The Message, Issue 05, Vol 01

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‘Zarurat’ club creates a rhythm for ‘Rhythm-17’ A Pre-event for ‘Rhythm-17’ makes a festive environment in JECRC Campus Lakshika Mathur Jaipur. As the fest is approaching, its preparations are in full swing and JU Zarurat Club is no way behind in showing their contribution in an innovative way. The club is being organised Pre-Rhythm on Satureday. The Chief guest of this progaram was Mr. Om Prakesh Galhotra, Additional DG of Police cum Director, Rajasthan Police Academy. While relishing the moments of this event, Mr. Gahlotra said, “its an

honour to spend time with the students at Pre Rhythm. I want to give heartly congratulations to core JECRC Foundation to develop good environment for these children.” To give an important message, he said, ‘Time in our life is much precious as breath, if you all know the time management system, then you are ready to set your goal and take a step ahead towards it.’

Zarurat fulfilling ‘Zarurat’ of poor Kids


‘Zarurat’ Club was started in 2012 with a motive to educate underprivileged children from slum area. This is a self funded club. We are showing some cartoon films to the children so that they can enjoy. -Sapna Sharma, HOD(CS) “We are planning this event every year before JU Rhythm, in which we invite different NGO’S from Jaipur. This is very essential event and it is on large basis. Zarurat Club children also perform today” -Dr. Ekta Menghani (Bio tech)

Honourable guests and hosts durning Event ceremony

“ My name is Ragini. I am 6 year old. I have learned Dance, Poems, Songs and Counting. They give us chocolates, toys and I like to come here to learn new things” -Ragini, 6years old kid

Zarurat Club was started in 2012 with a motive to educate underprivileged children. Its an organisation for social concern. FB Page of ‘Zarurat Club’ explains its objective as; ‘Basically educating the unpriviledged poor kids who can not avail the facility of schooling.’ One of the volunteers said, ‘This Celebration is being celebrated every year. Basically, its like a Mega event.’ Every Saturday, there is a special activity for poor children of nearby communities, living around JECRC campus. There is also a donation box for them. Each year, students of the University donate clothes to them. Every festival is celebrat-

‘I wish, each student of our department will become an enterpreneur’ School of Design shaping itself and the future of its students

Rani Joshi Jaipur. “Its the first batch of design and we have done many things for our students. Firstly, we have created a Design club. Recently, in the food festival, our students helped in decoration. Students of Design are also helping

in the JU Rhythm-17 decoration. We have attended Art Summit and Jazz exibition, which was benificial and related to our students.’ says, Ms. Shivani Kaushik, Head of Department, School of Design. She said, ‘All machin-

ery, which is required to us University is providing. Our jewellery lab, Graphics lab is also under construction. 3D printer, Laser Printer, which is required and University is fullfilling all our needs and providing each and every

equipments, as soon as possible.’ She told, ‘In ‘Rhythm-17’, for any art work, students of our department are working as Coordinators. We have prepared a Selfie corner and our theme is ‘Good over Evil’.’

She assured, ‘Future of our student is bright. I wish each student of our Department will become an enterpreneur. In the starting stage of their work, they can work with some companies for the exposure and experience.

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

NASA discovers a New Solar System

All stars orbitting ‘TRAPPIST-1’, a dim, ultra cool dwarf star, much cooler and redder than the Sun and barely larger than the Jupiter

Sadiq Khan

Jaipur. The scientists at NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), United States(US) have claimed the discovery of a New Solar System. According to the scientists, the solar system contains Seven warm, rocky, earthlike planets. The discovery was reported in the journal ‘Nature’ and represents the first time astronomers have ever detected so many terrestrial planets orbiting a single star. The star is called ‘TRAPPIST-1’, ‘TRAPPIST’, according

to NASA is a dim and ultra cool dwarf star, much cooler and redder than the Sun and barely larger than the Jupiter. ‘TRAPPIST-1’ is located in the constellation ‘Aquarius’- the water bearer. Before this, if you wanted to study terrestrial planets, we had only four of them and they were all in our solar system: lead author Michael Gillon, an

exoplanet researcher at the University of Liege in Belgium. ”Now we gave seven Earth sized planets to expand our understanding. Yes, we have the possibility to find water and life. But even if we don’t, whatever we find will be super interesting”. According

to NASA, An exoplanet is a planet that orbits a star other than our Sun. According to the scientists, the star at the center of the solar system has a temperature of 2550k and at least 500 million years old. In comparison, the Sun is about 4.6 billion old and has a temperature of 5778k. Prof. Sara Seager, an expert in planetary Science and Physics at the Massachussets

Institute of Technology, said: ”In this planetary system, ‘Goldilocks’ has many sisters, we have made a giant accelerated leap forward in the search of habitable worlds and life in other worlds”. According to The Telegraph, ‘Goldilocks’ zones are the zones where temperatures are suited to surface oceans of liquid water. According to NASA, a ‘habitable’ world or a ‘zone’ is a band of potential habitability, the right distance and temperature for liquid water.


Priyansh Nahar Sub Editors: Deepak Sharma, Rani Joshi, Priyansh Nahar, Lakshika Mathur, Sadiq Khan, Layout Designer: Pandit Amandeep, Chief Sub-Editor: Shailendra Pratap Singh Bhati, Editor: Dr. Neeraj Khattri , DISCLAIMER: The views reserved and opinions expressed in this Paper are author(s) own and the facts reported by them have been verified to the extent possible, and the publisher are not in any liable for the same. This is for internal circulation only. Please send your valuable suggestions and feedback on ;

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