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There Come From Time To Time – Opportunities for Change. There may be Changes that only Awareness and Awareness Alone can realise. For such and for other changes in Fortune we have Insurance. Through managing pension, annuity, life assurance and reinsurance policy at individual, household, regional and national level can be informed by none other than the conjunctions of: Book Balancing (Accounting) Reporting (Audit) Risk Weighting (Kite-mark Indicator) and Premium Collection – received as a factor of risk borne and risk shared and reflected through Revenue Collection and Dividend Distribution at Source. This Model – The Terra Firma Model – relies on an integration of Economics, Ecology, Fair Trade and Law to inform Household and District, Regional Policy and Governance through an integration of foreign and security policy based on Principles of Natural Capital – in line with Rio Nation Objectives for the Development of Natural Capital and United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment. What Are These Principles of Responsible Investment? The Principles Rest on a Conjunction of Fair Game, Fair Trade, Fair Play and Lex Naturalis. The Principles of Food Security and Energy Security provide a strategy for Community Based – Community Led Agriculture – falling as that does to those who provide: 1. Coherent Principles for Common Accord. 2. Safeguard for individual liberty of person and right of livelihood. 3. Vocational Support. 4. License for the Pursuit of Meaning.

These are the Four AGREEMENTS that accord with the need of Survey, Leadership, Defence and Medicine that we find in the works of The Respected Author of The Art of War – Sun Tzu The Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu Discourses - Machiavelli The Prince - Machiavelli . This Conjunction of East-West Synergy Dovetails in the Work The Art of War – Copies of which are available in the series that includes the writing of Cantillon – Whose Original Economic Work inspired the Political Economy of Adam Smith.

Economics is the social science that studies economic activity to gain an understanding of the processes that govern the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in an economy. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek οἰκονομία from οἶκος (oikos, "house") and νόμος (nomos, "custom" or "law"), hence "rules of the house (hold for good management)".[1] 'Political economy' was the earlier name for the subject, but economists in the late 19th century suggested "economics" as a shorter term for "economic science" to establish itself as a separate discipline outside of political science and other social sciences.[2] Economics focuses on the behaviour and interactions of economic agents.

As We Derive from the above – it is Household Management in the context of Common Accord, Revenues, Customs and Balancing the Books that enables the integration of Fair Trade and Law with Financial Services underpinned by The Application of Actuarial Science – Terra Firma Pensions – See: Terra Firma Provides. When investment fails to return, business becomes more complex.

For those who understand Cantillon – The Answer is clear – it is not what you invest your money in, but who you invest it with that holds the key to you seeing your money return dividend. Green Finance provides a Non-debt safeguard for those who would invest for the future in the context of Developing Community Capital. The Provision for which is made available according to Social Trust – Terms and Conditions as underwritten by insurers, licensed according to estate managers, governed according to Conservative Asset Management Principle according to Social Charter – Constitution And Warranty, License and Provision for Community Capital Development for People & Place – People and Nature.

Britannicus To realise Conservation of Natural or Social Asset according to: investment, energy, technology, estate management and law – contact: Fair Trade Economic Foundation –



Smart buildings

people and performance

Smart buildings: people and performance c1

Smart buildings: people and performance

Contents 1. Introduction


2. Tools and technologies for ‘smartness’


3. Smart data


4. Smart buildings and smart people


5. Risks and challenges


6. Making smartness work


7. Roundtable participants


© Royal Academy of Engineering June 2013 Published by Royal Academy of Engineering Prince Philip House 3 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5DG Tel: 020 7766 0600 Fax: 020 7930 1549 Registered Charity Number: 293074

c2 Royal Academy of Engineering

© Doug King

Smart buildings: people and performance 1


1. Introduction © Tim Crocker for Bennetts Associates

Recent advances in data gathering and analysis are opening up new possibilities for smart building technology. For the first time, building management systems (BMS) have the capability to learn and even anticipate their occupants’ needs and preferences for light, temperature and other services – saving energy through targeted supply. The ongoing expansion and upgrading of wireless networks and leaps in computing power mean that today’s smart building designers possess the tools to use data to make the built environment more comfortable while reducing our carbon footprint.

In March 2013, the Royal Academy of Engineering held a roundtable meeting to consider potential applications for smart building technologies and to identify possible challenges. Consensus rapidly emerged that smart buildings will be crucial to maintaining quality of life as urban populations rise and natural resources dwindle. However, this would be predicated on an environment of supportive policymaking and improved research funding for the construction sector.

Arup Global Research Director Professor Jeremy Watson FREng, who chaired the meeting, used the occasion to call on engineers, architects and technologists to create “inspiring, transformative proposals” that will attract funding and support for the smart building sector. The roundtable proposed to: - Encourage holistic, systems thinking in the design of buildings - Introduce a vector of value in building design that takes in wellbeing, maintenance and productivity

For the first time, building management systems (BMS) have the capability to learn and even anticipate their occupants’ needs and preferences for light, temperature and other services

- Consider the bigger picture of service, security and future-proofing of a building, and to develop business models which promote this approach - Extend the temporal and spatial systems boundaries to take in the whole building life cycle.

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Smart buildings: people and performance 3

Tools and technologies for ‘smartness’

“The rate of increase in resource consumption means that business as usual is not an option. I believe that the only solution to this challenge is improving and rolling out digital infrastructure and digital services.” Mike Perry, principal consultant at BRE

2. Tools and technologies for ‘smartness’ Sensors and the internet of things By 2020, there will be an estimated 50 billion networked appliances and sensors worldwide, constituting a vast global network of data-generating devices such as sensors and their URLs, known collectively as the ‘internet of things’. Sensors are increasingly being installed in buildings to gather data about movement, heat, light and use of space. This information allows building management systems (BMS) to make reactive – and even anticipatory and personalised – real-time alterations to a building’s environment to suit its occupants. Data from sensors can also be analysed as part of post-occupancy evaluations to inform the design of subsequent buildings and systems. Such information may ultimately be incorporated into ‘real-time Building


EDF Energy smart meter roll-out By 2019, EDF Energy aims to have installed smart meters in 100% of the homes and small businesses it provides energy to. The kit will include gas and electricity meters, an in-house display and a (noninternet) connected communications hub that allows customers to view data on other devices and link with the supplier systems. At the point of installation, EDF Energy plans to offer energy advice and explain how to take advantage of the meters. It will also make customers aware of other energy-saving devices on the market. EDF Energy will offer time-of-use tariffs to manage demand, with smart meters offering the ability to analyse consumption and automatically control load.

The government and energy suppliers are setting up an infrastructure to administrate the network. This will include a regulated national centralised data and communications monopoly that will be subject to licence. A smart energy code will govern the system’s participants and its administration, while new regulations will protect customer data as well as ensuring all customers are treated fairly. Smart metering has been mandated for energy suppliers. However, customers may opt out completely – as customers will have in-home displays which will allow them to choose the amount of data going back to the supplier.

“The solution needs to be incredibly cheap and ubiquitous and ideally should be global to achieve economies of scale”, says Neul Chief Technology Officer Professor William Webb FREng. He sees the likely solution in 10-year batterypowered long-range (up to 5km) wireless sensors that bypass congestion with local ICT network signals and avoid the need for expensive wiring.

Information Modelling (BIM)’, enabling live data to be held in the data structures used to describe building design. While there are applications across all building types, the healthcare sector promises particularly interesting opportunities for internet-connected sensors. For instance, sensors could extend the length of time that elderly people can remain in their own homes by allowing remote monitoring of health through blood pressure and heart monitors that note behaviour patterns and highlight any change that might indicate a problem, offering improvements to their quality of life and generating savings for the NHS.

Smart meters and smart grids Smart electricity meters use sensors to record energy use, feeding information to the provider as well as the building occupant, to help regulate energy use and lower bills. Smart meters are set to become a strong presence in UK households and business premises following a government mandate issued to energy suppliers in 2011 to distribute them to 100% of customers by end of 2019. The government estimates that, over the next 20 years, the rollout of smart meters will deliver £7bn in net benefits to consumers, energy suppliers and networks by creating more accurate billing and lower bills by increasing customers’ control of electricity usage and broadening the choice of payment methods.

However, we need to find an affordable way of sending data from sensors to the internet if their mass rollout in public and private buildings is to happen. © efergyofficial

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Smart buildings: people and performance 5

Plenary session

This pioneering attempt to create a national smart utility network is intended to “create a platform from which energy and other service suppliers can innovate,” says Head of Industry, Regulation and External Affairs for Smart Metering at EDF Energy Ashley Pocock. He adds, “Interconnectivity with smart appliances will be an important part of the programme and provide a bridging point with smart buildings”. Smart meters are the first step to creating a national smart grid, where electricity will be delivered to customers on the basis of responding to dynamic demands using data. This is a long-term model with a five-year rollout and a 20-year business case. “We don’t really know what the smart grid will look like yet, although policies that will shape it are starting to emerge now,” says Pocock.


Cookham Wood Cookham Wood young offenders’ institution in Kent was the first project to use BIM, in the construction of a 180-room, two-wing, three-storey extension. The first data drop entailed stakeholders meeting to share information to create a design. The second focused on the creation of detailed 3D modelling of the structure, while the final two data drops involved sharing information on construction, operations and maintenance. “It took a lot of hard work and pre-planning, which may be where BIM gets its value – in the amount of effort put into getting the customer to thoroughly work out what they need from the project,” says Professor Tim Broyd FREng, Professor of Built Environment Foresight at University College London.

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Building information modelling In May 2011, the Cabinet Office published the Government Construction Strategy, with a timeline for publicly-funded building projects to use BIM. The paper specifies “full collaborative 3D BIM by 2016”. Through 3D computer modelling, BIM is an information repository for the geometry, spatial relationships, quantities and properties of the whole building and its components, allowing architects, engineers and designers to work on the same platform. The spatial relationships defined can then ensure that there are no clashes between services and new elements can be produced and replaced easily and accurately. The government’s goal for BIM is to reduce construction costs by 20% by organising a project’s plan of work around a series of shared ‘data drops’, thereby avoiding costly duplication of information between the teams working on the construction. BIM is also a platform to provide data for the user. It is a way of looking at a building as a system, a method that has been used in manufacturing for decades where interoperability of elements allows for adaptability in processes. It is how BIM is used that demonstrates its value as a smart building tool. The digital plan of work should also include the user’s requirements in the system loop that feeds useful data back to the model, so that performance of the building can be checked against those requirements and improved.

Smart buildings: people and performance 7 © Doug King

Smart data

3. Smart data © Doug King

Data and energy use Big open data and social media are creating opportunities for the world’s first smart applications. “Until very recently, we have only been able to interpret data by putting it in a very specific format and running it through a supercomputer,” says Through Architecture Director Paul Fletcher. He adds, “The magic of big data is finding synergies by putting massive, disparate, non-formatted datasets through standard computers.”

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The use of algorithms to analyse huge amounts of data in near real-time helps energy companies take decisions about supply. There are ambitious visions about how this data could be used, if city service systems were integrated. Mike Perry envisages linking healthcare and energy systems, among others, so that “when elderly Mrs Smith, apprehensive about her energy bills, spends three consecutive winter days without the heating on, the local healthcare agency is alerted to check on her, possibly preventing a case of hypothermia.”

Data and building use

Data and structural design

Data-enabled machine learning creates a smart building, whose defining feature is the ability to be proactive in making appropriate changes to services on behalf of its users. Andrew Eastwell, Chief Executive of the Building Services Research and Information Association, described smart as “equal to selfawareness plus the ability to react”.

The collection of finely-grained data relies on employing sensors to monitor the building and its occupants’ behaviour to inform post-occupancy evaluations. Underlining the pre-eminence of sensors, Bennetts Associates Director and Architect Simon Erridge believes the true definition of smartness “lies not in the provision of services but in the collection of post-occupancy data”.

In the hope of creating more productive workplaces, Paul Fletcher envisages data-informed smart systems that “allow you to query a large building about what space you should use for a particular activity, and have it make a suggestion”.

Big data’s full potential can only be exploited when shared openly with the construction community in order to create a feedback loop that enhances the design of future buildings.

Smart buildings: people and performance 9

Smart buildings and smart people

“It is not all about high-tech digital design technologies; an intelligent building has to include other low-tech approaches such as passive environmental control.” Professor Derek Clements-Croome, University of Reading

4. Smart buildings and smart people The living building – buildings as sociotechnical systems Buildings should evolve and adapt to accommodate their users. It is therefore important to incorporate the user into the design of buildings and allow them control over their environment. Smart buildings should be responsive to their inhabitants in order constantly to improve living conditions. William Webb observes that, although the concept of the smart home has been around for at least 40 years, “it has been messed up every which way, with misaligned objectives between end users and those who design the smart system”. He suggests that architects and smart technologists resist anticipating the needs of users, instead consulting with them at the start of the design process.

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Close observation of the behaviour of occupants is important when retrofitting smart technologies to existing buildings in order to provide appropriate services. Simon Erridge also recommends that architects and installers remain mindful of the human need to feel in control of the immediate environment. “People want to engage with the controls rather than feel at the mercy of a technological hand of God”, he says. As well as soliciting the opinions of users, building designers should embrace their role as service providers and collaborate more closely and creatively with clients to create innovative buildings.

Smart buildings: people and performance 11 © Doug King

Smart buildings and smart people

Actual energy use of more than 100 BBP member offices grouped by their EPC rating

“I can guarantee that what we assumed would happen in a building when we designed it, now isn’t happening. There is all too often a tendency to blame the occupiers for that. We need to focus on people and get buildings to be reactive to human needs, not the other way round.” Paul Fletcher, Director of Through Architecture

C A S E S TUD Y Romero House – design for productivity Some buildings are structurally designed to help people behave more smartly. Aid agency CAFOD’s headquarters in Romero House in London lacks data-driven smart technology, yet helps its occupants to work more creatively, reduce energy use and even stay fit. With the lifts tucked discreetly away, the default behaviour of CAFOD staff is to use the stairs. The stairwell features offset mezzanines with coffee points, toilets and meeting rooms, rather than the facilities being located on the office floors. Staff must choose between two alternative destinations for coffee and thus cross paths, facilitating interdepartmental knowledge-sharing. Within weeks of the charity moving into Romero House, an aid team solved what they had considered an intractable problem after a chance conversation over coffee revealed that a team working on the other side of the world held a key piece of knowledge which unlocked the solution. “All we can do is try to make buildings that permit people to use them in any way they want to, in ways we may not imagine,” says consulting building engineer Professor Doug King FREng. CAFOD’s Romero House design team: architect – Black Architecture, structural engineer – WSP, service engineer – King Shaw Associates.

Smart systems and the user Building occupants, with higher priorities such as work and family, may lack the time, knowledge or inclination to create optimally efficient environmental conditions. This is where smart building technology can step in, learning and anticipating user preferences, and altering conditions to meet user needs more precisely and flexibly than we ourselves can. However, the human tendency to abandon technology when it fails to be more attractive than a triedand-trusted low-tech solution offers smart technologists a formidable design challenge. While most people rapidly come to rely on trustworthy and prevalent new technologies, some groups struggle to adapt. The guiding principle of inclusive

design, which dictates that products and services should be designed to serve their most vulnerable users first, may be considered in the creation of smart building system interfaces – especially for premises that lack a resident technician. By extension, the undesirability of every smart building having its own set of instructions raises the need for a standardised interface that would enable the inexpert or semi-skilled user to master a new building management system fast and instinctively. To survive, smart building systems need to accommodate individual occupants’ contrasting preferences for heat, light, cooling, entertainment, video conferencing and other services. A possible solution could be for building

Source: A Tale of Two Buildings, Jones Lang LaSalle / Better Building Partnership, 2012

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Smart buildings: people and performance 13

Smart buildings and smart people

“Smart is about the building beginning to anticipate your needs – it is about living in a machine that cares about you.” Professor Jeremy Watson FREng, Director of Arup Global Research

users to be identifiable to the BMS networked system and possess their own set of identifying cookies to help the system configure the best solution for all occupants at any one time.

Education and cultural change Establishing public trust in smart buildings demands the design of reliable systems and instinctive interfaces. But achieving the prerequisite buy-in for the technologies will require communication of their benefits to clients with nontechnical backgrounds such as local authorities and property developers. Using accessible language to describe the systems is key to winning the support that will carry smart technology into our buildings. Similarly, non-technical education about how to use smart technologies should be provided. Consultant engineer Professor Doug King FREng claims that the average lifetime of a domestic energy meter is two battery changes, “after which the novelty wears off because we don’t really know the benchmark against which to compare our statistics – it is just data noise”. We must also bear in mind ‘contrary’ and ‘rebound’ behaviours in response to energy meters – for example

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people initially taking an interest in their energy use but gradually shifting back to their previous usage patterns. A cultural shift is also necessary within the construction and technology sectors to open lines of communication between them. One urgent challenge that will require unprecedented cooperation arises from the contrasting lifespans of physical buildings and digital technology.

Towards a new construction paradigm The lifespan of a building is currently around 50 to 100 years, while digital technology changes over a dramatically shorter two- to five-year cycle. The possibility that buildings may have to become ‘evolvable’ offers an opportunity for imaginative thinking, viewing the building as a core infrastructure into which ‘applications’ can be plugged. The structural frame holds half the embodied energy of a building, making retrofitting essential to introduce smartness while managing carbon emissions. There are parallels in the relationship between smartphones and their apps, and buildings and their smart systems. A smartphone can be disaggregated

“Behavioural science tells us that we are intuitive beings. This technology should not be about taking our decisions away, but about enhancing our decision-making.” Paul Fletcher, Director of Through Architecture

© efergyofficial

as a collection of sensors, such as GPS, software in the form of apps, and outputs such as the screen and speaker. The elements in a building can be disaggregated in the same way to separate basic structure from the services hosted by the building. The design of commercial aircraft offers another potential model to learn from. The average working life of a Boeing 747 is approximately 50 years, during which time it is refitted about six times. The necessity of making frequent upgrades to its electronic, communications and other systems requires that the design allows old technology to be rapidly removed and replaced with minimal disruption to the fabric of the plane.

Buildings could be conceived as similarly upgradeable as technology changes, with elements added in such a way that they can easily be changed as technology and the building’s use develops. Architect Paul Fletcher expands on the idea, looking at the use of disruptive technologies for supporting this continual remodelling, suggesting “installing a 3D printer in the basement to create modular workspaces as they are needed, which are then dissolved ready for reuse”.

Smart buildings: people and performance 15

Risks and challenges

“The advance of technology is bringing new threats. The advent of superfast broadband means there is a considerable amount of damage that can now be done from a home computer.” Hugh Boyes, Cyber Security Lead at the Institution of Engineering and Technology

5. Risks and challenges Privacy and the security of data The growing availability of data produced by social media, smart devices and the internet of things raises concerns about privacy, data ownership and security. Users’ willingness to provide or share personal information and use applications increasingly depends on whether they trust the data processor to protect their privacy and to use the data in a fair, legal and accountable manner. Loss of user confidence or trust has implications for application usage and the quality of data provided. Hacking causes serious reputational damage to major institutions such as banks and retailers, a fact which requires us to improve the trustworthiness of software and to endeavour to ‘design out crime’ from data systems. Preventing security breaches will require government to work with commerce and engineering to create regulatory and legal frameworks as well as software

engineering and maintenance standards that can protect both organisations and individuals. Recent experiments by security specialists found that 90% of test phishing attacks launched on the staff of large corporations succeeded. While risks arising from these attacks may be partially mitigated by improved user awareness and training, the experiments demonstrate the need to develop more resilient systems. Where in the past the cyber security threats were primarily hacking and viruses, the advent of malicious software like the Stuxnet worm and the use of botnets to deliver denial of service attacks means that the systems supporting smart buildings are exposed to a wide variety of threats. The systems in a smart building will need to be engineered to minimise the impact of such threats and to allow changes over their life cycle to address emerging threats.

Development of smart buildings involves the integration and interaction of a range of building, corporate and third party systems. The creation of these complex ‘systems of systems’ will introduce new management challenges relating to the continuity and security of operations as processes and data across organisation boundaries. For example, if building management systems (BMS) operated by the facilities team are connected to corporate systems operated by the corporate IT team, there needs to be clarity about who takes responsibility for protecting the security of the BMS, which has the characteristics of a control system rather than a typical enterprise computer system. This could also allow building performance information to be available via an ‘enterprise dashboard’ which can provide a visual understanding of the key performance indicators and metrics.

In multi-occupancy or multi-use buildings, the complex business models of building ownership and tenancy can also result in confusion about who should take responsibility for building security. This needs to be addressed in the design and operation of any shared infrastructure or applications, particularly where they affect individuals’ health and safety or the security and availability of the building1.


The Institution of Engineering and Technology has recently published a briefing document on these issues [].

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Smart buildings: people and performance 17


The BRE Environmental Building, Watford The Building Research Establishment (BRE) Environmental Building features external louvred shades that were programmed to adjust automatically to changing light and heat conditions. However, about six years after the building was completed, the mechanism controlling the louvres failed, leaving them in a horizontal position. To keep out solar glare, the building’s occupants installed blinds. Today, the louvres remain static, the system

Maintaining systems Integrating digital, electronic and mechanical systems to create a smart building promises great benefits, but only if the BMS is well-maintained. As building service networks become more integrated, they also become prone to cascade failures that impinge on the comfort and productivity of building occupants and at worst endanger their safety. Preventing such failures is likely

has been entirely abandoned and the blinds are rarely raised even when light levels fall. “What was commissioned as a smart building became dumb,” says Doug King. “If we don’t provide the service, then no amount of machine smartness can overcome the inventiveness of the human users. People are very good at making decisions and weighting them on criteria that machines cannot replicate.”

6. Making smartness work to become the joint responsibility of IT and facilities departments and will require continuous investment on the part of the building owner or tenant. The expertise to safeguard BMS systems from attack belongs to smart building system engineers, installers and maintainers, bringing a need for scrupulously drafted and monitored industry standards.

“Whatever ‘smart’ is, it comes at a maintenance penalty.” Professor Tim Broyd FREng, Professor of Built Environment Foresight at University College London

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Understanding human behaviour in buildings Since smart building technology is intended to serve human needs, software engineers and architects could gain valuable insights by talking to behavioural psychologists about the design of BMS systems. More research needs to be done in order to understand users’ reaction to smartness. Living demonstrations and the post-occupation evaluation (POE) of a building will also be important to ensure that buildings meet the needs of their occupants.

Making the most of BIM Establishing exemplars of BIM good practice and ensuring that standards are in place to guarantee BIM fulfills its potential will be important to progressing smart building technology. BIM was introduced to save money on the design and construction process, but there is an appetite for it to serve social as well as financial ends. Paul Fletcher suggests that a postoccupancy evaluation of Cookham Wood that not only measures cost savings but also takes in comparative data about reoffending rates among inmates of the new wings would be useful in informing the design of young offenders’ institutions. This approach may eventually save money at both ends of the building process. “The purpose of Cookham Wood is to rehabilitate young offenders: that should be the driver of the economies in this project,” says Fletcher.

Smart buildings: people and performance 19

7. Roundtable participants © Doug King

Openly sharing information gathered during the post-occupancy stage is in the spirit of – and key to – maximising the usefulness of BIM, benefiting building projects in general, says Erridge. “If post-occupancy evaluations reveal poor performance, smart building architects are duty-bound to release information about the event, regardless of the risk of legal action against them. We need to share data about failures without prejudice.”

Collecting and using the ‘right’ data The relative novelty and sheer scale of big data are contributing to a lack of confidence about how to identify the ‘right’ data and then gather and interpret them. While an abundance of information exists about the choices people make in the consumer product and services realm, the as yet small-

scale use of sensors within buildings means that there is relatively little data about our use of the built environment. But even once gathered, some doubt remains on how important data are to modelling building use.

Name Organisation Professor Jeremy Watson FREng (Chair)


Dr John Counsell

Advanced Control Partnerships Limited

Simon Erridge

Bennetts Associates

Mike Perry


Nick Tune

BRE Trust

Saviour Alfino

BSI Smart Cities Standards Strategy

“We assume the more data, the more accurately we can model a building, but that’s not quite true,” says Dr John Counsell of Advanced Control Partnerships. “Systems models are not very good at predicting energy use. We have all this data but we don’t understand how to use it.”

Andrew Eastwell

Building Services Research and Information Association

Professor Derek Clements-Croome

CIBSE – University of Reading

Tony Williams

Cube Controls Ltd

Professor Doug King FREng

Doug King Consulting Ltd

Ashley Pocock

EDF Energy

Professor Will Stewart FREng


Hugh Boyes

IET Cyber Security

Andrew Cooney

IET Standards

Dr Martyn Thomas CBE FREng

Martyn Thomas Associates

Finally, BRE Trust Director Nick Tune urges engineers, architects and suppliers to remember that “ultimately, it is about service not gadgets, and it is not about the data itself, but about how we exploit the data to create better living and working environments”.

Professor William Webb FREng

Neul – Weightless

Dr Damien McDonnell

Perseus Global UK

Paul Fletcher

Through Architecture

Professor Tim Broyd FREng


Professor Campbell Middleton

University of Cambridge

Dr Chengzhi Peng

University of Sheffield

Beverley Parkin

The Royal Academy of Engineering

Dr Natasha McCarthy

The Royal Academy of Engineering

Sahar Danesh

The Royal Academy of Engineering

Report prepared by Emily Pacey

20 Royal Academy of Engineering

Smart buildings: people and performance 21

As the UK’s national academy for engineering, we bring together the most successful and talented engineers from across the engineering sectors for a shared purpose: to advance and promote excellence in engineering. We provide analysis and policy support to promote the UK’s role as a great place from which to do business. We take a lead on engineering education and we invest in the UK’s world class research base to underpin innovation. We work to improve public awareness and understanding of engineering. We are a national academy with a global outlook and use our international partnerships

to ensure that the UK benefits from international networks, expertise and investment. The Academy’s work programmes are driven by four strategic challenges, each of which provides a key contribution to a strong and vibrant engineering sector and to the health and wealth of society: Drive faster and more balanced economic growth Foster better education and skills Lead the profession Promote engineering at the heart of society

Royal Academy of Engineering Prince Philip House 3 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5DG Tel: +44 (0)20 7766 0600 Registered charity number 293074 22 Royal Academy of Engineering

Please recycle this brochure

The Internet of Things in Smart Buildings 2014 to


Klub of Budapest defines the Building Internet of Things (BIoT) as: “The overlaying of an IP network, connecting all the building services monitoring, analyzing and controlling without the intervention of humans.” The value in BIoT is as much in the data as the devices. Collecting data from more building services and equipment will provide a much more granular view of exactly how each building is performing. Building equipment manufacturers must start selling systems that collect, store and analyze data in the cloud, so they can use it to provide better operational efficiency. Discover our market projections for the Internet of Things in Buildings (BIoT) including network hardware and data services.

Understand the figures for the overall market for Systems in Buildings. Physical Security, Lighting Control and Fire Detection & Safety will represent the 3 largest segments by 2020.

Analyze the current situation in buildings contrasted with the vision for a future BIoT; And discover how business models and market opportunities will shift as BIoT moves from vision to reality.

What is driving M&A and Investment in this business? Discover the valuations paid for IoT & BIoT companies. Our underlying market figures indicate that the overall market for systems in buildings will grow from $110.9Bn in 2014 to $181.1Bn in 2020, with Physical Security, Lighting Control and Fire Detection & Safety representing the 3 largest segments. In order to calculate the technical market potential for the BIoT we have assessed the additional cost requirement of adding connectivity through sensors to existing or newly installed building systems, as well as projecting the growth in related network hardware and IoT data services that the BIoT would enable to generate. We therefore project that the global market for the Internet of Things in Buildings (BIoT) will rise from $22.93Bn in 2014 to over $85Bn in 2020.


Overall connectivity penetration rates across all building systems are at only around 16%. This connectivity penetration rate will rise steadily over the coming years, but mainstream penetration, i.e. 50% of all building systems devices connected, is unlikely to be achieved before 2025.

The networking and related services segment of the market will show a steady growth of 22.6% CAGR rising from $9.53Bn in 2014 to $32.43Bn in 2020 which represents 37% of overall revenues by 2020. Similar to the market for connectivity hardware, effective network deployment to keep up with the rising bandwidth demands of the BIoT will be crucial to the effective delivery of services and the management of data flows.

Over the course of the last 4 years we have tracked a total of 23 acquisitions in the BIoT sphere of influence, ranging in value from $3.7 million to over $3Bn.

Since 2010, we have also tracked a total of 114 investment deals relating to the BIoT with funding rounds ranging in value from $1 million to over $126 million.

“What is this talk about The Internet of Things?”

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

Terra Firma provides – embedded within a universal system of Responsible Understanding – a Cosmology for dealing with Economic Function. That Function can be used to address National Economic policy – and to form a Government Advisory practice to inform Government National policy on matters that address the selfinterest of National Governments – namely pension. Pension policy – specifically pensions that depend for their investment on excess money from China – India – Germany – Switzerland and Brazil can provide a tool for imbalance in the Global Economy where surplus nations that have achieved economies of scale through mass-production and technological mastery, manipulation of market forces hitherto and safe haven for destination of funds – by investing their money in Global Repair – specifically addressing the need to depend on Renewable Energy can derisk unstable economy and by priming the pump create favourable conditions for inward investment and stable State Governance of less able economies. This is achieved by a switch to low-carbon technology – specifically, lowcarbon community energy projects that are financed by Green Finance – non-debt finance at Grass Roots –Community level – through a Community Partnership Company – that does Four Things; 1. Combines Science – Agriculture – Capital and Technology in an integrated Way. (Smart Meters) 2. Works through integrated Accounting methodology to provide Transparent Reporting and Accounting and Governance in ways that are validated by both East and West Methodology – specifically The Chinese Rules – devised by the institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland. This is adopted by the Chinese – who fund investment in other countries to create a recurring revenue stream from rental income that creates Community Capital in the form of Natural Capital and produces investor income from the switch to low-carbon technology. (Energy Audit Dashboard) 3. This is known as Zero Carbon pension. (Internet of Things) 4. Zero Carbon Pensions can be used for infrastructure investment based on population needs- energy, transport, healthcare and environmental services – sanitation – and recycling. (Ticketing) Specifically these Four Agreements by providing for closed loop systems integration of the city state provide a mode for addressing the twin issues of food security and energy security that a reliance on extractive technology forces on towns and cities that are reliant on distance sources of energy. (Local Audit)

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

From the perspective of Unified Field perspective the Military Science is simply one of managing o e’s tech ology – o e’s e ergy source – supply lines and advantageous positioning depending on Situation: in Time and Place given the needs of people and Nature and Circumstance. From the perspective of military science the intersection of Fortuna, Necessita and Virtu allow for a human-scale response to technology and energy challenges by addressing the Fundamentals of land and appropriate use of land – technology and appropriate use of appropriate technology and capital creation – wealth management and the wealth of nations. This combination of seven elements finds its expression in Design and Activity. The Design is the Eco-polis-Agro-polis model that addresses the need to create Community Capital through five layers of consideration and four stages of planning – unified and integrated in one coherent vision – namely Unified Field perspective – in such a way as the plan can be communicated. The plan for its Dynamic Rests on a harmony of interrelated opposites – The Yin and the Yang – man in Harmony with Nature through Respect for the land – The Production of Food – the generation of Wealth and the Sharing of Benefits. These Four Agreements provided an integrated approach to hold sway – in distinction to that which would otherwise be informed by religious sentiment and the conflict of misunderstanding that accompanies attempted conversion. The clash of have and have not is played out in the clash of Sacred and Secular Culture. Islamic Banking provides a Banking methodology to integrate Green Finance into places that would otherwise remain isolated and the principles of the Chinese Rules provide a common language with Taoist Tradition – informed by and informing Military Science through Sun TZU – Art of Strategy and informing law and Governance through Natural law that is the accompaniment of principle-led accounting reform that can at the same time inform and de-risk activity through go er a ce co ditio s a d i surers’ ter s. The Taoist perspective offers a blueprint for integrating Harmony in Urban planning – Harmony in Societal Design through food as well as providing a methodology for Healthcare – investment and Risk. A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

The accompanying Reward or Benefit is realised as the Fruit of Outcome through the operation of ex gratia Pension Provision. Rather than couch the conversation in terms of traditional hostility – Christianity and Islam – through being informed by a Scientific perspective – each Political Force experiences an Equal and opposite Reaction. The practical aspects of communicating the case for Sustainable Food production – Resilience in local Economy – Development of Natural Capital and Economics As if people mattered can be communicated aright from a perspective of Local Audit. Governance and military science are informed by land – Technology – Capital and Science integrate with the human need to seek maximum reward for least effort . This is the sum of survival of the most adapted finding his or her survival niche through Adaptive Leadership. Summary The Seven Components of Harmony Economy are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Technology Community Energy Green Finance Zero Carbon pensions Terra Madre – Food – Technology – Economy and Capital integrated 6. This depends on our relationship with the Soil to create Re-mineralised Soil according to Sir Albert Ho ard’s prescriptio 7. Defence

The above Seven Components are embedded in a Defence Cosmology – informed by and informing Unified Field perspective – dependent upon understanding the relations to create Harmony in a Dynamic language. That language is Aikido – Way of Harmony that provides an Anglo-Japanese language for Governance – Security – mutual interdependence – Transaction and Healthcare. The Aikido Principle is an Architectural and Healthcare principle that applies to National Defence Policy for Economic Security and De-risking of Central Government through addressing the needs on The Ground – to feed the hungry – to defend the land – to maintain the borders and to address the needs of the population through integrated healthcare – energy – food – town planning and pension provision. A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

Thus one can form a National and local Government Advisory practice that realises the principle of Big Society through addressing local economic regeneration by addressing the issues of inward investment and providing inward investment to create the conditions to realise the same. The transition to low-carbon technology thus brings its benefits. Investment in Brazilian Rain Forest provides the Capital for Brazil to invest for her own future and to address the long-term needs of her population and indigenous people. The same applies to Ecuador who as a country has Natural Rights ascribed to Nature as part of the Constitution. It is simply a Governance condition for inward investment and pension provision to see the same Rights recognised in corporate and municipal charters – validated by Triple Bottom-line Accounting. In summary - through the practical Application of Triple Bottom-line Accounting and Terra Firma Economics – informing and informed by Taoist Economy – The Four Agreements –The needs of Islamic Banking- military Science and the call for Defence one can address the needs of Earth and The people on it through Architecture and Design – Urban planning and Unified Field Perspective. The Cosmology addresses in practical terms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The needs of the City The needs of Energy The demand for Pensions The call for Defence The above is of relevance to investment – finance and insurance and is informed by: Terra Firma Economics Realised through Food Policy

Thus – the simple business case is to see a need and meet a need – feed the hungry – address the needs of the sick and to inform others that it is in their own self-interest to achieve the same through appropriate use of resource – land – technology – finance – seed and know-how. The secret lies in regenerating soil stripped of its fertility – which demand Royal Agricultural University is well placed to respond to and to realise pension investment through appropriate use of investment – specifically investment for development of Social Capital which calls for an educative process – the first Four on the list of Seven – CEPD call for Continuing Educational Professional Development. A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.

Mark Raven See also: Vitruvian Partnerships Town and Country Planning Berlin Technology Hub (Science & Technology) Europe and Middle East Date of Birth: 01/12/1960 Telephone: 00 44 772456 3369

CPD services to: universities, institutes, professional partnerships, management consultancies for CPD – available on a licence basis.

Email: Address: c/o: Berlin Technology Hub Design and Development Relating to Investment Services for Insurers and Local Transition Economics and Transition to low- Authorities based on Community Capital carbon technology – House-building and Development. Urban Regeneration PROJECT HISTORY – WWW.LONDONLEADERSHIPPARTNERSHIP.UK

Legal Desk founder, Mark Raven, has nearly thirty years’ focused experience in applying Risk Management to the commercial world. With a degree in Philosophy – Jurisprudence from University of Bristol, he began his career developing legacy models for individuals and their organisations and giving rise to publications in Estate Management. He later joined the desk of to develop risk management and funding models in the areas of food and energy. After enriching his skills in Czech Republic, Marcus was invited to participate in Stramit Advisory, for which he set up the European Risk Management Accord in Food Sovereignty and Energy Distribution Agency through Berlin Technology Hub. Subsequently, risk modelling toward Basel II compliance led to putting industry expertise to work in forming . With respected and recognized expertise in risk management, focuses current work on supporting major financial institutions in their efforts to leverage their Pillar II and economic capital strategies, collaborating with regulators, and facilitating industry roundtables over the world. Working with: to provide Strategy Documents relating to Private Banking in conjunction with local authorities on Governance Policy for Conservation, Healthcare, Education, Community Capital and Transition to low-carbon technology to through Design, Urban Design, Rural Development, House-building and Smart Buildings based on The Internet of Things: Insurers Banks Investment Houses Venture Capital firms Brokers Universities Local Authorities Non – Exec Directors Institute of Strategic Policy Studies Publications

A Rocha Embassy Circular – for Trade, Enterprise & Diplomacy – Conservation & Energy Investment

Education University of York – 1980 - 1981 University of Bristol 1981-1983 – B. A. Philosophy Blundell’s S hool – 1973-1978 St Au yn’s S hool – Tiverton Devon – 1967-1973 Management Induction – 1977 – Commercial Union Insurance Enterprise Activity – 1983-1990 – Gloucestershire Wine Merchant – Broking, Acquisitions, Disposals, Wine Cellar Appraisal – Import – Logistics – Trade & Selection Language course book writer – 1993-1998 – in conjunction with Charles University Prague and Pedagogic Faculty – University of South Bohemia – Lingua Vista – Principles & Practice of Harmonic Structures in language – for second language learners and self-study students of English as a Foreign Language – CPD Management Handbooks for Language in Workplace & Language for Communication 1998-2012 – Economist developing Principles and Practice of Terra Firma Economics: New Directions Foundation Director 2012.

LANGUAGE SKILLS Languages:  Greek – Anglo-Hellenic Foundation – Anne-Marie Foundation  Czech – Anglo-Czech Enterprise  Italian – Pisa University Development Agency for Agro-economy  German – Healthcare & Medicine – Technology & Natural Pharmacy  Spanish – Gaia Y Sofia – Valencia Education Consortium – Cuban Export Agency  French – European Directive on Local Economy – Pau & Lyons UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 1981 – June 1983: University of Bristol (UK) Philosophy BA Hons Core subjects:  Jurisprudence  Philosophy of Science  Philosophy of Language  Political Philosophy  Philosophy of Mind  Epistemology  Philosophy of History  Ethical Philosophy  Philosophy of Religion April 1980 – Sept 1981: University of York Core subjects:  Formal Logic  Teleology  Kantian Ethics  Wittgenstein

 Empiricism  Hobbes  Interests – Urban Ecology – Commercial Ecology – Building Design – Finance and Insurance Newsletter: Lloyd’s General Coun il – Intelligence Register for Underwriters & Reinsurance PUBLICATIONS 1. 1.Eunomia - Principles & Practice of Economy & Ecology – Law & Order 2. Economic Management 3. Investment 4. Finance 5. Risk 6. Currency 7. Labour 8. Capital 9. Profit & Loss. Risk & Reward. Costs & Benefits. Assets & Liabilities. 10. Financial Reporting. Commerce. Accountability. Decision-Making. Investor Relations 11. Conservation & Education 12. Lifestyle – Vocation or Livelihood? Our publications – the 12-part Eunomia series on Stable State Governance introducing the work of: Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester. 1. Principles – Strategic Principles – Unified Field Perspective 2. Food For Cities – Food Security and Energy Security 3. Low Carbon Technology – Sustainable Agriculture 4. Eco-capitalism – The Development of Natural Capital 5. Green Finance – Bottom up Funding 6. Transport – Integrated Policy Perspective 7. Zero Carbon Pensions – Housing and Infrastructure 8. Integrated Policy Perspective – Food – Healthcare – Education – Energy 9. Science – Capital – Agriculture and Technology 10. Why Societies Collapse – Security and Defence – IT and Economic borders – Integrated Taxation 11. Economics as If People Mattered – Schumacher Capital Partners 12. Stable State Governance – Sustainable Capitalism – Inclusive Capitalism – Big Society Details:  In line with Transition Culture.  CPD in Economics – Finance and Management – Economics as if People Mattered Schumacher  Terra Firma Economics – Methodology for investment appraisal Certification for Investment, Finance and Management –

COMPUTER SKILLS WWW.CLEARSTREAMTRADE.EU Software Packages:  All standard Windows programs  Microsoft office (including word, excel, power point and Microsoft project)  Adobe  Open Office

POINTS OF REFERENCE Books & Publications:  The Complex & Its Treatment – 21st Century Integrative Psychiatry  Integrative Healthcare  Whole Person Development – Education and Creativity  Culture and Urban Renaissance – Cultural Enterprise  Holistic Association – a membership service  Shambhala – Way of The White Clouds – Lama Govinda  Passion of the Western Mind – Richard Tarnas  Psyche & Cosmos – Richard Tarnas  Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu  Art of Strategy – Sun Tzu  I Ching  Tao of Pooh – Benjamin Hof  Meditations on The Tarot  Wisdom of St Sofia  Eunomia Vols I- VIII INTERESTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Interests:  Japanese Culture – Aikido – Johrei – Kendo – Shiatsu – Reiki – Language - Zen  Harmonics – Sound – Syllables – Mathematics – New Science – Electrical Engineering – Sacred Geometry  Building Design – Earthquake Proof Technology Chamber of Commerce Services  Property – Town & Country Systems  Accounting – Audit – Reporting - Compliance  Law  Insurance  Design (Print & Web)  Communications  Broadcast  IT  Personnel OPAL – Open Proto ol A ountants’ List – A directory of Approved Suppliers & Service Providers – listed in participating local authority area – in conjunction with local IoD – Chamber of Commerce – University – and Banking Service Provider – Loan Guarantees, Leasing, Lease Purchase and Rental Security – underwritten in conjunction with local insurance cover providers. Savings & Pensions – Life Assurance for Financial Planning.

Connecting to the Smart Power Grid Truly smart buildings will leverage knowledge that resides outside its walls and windows. The smart grid is an ideal place to start. Electricity markets are evolving toward “real time,” meaning that buildings can receive requests to reduce demand when wholesale prices are high or when grid reliability is jeopardized. In addition, dynamic electric rates are a growing trend, meaning a building is charged closer to the actual cost of producing electricity at the instant it is used instead of the average cost over long time periods. For instance, a utility on the smart grid may be programmed to read the weather forecast, and anticipate a temperature increase that will result in increased demand the following afternoon. The utility could communicate an “offer” to pay the smart building $0.50 for every kilowatt-hour drop from its average electricity usage. A smart building could accept this offer by activating an internal demand-reduction mode and thereby reducing its load. While energy use and occupant comfort are crucial to any organization and therefore require human involvement in the decision-making, technology will be the key enabler, providing building operators with the tools and information they need to make smart choices. (Facility managers are constrained as it is; there would be very limited response to participating in a smart grid if it required operators to perform a “second job” monitoring markets and reacting to signals.)

Connecting to an Intelligent Future Smart buildings go far beyond saving energy and contributing to sustainability goals. They extend capital equipment life and also impact the security and safety of all resources – both human and capital. They enable innovation by creating a platform for accessible information. They turn buildings into virtual power generators by allowing operators to shed electric load and sell the “negawatts” into the market. They are a key component of a future where information technology and human ingenuity combine to produce the robust, low-carbon economy envisioned for the future. The advantages extend well beyond the four physical walls of the smart building. The electric grid becomes more robust and reliable. Society’s carbon footprint is minimized as renewable energy sources provide the power, balanced with a network of information that matches demand with variable supply on a minute-by-minute basis. Electric cars move people to homes and workplaces, serving as moving batteries in a smart system. And businesses operate at a new level of efficiency by using data in new ways, leveraging the connection between systems that until now have been entirely independent. These benefits are not temporary, but extend throughout the entire lifetime of the building, from modelling and design to renovation and beyond. The smart building is at the centre of this vision, providing not just the roof overhead, but also the information infrastructure to make possible a truly intelligent world.

As the Evidence Indicates – the National Security Strategy falls short of fulfilling intent with Effective Action. In order to govern – Maintain Law and Order – Collect Revenues – Distribute Benefits and Secure Borders – clear methodology around the use of coercion calls to be deployed.

AGRICOLA Systems™ – Services – Software and Support integrate:  Accounting – Auditing – Actuarial Science – Agro-Economy  Governance  Regulatory Systems  Insurance  Cultivation – Commerce  Operating  Legal  Authority AGRICOLA SYSTEMS™ are designed to be used with agriculture, earth and soil systems, cultivation, commercial and food logistics to quantify, validate and manage FOOD & WATER Security. CICERO Systems™ Designed for Use in Cities around  Commerce  Insurance  Communications  Enterprise  Regeneration  Open Capital for Open Society Cicero Systems™ register legal and commercial trade agreements, undertakings, contracts and arrangements with registered lawyers for the purposes of Law.

Green New Deal Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce – Access to Justice – Dispute Settlement, reconciliation and mediation through nonlitigating strategy integrating Justice and  Distributive Networks – WIKI Government™.  AGRICOLA Systems™  Cicero Systems™, Software, Services and Support &  Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce™ Are available as part of the “Governance-In-A-Box” ™ Suite of Services from Visegrad Data Security Institute (Cirencester, Stockholm, Prague and Accra). For those who want to know more This methodology is available as Licensed Know How in the areas of: 1. Land Systems – Terra Madre™ Principles 2. Agriculture – Horticulture Earth and Soil Systems™ 3. Property – Terra Firma Management and Estate Management™ 4. Banking – Integrated Banking and Revenue™ Collection 5. Food & Energy Security – The Eco-polis – Agro-polis – Rio-polis™ Model of World Future Council & Rio Nations. 6. Technology 7. Healthcare For: Economic & Environmental Resilience

This Know-How is made Available through The Network and is integrated around ELEMENTARY™ Agriculture Systems ™  E- Energy  L- Law  E- Education  M – Banking and Finance – Currency and Economy – Revenues - Money  E- Enterprise  N- Norms – Insurance and Justice, Technical and Validating  T – Technology and Engineering  A – Accounting – Auditing – Actuarial Science  R- Regulation – Standards, Validation, KPIs, insurance and Compliance  Y – Yalta – International Know-How – available under licence This know how is made available to those who seek to mobilise for Conservation as they would mobilise for war. This ELEMENTARY™ Methodology for Land™, Agriculture™, Property™, Banking™ and Security™ is available as Patents, Secrets, Methodologies, Systems, Services, Software and Support delivered according to Defence of the Realm.

Methodology Methodology for those who seek to reward responsible behaviour and would Step up to Serve to Defend the Creation and Regeneration of Community Capital through Business-In-TheCommunity by means of AGRICOLA & CICERO Systems & Software™. The AGRICOLA & Cicero™ Handbooks are available on signature of Licence Agreement for Manufacturing and IP for those who sign Collaborative, agency, Partnership, Co-venture or Joint Venture with us and our partners to ensure Economic & Environmental Resilience. The Seven Securities of Harmonics Economy are constituted of: – Food Security – Energy Security – Healthcare security and Economic Security, Bio-Organic Security Systems – Environmental Security – leading to Security of Community Capital. – Security is available on a town by town – city by city basis in accord with Terra Madre Principles of Earth Charter – Terra Firma Estate Management Principle and Conservative asset Management Principle in line with The Four Agreements: 1. Key insurers’ terms and conditions – 2. World Future Council model for Eco-polis, Agro-polis, Rio-polis™ and 3. United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment in line with 4. Rio Nations commitment for development of Natural Capital.


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Pensions and IT – a Green New Deal from Visegrad Security – Medical, Life, Data and Insurance, Food and Energy – Economic Security for Capital Resilience Just as our own Human Capital is dependent upon our background, experience, capability and capacity for meaningfully rewarding activity so our Age of Communications wealth generation capacity is founded on our ability to convert communication into payment. That ability to attract and collaborate, engage and exchange is determined by our Digital Identity – our references, our networks, our profiles and our access to relationships and partnerships. Organisations as well as individuals are called to address their Social media and Social media management Strategy as integral parts of their Capital Generation strategy for income. Systems and Services, Software and Support are available as part of The Four Agreements for Chamber of Commerce Strategy for Integrated Professional Undertakings for Services, Manufacture and Systems Supply.

1. The Integrated Approach - Insurance - CPD - Compliance - KPIs - available as part of Insurance-Based Integrated Services – IBIS for Banking and Law, Architecture, Design and IT, Accounting, Auditing and Pensions. 2. The above mentioned IBIS System is available to rent in connection with Visegrad Data Security Institute Systems and Support for Local Authorities and Organisations in the Area within the Jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce. 3. Green New Deal – Chamber of Commerce Services are available by subscription for those who seek to access Banking Services in conjunction with: - Fair Trade Legal Agreements - Sustainable Accounting IDEAL NGO Ltd. Limited by Guarantee and Registered in Cardiff No : 8633731 Registered Office 1st Floor, 2 Woodberry Grove, North Finchley, London. N12 0DR


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- Auditing and Reporting Services - Insurance Validation – Governance and KPIs - Design - IT - Communications - And - Security – available on payment of Subscription for Computer – Supply – Lease – Rental from One In Eight – available with or without CPD access – IBIS and IBBoS – Insurance Based Backoffice Systems. 4. Justice and Legal – Fair Trade and Dispute Reconciliation Services

In accord with Protocol – Regarding – ACCESS To Justice – the payment of insurance premium enables access to One of the Following Eight Professionals: 1. Debt Recovery and Credit Checking Agency 2. Dispute Settlement and Reconciliation Specialist 3. Arbitration 4. Fair Trade Legal Agreement 5. Counsel 6. Solicitor 7. Legal Executive 8. Mediation Specialist The Eco-polis – Agro-polis Rio-polis model provides a basis for the development of Natural Capital through the addressing of Fair Trade and Responsible Accounting, Auditing, Governance, Transparency and Reporting. This is available for research by going to: and Movement for Open Government.

IDEAL NGO Ltd. Limited by Guarantee and Registered in Cardiff No : 8633731 Registered Office 1st Floor, 2 Woodberry Grove, North Finchley, London. N12 0DR


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The purposes of this brief paper are to address the infrastructure models that pertain to infrastructure as an investment through the management of insurance. The parameters are definitive and can be summarised for those who seek to prepare to investigate the opportunities for drawing down investment for Enterprise Regeneration. The Green City model rests entirely on Communications and Capital Transfer, Law and Accounting all of which rely on IT infrastructure. Just as it rests on IT the Green City depends for the health of that ecosystem upon a certain relation of dependencies and a network of relationships for the healthy functioning of the Civic Authority. For just as the physical body relies not on the brain competing with the stomach, but the integration of the heart and liver and kidneys and intestines, legs, arms, hands and feet, so the modern day Civic Authority relies for its natural health upon integration of systems – external and internal and relations that allow for the free passage of clear communication between respective organs of State.

The model The model for the integrated Social Trust – the receiver and distributor of funds relies for its effectiveness upon integrating: Food Security, Energy Security, deployment of IT and Insurance. This translates into an understanding and application of the principles and practice of Sustainable Economy – agro-Economy – Renewable Energy – IT infrastructure as an investment and insurance as a subscription service to pay for; healthcare – education – social housing and environmental services. Just as Energy can be used as a Utility – so too can Insurance as a Utility provide for Zero Carbon Pensions. Investment in Renewable Energy creates a return on investment once infrastructure service costs are deducted and infrastructure cost is repaid over time to repay the capital component – creating after time a revenue stream free of capital repayment component that can be used to fund an annuity or pension.

IDEAL NGO Ltd. Limited by Guarantee and Registered in Cardiff No : 8633731 Registered Office 1st Floor, 2 Woodberry Grove, North Finchley, London. N12 0DR

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