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30th January 2015

Amy Bowater (7MSL)

Bethany Wood (8WRD)

Nominated by Miss Yorke, Drama

Nominated by Mr Nation, Mathematics

“Amy has made an excellent start to Drama lessons at Holly Hall. She is a real team player and not only does she work hard on her own performance, she helps others to do their best too.

“Bethany is a very hard working student. She always works well both in class and at home to ensure she completes her work to the best of her ability.

Well done Amy!”

Keep up this excellent effort Bethany!”

Nasar Hussain (9FER)

Zainab Ali (10DHE)

Nominated by Mrs Clifton, Humanities

Nominated by Miss Languages

“Nasar is always very keen to learn in Humanities. He completes his work to a very high standard and puts in extra effort to complete his homework. Super work Nasar.”




“Zainab has been working extremely hard recently. As a result she achieved fantastic results in recent assessments, including an A* in her speaking test. Keep up the great work!”

Liam Howell (11HAL) Nominated by Alam, History


“Liam h as b een working particularly hard recently both in his lessons and at home. He is a good role model for his peers and a pleasure to teach. Keep it up Liam!” Congratulations to our Students of the Month for January 2015. They have been presented with a special badge and certificate by Mr Lloyd, Principal. Their commitment to their work at Holly Hall is outstanding. Our students are keen to be successful and set themselves consistently high challenges.

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Newly appointed Principal Rob Hatch came into the Academy this week. Mr Lloyd congratulated Rob on his appointment after such an intensive interview process. Rob will take up his post from 1 September 2015. Mr Lloyd retires at the end of this term and Mrs Malone will be Acting Principal for the summer term.

Mrs Milovsorov, Coordinator of Food Technology and Catering: All Year 9 students that are swapping from Textiles to Food need to bring Jam Tart ingredients for their double lesson next week. Ingredients sheets were given out by Miss Adams and the recipe can also be found on the VLE.

An article by Paige Moran (10DHE): On Tuesday 27 January, the Media Team, G.W.A.C.A., were very lucky to meet BBC Journalist, Bob Howard. He came to help us with a report w e a r e planning for BBC News annual News Day on 19 March 2015. BBC News School Report gives 11-16 year old students in the UK the chance to make their own news reports for a real audience. Over a thousand schools will be taking part. We discussed what makes a good story for the news and what the readers are interested in. Throughout the session, we were able to ask questions about his job and what got him interested in media. The session was very inspirational and we are extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to meet with him.” Bob was very complimentary about the students saying that they were amongst the best students he had worked with. Look out for future articles in INsight on the progress of the School Report.

West Midlands Police are running a ‘Think First Police Programme’ for 13 to 17 year olds. This five day interactive programme looks at the consequences of certain behaviours that affect young people, and aims to teach key life skills. Activities include two offsite visits and various community safety themed workshops. It is aimed at young people who may benefit from the above and those who are interested in public services. If you are interested in this programme, speak to a Learning Mentor in B4 in the first instance. To find out more contact PC Paul Davies, Young Persons Officer, Partnerships Team, Brierley Hill Police Station Page 2

Telephone 0121 626 8127

Mr Sharp, KS3 Design Coordinator: This week in Art, Year 7 have been creating African masks which have formed part of their Portraiture project. The students used card, glue and a range of paint effects to achieve the finished look and some added feathers to decorate their designs. Year 7 also discovered that Pablo Picasso was heavily influenced by African art and this led him to develop the Cubist art movement during the early 20th Century.

Y e a r 9 examinations will be taking place next week. Please make sure that you have all necessary equipment with you.

Mrs Lloyd, Principal’s Personal Assistant: I am delighted to report that Ellie-May Martin (10AGR/SCL) was the winner of a huge box of chocolates as the prize for raising the most m o n e y individually, by participating in t he A dv e n t Calendar for C a n c e r Research UK. The deadline for entries was Friday 23 January with Ellie raising £6.26 and Mrs Clifton coming a close second with £5.00. Well done to both and thank you for participating. The total raised by the Academy for Cancer Research UK was £166.19. The cheque was sent to the charity last week.

Could you please make sure that the Academy holds up-to-date contact telephone numbers and addresses. If your child is taken ill or has an accident, it is crucial that we are able to make contact with a family member. You can provide as many contact numbers as you wish by phoning 01384 253722 or emailing

An article by Paige Moran (10DHE): Dudley Youth Council is a group of local young people aged between 11 and 19 who represent young people’s views and work towards improving things for young people in the borough. This week, all students in the Academy had the chance to vote for a Dudley Central Area representative. Full details and results will be in next week’s INsight. On Tuesday 27 January, Paige Moran (10DHE) and Dillan Patel (11POW) visited Ridgewood High School to meet with Youth Council members and discuss what funds should be spent on young people. Throughout the day they took part in different activities looking at what service is responsible for young people’s rights. They also contributed their ideas on what they thought was important for young people. Overall, the day was very interesting and a great experience.

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Did you know ..... If you slowly pour a handful of salt into a full glass of water, it will not overflow, in fact the water level will go down. Try it at home!

Want more information about what is going on in the Academy? Use the link on our website to register with Twitter and follow Holly Hall Academy to receive daily updates.

Mr Townley, Director of Teaching and Learning Lifestyles: The Design team are big on upcycling, recycling and reusing household items in our projects. Can you help us? We are specifically looking for the following - plastic lids from aerosol cans, fabrics, wool, bed sheets, old clothes and any art related materials. If you were going to throw these items away then please bring them into your design teacher instead. We will report back on some of the exciting things we have produced as a result in future issues of INsight.

2nd - 6th Feb 5th February 12th February 12th February 13th February 23rd February 2nd - 6th March 4th - 5th March 17th March

Year 9 Examinations Intermediate Maths Challenge Year 11 Photos DTP and Meningitis Injections Y10 Break up for Half-Term Academy Re-opens Year 11 Examinations Year 9 Parents’ Evenings 6.30pm - 8.30pm Enrichment Day4

18th - 20th March 23rd – 26th March 27th March 13th April

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Year 7 Examinations Year 11 Examinations Academy closes for Easter Break 12.40pm Academy Reopens for the Summer term

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