The Message, Issue 04, Vol 01

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Hussain Haidry is in trend while reciting a Poem about ‘Hindustani Musalman’ By Falguni Shrivastava

The man behind social media’s fa-

vourite poem. ‘‘I ‘m not saying anything new,’’ insists Hussain Haidri. The internet doesn’t agree. Hussain Haidri can’t understand why a poem he wrote for himself in a quiet moment has created so much noise. Haidry’s recitation of Hindustani Musalman at ‘Kommune’, a performing arts forum in Mumbai, was shared by the forum’s Facebook page on February 10. Within a week, the poem was shared by over 2,000 Facebook users, written about in National Newspapers and re-tweeted with comment after comment about how it moved people to tears. The poem, which starts off by ask-

ing “Main kaisa musalman hoon bhai?” (What kind of a Muslim am I, brother?) and ends with “Main Hindustani Musalman hoon” (I’m a Hindustani Muslim), describes a Muslim as an amalgam of various influences: “Mujh mein Gita ka saar bhi hai ek Urdu ka akhbaar bhi hai 100 me se 14 hoon lekin 14 yeh kam nahin padte hain main poorey sau mein basta hoon poorey sau mujh mein bastey hain’’ Hindustani Musalman appears to have touched a nerve during the poll season, when headlines are speaking of the Muslim vote bank and Political parties are criticised for polarising rhetoric in the elections in Uttar Pradesh. ‘Its not a protest’ said Haidri, adding that every line of Hindustani Musalman applies to him alone, not to Muslims as a whole. The Indore-born chartered accountant and Indian Institute of Management-Indore graduate left his job in Decem-

Book Review

An account of Populist movements and Social Media dimensions David Hoffman’s ‘Citizens Rising’: A biased perspective damaging US credibility By Aditya Pareek Jaipur. David Hoffman’s Citi- The author deserves laud in his prezens Rising, is a riveting volume that dwells into the various populist movements that turned into full blown revolutions that unseated many authoritarian regimes some brutal others not so much. Reading between the lines and with no vested interest in geopolitics perhaps one could enjoy Citizens Rising as a good text on contemporary populist revolutions. His argument in one of the opening lines in the book’s chapters that “a benevolent/liberal dictator is an oxymoron “ which although technically a correct statement leaves a lot of valuable context behind and is a testament to the author’s lack of objectivity when “dictating” his value judgment, furthermore his “blindness” to the CIA/ US government’s shinenigans which lead to the many regime changes that are so central to the book’s content.

sentation of the facts he chooses to focus over which he does accurately with a true to the truth account of Post 9/11 Afghanistan and Musharraf era Pakistan for South Asia and less objectively with Ukraine, Georgia and other parts of the former Eastern bloc that most Commonwealth of independent states of the former USSR now make up. His stark refusal to write about how the US establishment or any other force resourceful enough can and must have influenced the said revolutions and their outcomes easily. For the centerpiece of these movements was chaos and anarchy. Which is breeding ground for information war and political subversion. His scholarly work is left tarnished at the end with a biased perspective that chooses to omit facts that may be incrementing and perhaps even damaging to US credibility on the world stage.

ber, 2015 as Head of Finance at a company, to become a full-time lyricist and Screenwriter. “I’ve always been confused about my identity,’’ said Haidri. “There are so many phases within me. I speak different languages at different times. I’ve worked in different cities and travelled to villages or small towns in Gujarat, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh. All these places have coloured my personality. Yes, I identify as a Muslim, but my identity is not just that. ‘Main kaisa Musalman hoon?’ or ‘What kind of Muslim am I?’ is a question I’ve often put to myself. Why do I feel my identity is so fragmented? Perhaps because I’m a Hindustani? Hindustan is so diverse. It gives you so much in terms of experience and you soak all that in.’’ It was while waiting to set off on a trip from Kolkata to Bhutan that Haidri heard the sound of the azaan one morning, and the first lines of the poem came to him. “But it

was a completely different poem back then, and I even lost the diary I wrote it in. So I rewrote it a few months back.’’ Haidri, 31, has lived almost every experience the poem mentions. He had a dip in the Ganga in Rishikesh, where he had gone rafting and in Varanasi, a city he wants to visit again. He has gone to temples, gurdwaras, churches and mosques with friends – old schoolmates he has known for the past 25 years, who like him, wonder about their identity. “I have Brahmin friends who are conscious of being privileged, yet their caste is very much part of their personality. But that has never come between us.’’ “Unlike most Muslims, I’ve led a privileged life,’’ he pointed out. “I was born into a middle class family in a middling town, then I got a high-paying job which took me to big cities, where I moved only in certain pockets. That was, in a way, a different identity for me.’’

Health and fitness

swer is yoga which is the best mental exercise since ancient times. It helps us to keep our mind calm and fresh and also nourishes our inner body. From the field of exercise, a sport of body building has also emerged. People are taking part in many bodybuilding championships. Although in today’s era people are very health conscious and are therefore using harmful drugs like steroids to make their body beautiful or to win the competitions. But I do not support those who are engaged in these activities since it is very harmful if we see in the long term. One of my senior gym mates is no longer because he was also a victim of steroids. Therefore, i always suggest to keep working out in the gym but also maintain intake of a healthy diet

By Harshit Jha “Our body is a reflection of our life style”. Doing exercise regularly keeps our body healthy, fit and active. It also protects us from harmful diseases like cancer, heart diseases, obesity etc. What i believe is that working out in the gym not only keeps us healthy but it also makes our body beautiful and attractive. In few cases beauty may leave a good impression but not in every case. So, to counter that we must perform mental exercises. Well, now you’ll be asking what do i mean by mental exercise? The an-

Alive Farida Jajal declared ‘dead’ online Actress herself considered the rumour ‘hale and hearty’ By Falguni Shrivastav Jaipur. On Sunday night, bollywood fans were in a for a shock when a news starting circulating on social media sites that Farida Jalal is dead! Obituaries written, some being written and published but the real news is that Farida is still alive. Like all death rumours in recent times, this victim of a death hoax of Farida Jalal passing on the social networking sites in that case Farida said, hale and hearty. I dont know from where that these baseless rumours are coming from. Initially I laughed, but from last 30 minutes my phone has been constantly ringing and everybody is asking the same question, its a bit irritating.


IPL 2017 Player Auction: All rounder sold at 14.5 cr.

By Harshit Jha Jaipur. Newzealand’s fast bowling all-rounder bans strokes sold at 14.5 cr. Who will be playing from rinsing pune. Ben strokes is a 25-year-old champ from England and is a current vice captain of the English test team.

Australian Steve Smith replaces Captain M.S Dhoni

Jaipur. Ms Dhoni was replaced by Australian Steve smith as captain on Sunday . People might be thinking that Dhoni has stepped down because he has been removed as a captain but the player still continues to be a part of rinsing Pune as a player.

Upcoming Dates of Note International Women’s Day

Woman is a free soul, a stepping stone for a child and She has her own identity but plays many roles in her life. So, lets honour them by celebrating the International Women’s Day on this upcoming 8th March 2017. By Harshit Jha

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Donald Trump’s “zero sum game” Foreign policy and Indian Boots on the Ground in Afghanistan.

By Aditya Pareek The transfer of 4 Mi-25 Attack helicopters formerly operated by The Indian Airforce to the Afghan Airforce is hailed as the watershed in India and Afghanistan’s alignment towards countering the growing tilt in the geopolitical balance of power in asia which has been disturbed by Pakistan and The People’s Republic of China’s post 9/11 intimacy. The USA’s influence over the Pakistani establishment and Its Asymmetrical Dogs of War depletes day by day and China seems eager to fill the vacuum left behind by the US even if it is only to curb the growth of The Republic of India’s rise as a world power by bogging down much of India’s resources and Focus in countering “Non State Actors” sponsored and trained by the Pakistani Military in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Thus China is adhering to a “Wolfowitz-ian” strategy of sabotaging a potential rival(India)before it can even rise as a player in PRC’s quest for wrestling the global hegemon status from the United States. Since Taking office The Donald Trump Administration has operated on a foreign policy paradigm where every dealing no matter how big or small with a foreign country is seen as a “zero sum game” where the US establishment seems bent on extracting something from the other party in exchange of whatever is on the table, The Recent reports about the US’s willingness to

move forward with selling substantial Military hardware like M777 Howitzers is a welcome development but any such deals in the future may entail the deployment of Indian Combat Troops in Afghanistan in support of NATO’s war on terror. Shalabh kumar & Donald Trump One has to take into consideration the Shalabh Kumar who urges the dethen Indian Prime Minister Atal ployment of Indian Troops to fight Bihari Vajpayee’s long contem- insurgents in Afghanistan signal plation and then ultimate refusal that this demand might emerge as to give into pressure and thus not a prerequisite for India securing sending Indian Soldiers to fight access to The USA’s highly sophisalongside US forces in Iraq. ticated military technologies like Some Senior Ministers in the then Electro Magnetic Aircraft LaunchNDA Govt. would have preferred ing System for if India had sent a contingent of prospective Aircraft Carriers(Iforces to Iraq meant as a gesture AC-II/INS Vishal) and Avenger of solidarity if not straight up stra- UAVs ,deals for which are being tegic realignment in the face of a aggressively negotiated by both weak Russian Federation not be- sides on a fast track basis. ing able to exert much geopolitical Demands for every kind of Indian sway or being able to back India in Military Aid to Afghanistan short the contemporary era of absolute of Indian Boots on the Ground to Global Hegemony of the US. fight The Taliban has been echoed In the present day the BJP Govt. by Afghanistan’s President Hamid in power ,lead by Prime Minister Karzai numerous times but given Modi India is inching ever closer the geopolitical climate that may to the US to contain an aggressive soon change to include Indian chinese push to expand its sphere Boots on the Ground. of Influence in the Indian Ocean There’s also the relatively recently and South China Sea. signed “Logistics Support AgreeRecent Comments by the head of ment” by former US Defense SecThe Republican Hindu Coalition, retary Ashton Carter and Indian

Government Greenlights Expansion of Shore based Radar Installations By Aditya Pareek

Jaipur. In a resolve to implement ing an addition 38 Radar Facili- mately 800 crores. the reforms put forward by various investigating panels post 26/11, The Indian Navy has taken a series of measures to improve the Maritime and Amphibious defenses of the approximately 7500KM long coastline of India. The latest of which is the proposition for building and operat-

ties to further expand the Radar coverage and realtime maritime and amphibious awareness of the various combat units deployed by the Three Services. The Electronic Apparatus to build said is supposed to be supplied by Indian Companies chiefly Bharat Electronics Limited which would be worth approxi-

The Idea is to greatly expand the ability for the Radar Technicians in the Defense Services’ employ to pinpoint the locations of even small vessels or other comparable threats such as the boats used by the Pakistani Terrorists to land on the shores of Mumbai during the 26/11 attack.

Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, granted that was under The Obama Administration but since The Trump Administration has reaffirmed that it aims to honor and even expand any and all military ties to India and supports the US Congress’s endorsement of India as a major Defense Partner of the US. There is also the Purchase of 22 Apache and 15 Chinook Helicopters which is anticipated to expand the capabilities of India’s attack and heavy airlift chopper fleets considerably. If Donald Trump’s campaign promise to ensure that NATO member nations spend atleast 2% of their GDP is anything to go by It will be no surprise if The Trump Administration insists on roping Indian forces into Afghanistan just to adhere with their “zero sum game” paradigm. One hopes that the Indian Government will be wary of committing to wars it may not have the means to support, especially when the Majority of Its Vital military assets and equipment(SU-30MKI ,MiG 29K & INS Vikramaditya among others) is dependent on logistical and maintenance support by Russia which such endeavors are sure to alienate. Furthermore the deployment of huge numbers of Indian Troops to a foreign land may not be support-

ed by The Indian Masses, granted UN and Srilankan Peace Keeping Missions(Tamilnadu did see some dissent brewing)saw no major opposition in the arena of public opinion in the past. As History is witness at the end of the day it is a world dominated by nations and leaders who can practice realpolitik in the (geo)political sphere and still keep their approval ratings high in public discourse. Even if a little ,the Modi Government has shown that it posses these traits in the form of such path breaking actions as The Surgical Strikes unto terrorist Launch Pads across The Line of Control in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir ,The retaliatory strike inside Myanmar on Naga insurgents And Ofcourse there is the Demonetisation of High Value Currency Notes tremors of which are still being felt in the mainstream. Given the above factors, there is a good chance that India might finally step up to the role of a major world power unlike how things were handled in the coldwar era where Nehruvian non-alignment relegated India into a minor power devoid of any sway over balance of power defining world events. If handled wisely Indian boots on the ground in Afghanistan may serve as the milestone in history when India wakes up to Its Geostrategic projection potential.



So where to go next,

In those winter nights Surrounded by fog, With fireflies lights. Breathing out the smoke, You’ ll realise, it pain When your heart did broke, Yet you smiled to her again. Your tears will freeze halfway, With memories of your past You’ ll cry your heart anyway, Thinking of her at last. Sudhir patnayik(BBA)

Adarsh Jain (BBA)

Time decides everything Harshit Jha BA(JMC) Editor: Dr. Neeraj Khattri , Chief Sub-Editor: Shailendra Pratap Singh Bhati, Layout Designer: Pandit Amandeep Sub Editors: Aditya Pareek, Falguni Shrivastava, Harshit jha, Banwari Lal Sharma. DISCLAIMER: The views reserved and opinions expressed in this Paper are author(s) own and the facts reported by them have been verified to the extent possible, and the publisher are not in any liable for the same. This is for internal circulation only. Please send your valuable suggestions and feedback on ;

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