The changing habits of indian readership

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The changing habits of Indian readership Studies and statistics reveal that only 17% of the news readership read newspapers. With internet as a popular medium for daily dose of latest news, newspapers and the radio are searching for ways and means to attract readership. India has around 800-100 million Internet users and among them 50 percent are bi-lingual reading news both in Hindi and English. There are many leading news organization that cater to the other half and provides them with content in their preferred regional languages. Reading news online is a popular trend that many Indians are now following. Moreover, many prominent newspapers have established their digital counterparts, decimating the need for newspapers. It is a proven fact that news on the internet is more popular than in papers and thus, this gives a clear idea of the reach and influence of the internet.

As a popular medium of communication, online news sites have gaining momentum, serving the masses with daily news on varied topics from around the world. In this information seeking era, we are always on the lookout for interesting and fresh news. News sites are popular and effective sources for relevant latest news, providing a unique perspective. The internet is no doubt a powerful medium of communicating with the audience and spreading awareness. Since the popularity of social media is at its peak, news sites make use of this medium to reach all target audience. News sites give equal importance to both regional as well as global news, keeping in mind all the needs and preferences of a reader.

There are a wide range of online newspapers that provide users with latest news on various segments such as entertainment, politics, business, finance, sports, etc. They are the top providers of relevant and fresh content in diverse topics, and unique writing style that reflects the Indian community. They reach the audiences on a personal level, creating a better understanding about the values and norms of the country. The responsibility of feeding a information-hungry nation is huge. The role of fine quality news service is undeniably important in leading the nation on the path of democracy and social integrity. India is at the

apex of growth and development, and for this, these online news sources play an active and vital role in shaping the minds of the community and inculcating the nation’s cultural and social values. Latest news in English, Hindi and other regional languages are provided by many leading national dailies. With a fresh outlook and captivating appeal, these sources are the best solutions to satiate your appetite for quality and relevant news.

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