Dyserth times issue 92 oct nov 2017

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DYSERTH TIMES Community Magazine Serving the Communities of Dyserth & Cwm. ISSUE 92

Oct/Nov. 2017

Dyserth Times is published by Richard Walliker editor.dyserthtimes@gmail.com Articles are published on the understanding that they are the original work of the contributor and the publisher reserves all rights on behalf of the authors. *** Opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not reflect those of the editor or anyone else associated with Dyserth Times. *** Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine the editor and publisher cannot be held responsible for information supplied by contributors and published in good faith. Readers are advised to check with the organiser(s) of events listed in What’s On, closer to the expected date of the event, that details, dates and times have not been changed following publication. *** We are happy to publish your contributions in either Welsh or English, whichever you chose to submit. We publish on the 1st of August, October, December, February, April, June the cut off date for articles is always the 10th of the month preceding publication date. Single edition adverts must be finalised and payment received one month before publication. Articles may be typed, handwritten, USB key or e-mailed. We cannot guarantee to publish media or photographs. Whilst we understand and will respect a contributor’s request for anonymity we will publish only if we are provided with the author’s name and full address including post code.

Important Contact Details. Please see page 31 for all other contact information. Quarry Bank Surgery. Rhys Roberts - The Pharmacy . Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. Ysgol Hiraddug.

572968. 570232. 583910 570467

North Wales Police: Non-Emergency: Community Police:


PCSO2839 Alexandra Jones


Utilities: Welsh Water Emergency. 0800 052 0130 Electricity Emergency To report a power cut or damage to electricity power lines or substations, call the new national Freephone number 105. 2

My Bit Not much of a summer was it! Unlike those living in the warmth of the south east of England, we were consigned to autumn like conditions. The perils of living in the north west I guess, it just doesn’t seem fair somehow, especially as on July 5th when we experienced a months rain in two hours! A Welsh Water engineer told me that he’d never experienced so much surface water in such a short time. A warning of global warming or just a weather bomb, we shall hope the latter! Anyway, wherever you travelled for the holidays or perhaps had a staycation, I hope you enjoyed it. It’s a packed edition this time, but who noticed my error last month? Yep, I’m sure many did, but were kind enough not to enlighten me as I only realised after publication that I had put the wrong crossword grid in, so the whole thing made no sense! My apologies folks! The village is busy with events being planned. In October we have two Halloween events, see pages 9 (PCSO Alex Jones report) and the inserted flyer for details. Later in the year the very popular Community Hall Christmas Party will be on Saturday, December 2nd. There are many other events, so take a look at “What’s on” on page 30. Wheels for the Whieldon’s. On Saturday, 16th September a very special event took place at the Community Hall. This was held to raise funds towards adapting a vehicle so that Meg and Dan can travel comfortably together in their wheelchairs. This will involve adapting a family car and as you can all imagine these alterations will cost an enormous amount of money. The target needed to complete this work is £13000. The evening raised over £2000 and with all the generous donations the total stands at over £3000. If you would like to help, then please donate and achieve their target by visiting: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/wheelsforthewhieldons

A great atmosphere for a special evening.


Horeb United Reformed Church, High Street, Dyserth A brief report this time as the summer months have been quiet ones for us at Horeb. We are looking forward to celebrating Harvest at the end of September/beginning of October with a Harvest Supper on the 29th Sept and Harvest Thanksgiving service on Sunday 1st Oct. As we give thanks to God for the wonder and beauty of creation we will, I’m sure, be remembering and praying for all those who have been badly affected by such a terrible series of weather events that have brought so much devastation to countries and communities across the world. As usual our Harvest gifts of food will be donated to the Rhyl night shelter – Tŷ Golau in Clwyd Street, who try to ensure that there is a bed and food for those who might otherwise be sleeping rough in the town. Our Community Lunch on the first Wednesday of each month is entering its third year and continues to be appreciated by the 40 or so people who are our ‘regulars’. We are especially grateful to Clare who gives freely of her time and skill in cooking a lovely meal each time. She is assisted by a faithful and growing team of helpers without whom we would struggle to cope. We are still exploring ways to enhance the things we do as part of ‘Wednesday at Horeb’. In addition to the Fruit and Veg Coop, and as reported last time, on the third Wednesday of the month we hold a short but very useful Cookery Demonstration/ Class with some interesting and easy recipes for you to sample and try at home. This starts about 11am so if you are interested why not pop along and see what’s on offer.

All the things we do at Horeb are underpinned by worship and prayer. Our service on Sunday morning begins at 9.30 each week and everyone is invited. You would be made to feel very welcome. Take a look at the Horeb website for more details. Rev David Salsbury – Minister of Horeb Chapel. www.dyserthchapel.org.uk Search @horebchapel on Facebook

Abandoned Animals Association Little Pydew, Ffordd Ffynnon, Prestatyn Denbighshire, LL19 8BE Telephone: 01745 857975 We are open 7 days a week from 10.30am-3pm


CWM PARISH CHURCH. We are pleased to report that the Floral Afternoon Tea held on 9th September was a great success. We ran out of chairs in the Old School – and nearly ran out of food! A delicious tea was served, and visitors enjoyed a lovely demonstration of floral art given by Mrs Gaenor Johnson. The church was also well visited, and quite a few people came in to say a prayer, light a candle, and have a look round our historic building. We would like to thank all those who supported this event, and everyone who helped to make it a success especially Sally Morgan - Evans, Maryon Hughes, Gaenor Johnson and Ian Hodgkinson. Altogether a total of £662.06 was made for church funds – many thanks to all concerned!! By the time you read this, our Harvest Thanksgiving Service and Harvest Lunch will have taken place, and we hope that this will be also a great success – a full report will be found in the next edition of the DT, Our Annual Murder Mystery evening will take place on Friday 3rd November at 7.00pm. This is always a popular and enjoyable evening, and full details and tickets will be available shortly. We wonder who will commit the Cwm murder this year!! Come along and find out!! The Diocese, Mission Area, and Church Committee have been looking at new ways of being the church in the village in the coming years, and we hope shortly to announce exactly what has been decided! It could be an exciting venture for our ancient church – so please keep this in your thoughts and prayers. At least the life and work and worship of our lovely building will be assured for the foreseeable future. Canon Robert Rowland

ST BRIDGET’S PARISH CHURCH After a fairly busy summer we are now starting to look towards Christmas and by the time this edition will appear we will have had our Come and Buy sale at the end of September and our Harvest Festival at the beginning of October. We are holding our Harvest Supper, which is usually a very pleasant social occasion, on Friday, 13th October at the Faenol Fawr Hotel at 7.00pm. Numbers will be limited and if anyone wishes to attend please contact Lin McMullen on 338604. Despite our plea that people should not allow their dogs into the churchyard we have had some complaints from people who have had their loved ones’ graves fouled by dogs. We would therefore ask again that dog owners should not allow their dogs to roam in the churchyard. Keith Sanderson.


NSPCC Hello to you all. I have the difficult task of following in Phil’s footsteps, who has provided the news on the NSPCC front for many a year. Once again, Phil, we thank you very much. I started as a volunteer in the NSPCC charity shop about three years ago and have now become known as ‘the book lady’. Not for my knowledge of all things literature, but rather for the ability of lugging boxes and bags of books about. We have recently held our AGM where we all gave ourselves a pat on the back for raising over £42,000 for sales in the main shop and the Christmas pop-up shop. This money will really make a difference to the NSPCC Childline. This would not be possible without all the donations of unwanted clothes and other items that we receive from yourselves and many people in the surrounding villages and towns, and of course those of you who spend your money in the shop! So pat yourself on the back too. But we also raised an additional £9,500, that’s over 20% of our total takings , from individuals and groups of people giving up their time in different ways. For example, you will have seen down at the waterfall on regular occasions, the stalls, tombolas etc manned mainly by some of the shop volunteers; there was a walk and talk on the Mostyn Estate, followed by afternoon tea at Top Lodge, organised by another volunteer; the plant sale carried out in Eddy’s memory; the sale of books on-line; and the wacky activities carried out by the staff in the SPAR shop (Hope you joined in their recent fun afternoon). This along with individual donations really does help fill the coffers. As we work so hard to raise this money, we always try to keep any expenditure to a minimum. We currently pay for all electrical items to be PAT tested before they are sold. It would be really wonderful if there is a qualified PAT tester (with the necessary equipment) somewhere out there, who would volunteer a few hours a month. If you are that person, please contact the NSPCC Charity shop who will welcome you with open arms. On the NSPCC front, talks are currently underway with the Department of Health to discuss the urgent need to improve support for children’s mental health. This is not just about clinical services but how we can get better resilience for young people in all sorts of settings, such as schools.

Gill Morgan




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DYSERTH & DISTRICT FIELD CLUB At the end of July the area of Llangernyw was explored, first visiting the 13 th century church of St Digain - unusual for Clwyd in being cruciform with two transepts. It was much altered in Victorian times and contains several memorials of the Sandbach family with even more, including a 20th century mausoleum, in the churchyard. There, too, stands a large yew tree said to be about 5,000 years old with a plaque put up for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee stating that it is one of the 50 Great British Trees. Nearby is a museum in the cottage where Sir Henry Jones was born as the son of a poor cobbler in 1852. Initially largely self educated, he remarkably became Professor of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow university and an advisor to Lloyd George for which he was knighted. Then by car to Hafodunos - a large mansion rebuilt by Sir Gilbert Scott for the Sandbach family in the mid 19 th century and badly damaged by a major fire in 2004. The present owner and his architect gave an illustrated talk to our party about their struggles to restore the building before we set off for a guided tour of the gardens where a great deal of work has been done in the last few years. The visit concluded with an excellent afternoon tea in the partly restored Victorian conservatory. The next event was an excursion to Gawsworth, starting at the 15C church of St James with four large 17C tombs of the Fitton family, one of whose members is thought to be the Dark Lady of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Nearby is the delightful Grade 1 Gawsworth Old Hall dating from 1480 in the half-timbered black and white Cheshire style. The Fitton family lived here from 1316 to 1662 and their heirs and associates remained until 1937 when it was bought by the Richards family. The present owner, Elizabeth Richards, gave an introductory talk about the dramatic and complex history of the house and its families before members were allowed to explore the house and its extensive gardens and grounds in perfect weather. The visit concluded with a short walk to nearby woods to see the grave of ‘Magoty’ Johnson, an eccentric playwright and the last British professional jester who died in 1773. Next was a walk beginning at Whitford and going through the estate once owned by Thomas Pennant and passing the few remains of his home, Downing House, which was burnt down in 1922. Then through fields with great views of the Dee estuary to a picnic lunch at Abakhan Mill before returning by a parallel route to Whitford church where both Pennant and his assistant Moses Griffith are buried.

Most recently an excursion to the Llangollen area included visits to Valle Crucis Abbey, the Horseshoe Falls and the nearby 15C Church of Llantisilio before spending the afternoon at Plas Newydd – the former home of the famous Ladies of Llangollen. All these events finished with refreshments giving members the opportunity for a good chat! Two events remain in the summer programme - a 4 mile walk at Ellesmere and a visit to the 16C farmhouse of Plasglasgwm near Penmachno. By the time this appears the winter programme should have been published but brief details are given below. Continues on next page.


DYSERTH & DISTRICT FIELD CLUB Oct 7th Walk - Plasglasgwm Wreck’ Nov 4th Walk - Corwen bigh’ Dec 2nd Walk - Holt & Farndon Jan 13th Members’ Talks Feb 10t h Walk - Denbigh Town Mar 10t h Walk - Denbigh Area Apr 7th Walk - Caerwys Wales’

Oct 21st Lecture - ‘Exploring the Royal Charter Nov18th Lecture - ‘North Waless Hospital, DenDec 28th Jan 27th Feb 24th Mar 24th Apr 21st

Walk - Prestatyn Town 107th AGM & Social Afternoon Lecture - ‘ Alun & Chwiler Valleys’ Lecture - ‘ Quarries of Penmon’ Lecture –‘Amphibians & Reptiles in NE

Everyone will be welcome at these events but if you wish to join the Field Club or need any other information please contact the Secretary on 01745 336456. The members winter programme leaflet with full details of all events will be reproduced on the Dyserth website under ‘Organization's New members and visitors will be most welcome - do come for a ‘taster’! D S Richards.

POLICE REPORT - PCSO 2839 Alexandra Jones Complaints have been made by local residents of dog fouling within the play / football area by the Maes Esgob Estate. I have spoken to our local councillor who will ensure that visible signs regarding dog fouling will be put up and enforcement Officers will start patrolling the area. As we starting to use the Maes Esgob Community Centre more over next few month which will include children also attending the area, therefore we need to be mindful when taking dogs for a walk. I will be holding monthly “Cupper with a Copper” in Dyserth and started already at the Maes Esgob Community Centre. The dates are as follow: Thursday 26th October 2017 between 3pm – 5pm, 30th November between 3pm – 5pm. I will also setting up a “Cupper with a Copper” in Patterson Hall and dates will be confirmed shortly. Time and dates will be advertised on our local Face Book Page shortly. I will be holding a Halloween Party on the 29 th October between 4pm – 7pm at the Maes Esgob Community Centre, everyone is welcome to attend, drinks, biscuits and sweets will be provided. There will be apple bobbing games and competitions such as best costumes, best pumpkins, full details will be provided closer to the time via posters. Any local issues, please contact me. PCSO 2839 Alexandra Jones, 07768038842, Alexandra.jones@nthwales.pnn.police.uk


Thank you to Peter Robinson - www.dyserth.com

The Great Flood at Dyserth. MY INDEBTEDNESS TO THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Chapter XI page 129 of "Humour, Sense and Salt" by David Delta Evans known as Dewi Hiraddug.) While I was visiting Dyserth this year (1936), my attention was drawn to the date "Augustl9 1879"carved on a stone in the wall of a house at the foot of the hill That house was the home of one of my contemporaries and a good friend. I had not previously known of this mark, but I was assured that my old friend was responsible when he was a boy. I realized the significance of the date without asking anyone. It marked "the great flood" at Dyserth. And that was a remarkable "flood", that no one could remember its like before or afterwards. The "great flood" created terrible havoc upon the village landscape. Some still remember the row of small thatched cottages which stood in olden times on a small piece of land across the stream from the waterfall. That spot used to be called "The Isle of Man" and in those old fashioned houses there lived a number of old people-,but "the rain descended and the floods came" overflowing the "island" and destroying its dwellings. As you can imagine, the, swift and praiseworthy action of some village heroes was in no way easy, making use of tubs and similar objects turning them into boats to carry the inhabitants - some of them old and failing - to safety away from the risk of drowning and of being swept away by the force of the torrent. He goes on to say (in 1936):Dyserth still remains a notable village, on account of its splendid waterfall and the beautiful views in its neighbourhood, and its reputation as a fine and healthy place in which to live is on the increase. But it is different in various ways to what it was in the time of my youth. The water wheel, which in its day provided power for the machinery and stones of the mill in the building adjacent has disappeared. Then for years, after the mill had ceased the wheel in its stillness and idleness had been one of the remarkable features of the village; and by to-day, the remaining walls of the old mill are almost gone. Gone also are other features of the old days, amongst them a number of old cottages at the bottom of the hill - some removed to make space for a new chapel for the Wesleyan denomination; but others like the whitewashed thatched old cottages at the top of Dyserth, to be replaced by a row of identical dwellings built to the prosaic taste of the business-like builders of the age. And yet the bottom of the village remains almost unchanged. The parish church remains in the same spot, although stripped of its cloak of ivy; also the old cemetery extended by now. What about "our chapel?" It remains in the same place as also the "old Wesleyan chapel" although it is no longer a "house of worship" Just as they were before are the "top tavern" and the "bottom tavern",and there also remain two old fashioned cottages on either side of the hill. But, most important of all, the lively stream from Asa's well still flows from above through the gap in the rock and its cheerful tune unchanged for countless ages, still remains day and nightsummer and winter, as it flows in a gleaming stream through the old village, in haste, like everything else to return home to the Great Sea.


DYSERTH TUESDAY MORNING COMMUNITY GROUP On Community Day lots of our visitors showed interest in our display and took programmes to study. We look forward to seeing them and our loyal members at the first meeting on Tuesday, 3rd October, when Margaret Dunn will be talking about Old Welsh Houses. She will be followed by Colin Richards whose talk is called enigmatically, “Pressing Matters”, Peter Robinson on War Graves Connections and Gwyn Williams “Looking at Art”. November introduces archaeologist Erin Lloyd Jones, or “Indiana Lloyd Jones”, (that should be interesting!) and talks on New Zealand and H.M. Stanley and one called “The Good, the bad and the ugly”. Though I must admit I couldn’t persuade Clint Eastwood to appear. Meetings are held at the Dyserth Community Hall, Cwm Road. We serve refreshments at 10.20, the speaker starts at 10.40 and speaks for about an hour, leaving time for questions before we close at midday. Margaret Blott.


Colin’s Crossword.

ACROSS 7 Cutter will continue to rush forward (7) 8 One of Noel Coward’s lords is a bush fifty years on (7) 10 Baker St. Band, deaf to renewal, finds overnight rest and refreshment (3,3,9) 11 Country car crashes before start on terrestrial crustacean (4,4) 13 I get cross surrounded by insects - or mountain goats (6) 14 Destroy places if fit - destroy! (11) 17 Routed around - the long way round (6) 18 Glues tar mixture which involves excessive brushwork (8) 19 Les knitted bears - strange way to enjoy pub life (4,3,8) 21 On balance it plays a pivotal role (7) 22 Dad has no laminated wood for his suit of2armour (7) DOWN 1 Trade Union age left short of a number (7) 3 2 Urge and cuddle people seen at children’s sports day (3,3,5,4) 3 Water car (4) 1 4 Parasite goes round in Piccadilly to produce a novelty entertainment (4,6) 5 Elf’s fate (4,11) 6 First British surgeon to produce bag of body fluid (7) 9 Student of friction, caused by irregular orbit, got list (11) 12 Wide vote intended to end free rum - an unusual result (10) 15 Antelope found in Africa or UK green (7) 16 Antelope found in Africa or first and last initially in Greece, East, Latvia, Laos, Egypt (7) 6 20 I am about making first Islamic leader (4) 4 5 Solved on page 28.


Dyserth Junior Football Club. The new football season is just getting underway so hopefully all the pre-season training that the teams have put in is beginning to pay off with some good results.

We start the season by saying thank you and farewell to David Griffith who has regretfully decided to step down from his role of club treasurer after 10 years. David has been a real stalwart of the club since it was formed 10 years ago, not only serving as treasurer but he has also been manager of at least two teams during that time and has been instrumental in organising various activities and fund raising events. So thank you David. All your efforts have been appreciated and you will be missed! For the time being Glenn Jones will take on the responsibility of club treasurer with Andy Chadwick as club secretary and David Salsbury as acting chairperson and club safeguarding officer. Our details can be found below. This season Dyserth will field teams of under 16s and under 15s playing 11-a-side football in the Rhyl and District Youth and Junior Football League. We also have teams for under 6s, 7s, 8, 9s and 11s playing Mini-football in the same league. We have over 100 children playing football for Dyserth teams which is quite an achievement for a small village. This would not happen without the commitment and enthusiasm of our managers and coaches who give freely of their time to coach the teams in training and at matches. This is no small task for which we are very grateful. Thanks also goes to parents, grandparents, carers and friends who turn out to support the teams and players in all weathers. We have a club here in Dyserth that all can be proud of. Winter training will begin later in October, details of which will be available from the managers and coaches nearer the time. Home matches are usually played at the Dyserth Pitch on Saturday mornings for the 11-a side teams and Sunday mornings for the minis. Anyone is welcome to watch, so why not pop along and see our children and young people having fun. We are on Facebook as DyserthJuniorFootballClub. You can contact us here and find club information. DJFC Committee – Secretary: Andy Chadwick, 07701 096039 Treasurer: Glenn Jones 01745 571346 Acting Chairperson & Safeguarding Officer: David Salsbury 01745 571591

ELIZABETH HUGHES CHARITY. The above charity provides financial assistance to school leavers aged over 16 years and under 21 years towards training for employment or further education. This would include college or university courses and apprenticeships etc.

Applicants should have been resident in the Parish of Cwm for at least 3 years and commenced further education or training. Please note that the charity, which dates back to the 19th century has limited finances and grants are therefore relatively small. Please contact the treasurer, Ian Hodgkinson at Brynteg, Cwm, Dyserth, tel 01745 570244, for further information.


Mindfulness for Back Pain Back pain has multiple causes including, genetic disposition, repetitive activities, injury, diet, posture, stress, smoking, age, sedentary lifestyle, and arthritis. The combination of these causes leads to spinal joint inflammation and muscle strain. Your chiropractor can address the pain from inflammation and muscle strain, but it will come back if you do not address the causes. How Mindfulness Can Help Mindfulness is a powerful tool to help address many of the causes of back pain because it puts your mind back in touch with your body. Our modern world tends to make us goal focused, looking out there, while we are unaware of the subtle tensions that arise in our bodies through everyday activity. These tensions can build up to such a degree that the body finally starts to break down, leading to pain. When you are more in touch with your body you will not like the effect of eating unhealthy food, you will feel restless with a sedentary lifestyle, you will be aware of the hormonal changes in your blood chemistry caused by stressful situations. Your habitual postures will start to feel uncomfortable; you will notice the strain that repetitive activities are placing on your body. When you are more aware of these negative effects, you will feel compelled to make changes. Mindfulness will make you eat a better diet, exercise more, maintain better posture and, most important of all, find creative ways to deal with stress in your life. History of Mindfulness Mindfulness is a Buddhist practice that started to filter to the west in the sixties. As more and more people found the practice beneficial, meditation centres sprang up in Europe and the USA. Mindfulness is one aspect of the Buddhist spiritual path known as the Eightfold Noble Path. Many people found the practice hard to stomach, either because it challenged their Christian beliefs. Others found it difficult because people were becoming averse to anything that smacked of religion. Jon Kabat Zinn, an American writer and ex-Buddhist monk, is recognised as a major proponent in the secularisation of mindfulness. Since the 70’s universities around the world have been studying the effects of mindfulness, based on his work. Researchers have published hundreds of papers that show remarkable benefits for this practice. Bangor, Exeter and Oxford are the main universities where mindfulness is studied. You can get masters degrees and other post graduate qualifications in mindfulness from these universities.


The universities developed an eight week, one evening a week course, based on thirty years of research into mindfulness practice; Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. I include simple mindfulness practices as part of my treatments for people suffering from back pain but to really get a taste for mindfulness I would recommend the 8 week MBSR training as a starting point. Steve Massey

St Asaph Chiropractic Clinic

01745 535854



Dyserth Community Council PCSO Alexandra Jones – Visit to Community Council Meeting

The Chair of Council, Councillor James Williams welcomed PCSO 2830 Alexandra Jones, to her first attendance at the Community Council meetings. PCSO Alex advised the Councillors that she covered the Dyserth & Meliden areas and had been in post since October, 2016. Whilst PCSO Richard Williams had been attending the Council meeting, PCSO Alex would now be attending. PCSO Jones referred to the following: (a) Parking concerns, in a number of areas in Dyserth, which had been reported to her by County Councillor David Williams. The PCSO advised that whilst the Police would take enforcement action in relation to certain inconsiderate parking, it was generally the responsibility of Denbighshire County Council, to instigate enforcement action. County Councillor David Williams advised, that he would endeavour to arrange a site meeting between himself, the PCSO and Officers from Denbighshire County Council (b) PCSO Jones advised that whilst she did not have a full list of reported offences, there had been eight vehicle break-ins over the past two months. Members discussed the following with PCSO Jones: (1) Concerns with large vehicles in the area of the Old Anglia Buildings, on Newmarket Road. Vehicles are attempting a difficult turn on the main road, with no support, which stoppes vehicles travelling in both directions (2) General discussion in relation to speeding traffic on a number of roads within Dyserth. Waterfall Road – Non-compliance with Weight Limit Restriction - by Heavy Goods Vehicles There has been concern by Councillors and residents, for a good number of years, in relation to the non-compliance to the weight limit on the B5119 Waterfall Road. Whilst the North Wales Police, together with the Vehicle & Operator Services Agency (VOSA), have on a number of occasions carried out surveillance and enforcement action against drivers, the illegal usage by HGV drivers still regularly continue. The Community Council have asked Denbighshire County Council to review the signage indicating the weight restriction on two occasions over the past 18 months. The County have on each occasion, confirmed that the signage fulfils the road traffic act requirements. At a recent meeting of the Community Council, a resident of Dyserth, who is also a retired HGV driver, addressed the Council Members in relation to the non-compliance to the weight limit. The resident is particularly concerned with the lorries, especially travelling down Waterfall Road – with a vehicle containing a heavy load. The resident wished the Community Council, to further contact Denbighshire Highways, to carry out another signage review. The County Highways have replied to advise, that their previous comments are still valid. The weight restriction signage is compliant with regulations. To endeavour to eliminate the use of Waterfall Road, by HGV’s, the Council wish that any residents who notice a HGV travelling along the B5119, in the restricted area, to please make a note of the vehicle number and report to the Police – using the number 101. Only if it is safe to do so, please take a photograph of the offending vehicle – and pass onto the Police.


County Councillor David Williams - Provided the Following Report to the Community Council (a) A number of Housing concerns had been advised – which had been taken forward with the County. (b) A number of tree branches had been cut back – opposite the old Parish Church. Request for further bus shelters in the area of Pendre Farm and the bottom of Waterfall Road. (c) Update in relation to the bus subsidised service. From the ceasing of the present service, a skeleton taxi service will be provided from the 31st July. (d) Denbighshire will erect new parking signage from the High Street area to Thomas Avenue. (e) Pandy Lane water leakage. Councillor David Parry is liaising with Denbighshire and others. The concern may be a blockage in the Leete area. (f) A detailed survey of the underground utilities in Dyserth High Street is being completed by Denbighshire. (g) Request for ‘lantern’ lights in Dyserth High Street – such as similar lanterns in Rhuddlan High Street. This was not feasible, due to the width of the pavement. The lantern lights in Dyserth were installed following a grant, as Rhuddlan has historic town statues. The following was brought to the attention of County Councillor David Williams: (a) (b) (c)

Hedge in the area of Tudor Cottage in Hiraddug road, requires cutting back. Concern expressed in relation to a hedge - travelling from High Street towards the Doctor’s Surgery and near to the ‘elderly people crossing sign’ requires attention. Disabled access parking sign required in the corner area of the play area car park. Councillor Williams agreed to contact Good Signs in Rhuddlan for a quotation.

Adoption of Footpaths – Waterfall Area The Community Council requested Denbighshire County Council, to include Footpaths numbers: 30, 31 and 32 – on the Definitive Mapping system for Denbighshire. This Legal Order (Definitive Map Modification) has recently been advertised, which is subject to a 42 day public consultation. Should there be no objection to the application, the Footpaths will atomically be adopted by Denbighshire. This will ensure that the footpaths are available for walkers, and kept in a safe and secure condition. Application for Financial Support and Donations The Community Council welcome applications from the Community (Committees, Groups) for financial support. However, the application must be from a bone fide group, or committee, that at least one or more of the Councillors’ are aware of. There are strict guidelines that the Community Council must adhere to, when considering and granting financial support. Financial support is also granted to organisations and charitable institutions outside the Council area, but these applications must in some way benefit the Community. Further details in respect of applying for financial support from the Community Council, or any other financial information, can be obtained from the Clerk and Financial Officer - as per the contact details below. Continued overleaf


Dyserth Community Council continued: Donations and Financial Assistance The Community Council have provided the following financial assistance: £200.00 to Ti a Fi, Dyserth. (towards new children’s toys and equipment) / £1,000.00 to Dyserth Community Hall (towards funding for refurbishment of toilets and second small kitchen areas) R. Phillip Parry, Clerk & Financial Officer to Dyserth Community Council Tel: 01352 720547 E-mail: dyserth.council@btinternet.com Web Site: www.dyserthcouncil.org.uk

County Councillor David Williams. Things have been relatively quiet over the past few weeks, there having been no County Council meetings during August and many of the staff also being on holiday. With regard to the planned improvements to the High Street, it seems that these works are still planned for early summer next year. An application for the funding will be made this autumn and all being well this will be made available for the next financial year which starts in April. I spoke with a member of the Highways office this week and he told me that they would have to try and time the works so as to avoid the number of bank holidays that occur in late spring. I do know that approaches have been made to utility companies regarding underground services that may need lowering when the highway is altered, and any landowners that may be affected are also being contacted. There has been some flooding of fields adjacent to Pandy Lane, and water has been leaking onto the road as a result of a blocked leat on land higher up the road. Dave Parry and Trebor Evans from the community council have been looking into this, and I have spoken with the relevant people in Denbighshire about the problem. It now seems as though things have improved considerably and whatever was causing the water problem is fixed. However I will make sure that if the issue arises again it will be sorted out properly. There is still a problem with HGV's using Waterfall Hill illegally. Despite many people , including myself, suggesting some additional signage the council are adamant that the existing warning signs meet all the statutory requirements. It is however, largely a problem of enforcement, and members of the public are asked to get any evidence and photographs etc. they can of vehicles flouting the law and either send it by e mail or contact our community police officer Alex Jones. As is often the case there have been some minor issues of overgrown foliage obstructing signs and encroaching onto walkways etc. future problems develop.


As always, I can be contacted at any reasonable time to discuss any issues or problems you may have in relation to our community. David Gwyn Williams. Mae wedi bod yn weddol ddistaw ers wythnosau rwan, fel arfer does na ddim cyfarfodydd sirol na chymunedol ym mis Awst. Ar gyfer mater y Stryd Fawr, mae'n debyg bydd gwaith yn ddechrau rhywbryd yn gynnar yn yr haf nesa. Er bod rhai pobl yn disgwyl pethau dechrau yn gynt, mae'n rhaid I ni aros tan blwyddyn nesa I gael yr arian'n barod i dalu am y waith. Ar ol llawer iawn o flynyddoedd o broblemau hefo traffic ar y stryd fawr rydw i'n falch, o'r diwedd, mae'n debyg bydd rhywbeth yn cael eu gwneud! Fel arfer, peidiwch ag oedi cysylltu a mi os oes gennych chi unrhyw gwestiwn neu problem ynglyn ar gymuned ni. Mae'r manylion rhif ffon a gyfeiriad e bost ar tudalen ol y cylchgrawn hon. Yr eiddoch yn ddiffuant, David Gwyn Williams.


Dyserth WI. During our August break although we did not have a meeting we were not sitting back and drinking cocktails by the pool! Along with other Institutes across Denbighshire and Flintshire we submitted items for the WI Competition at the Flint and Denbigh Show. The enthusiasm of members resulted in a fabulous 181 entries from Dyserth WI! Our Federation [Clwyd-Flint] won the cup for the highest prize points gaining 360 points. Dyserth, as the Institute with the highest number of points, contributed 69 points to the Federation’s success. After our break we were ready for a busy autumn/winter session. Our speaker in September was Julie Hinchcliffe, Storyteller. She made a welcome return visit to tell Tales of Wonder and Imagination. Our meetings in October and November are our Harvest Supper and Annual Meeting respectively. In September we went to Venue Cymru to see Dirty Dancing. Other outings include our Christmas Dinner at The Beaches and our traditional outing to the Chester Cathedral Choir Concert. We are already looking forward to the New Year and our trip to Venue Cymru to see Mama Mia. In addition our Knit and Natter, Singing and Craft Groups have now resumed. These smaller groups provide many opportunities for members to get to know each other better. During September we hosted a Macmillan Coffee Morning at the Community Centre and anyone interested also joined in a Dementia Friend information Session and became Dementia Friends. If you would like to join us, you are welcome to attend any of our meetings usually on the second Friday of every month [except August] in Dyserth Community Centre. Come along at 7.15 to get a seat for the meeting which starts at 7.30 pm. Keep up with our activities on Face Book. Just type in Dyserth WI to see pictures and articles about past events and outings or, for further information contact Anne Sanderson (President) on 01745 859526.



The Dyserth Wednesday Lunch Club

on first Wednesday of the month (excluding August) in the Paterson Hall, High Street, Dyserth arrive from 12.15 to sit down at 12.30 A good meal in pleasant company Two courses and a cup of tea costs just ÂŁ3.50 For details or to book a place ring Pauline on 570958 or David on 571591


WALKING THE WAY TO HEALTH COUNTRY WALKS UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF VOLUNTEERS FROM “LET’S WALK DENBIGHSHIRE” Meet every Tuesday at Dyserth Community Hall, Cwm Road at 11am. Comfortable footwear is essential Brian and Katrina look forward to seeing you there




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IVOR HOWATSON AND SON Funeral Directors Cyfarwyddwyr Angladdau N.A.F.D. Diploma Holder Family owned, Family run Since 1967 Full Monumental Masonry Service Pre-arranged and pre-paid funeral plans available Funeral Director Brian Howatson Dip.F.D., L.M.B.I.F.D., Dyserth resident since 1982 SISSON STREET, RHYL TEL. (01745) 331182 Also at Ruthin Road, Denbigh

The Ti a Fi Playgroup The Ti a Fi playgroup is based at the Dyserth Community Centre, Cwm Road, and is a great service for all pre-school children from birth onwards. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday between 9.15am and 11.15am. Parents and Carers are invited to come along and relax in an informal atmosphere, where their little ones are free to play with any of the toys on offer, as well as indulging in creative craft wherever possible. If you have any questions or would like an informal chat please call Cara Plummer 01745 571430 / 07557 142124 or come along – all welcome!!


louise schrempft ceramic artist


studio gallery open commissions taken tuition available 01745 570360 louschrempft@gmail.com

Bodrhyddan Hall are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our knowledgeable team of guides on our Open Days. We are open from JuneRHUDDLAN September, TuesdayOTTER and Thursday afternoons. Bodrhyddan also opens to larger coach parties during the week throughout the year so good availability is preferable. Basic accounting skills would also be advantageous. The rate is ÂŁ15 per day for volunteering and would usually consist of leading between 1-2 groups around the hall. The role would suit a sociable, retired individual who enjoys local history and being part of a devoted and committed team of likeminded people. Please call Bodrhyddan on 01745 590155 (Office hours are 9am-12pm) or email info@bodrhyddan.co.uk for more information.


PLAY AND STAY - DYSERTH Firstly we’d like to thank everyone who came to our launch event, the water fight on St George’s field, at the end of July. We raised £132, which is a great amount for a couple of hours’ splashing about! Since then, our website has gone live; please have a look at www.playandstayatdyserth.org – many thanks to Dyserth Community Council for providing the funding for this to go ahead. The site explains why we’re hoping to recreate the play area and gives you the opportunity to have your say on what you’d like to see there. You can also see photos of what we get up to, and make donations towards the cause; keep checking to see our running total! We have also received a first draft play area design from one of the companies who visited us in July. The view shown below has a zip wire to the left, and out of sight, behind the “camera” is some fitness equipment. Please let us know your thoughts using the contact details below.. Our next fundraiser is a Hallowe’en Disco, 2.30pm-4.30pm on 31st October, which will be followed by Trick or Treat Trails as the children (and grown-ups!) make their way home. Please see the flyer. Cathy Jackson Project Lead, Play & Stay @ Dyserth hello@playandstayatdyserth.org 570258




Looking for a venue for a PARTY a MEETING or COMMUNITY ACTIVITY? PATERSON HALL, High St, Dyserth is available to Hire!

Fully refurbished with excellent facilities. Competitive Rates Contact Barbara on

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Facebook too.


The House of Purr.

Cat & Small Pet Sitting Services in your own home. Dyserth and surrounding villages. Enquiries—Molly 07979 301705 29

Dates for the Diary Horeb United Reformed Church October—November

Sun 1st Oct Wed 4th Oct Sun 29th Oct Wed 1st Nov Sun 12th Nov

9.30am Harvest Festival Service. 12.30pm Community Lunch. 9.30am Commitment for Life Sunday. 12.30pm Community Lunch. Remembrance Sunday – 10.55am Service at the War Memorial.

Further Ahead Sun 3rd Dec Wed 6th Dec Sat 9th Dec Sun 24th Dec Mon 25th Dec

3.00pm Christingle Service – supporting the NSPCC. 12.30 Community Christmas Lunch. Horeb Christmas Fair – time TBA. 4.30pm Christmas Eve Carol Service. 10.00am Worship to celebrate Christmas Day.

St. Bridget’s Church Friday, 13th Oct.

Harvest Supper - Faenol Fawr Hotel at 7.00pm Dyserth Community Hall

Saturday, 2nd Dec.. 11.00am -3.00 pm Dyserth Christmas Party

Cwm VillageHall. rd

Friday 3 Nov.

7.00pm Annual Murder Mystery

British Summer Time ends 2.00am Sunday, 29th October - Clocks go back by 1 hour.

MP and AM’s Surgery Dates Chris Ruane MP

The Rhyl constituency office is in the process of being prepared. In the meantime please contact: chris.ruane.mp@parliament.uk or 07564648841 . Ann Jones A.M. To make an appointment please ring Ann Jones’s constituency office 01745 332813 or use the contact form at http://annjones.org.uk/get-in-touch/


WHO’S WHO County Councillor Tremeirchion: Christine Marston - 01745 582842 Clerk to the Dyserth Community Council: Phillip Parry—01352 720547 Clerk to Tremeirchion, Cwm & Waen Ian Jones - 07746 789004 Quarry House Surgery: Community Police: Childline County Councillor Dyserth

Reception 01745 572968 PCSO2839 Alexandra Jones 07768038842 0800 1111 David Gwyn Williams - 01745570282 -

Ysgol Hiraddug: School Office: After School Club: Playgroup Staff:

Tristan Hughes - Head Teacher 01745 570467 0778 949 5160 Aunty Helen—07736256499


Young People’s Groups: Ti a Fi (Parent & Toddler Group)

Term Time on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings Cara Plummer 01745 571430 / 07557 142124

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts: (Held at The Odyn, Rhuddlan) Karate Club: Junior Church Groups: Dyserth Junior Football Club:

Carol Boyton 01745 591702 Shirley Smith 01745 342798 See individual Churches. Secretary – Andy Chadwick, Tel.07701096039 Dyserth Community Groups:

Dyserth Times: Dyserth Environmental Group: Dyserth & District field Club: NSPCC Fund Raising Group: Tuesday Morning Group: Dyserth Women’s Institute: Dyserth Craft Group Bowls Club: Line Dancing:

Editor—Richard Walliker 07931370890 Jackie Parry, Secretary 01745 571956 David Richards, 01745 570625 Joyce Marshall. 01492 582152 Margaret Blott, Secretary 01745 570913 Lynne Peake, Secretary. 079305503400 Estella Griffith 01745 570659 John Hugh Jones. 01745338281 Dorothy Evans, 01745 888833 Religious Groups:

Dyserth Parish Church:

Vicar: Canon Robert Rowland 01745 570750 Harry Davies:570130 Roger Peters 570130 Church Wardens Cwm Parish Church: Vicar: Canon Robert Rowland 01745 570750 Secretary, vacant Eglwys Bresbyteraidd: Horeb Chapel, High Street, Dyserth Dyserth United Reformed Church: Minister: Revd. David Salsbury 01745 571591 Venues for Hire: Bookings, Cathy Jackson - 01745570258 Bookings, Barbara Tebbutt 01745 570793 Bookings, Anne Cooper 01745889886 or Pam Williams 01745570507 Old School Hall, Cwm Bookings, Diana Baxter 01745 570261 Residential Hall, Maes Esgob.Bookings: Sarah Mylchreest 01824 717816 Sarah.mylchreest@denbighshire.gov.uk Community Hall, Cwm Road: Paterson Hall, High Street: St. Bridget’s Hall, Waterfall Rd:


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