February 2012 Arts Events Magazine Barbados

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February 2012

Welcome to Barbados Monthly Arts Events February 2012 This is a completely free and unsponsored magazine created out of the need to inform so that we can get to exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and more, rather than hearing about events after they have taken place. I encourage anyone with a creative event or a new piece of work to get in contact with me at corriescott@gmail.com and I will add a free page for you. Let’s get the arts out there! Please, pass this magazine on to others and so help the creative side of Barbados get all the exposure possible. Corrie

Cover art by Corrie Scott

All information correct at time of publishing. Please phone or email relevant galleries to confirm dates of events as they may be subject to change. Updates as news of arts events comes in each month may be viewed on http://corriescott.net/page28.htm Published by Corrie Scott



The Arts Directory Barbados http://issuu.com/corriescott/docs/art_directory_barbados_dec_2011/1

ARTS DIRECTORY BARBADOS How It Happened I have, for so many years, wanted to create a free online reference book where anyone, in any part of the world, may access the creative people in Barbados. I could not do this on my own and Kathy Yearwood heard of my idea, offered to partner with me and I happily agreed. What started out in March as a small book of what I thought might be a maximum of one hundred and fifty pages turned into a tome of over three hundred pages. A mixture of excitement and fear at what we had taken on. And here we are in December 2011 with a book showing off the talents in Barbados. So exciting. The eight month adventure began. Finding artists, photographing them and their work. From March 2011 to October 2011 Kathy and I collated the artwork, the bios and statements and travelled around the island garnering images and information. Large collections of artwork in homes. Convincing people who thought they were too old and forgotten and watching them smile as their work was photographed and having them talk about themselves so that we could create a bio for them. Literally slipping down the hills of clay at Chalky Mount to see an original kiln and spend the day with the potters. Temple Yard with the Rastafarian community where they are blessed with talent, especially carving, and then coming away with gifts of pineapples and avocados. Photographing in the rain with an umbrella in one hand and a camera in the other to get the right angles. Going to openings and craft shows and talking to many. Coming to my home, going to Kathy’s, and going wherever was needed. Meeting the different personalities in so many locations as I photographed many of them for their portrait photo for the book. Remembering some who have left us. A labour of love, learning and fun. The thank you part as I could not have done this on my own. Norma Springer who encouraged me to “take the book and run with it”. Kathy Yearwood who offered to partner with me collating and to create the book for artists in Barbados. Alison Chapman-Andrews for helping Kathy and I proof read. Amazing how much you miss no matter how many times we went over it. Sue Bain for offering her professional opinion and suggestions as a copy editor. Peter Boos for all the encouragement. Laura Lin Hutchinson for her introduction. Finally, the most important people, the creative souls who put their trust in Kathy and I to show them off to their best. I hope we have done this. Corrie Dec 7th 2011

'Blooming Roses' by Corrie Scott. This series is from my iphone using the Hipstamatic App with just a 60watt bulb. I decided to exhibit these to show that photography is open to any camera and any interpretation (and any modern app). No corrections of any kind have been made on these images except for re sizing the image to 5" by 5" at 300dpi. It is as it was photographed. Printed with archival inks on acid free paper. Series of 17.

CORRIE SCOTT www.corriescott.net https://picasaweb.google.com/105714821715531443977/BloomingRoses

CORRIE SCOTT ‘Caribbean Doors’ Online Catalogue issuu.com/corriescott/docs/caribbean_doors

Many of these wooden houses are now lost to us and so I have tried to preserve them visually so that we may not forget the traditional architecture of our Caribbean. I love the worn, weathered and much fixed doors, windows and structures. 11” by 14” with a mat that brings it up to 16” by 20” ready for framing. Printed on archival photographic paper. $280Bds ($140USD). corriescott@gmail.com. +1(246) 424 3965. www.corriescott.net


Choking in the Smoke of common folks cave dwellings. Paranoia has finally taken hold. No place to raise a family. No place to raise the dead. Baggy eyed, no slumber in days. Snatching the leftovers of a fat race of beast. Collecting butts at dawn to ease the tension. Get a life;get a job...get a clue. Talking to god. Or as the waterwalkers believe...not god. A nickel a penny, adding up. Became an Orphan at 35. What a way to end a friendship. Can't tell the difference between friends and foes; They all smell the same. A blade; the will. Time to put cowardly away and become free. It is about that time i feel;for real. Head down below the neck. Some exotic force guides i through crowded empty spaces. Tell Jesus I won. Sunshine...Sunshine; on a bed set for one. Raymond Bancroft

RAYMOND BANCROFT ‘Mending The Past For Future Reference’ basquiat333@gmail.com


RAYMOND BANCROFT ‘THISTLEHEAD’ basquiat333@gmail.com

RAYMOND BANCROFT ‘Finger Puppetry Uncovered’ basquiat333@gmail.com

RAYMOND BANCROFT ‘Mind Over Manner’ basquiat333@gmail.com

RAYMOND BANCROFT ‘Democrazy & Gin’ basquiat333@gmail.com

RAYMOND BANCROFT E. Pluribus. basquiat333@gmail.com


ALICIA ALLEYNE nicolealleisya@hotmail.com http://aliciaalleyne.tumblr.com/

NICK WHITTLE www.nick-whittle.com

ALISON CHAPMAN-ANDREWS aca1@caribsurf.com

RAS AKYEM art_animal@yahoo.com

TIYI BY DESIGN ART JEWELLERY SHOP # 12, Town Square, Speightstown Tel 252 0184 www.tiyibydesign.com

Back Issues of the FREE monthly

Arts Magazine Barbados may be found on http://issuu.com/corriescott/docs





NATALIE McGUIRE nataliemcguire23@hotmail.co.uk http://nattielife.tumblr.com

ANDRE WILLIAMS R.ANDRE.WILLIAMS@gmail.com www.andrewilliamsphotography.net

VERSIA ABEDA HARRIS picasaweb.google.com/corriescott/VersiaAbedaHarris

EWAN ATKINSON ewanatkinson@caribsurf.com www.ewanatkinson.com

SIMONE PADMORE simone.asia@hotmail.com

RIVENIS BLACK www.rivenis.deviantart.com





Winter 2012

Art Sessions with Heidi Berger

Introducing collage into your work Experimenting with Texture

Wed February 8 – 29 or Sat Feb 11 – March 3 Wed March 7 – 28 or Sat Mar 10 – 31

Cost: $200 (weeks) http://heidiberger.com

NEVILLE LEGALL www.nevillelegall.com

RAYMOND MAUGHAN raymondmaughan@gmail.com

ANDREA CUMBERBATCH a-marie22@hotmail.com

SHEENA ROSE bajanrose27@hotmail.com

SHEENA ROSE Sweet Gossip Collectables. Limited edition of 5 editions of each piece. Hand painted by artist. bajanrose27@hotmail.com

SUE HOLDER whatever2photo@gmail.com

JOHN WEBSTER jwebster@caribsurf.com https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2740104114042.128117.1600595787&type=3

HARRIETT ROLLITT H.rollitt@hotmail.com





SOPHIE BARNARD barnardsophie@hotmail.com



CATHY CUMMINS cathy.coast@caribsurf.com





Out on a limb. “That's where artists do their work. Not in the safe places, but out there, in a place where they might fail, where it might end badly, where connections might be lost, sensibilities might be offended, jokes might not be gotten. If you work with artists, don't saw off the limb. Don't waste a lot of time explaining how dangerous it is, either. No, your job is to quietly support the limb at the same time you egg your team on, pushing them ever further out there.�

Seth Godin www.sethgodin.typepad.com



BAC ‘Caribbean Colours’ Group Show Exhibition Jan 22nd – Feb 25th www.barbadosartscouncil.com https://picasaweb.google.com/105714821715531443977/BAC2011ChristmasGroupShow#

BAC Gallery Schedule 2011- 2013 (subject to change. Please call gallery to confirm dates and events) +1 (246) 426 4385


The Barbados Arts Council Gallery is available to rent for an exhibition at the heavily subsidized price of $150Bds per week during certain weeks of the year. If you would like to have your own show, either solo or a Group Show, please apply in writing to the President of the BAC. Dec 11, 2011-Jan 14, 2012

‘Christmas’ Group Show ( celebrating 54 years of the BAC)

Jan 22 – Feb 25

‘Caribbean Colours’ Group Show

Feb 27- Mar 17

‘Spring’ Group Show

Mar 19 - Apr 12

Group Show

Apr 15 - May 18

'Water Media' Group show

May 20 - June 16

‘Bridgetown and it’s Garrison’ Group Show celebrating our World Heritage site status

June 18 - July 14

‘Summer’ Group Show

July 16 - Aug 18

‘Crop Over’ Group Show

Aug 20 - Sept 15

‘Tropical Life’ Group Show

Sept 17-Oct 8

‘Little Gems’ Group Show

Oct 10 - Nov 3

available for rent or will be a Group show

Nov 5 - Dec 8

‘Independence’ Group Show

Dec 10 - Jan 19, 2013

‘Christmas’ Group Show




THE BRIDGETOWN GALLERY @ SHERATON Opening reception Friday night, Feb 10th, 5pm-8 pm Sheraton Mall upstairs on the second floor, at the top of the escalators, across from the radio station. 9am to 9pm daily 230-1750 or MarthaBerry@hotmail.com INFORMATION FOR ARTISTS Every work of art submitted must have at least a splash of red in it to be considered. Every work of art must also be ready to hang on the wall to be considered. We will accept paintings on Wednesday Feb 1st and Thursday Feb 2nd between 11 am and 7 pm. We will have a small form to be filled out and signed by the artist that reconfirms the information that appears on the tag attached to the painting.

SUSAN MAINS www.susanmains.com

Northern Business Centre, Queen Street, Speightstown, St. Peter, Barbados Monday – Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm and Saturday, 9.30am to 2.00pm www.artgallerycaribbean.com Tel: (246) 419-0858


‘Hello Havana’ Opening reception Feb 12th, 6.30pm-8.30pm Exhibition ends March 10th.

Queen's Park Gallery is temporarily located at Pelican Craft Centre #12 on Harbour Rd, Bridgetown The Gallery opening hours will return to 10am -6pm Monday to Saturday. On Mondays and Saturdays, only one Attendant works so we must close for lunch. If you intend to visit the Gallery on those days, please call first. Lunch is generally 2-3pm, but may vary according to how busy the Gallery is. QPG tel.#427-2345 NCF tel.#424-0909

QUEEN’S PARK GALLERY http://ncf.bb/about/culdev/queens.htm

Queen's Park Gallery is temporarily located at Pelican Craft Centre #12 on Harbour Rd, Bridgetown

THE BARBADIAN CHATTEL HOUSE – ICONIC FOLK ARCHITECTURE The book Barbados Chattel Houses, by Henry Fraser and Bob Kiss, combines the fine art photography of internationally known photographer, Bob Kiss, and the extensive knowledge of the history of Caribbean architecture of Professor. Henry Fraser, to portray one of the Caribbean’s most recognizable icons, the Barbadian Chattel House.





THE BARBADIAN CHATTEL HOUSE – ICONIC FOLK ARCHITECTURE The book Barbados Chattel Houses, by Henry Fraser and Bob Kiss, combines the fine art photography of internationally known photographer, Bob Kiss, and the extensive knowledge of the history of Caribbean architecture of Professor. Henry Fraser, to portray one of the Caribbean’s most recognizable icons, the Barbadian Chattel House This unique gem of folk architecture evolved as a movable wooden house, built in sections, which could be quickly taken apart and re-built on a new site, traditionally on a foundation of loosely packed coral stones. (Chattel was the old English word for movable possessions.) It was developed after emancipation, when the landless freedmen had to be able to “move house” easily. Houses would begin as a single, rectangular, two room unit, with additional units added with time. They were rigidly symmetrical, with a central front door, windows on each side, and in later years decorated with window hoods and elegant fretwork, and porticos or verandahs added with greater affluence. The chattel house became an icon of 19th and 20th century Barbados and a ubiquitous feature of our landscape, but it has been rapidly disappearing. Perhaps as a result of the admiration of artists and photographers, the advocacy of the Barbados National Trust and the National Cultural Foundation, international recognition and perhaps a more general interest in our heritage, there is growing pride and interest in preserving the best of this unique and creative response to difficult socio-economic conditions over more than a century. A compilation of more than a hundred beautiful photos of the chattel house form the core of this book, divided into a Baker’s Dozen (13) chapters or themes. The text describes its evolution, the architectural details, the context of other Caribbean folk architecture, its influences, and its present and future status as an icon of Barbadian architecture, culture and social history. Links to news on this book http://issuu.com/corriescott/docs/december_arts_event_magazine http://www.barbadosadvocate.com/newsitem.asp?more=All%20Stories&NewsID=20115 http://www.gisbarbados.gov.bb/plugins/p2_news/printarticle.php?p2_articleid=7100

VERY VANITA Great gifts that reflect the color and vibrancy of Barbados can be found in the Very Vanita line of products available at On The wall Galleries both at Earthwork and Champers and a few specially selected stores. Choose from the very popular throw cushions, tote bags, prints and assorted stationery totake home as a lasting memory of Barbados. A new line of kitchen, table accents and scarves will be available for the 2011 winter season. Items can be ordered on line at onthewallartgallery.com or veryvanita.com

QUEEN’S PARK GALLERY The Gallery is located beside the Harbour Road not very far from the Barbados Arts Council. The closest parking areas are in front of the Arts Council or in the back by Fine Art Framing. Opening hours are Mon. to Fri. 9am -4.30pm and on Sat. 9am -2pm. QPG 427-2345 and 429-3117.




Visit www.nagc.bb - website for the National Art Gallery Committee in Barbados for NEWS on current happenings. The site includes ArtistNet, the database of Barbadian visual artists; a click on ‘Artists’ will take you there. Visual artists are invited to post their profile and images on ArtistNet. Artists already on ArtistNet are reminded to send in their profile updates and new images. ArtistNet is a FREE NAGC service for artists. For further information contact the NAGC at +1 (246) 310 2700 or e-mail contact@nagc.bb

MORE GALLERIES GANG OF 4 The Cottage, Springvale Plantation.St. Andrew . tel 438 7883. CONSTANT GALLERY OF FINE ART Sculpture and fine art (by appointment only), (246) 429 2654 and 232 7830. email: tradersrealty@caribsurf.com A GALLERY, By appointment please contact: Catherine Forter-Chee-A-Tow Curator/Artist Tel: 246 262 6238 or 246 262 6241 e: c.forter.cheeatow@caribsurf.comRoy al Westmoreland, St James & The Mews Restaurant, Holetown

Jill Walker Chattel House book In her delightful new book, artist Jill Walker shares her love and admiration – spanning over 50 years – for the Barbadian chattel house with a fascinating look into their history and development. Filled with her remarkable collection of beautiful paintings and sketches, she relates her many fond memories, providing a wonderful visual record of these unique homes and a disappearing way of life. Available in November from the Best of Barbados Gift Shops and Pages Bookstores. www.best-of-barbados.com/products/Jill-Walker-Chattel-Houses.html conta.cc/qbIvar www.facebook.com/pages/Best-of-Barbados-Gift-Shops/222238891125456?sk=wall Price: Bds$49.50/US$25.00 Size: 10” x 7.5”, 96 pages, hard back

RECENTLY UPDATED On The Wall Gallery www.onthewallartgallery.com Barbados Arts Council www.barbadosartscouncil.com Corrie Scott www.corriescott.net

SUE TREW susantrew@best-of-barbados.com

Painting Workshop with Jack Richardson 5 days of painting on Barbados

Feb. 6th – 10th, 2012

9am to 1pm daily

Painting in Oistins for 2 days then various locations around the island. Painting/teaching for 45 years. All levels of experience are welcome. Fee is $250.00US for all 5 days. www.jackrichardsongallery.com


PETER SHEPPARD TRINIDAD (868) 685-6289 caribart1@mac.com pleinairart@gmail.com

ARC MAGAZINE ARC Magazine is a quarterly Caribbean Art and Culture Print Magazine published out of St. Vincent and the Grenadines by artists, Nadia Huggins and Holly Bynoe. “We are endeavoring to form a creative platform to offer insight into current practices across the burgeoning creative industries while bridging the gap between established and emerging artists. Within the recent motions of integration there is a critical space developing, where, for the first time we can envision a converging nexus of artists who want to share their creative experience.� www.arcthemagazine.com www.facebook.com/arcmagazine twitter.com/arcthemagazine

BARBADOS ARTS COUNCIL BAC Gallery, Pelican Craft Centre, Bridgetown (246) 426 4385 mail@barbadosartscouncil.com www.barbadosartscouncil.com

THE FESTIVAL ART GALLERY A mobile art gallery showing in excess of 50 local Barbadian artists who are painters, ceramic artists, photographers and sculptors.


Kathy Yearwood

429 0296 Kathyyearwood@hotmail.com www.festivalartgallery.com Bringing Art To The People

HARRIET ROLLITT www.harrietrollitt.com

HARRIET ROLLITT http://harrietrollitt.blogspot.com/2012/01/monkey-inme.html

For me, green monkeys are creatures filled with curiosity. Growing up in Barbados, I've had many encounters with these tricksters. When I was a flower-girl having my pictures taken at my mother's wedding, a green monkey came down the tree I was stood next to and began picking at the flowers in my basket, and then my hair. Mr. Monkey showed no fear. Other times, green monkeys would come up to my step-mother's car, jumping up and down right by her window, cackling like cheeky children. I've tried to mimic the chatter of green monkeys as though somehow the repetition of this noise would make me more Barbadian (it's kind of like the clicking noise when you're directing a horse). When I was studying in Newcastle, I felt an immense sense of conflict of national identity. Having grown up with British parents, customs, traditions, and culture, I always felt more British. But when I was in England, I realised just how much I wasn't, not really. In Barbados it's the norm to call out loud to a friend you see in the distance. I tried this in Newcastle. It was in the courtyard right by the arts school. My flatmate, Marcelo, was only a few yards/feet away, and I called out quite loudly to him not knowing he had his headphones on. Everyone around me reared their heads up with eyes wide open, gobsmacked, like deer stuck in headlights, and the expressions on their faces were as though they were saying to themselves "oh how uncivilized!" That's the root of Imperialism isn't it? Civilized vs uncivilized. But isn't this dichotomy just as much of a social construction as race? So there's me, a curiosity driven, trickster green monkey exploring the castles and history of my mother country, but the British in me and surrounding me doesn't realize that I am not a threat. Instead, they do as they've always done and draw their guns, "Ready, Aim, Fire!" "Ready, Aim, Fire!" The sulphuric smoke surrounds the air as the red coated soldiers desperately attempt to defend their fort. Sometimes I wish they'd have simply opened their mouths and asked me one simple question “why?� p.s. You're right. Just like King Kong, it's gonna take a whole lot more than that to knock the monkey out of me.

Photo by Peter Boos

THE ARTSPLASH CENTRE Paint * Draw * Create & Have Fun! artsplashbarbados@gmail.com www.artsplashbarbados.com

GALLERY NUEDGE 246 620 5463 gallerynuedge@galerienuedge.com

GALLERY OF CARIBBEAN ART The Gallery Of Caribbean Art will be presenting the works of a variety of artists, both metal and fine art works Northern Business Centre, Queen Street, Speightstown, St. Peter, Barbados www.artgallerycaribbean.com

Tel: (246) 419-0858



FRANGIPANI ART GALLERY, Sugar Cane Club, Hotel and Spa, St. Peter. (246) 422 5026 info@sugarcaneclub.com

ART CLASSES IN BARBADOS Fielding Babb at THE MAIN GUARD Introductory Art Classes. To confirm this and for more information please contact BARP or Fielding Babb fieldinggallery@yahoo.com MARK MAYNARD Art Classes on Saturdays. All Year Through. Under the tutelage of Mark Maynard. Tel 828-7869/432-0762 ARTS SPLASH For more information call Elayne on 834 7758 or 228 0776 www.artsplashbarbados.com

Purple Palm is a local business supplying homes and businesses with the highest quality Print and Mirror furnishings. Using the artwork of many local artists in Barbados and the Caribbean plus work from around the world. We have been supplying to the hotel and villa industry for ten years, including prestigious clients such as Sandy Lane, Coral Reef, The Crane Beach Resort, Sugar Cane Club and Sandridge among others. We have also supplied numerous private villas, and work closely with local interior designers. Being directly affiliated with a 40,000 sq ft framing factory our prices are very competitive. Appointments to view our gallery at Rockley Resort can be made through Paul Hoad or Karen McGuire. 246-2332173


Building communities of practice one book at a time... We are dedicated to creating books and journals of exquisite beauty and cultural significance; to surveying the broader horizons of Caribbean thought; to celebrating the Caribbean sense of life. www.strategyforuminc.org www.strategyforuminc.org/FR__Volume_II__Issue_8.html

CaribbeanTales Worldwide Distribution is the first full-service film distribution company in the English-speaking Caribbean, and aims to become the go-to solution for producers and buyers of Caribbean-themed content. The company holds marketing events through the CaribbeanTales Film Festival Group, and provides co-production services to producers. CTWD was founded by awardwinning filmmaker Frances-Anne Solomon, and its principals include creative industries expert Dr. Keith Nurse, economist and businessman Dr. Terrence Farrell, media personality and producer Lisa Wickham, and filmmaker and writer Mary Wells. CTWD is a member of the BIM Ventures family of entrepreneurs. For further information visit www.caribbeantales-worldwide.com

Our Mission To fuel the development of culture through training, research and the creation of opportunities in cultural industries. The Role of the NCF The NCF’s two major roles are: developmental and commercial. In its developmental role, the Foundation uses culture as a tool for national development fostering and supporting the various art forms and new cultural products. In its commercial role, the Foundation is responsible for the promotion, production and hosting of cultural festivals and associated events that are considered economically viable or socially acceptable. A key part of this function now includes the responsibility for the staging and execution of major governmental and national events. In addition, as culture becomes more pivotal to national and international policy, the National Cultural Foundation continues to re-assess its responsibilities in light of all its functions. FUNCTIONS of the NCF are: To stimulate and facilitate the development of culture generally To develop, maintain and manage theatres and other cultural facilities and equipment provided by Government To organize cultural festivals Assist persons interested in developing cultural expression. OBJECTIVES of the NCF are: To provide opportunities for Barbadian artists/artistes to showcase their talents with the end result being an increased demand for local work To educate Barbadians concerning their heritage To offer Barbadians and visitors alike a high quality product that informs, educates and entertains To equip our cultural workforce with technological skills and training to excel in their particular art forms To strengthen the local cultural product and in the process increase profits to the shareholders To create high quality products that will be competitive on the local, regional and international markets To maximize the role of the cultural sector in the tourism industry Rodney Ifill, Cultural Officer Visual Arts 424-0909 ext.234 rodney-ifill@ncf.bb www.ncf.bb Annette Nias Cultural Officer - Film and Photography 424-0909 Ext 238 annette-nias@ncf.bb

To boldly and brilliantly pursue the adventure in everything artistic and to be a vital and uncommon cultural force in Barbados. www.artsetcbarbados.com

BRIDGETOWN FILM ACADEMY Our mission is to train and/or upgrade the skills of Caribbean people by conducting workshops in the areas of screenwriting, acting for film and television and digital filmmaking. In Barbados and the Caribbean our cultural landscape has evolved and we now sit at the threshold of what is for us a new frontier of cultural expression, the creation of a film industry. In addition, the world is now recognizing the Caribbean as a vast reservoir of untapped talent. In light of developments over the last six years, the Bridgetown Film Academy recognizes that we have reached critical mass in our effort to create a film industry in the Caribbean as a whole. We believe that it’s time for Caribbean people to tell their own stories to the world, and it is widely accepted that a viable film industry is the vehicle through which this shall be achieved. It is imperative therefore that we train persons and build capacity in the relevant areas to meet the demands of our fledgling film industry. In this regard, we believe that the Bridgetown Film Academy is the next logical step in the process. The Bridgetown Film Academy sees itself as fulfilling this role now and into the future. Our workshops are conducted by a team of dedicated individuals who share many years of combined knowledge and practical experience, and who are committed to the process sharing in order to help develop our film industry. www.bridgetownfilmacademy.com/


The Barbados Museum's Director, Alissandra Cummins is appointed Chairman of the Executive Board of the United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Congratulations Alissandra! http://www.barbadosadvocate.com/newsitem.asp?more=lifestyle&NewsID=21992


FRAMING YOUR ART FINE ART FRAMING LTD, Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados - (246) 426-5325

FAST FRAME FACTORY, Dayrell’s Road, St Michael (246) 426 9994 shaka@fastframefactory.biZ

AA FRAMING & DECORATION. #4, 1st Avenue Belleville, St. Michael, Tel: (1-246)-435-0513 Fax: (1-246)-426-6004 | E-mail: aaframing@caribsurf.com www.aaframingartonglass.com

FRAMING STUDIO At the Best of Barbados Head Office, Welches Plantation, H’way 2A, opposite Automotive Art. Lovely setting, easy parking, good prices and a large selection of frames and matt boards. We also repair paintings, stretch canvas and laminate. Open 8am- 3.30pm weekdays. Call Patrick or Elvina 421-6900 ext 29

LIVING BARBADOS www.livingbarbados.com livingbarbados.com/articles/arts-and-culture

ROSEMARY PARKINSON www.rosemary-parkinson.com

My website - www.rosemaryparkinson.com in-shop is offering two e-books - Shake Dat Cocktail (a trip around the islands on cocktails) and Cocktails & Hors D' Oeuvres with myself and the late Grand Dame of Caribbean Cuisine Chef Norma Shirley. Both make great presents. Nyam Jamaica is on special for Christmas at US$140 including shipping. Those living in Barbados can order through me direct for BDS$150 signed. In Jamaica, of course, the book is carried by most bookstores. If you are visiting Devon House, Grogg Shop has them and whilst you are there, do enjoy a wonderful lunch or dinner. Norma Shirley's spirit lives on. On NBC's morning show as one of the best picks for 2008/9 as Christmas presents, Nyam Jamaica makes an incredible corporate gift as it is not just a cookbook but a culinary tour that includes history, traditions and culture, meeting the people from parish to parish. It can be used from Primary to University level as an educational book and is in the hands of several international Chefs and, therefore, not only useful for a hotel or restaurant but also for culinary schools/colleges/universities. A collector's item, there are few left and there will be no more hard copies once the original stock of 6,000 copies is finished (see website for details and download for free the sponsorship proposal to learn more). NEWS RE BARBADOS BOOK: The Barbados book - Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n - goes to the designers on January 16th and this is good news especially for me as I believe it is time to put this book to rest from my computer and have the world see it. We are going for GOLD in Paris again. Endorsed by the late Prime Minister of Barbados, David Thompson; by Mia Mottley and the Inter-American Institute for CoOperation in Agriculture - Barbados - with comments from international Chef Art Smith (Oprah's personal Chef), writer/author Barbadian Elombe Mottley (Jamaica), playright/author/artist Trinidadian Lennox Raphael (Denmark) and others, this book is carded to hit the world like a good refreshing storm! On my website you will also find under Downloads, a synopsis for sponsorship for the Barbados book. If you would like to sponsor a double page for say a farmer, just have your corporate office's logo and details within or have an amazing food product or related product (restaurant, hotel) that you wish to go down in the annals of history, please contact me ASAP as I begin to close down this opportunity. This book is also a collector's item, will be going to be judged at the World Cookbook Awards in Paris, and I know will be one that will make Barbados proud and be placed into the annals of history. Naturally it is a big hard-cover visual book and costly to produce, so I am asking to dig deep into your budgets and let me know if there is a bit of sponsorship available. Bless. Do help by sending this information on to any of your contacts. I can be contacted at rosemaryparkinson2004@yahoo.com Have a wonderful, blessed and prosperous rest of the year, Love and light, Rosemary www.rosemary-parkinson.com

ROSEMARY PARKINSON www.rosemary-parkinson.com


1 246 625 2020



INS & OUTS BARBADOS 2012 Special Edition celebrating Barbados' prestigious Inscription of Bridgetown and its Garrison as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. http://insandoutsofbarbados.com/


BAJAN REPORTER Supporter of the arts in Barbados. Wonderful New On Line Newspaper http://bajanreporter.com Congratulations to Bajan Reporter who has been a wonderful patron to the arts in Barbados by giving all art forms exposure in his newspaper and so helping our culture get out there. Wonderful advertising prices too. PROMOTE YOUR EVENT AT TOTALLY BARBADOS AT NO COST ! Do you have an event that you want everyone to know about? Then list your Event on the Totally Barbados Events Calendar and let us help you generate more public awareness of what’s going on in Barbados at any given time. Simply click on the below link to Submit An Event� at no cost to you and be a part of our Monthly Events Calendar; one of the largest event calendars for Barbados! No event is too big or too small - simply fill in all relevant information such as the date, time and descriptions of each event to let it be known throughout Barbados and across the World Wide Web. www.totallybarbados.com/cgi-bin/barbados/addurlevents.cgi

The Caribbean Sea will from May 1st, 2011 be designated a "Special Area" under provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), a senior Barbados government minister has said." This means from that date the disposal of garbage and other pollutants in the wider Caribbean Sea is strictly prohibited, except in cases where it is processed in accordance with Annex V," International Transport Minister George Hutson said as the region gets ready to join the international community in observing World Maritime Day today. Read more by following this link: www.totallybarbados.com/barbados/Business/Barbados_Business_N


A monthly programme is produced of all lectures, music and theatre events . To receive it by email or post please email Dale A. Christie-Bourne (Mrs.) Secretary,Frank Collymore Hall Tel: 246-436-9083/84 Ext 6639 Direct Line: 227-8371 Fax 1-246-228-2703 email DAChristie-Bourne@centralbank.org.bb or Joanna E Hinds JEHinds@centralbank.org.bb


THE ART DEN Art Supplies. Stretched canvases ranging from 14”x10” to 30”x24”; acrylic paint, tear off palettes, painting boards, sketch books & sketchpads, portfolios, matboard, black & white only & presentation boards in two sizes. BAC (Barbados Arts Council) members will receive between 10% off art supplies on presentation on their membership card. Art Den # 437 1019, ask for Marcia, Sandra or Elsa, email krackerjackkids@gmail.com THE ART HUB Canvases, paints, brushes, stretchers, bars, mediums.Sumi supplies: Rice paper 8 by 20 Hosho, Unryu 24 by 36, Variety bamboo brushes, sumi ink. Watercolour paper, charcoal paper, pastel paper, various drawing media, willow charcoal, graphite compressed woodless (2B,4B,6B,8B) watersoluble, India ink, fixative, textile paint, dyes, fabric markers, silk lino, block printing ink, cutters, brayers, plus more email arthub.barbados@gmail.com Art supplies. BAC (Barbados Arts Council) members will receive between 5% - 10% off most artsupplies on presentation on their membership card. tel: 432 2328 mobile: 266 5016. #163 Amaryllis Row, Cordia Avenue, Sunset Crest, St James

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Published by Corrie Scott

Barbados, West Indies


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