of waging war in Italy is antithetical to achieving desirable secure, stable outcomes. Machiavelli charts the course of the Venetians and succession of leaders – with the withering observation – “With men such as these, they had to fear their losses, not their acquisitions – as occurred later at Vaila where in a single day they lost what had cost them eight hundred years to acquire. From these kinds of soldiers come only slow, tardy and weak conquests but sudden and astonishing losses”. Virtu is a defining feature the defining feature of success – he makes the subtle point that Virtu demands adversity to be realised, and cites not only historical examples but includes both legendary and mythical heroes. Citing the examples of Moses, Cyrus, Romulus and Theseus, Machiavelli gives us clear insight into his evaluation of their significance – “One can see that they received nothing from Fortune except opportunity, which gave them the material they could mould into whatever form they liked”.

“These opportunities made these men successful and their outstanding virtue enabled them to recognise that opportunity, whereby their nation was ennobled and became extremely happy”. In this we are privy to Machiavelli’s insight that outcomes are founded on intentional choices, which process is, necessarily, a function Virtu. While Machiavellian analysis relies on the intersection of three forces – Necessita, Fortuna and Virtu – it is by these cited examples that he holds up to us the primacy of Virtu, which alone cannot make itself known, but without which desirable outcomes do not follow. Machiavelli does not disguise his admiration for ennoblement and happiness as desiderata, he takes their desirability as self-evident. His caveat is the corruptibility of fallen nature, and the fallibility that selfish ambition can engender. That the examples he quotes, Moses, Cyrus, Romulus and Theseus exercise a hold on the reader’s imagination leaves us in no doubt that in writing The Prince as a political handbook, he was well aware of the psycho-social dimension that sets the successful strategist apart from the ambitious tactician, self-interested opportunist or any such person who would seek to make himself “master of a city”. Here we come to the core of Machiavellian import – -

V. How cities or principalities should be governed that lived by their own laws before they were occupied.

“A city accustomed to living in freedom is more easily maintained through the means of its citizens that in any other way”, this is a clear endorsement of civic freedom and republican governance. He adds the words, pointedly to the Prince: “if you desire to preserve it”. By way of explanation we see below: “Anyone who becomes master of a city accustomed to living in liberty and does not destroy it, may expect to be destroyed by it”. This is clearly a reminder to citizens that liberties worth defending need defence from the encroachment that follows from individual ambition.

And the same time, it is a warning to any prince (for “prince” read “tyrant”) that it could all end unhappily for the ambitious. It is a warning to steer clear of tyranny as a career move. Fear of the prince, kept the populace on jealous guard of its liberties, which acted as a check on the prince too. The safeguarding of liberty could prevent the prince from usurping civic power. This safeguarding of liberty, Machiavelli saw as desirable. By exposing the machinations that accompany the ambition for princely power, power often without responsibility or civic duty as any kind of consideration, Machiavelli sends a clear message to the populace to keep politically ambitious individuals on their toes, and to defend their liberties. At the same time he writes a political handbook that advocates civic responsibility as a function of enlightened self-interest. Unambiguously he asserts the perennial nature of freedom once established to revive itself: “The memory of ancient liberty does not and cannot allow them {the populace) to rest”, so that, (in this clear announcement) he presents the ambitious would-be prince/tyrant with a stark cost-benefit analysis: -

“The most secure course is to wipe them out or to go to live there!”

A Prince asking: “Whether it would be better to be loved or feared?” Machiavelli’s response translates as characteristically accurate and guarded at the same time: “It is not for me to tell you, or you to presume; it is the populace and Fortuna that let you know in such matters, according to how you conduct yourself”! Clearly, Machiavelli favoured a revival of responsibility and service, with its attendant Glory. Machiavelli’s observations and analysis, when understood, keep the ambitious in a state of perpetual uncertainty, an uncertainty that, only those endowed with Virtu, have the opportunity to discern how to transcend.

Business licenses are permits issued by government agencies that allow individuals or companies to conduct business within the government's geographical jurisdiction. It is the authorization to start a business issued by the local government.[1] A single jurisdiction often requires multiple licenses that are issued by multiple government departments and agencies. Business licenses vary between countries, states, and local municipalities. There are often many licenses, registrations and certifications required to conduct a business in a single location. Business registration is required by most jurisdictions. A business license can be a business registration, but many jurisdictions require further licenses beyond registration. The business activity and physical location (address) determines most license requirements. Other determining factors may include the number of employees and the form of business ownership, such as sole proprietor or corporation. Incorporation is not the same legal process as being licensed to do business. Government agencies can fine or close a business operating without the required business licenses. 2. The issues surrounding business licensing centre on: Reporting Governance Compliance Corporate Public Responsibility It is indicated by insurers and those whose role is to safeguard the natural environment that business licensing, registration and validation provide appropriate recourse to insurers and validating authorities charged with the collection of statutory or voluntary insurance to see in place appropriate conditions for Reporting (Transparency) Governance Compliance and Corporate Public Responsibility. The Consortium of interests around safeguarding the needs of future generations in the interests of People and Nature – People and Place are represented wholly but not exclusively by the following bodies: The Prince’s International Sustainability Unit – WWF – UNICEF – Fauna-Flora – Seedbed Conservation Trust – Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce – deploying SATORI Systems™. In recognition of whose adherence to The Earth Charter is authorized to such authority or authorities as validate and are validated worthy of trust, recognition, respect and good faith the rights to license and collect registration fees from individuals and or their organizations according to the standards of Best Practice, Good Governance, Reporting, Transparency and Accountability as standards indicated by Five Pillars and as confirmed in its Charter of Recognition and Letters Patent for such validating bodies as may be granted leave to exercise stewardship and supervision of best practice for People and Nature.

H.M. Treasury is Commanded to Address the Source of economic instability and take appropriate measures as may be practicable, effective and timely in accord with the requirements of independent sovereign nations to govern their own affairs and make provision for their people – economic dependents – fulfil their obligations and address their own needs for economic security – economic stability – stable state politics – stable state governance – revenue collection – wealth generation – harmony at home and overseas – ability to attract inward investment – capacity for export – trade and commercial exchange – the maintenance of good diplomatic relations with the Commonwealth and the Maintenance of the defence of the Interests of People and Nature in Accord with the Common Weal. Green New Deal Swords to Ploughshares Inclusive Capitalism Addressing Climate Change

The Green New Deal is a package of policy proposals that aims to address global warming, and financial crises. It echoes the New Deal, the social and economic programs launched by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression.[1] The proposals of the Green New Deal generally echo the recommendations of UN-mandated organizations like ICLEI or the TEEB, of global NGOs, and of the Basel II and related monetary accords, especially as these relate to reforms to measurement of fundamental ecosystem risk and financial liabilities.       

Government-led investment in energy efficiency and microgeneration Low-carbon infrastructure redevelopment as a job creation strategy A directed windfall tax on the profits of oil and gas companies (already established in Norway) with expanding renewable energy and energy efficiency investment Further financial incentives for green investment and reduced energy usage, including reduction of private bank interest rates for green investment Break up large financial institutions into smaller units to facilitate more explicit and detailed fundamental risk management, as opposed to an approach based on sheer size and diversifying into every activity regardless of its harms Re-regulation of international finance including capital controls, increased scrutiny of financial derivatives, likely along the lines of Basel II Prevent corporate tax evasion by demanding financial reporting and by clamping down on tax havens.

The reinsurance industry and The Economist have also consistently expressed support for the general principles of consistent global carbon and emissions charges, for metrics of ecosystem destabilization risk and a generally high value on nature's services which underlie human valuation.

1. All of the above proposals are ready to be carried out by an investment house – finance broking service provider – bank or Chamber of Commerce. 2. By instituting Fair Trade Chamber of Commerce Methodology a flexible, scalable, modular, ethical and sustainable finance broking or banking operation can use Integrated Banking and Insurance Services (IBIS) together with Cloud-based management of services by subscription. 3. Life Assurance and Zero Carbon Pensions can be used to engage in Fair Trade Sustainable investment strategy with individuals and their organisations in the context of Regional and Local Regeneration – Development of Community Capital – Conservative Asset Management Principle and Risk Management – Terra Firma Estate Management Principle. 4. This GREEN NEW DEAL aspect of INCLUSIVE CAPITALISM uses Mutual Banking and owner-managed investment broking operations to enable Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce be used as a Social Franchise – in the context of Business Licensing, Registration, Validation and sustainable financial services operation – banking – insurance – finance broking – asset management for Partnership with Regional, Local or Central Authority. Several of the proposals have already been implemented in one or more G8 or G20 countries including Norway, South Korea, the UK, US and European Union. The financial proposals echo some already underway at the IMF, World Bank, BIS and ECB to better reflect ecosystem valuations and reduce systematic incentives to invest in "dirty" over "clean" industries. For Those Who Want To Know More Social franchising is the application of the principles of commercial franchising to promote social benefit rather than private profit. In the first sense, it refers to a contractual relationship wherein an independent coordinating organization (usually anon-governmental organization, but occasionally a governmental body or private company[2]) offers individual independent operators the ability join into a franchise network for the provision of selected services over a specified area in accordance with an overall blueprint devised by the franchisor.[3] Once joining the network, operators are given the right to employ previously tested incentives including: professional training, use of brands or brand advertisements, subsidized or proprietary supplies and equipment, support services, and access to professional advice.[4] Members also gain beneficial spin-off effects such as increased consumer volume and improved reputation due to brand affiliation.[1] Franchisees must adhere to a range of requirements including: providing socially beneficial services, meeting quality and pricing standards, undergoing mandatory education on provision of services, subjecting outlets toquality assurance mechanisms, reporting service and sales statistics, and occasionally, paying fixed or profit-share fees.[1][5] Social franchises have

been used for primary health services, pharmaceutical sales of essential drugs, HIV testing and counseling, and reproductive health services in the developing world. As has been indicated to Bank of England there is a question of National Economic Security that calls to be addressed. This is evidenced by Gresham’s Law – the which phenomenon is occasioned by a Black Hole at the centre of economy – described on page 69 of Will Hutton’s work “The State We’re In” and the work of Robert Cooper – “The Breaking of Nations”. The Repair of Nations is addressed in the published works of Eunomia – indicated for the attention of suitable authority that represents the interests of Crown, Law and People. For it is by addressing these Three Estates – the Fourth Estate – The Church and the needs of The Fifth Estate – governed by Terra Firma Estate Management Principle (Stewardship of Natural Resource) that arrangements can be made to deal with present impasse. The security situation is highlighted on the Front Page of The Daily Telegraph of Thursday June 19th 2014 as The Prime Minister indicates that Holy War is due to strike mainland Britain. That this is due to the attrition of eternal values on which the Five Pillars of Islam are founded eludes the understanding of economists in the sway of Schumpeter who wrote that equality, liberty and democracy are as ethereal chimera as the gods of the Ancient Greeks. The question of Value, Meaning, Understanding, Purpose and Currency Value is treated fully in Eunomia for the realisation of Stable State Governance. “Dealing with Complexity” – is its title. The Complex is The Industrial-Military Complex that dominates the mind and attention of those with time and money, weaponry and ambition for destruction –the which is a psychological issue and of no more concern for those concerned with the administration of Justice and the Regulation of Balance than any other imbalance that attends conflict, breach of law, disturbance of the peace or error of calculation. That an integrated Science of Understanding – indicated by Unified Field Perspective stands ready to address the situation is all that needs to be conveyed – to suitable Expert Witness. One suitably expert in such matters of public import is indicated as The Founder of the Prince’s International Sustainability Unit – being a Body that has done research in this area and seeks to build consensus around practical action to deal with climate change, bio-diversity and the Care of Terra Firma. 1. Social Franchisees working with Leaders in Sustainably – can realise convergence in macroand micro economic understanding and to balance risk-averse behaviour (conservation) with risk-taking behaviour (gambling). 2. Social Franchisees can govern appropriate balance and repair Black Hole through Business Licensing, Registration, Validation and Granting of insurance and deployment of suitable Financial Register as is called for by Andrew Haldane – Chief Economist at The Bank of England.

3. Integrated Back-office Systems and Services (I-BOSS) ™ Technology stand ready with SATORI Systems™. Which technology stands ready to be deployed by Nudge Digital (Government Contractors) who stand at the disposal of those with sufficient capacity to warrant suitable attention.

A mutual savings bank is a financial institution chartered by a central or regional government, without capital stock, that is owned by its members who subscribe to a common fund. From this fund claims, loans, etc., are paid. Profits after deductions are shared between the members. The institution is intended to provide a safe place for individual members to save and to invest those savings inmortgages, loans, stocks, bonds and other securities and to share in any profits or losses that result. The members own the business. A second application of social franchising is as a means of enabling social enterprises and the social economy to create more employment for disadvantaged people and achieve social aims. This is done principally by enabling joint working and knowledge sharing and transfer. The European Social Franchising Network has identified over 60 social franchises of this type in Europe, which employ over 13,000 people and more recently in 2012 The International Centre for Social Franchising identified 140.[6] The largest of these is De Kringwinkel in Flanders employing 5,000 people. Others, like the Le Mat hotel and tourism social franchise or the School for Social Entrepreneurs operate in more than one country. Social franchising provides an opportunity to rapidly grow the sector to the benefit of disadvantaged people and society more generally.

Mutual savings banks were designed to stimulate savings by individuals; the exclusive function of these banks is to protect deposits, make limited, secure investments, and provide depositors with interest. Unlike commercial banks, savings banks have no stockholders; the entirety of profits beyond the upkeep of the bank belongs to the depositors of the mutual savings bank. Mutual savings banks prioritize security, and as a result, have historically been characteristically conservative in their investments. This conservatism is what allowed mutual savings banks to remain stable throughout the turbulent period of the Great Depression, despite the failing of commercial banks and savings and loan associations. Anthroposophy, a philosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner, postulates the existence of an objective, intellectually comprehensible spiritual world accessible to direct experience through inner development. More specifically, it aims to develop faculties of perceptive imagination, inspiration and intuition through cultivating a form of thinking independent of sensory experience,[1][2] and to present the results thus derived in a manner subject to rational verification. In its investigations of the spiritual world, anthroposophy aims to attain the precision and clarity attained by the natural sciences in their investigations of the physical world.[1] Anthroposophical ideas have been applied practically in many areas including Steiner/Waldorf education, special education (most prominently through the Camphill Movement), biodynamic agriculture, medicine, ethical banking, organizational development, and the arts.[1][3][4][5][6] The Anthroposophical Society has its international center at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher (16 August 1911 – 4 September 1977) was an internationally influential economic thinker, statistician and economist in Britain, serving as Chief Economic Advisor to the UK National Coal Board for two decades.[1] His ideas became popularized in much of the English-speaking world during the 1970s. He is best known for his critique of Western economies and his proposals for human-scale, decentralized and appropriate technologies. According to The Times Literary Supplement, his 1973 book Small Is Beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered is among the 100 most influential books published since World War II,[2] and was soon translated into many languages, bringing him international fame. Schumacher's basic development theories have been summed up in the catch-phrases Intermediate Size and Intermediate Technology. In 1977 he published A Guide For The Perplexed as a critique of materialist scientism and as an exploration of the nature and organization of knowledge. Together with long-time friends and associates like Professor Mansur Hoda, Schumacher founded the Intermediate Technology Development Group (now Practical Action) in 1966.

Triodos Bank N.V. is a bank based in the Netherlands with branches inBelgium, Germany, United Kingdom and Spain. It is a pioneer in ethical banking. Triodos Bank finances companies which it thinks add cultural value and benefit both people and the environment. The name Triodos is derived from the Greek "τρὶ ὁδος - tri hodos," meaning "three-way approach" (people, planet, profit). Triodos Bank's balance sheet was worth EUR 5.3 billion by the end of 2012.[1] Triodos is unusual in that it only lends to businesses and charities judged to be of social or ecological benefit. This "positive screening" extends its policies beyond those of ethical banks which solely avoid investing in companies judged to be doing harm ("negative screening").[2] The Bank uses money deposited by close to 100,000 savers and lends it to hundreds of organisations, such as fair trade initiatives, organic farms, cultural and arts initiatives, renewable energy projects, and social enterprises. Savers can open conventional savings accounts, as well as ethical funds and venture capital. Triodos also has an active international department, supporting microfinance initiatives across the developing world. Triodos is the only commercial bank in the UK to provide an annual list of all the loans the bank has made.[3] In 1980 Triodos launched the first "green fund", a fund for environmentally friendly projects, on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange.[4] Friends of the Earth in the Netherlands claims that transferring 10,000 euros in savings from a "climate laggard" such as ABN Amro to Triodos will effectively result in a carbon dioxide emissions saving equivalent to what would be achieved by not driving a car for six months. [5] The bank compensates 100% of its own CO2 emissions.[6] As of the end of 2012, Triodos Bank had more than 437,000 customers. [1] About half of these are in the Netherlands, and a quarter in Spain.[7] The bank was founded as an anthroposophical initiative.[8] The bank's statutes were committed to anthroposophical principles until 1999, but in later years, the bank has broadened its appeal. The bank operations and customer relations are mainly based on the web, but adapt to local customs. In Spain, for example, physical offices are preferred by the clients and therefore several commercial offices have been opened in the major towns.

Licensed Defence Networks (Software) Legitimate Operating Norms Defending Organisational Networks The LONDON Product Set

Product overview Licensed Defence Networks (Software) is a modular, comprehensive resource management platform. With its extensive device support, LDN (Software) provides true end-to-end management for the entire network, as well as the open operation cycle. LDN (Software) reduces network exposure by integrating security policy management and endpoint posture assessment to identify and isolate risks at the network edge. The security policy component allows administrators to control endpoint admission based on an endpoint's identity and posture. If an endpoint is not compliant with software, network assets can be protected by blocking or isolating an endpoint's access. The LONDON Product Set reduces the risk of malicious code infections or other security breaches by detecting endpoint patches, viruses, Address Resolution Protocol attacks, abnormal traffic, the installation and running of sensitive software, as well as the status of system services. LDN provides continual monitoring of endpoints. The software now supports a concurrent licensing model.

    

Enforces posture compliance Fully integrates all functions Reduces infection risk of network terminal Automatically blocks suspicious traffic Protects sensitive data

Licensing of LONDON Product Set The LONDON Product Set 4.0 includes concurrent licensing, improved endpoint identification, real-time monitoring of endpoints 

Concurrent user licensing model accommodate a fluid employee presence at the workplace.

Real-time monitoring for isolated endpoints.

Informing endpoint users of disabled peripheral devices.

The School of Writers A membership service for those with a professional or personal interest in: Sustainability – Leadership - Finance – Economics & Ecology – Commercial Ecology - Fair Trade & Law. Inclusive Capitalism CPD 

Integrative Methods in: Business, Banking, Insurance, Finance, Commerce, Continuing Professional Development, Design and IT

I apply to join The School of Writers “Learn and Earn CPD” – I wish to use Career Portfolio Development Series of Events to: Establish My Body of Work/Engage in Continuing Professional Development Signed............................................................... Name................................................................ Address............................................................. Tel..................................................................... Email................................................................. Green Films TV & School of Writers A ten-week series – divided into terms – running throughout the year. Your monthly subscription includes CPD & Body of Work Publishing & Project Support services. Web publishing, design for print, audio and video recording, DVD duplication, typing, proof-reading, editing, back-office IT, secretarial and publishing project support. Support services are designed for Individual professionals and Organisations. Recommended Reading: 

Zen & The Art of Making a Living

Economics As If People Mattered – E.F. Schumacher

Good Business, Flow, Leadership and the Making of Meaning

Leadership & The New Science

The Future of Management

Conjectures and Refutations

The Open Society & Its Enemies

The Divided Brain

Zen & The Art of Civilisation

DVDs 

The Trap – Adam Curtis

Baraka – Ron Fricke



© The Zurich Association – One In Eight - 2014

1.Eunomia – Prinzip – a Handbook for Local Governance 2. Eunomia – Praxis – a Handbook for Local Governors 3. Eunomia – Methodology – a Manual for Finance Governance 4. Eunomia – Objective – a Manual for Financial Governors 5. Summary – a view from Unified Field Perspective informing Integrated Policy Perspective 6. Overview – Integrated Policy Perspective informing local resilience in local economy 7. Eunomia – Local Currency – a Handbook 8. Eunomia – O/S 12.0 Web-enabled financial decision-making

Step One We provide reports (city-by-city, country-by-country) on the opportunities available from Science & Technology Delivery of Education (CPD and Online Learning) Integrative Banking and Insurance Practice Use of Social Media Click on the relevant link (above) to download the PDF file for the sector in which you want to operate Step Two Tick the box relevant to your needs 1. Set Up Science & Technology Foundation for the city in which you wish to operate 2. Deliver Education (CPD and Online learning) Funding available. 3. Deliver banking or insurance services (Capital Funding, capacity building and CPD services available) 4. Use our services to make use of Social Media to maximise your influence for the town or city you are interested in. Step Three. Subscribe. To access services select your relevant subscription level to access services by subscription Individual Organisation Sponsor Step Four Apply for Funding Market Research The cost of services for use of social media, integrative banking practice, delivery of education is deductible from the cost of a city report (Eunomia) for the investor, entrepreneur or sponsor interested in setting up a Hub style organisation or Virtual Office for the town or city (Europe, Asia or Latin America) in which you seek to operate. Indicate the city for which you wish to commission a report on trading conditions (principles and practice of Eunomia) and you will be sent the report on payment of the appropriate consultancy rate (deductible from, service fee offering). See: - Offer of Service.

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