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Event Round up

Inspirational Encounters

Every year, our pupils benefit from visits from leading lights of the musical world. These inspirational encounters complement and enhance our regular programme of performances.

Here is information on just a few of this year’s visits so far…

David Hinitt Visit

Both our Choristers and A level Music Technology pupils were fortunate to spend time with leading classical recording engineer, David Hinitt, when he visited Wells.

David spent three days recording an album with the Wells Cathedral Choir, and in between recording sessions he also gave A level pupils an insight into the impressive microphone setup and recording process. He also shared advice on how to get the most from musicians during recording projects.

Side-by-Side with the RCM

Wells Brass and Percussion pupils enjoyed an inspiring day working with students and staff from the Royal College of Music (RCM) in London. Our pupils benefitted from side-by-side rehearsals with the RCM students, and enjoyed a Q&A session about life as a student of the RCM. The day came to a thrilling climax with an inspirational concert given by Wells and RCM pupils together in Cedars Hall.

Thank you to Nigel Black (RCM Head of Brass), David Hockings (RCM Head of Percussion) and all the RCM students for coming to Wells to undertake such an inspirational and exciting programme of events.

Richard Jacques revisits Wells

In February, pupils were treated to a visit from Old Wellensian and internationally-renowned composer Richard Jacques. Richard, a BAFTA and Ivor Novello award-winning composer, spent the afternoon conducting one-to-one sessions and giving talks to our A level tech pupils and music specialists. Pupils found out about Richard’s career, from his first job offer at SEGA through to his recent award-winning work on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy video game. Richard offered valuable advice, including encouraging pupils to get involved with any musical opportunities they’re offered, working hard, continually learning, practising, networking and enjoying every opportunity!