Girlfriends Talk

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Letter To Family And Friends Of Girlfriends Talk From Founder And Editor 窶的N Chief

Phenomenal Women Maya Angelou & Ruby Dee Page 6

I know June is a month dedicated to the fathers and I don't want to take away from that good fathers very much need to be celebrated and recognized. I personally would like to wish all the dads a very Happy Father's Day! We recently lost 2 legendary humanitarians Maya Angelou and Ruby Dee, amazing lifetime behind these two great women. I was astonished as I read up on them, it is too much to publish in this magazine so make sure you all Google them and be inspired as much as I was by the legacy of these two beautiful women. Like always I hope all is well with everyone and thanks for picking up a Girlfriends Talk Magazine. In this issue we will teach you how to smile, weハシll talk about the signs of having the baby blues, we will also talk about the high rate of young teenagers serving life in prison and as always will keep you fit the Personal Fitness Navigators and keep you in tune with Life Coach Nikki Ransom Alfred. Enjoy the event pictures and the窶ィarticles on the artists I chose to spotlight. If you would like to contribute an article or have any suggestions or comments please email me at

Sincerely, Janice L. Carter

Health: Baby Blues? Page 8 Moisturizing Your Hands Page 9 Beauty: How To Smile Page 10 Did You Know? Page 11 More than 2,000 prisoners are serving life without parole for crimes committed as juveniles GT's Melody Moment: Dizzy Wright Page 17

GT's Local Spotlight: L Dro Page 18 Personal Fitness Navigators Page 23 Rokki Bonner Life Coach Page 25 Nikki Ransom- Alfred Astrology Page 26

June 2014 Contributors Place Your AD Here !

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Nikki Ransom-Alfred !Certified Master Sex Expert & Coach !CEO of Naughty Angels LLC !"Naughty Done the Right Way"

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What’s Happening In The C.O?!


Maya Angelou was born as Marguerite Johnson on April 4th, 1928, in St. Louis, Missouri and raised in St. Louis and Stamps, Arkansas. Maya Angelou became one of the most renowned and influential voices of our time. With more than 60 honorary doctorate degrees Dr. Maya Angelou became a celebrated poet, memoirist, educator, dramatist, producer, actress, historian, filmmaker, and civil rights Maya Angelou was born as Marguerite Johnson on April 4th, 1928, in St. Louis, Missouri and raised in St. Louis and Stamps, Arkansas. ! Maya!

Maya Angelou and Ruby Dee lifetime was so eventful and amazing, it始s hard to stuff it all in these few pages. You hear about these women you entire life and still don't know the half. I realized that Maya Angelou didn't has a squeaky clean past, but she never pretended to. What she showed us was every lesson you come across in life you will learn and grow from. I will try to pin point some of the highlights of these women lives but you must take time out to enlighten your mind of the life of these beautiful women. Sadly at the age of eight, while living with her mother, Angelou was sexually abused and raped by her mother's boyfriend, a man named Freeman. She told her brother, who told the rest of their family. Freeman was found guilty but was jailed for only one day. Four days after his release, he was murdered, probably by Angelou's uncles. Angelou became mute for almost five years, believing, as she stated, "I thought, my voice killed him; I killed that man, because I told his name. And then I thought I would never speak again, because my voice would kill anyone..." According to Marcia Ann Gillespie and her colleagues, who wrote a biography about Angelou, it was during this period of silence when Angelou developed her extraordinary memory, her love for books and literature, and her ability to listen and observe the world around her. Angelou credits a teacher and friend of her family, Mrs. Bertha Flowers, with helping her speak again. Flowers introduced her to authors such as Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Douglas Johnson, and James Weldon Johnson, authors who would affect her life and career, as well as black female artists like Frances Harper, Anne Spencer, and Jessie Fauset.!

Three weeks after completing school, at the age of 17, she gave birth to her son, Clyde (who later changed his name to Guy Johnson). In 1951, Angelou married Greek electrician, former sailor, and aspiring musician Tosh Angelos, despite the condemnation of interracial relationships at the time and the disapproval of her mother. She took modern dance classes during this time, and met dancers and choreographers Alvin Ailey and Ruth Beckford. Angelou and Ailey formed a dance team, calling themselves "Al and Rita", and performed modern dance at fraternal black organizations throughout San Francisco, but never became successful. Angelou, her new husband, and her son moved to New York City so she could study African dance with Trinidadian dancer Pearl Primus, but they returned to San Francisco a year later. After Angelou's marriage ended in 1954, she danced professionally in clubs around San Francisco, including the nightclub the Purple Onion, where she sang and danced to calypso music. Up to that point she went by the name of "Marguerite Johnson", or "Rita", but at the strong suggestion of her managers and supporters at the Purple Onion she changed her professional name to "Maya Angelou", a "distinctive name" that set her apart and captured the feel of her calypso dance performances. During 1954 and 1955, Angelou toured Europe with a production of the opera Porgy and Bess. She began her practice of learning the language of every country she visited, and in a few years she gained proficiency in several languages. In 1957, riding on the popularity of calypso, Angelou recorded her first album, Miss Calypso, which was reissued as a CD in 1996. She appeared in an off-Broadway review that inspired the 1957 film Calypso Heat Wave, in which Angelou sang and performed her own compositions. Angelou met novelist John Oliver Killens in 1959 and, at his urging, moved to New York to concentrate on her writing career. She joined the Harlem Writers Guild, where she met several major African-American authors, including John Henrik Clarke, Rosa Guy, Paule Marshall, and Julian Mayfield, and was published for the first time. In 1960, after meeting civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and hearing him speak, she and Killens organized "the legendary" Cabaret for Freedom to benefit the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), and she was named SCLC's Northern Coordinator. According to scholar Lyman B. Hagen, her contributions to civil rights as a fundraiser and SCLC organizer were successful and "eminently effective". Angelou also began her pro-Castro and anti-apartheid activism during this time. In 1961, Angelou performed in Jean Genet's play The Blacks, along with Abbey Lincoln, Roscoe Lee Brown, James Earl Jones, Louis Gossett, Godfrey Cambridge, and Cicely Tyson. Also in 1961, she met South African freedom fighter Vusumzi Make; they never officially married. She and her son Guy moved with Make to Cairo, where Angelou worked as an associate editor at the weekly English-language newspaper The Arab Observer. In 1962, her relationship with Make ended, and she and Guy moved to Accra, Ghana, he to attend college, but he was seriously injured in an automobile accident. Angelou remained in Accra for his recovery and ended up staying there until 1965. She became an administrator at the University of Ghana, and was active in the African-American expatriate community. She was a feature editor for The African Review, a freelance writer for the Ghanaian Times, wrote and broadcast for Radio Ghana, and worked and performed for Ghana's National Theatre. She performed in a revival of The Blacks in Geneva and Berlin.


In Accra, she became close friends with Malcolm X during his visit in the early 1960s. Angelou returned to the U.S. in 1965 to help him build a new civil rights organization, the Organization of Afro-American Unity; he was assassinated shortly afterward. Devastated and adrift, she joined her brother in Hawaii, where she resumed her singing career, and then moved back to Los Angeles to focus on her writing career. She worked as a market researcher in Watts and witnessed the riots in the summer of 1965. She acted in and wrote plays, and returned to New York in 1967. She met her lifelong friend Rosa Guy and renewed her friendship with James Baldwin, whom she had met in Paris in the 1950s and called "my brother", during this time. Her friend Jerry Purcell provided Angelou with a stipend to support her writing. In 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. asked Angelou to organize a march. She agreed, but "postpones again", and in what Gillespie calls "a macabre twist of fate", he was assassinated on her 40th birthday (April 4). Devastated again, she was encouraged out of her depression by her friend James Baldwin. As Gillespie states, "If 1968 was a year of great pain, loss, and sadness, it was also the year when America first witnessed the breadth and depth of Maya Angelou's spirit and creative genius". Despite having almost no experience, she wrote, produced, and narrated Blacks, Blues, Black!, a ten-part series of documentaries about the connection between blues music and black Americans' African heritage, and what Angelou called the "Africanisms still current in the U.S." for National Educational Television, the precursor of PBS. Also in 1968, inspired at a dinner party she attended with Baldwin, cartoonist Jules Feiffer, and his wife Judy, and challenged by Random House editor Robert Loomis, she wrote her first autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, published in 1969, which brought her international recognition and acclaim.

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Angelou's Georgia, Georgia, produced by a Swedish film company and filmed in Sweden, the first screenplay written by a black woman, was released in 1972. She also wrote the film's soundtrack, despite having very little additional input in the filming of the movie. Angelou married Welsh carpenter and ex-husband of Germaine Greer, Paul du Feu, in San Francisco in 1973.Over the next ten years, as Gillespie has stated, "She [Angelou] had accomplished more than many artists hope to achieve in a lifetime". Angelou worked as a composer, writing for singer Roberta Flack, and composing movie scores. She wrote articles, short stories, TV scripts, documentaries, autobiographies, and poetry, produced plays, and was named visiting professor at several colleges and universities. She was "a reluctant actor", and was nominated for a Tony Award in 1973 for her role in Look Away. As a theatre director, in 1988 she undertook a revival of Errol John's play Moon on a Rainbow Shawl at the Almeida Theatre in London. In 1977, Angelou appeared in a supporting role in the television miniseries Roots. She was given a multitude of awards during this period, including over thirty honorary degrees from colleges and universities from all over the world. In the late 1970s, Angelou met Oprah Winfrey when Winfrey was a TV anchor in Baltimore, Maryland; Angelou would later become Winfrey's close friend and mentor. In 1981, Angelou and du Feu divorced. She returned to the southern United States in 1981, where she accepted the lifetime Reynolds Professorship of American Studies at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. From that point on, she considered herself "a teacher who writes". Angelou taught a variety of subjects that reflected her interests, including philosophy, ethics, theology, science, theater, and writing. The last course she taught at Wake Forest was in 2011, but she was planning to teach another course in late 2014. Her final speaking engagement at the university was in late 2013. Beginning in the 1990s, Angelou actively participated in the lecture circuit in a customized tour bus, something she continued into her eighties.

Awards and honors Angelou was honored by universities, literary organizations, government agencies, and special interest groups. Her honors included a Pulitzer Prize nomination for her book of poetry, Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'fore I Diiie, a Tony Award nomination for her role in the 1973 play Look Away, and three Grammys for her spoken word albums. She served on two presidential committees, and was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 2000, the Lincoln Medal in 2008 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011. Angelou was awarded over fifty honorary degrees.


Legendary actress, poet, playwright, screenwriter, journalist, activist and humanitarian Ruby Dee lived a long productive and rewarding life. Also a Cleveland, Ohio native. The wife of the late actor Ossie Davis, who she met while costarring in the 1946 Broadway play Jeb.Together, Dee and Davis wrote an autobiography in which they discussed their political activism and their decision to have an open marriage (later changing their minds). Together they had three children: son, blues musician Guy Davis, and two daughters, Nora Day and Hasna Muhammad. Dee was a breast cancer survivor of more than three decades. Dee and Davis were well-known civil rights activists. Dee was a member of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the NAACP, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Delta Sigma Theta sorority and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In 1963, Dee emceed the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Dee and Davis were both personal friends of both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, with Davis giving the eulogy at Malcolm X's funeral in 1965. In 1970, she won the Frederick Douglass Award from the New York Urban League. In 1999, Dee and Davis were arrested at 1 Police Plaza, the headquarters of the New York Police Department, protesting the police shooting of Amadou Diallo. In early 2003, The Nation published "Not In My Name", an open proclamation vowing opposition to the impending US invasion of Iraq. Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis were among the signatories, along with Robert Altman, Noam Chomsky, Susan Sarandon and Howard Zinn, among others. In November 2005 Dee was awarded – along with her late husband – the Lifetime Achievement Freedom Award, presented by the National Civil Rights Museum located in Memphis. Dee, a longtime resident of New Rochelle, New York, was inducted into the New Rochelle Walk of Fame which honors the most notable residents from throughout the community's 325 year history. She was also inducted into the Westchester County Women's Hall of Fame on March 30, 2007, joining such other honorees as Hillary Rodham Clinton and Nita Lowey. In 2009 she received an Honorary Degree from Princeton University.

Happy Fathers Day



Many new mothers tend to have an increased sense of anxiety because of the new responsibility a baby brings with him. Not surprisingly, this anxiety can have a negative impact on your mood. The fatigue and lack of sleep that affects all new mothers only serves to compound the problem. You may also be disappointed if you’re having troubles nursing or your partner isn’t helping out as much as you would like.

Chasing Those Blues Away!The baby blues often disappear one their own. However, here are some things you can do to help ease the symptoms and help yourself feel better, sooner.

!!!!!"#$%!"&'()! Between 50% and 80% of all new mothers experience what is known as the "baby blues." Because the baby blues are so common, it is not classified as a postpartum mood disorder. But the feelings a woman may experience during the baby blues may still cause her worry.

What Are The Baby Blues? !After hearing for nine months how wonderful and magical it is to give birth, it is not surprising that you may find yourself feeling a bit sad and let down after the birth. The baby blues generally show up three to four days after you give birth. Within two weeks, the feelings of sadness should disappear on their own. Symptoms may appear quite suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, but they can also disappear just as quickly.

Signs of the Baby Blues!Symptoms of the baby blues are generally mild and can include:

• • • • • • •

Weepiness Mood Swings Irritability Anxiety Loneliness Restlessness Impatience

Why The Baby Blues Happen!This mild form of postpartum depression is usually attributed to the sudden, quick change in your hormones. The emotional and physical stress of giving birth along with any general physical discomfort you may be experiencing can also contribute to you feeling a bit down for the first few weeks after birth.

• • • • •

Exercise regularly Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet Join a support group for new mothers Make time each day to do something you enjoy Give yourself a change of scenery by meeting with a friend for a cup of coffee or enjoy an evening out on the town with your partner • Talk with your partner about dividing up the parenting responsibilities so you don’t feel like you are doing everything by yourself

Do I Need Help? !The baby blues are not a serious disorder and generally go away on their within two weeks. However, if your symptom last for more than two weeks or your depression interferes with your daily activities, make an appointment with your health care provider. You could be suffering from postpartum depression. If you have thoughts of harming yourself or your baby, seek medical attention immediately. You may want to read more on postpartum depression if you are feeling panicked and overly anxious or are extremely worried about your baby and are obsessed with doing some activities repetitively.



Beauty How To Smile!

A beautiful smile has the power to light up anyone’s day, especially your own. If smiling is not your habit or you are unhappy with the smile you present, there are some steps you can take so that you can have a beautiful smile you love to show around. Here's how to spread the joy.

Relax. Smiling should be fun, not forced or formal. Take a deep breath if necessary and wiggle your jaw until it unclenches and your face is relaxed. Take a deep breath. Holding your breath tightens the diaphragm and makes your smile look tight and forced.

• •

Take a deep breath. Holding your breath tightens the diaphragm and makes your smile look tight and forced.

Relax your facial muscles, and your neck, shoulders and mind. Any kind of strain will show in the photograph.

Think happy thoughts. To look happy, let your mind go to something light and funny.

Think positive thoughts. Smiles are mental (not just physical), so you need to think positive. Whatever it is that makes you want to smile, keep it in the corner of your mind and you can draw a natural smile any time you need it.

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• • • •

Take care of your mouth. Dental hygiene is important to a healthy smile. Make sure you brush and floss twice daily. If yellowing or staining have you hiding your smile, try quick over-the-counter whitening or see your dentist for assistance. Add color and lushness to your lips. When taking care of your mouth, don’t forget your lips. Use Lip balm to keep them supple and avoid being chapped. Try a hint of color to perk up your smile. Sometimes just applying lipstick or gloss makes you want to smile in order to show it off.

Trust the photographer to make you look good. Tell her if you are uncomfortable with the pose or the setting.

Laugh with sincerity. The most genuine smile comes with a laugh that makes your eyes sparkle.

Energize the photo. Dance or try a variety of movements.

Practice your smile. Spend some time in front of the mirror. Find the smile you love and remember how it feels.

Did you know? More than 2,000 prisoners are serving life without parole for crimes committed as juveniles!

Facts about Life Without Parole for Children • The majority of sentences to life without parole for youth have been imposed in states where judges are obligated to impose it as a mandatory sentence, without consideration of any factors relating to a child’s age or life circumstances. • More than 25% of people serving life without parole after being sentenced as children were convicted of felony murder or accomplice liability, meaning they were not the primary perpetrators of the crime, and may not have even been present at the time someone was killed. • The majority of youth sentenced to life without parole are concentrated in just five states: California, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. (California’s Senate Bill 9, the Fair Sentencing of Youth Act, provides re-sentencing and parole opportunities to youth under 18 sentenced to life without parole. The bill was signed by Governor Brown in 2012 and applies retroactively to the nearly 300 “juvenile lifers” currently serving in California prisons.) • Children sentence to life in prison without parole are often the most vulnerable members of our society. Nearly 80 percent of juvenile lifers reported witnessing violence in their homes; more than half (54.1%) witnessed weekly violence in their neighborhoods. • African American youth are sentenced to life without parole as children at a per capita rate that is 10 times that of White youth. • 80 percent of girls and nearly half of all children sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole have been physically abused. 77 percent of girls and 20 percent of all youth lifers said they have been sexually abused.

15 states have not yet eliminated mandatory life without parole sentences for juveniles

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Miller v. Alabama that mandatory life sentences for offenders under 18 are cruel and unusual punishment, and therefore unconstitutional. In the wake of that decision, a federal court this month ruled that Hill and more than 300 other Michigan juvenile lifers are entitled to a parole hearing. Michigan is one of at least 11 states that have revisited their sentencing laws in response to the Supreme Court decision. Generally, juvenile killers in those states will be eligible for a parole hearing after serving a mandatory minimum sentence of about 25 years.

GT’s Melody Moment


“You just don’t become a leader in one year. You’re prepped for it. When you’re at your lowest—but you got that faith—that gives you motivation. And when you have that motivation, that’s what makes you a leader,”- Dizzy Wright! Who is Dizzy Wright? Good question, Shamefully I admit I didn't know until I recently had the opportunity to check him out at Skullys in Columbus, Ohio. If I had to describe this Vegas emcee, I would say he is a very skillful artist and performer. Wright released a vibe that was so contagious and sincere, you could feel it in the air. That’s how much positivity flowed from his presence and performance. At 22 years of age, Dizzy Wright is also one of the first Sin City rappers to gain global attention. Acknowledging Snoop and Tupac as being two of his biggest influences, no doubt the comparison would be right on point. His fans were definitely in the building and they knew word for word of every song. Let's not forget the crowd surfing, where the respect, trust and support were no question. It was so refreshing to witness a young man in the hip hop circuit who’s lyrical content was not only entertaining but also uplifting and empowering. He credits all his accomplishments to his steadfast faith and continuous efforts to fulfill his mission as an artist regardless of the external circumstances. Wright says that life taught him to keep a tight circle and to be concerned with how his music sounded in venues just as much as the writing. Dizzy Wright is an independent charting sensation with three 2012 releases, SmokeOut Conversations (along with the 200,000 times downloaded promotional mixtape), as well as a follow-up EP, The First Agreement. The independent album produced two multimillion-view videos on YouTube, “Solo Dolo” and “Can’t Trust Em.” Dizzy was specific in giving his expanding base both sides of his repertoire. The first was Dizzy’s most personal record, while the second had, what he calls “that now-sound.” Both resonated, and the rapper was able to go from “doing shows to doing concerts” in his relentless touring with label-mates. Reflecting, he notes, “I was just testing the waters.” Ready to fully jump in, Wright promises of his forthcoming work, “My next album will be the biggest one to date. It’ll be the perfect material for the fans, ‘cause I understand everything a lot more.” If you are not familiar with Dizzy Wright please treat yourself!

“’Pac’s passion gives me passion. I don’t wanna be just one of these niggas just talkin" -Dizzy Wright


GT’s Local Talent Spotlight


! GT: How is the underground music scene in Akron, Ohio? L Dro: Growing up in that environment influences my music , we are not a like bigger cities like atlanta , or new york where they have access to more things and better opportunities. so it just pushes you to work harder , coming up out of Akron you gotta go hard if you want to be successful. Its hard to be recognized coming from a city like Akron.

GT: So what keeps you motivated? L Dro: the more I see the more I want. I been presented with some big opprtunities and that makes me go even harder to see what else is out there for me

GT: Speaking of influences , what mainstream artists would you say have influenced you? DarkChild Entertainment and Nottz with plenty others lined up. He also has had the privilege of sharing the stage with artist such as Young Jeezy, The Diplomats, and Fat Joe among others. He is currently on the Big Heff Industry Tour which will be stopping in fifteen major markets including New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Indianapolis, and Detroit among others. He is also doing his first mixtape called DroOhio hosted by world famous DJ Cannon with another mixtape from DJ Self shortly thereafter. Not long ago, L Dro was just another kid from the hood struggling to rise above the negativity that surrounded him. Today he is a rising star, a young stallion, who understands that the key to success is to work twice as hard as the next man. Better than your average, he is what some pretend to be pure unadulterated HIP - HOP...and he is L – DRO.

L Dro: Growing up listening to rappers like Pac, Big , Nas , Jay, Scareface just coming up in that era motivated me to want to do music.

GT: You are dealing with some heavy hitters already, so do you consider yourself underground or mainstream?

L Dro: Im just grinding! Making music! GT: You are now on the Big Heff Industry Tour, how is that? L Dro: GT: What is the release date for Dro Ohio? L Dro: GT: What is your star attributes? L Dro: GT: How did you meet DJ Cannon? GT: What makes you pure unadulterated Hip Hop? L Dro: GT: What are your future goals as an artists? L Dro: Goal take this thing as far as I can possibly take it. Change lives!

Follow L Dro at : @droohio


Our condolences to the families of… 6/11/14: Ruby Dee, an Academy Award nominated actress (American Gangster) who was also active in the civil rights movement in the US, has died of natural causes. The formidable actress, who appeared in movies like A Raisin In the Sun and Do the Right Thing, had a career that spanned seven decades and brought her, in addition to the Oscar nomination, Emmy and Grammy Award wins. She was 91.

Cahron “JayAre” Childs, the young member of the famed rap group Cali Swag District, the group best known for the hit single “Teach Me How to Dougie,” passed away from sickle-cell disease complications.!

6/15/2014: Casey Kasem, the sentimental king of the music radio countdown and the television voice of Shaggy on "Scooby-Doo," died early Sunday in Gig Harbor, Washington. He was 82. He had reportedly suffered from Lewy Body Disease, a form of progressive dementia, for several years.!

6/1/14: Ann B. Davis, an Emmy winner ("The Bob Cummings Show") perhaps best known for her role as spunky maid Alice on "The Brady Bunch", has died from injuries sustained during a fall. She was 88.!

How to know if you’re overeating Let's face it; the extra pounds you're carrying around are due to overeating – plain and simple. Why do you overeat? Here are a few likely reasons: 1. Habit: Whether you realize it or not, you eat in a learned pattern, rather than out of need. You clean your plate because that's what your mother taught. You eat what is served without stopping to check if you are full. You butter two pieces of toast for breakfast rather than questioning if one piece would do the job. 2. Absentminded: You forget to pay attention when you eat. Mindless munching while watching a movie, snacking while driving, or picking at food while cooking – these absentminded calories really add up. 3. Something Deeper: Sometimes you use food for recreation or to change your mood. These calories may lend you a temporary sense of comfort or pleasure, but ultimately your body suffers from the indulgence. Here are 3 Steps To overcome Overeating – read these, and apply them to your life. Step #1: Pay Attention Be aware of what and how much you eat. This simple concept will save you from hundreds upon hundreds of calories each week. To apply this rule; don't eat while your attention is distracted by another activity. Only put food in your mouth when you are hungry and conscious of it. This means turn off the T.V., get out of your car, and no matter what you do, don't graze in the kitchen while cooking. Step #2: Practice Balance Be aware of the types of food that you eat during each meal, and make sure that it's balanced. When you eat a balanced diet filled with lean protein, whole grains, lots of veggies, a few daily servings of fruit and limited fat and sweets, your body will be satisfied and you'll lose the urge to overeat. This means you shouldn't always eat carb-based meals, and you also shouldn't always eat high-fat meals. Make a mental checklist of the food groups that you've eaten each day. Did you eat lean protein? Did you have plenty of vegetables? Did you refrain from eating more than one or two primarily carb-based meals? This mental checklist will save you from making food decisions that you'd later regret. Step #3: Be Tuned In Your body will always tell you when its hunger has been satisfied – you've just gotten so good at ignoring the signs that you barrel through your meal only to feel like you've been hit by a ton of bricks once all that food hits your stomach. It's time to take a deep breath and listen to your body. An important part of being tuned in is to eat slowly. Once you start to pay attention you'll notice a point when each bite becomes less and less satisfying. That is your body's way of letting you know that you've had enough and that each continued bite is simply overkill (yes, even if you're only halfway through that plate of pasta). By learning how to control your eating habits, you'll find weight loss to come simply and naturally. Want to speed up your weight loss, make it permanent, and shape your body at the same time? I've got what it takes to get you there! No guesswork, no fad diets, and no super long workouts.

5 Flat Tummy Myths (and 3 Steps to Tight Abs) Bathing suit season is right around the corner…are you ready? !Most people want to slim down before baring it all, so I'm here to warn you of the 5 Flat Tummy Myths that could waste your time: !Myth #1: Do extra crunches to flatten your abs.!!Excessive crunches aren't the answer for tight abs. In order to achieve a toned look you'll have to focus on burning off the layer of fat that is covering up your tummy. • Tip: Don't obsess about crunches - instead focus on fat burning. Myth #2: Take diet pills to speed results. !I know it's so tempting! The ads make compelling claims about the power of popping a pill, but don't fall for it. There is no ‘magic pill'. Diet pills are more likely to burn through your pocketbook than to slim you down. 1. Tip: Don't pop a pill - instead burn calories with intense exercise. Myth #3: Turn to packaged diet products to boost results. !Don't fall for the foods that are packaged as ‘diet' or ‘weight loss' aids. Quite often these products are packed with refined sugar and other artificial ingredients that your body doesn't need, and certainly won't help you attain that tight tummy. • Tip: Don't eat packaged diet foods - instead stick with nutritious whole foods. Myth #4: Avoid all carbohydrates in order to achieve tight abs.!Carbohydrates have been given a bad rap, which is unfortunate because you can (and should) eat carbs while slimming down. The key is to stick with whole grains, oatmeal and brown rice while avoiding processed and refined flours and sugars. • Tip: Don't give up all carbohydrates - instead stick with wholesome carbs. Myth #5: Starve the chub away. !Trying to lose weight by starving yourself is not only ineffective it can also be dangerous. It may seem that severe calorie restriction would deliver the quickest weight loss, but your body is complex and by doing so you'll disrupt your metabolism and slow your results. • Tip: Don't starve yourself - instead eat small wholesome meals throughout the day. Now that you know what not to do in order to achieve tight abs, it's time to go over your flat tummy game plan. Here's what you need to know in 3 simple steps: ! Step One: No more junk. !The best way to do this is by purging your kitchen. Throw out the sugary, processed and fat-filled foods. Once the junk has been cleared out, don't buy any more of it. Remember that your beach-ready abs depend on what you eat – don't eat junk! ! Step Two: Eat whole foods. !Replace the junk food in your life with plenty of the following: cooked and raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, moderate amounts of seeds and nuts, lean meats and low fat dairy. Clean eating really is that simple. ! Step Three: Come train with me. !This is the most obvious step. You're ready to get into great shape and I'm in a unique position to make that happen for you. Call or reply to this email to get started on an exercise plan that will get you those amazing abs.

Quick Chicken Stir Fry Resist the temptation to eat out by making quick, healthy dinners like this one. Chicken and veggies make up the bulk of this meal, keeping you lean and green. Instead of rice, serve this stir-fry over cauliflower rice. To make simply run a head of cauliflower through a food processor with the grating attachment, so that it is finely shredded. Sauté the cauliflower in a large skillet, with a teaspoon of olive oil, until soft. Season with salt and pepper. Serving: 6 Here's what you need... • 1 pound organic, boneless, skinless chicken breast • 2 Tablespoons Olive oil • 1 clove garlic, minced • 1 yellow onion, chopped • 2 heads broccoli, chopped • 2 carrots, cut in half and then into 2 inch segments • 2 heads baby bok Choy, chopped • 1 zucchini, chopped • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced • 3/4 cup chicken broth (divided) • 2 Tablespoons arrowroot starch • 2 Tablespoons toasted sesame seed oil • 1 Tablespoons ume plum vinegar • 1 Tablespoon coconut aminos • 1 ripe, organic mango, peeled, pitted and chopped 2. Rinse the chicken and cut into 1-inch cubes. 3. Place the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and onions, sauté for about 10 minutes, until soft. Add the broccoli, carrots and chicken and cook an additional 10 minutes. Add the bok Choy and zucchini. After 5 minutes add 1/4 cup of chicken broth, cover, and cook an additional 10 minutes. In a small bowl combine the remaining 1/2-cup chicken broth, arrowroot, sesame oil, vinegar and coconut aminos. Add the seasoned mixture to the skillet, along with the chopped mango, and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens.

Get Back on Track After Your Vacation So you went away, saw a new part of the world, and now you're back. You ate, you drank, you relaxed, and then you ate some more. And now it's time to face the music. As you wake up on Monday morning after your week of less-than-healthy eating... Your body is puffy and bloated. Your joints are achy. Your clothes feel tight. Maybe you are feeling that way right now. Here are 5 steps to get you back on the fitness fast track after your trip. Step One: Focus Your vacation happened. You ate things from the “never eat these” list, you drank more that you should have...but now it's over. Draw a line in the sand. You're back home so the bad eating stops now. If you're serious about your fitness goals, then your vacation was the exception, and not the rule. Don't beat yourself up for letting loose on your trip. Simply get back up, dust yourself off and get focused. Step Two: Hydrate While travel days can take on many forms; the end result is most often dehydration and water retention. The only way to restore your balance is to get hydrated. Your first priority in getting back on track is to drink plenty of water throughout your first few days home. Start with a tall glass of water in the morning, and carry a water bottle with you to sip throughout the day. Don't add any artificial sweeteners or stimulants to your water – these will sabotage your hydration efforts. For flavor, add sliced fresh fruit, herbs or vegetables to your water, just like at the spa. Step Three: Cleanse For your first few days home I need you to be extra picky about what you eat. Stick with only whole, real foods like fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Whole, real foods will help to restore balance and block out cravings. Don't eat any packaged foods for the next few days. This means no snack foods, processed meat slices, dairy, baked goods or alcohol. Try the recipe for Quick Chicken Stir Fry below – this is a wonderful, whole food dish. Step Four: Rest As relaxing, as vacation days are most ends with the feeling of exhaustion. Make catching up on sleep a priority over the next few days. When your body is low on sleep, it becomes easier to make poor eating choices. You're also less likely to get back into your workouts if you don't give your body a chance to rest. Aim for getting a full 8 hours of sleep each night. Step Five: Exercise It's time to sweat out all those vacation indulgences. So lace up your athletic shoes and put on your favorite gym clothes. When you start your first workout, ease in slowly. Take the time to warm up and stretch your muscles before powering up to a solid 30-minute routine.

Here are a few things that your guy can do to help delay and even cure his premature ejaculation: 1. Deep breathing and relaxing. Often being anxious and nervous about his performance can make him cum too quickly. This can help him relax. 2. Some men say that cock rings have helped them delay orgasm and even have a stronger one at that. 3. Every man should be exercising his pc muscles and doing his kegels AND reverse kegels. These exercises are NOT just for women.

Here are some interesting, weird, or even crazy sex facts that you didn't know: • Semen contains a natural anti-depressant • Regular sex increases your pain tolerance level • Yes, fellas you CAN break your penis. It's called a penile fracture. • Morning sex increases your odds of having a stress-free day • Smoking cigarettes has been linked to penis shrinkage (oh no! stop smoking!) • Orgasms improve memory and brain productivity • Sex is a natural antihistamine • The clitoris is actually more of an internal organ than external and wraps around the vagina • Zinc boosts your libido (almonds and oysters are high in zinc) • Semen makes for a fantastic anti-aging facial mask, healthy semen is really great for the skin • There's more to the vagina than the G-spot, find that A-spot and Cul de Sac too; you'll be glad you did • Oral sex burns an average of 100 calories per half hour • Both women AND men should be doing their kegels and men should also be doing reverse kegels • Studies have shown that those who enjoy kinky sex have better mental health than the prudes out there (this is a FACT!) • Sex reduces one's blood pressure and cholesterol • Using vibrating toys too often will desensitize your nerve endings and no one wants that • Brain scans have shown that the brain during an orgasm is about 95% the same as the brain on heroin • A healthy sex life boosts one's self esteem and immune system • Yiaourtiphilia is the sexual attraction to yogurt • Hybristophilia is the arousal to people who commit crimes (explains a lot, doesn't it?)

4. Stop/Start technique. Your man should be familiar with his sexual response cycle (and if he isn't, he needs to learn it). The stage right before he orgasms is called the Plateau phase and is the phase we are trying to extend. When he feels that he is at the point of ejaculation, have him stop and move on to another act for at least 30 seconds or until his urge to ejaculate goes away. He can move on to kissing you, licking your body, giving you oral sex, etc.; just not moving his penis in and out of you. You'll also want to refrain from giving him oral sex or stimulating his penis with your hand which can make him cum and defeat the purpose of this exercise. 5. When he feels the urge to ejaculate, he can stop penetration and squeeze his frenulum or the area where the shaft of his penis meets the head until the urge subsides. 6. When he feels the urge, you or he can pull and hold his testicles down away from his body until urge subsides. 7. Decrease his sensitivity by using condoms and/ or desensitizing creams. 8. Masturbate. There are many different masturbation techniques to utilize to help extend your plateau phase and delay ejaculation. If you'd like detailed assistance, feel free to email me. When masturbating, you can learn your sexual response cycle and also learn to delay your ejaculation with deep breathing, concentrating on other things, the Stop/Start technique, the Squeeze technique, etc. When masturbating, it's also a good thing to move your hips instead of just your hands to simulate sex more and also avoid training your penis to cum by masturbation only. (Trust me, this can happen with habitual masturbators.) 9. He should be sure to be taking a daily men's vitamin supplement to make sure he is getting the needed vitamins and minerals for proper sexual function. 10. Herbal remedies such as taking kava root, peppermint oil, serotonin supplements, and psoralea can help treat premature ejaculation. Speak to your physician first to make sure adding these supplements to your diet will be okay. It's important to remember that every man's penis will respond differently to the tips offered so experiment and find what works the best for the two of you. If premature ejaculation continues even after trying all of the many natural remedies, than he should seek medical or therapeutic assistance.

June 2014 Horoscope

Aquarius Between the 11th and the 16th Venus is in contact with a number of other planets (including Uranus, your ruling planet), what makes fire – both the positive and the negative sense of the word. Big chance you one more time arguing with your loved one, to make it again. Good between the sheets the next moment on the 14th the full moon in the work area of your chart is what helps you to lift. Your career to the next level by the end of the month, love returns with a new moon in the part of your chart that is about fun, creativity and romance. Pisces !On the 14th the full moon in the part of your chart that deals with long-distance travel is unseating an insatiable appetite for adventure. You cannot leave the country? Silent hunger than by browsing the Internet or you lose a good book. The 28th state in the sign of the new moon in the home corner of the universe: time to make your home more beautiful or to improve the contact with family members. Aries ! on the 14th the full moon in the sex and transformation zone of your chart is what makes the intimacy that you so desire. The days between the 11th and the 16th promise to be. Ultimate romantic also note also the 11th: Venus opposite Mars (= hot, hot, hot). During the days before and after the full moon, the love planet makes contact with Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter. The most important time of the month is the 19th, when Mars finally moves in the right direction again. That means more speed! Finally, to be found in the communication area of the universe, the new moon on the 28th: time to let people know what you have to say the world. Taurus! Less subtle is the full moon in the relationship area of your chart (June 14), which creates tension between you and your lover. Are you single? Then you feel some temporary lonelier than usual. Think of it as an opportunity to think about what you want and need in love and – very important – take concrete steps to ensure that your desires are reality. Issues are of course annoying, but they are also always a way to grow. On the 28th, the new moon in the money area of your chart. That helps you make smart new plans for the next six months. Venus, as found in your sign, the same day makes for a (financial) helping hand. Gemini !From the 19th Mars moves back in the right direction by the romantic area of your chart: the time to focus on love and creativity. The finest moment comes on the 28th of June, when the new moon is in your sign. You can use the next six months to achieve anything you want, Gemini, but then you have to make a tight schedule (and you keep it). Cancer !On the 14th is the full moon in the romantic area of the universe, causing intense emotions can come to the surface. Around the love Press feelings away, Cancer, but do also not overwhelm. From the 19th Martian weather hovers in the right direction , which allows for more balance in the area of home and family. Then the new moon, finally, on the 28th in the isolation zone of your chart : time for a short break .

Leo !Equally important this month ‘s career. From the 1st to the 20th, the sun (your main celestial body) in the work area of your chart. The 14th is reserved for the full moon in the home corner of the universe. There June be very old comes to the surface thereby. Mars floats from the 19th back in the right direction through the career area of your chart, so that all issues of recent months can be solved. The new moon in the social area encourages you to think about what you want to accomplish. The next six months (along with others) Virgo !On the 14th the full moon in the communications area of your chart falls. Be careful what you say and summarizes observations of others (and especially your partner) personally. From the 19th Martian weather hovers in the right direction by the money zone of the universe, which gives you the chance to resolve. Financial issues in (Do not wait too long because of the retrograde next month.) The 28th is reserved for the new moon: significant opportunities to work. Make a tight career planning for the next six months and you ‘ll be amazed at how far you get. Libra Only downside is that sometimes you tend to project your own. Feelings of others so it is important to first find out exactly where emotions come from. This is especially true from the 11th to the 16th, when Venus arguing with several other planets. Certainly the 11th fireworks can cause, both in the form of passion and anger. The 14th state in the sign of the full moon in the money area of your chart; make sure you have your finances in order, neatly before that date. Scorpio It all really starts around the full moon of the 14th. Turn the focus inward, Scorpio, and go after that you have achieved what you wanted to do everything. Not completely satisfied? Well now you have a second chance. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. All you need to do is forge a smart strategy. Sagittarius From the 11th to the 16th Venus is in contact with a number of other planets: the sexiest day of the month. Are you single? Use that time than to go hunting. Short skirts, high heels, exciting underwear, everything is permitted. Have you already been with the same partner, and then there can be tensions. That does not necessarily have to be negative; you can also fight well in the bedroom. Capricorn On the 14th the full moon falls into the sexy Scorpio; the social area of your horoscope. The end of one phase and the beginning of something new. The 28th state in the sign of the new moon in the work area of the universe: the launch back to hard to get started. Get ready for great opportunities, Capricorn.

Ohio Missing


Ladonna Bowen

Missing Since: Apr 15, 2014 Missing From: Lima, OH DOB: Jan 20, 1997 Age Now : 17 Sex: Female Race: White Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Hazel Height: 5'6" Weight: 120 lbs Both photos shown are of Ladonna. Her ears are double pierced and she has a scar on her left shoulder.

James Brancamp

Missing Since: July 24, 2014 Missing From: Marion, OH DOB: March 31, 1997 Age Now : 17 Sex: Male Race: White Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Hazel Height: 6’ 0� Weight: 180 lbs James may be in the company of a juvenile female. They may be travelling in a dark green Honda Accord with Ohio license plates ERL2765. James may wear glasses.


Edwin Swingle

Missing From: July 15, 2014 Missing from : Wellston, OH DOB: June 15, 1999 Age Now: 15 Sex: Male Race: Biracial Hair Color: Black Eye Color : Brown Height: 5'8 Weight: 135ibs.


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