Design for European services

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Swords to Ploughshares - Not a game! Current Paradigm. The “noughts” must always win with the advantage of a permanent Black Hole at centre of the Economy, and “pieces” without Support The flexibility to move!

Nature, the Law and Military are unable to provide support as intended.



Unstable state exists as debt, and market forces fuel destruction and coercion.







Black Hole At the Centre of economy







c om mu n i t y

p ta l c a i

Swords to Ploughshares emerges as Open Capital for Open Society. Stable Governance delivered by the Four Agreements integrating Science, Technology S0 C I AL Agriculture and Finance. The Community Capital Fund delivers localism and the 21st Century Security Technologies of Council Transition to benefit subscriber Energy Green City communities. Food & Design Health Community Capital

Development Fund Delivering Bottom up Funding For Infrastructure

Local Governance

Nature Conservation Natural Law T






Tuns Security Protocol for Africa

The Externalisation of Cost means that companies and organisations necessarily impose strains on the environment to maximise shareholder return.

While it is not the purpose of this article to advocate anything other than a healthy environment, the efforts of politicians and activists is bedevilled by conflicting accounts of how best to tackle “POLLUTION”.

Given that urban cities are dependent on distant sources of energy for their fuel (See: “Petropolis”) it falls to those who seek to Create the Conditions to Attract Inward Investment to familiarise themselves with the Politico-Financial realities that avail Legal Defence Cover re: Environmental Impairment Insurance. Contact us at Cicero Foundation regarding Transition. [Internet Servers Securing Universal Utilities]

The practice of securing utility payments depends on FIVE Definitions. The FIVE Pillars are: Utility -

A service or delivery that enables Household Function: Energy, Water, Broadband, banking, insurance and/or Currency.


Currency. A token or exchange value coin that enables exchange for utility.


Identity. A unique referent (reference) without which Unified billing fails.

Insurance – see (Lloyds’ of London) Contract – see Life Assurance/Pension Contracts (healthy habitat for Humanity).

Standard Practice for country-by-country Pensionable Representation demands 1. Terms of reference 2. Agriculture as a means to developing capital 3. Natural capital 4. Human capital development 5. Financial inclusion 6. Bank settlements 7. Audit 8. Reciprocal healthcare arrangements 9. Medical & Family Law terms of reference 10. Dispute settlement and mediation 11. Credit risk surety 12. Investible forms that realise Public Goods Addressing: Knowledge economy Rule of Law Civic participation Re-skilling Education for women and work opportunities Block-chain and crypto-currency Accountability and transparency Democratic governance Transport and energy Electrification Design of cities Food security Common areas of Concern Defence Cyber-security – GDPR – KYC Distributive Ledger Technology Corporate TREASURY GOODS & Supply (terms of trade & dispute settlement) Africa UNHCR TRANSBOUNDARY WATER Medicine Pharmacology – Personalised medicine Bio-security – insurance & Altversorge Production Licensing, Environmental & Product Liability – Culture - Technology transfer – business registration, revenues, social security - HOUSING – Energy Production – Community renewable: Pensions


There’s Strong – and there’s NATO Strong.

“While Competition may be The Order of The Day, two issues arise. Firstly, Competition may not be the most effective means of allocation of Resource. Secondly, in the event of Dwindling Resource, for example, owing to over-dependency on Energy Source or Point of Information, the Desire to Address Self-interest may reduce an organisation, or corporate body, to Political in-fighting. Corporate Muscle is not developed, and may be compromised by inflexibility or lack of capacity to respond to threat. Whether that threat is external (perhaps a result of political jockeying) or internal (lack of capability) the combination provides Opportunity for the Predator-Prey (SWOOP) scenario to Pick off The Most Vulnerable”. CICERO Foundation ; Medical , Legal and Defence Contracting (Terms of Reference) For those organisations or Corporate Bodies, weakness (lack of Corporate Muscle) may call for: 1. Adequate Resource to Appropriate Intelligence (to Combat Threat) – together with 2. Capacity AND capability to Effect Medial Response. 3. For 1 and 2 to occur without a Diagnosis of a/ Capacity – Building and b/Resilience falls to Appropriate Observer who is minded to Inform regarding 4. Appropriate Intel with Means to Deploy – to Address Risk and Combat Threat. 5. The Formula for NATO strong requires calling on Appropriately Effective 6. Means of Capability to Facilitate Contingency Planning.

7. This is Done through Undertaking Situational Awareness (Liability and Indemnity Insurance and 8. Credit Risk Insurance – Business Continuity Cover – Reputational Management (Press, Public and Human Relations) in the context of 9. Corporate Muscle (Adaptive Capability) and 10. Responsiveness to engage with Independent Contractors (gig Economy) as well as 11. Cyber Liability Cover – to comply with EGDPR – without which Insurance Cover and 12. Trademark and Copyright Protection (available through Legal Expenses Cover) call to be addressed as a matter of 13. Self-interest and Corporate muscle for the purposes of Brand Protection. 14. Organizační strukturu ČRA tvoří čtyři oddělení a ředitel. 15. O zjištění potřeb v jednotlivých partnerských zemích a monitoring probíhajících projektů se stará teritoriální oddělení. To má na starosti také průběžnou komunikaci s orgány partnerské země a projektové náměty v daných zemích. 16. Formulační oddělení je zodpovědné za zpracování projektových dokumentů a vypisování výběrových řízení. Poté, co experti ČRA definují a popíší potřeby v daných teritoriích, kolegové z formulačního oddělení analyzují problém a tzv. formulují projekty. 17. Oddělení vztahů s partnery se stará o tuzemské dotace, mezinárodní spolupráci, zapojování soukromého sektoru do zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce ČR a informuje veřejnost o aktivitách agentury. Oddělení administrativy zajišťuje personální a finanční řízení a běžný provoz ČRA. 18. platnost k: 24.3.2017, telefonní čísla: (0) 251 108 + trojmístná linka


Ředitel ČRA

jméno a příjmení pozice

telefon e-mail

Ing. Michal Kaplan ředitel ČRA

251 108 103 kaplan (at)


Oddělení administrativy

jméno a příjmení pozice

telefon e-mail

Ing. Jaromír Jurnost vedoucí oddělení administrativy

251 108 126 jurnost (at)

Eva Robová vedoucí sekretariátu, spisová agenda

251 108 130 robova (at)

The Organisation and Structure of Corporate Well-being Requires

1. Capability and Capacity to address The Health and Social Security of Workforce 2. Pensions Arrangement 3. Security and Freedom from External Attack 4. Contingency Planning regarding Regulatory or Market Disruption 5. Situational Awareness of Financial – Politico Arrangements (Europe0 6. Brand Defence and Brand Management 7. Conflict Resolution and Dispute Settlement (Access to Mediation) 8. Communications and PR 9. Strategy to Attract Investment and 10. License Know-How and Leverage Capital. Capital is defined as that Resource (Human or Cultural) which lends itself (with appropriate deployment) to extend, produce and /or develop: Stakeholder influence, - which Capability is a Hallmark of Value but is not Directly or Necessarily a Value that is trade-able without Access to Knowledge, Technology and/ or Resource - To Service/ Produce: Value Maintenance / Capital Production see; Prospectus. Direct Value Exchange – DvE And CDS Communicable Defence Strategy Provide the Basis of Managed Exchange – Requiring Technology – Or Not? ME: RTON Principle {Banking & Probate} Zurich – Vienna: New Century Europe – Bratislava & Kiev.

Integrating Consumer Healthcare Company “I was able to focus on growing the business, not on micro-managing the integration” – CEO A leading consumer healthcare company had an ambitious growth agenda and had just succeeded in acquiring a medium-sized healthcare company with a complimentary brand portfolio and needed to integrate the businesses rapidly. The two businesses had different cultures but there was a strong leadership desire to integrate the acquired company in a manner which engaged all acquired employees. To integrate the new business rapidly in order to maintain and increase sales momentum and profitability whilst retaining the best talent.

How we helped Rapidly organised and mobilised integration teams in country and regional offices across Europe. Developed workstream plans to integrate all functions. Set demanding timescale. Devolved maximum “freedom of action and decision-making’ with no loss of strategic control.

The results First full country integration was completed within weeks of regulatory authority clearance. Employee engagement and morale was increased across the course of the integration. Acquired brands grew rapidly and outpaced competition.

Refugee camps should be rebadged as cities and turned into enterprise zones so inhabitants can set up businesses and build their own infrastructure, according to a new report. Called Refugee Cities, the report argues that existing aid strategies have failed, with refugees preferring to avoid the camps due to the lack of opportunities they offer. Instead, by modelling them on special enterprise zones (SEZs) elsewhere in the world, they could benefit both the refugee and the host populations, as well as giving inhabitants useful skills for their eventual return to their homelands. "Modelled after the most successful special economic zones in the world, refugee cities work within political realities to create jobs for refugees and their neighbours, while achieving a return for investors," says the report. "Surrounding communities would enjoy new investment and infrastructure, and governments would welcome refugees as a benefit rather than a burden." SEZs are designated areas within a country's national borders that operate with different business and trade laws, enabling nations to pilot ideas without countrywide changes. Successful SEZ programmes have provided ways for countries to implement beneficial reforms and boost economic growth. Since the 1980s, SEZs in Chinese cities like Shenzhen have enabled the country to introduce free-market policies.

Basic concept of solar energy system The world’s population is getting larger and larger resulting in an increase in the demand for affordable and environmentally friendly energy. Solar energy as an alternative source of energy is becoming the world’s preferred renewable source of energy. As the system get more common among households, there is the need to understand how it functions and the basic maintenance required to prolong its lifespan in our homes. We are experts of grid-connected and off-grid solar systems for homes and businesses. We offer most of the leading brands of off-grid solar predominantly of German TUV quality standards. Our company is an experienced intermediary between national and international manufacturers and wholesale customers; and we help drive cost down which translates to profitability for our partners. Our experienced and expert technical associates are always on the standby to give technical advice to customers on design, engineering and installation of small and medium sized photovoltaic systems.

Our training programmes are bespoke and geared towards a client’s ethos and values. We have programmes that we can develop to suit leaders and managers at every level within a business whether they are climbing the first steps on the managerial ladder or are high ranking leaders. We aim to provide a leadership programme that supports the individual as they progress within any given business. Our principles are developed from our time in the UK Military.

The British Armed Forces develops its’ leaders from day 1 but with incremental inputs as the individual advances through the Service. We adopt the same principles and aim to give our delegates the right tools at the right time to ensure success. Our instructors high coached at the highest levels with the UK Military and have cut their teeth developing senior talent through the prestigious Joint Service Command and Staff College at the Defence Academy. They have operational leadership experience as well as significant first hand commercial management appreciation with some having held directorships in various commercial organisations.

Our training packages can be delivered at your location or we will happily identify a suitable ‘neutral’ location. We can develop programmes that are both classroom and ‘field’ based to suit your needs. We aim to be a one-stop shop for leadership and communication development and would welcome the opportunity for a no obligation discussion to determine how best we can support you both now and into the future. A recent example of our training activity is the support we have lent a major UK House Builder. The business had an aspiration to bring new talent into their company to undertake a fast track management programme. We engaged with the client at the start and consulted on the best mediums to achieve the aim. As part of the approach we have designed a Directed Study Guide for all students to self-study. In addition, we have developed a package of leadership and communication seminars that will develop those skills in the construction sector. We have also been able to provide a Level 3 NVQ course for all students through one of our partner businesses. This approach will deliver in excess of 200 new leaders for the company over the next 3 years. Our Management team and associates have a British Armed Forces background, and are qualified or affiliated to the highest levels to ensure that we provide a relevant and bespoke service. Our team have both commercial and military experience and have proven their leadership credentials in such places as; Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Northern Ireland and Falkland Islands. In addition, they have significant commercial experience having performed at the highest levels in the commercial arena. All our training and consultancy activity is built upon personal experience of Leadership – Communication – Development and bring together the very best elements of military and commercial practices.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.”

From Unified Field Perspective Time, Money and Geography ( Space –Land – Terrain) are finite resources. Strategy and Planning are Renewable Resources – when allied to RENEWABLE supply of Energy. The solution to successful strategy is to take an architectural view of Strategy and planning and turn Time and money into allies – harnessing these superior forces so the project or initiative, enterprise or undertaking EVOLVES, rather than be ERODED by superior forces and momentum. That is the principle – books have been written on the subject - that are available via Central Content Locker – Leonidas Publishing and Distribution. The secret is to use what Resources one has – to prevent them being eroded. From the perspective of Stable State Governance – invisible borders are under attack from predatory interests, groups using the law to serve their own self-interest, those using money as a weapon to deprive others of feeding and housing themselves and providing for their own families. The answer to such an unsatisfactory state is to be aware of Robert Cooper’s book The Breaking of Nations as well as the work of Jared Diamond – Why Societies Collapse – and be aware that a central hierarchical authority can become over-extended through Command and Control culture and by being brittle reach the limits of its own capacity to manage. The solution is to build reciprocity into the system – to allow for give and take rather than desperate coercion and extortion – neither of which have a place in Stable State Prosperity and destabilize Stable State Governance. This response – a relationship between Central Authority and Devolved Power is realised through Governance. Big Society has the capacity to communicate its benefits and so realise open Society through Open Capital – dependent as that is on Finance. Integrated Taxation The Four Agreements – to realise integrated Taxation through license to manufacture are realised through insurance, finance, capital regulation and capital creation – all four of which can proceed when informed by principle – Conservative Asset Management Principle – at outset. Integrated Taxation and license to manufacture A strategic view is realised through long-term planning – pensions – Zero Carbon pensions realised by a transition to low-carbon technology. Security of national borders is realised through integrating National insurance Number with license for technology – mobile phone – computer – payment terminal – bank account – passport and TV. Integrated Taxation can come about through license for technology and license to manufacture. This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.”

Insurance provides a methodology for Conservation through insurance by providing license for manufacture, distribution, marketing, communication and broadcast. License for internet sites and registration of businesses, not-for-profits – mutual organisations, charities, foundations and trusts are essential to realise Chamber of Commerce Strategy. What are the Rules for Big Society? It is important to see accounting principle as most effective when it is principle-led – informed by principles whose role is to inspire, inform and guide as distinct from rules that would simply coerce us to bend to another’s will. The legislation against the pursuit of self-interest is doomed to frustration – as rules proliferate the law of the jungle favours the aggregated forces of capital that would strip the land of its rainforests and sell grain at the highest possible price , regardless of the plight of the starving. The short-term gambling risk-laden approach – the culture of investment banking and retail banking call to be replaced by the risk-averse actuarial culture of See a Need – meet a Need that calls for long-term planning and is able to respond through having Capital at its disposal. The secret is to enable long-term planning go to the creation of Natural Capital through a Seven-step risk-averse – risk management Methodology. P – Policy – a zero carbon pension for each citizen linked to national insurance I – Insurance – license to manufacture through license to technology. Using the Ni number to link to bank account and mobile phone, computer, payment terminal and business registration and insurance through Chamber of Commerce Strategy – national interests can be maintained and national security addressed through integrated taxation method that sees tax deducted at source. L – Law. Principle-led law and accounting Rules – The Chinese Rules – inform legal reform in such a way as one is not beholden to foreign consortia. Commonwealth Principle addresses the Need of the Common Weal and provides for Reversal of Gresham’s law through Appropriate Governance. G – Governance – Governance for insurance – insurance licence to manufacture, produce, distribute and communicate (market and broadcast) and insurance governance for organisations to ensure compliance with product liability, commercial liability, professional liability, public liability and civil liability can be provided for by in conjunction with overseen by Nudge Digital – Chambers of Commerce Strategy. R – Regulation. The Regulation of commercial affairs is carried out from a risk-averse position to derisk business lending. This is done through IBIS – integrated banking and insurance software and Chambers of Commerce Strategy – iBos – integrated Back-office Systems enabling Work anywhere

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

If the goal of the kingdom (or in this case, the corporation) is to survive and prosper, then what is the goal of its strategy? Sun Tzu offers this advice: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus your troops are not worn out and your gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.”

mode. The distributed Government is a porous Governance organisation – informed of best practice and working in co-operation with insurance and investment I.

Investment. Banking. Investment into local region is taken care of by franchising City Corporation of London – legal operating Norms Directing open Networks – with each local authority setting up its own mutual banking operations supported by insurance to address the needs of its citizens, provide for the future by feeding its people through addressing food security and energy security through the Agro-polis Eco-polis model and having access to Grid service providers to draw down know-how into local region to enable transition to low-carbon technology with access to safe haven funds to realise the same through Zero Carbon Pensions. M. Manufacture. Money. Markets. Management. All Four can be integrated around Four Agreements led by insurance principles for license to manufacture.

Parties to the Agreement        

LONDON - Legal Operating Norms Determining Open Networks BERLIN - British Economic Regulation Licensing Insurance Networks SCION - Scottish & Commonwealth Insurers’ Open Network PRAGUE – Policy Regulation of Agriculture. Governance Underpinning Economy LISBON – Licensed insurance services. British open Networks. DAVOS – Defence Advance Votes. Open Society. RIO – The Rio Nations – Registration of Insurance Organisations SCOTLAND – Security Charters Offering Trusted Legal and Normative Determinants

This is the over-arching principle of the great Chinese philosopher-general; the greatest victory is the one you win without having to fire a shot, i.e. you are so well-prepared on the pathway to war, that your enemy declines combat.

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