Dyserth times issue 77

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DYSERTH TIMES Community Magazine Serving the Communities of Dyserth & Cwm. ISSUE 77

April/May. 2015

Spring has sprung! . .

IN THIS EDITION Dyserth Community Council News. The old tip makeover. Development proposals for Dyserth. Linda Platt talks to Margaret Blott.

Dyserth Times is published by Richard Walliker 11 Rhodfa Gofer, Gwelfor Park, Dyserth LL18 6LP Tel: 01745571083 e-mail: editor.dyserthtimes@gmail.com

Articles are published on the understanding that they are the original work of the contributor and the publisher reserves all rights on behalf of the authors. *** Opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not reflect those of the editor or anyone else associated with Dyserth Times. *** Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine the editor and publisher cannot be held responsible for information supplied by contributors and published in good faith. Readers are advised to check with the organiser(s) of events listed in What’s On, closer to the expected date of the event, that details, dates and times have not been changed following publication. *** We are happy to publish your contributions in either Welsh or English, whichever you chose to submit. We publish on the 1st of August, October, December, February, April, June the cut off date for articles and advertisements is always the 10 th of the month preceding publication date. Articles may be typed, handwritten, emailed or on floppy disk. We cannot guarantee to return disks or photographs. Whilst we understand and will respect a contributor’s request for anonymity we will publish only if we are provided with the author’s name and full address including post code. An email address is not sufficient for this purpose.

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Welcome to spring and the village awakes. The village has been quiet, but the weather is improving as spring gets underway. It’s good to hear the lawnmowers and the dawn chorus again. Winter has been long and not much has happened, but our village is waking up with much happening over the spring and summer. Not least, work will start on the old tip. Mike Klymko from the North Wales Wildlife Trust will be opening the site for the day. Mike told me “We plan to apply for a grant to designate the former tip site as a Community Woodland. We want to enhance the area for nature, stop the fly tipping and create safe access for the community”. I’m sure you will agree this is a fantastic initiative. See more on Page 31. Proposed development of 99 houses—My view.

When I started editing the magazine I made a promise to myself and the readers that I would not print anything which I felt may be viewed as contentious, political or sensitive. However, I feel that an issue has arisen which I should say something about, that may affect many or indeed all in the village. There is much talk about a proposed housing development plan and living reasonably close to the proposal we naturally all have an interest. Quite rightfully residents want to know what to expect of any development, what impact such a development would mean for Dyserth and importantly what plans may be in place to mitigate any adverse effects. I can fully understand why we are all concerned as no one knows exactly how this issue is likely to impact on us. The Dyserth Community Council is keeping residents informed and as you will read later in this edition, Councillor Peter Owen has advised that the County will hold two public open days during late May and early June. I have given space in this edition for others to comment. So, what do I think? Well, until an application for planning permission is tabled, no one knows for sure what is going to be proposed. When it is and taking into account any traffic, impact on the environment, local facilities etc. we will all be in a position to make our own judgements. The DT will then be in a position to comment in a fair and factual manner. Of course this is not the only development for Dyserth under consideration, but one proposal is covered on an active planning application. I refer to the proposal for re-development of the unoccupied Anglia site and car park. This is already a concern to residents who have the same concerns regarding the possible consequences very similar to those being discussed with regards to the 99 house proposal. Interesting times ahead! Richard. 3

High Street - Dyserth


HOREB UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, DYSERTH. www.dyserthchapel.org.uk David Salsbury – Minister of Horeb We held another very successful Burns Supper at the end of January when over 70 people sat down in the Paterson Hall to an excellent meal of haggis, tatties and neeps. After the meal we enjoyed a short address to the immortal memory of ‘the bard’ Robbie Burns and then some good old fashioned family entertainment in the form of a pentathlon with a difference - the Burns Pentathlon: Passing the Haggis, Neep Bowling, Tattie Racing, Dram Appreciation and Synchronised Caber Tossing where five teams battled it out for some much coveted prizes! A really good evening enjoyed by a very diverse group of people! In February we held a special service to celebrate our ecumenical relationship with Bethel Presbyterian Church who share the Dyserth Chapel building. Our URC Wales Moderator, Rev Simon Walkling, led the service which was followed by a shared lunch.

Fair Trade fortnight took place at the end of February and as a Fair Trade church Horeb marked this occasion with an event called Going Bananas! We shared banana themed food (including banana curry!), played banana games and even had a very brief visit from Bananaman! Bananas are one of best selling products in our supermarkets and buying Fair Trade bananas means that growers and producers are guaranteed a fair price for their products. The Lunch Club continues to be successful but we have changed the day from a Thursday to a Wednesday to fit in with Clare’s work pattern. So the lunch club now takes place on the first Wednesday of each month - next meeting on the 1st April and following that on the 6th May. The cost is just £3.50 for a two course cooked dinner followed by a cup of tea. The Village Quiz will be held on Friday 24th April at 7.30pm. Invitations for teams have been sent out to various groups in the village. If you want to enter a team and have not yet returned your entry form then please do so. On Saturday 16 th May there will be a lunchtime event to mark Christian Aid Week. Easter takes place at the beginning of April with a service of celebration at 9.30am on Easter Day - Sunday 5th April. All are welcome to join us for this service as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Our website (www.dyserthchapel.org.uk) is updated regularly with news and information as well as details of all the other community activities that take place in the Paterson Hall during the week.

For details of all dates for your diary please see pages 32 & 34 With thanks for your continued support. - David Salsbury – Minister of Horeb URC.


NSPCC Spring Clean.................... I was thinking...if it's Spring Clean, then why not Autumn Dirty or have I misunderstood? Sorry it must be the nice weather. It does seem though, perhaps because of the mild winter, people are spring cleaning earlier this year and, mixed with a touch of Feng Shui, are liberating lots of once loved, but now no longer wanted, items. As a consequence, our shop has a veritable potpourri of new and exciting stock. Have I tempted you yet to come along and have a browse and claim as many bargains as you like? It is timely to say a big thank you to all of you who have generously donated unwanted goods so far this year and to encourage lots of others to do likewise. Keep up the good work because we can't manage without you. Of course, another reason to clear things out is the aftermath of a bereavement. I would like, therefore to say a special thank you to those who had the kindness to think of others at a time of particular distress for themselves. We wish you well. On a wonderfully brighter note, I am told of a young lady who came to the shop with a carrier bag full of her things she thought she could pass on to others. After she had gone, the ladies in the shop opened the bag to sort and price the items, and were so thrilled to find on top, unheralded, a beautiful box of biscuits with a little note saying " for all the staff". By this time the young lady had long gone and so I am pleased that it falls to me to say thank you very much ....from all of us. Oh dear, I have sinned - I put it down to an excess of the Christmas spirit (s)! I must offer a sincere apology to Mr & Mrs R L Kingham of Jacksons Nursery for making a complete lash-up of their name in the last issue. And I would now (correctly) like to thank Mr & Mrs Kingham for all their support and generosity and to tell you that the proceeds of the Christmas Wishing Well and the Ladies Evening raffle made a wonderful ÂŁ1351.55 contribution to our funds. Many many thanks again This winter did however, bring with it a very nasty cold/flu bug - cold if you're a lady and naturally much worse flu for the gentlemen. Whatever, it was evil, and struck many down for weeks, including some of our wonderful staff. So a speedy recovery to every one and a big thank you to all the troops who, despite everything, kept the shop going. Its a bit like the Windmill Theatre (fully dressed of course) - we never close. Phil Townsend NSPCC helpline 0808 800 5000


Childline 0800 1111

Gasping Reality There has been a lot of publicity about the state of the NHS, and in particular the state of the NHS in Wales. I have heard much criticism about our own Glan Clwyd. With this in mind I set out to do some research, and subsequently decided to mount an under-cover operation (operation - hospitals - oh never mind).

Cont‌... 6

Gasping Reality cont. Contriving to be delivered in an undisclosed state to the A&E early one evening, where they already had my particulars (courtesy of NHS Direct to whom I had spoken a few minutes before), I was triaged, seen initially by the duty doctor who correctly began the investigative steps before passing me ever higher to the appropriate specialists. Every stage of the diagnosis, and treatment was accurate and progressive, comprehensive and thorough. I was particularly impressed (although apprehensive) when the Registrar on duty got the radiologist out of bed to complete a CAT scan at 2 am. Once stable, I had a 5 day break in an "add-another-tube-and-keep-an-eye-onthem ward", after which they threw me out as my singing was disturbing the others.

OK it is easy to make light of it now, but I have nothing but the highest praise for the treatment I received, the expertise of everyone I met - from consultants and registrars to nurses and nurse assistants. The thoroughness of looking after me, the courtesy with which I was treated, the cheerful helpfulness, the attention to cleanliness, were all exemplary. I could not and can not fault it. The shame is, you get little chance to thank everyone involved, but I do thank them, I thank them all very much. Phil Townsend Phil: On behalf of all of Dyserth we wish you a speedy recovery.



POLICING DYSERTH. PCSO 3329 Rebecca Evans Mobile - 07880 156899. Rebecca.Evans@nthwales.pnn.police.uk Have you ever thought of becoming a neighbourhood watch co-ordinator? Neighbourhood watch aims to prevent and reduce the opportunity for crime. Studies show that people living in Neighbourhood Watch areas are 50% less likely to become victims of crime. Co-ordinators act as a point of contact between neighbours and other agencies such as police and councillors. Co-ordinators may be asked to help deliver crime prevention leaflets and booklets and are asked to promote security and the need to be vigilant. If you think you could help please make contact with me and we could discuss the possibility of setting up a local scheme. We now have a number of No cold calling areas set up in Dyserth and I will be working with Trading Standards and the Denbighshire crime reduction manager to identify further areas which would benefit from being part of the scheme.

Should you require any ‘No Cold Calling’ stickers which can be displayed on windows or doors please make contact with me. Rebecca PCSO 3329 Rebecca Evans Mobile - 07880 156899 Rebecca.Evans@nthwales.pnn.police.uk


Answers on Page 33


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DYSERTH AND DISTRICT FIELD CLUB At the AGM Mrs Margaret Redford was elected as President while other posts remained unchanged except for a new committee member - Pam Collins. A social afternoon followed the AGM with an excellent tea, quizzes and stalls for books and cakes. On 7th February a walk around Heswall Dales and Fields on the Wirral was enjoyed by a good number of members despite indifferent weather. Back indoors a fortnight later a very well presented illustrated talk by Jill Burton - formerly the education officer at Chirk Castle - described the activities there during the years when Lord Howard de Walden leased it from the Middleton family. This was in the first half of the 20th century when a wide range of notables and celebrities visited the castle for elaborate parties. The speaker was also able to describe the lives of the servants and estate workers in some detail since some of them still survive and many of their children have memories and memorabilia from that time before the great changes brought about by the Second World War.

On 7th March the day started off very windy but by the time about 24 members had assembled at the Roodee Car Park in Chester the wind had dropped and the sun had made it quite warm. This was ideal for a historical walk round Chester Walls gathering information from numerous display boards supplemented by additional details researched by David Roberts, the Field Club librarian. By the time this appears the Anniversary Lecture will have been given 21 st March by Dr Goronwy Wynne on the subject of ‘Galapagos - the Chance to be Different’. On 11th April Ms Fiona Gale, Denbighshire County Archaeologist will lead a visit to the Parish Church at Meliden followed by a short guided walk relating to the mining activities of the past with the option of a further walk after lunch. The Winter programme will be completed with a lecture on 25th April about the history of Loggerheads Country Park and the current developments there The Summer programme will soon be published and will start with walks on 9 th May and 23rd May in Rhoscolyn and Plas Power Woods respectively Everyone will be welcome at these events and full details can be seen by clicking ‘Organisations’ on the Dyserth website. Information about the Club and all its varied activities can be had by phoning the General Secretary, Mrs Linda Wilkinson on 01745 336456. The annual subscription, of £12, due on 1st January,(reduced if joining later in the year), covers all events, a copy of the Proceedings, which describes the past year’s events in full detail, programme leaflets and two newsletters. New members will be very welcome - come along for a trial visit - the walks are free and the fee for non- members at lectures is small!. D S Richards


Keith Sanderson


DYSERTH TIMES – ST. BRIDGETS PARISH CHURCH. Easter Week starts with Palm Sunday on March 29th and a group ceremony in Trelawnyd at 10.00 am. On the Monday in Holy Week there is a 7.30 pm Eucharist in Dyserth followed by a 7.30 pm Eurcharist there on the Tuesday and the Wednesday. On Maundy Thursday, the 2nd of April at 7.30 pm in Dyserth there is the Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper and Ceremonies. On Good Friday, 3rd of April, we have at 10.50 am.the Liturgy of the Passion and Death of our Lord and at 2.00 Stations of the Cross,both in Dyserth. On Holy Saturday. 4th April. At 7.30pm we have the Easter Vigil and Solemn Eucharist in Dyserth and on Easter Day we have at 9.45 am. in Dyserth Sung Eucharist, at 11.15 am. sung Eucharist in Trelawnyd, and at 11.15am. Eucharist in Cwm. We are also looking towards another monster Bric-a-brac at the end of May during the Bank Holiday week when Alison Williams recycles the surplus possessions of the village. At the end of May we are planning a Safari Supper and a Wine and Cheese Evening at The Rockery in Waterfall Road when the draw will be held for the Summer Raffle. Keith Sanderson

The Dyserth Times congratulates Grace Walsh on her success. Grace aged 6, won first place in the St David’s Day competition. The competition was to design a flag to fly over the County Hall. Her entry was picked out of all the schools in the Denbighshire area.


Dyserth Community Food Co-op. This is based in the Paterson Hall at Dyserth Chapel. Anyone can become a member, free. Fruit, vegetables and salad are supplied in £6, £4 and £2 bags; and a mixed bag is available at £6 or £4, a good value stew pack at £1.50. Everything is very fresh and very good value. Also available every week are loose bananas, jacket potatoes and other occasional items such as large mushrooms, oranges, grapefruit etc. Tea and coffee are always available too. Hiraddug Playgroup will be open over the Easter and Summer holidays from 8am till 6pm (excluding Bank Holidays) for all children from 2years to 10years. For further information contact Aunty Helen on 07736256499 or Nicola on 07833597944

To find out more come in any Wednesday between 10.00 and 1.00, or go to www.dyserthchapel.org.uk and follow the link.


Does Back Pain Run in the Family? Few of the most common and most familiar causes of backaches are aging, bad posture, repetitive use, and lifting heavy objects. Smoking is a cause, but could genetics also be a factor?

Back Pain and Genetics Many back pain sufferers think that their symptoms are due to their job, their weight, or a recent injury, which are all possible. But is it possible that it also runs in the family?

Research led by Prof. Gregory Livshits from Department of Anatomy and Anthropology at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine of Tel Aviv University showed that genetics play a major role in chronic back problems. It showed that common back complaints have different genetic origins. This research was published in the journal, “Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases,” and was done in collaboration with Prof. Tim Spector, Dr. Fran Williams, and a team of scientists from Kings College, London. According to Prof. Livshits, “We have genetic factors that affect the rate and extent of the degeneration of our discs. In fact, the genetic factors are second only to age. On the other side, we have different genetic factors that independently cause lower back pain. These are mechanisms not involved in spine degeneration.” Other research was carried out at the University of Utah. Records from a large health and genealogical database of more than a million Utah residents were used in the study. It showed that people who have second- to third-degree relatives suffering from backaches are at increased risk, but a person’s risk is increased more than four times if they have an immediate family member with chronic pain. This study was published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Ways to Treat Back Pain Doing back stretches and exercises, practising proper posture, and proper breathing are just a few of the many simple ways to treat your symptoms. But the best way to treat back pain is getting chiropractic care. Get adjusted! Back pain and genetics may be related, but with chiropractic treatment and a healthy lifestyle, prevention and/or treatment is possible.

By Stephen Massey BSc DC


St. Asaph Chiropractic Clinic

01745 535854

DYSERTH COMMUNITY HALL NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Dyserth Community Hall AGM will be held on Friday 22nd May 2015 at 7pm in the Community Hall, Cwm Road, Dyserth Resolutions, Nomination for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer must be submitted to the secretary no later than Friday 15th May 2015. These are important issues for the village and the hall committee would like to invite residents to attend the AGM.

The Secretary 'Golygfa' 11, Cwm Road, Dyserth. Denbighshire. LL18 6AY

Dyserth Bowling Club - March 2015 Member registration for the coming season was held on Saturday 7th March at the Club house. A number of new members were welcomed into the club. If you were unable to attend on that particular day you can contact the secretary, Alan Jones, on 01745 853557. Ewan Davies - greenkeeper - has spent some time preparing the green for the coming season, which will be open on Saturday 28th March. Starting somewhat early, the first game of the season will be on Saturday 4th April with a North Wales Coast fixture. The Senior Citizens, playing on Tuesdays, will start their season three days later on the 7th April. The Ladies' League begins on Wednesday 8th April. The Vale of Clwyd fixtures start on Thursday 16th April. Dyserth 'B' team has a 'bye' on that date but captain Dave Jagger intends to have an open evening on the green on Thursday 9th April. DJ.

Draig Goch Field Archers We are pleased to announce that we will be running Archery introductory courses from June in our local woods. Lessons will be ÂŁ5 per session and will be from 11am each Saturday morning, all equipment is provided. We have fully qualified coaches and people of all ages 9-90! are welcome. Places are limited and so we would advise booking early. Dave Wilson Secretary Draig Goch Field Archers 07535 413423


Living in Dyserth. Margaret Blott talks to Linda Platt Margaret Blott has recently retired after over 10 years on the Dyserth Community Hall Committee representing the 'Tuesday Group'. Why did you settle in Dyserth? Dyserth is a good place to be. It is a lovely part of the world. Views of Sea and mountains. It is a friendly smallish community. When my husband died people asked me if I would go back to my home town of Bristol. However much I love Bristol I had at that time been in Dyserth for over 10 years and loved it, so I decided to stay. Did you find it difficult when your husband died? When people are solitary or looking for company Dyserth is a good place to be.Transport is good with easy access to trains and buses. The village shops and amenities are ideal. When the weather is bad we are a self contained community with no need to go outside the village for anything really. I also found out about all the different activities going on around the village. People encouraged me to get involved. What kind of activities do you find interesting? Tuesday Group, Field Club, Environmental Group, W.I. I enjoy the Food Co-op which has done well over the years. It is a good place to meet people for a chat and now the Luncheon Club is a good social get together. I enjoy the Dyserth Times coming through my door. Dyserth Times is a well founded and useful publication. What is the history of the Tuesday group? The Tuesday Group was formed in the 1970s and started as a men's club but they had to let women in to make it viable. We started to meet at the Community Hall when the new Hall was built. I think about 15 years ago and we have been there ever since. Have you seen any changes in Dyserth?

Apart from the obvious changes. I feel the community has unified regarding different ages and different groups. Good use is made of meeting places in the village. The churches seem to work together and are welcoming to all. The community Hall has a range of classes and the whole range of age groups use it. For me the most recent change has been having Broadband at the Community Hall and I have been to IT classes. What is your next project? To use Facebook more than I do.


Dyserth Women's Institute This year is passing by at a pace and all of us will have seen the Easter eggs crammed onto the shelves of the supermarkets alongside the reduced items that didn’t sell on Valentine’s Day. Dyserth W.I. members were encouraged to get ready for Valentine’s Day with a demonstration of flower arranging given by Jacquie Jones, one of our members. Even the least creative of us were provided with ideas and inspiration. Jacquie created a number of displays big and small, complex and simple utilising inexpensive supermarket blooms and greenery from our own gardens and hedgerows. 19th February was the Chinese New Year of the Sheep. Members, as in previous years, celebrated the festival by meeting up at the Prosperity Restaurant in Rhuddlan. March 8th was International Women's Day and a rota of members accompanied a display in Tesco in Prestatyn. As in previous years posies were handed out to lady shoppers, these were much appreciated. We were able to celebrate the day and also share information about the Institute with potential new members. Our March meeting was on the 11th and was addressed by Anne Jones and Keddie Kelsall from Pets for Therapy and we were, as promised, provided with living visual aids. All members were impressed with the range of people, young and old, who are benefitting from visits by Pat volunteers and their dogs. Later in March a group went off to Venue Cymru to see The Full Monty - what an eye opening show! Our April meeting (on the 15th) will have Emma Bicley from Doodleso in Prestatyn coming along to present a card making demonstration. As always she is sure to leave members with plenty of ideas which will enthuse even the novice card maker. April sees yet another of our theatre trip with many members looking forward to seeing Tom Conti star in Twelve Angry Men. Our May meeting will be our annual Resolutions debate. The Women's Institute takes it public affairs and campaigning work just as seriously as it takes having fun. Members will debate this year's resolution and Dyserth's vote will advise our federation delegate on how to vote when she attends the National Conference at the Albert Hall later in the year. If you would like to join us, you are welcome to attend any of our meetings on the second Wednesday of every month [except August] in Paterson Hall, behind the chapel in the High Street. Meetings begin at 7.30 pm. Keep up with our activities on Face book, just type in Dyserth W.I. to see photographs and articles about past events and outings.


Report on the Housing Development of 99 Houses. Heather Prydderch. The County Council have commissioned a badger survey to determine the number of badgers which would be affected by any building. Badgers are a protected species, and we know there are several which live in or around the field. It is probable that if the development goes ahead, the badgers would have to be removed to another area (ethnic cleansing for animals!) After the badger survey, boreholes will be drilled to ascertain the nature of the subsoil. The Council have also carried out a topographical and an ecological survey. At the time of writing (middle of March) no public meeting has been called. We are expecting Peter Owen to call his promised meeting for the villagers, probably not before a planning application is made. Meanwhile we are still researching any and every avenue which offers evidence to present to the Council. We have, for instance, been in touch with the Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust and CADW about the Roman road at the site. We have had an excellent response to the petition, (about 300 to date) and are still gathering signature. People who returned the survey which Chris Ruane and Ann Jones sent out have received a reply from them. If anyone has any ideas which could help, please contact Heather Prydderch (01745 570214, or email heather.prydderch@btinternet.com. The Group against Dyserth Development.

North Wales Machine Knitting Club Dyserth Community Centre 2pm - 4pm We are a friendly new group having just launched this year. We intend holding meetings the second Thursday of every month. The next planned machine groups will be held on May 14th/7th June. Machine and hand knitters are welcome to come and join in or simply watch demonstrations by experienced machine knitters. ÂŁ2.00 per session includes a hot drink. We would be very grateful of your help, sharing our clubs information with any friends, and family who may be interested in popping into our sessions. Contact Details Mrs Jacci Alexander 01745 570882. 18

A Flag for Flintshire…...including Dyserth! The historical county of Flintshire has been granted an official flag by the Flag Institute.

From the beginning of 2015 a group of residents came together to campaign for a county flag as a symbolic means for people to express pride in coming from this wonderful part of Wales. The design of the flag is steeped in local heritage, featuring the coat-of-arms of Edwin ap Gronwy – an engrailed cross between four Cornish choughs (which once flourished along Flintshire’s coast). Though Edwin’s life is steeped in legend, it is believed that he lived in the 11th century and ruled over Tegeingl, a medieval region which formed the core of the county of Flint, created by the Statute of Rhuddlan in 1284. The campaign captured the imagination, with letters of support submitted by a fantastic range of community groups, historical societies, youth organisations, business organisations, sports clubs, bands and elected representatives. This weight of support was key to the campaign’s success, with the Flag Institute confirming the grant towards the end of February – just in time for St. David’s Day. We look forward to seeing the flag flying at landmarks, events and heritage sites right across the historical county (which includes Dyserth and Cwm, together with Prestatyn, Rhyl, St. Asaph and Rhuddlan). We hope that it will instigate an interest in local history, culture and community; and just as the flag is steeped in heritage and tradition, so too it can play a part in celebrating our future achievements.

Flintshire Flag Supporters’ Group / Grŵp Cefnogwyr Baner Sir Fflint (www.facebook.com/FlintshireFlag)


Dyserth Community Council Dyserth Play Area - Provision of Swing for Disabled & General Use: Readers will re-call from a previous edition of the Dyserth Times, that the Community Council had agreed to update the play area with a swing for disabled use. The swing was to replace just one of the two toddler swings. Unfortunately, during the installation of the disabled swing, both toddler swings were removed to accommodate the disabled swing, due to the Health & Safety concerns in respect of the closeness of each swing. The British Standard states that swings have to be spaced within certain guidelines. The Community Council were not aware that the two toddler swings had been removed until after the completion of the work. The sit-up swing (as pictured), which is in high demand in play areas, with its width of 800mm, it has plenty of room for both disabled and general use, and also doubles up for an adult or carer to sit in with a smaller child. It is also set to a wheelchair transfer height. The benefit of this upright seating position is that it provides back support which many physically disabled children require. It also provides a nice cocoon for children who like to feel more supported, It is a swing with many functions. The Community Council have asked that the disabled ‘multi use’ swing be resited with its own frame in the play area, and the two toddler seats re-installed. Millennium Garden Project: The Chairman of the Council Councillor David Parry sought the Councillors’ agreement to look into the possibility that the former proposed Millennium Garden, that never materialised, could possibly be sited in the area in-between the Pavilion building and the play area. This would be an ideal area to be landscaped and named The Dyserth Millennium Gardens. The proposed extension to the Pavilion building would also create the opportunity for this area to be developed. The garage will be moved during the proposed alterations, and the area would be enhanced and make it more open between the Pavilion and play area. The Council Members agreed to the proposal and Councillor Parry will take the matter forward.

Dyserth War Memorial: The Community Council have agreed to fund the repairs to the Dyserth War Memorial and the surrounding area. Councillor Edgar Jones advised that the work to remove the rust from the metal railings and gate, and to re-paint had been offered to be completed free of charge. The cleaning of the actual memorial, stonework pointing and other work will be funded by the Community Council.


Highway Issues & Updates: (a) Cars parking on the pavement in Thomas Avenue, in particular, during school opening and closing times. The North Wales Police and County Council are monitoring the situation (b) The pavement in the High Street will be steam cleaned to dispose of items including chewing gum (c) New red dog bin to be sited at the T junction of Carreg Hellyn Lane and Pandy Lane. Sale of Land By Denbighshire County Council - Public Consultation; The Community Council have been advised by County & Community Councillor Peter Owen, that the proposed sale of land adjacent to the A547, for residential development, will be subject to public consultation. Councillor Owen further advised that the County will hold two open days in Dyserth, during late May or early June, whereby all residents will be invited to attend. Donations and Financial Assistance;

The Community Council have provided the following financial assistance since the last edition of the Dyserth Times: £50.00 - Ysgol Hiraddug (Annual Eisteddfod Winners Medals) / £500.00 - Ysgol Hiraddug (towards pupils swimming lessons) / £100.00 - Marie Curie Cancer Care (Rhyl) / £200.00 - Dyserth Tuesday Morning Community Group. R. Phillip Parry, Clerk & Financial OfficerDyserth Community Council Tel; 01352 720547 e-mail; dyserth.council@btinternet.com Web Site; www.dyserthcouncil.org.uk

Carreg Heilin Tip in the 1960’s 21

Dyserth Junior Football Club - Press Release No.44 – 15th March 2015 As we see the back of the winter months we feel that we have been fortunate this season with the weather and our football pitch has fared well considering the number of matches that are played upon it. There has only been one weekend when all our home matches had to be called off due to a waterlogged pitch and snow and ice have had virtually no impact on fixtures, ‘so far!’ With the latter stages of our season upon us we look forward to warmer weather, lighter nights and a return from our winter training bases at St Asaph and Rhyl to the green grass of Dyserth as the clocks spring forward by that important hour. This season has seen us strengthen our numbers at our grass roots level with teams at u7s, u8s and u9s having their first full season of football and, with an eye out for next season, we already have a few u6s joining the club for training in readiness for next year’s u7s team. All these teams have made great strides in their first season, improving as the weeks go by and achieving not only good competitive performances but good results including a number of wins. Our u11s have also made great strides forward in their football. They are an enthusiastic and dedicated group of players who continually turn up to enjoy and play football but without always getting the right results but over the last month anybody watching their matches can see the improvements that have developed in their teamwork. A recent game against a Prestatyn team saw them score 4 great goals and lead for most of the game. It was only a last minute equaliser that denied them a precious victory. However, their first success of the season was soon to follow at their next home game when, in cold and wet conditions, then won emphatically 6-1 against Hearts Rangers. This will give the team great encouragement for the future. Once again, this year during the February half term holiday a Goalkeeping Class was put on by ‘Just4Keepers’ at The Barn, Eirias Park, Colwyn Bay. The Barn is an excellent indoor training facility that has a ‘3G’ synthetic carpet for a playing surface, which mimics the characteristics of real grass. ‘Just4Keepers’ is an international coaching organisation that has been helping goalkeepers over the last decade and in N. Wales the coaching is led by Paul Whitfield, an Ex-Welsh International. Goalkeepers do require totally different skills to all other players in the team. Therefore, having time to coach and develop these skills with limited time and resources is difficult. As a club we recognise this and do what we can to help these individuals. This year we had an even stronger representation at the class with 14 goalkeepers of all levels enjoying the experience of over 2 hours of professional goalkeeper coaching. Preliminary Summer training times at Dyserth are as follows; Monday 6.30pm–u14s, Tuesday 5pm-u7s, Wednesday 6.30pm–u15s, Thursday 6.30pm–u12s &-u13s, Friday 6.30pm–u8s,u9s & u11s. U18s train at the ‘Meadows’. For more information contact the club.

David Griffith. .


Club information is posted on our facebook page at www.facebook/ dyserthjuniorfootballclub .

Club committee members Chairperson –Glenn Jones, Tel. 01745 571346, Secretary –Peter Winney, Tel.07748 374999, Treasurer -David Griffith, Tel..01745 570659. Welfare –David Salsbury Tel.01745 571591 Club information is posted on our facebook page at www.facebook/dyserthjuniorfootballclub

Dyserth Under 12’s.

Dyserth Under 14’s


IVOR HOWATSON AND SON Funeral Directors Cyfarwyddwyr Angladdau N.A.F.D. Diploma Holder Family owned, Family run Since 1967 Full Monumental Masonry Service Pre-arranged and pre-paid funeral plans available Funeral Director Brian Howatson Dip.F.D., L.M.B.I.F.D., Dyserth resident since 1982

SISSON STREET, RHYL TEL. (01745) 331182 Also at Ruthin Road, Denbigh

February/March Crossword Answers. Congratulations to Arthur Dawson who wins the ÂŁ10 prize for entering the winning crossword.


News from Cwm Yes, once again I am late in sending this in, at this rate it will be the sack for me! The weather is looking up and the days are lengthening, so once again our thoughts and minds are turning on funding raising and social activities in Cwm. Hopefully some of these will strike a chord with you and you will want to come and join in with us? Some dates for you diaries Apr. 18th

Coffee morning at 10:30 in the Old School

May 29th

Spring social event, to be decided but it will incorporate entertainment and food at 7:00pm in the Old School. Afternoon tea and raffle at 2.30 in the Old School.

July 18th Oct. 11th

Nov. 13th Dec. 5th Dec. 20th

Harvest Festival followed by Parish lunch in the Old School. Murder Mystery, is this a sinister portent, Friday the 13th???? This will be held in the Old School at 7:00pm Coffee Morning in the Old School 10:30 until 12 noon. The 2 Christmas services, the morning one for the children and families and the evening one will be a Carol service.

Please bear in mind that these events can be subject to alteration, so please watch out for the posters nearer the time, we do look forward to welcoming you to Cwm at some of these activities and wish you all a very Happy Easter. Diana Baxter Diana Baxter sec to Cwm Parish Church PCC Editor: No chance of the sack for you Diana, sorry ď Š

Dyserth Garage Ltd 24 Hr Breakdown Recovery Service Mechanical repairs & MOTs ~ Distance no object Approved by all Motoring Organisations throughout the UK. High Street, Dyserth

Tel/Fax 01745 570205 Tel 01745 570580 24Hr Mobile 07768 587776 25

Ysgol Hiraddug We have just received some wonderful news! Ysgol Hiraddug has been chosen as the North Wales Training Centre for the HWB+ Digital Learning Platform on behalf of the Welsh Assembly Government. This is a highly prestigious award for the school and will provide a tremendous opportunity to develop the expertise in IT of our own children and support other children across the North Wales. Many events have taken place in school since Christmas. As part of our World Book Day celebrations, the children came to school dressed up as fictional characters from their favourite books, then the juniors and infants gathered together to share stories and poems. Year 5 and 6 travelled to Manchester to participate in a concert at the MEN Centre. They also visited Bodelwyddan Castle to take part in World War 1 workshops. This year’s St David’s Day Service was a great success. We also held our own Eisteddfod, with Dyfed house gaining the most points this year.

Congratulations to Grace Walsh (Year 2) who won a county competition to design a flag for St David’s Day. The flag that was made using Grace’s design, is now flying above County Hall in Ruthin. Later this month a group of children from Year 5 will be travelling to Cardiff. During their stay they will be visiting the Museum of Welsh Life, sailing on a boat around Cardiff Bay, playing ten pin bowling, touring the Millennium Stadium, taking part in a debate at the Welsh Assembly and exploring underground in the Big Pit. In April Year 6 will be visiting Parliament in London and in May, Year 4 will be staying at the Pentrellyncymmer Adventure Centre. If your child is three years old, you may apply on line for a place in the nursery for September. (Denbighshire Schools Admissions) If you would like to look around the school please ring the school office to make an appointment (570467). Could I thank all members of the community for their continuing support and encouragement.

louise schrempft ceramic artist studio gallery open commissions taken tuition available 01745 570360 louschrempft@gmail.com


WALKING THE WAY TO HEALTH COUNTRY WALKS UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF VOLUNTEERS FROM “LET’S WALK DENBIGHSHIRE” Meet every Tuesday at Dyserth Community Hall, Cwm Road at 11am. Comfortable footwear is essential Brian and Katrina look forward to seeing you there


UPVC LOCK SPECIALIST All types of locks supplied, fitted, opened and repaired Rhuddlan 01745 590192 Mobile: 07928 212293



The Dyserth Wednesday Lunch Club on first Wednesday of every month in the Paterson Hall, High Street, Dyserth arrive from 11.30 to sit down at 12 noon A good meal in pleasant company

Two courses and a cup of tea costs just ÂŁ3.50 For details or to book a place ring Pauline on 570958 or David on 571591



Can you find the 40 Welsh rivers hidden in this wordsquare. They may be left to right, right to left, up, down or diagonal. Thank you to the Rev’d Colin Richards for supplying this puzzle. Answers to the last edition crossword are on page 24.


Carreg Heilin Community Woodland We are holding an open event at the site of the former tip on Carreg Heilin Lane. Saturday 25th April 11am to 2pm – drop by between these times to find out more. Dyserth Environmental Group in Partnership with Denbighshire Countryside Services and Keep Wales Tidy. We plan to apply for a grant to designate the former tip site as a Community Woodland. We want to enhance the area for nature, stop the fly tipping and create safe access for the community. Activities on the day will be accompanied by wardens from Denbighshire Countryside Services Botanical Survey lead by Joe Phillips starting at 11am Bird identification walk lead by Mark Hughes Discussion about opportunities and constraints – Garry Davies Surface litter sweep – Gloves and Pickers supplied by Keep Wales Tidy Further information contact Mike: lmklymko@yahoo.co.uk You can view a photograph of how the old tip looked in the 1960’s on page 21.


HOREB UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, DYSERTH. Wednesday 29th April 'Garden Suite' An evening of live music and poetry. We would like to invite people to make floral displays or miniature gardens to be displayed in the church. There will also be a plant swap. Cost is £5 which includes cheese and wine. The church will be open at 6.00 for viewing the displays, swapping plants and refreshments. The music will begin at 7.30.

Saturday 30th May. Coffee morning in aid of Make-a-Wish Foundation. 10.00-12.00 at Horeb URC.

Saturday 20th June Garden party at Glanafon, Pandy Lane. 2-4 pm. The theme this year will be 'A day at the races' Cost is £3.50 adults, £2 children, £10 family. This includes themed refreshments. ADDITIONAL DATES FOR THE DIARY CAN BE FOUND UNDER “WHAT’S ON”

COMMUNITY HALL - FRIENDS AND EVENTS. It is business as usual at the Community Hall in 2015 with regular weekly activities such as Thesps, line dancing, martial arts, table tennis, Ti a Fi, Youth Club, walkers, knitters, singers and many other groups all taking advantage of the wonderful facility we have in our village. Fancy something new for 2015 then just pop along to the Hall on Cwm Road and take a look at the notice board in the entrance hall to find details of the wide variety of activities available on your own doorstep. Friends and Events have also scheduled a number of additional community events for 2015 to go along with the regular weekly activities. These are detailed below, however we would like to take this opportunity to encourage residents to organise their own events at the Hall and to take advantage of the new kitchen facilities which are ideal for parties, fund raisers, charity events etc. Friends and Event 2015: Treasure Hunt – Sunday May 3rd from 1 to 4pm. The Big Lunch – Sunday June 7th Community Day 3 – Saturday July 11th Christmas Party 2 – Saturday 28th November.

Hope to see you at the Hall soon – best regards – F&E



Looking for a venue for a PARTY a MEETING or COMMUNITY ACTIVITY? PATERSON HALL, High St, Dyserth is available to Hire!

Fully refurbished with excellent facilities. Competitive Rates Contact Barbara on 01745 570793

CHRIS HOOKES JOINER All aspects of joinery undertaken MOBILE 0795 229 8978


ROOMS FOR HIRE Main Hall £11.00 per hour Function Rooms £6.00 per hour.

The Hall can also be booked for Parties and private functions Fully equipped kitchen Contact Linda on

01745 571590

Price Plastering D.J.ROBERTS Contractors. GARDEN Over 25 years Experience. 01745570025 07748201825

Rent this space.

SERVICES & ALL ASPECTS OF GARDEN MAINTENANCE Tel: 01745 571801 Mob: 07932416892

Rent this space.


WHAT’S ON Horeb URC Dates Wed. 1st Apr. rd


12.30pm. Dyserth Lunch Club

Fri. 3 Apr.

2.00pm. Good Friday Stations of the Cross at St Bridget’s.

Sun. 5th Apr. Fri. 24th Apr. Wed. 6th May. Thurs. 7th May. Sat. 16th May. Every Sunday 9.30am. Every Wednesday

9.30am. Festival Service for Easter Day. 7.30pm Village Quiz. 12.30pm. Dyserth Lunch Club. General Election. Lunchtime - Event for Christian Aid Week Morning worship. Dyserth food co-op. 10.00am – 1.00pm

If you would like your events included please let us have the details in good time. MP and AM’s Surgery Dates Chris Ruane MP Sorry, no details on record. Please use contact details below. To make an appointment please ring Chris Ruane’s constituency office 01745 354626 or e-mail ruanec@parliament.uk Ann Jones AM

Sorry, no details on record. Please use contact details below. To make an appointment please ring Ann Jones’s constituency office 01745 332813 or use the contact form at http://annjones.org.uk/get-in-touch/

The Ti a Fi Playgroup The Ti a Fi playgroup is based at the Dyserth Community Centre, Cwm Road, and is a great service for all pre-school children from birth onwards. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday between 9.15am and 11.15am. Parents and Carers are invited to come along and relax in an informal atmosphere, where their little ones are free to play with any of the toys on offer, as well as indulging in creative craft wherever possible. If you have any questions or would like an informal chat please call Hayley (group leader) on 07824388694 or Caroline on 0776163861 or come along – all welcome!!


WHO’S WHO Member of Parliament: Assembly Member: County Councillor Dyserth: County Councillor Tremeirchion: Dyserth Community Council: Tremeirchion, Cwm & Waen Community Council: Quarry House Surgery: Community Police: Crime Stoppers Childline

Chris Ruane Constituency Office 01745 354626 Ann Jones Constituency Office 01745 332813 Peter Owen 01745 590548 Barbara Smith 01745 571794 Phillip Parry—01352 720547

Ysgol Hiraddug: School Office: After School Club: Playgroup Staff:

Gary Hulson, Head Teacher 01745 570467 0778 949 5160 Aunty Helen—07736256499

Ti a Fi (Parent & Toddler Group) Beavers, Cubs & Scouts: (Held at The Odyn, Rhuddlan) Karate Club: Junior Church Groups: Dyserth Junior Football Club: Thesps

Clerk to the Council Ann Davies 01745 560327 Reception 01745 572968 PCSO 3329 Rebecca Evans 07880 156899 0800 555 111 0800 1111

Young People’s Groups: Term Time on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings Hayley 07824388694 Caroline 0776163861 Carol Boyton 01745 591702 Shirley Smith 01745 342798 See individual Churches. Secretary – Peter Winney, Tel.07748 374999 Vania Tong - 01745 856246

Dyserth Craft Group

Dyserth Community Groups: Editor—Richard Walliker 01745 571083 Jackie Parry, Secretary 01745 571956 David Richards, 01745 570625 Joyce Marshall. 01492 582152 Margaret Blott, Secretary 01745 570913 Mrs Anne Sanderson President 01745 859526 Elaine Jones, Secretary 01745 852829 Estella Griffith 01745 570659

Bowls Club: Line Dancing:

Health & Sports Groups: Alan Jones 01745 853557 Dorothy Evans, 01745 888833

Dyserth Times: Dyserth Environmental Group: Dyserth & District field Club: NSPCC Fund Raising Group: Tuesday Morning Group: Dyserth Women’s Institute:

Religious Groups: Vicar: Canon Robert Rowland 01745 570750 Harry Davies:570130 Roger Peters 570130 Church Wardens Cwm Parish Church: Vicar: Canon Robert Rowland 01745 570750 Secretary, Diana Baxter 01745 570261 Eglwys Bresbyteraidd: Horeb Chapel, High Street, Dyserth Dyserth United Reformed Church: Minister: Revd. David Salsbury 01745 571591 Dyserth Parish Church:

Community Hall, Cwm Road: Paterson Hall, High Street: St. Bridget’s Hall, Waterfall Rd: Old School Hall, Cwm

Venues for Hire: Bookings, Linda Platt - 01745 571590 Bookings, Barbara Tebbutt 01745 570793 Bookings, Denis Byrom 01745571239 Bookings, Diana Baxter 01745 570261


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