The Message, Issue 18, Vol 01

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Column Writer Tarek Fateh criticises Islamic extremists

Aditya Pareek

Internationlly renowned Political thinker and activist interviewed by JECRC Student Journalist at ‘Jaipur Dialogue’

Internationally renowned Political thinker Tarek Fateh Interviewed by JECRC Student Jouralist Aditya Pareek at “The

Jaipur Dialogues” A liberal Center of the Right Forum for deliberation over contemporary issues.

In Trend Hilarious hashtag ‘Aadhaar Memes’ floods Twitter

1. Aditya: What is the reason in your opinion for The Hindu Right Wing in India to read Adolf Hitler’s Writings? Tarek :They Read It because they want to experience the high of empire building and brutal athouritarian grandeure associated with a fundamentalist society that is as tyrannical as the Nazis. 2. Aditya: Is it not that the same Hindu Right Wingers who subscribe to Nazi Ideology and hail Zionism right alongside, justifying it as there being no historical animosity between Hindus and

Jews but a common adversary Islamic Extremism? Tarek : They Lack Clarity if their goals were so clear they wouldn’t be a spectacle of Religious Fundamentalism themselves. 3. Aditya: What are some of the things you’d criticise about The Hindu Right? Tarek: They aren’t above discrimination on the basis of a person’s color, they would shun an Indian with a darker than wheatish skin tone and not associate with them. Why do you think there are Matrimonial Advertisments in Newspapers seeking “Brides Fair

of Skin”. 4. Aditya: Do you think The communalism that rose in the Muslims of UP after The Hindu Majority by a democratic and fair referendum got the British Raj to declare “Hindustani” Language written in “Devnagri” as the official language of the United Provinces. Tarek: I don’t know how those two phenomena are connected but I can say for a fact that Pakistan was created on the basis of the votes of UP’s Muslims, every other province had a Congress Government.


An ex-Army man in Jaipur is making incredible specialty coffee that’s part science, part art

Neeraj Sheoran is among a growing set of independent roasters who Government made Aadhaar compulsory for are letting customers experience Indian-grown coffee at its best. 11 schemes, Critics declares it violation of Falguni shrivastava Supreme Court order ing over. When I have put in my best, given everyHarshit Jha

Jaipur. Over the past fortnight, Aadhaar has followed Indians everywhere. Already, the government has announced that Aadhaar will be essential to apply for a new telephone number as well as for existing connections to stay operational after February, 2018, for income tax returns to be filed, for children to get their mid-day meals and for 11 other schemes. In their enthusiasm for making Aadhaar compulsory for Indians to access a range of services, the government is actually violating a Supreme Court order of October, 2015 specifying that the Universal Identification Document cannot be made mandatory for any government scheme. It can only be used as voluntary identification for five

specific government programmes: the public distribution scheme, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the National Social Assistance Programme, the Jan DhanYojana and for LPG subsidies. The Aadhaar programme has been criticised on several grounds. Among the weaknesses that have been pointed out is that India has no privacy law to protect the misuse of this data. Critics have also noted that the technology on which the project is based is unreliable. Many parts of rural India lack the electricity and internet connections essential for the programme to work. When the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government introduced the programme in 2009, it said, it hoped the programme would reduce leakages in the country’s welfare programmes. Critics have been alarmed at how far the aims have changed since then – and at the lack of concern most Indians have expressed of this seeming instance of government overreach. On Sunday evening, Twitter erupted with a bouquet of memes that pointed out the flaws in the programme. It didn’t take long for #AadhaarMemes to start trending.

# Curious Life Coffee Roasters

Jaipur, At Curious Life Coffee Roasters, no one calls out a greeting as you enter and you certainly won’t see your name scrawled on a cup. But as far as personalised coffee experiences go, you are unlikely to find one more tailor-made than at this cafe, which lies nestled amidst the city’s rapidly growing urban landscape in the hip C-scheme area, next to an beautiful deer park. If you come in early enough, you might get to watch the café owner, 40-year-old Neeraj Sheoran, frowning at his freshly ground beans as they sit atop a digital weighing scale, squinting at a hissing aeropress, and then pouring an entire cup of coffee down the drain and start-

“A customer might never know that the coffee came out of the machine a few seconds before it should have,” Sheoran said. “But I was trained in the Army and we don’t sugarcoat – if something is wrong, it is wrong.” This obsession with the perfect cup of coffee was inexplicable to customers when he first opened the cafe in September 2015. Many came expecting their usual cappuccino with a flower or feather artfully drawn in foam, but as Sheoran said, “Our cappuccinos will never have art on them, because a good cappuccino should have foam so thick a design can’t come through. What they really wanted was a latte.”. After every few good reviews for Curious Life Coffee Roasters on Zomato, A food listing and review website, there is the fuming customer whose expectations were not met. Sheoran would reply in his characteristic blunt style. “I never say sorry for a cup of coffee I have made.

Trumph congratulates Modi for UP election victory Jaipur. Trump called Modi to wish him on the Bharatiya Janata Party’s recent electoral successes. He expressed support for India’s economic reform agenda and would host the Indian Prime Minister soon this year.This was Trump and Modi’s third telephonic conversation since the former took office as the president of the US. The two leaders are also expected to meet on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit in Germany in July.Modi and Trump

previously spoke on January 24, when they resolved to stand “shoulder-to-shoulder” in the global fight against terrorism and for defence and security.The White House had then said that Trump had “emphasised that the US considers India a true friend and partner in addressing challenges around the world.” After Trump’s surprise victory in the November 8 elections, Modi was among the first world leaders to congratulate him

thing to your cup of coffee, how can I say ‘I’m sorry about it, please come back so we can try again’. All I can say is ‘I’m sorry you’ve had a bad experience, but maybe this place is not for you.’ Sheoran told me, to relax when I said I wanted neither milk nor sugar. “Ah good, you can taste the pure flavour of the beans then.” He told one of the waiters to bring me his newest offering, a coffee from an estate in Andhra Pradesh’s Araku Valley. The tray arrived. On it was a small stopwatch, flanked by an empty ceramic cup and a French press. The barista set the timer when the hot water was poured into the press. “Only pour it out when the stopwatch beeps, please, otherwise it will either be over-extracted or under-extracted,” he cautioned. I did as he said, and he watched closely as I took my first sip. I knew little about fruity aromas, but this was unlike any coffee I had ever tasted. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, and he smiled.

Cartoon Corner Harshit Jha


Wednesday March 29, 2017


Japan in WWII :The Blood Shot Vision

Aditya Pareek

A note i made in my journal before telling this tale. I see a void , a large blissful void of relegation , the truth scourges me , the psyche torments me. And then i look down at my feet and realize i am mortal , a being of flesh and feels , boons? or curses ? whichever it maybe. It is easy enough to empathize and yet it is easier enough to draw yourself away from any emotion , why is it , that the human condition calls for either no contact or an extreme gush of empathy ..... I classify myself under the “havenots” , i don’t have someone to teach me , what i learn is mine....nobody pushes me ...... nobody cares for me. The one woman in the world that infact does herself the victim of the monster i try to elude today....if nothing then she gives me hope .... if not direction .... she gives me a shove .... alone in this darkness... i find myself a lesser man than she takes me for .... did i ruin my life by believing ? Was it the fault of my father that i never got a holistic environment to grow in , that when people were competing , he held me back.... because he was a coward . Then it hits me , he is irrelevant because he is the lesser being in this equation not me , i am the little bud that needed encouragement , he was the serf who didn’t protect his crop , it isn’t my fault that i don’t have a genius level intellect by birth but it is my fault if i don’t live whatever longevity my life has trying to attain it. PROLOGUE : The Hallucination The ground shook beneath our feet , a “reminder of our mortality” they

dub it , those holy men , who seem more dead than alive , they preach: “the only way to rid oneself of any and all suffering is to forget how to feel”. I seek redemption , make no mistake but i do not seek death. They do not attain , they merely seek it , they call it nirvana in the old language of their esoteric realm. they devoid themselves of being alive or as they call it “pranna” so they could get-by believing . to me they are no different than an inanimate object(jara). as always i shrug it away , telling myself “not my place to judge”. i launch myself like an arrow , like a whirlwind , like a sparrow and here i am in the sunshine of spring and cheer , far-far away from the grips of my sickly dear. DAY 1 : The hovering void The thwarting waves touch my whiskers and remind me how i can’t grow a proper mustache , if i didn’t know better , i would take it for the ocean mocking my manhood , afterall in my puny existence i stand just a man , while it gushes over my vessel , a colossal titan , a being that outweighs me and overpowers me , while i can only moan in agony. It is not exaggeration to say , it is my very existence my destiny that it can bend and reduce, with that hovering over, how can my pride stand its own. The platoon commander shoves me and yells for me to tighten the dock hinges , he hands me the key and shoves me again. like everyday the frustration turns to contempt , no-matter the rank , no matter the file , no matter the position .


TATA launching Tigor today.

TATA is going to launch a 4 box sedan packed with class leading features which will be competing is rivals i.e., The Maruti Suzuki

Swift Dzire, Volkswagen Ameo and the Hyundai Xcent. The Tigor offers a 1.2-litre, 3-cylinder petrol engine that develops 85PS of power and 114Nm of torque and, a 1.05-litre, 3-cylinder diesel that puts out 70PS of power and 140Nm of torque. Both the engines will be offered with a five-speed manual transmission. The starting price of this car is estimated to be around 4.2 Lakh.

Honda’s all new CR-V

The all new CR-V is a fully feature loaded SUV. The prices of the new CR-V starts at around Rs 26 lakh for the petrol and Rs 29 lakh for the diesel. This Suv claims a fuel efficiency of 18.9 kmpl. Images : Google

I don’t think much of it later but it surely hurts for a moment i can not deny that. I make my way through the busy deck , as i see the hordes of slaved men tirelessly pulling shoving and slowly succumbing under the weight of all that labor , I am finally here , the steel of the gigantic harnesses stings like a giant hornet , ignoring this chilling putrid agony i make my way to my station. The cruel “zeros” growl like lions , threatening me with deafness , i mumble under my breath pleading them to claim me , to kill me , to redeem me. Fifteen minutes of tugging at a giant fastening harness , it is tiring but it is not the end of the world , i can still go on , i can , i will , i must. I slave my wrists raw because there is no alternative , for her , for her i must go on , she is my only treasure , my only escape before insanity. i make no sense because there isn’t much to make of , a sense of duty ? Do you see an honorable man in me , i sure don’t , the day i was dragged from her , nobody saw any honor in that , nobody protested , nobody called them monsters and blocked their way “better you than me” . With that i was doomed , with that i was born , into a world where my existence is my pain , no empathy .... no regret , how can i have regret , what did i have before...... barely a moment to embrace her , barely a moment to breath , no nutrition , no humanity , i can not support her , i am too weak , i can not live like this , so when they took me, i felt relived , i felt a surge of relief even when i was cast into this doomed vessel of death , i knew i

had escaped , escaped disappointing her. Escaped , i lullaby myself to sleep every time they let me close my eyes .... all i see is her face and i cry , the others say it could be worse , no it can’t be worse. i am not falling from this , robbed of my identity , robbed of any security . I am but cannon fodder to the masters , they can never understand. How can they , when they pamper their royal butts in satin sheets and golden bowls with gilded treats. How can they understand desperation , how can they empathize , they tell me i am a lesser being and i comply , the pride the ego if i ever had any , died a painful death every private moment i could fathom in this hell . But i yet have it easy , think of those who starve , the ones that they love , atleast i don’t have to go through that , atleast i don’t have to tell her how sorry i am , how i failed her , atleast in death we may dream again , in a paradise that i can’t possibly attain , she is my soulmate , she is my only escape , for her i must conquer the odds and i must return to her , for she gave me life , she carried me in her womb it is time i repay her. And then the stars go blurry , a yellow tint hovers over the horizon , they are calling it , a cloud , i can not for the life of me understand why they would call it a mushroom at the same time ? And then the throbbing starts , i feel as though someone jammed a needle in my throat and my crotch at that very moment , my consciousness drifts , as it collides with the memories of my short and unfortunate life. The words of my dear mother echo

in my head as i slip into an abyss of darkness deeper and deeper , instant after instant . “ You are never alone my son , always remember this embrace for it is a treasure you will always have , if not a roof over our heads if no food in our bellies , this is all we will have , our wealth isn’t hollow like those who inflict pain on others , it is the warmth we share that matters . never feel down or unfortunate , because you’ll always have me , even if i fall sick and ail all the while , i am your mother , i will always be there for you “ And with that i sensed the long lost vigor in me , i feel as though i can rip an elephant’s limbs off and fly as high as an eagle can . In that moment i felt the surge to live and with that I shove myself upward , my limbs desperately fought my instincts to let go and accept the fate. Drowned was the boy who was a victim , rose an individual anew , not a human , not a god , not a titan , it was a shadow. An evolution? oh it wasn’t anything like that , it was a new being that rose from the ashes of a weakling , the wreckage claimed the entire crew of ENSS Idatchi that day , no survivors , some metallic pools of gore - black blood and guts were all that was left of the titan The Japanese imperial navy’s pride , The ENSS Idatchi. The inspiration wasn’t an embrace . It was a redemption , i didn’t choose to be born , but i sure did choose to be alive today , Am i born anew ? i can not say but i can say , i no longer have any fear . This is my moment of truth , do i get back up and fight my way through this wreckage or do i let go? .....choices.... choices ....the only thing i didn’t have before, the void is finally filled , i have a choice to make . A life to Live.

D;k ujsaæ eksnh us vius mÙkjkf/kdkjh dh ryk’k iwjh dj yh gS\ ;wih ds u, lh,e ;ksxh vkfnR;ukFk] fganqRo vkSj fodkl ds eksnh ,tsaMs dks c<+kus ds i{k/kj

Banwari Lal Sharma

nksuksa dh dk;Z’kSyh esa Hkh dkQh lekurk utj vkrh gSA eksnh cM+s ls cM+k QSlyk ysrs gq, jÙkh Hkj ugha fgpfdpkrs gSa rks ;ksxh Hkh csfQØ gksdj fu.kZ; ysrs gSaA ‘kk;n blhfy;s dqN yksx ;ksxh dks yEch jsl dk ?kksM+k le> jgs gSa vkSj mUgsa viuh fl;klr Mxexkrh fn[k jgh gSA eksnh vkSj ;ksxh dks fnykstku ls pkgus okys rks ;gka rd dgrs gSa fd ns’k esa fgUnw fgrksa dh ckr djus okys dbZ usrk vk;s vkSj pys x;s] ijarq ftl rjg ls eksnh vkSj ;ksxh us tkfr;ksa esa caVs fgUnw lekt dks ,dtqV djus dk dke fd;k] mldk cM+k Qk;nk ns’k dks feyuk r; gSA

blh ds pyrs reke cqf)thfo;ksa dks Hkh yxus yxk gS fd tkfrokn QSykdj vkSj eqlyekuksa dks csodwQ cuk dj oksV cSad dh fl;klr djus okys eqyk;e ek;korh dh fl;klr ds fnu Hkh yn pqds gSa] ftlds pyrs vkus okys nks o”kksaZ esa f’k{kk LokLF; ls ysdj lkekftd Lrj ij mÙkj çns’k esa dkQh cM+s cM+s cnyko ns[kus dks fey ldrs gSaA ogha dqN yksx rks ;g Hkh eku cSBs gSa fd v;ks/;k esa jkeyyk dk HkO; eafnj cuus dk le; vk x;k gSA lqçhe dksVZ us ftl rjg ls ckrphr ds }kjk v;ks/;k fookn dks [kRe djus dh xqtkfj’k nksauks i{kksa ls dh gS] mlls

;g Hkh yxus yxk gS fd ;g le; eafnj fuekZ.k ds fy;s lcls vuqdwy gSA lh,e ;ksxh lqçhe dksVZ ds lq>ko ij lgefr Hkh trk pqds gSaA cl] vc ryk’k ,sls eqfLye cqf)thfo;ksa dh gS tks :f<oknh lksp ls Åij mBdj lksprs gSa] ftudks irk gS fd njvly dfFkr ckcjh efLtn ,d <kapk ek= gS] tgka dqjku dh ‘jks’kuh’ esa cSBdj vYykg dh bcknr ugha dh tk ldrh gSA [kSj] ckr dks vkxs c<+k;k tk;s rks ;g lkQ utj vk jgk gS fd lÙkk esa cnyko ds lkFk jkT; dk fetkt Hkh cny x;k gSA

Printed and Published by JECRC University, Ramchandrapura, Sitapura, Jaipur. Sub Editors: Aditya Pareek, Falguni Shrivastava, Harshit Jha, Banwari Lal Sharma, Layout Designer: Pandit Amandeep, Rimjhim Sharma, Chief Sub-Editor: Shailendra Pratap Singh Bhati,Editor: Dr. Neeraj Khattri , DISCLAIMER: The views reserved and opinions expressed in this paper are author(s) own and the facts reported by them have been verified to the extent possible, and the publisher are not in any liable for the same. This is for internal circulation only. Please send your valuable suggestions and feedback on ;

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