World Energy Systems - Green New Deal

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Swords to Ploughshares - Not a game! Current Paradigm. The “noughts” must always win with the advantage of a permanent Black Hole at centre of the Economy, and “pieces” without Support The flexibility to move!

Nature, the Law and Military are unable to provide support as intended.



Unstable state exists as debt, and market forces fuel destruction and coercion.







Black Hole At the Centre of economy







c om mu n i t y

p ta l c a i

Swords to Ploughshares emerges as Open Capital for Open Society. Stable Governance delivered by the Four Agreements integrating Science, Technology S0 C I AL Agriculture and Finance. The Community Capital Fund delivers localism and the 21st Century Security Technologies of Council Transition to benefit subscriber Energy Green City communities. Food & Design Health Community Capital

Development Fund Delivering Bottom up Funding For Infrastructure

Local Governance

Nature Conservation Natural Law T





An economy founded on wealth, real wealth and committed to sustainable wealth generation is superior to an economy founded on debt and based on unused energy. While a civilization based on renewable sources of energy – wind, wave, solar, geothermal, tidal and forestry shows signs of longevity, a civilization based on finite sources of energy cannot but meet, eventually its own demise. This is not due to anything other than advances in technology – advances in technology that see ready and unlimited power production when allied to appropriately de-risked and stable sources of finance that address the needs of Social Welfare, Social Dividend, The Common Pool and Return on investment. A combination of Technology, Energy, Investment and Infrastructure Spend calls to be allied into a Framing Paradigm – The Four Agreements – informed by and informing the wider strategy of Capital Generation, Investment Security, Environment and Social Dividend – payable to the Common Pool and realized in terms of increased Food Security and Energy Security. Thus we see that the entire arrangement rests on Design Principle – which Design Principle informs and is informed by the needs of Man and Nature, Community and Capital to realize productive and collaborative ends through the conjunction of Wealth Generation, Food Production and Food Distribution, Technology and Energy. Such a model for allowing insurance to be the battery of the Economy – where circuitry is in place to realign 15% of excess cash for investment through de-risked funding at the base of the pyramid – the Repair Business – Renovating and Renewing the Conditions for creating, attracting and managing wealth through attention to Community Capital, Soil Capital, Knowledge Capital and Natural Capital of which financial Capital is but one – and the expression of asset realizable in liquid form. The most important Capitals – fertility in the top soil and healthy structure of DNA exist without any tradable form other than through the use of selective breeding for resilience in local strains – which agriculturalists have been doing ever since farming first started in Mesopotamia with the Sumerians.

Green Finance – de-risked investment that pays a return on investment through pre-calculated return through Bottom of the Pyramid infrastructure as an investment creates a polarity for Economy where Insurance rather than the fictitious creation of value through printing money holds the power through Conservative Asset Management Principle. This Stewardship Economic addresses the Sustainability of Design, Auditing, Accounting Principle and Relationship of Trust – to enable a reciprocity of arrangement where otherwise there is purely coercion and extraction in an opportunistic competition for scarce resources based entirely on the outcome of conflicting forces where brute strength prevails. This Governance issue – a call to recognize value and the value attached to clean air and fresh water, healthy source of food and ability to provide for the future without incurring debt on future generations – is in line with the Principles and Practice of Eco-capitalism and calls for The Appreciation and hence Reversal of Gresham’s Law that degrades that which is of value – namely currency. The Currency – the Current – powered by the Battery – the Insurer – addresses the needs of the Common Pool by taking an Architectural and Design-led Perspective that is in line with the needs of the modern-day metropolis to feed and sustain its population with energy security at the top of its agenda. This architectural view is realized through appreciating the interdependent dynamic that relates to Cyber Governance – relation with IT and Solar Energy as sources of power – and managing the intermediary stage of access to energy for the purposes of wealth generation through the appropriate deployment of technology. Thus – through use of tool – one can address the related areas of:  Housing  Healthcare  Pensions  Transport  Finance  Energy  Education  Design

This Eight-fold model is encapsulated in Vitruvian Principle and Principle of Taoist Economy that provides a Methodology for the Integration of The Science of Mathematics, The Mathematics of Insurance and the Assurance of Mathematics based on Flow – Capital Flow and Flow Management Systems through Governance and Support, Software and IT, Accounting and Auditing and Financial Services. Conclusion A new generation of financial products and services based on Safe Haven Investment, backed up by Insurance Guarantee with Enterprise Support and Career Support services available by subscription and licensed to design principle, education, qualification, technical validation, kite-mark and consumer protection complete the picture of what is required for Stable State Governance based on Stable State Economics to realize Stable State Prosperity through appropriate management of Stable State Currency – Fid: Def – through a move to Recognise That which is Of Value through a move known otherwise as The Reversal of Gresham’s Law or Green New Deal.

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, does not endure”. Public Services as Enterprises There is a danger in the provision of public services in that they are forced nowadays to be run as businesses; they end up instrumentalising the people on whom they depend for support and who they are intended to serve. This creeping commercialization encroaches on the values of the public sector, to the extent that public, community and local authority services compromise the individual in the context of his or her household, neighbourhood and community. This steady encroachment on rights and freedoms leaves the taxpayer or customer (and so-called “service user” no room for effective resistance, redress or manouevre. (And it’s a slavish obeisance to the so-called Free Market that has brought us thus far, to our knees). Where is the “Freedom” in a free-for-all, you may ask? Freedom demands Structure, room for the exercise of responsibility and the kind of Choice that distinguishes free will (“whatever “free will” means”). Freedom is realized the Realm of Experience. It operates in a Dimension of Meaning; Freedom is hard won, easily lost and readily robbed from the unguarded. A “free for all” is no different from “every man for himself”. Talking about “market reform” in an open contest of might, is “like re-arranging the deckchairs”.. That resistance makes itself felt is known in other, seismic, spectacularly tragic or Titanic ways, more about that later. The failure to serve but the imperative to be run along business lines we see in evidence in the provision of public services – The Health Service, universities, local government, the police. The organizations that have not lost sight of their member-based responsibilities include many unions and certain public sector services such as libraries, parks, the National Trust and English Heritage. Quangos, privatized services such as utilities, buses, trains and airports seek to extract cash from all quarters in the same way as pension fund managers and investment fund firms make money in hidden charges, regardless of how poorly the investment performs, leaving the customer with no room for redress. Hidden charges in the small print and existing within the letter of the law present an extra revenue opportunity as a technical option for the sharp-eyed and quick-fingered. “Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!”

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, does not endure”. Recourse to legal action is prohibitively expensive for the average investor, customer or saver, and in any case, not an option for redressing casual disregard of customers’ interests. There is a call for ethical practice that passes by the scrutiny of financial regulators, since ethics is not in the rule book. Systems’ Thinking One needs systems’ awareness to run a local authority. Local authorities find themselves at odds with their public when they choose to sell off public baths, parks, playgrounds and open spaces. It is “Show us the Money”, a reductive mentality. They are in the same invidious position as someone who wants to sell his kidney for need of ready cash; the fact is that a local authority, like a corporation, has the rights of an individual in law, the ability to sue for damages and the right to redress libel, but does not have the capacity to feel, nor even think connectedly. (“Complaints? You want Admin”... “No, it’s a Finance issue, call back later, they’re on lunch”..) The If you met an individual who demonstrated he could think, but was incapable of feeling – this would be someone technically certifiable as a psychopath. And yet we allow such entities the responsibility to provide for us? Do we know what we do? The distinction between a psychopath and a sociopath is a distinction in degree, not in kind. A corporation is a body, one cultivates, stewards, and defends, as one would any natural asset worthy of protection. Ask anyone who has the experience of a physician, farmer or soldier and they will tell you that health, either of body, mind or land requires an immune system; resilience needs to be cultivated if one is not to be invaded by hostile predatory or attacking force. The subtle point is that an immune system requires constant care, and predators will take the unfit or unprotected. In any case, it is not always the case that corporations provide for us. They take from us. It is an extractive process. It is not supportive. Anyone who has waited on the end of a phone for customer support will recognize that “Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!”

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, does not endure”. they are just another problem to be dispatched, unless of course they have already taken your money, and then that’s your problem, not theirs. Dragons’ Den The trouble is that bureaucracy has neither head nor heart, and ethical commitment is overridden by the imperative to run a business, defined simply as the need to extract as much cash as efficiently as possible from whatever legally available source makes itself available. Does that sound like a Dragon’s Den scenario? It is otherwise known as the “Poverty of Self-Interest”. For those in the ethical, voluntary or community sector, many find themselves in positions of dependency, tied to funding agencies in a needy relationship. It’s all a Lottery It has been indicated that Jubilee Celebrations in 2012 may have to call on Lottery funding; so then Camelot will decide if they are to go ahead, no? The Reductive Effect of Open Competition for Scarce Resources For those who find themselves financially independent, it can be a race to avoid the litigators and the intrusion that seek to rob money or reputation, in the pursuit of cash or amusement. Such is the reductive process of modern culture that creates a malaise and a relentless urge to do better, compete or just survive in an onslaught of pressures that any commuter or office worker will be all too familiar with. Lifestyle – Consume, Commute, Compute, a consuming process The pressures of the commute turn into pressures at the office, to obey, perform, compete, deliver, outdo. Financial pressure can readily turn into domestic pressure, not helped when partners and family return from work or school, beset by similar relenting pressure to conform, perform, comply. Whatever Happened to Our Dream of Freedom? The failure is both systemic and cultural, neither of which can be readily addressed, yet made felt as stress at the individual and family level, with repercussions that may result in conflict, trauma, upset. East-West Dialogues The failure is known as “dukkha” – which for Buddhists mean “unsatisfactoriness”, and calls for cultural critique, clarity of purpose, an ethical dimension (not a legalistic, prescriptive “Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!”

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, does not endure”. approach) and a presentation of a clear alternative to dealing with suffering through a process of experience, learning, meaning and transformation. This means not making the same mistake again, for example or learning from the past. Thus through experience can be realised reconciliation, understanding, acceptance, wisdom, and the insight that can only come from learning the experience of what happens when things go awry. Ask a Farmer You learn real management skills from the School of Hard Knocks – not from a text book. Ask a farmer. To put matters simply, through a combination of factors that can be described as the banking crisis, attachment to outdated ways of thinking and organizing, matched with the rapidity of communication, the shortening of the attention span, we witness a failure that is evidence by, on the one hand, desperation, inability to access a suitable remedy, or simply, debt, and no means to service that debt. The failure, if we can call it simply, is no more than a failure of imagination. We create the future we choose for ourselves, a future wedded to finance and speculation suffers the instability attached to that driven by fear and greed. A calculative approach differs from a contemplative approach. You can’t deliver success from a calculator, and you can’t add up what makes you happy, stable, secure or healthy. Yield There is a cultural tendency to prefer that which sounds, looks or seems dramatic, impressive, grabs the attention, and yet is gone in a flash. The “soundbite” is preferred by media and press over that which is grounded in proven patterns of success, evidenced by reliability, stability, and yes, predictability and yield. The Ground of Being Yes, you can calculate the basis of future prosperity, it is a matter of ratio, a matter of scale, and for that you need an imagination, but most importantly an ethical dimension, namely a sense of proportion, and a sense of value. Value is a witnessing response, based in appreciation and aesthetic response, as opposed to being wedded to a reductive process that judges in absentia, flattens all, and reduces all to a competition to see who is stronger than the other.

“Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!”

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, does not endure”. Chess This reductive process operates as does a Chess game, where there is no reciprocity, just a relentless rule following and opportunism that knows one game only, to annihilate the opponent. “Check mate” is an outcome that means “the king is dead”. The Chess process knows no other strategy than a reductive aim to end in Win-Lose. Wit Without paying attention to the capacity of local economy to deliver, we leave ourselves exposed to the capacity of the over mighty to extract what they can; over fascination with the mighty indicates they lack the scope, flexibility, subtlety, wit and maneuverability to adapt to changing circumstance. Resilience As we witness in Wales or Scotland where local assembly can make provisions for local people, we observe an over-reliance on the culture shared by central and local government that fails to address the issue of capacity or resilience. Trust Resilience does not exist without recognition of the capacity for reciprocity. Reciprocity means simply “Give and Take”; when the process is “take, take, take”, relentlessly, then “Something has to give”, you might say. Reciprocity does not even occur without Trust being essential; if there is no trust, that is opportunism, manipulation, or one of a number of the various forms of what we can call simply “trickery”. Any enterprise, project, initiative or organization that does not have Trust embedded in its ethos, is inherently prone to the instability that attaches to that which is either hierarchical, extractive, founded on the pursuit of self-interest, The consequence is that it finds itself robbed of the ability to discern value, and hence meaning, but knows only how to measure its worth in financial gain alone. And that is neither wise nor stable, for fortunes can change, ask a football manager. “Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!”

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, does not endure”. Transition In one words, we live in Times of Transition, from Unstable State Economics to Stable State Economics, with the prospect of desirable outcomes, rather than naked self-interest. A Matter of Defense Whatever politicians may choose to call their arrangement, services managed by people in defense of the interests People and Nature have a sounder basis than schemes concocted by an unholy alliance of bureaucrats and technocrats who assume they think they know what’s best for you. Imaginations Many imagine they can abstract financial projections for years to come based on the extraction of funds from your pocket, wallet, or bank account. Have you ever watched your money be spirited away to distant absentee shareholders, after the intermediaries have helped themselves to the necessary share in the meantime? Reading the Road Ahead The route to Stable State Economics is troubled for those who have lost themselves in the imagination of their schemes, who do not heed the necessary living experience, or have lost the ability to navigate, or simply read the road ahead. The demand is for that which is called Resilience, that is the ability of us all to balance the books, without resilience there is no dynamism, and without that movement, there is no flow. Flow “Cash flow” is distinct from “cash extraction”, it is an engineering distinction that calls for a technical understanding of the way economy operates as a natural system. That is a living system, not a machine or unnatural process. When we turn into an evolutionary cul-de-sac, there is a choice, hit the buffers or make a critical choice. The word “crisis” means “decision”. Cultural and Evolutionary Buffers In such cases there is opportunity for what is called a cultural buffer.

“Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!”

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, does not endure”. A cultural buffer may be a technology, a mode of social organization, a cultural tradition, in any case, it brings with it an evolutionary advantage. The discovery of Fire was a cultural buffer, as was the ability to ride a horse, or the ability to navigate one’s way to cross a river at the right time in the right place. A sense of humour was an evolutionary advance, as was linguistic skill without either of which would not have arisen the ability to organize a family outing, such as a day out for the hunter-gatherers or a community event, such as the building of Stonehenge, for example. To have resort to a cultural buffer in the form of a methodology and tradition that can be learned, practiced, its benefits realised and communicated to others is the province of Cultural Enterprise. Stability The challenge for Stable State Economics is not the pursuit of relentless growth, it is the eradication of poverty and repair of damaged ecosystems and the repair to human lives and community of the damage occasioned by willful abuse, destruction through negligence, ignorance or addictions that can be treated. Time for a Crash Course in History Guns Germs and Steel, Jared Diamond Peak Everything – Richard Heinberg Transition Culture – Rob Hopkins Stable State Economics – Marcus Incledon-Webber Terra Firma Economics – Marcus Incledon-Webber Economics As If People Mattered – E.F. Schumacher Five minds for the Future – Howard Gardner New Earth – Eckhart Tolle Socrates questioned assumptions, on the basis that quiet reflection and contemplation would make the absurd untenable. Reductive Arguments Western Society has kept the reductive logic – that which attempts to reduce any argument to absurdity, without allowing the leisure time for the individual to cultivate contemplation or reflection and make sense of conflicting claims of the world about us. Consume or Perish. (The word “consume” means “destroy” you can replace “or” with “so”.) “Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!”

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, does not endure”. One ends up trapped on all sides by non-stop media, work demands, and the endless repetition of facts and trivia and the literal-minded with notions of what one has to do to comply with their requests (buy, eat, obey, consume). Workshops and CPD The State We’re In – Will Hutton The Breaking of Nations – Robert Cooper The Limits of Growth Money, Sex, War and Karma – David Loy Zen and the Gentle Art of Civilisation – Marcus IncledonWebber You Are, Therefore I am, Satish Kumar Spiritual Compass, Satish Kumar Retreats and seminars – by invitation Age of Unreason – Charles Handy Eradicating Poverty – Muhamed Yunus The Amazon Imperative New Renaissance - Maurice Ash The End of Poverty The Spirit Level Swords to Ploughshares Diplomacy and Negotiation The Re-invention of Work – Matthew Fox Earth Pilgrim – Satish Kumar Your options 1. Services and support for Cultural Enterprise start-ups – ideas incubation and Ethical Support for Green Projects 2. Learn & Earn – Alternatives to full-time study – part-time study, work experience and internships 3. CPD – Continuing Professional Development 4. Sponsors of Conservation & Education – being of influence 5. Local authorities – local government – management and local economy – organization, Economy & Ecology – Housekeeping Notices – Cultural Enterprise – “Does it Contribute to Knowledge and Happiness”. 6. Cultural Critique – Reading the Road Ahead – Navigating Times of Transition – Schools & Educators 7. Publishing & Media. The Trust Partnership. “Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!”

“That which is forced, or misunderstood, does not endure”. 8. Local Economy. Local Food. Food Security. Energy Security. Bio-Security. The Converging World. 9. Combine Study & independent Travel – CPD and Cultural Enterprise. The Hub Community of Social Entrepreneurs. Workplace as Cafe and Open Society. 10. Healthcare & Education – holistic perspectives. Capacity Building. Whole Person Development. 11. Eco-learning. Dharma & Society. East-West Dialogues. An Enquiry into Schumacher values. 12. School of Writers – Design School of Central Europe. Natural Teachers. World Cinema. 13. Slow Food Movement. Lifestyle – Tempo Giusto 14. Citta Slow 15. Terra Madre

“Some changes come so slow, you don’t notice them. Some changes come so fast, they don’t notice you!”

In the fields of Engineering, Healthcare and Physical Sciences there is a need to enable the integration of various research models in order that progress in these fields can be truly transformative. An engineering discipline of Flow calls to bring together understanding in the areas of: fluid dynamics, thermo dynamics, electro-dynamics and light engineering to integrate the various strands of these four disciplines. In the areas of Physics and Chemistry, Life Sciences and Earth Sciences convergence will provide us with means and methodology to address the major challenges beside healthcare of Conservation and Climate Change. Through the integration of Pure Reason, Pure Maths, Pure Logic and New Science we can apply this knowledge to provide understanding of the interlinked areas of Economy, Ecology and Law – in order that an actuarially informed view of Healthcare and Healthcare Technology can inform life and pension and insurance underwriting principle to appreciate, evaluate, underwrite and manage the diverse risks posed by the dark triangle of disease, climate change and socio-economic dysfunction. Through an integrated understanding of Science we can thus apply a conjunction of Technology, Investment, Insurance and Governance to address instability and the causes of instability. In this endeavour – an understanding of Flow and the realisation of Harmony calls for the application of Integrated Design Principles – which Integrated Design Principles flow from our understanding of Economics, Ecology and Law. Thus – from Unified Field Perspective we can address dysfunction from an underwriting and Life Science view to inform socio-economic policy – investment – economic regeneration, and integrated banking and insurance services through the application of IT and the deployment of Green City Systems and Infrastructure for Economic Regeneration. Design The 11 areas of Science: Flow Dynamics Technology Healthcare Underwriting

Climate Change Conservation Defence Economy Enterprise Currency and Design 1. These areas are dealt with in the 11-volume series Taoist Economy – Eunomia – available to participating universities. 2. Strategies for Economic Regeneration are also dealt with in the 11-volume series 3. Infrastructure as an Investment is dealt with in the Series that addresses the role of insurance 4. Currency, Banking reform, Economy and Enterprise are dealt with in the 11volume series as an integrated response to the call to integrate Science and Community to create Knowledge Capital or Community Capital. These 4 areas  Design - Principle  Strategies - Praxis  Methodology  Objective are: The Four Agreements. When we look at Nature we find examples that integrate: - Form and function, colour and dimension, structure, resilience and quality. These seven attributes contribute to the functional capacity of the designed object in question to contribute to Life Flow, support Life, display resilience and serve as a functional component in an evolving system. It is this notion of Quality – Value – that informs the functional appraisal of the object of enquiry and without which enquiry is but incomplete. When it comes to gaining a handle on the practical angle of formulating an applied response to the outcome of enquiry – the economic arena – the Creation of Capital – we see that a so-called science that does not recognise or acknowledge the role of quality is missing an important dimension in applying integrated design principles to its outlook.

Unified Field Perspective Thus – as a heuristic model – Unified Field Perspective parts company with those who strive to be value-neutral. Unified Field Perspective sees a value in that which is functional capacity to add to or serve the quality of life and contribute to human health, prosperity, and happiness. To use Johnson’s Utilitarian definition of happiness – that consists in the reasonable basis for future prosperity. Aside from the arguments and tortured outpourings of those vested interests that strive to denigrate all value as subjective and thereby somehow unreal – we point to Gresham’s Law and the consequences of devaluing currency to serve self-interest and the dysfunction that attends that which is not set up to serve Stable State Operation. It is thus – through an integration of Flow – Natural Law – Gresham’s Law and the Primacy of Standards that can be investigated and upheld that we arrive at a Stable State Science of Understanding and Understanding of Science that can serve human need as an evolutionarily adapted species. Survival of the fittest is not about survival of the biggest and strongest, nor even the most intelligent, but survival of the most adapted and adaptive – that enable the use of their technology and the product of their tools to evolve and flourish and not be eroded by the limited resources of time, money, patience and labour. The development of Science and Community Capital – of which Science is a part – calls for the integration no less of Agriculture and Energy, Investment and Design in a harmonious arrangement that enables Flow – man to work in Harmony with Nature and not be at war with the fundamental Design principles that integrate Life on Earth. Thus we can realise a strategy to tackle climate change through the integration of Underwriting Principle, Infrastructure as an investment, currency management and understanding of Flow – that accompanies continuous improvement or kai-zen.

Green Finance delivering Bottom Up Funding for Infrastructure.

Research and Development

Inventor Enterprise

Zero Carbon Pensions

Local Administration

Mutual Insurance

Social Order

Social Enterprise World wide users Energy, Food, Transport Habitation

Green Fund Investors

Fund Governance

Mutual Insurance

National Security

Technology Applicators The Legal framework of community user groups.

A wholesome society exists when the whole Community takes shape, therein lives the strength of the Individual Soul. - Motto of Social Ethics.

Protocol for Open Government A call for Expression of Interest from: Service Providers Governors Elected Representatives of the People Prinzip Elected Representatives of the People – The Elders and the Philanthropists – are invited to consider:  The United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment  United Nations Declaration of Human Rights  United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education  United Nations Principles for Older Persons  United Nations Principles of Good Governance  Unicef Convention on The Rights of The Child  United Nations Independence of The Judiciary Road Map Which Seven Declarations provide a Road Map for:  Economics as If People Mattered  The Wealth of Nations  Good Business, Leadership, Flow and the Making of Meaning  The Future of Management Integration Which Four Agreements governing: Economy, Capital, Ecology and Law are called for to integrate a World-view based on: 1. Recognising the distinction of win-win as opposed to winlose 2. The Economics of Ecosystems and Bio-versity – 3. The Operation of The Critical Judgement – The Economics of Good and Evil 4. The role of Economic Paradigm based on Value, Meaning, Purpose and Choice – Eco-capitalism – to inform Currency and Trade, Economy and Economic Management to make sound sustainable choices of appropriate investment and appropriate use of appropriate technology to enable Stable State Governance based on Supportive (Philanthropic) Economy as distinct from Extractive (Predatory) Economy informed by Stable State Economics and Stewardship of Natural Resource for the development of Natural Capital in line with Rio Nation objectives.

Whereof are convened: 1. The Philanthropists – by invitation – as representatives of The People on whom they depend for their Wealth and Meaning and on the basis of whose efforts they have acquired their holdings. 2. The Elders 3. The Service Providers 4. The Governors – upholders of Lex Naturalis and overseers of Justice, Accountability, Reporting, Transparency, Fairness and Good Governance in the interests of People and Nature. The Four Parties Which Four Parties comprise: 1. The Directorate – Holding The Vision 2. The Protectorate – Sharing Resource 3. The Executive – Delivering Service Provision 4. The Secretariat – Enabling Good Governance, Accountability and Provision of Justice. Consensus The Four Parties will be invited individually to participate in Security Council Consensus for the Governance of Technology and the Use of Appropriate Finance to serve the interests of People and Nature in line with the demands of Food Security, Energy Security, Healthcare Security and Economic Security in accord with World Future Council Policy – We work by means of the conjunction of environmental and economic resilience through Stewardship Economics and the nondestructive use of tools, technology, asset and capital investment. Money as Tool as distinct from Money as Weapon is the basis for the Fid: Def Protocol for Asset Management – Swords to Ploughshares. An outline of the Service Providers We work with Water Engineering, Food Security, Energy Security, Technology Support and Communications specialists for the purposes of Eco-polis – Agro-polis Green City Management based on Terra Madre Estate Management Principle. The work we do As a digital agency, IT infrastructure provider and producer of government and governance systems we empower local, regional and national governors to realise Open Capital for Open Society.

The protocols and governance charters, policies and agreements are defined in The Four Agreements and the Service Level Agreements that Representatives of the People, Governors, Elders, Service Providers and Philanthropists can use to oversee Best Practice in the region or regions of their designated interest. Our credentials We work with the British and Scottish Government through our Government Advisory Practice of lawyers and accounting specialists, design providers, civil engineering and infrastructure providers to create the conditions of Economic Regeneration based on Green City Design Model – Taoist Economy for: Fair Trade, Collaboration, Economic Regeneration and Social and Environmental Justice. Our commitment We work with Governments, Philanthropists, Governors, Service Providers and Elected Representatives of the People worldwide to implement The Earth Charter and Open Capital for Open Society based on The Four Agreements. A two-step process A conference in February marks the completion of the First Stage of Agreements and Protocols – undertaken in conjunction with those who subscribe to UN Principles and UNICEF Convention to usher in Agreement in February as part of Swords to Ploughshares integration with East-West Synergy Institute and North-South Fair Trade Economic Partnerships. Universal Healthcare We seek to realise conservation of Natural Resource and protection of Endangered Species through the Regulated Housing and Healthcare Insurance Normative Operations – RHINO Agreement for the Development of Human Capital through insurance-backed agreements for Universal Healthcare and Housing. For those who want to know more Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations, Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

Article 1. 

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. ^ Top

Article 2. 

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. ^ Top

Article 3. 

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. ^ Top

Article 4.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. ^ Top

Article 5. 

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. ^ Top

Article 6. 

Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. ^ Top

Article 7. 

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. ^ Top

Article 8. 

Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. ^ Top

Article 9. 

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. ^ Top

Article 10. 

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. ^ Top

Article 11.  

(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. ^ Top

Article 12. 

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. ^ Top

Article 13.  

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. ^ Top

Article 14.  

(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. ^ Top

Article 15.  

(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. ^ Top

Article 16. 

(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

 

(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. ^ Top

Article 17.  

(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. ^ Top

Article 18. 

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. ^ Top

Article 19. 

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. ^ Top

Article 20.  

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. (2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association. ^ Top

Article 21.   

(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. (2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. (3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

^ Top

Article 22. 

Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international cooperation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. ^ Top

Article 23.   

(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. (4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. ^ Top

Article 24. 

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. ^ Top

Article 25. 

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. ^ Top

Article 26. 

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally

available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. (2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. (3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. ^ Top

Article 27.  

(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. (2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. ^ Top

Article 28. 

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. ^ Top

Article 29.  

(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. ^ Top

Article 30. 

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein


Terra Firma Economics enables best use of capital, technological, natural and human resource to create sustainable return for People and Planet in accord with UN Principles of Responsible Investment - TEEBWEB.ORG Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity - the creation of Natural Capital in line with Rio Nation objectives and Eco-capitalism. By signing up to The Earth Charter - national and regional authorities can partner with providers and investors investing in accord with Terra Firma Estate Management Principle in conjunction with Royal Agricultural University - UN PRI Pension funds and investors and Estate Managers partnering with local and regional government.

IDEAL NGO provides access to services, systems, software and support through its agency with pension funds and insurers and access to Design Protocols for Green City Planning infrastructure as an investment - in line with the Eco-polisAgro-polis Green City model of World Future Council To enable Service Providers to access the Design Plans for Green City we have East-West Synergy Institute that works on East-West Principles of Green City Design based on People and Planet in Harmony with The Four Elements of Wind, Wave, Earth and Currency. The Fifth Element is Design - and its is this Design Protocol that local and national authorities subscribe to partner with Service Providers to create the conditions to attract inward investment to their region, to engage in economic and environmental resilience and to develop Natural Capital Human Capital - Soil Capital, Natural Capital and Financial Capital based on appropriate use of appropriate technology. IDEAL NGO provides technology relevant to investment, pensions, defence, energy, agriculture and governance (law) for Stable State Governance of the city state - eco-polis based on Green City Design, Technology, Infrastructure, IT and Currency management systems - integrated banking and insurance services IBIS. To enable pension funds to partner with local authorities it is proposed that we create a consortium of Service Providers in the areas of: Design Technology Infrastructure

Civil Engineering Energy Food Transport and IT Healthcare Building Management Accountability To bring together a Core Grouping we have - Water Engineers in primary place - Transport Engineers - IT systems and software service providers servicing the Design model of East-West Synergy Institute enabled by: - software, systems, services and support for Green City Management through the provision of Green Building Technology - Building Management - Terra Firma Estate Management Principle for Food Security and Energy Security. This transition to renewable energy, infrastructure as an investment and Green City operations is known as Swords to Ploughshares – introduces the work of and participating Service Providers of infrastructure as an investment - road, rail and logistics planners for Zero Carbon Pensions. It is anticipated we will convene the partners in Bristol and London to inform them of Strategic Considerations to realise Open Government for Open Society in line with the needs of Ecocapitalism for Regeneration of Economy and Environmental Resilience in line with principles. The Design Model for Green City is based on Harmonics Economy Conservative Asset Management Principle - Water - Civil Engineering, Insurance and the integration of Economics, Ecology and Law - Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce.

“ The Object Of The Law is the Security of The People�. Cicero Writing in the Financial Times, Robert Hannigan said some internet firms were "in denial" about how their services were being misused by groups such as Islamic State. He called for greater co-operation with security services from the companies. None of the major tech firms have yet responded to Mr Hannigan's comments. Mr Hannigan said Islamic State used the internet as a "noisy channel in which to promote itself" by using "messaging and social media services such as Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp, and a language their peers understand", he said. And the "security of its communications" added another challenge to agencies such as GCHQ, he said - adding that techniques for encrypting messages "which were once the preserve of the most sophisticated criminals or nation states now come as standard". GCHQ and its sister agencies, MI5 and the Secret Intelligence Service, could not tackle these challenges "at scale" without greater support from the private sector, including the largest US technology companies which dominate the web, he wrote. "They aspire to be neutral conduits of data and to sit outside or above politics", he wrote. "But increasingly their services not only host the material of violent extremism or child exploitation, but are the routes for the facilitation of crime and terrorism. "However much they may dislike it, they [US technology companies] have become the command and control networks of choice for terrorists and criminals, who find their services as transformational as the rest of us." The challenge was to come up with "better arrangements for facilitating lawful investigation by security and law enforcement agencies than we have now", he said.

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu

“ The Object Of The Law is the Security of The People”. Cicero The Five Pillars 1. Replacing Bureaucracy with Design 2. Replacing Surveillance with Awareness 3. Deploying Compliance Technology (Technology Transfer) 4. By Design (Knowledge Licensing) -

Substituting The Octagon for The Pentagon

This is to inform you that London Leadership Partnership (LLP) provides: Model Business Plan - Methodology - Capacity - Funding - Contacts - Resources and Partnerships to engage in Memoranda of Understanding between National Agency with Powers and Dominions (Foreign & Commonwealth) relating to: "Soft Power Sharing " - Protocols and Agreements


Civic Leadership Programme - Licence Agreement


Design Technology - Collaboration Agreement – available from Visegrad Data Security Institute


Funding - Collaboration and Partnership – London Leadership Partnership.UK


Capacity Building - Service Level Agreement – Available from Hybrid Cloud Service Providers – on application to: London Leadership Partnership – LLP

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu

“ The Object Of The Law is the Security of The People”. Cicero Ideas Incubation and Ethical Support for Green Projects – SLA – Available on an ongoing basis as a Service by Subscription by Individuals and their Organisations. Available on a Regional Basis - Technology Supply - Partnership Agreement – Green New Deal Management Principle for Regional Governance – -

Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce - Licence Agreement

Available on a Country-by-Country Basis AGENCY Agreement with for Swords to Ploughshares. Available in conjunction with participating Local Authoriries: CHEETAH™ Agreements - signed with individual local authorities partnering with and insurers: 1. Insurance confirmation of individual identity (Security) 2. Government services available through Online Portal (Commercial Treaty) 3. Business Licences for Companies accorded by conformance to insurer terms and conditions – Governance – Reporting, Accounting, Accountability, Transparency and Environmental and Social Governance and Corporate Public Responsibility. (Accountability) 4. In return – London Leadership Partnership provides LLP Finance to local authorities who seek to create the conditions to attrct inward investment and organisations are provided with Service Level Agreements according to thir Insurance and Business Licence – in consideration of which Revenue Distribution @ Source (RD@S) ™ Systems, Services, Software and Support are enabled under Licence to those who accord to Commonwealth Protocol for WIKI Government. (Regeneration). 5. STAR™ Protocol enables STAR™ Rating according to Level of Compliance with the Standards of Accountability, Corporate Public Responsibility, Stewardship of Asset, Environmental and Social Governance – Triple Bottom Line Accounting for People, Planet and Principal – Transparency and Reporting for Development of Community & Capital in view of Climate Change.

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu

“ The Object Of The Law is the Security of The People”. Cicero

(Regenerative Cities – see World Future Council) 6. WIKI Governmment uses the Internet: A- As a Security Verification Tool (Security) B- As a Common Technology for Inter-Governmental Accord (Treaty) C- As a Vehicle for Transaction – revenue collection, distribution and allocation. (Allocation) D- As a Tool for Devolving Power from a Single Source – informed by Unified Field Perspective and facilitated by Systems, Services, Software and Support from Visegrad Data Security Institute for the Assimilation, Integration, Interpretation of Big Data for the purposes of Aligning National Interests with Regional and Domestic Security for the Development of Natural Capital in line with Rio Nation Objectives and the Stewardship of Asset in line with UN Principles of Responsible Investment – in accord with UN Habitat Programme and the Realisation of Universal Housing, Healthcare, Welfare and Justice according to a mix of Statutory and Voluntary Insurance in line with CAMBRIDGE™ Protocol – Conservative Asset Management Bringing Reductions in Direct Government Expenditure and Currency and Management Bringing Rewards in Directing Good Enterprise. (Regeneration) STAR™ Services made available and Facilitated and Enabled by Hybrid Cloud Systems, Services, Software and Support in the context of: London Leadership Partnership.UK (LLP) and LLP (Europe) Deliver The Four Agreements:

1. SATORI™ Systems and AGRICOLA™ Systems – Green New Deal and Swords to Ploughshares. A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu

“ The Object Of The Law is the Security of The People�. Cicero 2. LLPartnership Agreement enables Software as a Service and Infrastructure As a Service in the context of Knowledge Licensing Agreement and Technology Transfer. 3. LLP Finance provides the Systems and Services, Software and Support to partner with pension funds, insurers and reinsurers on a national basis in order to provide: 4. Services by Subscription for Housing, Healthcare, Career Support and Enterprise Support to realise Housing, Healthcare, Welfare and Justice through Universal Insurance delivering Zero Carbon Pensions.

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu

“ The Object Of The Law is the Security of The People”. Cicero

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu

Swords to Ploughshares The Green City Ideal A Leadership Perspective We have a Model for the Green City. That model is founded on the Four Corners of Energy Security, Food Security, Economic Security and Healthcare Security (Human Capital). The Whole is underpinned by a perspective on: Services in an Age of Competitive Globalisation This story is informed by Field Experience by Leaders who are familiar with Conflict and its Resolution, The Principles and Practice of how to avoid an Ugly Situation (Economic Crisis) and how to overcome obstacles that may at first daunt appear insuperable. Introducing: The Field Experience that we draw on is available to speak from first-hand experience of the Principles and Practice of Strategic Decision-making, lessons learned from the Four Framing Considerations that are pivotal to each leader: 1. Formative influences – the people who inspire them 2. Formative experiences – the experience they underwent and the lessons learned 3. Defining moments – the circumstances and conditions that led to severe choice 4. The choices they made – the outcomes of circumstance – the values they were led by. The Eco-polis Agro-polis Model Unified Field Perspective for People and their organisations Decision-making Methodology is informed by Unified Field Perspective – namely a perspective that draws on observation and reading the situation to make practical, strategic decisions of consequence, based on the ability to oversee the outcomes and manage the consequences. “Services in an Age of Competitive Globalisation” is based on the Four Framing Questions of Natural Law: 1. Where does this leave your organisation? 2. What steps are taken to address risk and threat? 3. What are the outcomes of positive decisions to address these risks? 4. How does one realise the rewards? Civic Leadership Programme For organisations that invite a Speaker – we invite you to access the Civic Leadership Programme that allows for participation by your members, subscribers, users or client base.

Urban Life – Economic Security – Governance, Design and Technology The questions we answer are designed for Green City Designers – those who have a vested interest in prosperity in the Sustainable City – the finance service providers and insurers – the civic leaders and representatives of the people, and the people themselves, their organisations and interest groups who stand to benefit from social inclusion, and who risk being sidelined through isolation, poverty, deprivation or dysfunctional economic operation. For those who want to know more Based on the Principles of Field Leadership we enable the Paradigm Shift to Swords to Ploughshares on a city-by-city, country-by-country, region–by-region basis. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Civic Energy Programme The Civic Food Programme The Public Healthcare Programme The Civic Leadership Programme  For the Regeneration of Economic Security – Environmental and Economic Resilience –  founded on The Economics of Good and Evil.

There are Seven Components that enable you to make this transition successfully – 1. Governance, Principle, Charter, Protocol, Policy and Contract and Format. How can we help? These Seven Works based on lex naturalis and the Commonwealth Charter are made available for distribution worldwide direct to local authorities and mayors as well as those who can be representative of the People they serve, duly appointed and accountable and personally validated by Approval evident by their body of work, work performance and results - approval of which is a necessary condition for receipt of assistance. This assistance is brought about through the combination of: 1. Risk Management – Insurance 2. Finance – Investment 3. Paradigm – Agro-Economy 4. Model – Eco-polis – Agro-polis 5. Governance – Swords to Ploughshares

6. Governance Protocol – Local Agreements with Design and Finance, Risk Management and Subscription Services via local Authorities. Our Partners We introduce: – Arup – Atkins Global – Hitachi – The Scottish Government – Prague Security Studies Institute through the work of Institute of Strategic Studies. For The Economic Regeneration of your region – on a city-by-city basis. Infrastructure as an Investment Safe haven investment finds a home in Green City infrastructure. The shift of investment comes about from moving from a consumptive – immediate – risk –taking use of finance to a riskaverse supportive economy investment for the long term. The clash of cultures is between banking and insurance – and stewardship of resources prevails when seen in the light of the economic case that calls to be made – not to see Children as of Economic Value – (which they are not) but to see the needs of the next-generation as of legitimate Economic Concern – which they are – if we are to live sustainably. The move then is to switch from overburdening the next-generation with education debt but to invest in the next generation through the provision of Universal Education and Healthcare which can readily be done through the medium of Pensions and Savings, Life Assurance and Insurance. For those who participate  Assistance comes in the form of money – investment to regenerate the region, provide for jobs and manufacturing, housing, conservation, healthcare and resilience in economy and environmental capital. 2. Asset backed Chambers of Commerce – set up to support individuals and their organisation provide for asset-backed local currency supported by mutual banking (credit unions) run on Integrated Banking and Insurance Software (IBIS) and powered by Insurance-backed back-office systems that provides for governance of industry and enterprise, registers and licenses business for operations and insurance and provides for collection of revenues to local authority. 3. By addressing the strategic, commercial, diplomatic and financial matters in hand the Agent of Power does not

concern himself or their selves with matters of politics, or economics. The understanding flows from the operation of the critical judgement – The Economics of Good and Evil – and supports that which is desirable and eliminates that which is defunct through an understanding of Gresham’s Law – an operation of Natural Law without which Stable State Economics cannot be understood, and without which understanding Stable State Prosperity does not obtain. Governance The Governance is the understanding of Unified Field Perspective based on The Art of Strategy by Sun Tzu. This is an economic defence principle that relies on the integration of Economics, Ecology and Law, is founded on AgroEconomy and Agro-Ecology as Science and is founded entirely on the military survey of Land, Terrain, People and Resource. The relationship with local economy is based on Schumacher Economics – Economics As If People Mattered and the relationship between People, Technology and Value (Currency) that is brought together through the intersection of Crown, Law and People through insurance.




The currents of change are transforming our human and physical geography. Demographic transformation, the emergence of new centres of economic dynamism, accelerating inequality within and across nations, challenges to the existing social contract by a disillusioned, mobilized citizenry, technological and organizational transformation linking people directly as never before and climate change are all placing the foundations of our world and our global system under unprecedented stress. They are driving not just incremental but exponential change. They are deeply connected and increasingly complex. To ensure that our generation and future generations benefit from the opportunities presented by this changing reality and are able to mitigate increased risks, the global community will need to work together in unprecedented ways.

The United Nations is uniquely positioned to facilitate such action because it can provide integrated solutions across interconnected issues areas such as development, peace and security, human rights and humanitarian action. It can facilitate universal dialogue to arrive at joint solutions and mobilize new constituencies to join Governments


and international organizations to address global problems and share burdens, and it can legitimize new norms, structures and processes for international cooperation.

The next five years will be crucial for defining and agreeing on a common vision for the future, making path-shaping investments, broadening the base of constituencies working together and adopting a flexible but robust international architecture that can address the increasing stresses on our international system.

The UN can play a central role in strengthening international governance and establishing constructive patterns of collaboration to manage unprecedented threats and demands for change and to take advantage of new generational opportunities.

This agenda sets out a series of actions that I believe the global community must take over the next five years. This will require mobilizing all the human, financial and political resources available to the United Nations in order to catalyse the type of global collaboration that is possible, necessary and timely. It will also require our renewed commitment to mobilize the international support measures required to address the socioeconomic development needs of countries in special situations.

This agenda describes specific measures regarding each of the five generational opportunities and two primary enablers that I laid out in my speech to the General Assembly this past September. GENERATIONAL IMPERATIVES AND OPPORTUNITIES



Sustainable development

1. Accelerate progress on the Millennium Development Goals: •

Keep the world solidly on track to meet poverty reduction targets focusing on inequalities, making particular efforts in countries with special needs and in those which have not achieved sufficient progress.

Complete the final drive to eliminate by 2015 deaths from top killers: malaria; polio; new paediatric HIV infections; maternal and neonatal tetanus; and measles.

Fully implement the global strategy on women and children’s health to save tens of millions of lives, including through the provision of reproductive health services to meet unmet global needs.

Unlock the potential of current and future generations by putting an end to the hidden tragedy of stunting of almost 200 million children by mobilizing financial, human and political resources commensurate with the challenge.

Stimulate generational progress by catalysing a global movement to achieve quality, relevant and universal education for the twenty-first century.

2. Address climate change: •

Facilitate mitigation and adaptation action on the ground: o Promote climate financing by operationalizing the Green Climate Fund and set public and private funds on a trajectory to reach the agreed amount of $100 billion by 2020. Ensure effective delivery of all fast-start financing. Deepen


understanding of the economic costs of climate change, and the corresponding financing needs, including through mapping regional and subregional vulnerability hotspots. o Facilitate and execute agreements on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) to protect forests and sustain the livelihoods of the people who depend on them. •

By 2015, secure a comprehensive climate change agreement applicable to all parties with legal force under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Strengthen, defend and use climate science to make and promote evidence-based policy.

3. Forge consensus around a post-2015 sustainable development framework and implement it: •

Define a new generation of sustainable development goals building on the MDGs and outline a road map for consideration by Member States.

Mobilize the UN system to support global, regional and national strategies to address the building blocks of sustainable development: o Energy: Mobilize a broad multi-stakeholder coalition under the Sustainable Energy for All initiative to achieve universal access to modern energy services, double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, all by 2030.


o Food and nutrition: Adopt globally agreed goals for food and nutrition security, mobilize all key stakeholders to provide support to smallholder farmers and food processors and bolster the resilience of communities and nations experiencing periodic food crises. o Water: Launch and execute a UN-wide initiative to provide universal access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation globally. o Oceans: Agree to a compact on oceans that will address overfishing and pollution by improving the governance of oceans and coastal habitats and by developing an institutional and legal framework for the protection of ocean biodiversity. o Transport: Convene aviation, marine, ferry, rail, road and urban public transport providers, along with Governments and investors, to develop and take action on recommendations for more sustainable transport systems that can address rising congestion and pollution worldwide, particularly in urban areas. o Work with Member States to make Antarctica a world nature preserve.



1. Support the development and implementation of national disaster risk reduction plans that address growing challenges of climate change, environmental degradation, urbanization and population growth. Special emphasis should be placed on the least


developed and most vulnerable countries, including by providing a platform for South-South cooperation and facilitating the use of innovative methods and technologies.

2. Prioritize early warning and early action on preventing violent conflict by: •

Mapping, linking, collecting and integrating information from across the international system

Supporting national capacities for facilitation and dialogue

Ensuring that UN good offices, mediation, crisis response and peacebuilding services are easily and rapidly deployable

3. Advance a preventive approach to human rights by: •

Developing a policy framework that identifies basic elements needed to prevent human rights violations

Establishing a preventive matrix that will chart progress and gaps in the use of a range of human rights instruments

Advancing the responsibility to protect agenda

4. Build resilience to external economic and financial shocks by helping countries identify vulnerabilities rapidly and adopt adequate social safety nets and policies that promote job-led growth.



Building a safer and more secure world by innovating and building on our core business

1. Construct an enhanced partnership for peacekeeping, building on a renewed commitment to: •

Share the burden and strongly collaborate with regional organizations

Ensure that peacekeepers have the necessary capacities and support to meet with increased speed and nimbleness the demands of increasingly complex operations

Enhance the ability of the UN to provide civilian protection

2. Build a more global, accountable and robust humanitarian system: •

Enhancing collaboration among humanitarian organizations, particularly from the global South, at the local, national and regional levels, to strengthen community resilience and emergency response, and establishing a monitoring system to assess progress on the implementation of preparedness measures

Building a shared international commitment to strengthen aid transparency and commitment, including by promoting a global declaration and agenda for humanitarian aid transparency and effectiveness

Expanding support for pooled funding mechanisms, including the Central Emergency Response Fund, and identifying with stakeholders additional sources and methods of innovative financing for emergency preparedness



Convening a world humanitarian summit to help share knowledge and establish common best practices among the wide spectrum of organizations involved in humanitarian action

3. Revitalizing the global disarmament and non-proliferation agenda in the field of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction as well as conventional arms, and strengthening the role of the UN in dealing with related emerging issues, including nuclear security and safety and arms trade, as well as outstanding regional issues.

4. Enhance coherence and scale up counter-terrorism efforts to better support Member States in their implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and their own national counter-terrorism plans. This should include consideration by relevant intergovernmental bodies of creating a single UN counter-terrorism coordinator.

5. Address the heightened threat of organized crime, piracy and drug trafficking by mobilizing collective action and developing new tools and comprehensive regional and global strategies. This will require integrating rule of law, public health and human rights responses.



Supporting nations in transition

1. Develop best practices and scale up UN capacity and support in key areas of comparative advantage, including peacebuilding, human rights, the rule of law, electoral assistance, national reconciliation, dispute resolution, anti-corruption measures, constitution-making and power-sharing arrangements and democratic practices.

2. Support “transition compacts� with agreed strategic objectives and mutual accountability in fragile and conflict environments.

3. Advocate for and establish an age of accountability by combating impunity for serious international crimes through strengthening the international criminal justice system, supported and enhanced by capacity-building measures to strengthen national judiciaries.

4. Deepen strategic and operational collaboration with international and regional organizations, including international financial institutions and regional development banks, and other stakeholders.



Working with and for women and young people

1. Deepen the UN campaign to end violence against women by enhancing support for countries to adopt legislation that criminalizes violence against women and provides reparations and remedies to victims, provide women with access to justice and pursue and prosecute perpetrators of violence against women.

2. Promote women’s political participation worldwideby encouraging countries to adopt measures that guarantee women’s equal access to political leadership, managing elections to promote women’s engagement and building the capacity of women to be effective leaders. Place a special focus on the Secretary-General’s seven-point action plan on women’s participation in peacebuilding.

3. Develop an action agenda for ensuring the full participation of women in social and economic recovery through a multi-stakeholder partnership with government, the private sector and civil society. This should include recommendations on inheritance laws, wages, childcare, work-sharing and taxes.

4. Address the needs of the largest generation of young people the world has ever known by deepening the youth focus of existing programmes on employment, entrepreneurship, political inclusion, citizenship and protection of rights, and education, including on reproductive health. To help advance this agenda, the UN


system will develop and implement an action plan, create a youth volunteer programme under the umbrella of the UN Volunteers and appoint a new Special Adviser for Youth.



Harnessing the full power of partnership across the range of UN activities

1. Scale up UN capacity to engage in transformative multi-stakeholder partnerships with the private sector, civil society, philanthropists and academia across a broader range of issue areas by creating a new UN Partnership Facility, which will catalyse commitments and promote accountability.

2. Consolidate functions to create a coherent capacity for partnering consisting of the Global Compact and the UN Partnership Facility and coordinate system-wide partnership efforts.

3. Enhance UN capacity to engage with traditional and new constituencies using the full range of outreach tools, including social media.


Strengthening the United Nations


1. Ensure the more effective delivery of mandates and do more within recognized resource constraints through innovation and change management initiatives, including by facilitating a review of the current budget process.

2. Build a modern workforce supported by a global Secretariat that shares financial, human and physical resources, knowledge and information technology more effectively, including through the robust implementation of the Umoja initiative.

3. Make the United Nations more open, flexible and accountable, including by adopting a results-based planning, accountability and management system, streamlining budgeting and implementing a system-wide risk management approach.

4. Launch a second generation of "Delivering as one", which will focus on managing and monitoring for results, ensuring increased accountability and improved outcomes.

5. Enhance the safety and security of UN staff by mainstreaming security resource and personnel decisions through all relevant planning and budget processes, increasing security threat analysis capabilities at more UN field locations and improving national and international staff security training to match the threat environments in which the UN operates. The UN must also increase its support for staff affected by trauma.



Taoist Economy Investment – Economic Services – Underwriters' Security The Role of Insurance in the Obtainment of Wants and The Settlement of Differences The work of Chatham House – Resources' Future indicates that Open Competition may not be the optimum method for the distribution of goods and services in the event of scarcity, shortage or interruption to supply. That this is matter for insurers may not be obvious. Talk in terms of Energy Security and Food Security and the situation becomes clear. When food shortages arrive, riots occur. The current security situation has been described as being less than a week away from food riots in Developed Countries in the event of fuel interruption or disruption to supermarkets' supplies. That a Ready Design-led model for Food Security and Energy Security exists may come as a surprise to some. Not to those at World Futures Council or UN Habitat Programme who are familiar with the Eco-polis Agro-polis Formulae based on addressing the security compromise of the Petrol Dependent modern city scape of Petro-polis. Howard-Higgins Agricultural Systems inform Design-led investment into Green City for Green New Deal – based on non-extractive technology and Swords to Ploughshares based on Non-destructive technology. Which Agreements are designed for Regional and National Investors and those who seek to create the conditions to attract inward investment to a City or Region to partner with Renewable Energy Suppliers and providers of Housing, Healthcare, Horticulture and Humanities. These Agreements enable Service Providers to address the population needs of a subscriber base – subscribing to Healthcare Services in the context of Housing and Education – local food production and distribution – under the auspices of Conflict Resolution specialists – lawyers – accountants – designers and IT specialists providing enterprise support and career support services by subscription from Chambers of Commerce. The whole is Governed by UN Principles of Responsible Investment – informing UN Habitat Programme and investors – insurers – stakeholders and citizens of Sustainable State Paradigm according to Terra Firma Economics and Terra Firma Estate Management Principles. For those interested in becoming Service Providers in the areas of Housing – Community Regeneration – Healthcare – Food Production – Food Distribution – Education and Enterprise we make available the integration of Healthcare Insurance with Housing and Energy – Food Production and Enterprise Support available through subscription to Chamber of Commerce Career Support Services.

We run Residential Programmes for those interested in licensing Solar Power Systems – SOL™ Systems that enable Healthcare Insurance Contribution be linked to Housing and Food Production development for Community Regeneration for the purposes of Capital and Community in the light of Climate Change. Apply to Howard-Higgins Agricultural Systems (SOL™ Systems) for a Stakeholder prospectus and the chance to be informed by the expertise of those who support Rockefeller 100 Resilient Cities – including those of Bristol Green Capital and West Country Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce introducing SATORI™ Systems – Socially Authorised Technology Operating Regional Insurance. Applicants can receive licence to Raise Funds Directly according to RIBA approved Design Plans. Your Options Independent Capacity building and needs analysis to develop your own proposals for Community and Capital Development according to Climate Change under UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Rockefeller 100 Resilient Cities, UN PRI Rules and RIBA Principles according to Eco-polis Agro-polis model and UN Habitat Programme – Price on Application from Berlin Technology Hub. Associate – see Chatham House Associates Partnership – Technology Transfer Agreements and Knowledge Licensing from Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce including access to SOL™ Systems and SATORI™ Systems.  Apply Directly to Berlin Technology Hub Agreements available for Patrons, Sponsors, Fellows and Partners of Sustainable Economic Paradigm for the Deployment of Technology and Development of Community Capital addressing Climate Change – on application to Spirit of Life Centre, Kalamata Greece. Cost of Agreement includes a 4-day orientation for individuals and organisations connected with Health and Food Systems for Community Capital Development addressing Climate Change – SOL™ Systems rental includes membership of Spirit of Life Centre support for Healthy Lifestyle and Natural Organic Produce in the context of Healthy Living and Sustainable Community. A Residential Exploratory Seminar is available for those who apply to join us.

Observations on Natural Law & The Wealth of Nations A Handbook For Stable State Governance Established on Terra Firma Economics For World-Wide Five Pillars Authority From Seedbed Conservation Trust (Geneva) Various attempts over the years have been made by economist observers to square Economic Understanding with Natural Law. By having a meta-narrative of How Things Work, and How Living Systems Evolve an Economic Management Science can thus be founded on a Basis of Knowing – through Observation and Dtermination(Diagnosis and Prognosis). Calculation, rather than simply being at the mercy of uncertain outcomes can inform Strategic Allocation of Resource for Future Distributive Systems. Such is the Desideratum of Science, not just Economic Science but Forward Planning: Medicine, Ecology, Governance, Law and Civic Administration. The Realisation of Justice, it may be observed cannot be had without an understanding of Forward Planning and the Operation of Public Services – Medicine, Conservation, Government and Law depend in their turn on the realisation of Balance, Harmony and Equity for their effectiveness. The which are as necessary to Governance as they are to: Freedom, Democracy and Stable State Economics.

Thus it follows – Stable State Prosperity calls to be realised by Terra Firma Economics, based as that is on Design Principles of Regeneration, on the basis on confronting Illusion and Knowledge of That Which is Desirable, the consequence of failure to address which yields but unsatisfactory state of affairs that calls for redress. As we know all to well, unsatisfactory conditions occasion conflict, are born of oppression, reward tyranny, and yield accompanying ills such as loss of confidence, lack of trust and coercion. We thus see that the antithesis of such Tyranny – namely Liberty - is an essential feature of the secure and stable state of affairs, directed and governed by sound governors and prudential authority, dependent as that is on fiscal integrity, the appropriate use of appropriate technology, appropriate land use, the production of material benefit and the manageable distribution of such benefit in such manner and such wise as may reward industry, responsibility and patient diligent application (care). We thus see that an effective incentivisation for Duty of Care calls to be embedded in the Economic Value Set that informs action and rewards the application of labour, falling as that Duty does to those who manage capital, technology, land and labour into a meaningful synergy. For it is on such synergy that the principle of obtainment of wants and satisfaction of needs (sufficiency) enables self-sufficiency and Good Household Management. This is the Founding Observance of The Law of The Household (Economics) and the Principle of Household Management (Ecology) that enables the balancing of inputs with outputs. Trade Security enables the excess to be taken to Market in exchange for Goods and Services the which are not obtainable but for the free and fair operation of Trade and the Operation of a System for the Resolution of Conflict through mediation, arbitration or settlement of Differences (Legal and Judiciary) the which is a necessary condition for the Collection of Revenue and Distribution of Benefit – without which Fair Trade does not obtain. Thus we come to a notion of Fair Trade that integrates Economics, Ecology and Law under a single Distributive System on which Good Order and Sound Management (Eunomia) depend. It is significant that The Romans – who understood the Principles of Law, Security, Revenue Collection on which the Empire was established, used the proceeds of taxation to deploy their soldiers and ships to defend Trade Routes.

In so far as they failed to observe this Primary Duty of Conservative Asset Management they thwarted their own success and ultimately paid the price of failure to sufficiently win a Hearts and Minds Campaign sufficient to realise adequate resilience of their own ideology in the face of those who would sack Rome in the quest for their own self-determination – seeking independence of what had become a corrupt and oppressive hegemony. The Greeks by contrast enjoyed a diverse culture that was based on Architecture, The Arts, Science, Music, Rhetoric, Medicine, The Polis – Civic Participation, Enquiry, Mathematics and Theatre. The Hellenic Civilisation founded on Agriculture and self-sufficiency enabled the Hellenes to prosper and flourish in ways that eluded Roman Cultural Values. This is simply because Hellenic Civilisation was founded on an Integral science of Meaning, Understanding and Law that was known to the Hellenes as The Operation of The Logos and which informs Empirical Understanding based on the Integration of Experience, Awareness, Relevance and Demonstration – the which Experience known to the senses and otherwise describable as Proof enabled the Hellenes to build Gnosis into their Civilisation in a way that informs and is informed by Enquiry and The Recognition of Meaning. It is this Recognition of Meaning tht lies at the Heart of Currency Management – Defence of Which Meaning is indicated by the words Fid:Def – Defence of the Faith – of which free and fair currency exchange (trade) and the Collection of Duty is the expression that enables the citizen to “Render Unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”. Sound Management thus depends not on obtaining what is required for the lowest possible price but on Realising through the Provision of Capital, Deployment of Technology and Appropriate Use of Labour responsible Development of Capital (Community Capital) that is had (according to Adam Smith) through the Distributive Action. Adam Smith called this “the invisible hand of the market”. Smith’s Model that integrates Knowledge, Technology, Capital and Labour in useful and productive synergy that has by its own actions, when replicated across towns and villages, Distributive Benefits provided a compelling and thorough model on which Smith framed his understanding. Smith’s work – The Wealth of Nations – was an elaboration of this model; the operation of the “invisible hand” was informed by a Third Value known simply as: The Cantilllon Principle.

The Cantillon Principle indicates that it is not as important how much money you have, or the amount of money you dispose of, but who the proceeds of industry go to. It is beneficial for The Common Weal and the Realisation of Stable State Prosperity that Capital Asset is Stewarded, Invested Prudently, and Yields Beneficial Production in such ways as Do Good and Do not ocasion harm – whereas by contrast – that money that ends in the hands of those who indulge their own self-gratification, vainglorious whimsy or desire for ostentatious display of power and wealth at the expense of others. Those who do, by their actions, incur a cost of misery on those at large. Thus – The Cantillon Principle – when fully understood and applied in the context of the Systems and services, software and support for Stable State Governance holds an opportunity for all who would aspire to such Responsibility to Step Up To Serve. We thus find that The Responsible Steward, The Social Entrepreneur, The Innovator and Guardian acts from a position of Fiduciary Duty – failure to realise which incurs a cost to those around, people, their organisations. Governments and their citizens, habitat, species and the next generation are all exposed to the dysfunction that is occasioned by failure to address Public Liability through what is known as: “ The Externalisation of Cost”.

Redressing the wrong of Imposing Costs on the Next Generation is the Basis of Inclusive Capitalism – which is readily practicable and communicable through Knowledge Licensing, Skill-share and Innovation through participating universities and local authorities (Town & Gown partnerships for Knowledge Economy) and appropriate Use of Appropriate Technology (Technology Transfer) in such way as realises Environmental and Social Justice. Appropriate Use of Appropriate Technology is realised through integration of Science – Technology – Agriculture and Regeneration (STAR) that deals with Ground – Level Conditions of Health and Sanitation through Fresh Water Management and Food Production and Distribution Systems – available through the deployment of The Organic Cultivation Techniques of Sir Albert Howard – pioneer and founder of the Soil Association and whose work Testament to Agriculture is made available by Seedbed Conservation Trust introducing Howard-Higgins Agricultural Systems for Food Security.

It is on the basis of soil replenishment and agricultural cultivation that Swords To Ploughshares is made available to the World-Wide Five Pillars Authority – consisting as that does of Four Responsible Heads – The Directorate – The Protectorate – The Secretariat and The Executive for licensing to Governments worldwide (The Administrate) in such ways as can facilitate Universal Justice, Universal Healthcare, Universal Housing and Universal Welfare through the application of a mix of statutory and voluntary insurance – informed by Terra Firma Economics – Terra Firma Estate Management Principle and Zero Carbon Pensions – for Transition to Low-Carbon Economy. The Fundable Proposition is The Development of Community and Capital for Economic and Environmental Resilience in light of Climate Change. Seedbed Conservation Trust sets out its Geographical Security and Insurance Warranty according to the following areas of management for secure revenue collection and revenue distribution at source: -

Geographical Security – Internet Wireless – Insurance Warranty


Household or Commercial, Civic or Hospital – Insurance


Regulated Area - Conservation, Civil, Military, Commercial, Marine, Heritage or Strategic Observations on Natural Law

The Practice of Natural Law is framed by Four Framing Considerations and in the context of which Four Reference Points Appropriate Action may be taken – the result of which Meaningful Action when Observed and Rcognised creates a Sixth Point on The Strategic Technical Arrangement. The Four Framing Considerations for Healthcare – Enquiry, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care are: 1. Is there pain, suffering, distress? 2. What is the source of the disease, dysfunction, unwelcome symptom or unrest? 3. What constitutes appropriate treatment in the circumstances and requirement to do Good and Occasion No Harm? 4. What constitutes appropriate Remedy?

The Four Framing Considerations for Justice – Enquiry, Judgement, Sentence and Outcome are: 1. Has Breach of Trust, Duty, confidence, consideration, occasioned or been occasioned? 2. Is there responsibility or liabiity attached according to mens re? 3. What constitutes appropriate Restoration of Balance based on the Call for The Application of Law to be both Just and Expedient and Effective in a Timely Way? 4. Are the consequences of a Judicial Decision in service of furthering the Defence of the Common Weal or are such notions of consequence outside the scope of Virtuous Judicial Responsibility and in the hands of Fortune or Necessity? We thus see that for both Healthcare and Judiciary a Model for Restorative Processes based on a Prescriptive Model for the distributive allocation of rewards, or benefits can serve to inform and be informed by Defence Principles for the Maintenance of Order (Sound Governnce and Law) that calls to be underpinned by an Economic Calculative Principle to inform individual and organisational decisionmaking and procedure. The Four Framing Considerations for the Application of Natural Law in the Global Race – The Struggle for Survival, Riches and Power are found in Four Questions: 1. Is there opportunity, need or demand for my/our product or service to be of use? 2. Will such deployment enable the realisation reward in such way as does not impose unnecessary or unwanted burden of debt, cost, limitation or repayment, suffering or liability on those with whom I am engaged (stakeholders) and other valuable interests indirectly affected (society, the environment), by the outcome of this undertaking? 3. Do the costs (internal and external) outweigh the benefits realised in a Fair and Equitable Manner? 4. Is this undertaking based on Consideration and Contract or Coercion? In which case, in the absence of consideration, on what basis is the Contract Valid and how can this action be defensible if not freely chosen and voluntarily entered, for if not Fair and Honest, Decent and Legal at outset on what basis does this transaction come under the protection of the Court?

We thus arrive at a Fair Trade Economic Perspective that integrates Distributive Systems for Restorative Process through Healthcare and Justice Administration Systems that do not necessarily impose a cost on Central Government to implement, maintain and administer but can be founded on Principles of Responsible Investment for enabling Civic Systems for Free and Fair Contractual Undertaking based on the Understanding of Implicit Social Contract that is understood through the Synergy of: Crown, Law and People. It is this stewardship of Human, Knowledge, Technology and Community Capital that can be deployed as The Four Agreements in the intersection of Science, Technology, Agriculture and Regeneration for the STAR Economy. The Five Pillars Authority recognises the following Levels: -

Operational Natural Enterprise – Food Security and Energy Security


Technology Worldwide Operations – (Global Satellite) Geographical Security Insurance Warranty


Trust Holding Renewable Energy Executive – see: The Third Industrial Revolution – Rifkind


Fiscal Operations Utiliising Regeneration – Inclusive Capitalism


Financial Insurance Validating Enterprise, Education, Environment, Energy, Employment – From Education to The Workplace – CPD, UN Principles of Responsible Management, Flow Systems, Leadership and Continuous Improvement – kai-zen.

The above Five Levels are available under CAMBRIDGE Protocol – Conservative Asset Management Bringing Reductions in Direct Government Expenditure and Currency and Management Bringing Rewards in Directing Good Enterprise.

The Four Framing Considerations of Natural Law are: 1. Is recognition alone capable of restoring meaning and ascribing value? 2. Is a life without meaning bereft of value? 3. Where is that meaning if based not on recognition of what is of Value and Knowing but Illusion? 4. Is the Basis of Science that of Reason and Knowledge and Recognition of Meaning (Understanding)? Assent or Dissent to which Existential Enquiry leads to articulation of Utterance – which Word or Logos operates within the Framed Reference of Understanding of the Cognitive Awareness that forms the basis for Contractual Accord based on freely-chosen action – distinguishing desirable from undesirable actions in the context of Man, using Currency, Technology and living in the context of: People & Planet, People & Place, Society and Nature – which livelihood is realised through AGORA Principle.

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F. Kennedy

London Leadership Partnership Introducing Terra Firma Economics Developing Community and Capital In light of Climate Change With reference to the work of New Climate Economy Collaborating with Members and their Guests

A Government Advisory Practice London Leadership Partnership is comprised of those individuals and their Sponsors who are equipped to take a Strategic, Financial, Commercial and Diplomatic perspective on the risks and opportunities that come to the fore in the face of instability. Our Methodology is to communicate a Coherent Economic Methodology for addressing risk, managing Transition and Realising Stable State Prosperity through Terra Firma Economics that is founded on the twin values of realising Capital Development for People & Planet, People & Nature through the Principles indicated by Conservative Asset Management Principle, which Strategic Perspective for Management of Estate, Conservation of Asset, Realisation of Reward and Underwriting of Risk informs and is informed by a Commercial, Insurance, Estate Management and Defence perspective. The opportunity to participate in The Partnership comes about through: 1. London Partnership Programme - (for individuals, professionals and their organisations) 2. The London Leadership Policy (insurance policy for professional, civic, public or commercial liability) 3. The London Leadership Protocol – indicated by The Protocol for Open Government 4. The London Leadership Practice – A Consortium of Service Providers who deliver Systems, Services, Software and Support to enable Transition to Stable State Governance. Application to Participate can be made by contaccting The Partnership directly or comes about through invitation. We operate through the Licensing of Know-How (Knowledge Economy) and Technology Transfer to those local authorities, regional authorities, central authorities, embassies, ambassadors or their advisors who seek to create the conditions to attract inward investment. “The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. ” ― Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F. Kennedy

We do so by advocating Four Agreements: 1. The Appropriate Use of Appropriate Technology 2. Appropriate Land Use 3. Restorative Processes (Healthcare and Justice) 4. Distributive Systems – Fair Trade, Manufacture, Vocational Support and Livelihood Services The Above is indicated as in line with UN Habitat Programme and UN Principles of Responsible Investment – in line with UN CITRAL Rules which form the basis for addressing UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in such way as does not impose a legacy of debt, destruction, or uncertainty for the next generation to repay, repair or restore. The Restorative Process is oversen by the World Wide Five Pillars Authority – representing the Five Intersts of The Rio Nations to Develop Natural Capital: Housing, Healthcare, Economy, Career Support and Enterprise Support. The World Wide Five Pillars Authority Referring to the work of Rifkin The Third Indusrial Revolution The Role of Natural Law For Stable State Paradigm to be realised – Technology Transfer and Knowledge Licensing can take place – under the terms of Green New Deal (Transition from Economy of Extraction to Economy of Support – Environmental & Social Governance and Corporate Public Responsibility) and Swords to Ploughshares – available through Insurance Warranty for Geographical Security based on deployment of appropriate Systems, Services, Software and Support for the Development of Community Capital. When Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations he advocated Market Principles for the Realisation of Benefit for Civic and Political Order. He cited The Invisible Hand of The Market as this Distributive Agency – which tenet of belief holds sway to this day in justifying laissez-faire policies to allowing the Market Place to organise itself. The matter is that without an integrative, ordering and intelligent function, the necessary Distributive Systems do not operate. These Four Agreements - Integrating, Ordering and Intelligent, Distributive systems are called to inform manufacture, industry, defence and logistics in such way as do not impose unnecessary externalities that cause habitat or species destruction, pollution, or erosion of Natural Capital. “The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. ” ― Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F. Kennedy

As it stands – uncertainties abound for the lack of necessary consensual agreement to achieve the skilful and healthy co-operation of hands and eyes, ears and feet for the Theory of Competing Interests on which Socio-Political Systems are founded set the Brain, and the Mouth and The Stomach and The Heart at odds with each other in the vainglorious battle to decide Who is More Important. Smith’s Model on which he based his understanding of Economy does not apply today. Why? The Weath of Nations was written over twenty years before electricity was even invented, before the dawn of electronic banking, before the rise of the modern corporation to international hegemony as well as before the discovery of Ignacy Lukasiewicz of modern techniques for processing fuel for general use from crude oil. The Wealth of Nations advocated functions for the Distribution of Benefit, without which the Accumulation of Reward is not a sustainable process. Central to the Four Agrements of Economics, Ecology, Fair Trade and Law stands Technology. The Determinate Principle on which Civilisation rests is the Dominant Technology – which in the Developed World is either The Nuclear Bomb or The Internal Combustion Engine. Which ever way you approach the issue, neither is particulary attractive in terms of its use or disposability. Rather than disposable technology – the Future of Wealth and Prosperity lies with tapping into the advantage of Renewable Technology.

“The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. ” ― Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F. Kennedy

The Next-Generation calls to be serviced by: Affordable Technology that is Resilent, Modular, Scaleable, Flexible and founded on: New Physics. And it is the New Physics, The New Economics, Integrative Function of Maths, Actuarial Science, Technology, Engineering and Regulation that provide The MASTERS’™ Programme for Business Development – the MBD™ for People and their Organisations that follows on from the Masters’ in Business Banking – MBB™ and Masters’ in Beneficial Commerce – MBC™. The MASTERS’™ in Business Actualisation™ provides a next-generation Introduction to CAMBRIDGE™ Protocol – Conservative Asset Management Bringing Reductions in Government Expenditure and Conservation and Management Bringing Rewards in Directing Good Enterprise. Application to Develop Curricula and Course-ware is open to Universities and Organisations that seek to realise Town & Gown Partnerships for inovation, research, licensing of know-how and Technology Transfer in such way as creates the conditions to attract inward investment and Disseminate Best Practice.

“The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. ” ― Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F. Kennedy

The Digital Revolution, also called the Third Industrial Revolution, is the change from analog, mechanical, and electronic technology to digital technologywhich began anywhere from the late 1950s to the late 1970s with the adoption and proliferation of digital computers and digital record keeping that continues to the present day.[1] Implicitly, the term also refers to the sweeping changes brought about by digital computing and communication technology during (and after) the latter half of the 20th century. Analogous to the Agricultural Revolutionand Industrial Revolution, the Digital Revolution marked the beginning of theInformation Age. Central to this revolution is the mass production and widespread use of digital logic circuits, and its derived technologies, including the computer, digital cellular phone, and the Internet.

The Green New Deal is a package of policy proposals that aims to address global warming, and financial crises. It echoes theNew Deal, the social and economic programs launched by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression.[1] The proposals of the Green New Deal generally echo the recommendations of UN-mandated organizations like ICLEI or theTEEB, of global NGOs, and of the Basel II and related monetary accords, especially as these relate to reforms to measurement of fundamental ecosystem risk and financial liabilities. The reinsurance industry and The Economist have also consistently expressed support for the general principles of consistent global carbon and emissions charges, for metrics of ecosystem destabilization risk and a generally high value on nature's services which underlie human valuation. Several of the proposals have already been implemented in one or more G8 or G20 countries including Norway, South Korea, the UK, US and European Union. The financial proposals echo some already underway at the IMF, World Bank, BIS and ECBto better reflect ecosystem valuations and reduce systematic incentives to invest in "dirty" over "clean" industries.

“The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. � ― Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F. Kennedy

What Kind of a Leader are You? An Opportunist?

Or One Who Navigates through Discerning Natural Law? Sir Thomas Gresham – See: Gresham’s Law

“The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. ” ― Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Berlin Technology Hub Swords to Ploughshares™ Governing The Caliphate The Call for Best Practice Lloyds’ insurers issue a Statement upon the Dissemination of Best Practice according to Conservative Asset Management principle – Stewardship of Natural Resource and nondestructive use of Technology – failure to adhere to which renders policyholders exposed to liability claims. Which exposure to downside loss it is that insurers seek to limit - through the Dissemination of Best Practice according to UN Habitat™ Programme according to which household policy holders live peaceably with their neighbour – resolving dispute amicably without use of violence and through legitimate economic means validated by UN Principles of Responsible Investment.

On Behalf of Lloyds of London Lloyds’ insurers act on behalf of policy holders, underwriters and insurers World Wide who seek to limit their exposure to downside loss arising from War, deprivation, inappropriate use of Technology, and Climate Change - through the application of Science, Unified Field Perspective and considerations arising from the application of Underwriting Principle and Conservative Asset Management Principle, stewardship of resource in line with the needs of People, Planet and Principal through responsible accounting. Insurance Cover Which insurance cover and investment protocol together may be applied severally and in conjunction with appropriate use of appropriate technology for the free and fair allocation of resource – which allocation of resource and conservation of natural resource accords with the Five Pillars of Islam for Governing the Caliphate. Underwriting Principle Thus Underwriting Principle can usher in the UN Habitat programme which may or may not be accompanied by support and investment according to sharia principles and the Governance of Arbitration as determined by Natural Law as those who would seek appropriate insurance cover may see best fit.

Fit Agency The Agency for which Representation is made is comprised of those who would seek to avail themselves of educational opportunity for those and those party to the deprivations and injustices that accompany conflict and discord – which conflict may be resolved by peaceable and timely mediation, intervention and arbitration such as may prove rewarding for those who would otherwise lack access to basic provision of resource such as may enable them to go about their business and conduct their lives and governance free of unwanted persecution, tyranny, oppression, piracy, violence or other such ill as may accompany those not party to Stable State Prosperity. Formula for Stable State Prosperity Which Formula For Stable State Prosperity is informed by Stable State Economics and the accompanying provision of insurance service such as may realise Stable State Governance for the purposes of Stable State Currency – which object is the fit and proper subject of regard for the Defender of the Faiths – Fid: Def whose hand may be sought to warrant sufficient safeguard as may be sought in the Five Pillars of Islam – operating through World Wide Five Pillars Authority Governing Finance, Forestry, Fisheries, Finance and Food. Peacekeeping Agency WW FPA undertakes to perform such tasks as may be necessary to provide for food security and energy security through the appropriate deployment of technology as may be enabled by appropriate insurance for appropriate quarter so long as peaceable accord prevails over the desire to impose suffering and discontent such as may or may not be facilitated or otherwise by Strategic Use of Underwriting Principle for Licensing and Validation of Technology, Technology Rental and Distribution of Rental Return at Source through appropriate software, systems, services and support as may usher in Swords to Ploughshares – Green New Deal – Technological Options for Town and Country Regeneration according to UN Habitat Programme and the Terms and Conditions of The Earth Charter. 1. For Details of Green New Deal – contact Berlin Technology Hub Directly for its publications – 2. Governing the Caliphate 3. Stable State Technology 4. Conservative Asset Management Principle - CAMBRIDGE Protocol™

Green New Deal The Green New Deal is realised through Four Agreements. 1. Placing of the Technologies of Transition into Social Trust for the benefit of the people of…………………. In the region of………………. according to Principles of Fair Trade, accounting, governance, Corporate Public Responsibility and Open Capital for Open Society. 2. Licence to Manufacture the Technologies of Transition is issued in accordance with the demand for Design Principle and Local Manufacture in accord with the Eco-polis – Agro-polis model of World Future Council in line with the needs of the UN Habitat™ Programme. 3. Socially Approved Technologies Operating Regional Insurance – SATORI™ Systems are licensed according to the terms of Software as a Service from BASIC™ Support Services and NUDGE™. 4. The CAMBRIDGE Protocol™ – Conservative Asset Management Bringing Reductions in Direct Government Expenditure provides the Indenture that enables Return on Investment through Integrated Banking and Insurance Services – Islamicbased Investment Security – IBIS – to realise Zero Carbon Pensions and Green New Deal™ – Swords to Ploughshares. Green New Deal comprises Ten Agreements including UN Principles of Responsible Investment – Conservative Asset Management Principle – Terra Firma™ Estate Management Terms and Conditions and The Earth Charter. Berlin Technology Hub The Green New Deal is a package of policy proposals that aims to address global warming, and financial crises. It echoes the New Deal, the social and economic programs launched by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression.[1] The proposals of the Green New Deal generally echo the recommendations of UN-mandated organizations like ICLEI or theTEEB, of global NGOs, and of the Basel II and related monetary accords, especially as these relate to reforms to measurement of fundamental ecosystem risk and financial liabilities. The reinsurance industry and The Economist have also consistently expressed support for the general principles of consistent global carbon and emissions charges, for metrics of ecosystem destabilization risk and a generally high value on nature's services which underlie human valuation.Several of the proposals have already been implemented in one or more G8 or G20 countries including Norway, South Korea, the UK, US and European Union. The financial proposals echo some already underway at the IMF, World Bank, BISand ECB to better reflect ecosystem valuations and reduce systematic incentives to invest in "dirty" over "clean" industries. A White Paper Asset Classes Their Identification Capital Potential Stable State Governance And Management of Social Security It has been observed that The Determinate Principle of a Civilisation is its Technology – Its Use Thereof and Distribution of the Product thereof. Thus we come to see that a Civilisation Stands or Falls by a Primary Choice – To Use Technology as a Tool – or Weapon? One cannot successfully deploy or apply a strategic policy that leads to contradictory ends ; the result is defeat, whether at the hands of another, or self-defeat. Uncertain use of a particular tool may lead to undesirable and unforeseen outcomes, based as those may be on good intentions. The advice to anyone using a spade inappropriately, digging oneself into a hole, is: “Stop Digging”. Developing a Rewarding, Coherent, Applicable and Communicable Strategic Policy for the Deployment of Productive Technology is to Ask The Question – Does this Support Life – or does it Destroy? One cannot do both at the same time as Demonstrate Understanding of the observation that Life is our Only wealth, indeed our only Wealth is Life Itself. Failure to understand which and failure to demonstrate sufficient mastery of technology so as not to incur loss, damage, injury or misfortune to others renders one a potential insurance liability in so far as civil, commercial, criminal or public claim for damages or compensation may or may not ensue. Thus we see that The Primary Choice about Tool or Weapon – Supportive or Destructive is an insurance question regarding underwriting of risk, on which the Health and Safety of SocioEconomic Structure depends. The Great Civilisations have waxed or waned according to their alignment of Technology and its Use with The Necessities of The Times and The Fortunes of Change. “Society therefore requires neither a tyrant nor a central planner, but a regulator, a ruler-helmsman.” Sedlacek Thus an Evolving Civilisation is called to adapt in ways that elude a Civilisation that is not on the Path of Progress but is running hard to stand still, or moving into decline. The simple Observation is that of The Red Queen Effect – where an economy if not sufficiently adapted to change finds itself forced to deploy valuable resources, energy, time and application to defend itself in the face of encroaching onslaught from superior forces. Those Superior Forces are: Time, Money, Geographical Reach and self-organising capacity.

Without Self-sufficiency, resilience is prone to loss, which is why Food Security, Energy Security, Healthcare Security and Economic Security are interrelated components that all depend on the obtainment of reliable source of clean water, air to breathe, land to cultivate and distributive systems for the collection and distribution of food, product, human, livestock, seed, currency asset and justice. When there are bread shortages, Riots Occur. This much The Sumerians Know. “Society therefore requires neither a tyrant nor a central planner, but a regulator, a ruler-helmsman.” Sedlacek The Asset Classes are: Know-How, Land, Technology Capital, Human Capital, Infrastructure and Distributive systems for Power, Energy, Currency and Water – subject as Human Capital is for the need for Healthcare: Basic Sanitation and Shelter provide safeguard against exposure, hunger, disease or attack in the context of longer term need for the provision of security and protection sufficient to safeguard the peaceable pursuit of activities, the obtainment of wants, the settlement of differences and communication of needs through Shared Understanding. We thus see that a Language embeds within it the Attributes necessary for Accord or Conflict – according to which Diplomatic Capacity Man stands apart from the Animals in that he has a Choice, in How To Use Language to Unify, or Divide, To Liberate, or Tyrannise. Far from being Neutral , The Language of Communication is instrumental in the realisation of Peaceable Prosperity or the Resort to Non-Verbal means to Realise Ends. Such resort to force, weaponry, trickery, money or piracy is nonstrategic and does not realise anything other than short-term result if not based on valid and communicable basis on which to establish Trust. For if not based on Trust – Understanding and Consent The Question that arises is: “On What Basis Does This Arrangement differ from Coercion?” The Second Framing Consideration That Follows is: “Is a Contract without evidence of Consideration valid or legitimate?” In which case, and in any case, One is Bound to Ask: “On What Basis Does the Direction Rely for Its Meaningful Application?” We thus see that Four Framing Considerations of Currenct Import are witness to systematic erosion of Value – by predation, trickery, ignorance and loss of confidence if not Sufficiently Upheld and Defended. This was Known and Understood by Sir Thomas Gresham. We thus arrive at a Principle of Defence for the Safeguarding of That which is Of Value based on Meaning and Consent, which rely in their turn on the Role that Insurance, The Application of Law, The Collection of Benefit and the Distribution of Reward – The Four Agreements - call for an Integrated Understanding of that which is “sensitive to the profound human need for continuity and permanence” on which Need are founded: Currency, Language, The Sense of Home and The Experience of Belonging, the latter of which are subject to predation just as currency and language are prone to predation and corruption by the operation of The Natural Law Phenomenon – Gresham’s Law. Gresham’s Law observes that when You Focus on Cutting Costs – you Drive Up Cost. When you Focus on Managing Value you Drive Out Costs. To realise the latter calls for Know-How and Technology. “Society therefore requires neither a tyrant nor a central planner, but a regulator, a ruler-helmsman.” Sedlacek

The Formula for Settled Civilisation of the Kind that Can Afford Us Peaceable Prosperity can be described as being comprised of Five Pillars – See Five Pillars Authority 1. The Cultivation of Wheat 2. The Collection of Harvest 3. The Distribution of Benefits 4. The Application of Law 5. The Defence of Fair Trade We thus find that The Declaration of Law does not of and by itself guarantee the other four, and in the process of which attempt the legislative power may find itself assaulted on all sides by those who seek to defence of property, safeguarding of benefits, defence of trade and the settlement of differences. The last Edict from Rome, issued by Romulus Augustus, the last Roman Emperor were: “ The Provinces should in future look to their own Resources for The Provision of Defence.” “Society therefore requires neither a tyrant nor a central planner, but a regulator, a ruler-helmsman.” Sedlacek We thus see that Defence is a Perennial Issue that lies at the Heart of The Ability to Sustain Oneself, Provide for One’s Dependents, and Provide for One’s Neighbour’s needs – the which requires a functioning AGORA™ or Marketplace – the which is a necessary but not necessarily a sufficient Condition – unless of course – Fair Trade is Adequately Defended.

We thus arrive at a Fair Trade Notion – dependant on Distributive and Effective Systems for Healthcare, Housing, Nourishment and Enterprise that calls for the Integrated Understanding of Asset Management: -



Social Welfare (Housing – Healthcare, Food & Energy)


Security (Community & Capital Development - Domestic and International)




Technology The which Integrated Methodology for Material Accountable Natural Accord Governing Economic Management Education for National Transfer – A Principle of ASSET MANAGEMENT™ Holds a Communicable and Practicable Methodology for risk assessment, risk management and productive deployment of Science, Capital, Labour and Technology to serve the basis on which Stable State Operates – in such way as integrates Mind, Body, Awareness and Meaning in a Productive and Rewarding Capacity – the which Capacity for Delivery is held in the “Society therefore requires neither a tyrant nor a central planner, but a regulator, a ruler-helmsman.” Sedlacek Principle of Four Teachings: 1. The Parable of the Talents 2. “If Thy Right Hand Offend Thee, Cut it Off.” (Shari’a Compliance) 3. The Parable of The Sower 4. The Abundance of the Mustard Seed Thus we see that assent to the Meaning of These Four Illustrations form the Basis for a Social Contract of Understanding. This Provides The Call for a Global Alliance of Finance Based on Values. Due Understanding is Sought Between Suitably Qualified Authority invited to validate: 1. Insurance Services by Subscription – Housing, Healthcare, Welfare and Justice. 2. Which Provision of Service of Four Agreements is Made by Social Contract with policyholder and validator of authority to delivery through mutual savings, insurance, life assurance and pension provision. 3. Partnership is made between Crown, Law and People through the application by policyholder according to statutory or voluntary requirement to realise Insurance Benefit. Organisations may or may not choose to make voluntary contributions on behalf of their stakeholders or staff, by way of Dividend or Reward in Exchange for Capital or Labour, Knowledge Transfer or Service. 4. Which System for Validation of Identity and Provision of Insurance Warranty stands ready to be deployed regionally and nationally according to: The Needs of Governance: People & Nature, People and Place A. Conservative Asset Management Bringing Reductions in Government Expenditure. CAMBRIDGE™ Protocol. The Needs of People & Their Organisations: People, Planet & Principal B. Currency And Management Bringing Rewards in Directing Good Enterprise. “Society therefore requires neither a tyrant nor a central planner, but a regulator, a ruler-helmsman.” Sedlacek

Romulus Augustus (born perhaps around 461 – died after 476, possibly alive around 500), was a usurper reigning over the Western Roman Empire from 31 October 475 until 4 September 476. His deposition by Odoacer traditionally marks the end of the western empire, the fall of ancient Rome, and the beginning of theMiddle Ages in Western Europe.

Parable Text from the Gospel of Mark (KJV)[edit] Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the birds of the air came and devoured it up. And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away. And some fell among thorns, the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. And other fell on good ground, did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, some an hundred. He said unto them, He that has ears to hear, let him hear. — Mark 4:3-9

The explanation given by Jesus: And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables? The sower soweth the word. And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended. And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred. — Mark 4:10-20 “Society therefore requires neither a tyrant nor a central planner, but a regulator, a ruler-helmsman.” Sedlacek A caliphate (in Arabic:

‫ خ الف ة‬khilāfa, meaning "succession") is

an Islamic stateled by a supreme religious and political leader known as a caliph – i.e. "successor" – to Muhammad. The succession of Muslim empires that have existed in the Muslim world are usually described as "caliphates". Conceptually, a caliphate represents a sovereign state of the entire Muslim faithful, or theUmmah.

The World Wide Five Pillars Authority – WWF PA


The Kingdom shall Afford Security, Protection and Peaceable Accord of Health, Well-being and Prosperityof The Caliphate in so far as Shari’a compliance of financial products and services of The Kingdom shall be licensed by and in accord with Compliance Terms of The Caliphate as may be so granted by The Protectorate of The Defence of The Faiths. “Society therefore requires neither a tyrant nor a central planner, but a regulator, a ruler-helmsman.” Sedlacek

Provision for The Stateless calls to be made by suitable arrangement with Insurance Company and Life Benefit Pension Providers working in Partnership with Directorate as a basis for future Co-operation on a State-By-State basis under Licence from: The Protectorate, Directorate, Secretariat and Executive operating from beside Lake Geneva. “Society therefore requires neither a tyrant nor a central planner, but a regulator, a ruler-helmsman.� Sedlacek

Open Capital for Open Society A White Paper on Risk Management and Reporting Delivering a Blueprint for Economic Regeneration And Stable State Governance As a Communicable and Practicable Methodology by: Householders, Organisations, Municipalities and National Governments Made available through Knowledge Licensing & Technology Transfer In line with CAMBRIDGE™ Protocol Conservative Asset Management Bringing Reductions In Direct Government Expenditure A White Paper for Insurers and Investors, Infrastructure Providers, Designers and Urban Planners and Pension Funds Conservative Asset Management Principle is based on the Stewardship of Asset and the Appropriate Deployment and Management of that Resource in such way as Supports Life and Does Not Destroy. Extractive Technology is inimical to Life Systems and Destructive Technology does not assist the process of Capital Development. The extraction of finance at the expense of one party to the benefit of another is a Win-Lose Proposition that fails to be fuly safeguarded by Fair Trade Principle without consequent risk, expense and headache to battle out the pursuit of one’s interests in court. Law as currently operating, through the imposition of penalty is called to explain how by punishment alone the necessary resilience and capacity-building that are necessary components of the fully-functioning Stable State can be realised. The Question that arises is: Without recourse to Restorative Process facilitated by mediating authority or Social Contract between Crown, Law and People, how is a balanced stable state of distributive justice to be realised in the absence of Court intervention in civilian and commercial matters? Can Justice be done in such way as realises environmental and economic resilience as is so desired by the advocates of Inclusive Capitalism? Thus we see that a Justice System in the absence of being informed by Economic Value, Ecology, Fair Trade and Appropriate Application of Just Law is called for to maintain Balance in a System founded on The Theory of Competing Interests – that requires a Fully functioning Administrative System and Judiciary for the obtainment of wants and the settlement of differences when language, communications, meaning and contract fail to deliver conscionable outcome.

For the Self-sufficient Society is called to organise itself in such way as does not impose unnecessary burden on Third Party intervention – but is called to organise -

Allocation of Resource


Distribution of Benefit


Adherence to Fair Trade




Responsible Realisation of Reward


In such ways as are satisfactory to those to whom liabilities fall – the insurers – the Public – The Crown – The law - those whose duty it is to maintain and safeguard the security and welfare of The Common Weal. The Answer of The Realisation of Stable State Governance thus requires an integrated and co-ordinated strategy – one based on wider considerations than the extraction of money, but based on the understanding that People, Planet and Principal are engaged in a Contractual Understanding for the peaceable settlement of differences and according to Hippocratic Tradition – one of non-maleficience breach of which duty is an offense both in the eyes of the Public and that which sanctions conscionable action. We are called thus – by Reason alone – to Consider the Relevance of Safeguarding Household interest in such ways as conform and do not obstruct health, well-being or prosperity with regard to the consequences of action, failure to address which incurs liability – the which is a moral or material risk for insurers to address as part of their underwriting of Professional, Public, Civic or Environmental Liability. Thus we come to a view whereby Insurance as Governance and the provision of local or national guarantee to accord with underwriting terms and conditions can effect a fair and practicable means for the provision, safeguarding, and validation of Public Services through participation with the Policy Holder – be that individual or organisational according to Constitution, Accounting, Reporting, Transparency and Accountability. 1. Fair Trade Contracts 2. Independent Councils Operating Legal Aid – Conflict Resolution – Mediation – Arbitration 3. Constitutions for Municipalities and Public Bodies 4. Governance Conditions for Public-Private Partnership Provide Four Cornerstones for risk management: Value, Support, Service and System for the provision of gods and services in such way as benefits Community and Capital and does not Externalise Cost.

Part II Assembling these Considerations into a Practicable Format for -

The Organisation of People and Capital


In such way as accords with UN Principles of Responsible Investment


Addresses the major risks – Climate Change, Terrorism, Cyber Crime, Destruction of Habitat and Species

Is provided by: Conservative Asset Management Principle, informed by and informing Unified Field Perspective and does som in such way as Communicates Understanding of the Principles and Practice of Management Science in line with Economic Science. The Model for realising this Methodology is realised through Knowledge Transfer and Technology Transfer in such manner as may be communicated to People and Their Organisations through The Dissemination of Best Practice and Insurance Policy by Subscription – for Healthcare, Housing, Career Support and Enterprise Support. The next step: About You Setting Up Services by Subscription is available through those organisations – Social Enterprises and Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce that facilitate Town & Gown Partnerships to create the conditions to attract inward investment through re-skiling, skill-share, CPD, technology investment and deployment, inovation, research, dissemination of Best Practice, collaboration, public-private partnership and licensing of IP in accord with the needs of Knowledge Economy. About Us For this reason we have created a Specialist Government Advisory Practice drawing together those who have an understanding of the Areas of: Justice, Conservation, Risk Management, Diplomacy, Education and Technology in such way as that The Communicable Proposition of Terra Firma Economics – Terra Firma Estate Management Principle and Zero Carbon Pensions can be so understood and applied as to leverage know-how and awareness into a Principle of Socially Authorised Trusts Offering Regional Investment – SATORI™ and Socially Authorised Technology Operating Regional Insurance in the context of:Accountable Governors Recommending Independent Councils (Colleges) Offering Local Assistance. AGRICOLA ™Systems, Services, Software and Support for the realisation of Food Security and Energy Security in line with the Eco-polis – Agro-polis Model of World Future Council and UN Habitat Programme in line with Rio Nation objectives for the Development of Natural Capital. AGRICOLA ™Systems are according to sustainable models for the funding and provision of public and civic services and welfare – healthcare, housing, education, capital development, security and pensions.

Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel

Terra Firma A view of Socio-Economic Integration Based on Town & Country Systems™ Taking forward the work of Vaclav Havel & Vitruvius To inform European Best Practice around: Transition – Design – Civic Participation – Economic Resilience Introducing: European Green Capital Cities 2015 – Charles University Praha – Arup Partners – and Town & Country Systems™ – Chambers of Commerce – Universities – Triodos Bank and Academy of Urbanism Introducing the work of: World Future Council UN Habitat Programme Rockefeller 100 Resilent Cities The Economics of Good & Evil – Sedlacek The role of Civic Governance – Eric Liu The work of Jeremy Rifkin – advisor to UNIDO The Organisation of Rewards (Functional or illusory) – SATORI™ Systems Critical Distinctions in Planning and Design of Socio-Economic – Financial, Organisational and Civic Structures, Systems, Processes and Procedures – AGRICOLA™ Systems Investable Design Plan based on the Conservation of Asset – Conservative Asset Management Principle And CAMBRIDGE™ Protocol – Zero Carbon Pensions Conservative Asset Management Bringing Reductions in Direct Government Expenditure Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha

Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel

Organisations, societies, civic bodies and hospitals stand or fall acording to the Design on which They are Laid and the Technical Specification employed in assembling such edifice or artifice. Relevant also is the socio-economic structure in which Organisation or Estate operates – the collection of tithe/reward/duty and the Distribution of Benefit. According to Partners based in Prague – taking forward the work of Havel (and by association Vaclav IV) much Good Work has been swept away by the various predations that have been made over the centuries by competing interests as well as those who would substitute Lay Tenure for Spiritual. When we look at the Division of British Law we see a simple Bifurcation that has occured – the Distinction between Lay and Spiritual Tenure. If we are to witness the spontaneous appearance of a New World Order – consensus whereby the Process of Extraction is replaced by the Provision of Support Green New Deal (replacing robbery with generosity) or the Technology of Destruction be replaced by the Technology of Construction, Civilisation and Renewal of Civic Participation(Swords to Ploughshares) then we are well -advised to heed this Original Bifurcation. By replacing “Lay” with the word “Secular” and “Spiritual” with “Dimension of Meaning” then we gain a heuristic principle into understanding the War of the Worlds that is evidenced on one hand between the Battle between Sacred and Secular Culture in the struggle for the Articulation of Meaning, Truth and Source and that Battle between Rationalists and Empiricists. This is a Battle that is based on a misunderstanding of each other’s words – one resolved by understanding the Original Meaning of the Greek word “Empirikos” which Epistimic Understanding forms the basis of Gnosis. Thus we arrive at an understanding based on Meaning informed by and informing Reason and Understanding and The Appropriate Use of Language for communicating the benefits of Prognosis – Diagnosis and Formulae for Practical Recovery of Loss that accords with the integration of Insurance Principle, Medicine, Estate Management and Defence of the Realm – the which Four Agreements Frame a View of Currency and its Management in terms of Stewardship Economics. For explanation of Stewardship Economics see: Conservative Asset Management Principle – the Parable of the Talents – Taoist Economy – Inclusive Capitalism.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha

Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel

Thus we arrive at an integrated Science based on Living Systems Understanding that is not as the 18th Century Philosophers Framed the Enlightenment as the prevalence of Reason over Faith – but providing a Third Way that enables Whole Person Understanding – a Rational Perspective based on the Recognition of Value – which Recognition provides the Validation of Meaning – which Meaning realised through the appropriate use of technology and appropriate use of Currency (Fid:Def) Defends Meaning and Title in such way as acords with UN Principles of Responsible Investment. The Challenge The Challenge then is for governments and planners, research institutes and universities, town halls and financial service providers inform themselves of Living Systems Understanding in such way as Living Systems – Social, Political, Economic, Environmental and Defence – the Five Pillars of which Global Security stands or falls can be integrated into a practical Framework of Understanding. This Framework addresses the root causes of instability that expose insurers, governments, societies and their institutions to unlimited downside loss: Climate Change, War, Terrorism, Piracy, Destruction of Habitat and Species, Pollution and Toxic Waste. The expression is “Catastrophic Bifurcation” where a self-organising system is thrown into failure mode through disruption of its Support Systems. Clean Air, Fresh water, Fertile Soil, Currency Availability and Technology suitable for deployment by Labour are all exposed to Toxic Shock Syndrome. Safe Habitation and freedom from external attack are part of the picture that the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change seeks to realise through the cutting of carbon emissions. An answer for which one may well look to the renewable energy sector in such way as renewable supply of energy can usher in the necessary socio-economic benefits, capacity-building and resilience that are necessary to realise the health, well-being and prosperity of civic organisation through deployment of such systems, services, software and support as may be disseminated by the Example of Best Practice and transferred through means appropriate to the realisation of The Interest of the Common Weal. The Systems Distributive Justice, Housing Benefits, Universal Welfare and Universal Healthcare are available as part of: AGRICOLA™ Systems and SATORI™ Systems – which are described in detail on application for needs analysis and organisational diagnostic of the values and principles, readiness, objectives and capacity to serve as facilitator, agent or advocate of Stable State Governance according to the Principles and Practice of Stewardship Economics: Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha

Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel


Economics As If The Future Mattered – Enlightenment Economics – Diana Coyle – Co-Chair of BBC Trust


The Wealth of Nations – Adam Smith


Economics As If People Mattered – Schumacher


The Economics of Good & Evil – Sedlacek


Zen & The Art of Civlisation – Marcus Incledon-Webber


Why Societies Collapse – Jared Diamond


The Divided Brain – Iain McGilchrist


Terra Firma Economics


Animate Earth – Stephan Harding

Defence of Meaning in Currency The listed works are available to those who seek to set up services by subscription for organisational, institutional, civic and national regeneration through creating the conditions to attract inward investment by means of setting in place the appropriate structures, systems, governance and support for the practice of Stable State Economics and the realisation of Stable State Prosperity according to Stable State Currency Management (Fid:Def.) Gresham’s Law Without which Stabilising Influence The Effect of Gresham’s Law has but a deleterious effect on currency value and creates a Black Hole at the Centre of Economy – one repaired by an integration of Economics, Ecology, Fair Trade and Law – centred around Management of the Household the which realises Development of Natural Capital in line with Rio Nation objectives.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha

Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel

Town & Country Systems introduce the work of Prof. Herbert Giradet and World Future Council in the context of communicating with Club of Budapest - Charles University - Triodos Bank Universities and Chambers of Commerce participating in Town & Gown Partnerships in light of support from Copenhagen and Sweden and African participants in Food Security and Energy Security according to Transition Town & Country Systems informed by and informing UNIDO.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha

Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Organisational Studies – CPD and Management Training for the next-generation of Professional integrating Management Science with Economic Science, Project Management and Leadership. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following conversation with our partners in Budapest and at Club of Budapest we have defined an organisational structure that is ready and approved for funding for delivery of next-generation Healthcare Services – Justice – Housing Benefits – Welfare and Pensions (Social Security). This is in the form of a Replicable Blueprint for Public Service Delivery of Local Systems, Services, Software and Support that conforms to the Model of The Individualised Corporation - as indicated by Prof Sumantra Ghoshal former Chair of Strategy at London Business School. In the context of Bristol Green Capital European Winner 2015 we are inviting Bristol (UWE) Copenhagen(Denmark) London and Prague (Charles University) to form a Diamond Square to attract the next generation of students interested in the Principles and Practice of North South Fair Trade Partnerships and East-West Synergy in the context of UN Principles for Responsible Investment and World Future Council call for environmental and economic resilience as indicated by the work of Vaclav Havel (Transition Economy) and Sedlacek (Economics of Good & Evil). By providing a Model based on the Eco-polis Agro-polis Model of World Future Council (Prof. Herbert Giradet) Man and Nature can work in Harmony through: Design, Architecture, Urban Planning, Organisational Construct and Systems Support the basis for articulating through rhetoric and observation, commentary and leadership can be brought to align the Management of the Polis with the Aspirations and Needs of The People. The above can be realised through an integration of Economics and Ecology, Fair Trade and Law that relies for its communication, accounting, reporting, accountability and transparency the practice of Triple Bottom Line Accounting - for People, Planet and Principal based on the work of Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland and Conservative Asset Management Principle - the integration of Stewardship, Estate Management, Medicine and Theatre for the benefit of People and Nature People and Place. The Development of Community Capital in light of Climate Change and Conservative Asset Management Bringing Reductions in Direct Government Expenditure - CAMBRIDGE™ Protocol – is licensable and communicable worldwide by participants of Green New Deal.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha

Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel

The next step We welcome the opportunity to discuss the options available that are now in the hands of those interested in deploying Town & Country Systems™ to take forward the work of the Eco-polis – Agro-polis Model of Prof Herbert Girardet and Business West - Chamber of Commerce. Expression of Interest We work with universities, Chambers of Commerce, pension funds, urban planners, developers and housebuilders in the context of local authorities- who want to create the conditions to attract inward investment through Human Capital Development, inovation, research, skillshare and Knowledge Economy. Knowledge Licensing We deliver systems and curricula development for organisations engaged in training and education for the next generation to fit Europeans and bi-lingual speakers for the Development of Community and Capital in accord with UN Framework Convention on Climate Change according to European and Commonwealth needs to realise food security and energy security. Technology Transfer Apply directly to Town & Country Systems™ for Architectural and Design Services – Urban Planning and Needs-analysis.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha

The Realisation of Energy Security Formation of NGO – Trust – Governance and Licensor of Rights relating to: Use, Rental, Manufacture and Deployment of Approved technology for the purposes of Community & Capital Development in light of Climate Change. The Five Pillars 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Collaboration Agreement Technology Transfer Agreement Knowledge Licensing Agreement Rental Contract (per town or city region) and Service Level Agreement to Raise Revenues (RDAS) in consideration of Licence to manufacture and distribute (insurance approved) Backed up by Technology Investment Agreement – Town by Town – Region by Region – City by City according to Agro-polis – Eco-polis – Model of UN Habitat Programme. Forestry – Finances – Fishing – Farming and Food – The WW Five Pillars Authority in the context of Knowledge Licensing – University of West of England – Visegrad Data Security Institute. A Hearts & Minds Seedbed Trust for Conservation, Energy, Food, Infrastructure, Security, Pensions and Welfare - the Seven Harmonics backed up by Hybrid Cloud and Document Services – Communications, Film, Print, Web, and Broadcast.

During his visit to the US, the Foreign Secretary spoke about the need to tackle climate change "for the sake of our long-term security".

Thank you Secretary Kerry, John, for your kind introduction. I am delighted to be here in Boston. This city has a world-wide reputation not only as a seat of learning, but also as a hub for cutting edge technology. It has been a pleasure to see some of that myself at the Wind Technology Testing Centre here today.

Those of you working on low-carbon energy know that you are generating jobs and investment for the long term. But above all, you are on the frontline in the battle against climate change. Secretary Kerry and I are in complete agreement that this is a battle we have to win for the sake of our long-term security. When we think about keeping our nations safe, we have to plan for worst case scenarios. In the case of unchecked climate change, even the most likely scenario could have catastrophic consequences – a rise in global temperatures similar to the difference between the last ice-age and today, leading to rising sea levels, huge movements of people fuelling conflict and instability, pressure on resources, and a multitude of new risks to global public health. The worst case is even more severe: a drastic change in our environment that could see heat stress in some areas surpass the limits of human tolerance, leaving as the legacy of our generation an unimaginably different and more dangerous world for our children and grandchildren. So we have to act on the climate threat. But, by doing so, we will not just protect future generations from the worst effects of climate change we will bring tangible benefits to our peoples here and now. We will get cleaner air, more efficient transport and cities, better health. More than that, the technological transformation that is required will provide a stimulus greater than the space programme did 50 years ago, generating massive new opportunities for innovation, jobs and economic growth. For far too long this debate was dominated by purists and idealists, happy with the notion that we would have to sacrifice economic growth to meet the climate challenge. We reject that. We do not accept that we have to choose between our prosperity and the future of our planet. Indeed, we have demonstrated that the response to climate change can be a generator of economic growth, innovation and quality jobs. In the UK, 92% of business leaders think green growth is an opportunity for their own businesses. Demand for green goods and services is growing faster than the general economy. Globally, the green economy was worth over $5 trillion in 2012 and it is expanding all the time. But the full range of benefits is beyond our ability to estimate. The dividends of technology are often unpredicted and unpredictable. The potential is immense. And by seizing the initiative, we can take first mover advantage.

Moreover, in addition to creating jobs and growth, embracing green technology increases our energy security. At a time of international turbulence, this is an advantage we should not underestimate. A newly confrontational Russia and ISIL’s assault on Iraq pose serious threats to stability, which could have knock-on effects for global energy markets, affecting us all. Here in the US, the shale revolution has eased worries about dependence on overseas oil and gas. In the UK we are committed to exploiting the potential of shale as part of our energy mix. But over the longer term, renewable energy sources, like those being developed here, will be critical to reducing our vulnerability to energy supply shocks. So the benefits of addressing climate change are multiple, but it won’t happen by itself. It requires leadership. Leadership that is now starting to take shape. Britain is leading by enacting into our domestic law the most demanding emissions targets in the industrialised world… We have already reduced emissions by more than a quarter, putting us on track for an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050. We have the world’s leading financial centre in carbon trading. And we have established the world’s first green investment bank. Here, Boston is leading with its innovative technology. North-eastern states collectively are leading with their Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Other states from Iowa to Texas to California are leading in their separate ways. John, you are leading with your tireless diplomacy on this issue. The US has begun to take on the leadership role which, as the world’s biggest economy, is essential to progress. And there are signs that these efforts are inspiring others to follow… …With positive steps from China, India and Brazil. This is momentum we have to harness, and increase, if we are to secure an effective global deal on climate change in Paris next year. I look forward to working with Secretary Kerry, and our partners in the European Union, in order to bring that about. But this isn’t just about governments. Scientists and universities are shaping the debate. Ordinary people and civil society are helping to keep this issue in the spotlight, through actions like the climate march a few weeks ago, but also through their own individual choices

as consumers, which in turn drives the vital role that businesses have to play –shaping their investment, channelling innovation to support the fight against climate change. Both here in the US, and in the UK, business is at the heart of our approach. We will get this job done by going with the grain; by using the power of the market; by creating the necessary incentives and structures to mobilise the power and creativity of private sector business to respond to the challenges of climate change. It is a complex task, but a vital one. 50 years ago, the US showed how a strategic challenge, putting a man on the moon, could guarantee innovation through economy-transforming investments. Today, we have an opportunity to do that again in response to the challenge of climate change. If we are to achieve our common goal of limiting climate change to two degree Celsius, we need everyone to play their part. It is clear that we have no time to lose. Secretary Kerry has said, “the window of time is still open for us to be able to manage this threat�, John, you are right, but it is fast beginning to close. To counter the threat, and to seize the opportunity, we have to act now. And by acting now, we will not only maximise our chances of avoiding catastrophic climate change, we will increase our resilience and create huge new opportunities for growth and innovation in our economies. Truly a win-win outcome. Thank you. n Dear Sirs The question of the relevance of Develepment of Community & Capital, through deployment of Appropriate Technology in light of Climate Change by way of developing Human Capital and Knowledge Capital, is a fit and proper subject of concern for strategic participation. Our response informs: industry, government, planners, local authorties, designers, technologists and those engaged at the level of advising energy security for the Nation State.. This matter has been taken up at UNIDO level and has backing at EU – U.S. Commonwealth, African and Asian level for seeing in reform led by Britain . This reform – Green New Deal - is both educational and structural, legal and systemic, relating to technology design development and investment for Energy Security and Long-term Economic Sustainability of Defence. We write to advise you that a Consultative Committee addressing the needs of: -

Economic Security


Fiscal Integrity


Commercial Management


Defence of the Realm


Public Standards: Access for Justice – Accounting – Reporting – Governance – Transparency Accountability


















The needs of Future Generations

Is now being assembled by an appointed Science, Technology, Arts, Capital and Culture Board of Trade & Industry for International Dissemination as a Protocol enabling Public Private Sector Stewardship of Resource and Material Responsibility to engage in Collaboration on regional and national level to address Climate Change - through appropriate Deployment of Technology. n This Protocol is designed as a handbook for pension fund investors, regional authorties, national technology Strategy Boards, the lnsurance industry, Security Specialists and Resource and Risk Management sectors. Copies can be obtained directly from Berlin Technology Hub. European Green Capital Bristol Town & Gown For Knowledge Economy & Technology Transfer The Role of The Big Four Providers of Green City Infrastructure: World Future Council – Regenerative Cities WSP Group - UWE Arups - UWE Nudge Digital – Integrated Banking and Insurance Software Fair Trade Chambers of Commerce based on Zero Carbon Pensions funding Community Technology, Energy Security, Energy Storage and Technologies of Transition According to the integration of Economics, Ecology, Fair Trade and Law. World Wide Five Pillars Authority has an understanding with Infrastructure Providers of The Technologies of Transition: 1. In the light of UN Habitat Programme and World Future Council Regenerative Cities to create Design and Planning Units in universties and local authorities engaging in Town & Gown Partnership for the Development of Knowledge Economy – the Licensing of IP, Technology Transfer and the Development of Community and Capital in light of Climate Change. 2. European Green Capital City – Bristol, UK informs those engaged in Open Capital for Open Society of the opportunities that avail for realising Safe Haven Destination of funds in Community Technology for Renewable Energy – The Mutual Energy Company available subject to formation of local Constitution of Development Agency and Technology Investment Agreement. 3. The above is subject to UN Principles of Responsible Investment in accord with UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Green New Deal) 4. The above enables transition to low-carbon economy and the realisation of Energy Security and Food Security through deployment of Socially Authorised Trusts Offering Investment and Socially Authorised Technology Operating Insurance - SATORI. n To Whom It May Concern The Four Agreements 1. Climate and Social Justice 2. Environmental and Economic Resilience 3. Inclusive Capitalism (Green New Deal) 4. Appropriate Use of Appropriate Technology (Swords to Ploughshares) The Pathway The Route to Sustainable Economic Paradigm as a practicable and democratically-accountable methodology for the Development of Community and Capital in the light of Climate Change calls for Fundamental Realignment of Economy and its operations, the technology it deploys, the means of allocation of resource and the distribution of reward. These Five Pillars that represent: 1. Habitat (Conservation & Housing) 2. Insurance, Pensions and investments (Accounting, Accountability, Governance, Reporting, Transparency) 3. Community Technology – Resilence in Energy Security: Medicine, Healthcare and Society 4. Food Security and Distribution of Natural Resource 5. Knowledge Economy – Integrated Science, Management Science, Skill-share and Continuous Improvement call for an Epistimic methodology that integrates; Economics, Ecology, Fair Trade and Law. That Methodology is found in Terra Firma Economics that informs Terra Firma management Principle and Zero Carbon pensions (Terra Firma Provision) in such way as accords with Rio Nation objectives for the Development of Natural Capital. The Facilitating Organisation Five Pillars Authority takes forward the work of Rifkin and UniDO in the light of the call for international co-operation through Knowledge Economy for Knowledge Licensing, Technology Transfer, Research Collaboration and Consensus of Social and Environmental Justice in line with: 1. UN Convention on Climate Change 2. The needs of the next-generation and those to come: UNiCEF – Fauna-Flora – Elephant Foundation – WWF- UN Environment Programme 3. UN Habitat Programme 4. -UN Principles of Responsible investment The Parties to The Facilitating Organisation n World Wide Five Pillars Authority calls to be formed of and by those individuals and their organisations who can: 1. Disseminate Best Practice 2. Leverage Advantage and Influence through Technology Transfer and Knowledge Licensing 3. Facilitate the needs of the next generation for access to skills, resources, know-how and support to realise civic participation and participation in the Development of Human, Knowledge,Community and Capital in line with Conservative ASSET Management Principle 4. Support People and Their Organisations to Facilitate to Low-Carbon Prosperity and Security 5. Licence methodology for the allocation of resource and the funding of Public Services through applying the Systems, Services, Support and Software of Socially Authorised Technology ooperating Regional insurance – and Socially Authorised Trusts offering Regional Investment – SATORI Offer of Service In consideration of which Formation European Green Capital winner – Bristol – indicates capacity and readiness to transfer technology and license know-how in accord with the call for Transition to Equitable Future through and by means of the free and fair allocation of resource (Community Technology) and Distribution of Benefit (Revenue Distribution at Source) in such manner and such wise as may be realised through communicable advantage the benefits that attach to Open Capital for Open Society – Access for Justice – The Regeneration of Community and the Stewardship of Natural Capital. Points of Reference -

Resource Futures – Chatham House – The Royal institute of International Affairs


Design Principles – Regenerative Cities – World Future Council – UN Habitat Programme


Economics As if The Future Mattered – Diana Coyle – Co-chair of BBC Trust


Economics As if People Mattered – Schumacher


The Economics of Good and Evil - Sedlacek


The Wealth of Nations – Adam Smith


Good Business, Flow, Leadership and the Making of Meaning


The Third Industrial Revolution – Rifkin


The Zero Marginal Cost Society – Rifkin


The Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu n

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.�

Institute of Strategic Studies Introducing the work of New Climate Economy Resource Revolution: Meeting the World's Energy, Materials, Food and Water Needs In the context of: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change And UN Resolution on Continuing Management Education Working with: Universities, Institutes, Trade Bodies, Professional Associations, local authorities and Governments, Embassies, Ambassadors and their Advisors The Four Agreements: 1. Risk, Risk Management and Exposure to Loss (CAMBRIDGE™ Protocol) 2. UN Principles of Responsible Investment (Green New Deal) 3. Appropriate Use of Appropriate Technology (Swords to Ploughshares) 4. Development of Natural Capital – (Inclusive Capitalism) Dear Sirs, We refer to the Recent Report “Resource Futures” by The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) relating to the interplay of market forces and planetary resource. The result of dwindling natural resource, population migration, consequent rise in conflict outbreak and related ills: war, famine , water shortage, crop failure, soil erosion, climate change and population migration all bring attendant exposure to downside loss due to exacerbation of economic risk owing to ever increasing competition for scarce natural, economic and human resource. See: We have been commissioned by a leading Commonwealth Head of State and the Energy Security Institute of that country to conduct research to build on existing organisational and international agreements thus far. Our remit is to address Scarcity of Resource in such way as satifies the twin aims of Transition and Economic Prosperity. The objective of our enquiry is enable Leadership in Sustainability to indicate and report on viable options, strategies, policies, protocols and resolution in such way as Consensus can be achieved on how to realise the desirable outcomes of Economic and Environmental Resilience.

Energy Security Provision through Best Practice For Local Authorities, Central & Regional Government And Governance of The Internet Revenue Distribution @ Source – RD@S Systems™ The Provision of Energy Security for the local authority is made by way of Social Franchise for Community Energy Provision In the context of Four Social Franchises that create the conditions for Safe Haven Destination of Funds to flow into: 1. The Community Energy Social Franchise 2. Community Technology 3. The Means, Methods – Systems, Services, Software and Support to enable Civic Participation 4. Communications All the Above Four Agreements are governed by Social Contract for the inclusion of people and their organisations to recive Appropriate Support through the Appropriate Use of Appropriate Technology (Community Technology) the which is subject to Best Practice Principles of Triple Bottom Line Accounting for People, Planet and Principal, Governance, Accountability, Reporting, Transparency, Revenue Distribution At Source and Enterprise Warranty for Transactional Security. This Transactional Security depends on Business Licensing, Registration and Insurance Validation of web-enabled Communications – Public and Private – subject to Extranet – Intranet Connection to the World Wide Web – governed by local point of contact through secure Wi-Fi Connection. Funding The Funding for the Wi-Fi Connection is made by Collecting @ Source™ Individual and Organisational Subscriptions for Four Areas covered by a mix of Statutory and Voluntary Insurance for the Collection of Revenues and the Distribution of Benefit. This Transactional Security Warranty forms the basis of Revenue Collection @ Source™ to provide for insurance, savings, pensions and life assurance covering the Four Essential Areas of: Housing, Healthcare, Career Support and Enterprise Support.

Service According to Service Level Agreement policyholders are able to access: 1. Career Support – From Education to Employment – CPD – Career Orientation (Social, Healthcare and Educational) and Sickness Payments that convert into Pension 2. Enterprise Support – This is available to registered and licensed organisations – according to their Governance and Constitution, Reporting and CPD. Transactional Security provides for access to Conflict Resolution Services, Mediation, Arbitration and Access for Justice – recoverable under the terms of Legal Support Insurance. 3. Housing Benefit – Housing Savings Schemes are operated under the terms of mutual savings schemes, entitling policyholders or subscribers to save for a deposit to secure housing accommodation provided for by those party to Design-Led Development – approved and validated by World Future Council and Zero Carbon Pension Providers to conform to Planning Principles that serve the needs of Integrated Conservation – Healthcare, Education, Enterprise, Transport, Agriculture and Habitat according to the Principles and Practice of UN Habitat Programme in accord with UN PRI and Earth Charter. 4. Healthcare Benefit – The Development of Human Capital calls for Appropriate Deployment of Science, Preventative Medicine, Lifestyle Support, Universal Welfare and Management Science in acord with the need to realise a Return on Investment in accord with the Principles and Practice of Actuarial Science and Zero Carbon Pensions. 5. The whole is informed by Conservative Asset Management Principle and Unified Field Perspective. See: Good Business, Leadership, Flow and The Making of Meaning, The Evolving Self, Integrative Principles of Healthcare and the works of Deepak Chopra and Fritjof Capra (The Tao of Physics). The results of which findings, research, analysis and collaboration stand to be communicated to interested parties by the Countries of The Caribbean and Latin America to the Commonwealth and Europe to inform policy-making, practical action, management decision-making, planning and organisational Environmental Social Governance. Currently, we are paying attention to addressing the immediate Ebola Outbreak in West Africa that poses risk, that if not contained in time, threatens to occasion capital flight, flight of capital, population migration and the accompanying exposure of economic, financial and political uncertainty. We seek to work with relevant governmental and non-governmental bodies who can address their own economic and bio-security by ensuring contagion does not spread. We have set up a Knowledge Transfer Licensing Agreement with the option of a further Technology Transfer Agreement in order to deploy the necessary Science, Resource, Personnel and Technology to address bio-security.

The next step -

If you seek to address the immediate crisis – contact us directly for details of how to make a financial transfer and access details of our partners in affected and neighbouring countries.

If you are an insurer, pension fund, government agency or national financial authority and you seek to take a systemic overview to de-risk exposure to downside loss – contact us directly for a list of those who share our aims as potential partners around the world for local, regional and National Partnership for the Provision of Zero Carbon Pensions in accord with Terra Firma Estate Management Principle and Conservative Asset Management Bringing Rewards in Directing Good Enterprise. CAMBRIDGE™ Protocol. Those in the English-speaking world who we inform of best practice and those we draw on for observation and commentary – including, but not exclusively limited to: Oxford Strategic Studies Institute, Chatham House, The Royal Economic Society, British Army, The Economist, Brtish Embassies, The High Commision in South Africa, Club of Budapest, Prague Security Studies Institute, Cambridge University, Visegrad Data Security Institute, Google, Microsoft, Al-Jazeera and East-West Synergy Institute. Some names have been omitted for Data Protection reasons. For The Future Diagnostic and Capacity-building Services for Environmental and Economic Resilience Chambers of Commerce are invited to address their own risk exposure and to apply directly to us for our White Paper – prepared in the context of World Future Council, Arup Partners and Royal Institute of British Architects, Academy for Urbanism and Town & Country Systems ™– “Creating The Conditions to attract inward investment”. This White Paper forms the basis of bespoke consultancy designed to address policy areas in the field of local and regional economic planning in such ways as can identify weak spots, address issues of inclusion and civic participation, the rule of law and access to justice. Our mediation and conflict resolution services for individuals and their organisations are available to those who qualify to access arbitration and dispute settlement in the context of Universal Fair Trade. For those interested in working with us in the future -

Dissemination of Resarch and Knowledge Transfer for the long-term

We now seek support from interested institutions or bodies - financial, academic, commercial or public sector that can benefit from knowing how to take a strategic overview to deliver practical insight into how to realise Environmental and Economic Resilience and thus to be of influence on an international level.

By way of reference and orientation we indicate the work of The Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice and take forward the findings of The Sterne Report to inform a Management Model that can inform strategic and international perspective as well as domestic, local, organisational through the advocacy of Management Science and Big Picture Understanding. Contacting Us We welcome response to endorse this project – by way of indicating your criticisms or objections to addressing risk and attendant issues through the application of Science, Mathematics, Technology and Enterprise as well as integration and deployment of Medicine – Accounting – Systems – Technology and Educational Resource to enable planning. ( MASTER™ Systems, Software, Services and Support). Participation We welcome participation by leading organisations (private, public sector, research institutes and education providers) that seek to realise integration of Science, Technology and Mathematics into a Methodology that prepares the next generation through Education with the skills, management, values and leadership to address the challenges that impact on governments and their citizens on a number of levels. From Education to Employment is the Title of This Project and supporters will have access to the resultant articulation of the research results and subsequent access to Methodology enabling Advocacy of Best Practice to facilitate Transition from Education to Problem-solving. For those who want to know more You can find out more by going to the UN website on Continuing Management Education as well as exploring the Framework Convention on Climate Change. You are invited to research the UN Environmental Programme or investigate the values of the Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice. The Sterne Report can be downloaded by those with internet access. The Next Step You can participate at a number of levels: 1. Patrons – You can support us by endorsing the Project. Simply put your objections to integration of understanding and application of Best Practice to serve Environmental and Social Justice. 2. Sponsors. You can support us by indicating: A) what you want to see and B) accessing the services of Sponsors’ Intranet through sponsorship subscription according to the size of your organisation. The Benefit of Sponsorship is that you can access services and support including IaaS (Infrastructure As a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service)as well as access to resources. Sponsors are able to inform policy formation at local or regional level in such ways as benefit students, staff, recruits or graduate intake so as to serve long-term organisational needs.

3. Partners. We welcome application of Providers of Products or Sevices that seek to engage their workforce or student base in Management Science according to Standards of Best Practice. In return for a monthly subscription according to the number of users we can suport you in implementing the Knowledge Management Systems, Services, Software and Support to Transition to a Learning Organisation. See the works of: Peter Senge and Gary Hamel – The Future of Management. 4. Associates. If you seek a future as a graduate professional engaged in the workplace in a managerial, consultancy, research or advisory capacity informing policy and developing strategy design – contact us directly for introduction to one of our institutional partners for internship opportunity, CPD options or management-performance related work experience and study. 5. Fellows: Universities or NGOs. If you are a University or an NGO, government agency or thinktankinterested in developing capacity in such way as can help facilitate the Transition from Education to Employment or Education to Applied Problem-solving. Contact us directly for our Knowledge Share Assistance Scheme. 6. Our Commitment – subject to Collaboration Agreement 7. Through conducting a needs-analysis and diagnostic of your organisational capacity to inform policy and shape strategy design we can help you realise organisational resilience in the areas of risk awareness, risk management and loss prevention . We work with insurers and financial service providers, investment houses and pension funds.

Ourselves and The Bank of England’s Prudential Regulatory Authority Our Method in addressing Financial Stability differs from that taken by the Prudential Regulatory Authority in two important respects: 1. We inform insurers and pension funds of the risks they are exposed to. We are not exclusively a consumer protection organisation. We seek to enable institutions realise financial, economic and prudential security based on: Knowledge, Science, The Application of Principle and the Management of Data in order to fulfil their fiduciary duty.

2. For those interested in fulfilling their Fiduciary Duty we operate as a members’ service available by subscription to insurers, pension funds, chambers of commerce and financial service providers. The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) is responsible for the prudential regulation and supervision of banks, building societies, credit unions, insurers and major investment firms. In total the PRA regulates around 1,700 financial firms. The PRA’s role is defined in terms of two statutory objectives to promote the safety and soundness of these firms and, specifically for insurers, to contribute to the securing of an appropriate degree of protection for policyholders. In promoting safety and soundness, the PRA focuses primarily on the harm that firms can cause to the stability of the UK financial system. A stable financial system is one in which firms continue to provide critical financial services – a precondition for a healthy and successful economy. The PRA makes forward-looking judgements on the risks posed by firms to its statutory objectives. Those institutions and issues which pose the greatest risk to the stability of the financial system is the focus of its work.

MODEL The CAMBRIDGE™ Protocol Conservation And Management Bringing Rewards in Directing Good Enterprise™ 1. Crown – Law and People 2. Leadership – Good Business Systems and Flux Management - Flow 3. Knowledge Economy – Fair Trade – Money 4. Insurance – Stewardship – Benefit 5. Cultivation of Wheat (Conservation) – Harvest (Industry) – Distribution – (Manufacture) 6. Capital – Big Society - Wealth Production – leading to Development of Natural Capital 7. Insurance – Pensions – Shipping - The Prosperity and Welfare of The Common Weal

The Diagram The Model relates to the positive cycle of Continuous Improvement that requires the appropriate engagment of: Church – Fifth Estate – Estate Management and Technology based on Swords to Ploughshares. The Meaning The above is realised through Principle, Practice and Experience – translated into the Centre – The Dimension of Meaning that is the realisation of Stable State Prosperity through Stable State Currency – governed and managed by Stable State Governance – Stable State economics and Stable State Prosperity that occurs twice – once in the realisation and secondly in the Recognition of That Prosperity through adherence to Value.

The Benefit This provides us with a Model for Addressing Gresham’s Law – Virtue (Governor) Necessity (Law) Fortune (Economy – People and Nature – People and Place) The Centre This is summed up by: Machiavelli – Cicero and Sun Tzu 1. Crown – Justice – Defence and Lao Tzu at the Centre – The I Ching – Vitruvius – Design for Town & Country Systems™.

PROTOCOL In light of the leadership of the President of Mexico in addressing the intersection of economic stability and meeting the challenge of Transition to Low-Carbon Economy The countries of Central and Latin America – The Caribbean and Cuba pay reference to the Earth Charter (copy of which is attached) and indicate the relevance of Rio Nation consensus for Development of Natural Capital. By way of which value, experience and readiness to address instability leaders of the Latin American and Carbbean nations indicate the Movement for Open Government and use of Innovative Finance – Open Capital for Open Society – in line with the wishes of leaders in the region to see Inclusive Capitalism realised through: 1. 2.

The Technologies of Transition (Green New Deal) and The Abandonment of the Technologies of Destruction (Swords to Ploughshares). Whereof

It is indicated by way of reference to The British Foreign & Commonwealth Office that accord is realised through the observation: “The Guardians of the Rainforests ensure the Future Security of us all”. 1.

In view of which common ground the President of Ecuador indicates his readiness to join with the People and Presidents of: Mexico, Cuba, Bolivia and Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuala and Paraguay to form such coalition of Peoples of Hispanic, Indigeneous and other origin to accord Communication to Europe, Commonwealth, Asia and Africa by way of The Four Agreements to establish a framework of Value and Culture of Mutual Recognition such as may usher in a Period of Stable State Governance and Peaceable Prosperity according to Common Interest: UNICEF Convention, The Earth Charter and Access to Universal Healthcare, Justice, Housing and Welfare.


Such as may be made possible by a mix of statutory and voluntary insurance, UN Principles of Responsible Investment, The Appropriate Use of Appropriate Technology and Civic Participation in the stewardship of Asset, The Realisation of Reward, and the Distribution of Benefit through Distributive Justice and Restorative Processes – Universal Medicine and Welfare as may be provisioned by WIKI-Government™ Systems – World Insurance Knowledge Integration – through collaboration between East and West to Deploy SATORI™ Systems – Socially Authorised Technology Operating Regional Insurance and locallygoverned Constitutions to People & Nature, People & Place – Socially Authorised Trusts Offering Regional Investment, in the context of the realisation of Food Security, Energy Security, Bio-security and Economic Security (The Four Agreements).


By way of which is indicated call for The Four Agreements:


Memorandum of Understanding Knowledge Licensing Agreement Technology Transfer Licensing Agreement Service Level Agreement for the provision of: Medically-trained Practitioners, Designers, Technicians, Engineers, Agriculturalists and Conservationists. Which Four Fair Trade Agreements in accord with UN CITRAL Rules, support and do not hinder those People and Their Organisations engaged in the Development of Community Capital through appropriate integration of Human, Knowledge, Technology and Financial Capital in such manner as supports and does not destroy the basis on which Responsible Value is realised. That Value is namely that of Human Endeavour and Ingenuity working to serve the needs of People & Nature, People & Place in the context of: Governance, Triple Bottom Accounting, Reporting, Accountability, Transparency, Fair Trade and Law: Environmental and Social Governance and Corporate Public Responsibility.

The Green New Deal is a package of policy proposals that aims to address global warming, and financial crises. It echoes theNew Deal, the social and economic programs launched by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression.[1] The proposals of the Green New Deal generally echo the recommendations of UN-mandated organizations like ICLEI or theTEEB, of global NGOs, and of the Basel II and related monetary accords, especially as these relate to reforms to measurement of fundamental ecosystem risk and financial liabilities. The reinsurance industry and The Economist have also consistently expressed support for the general principles of consistent global carbon and emissions charges, for metrics of ecosystem destabilization risk and a generally high value on nature's services which underlie human valuation. Several of the proposals have already been implemented in one or more G8 or G20 countries including Norway, South Korea, the UK, US and European Union. The financial proposals echo some already underway at the IMF, World Bank, BIS and ECBto better reflect ecosystem valuations and reduce systematic incentives to invest in "dirty" over "clean" industries.

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