Uniform Requirements 2013

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ST JOSEPH’S REGIONAL COLLEGE “The Truth will set you free”

PO Box 231 College Drive Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Phone: (02) 5525 4100 Fax: (02) 5525 4199

Dear Parents and students, We thought it timely as the year draws to an end and families get ready to purchase new uniform items, especially shoes, that we remind families of the compulsory uniform policy at St Joseph’s Regional College. We would however like to clarify and highlight below a few of the key rules as to avoid confusion and confrontation in the New Year if students are in incorrect uniforms. Neither staff nor students like to do uniform detentions; however I know staff, students and parents pride ourselves on the presentation of our students, both at school and in the wider community, including as they travel to and from the College. Students are ambassadors for the College and the way they wear the uniform in the local community sends a very strong message about the standards, expectations and levels of excellence at the College. Below are some excerpts from the uniform policy which can be found on the College website and in student’s diaries, highlighting some areas of the uniform which have been a problem toward the end of the 2012 school year. Shoes in particular have been a problem, both with the formal uniform and on sports days. To assist you we have placed some photos on the College website http://www.pmreglism.catholic.edu.au/ of acceptable and unacceptable shoes. The links below will take you straight to the photos: http://www.pmreglism.catholic.edu.au/general/photo-gallery/2012/inappropriate-shoes http://www.pmreglism.catholic.edu.au/general/photo-gallery/2012/appropriate-shoes 1) SHOES: Plain black polishable lace-up, complete leather upper school shoes, not ballerina shoes (no high tops, boots or ripple soles, canvas or skate type shoes, or logos. No buckle or open top shoes). 2) SPORT SHOES: Lace up sport shoes suitable for running, team sports and other athletic activity. Skate shoes, gym boots, volleys, “canvas shoes” and other casual footwear are neither safe nor appropriate. Must be worn with the College sports sock. 3) SPORTS SHORTS: Plain black medium length basketball shorts purchased from Joprim uniforms. No logos. 4) GIRLSS UNIFORM: (Yr 7-10) Aqua dress, must be no more than 4cm above the knee (the dress is being phased out over the next three years) OR Double pleated skirt worn on the knee. 5) JEWELLERY: Earrings must be gold or silver studs or sleepers on the lower lobe. In addition to assisting with ensuring students wear the correct uniform and shoes we would ask parents to assist with minimising the number of times students have notes for incorrect uniform. Whilst we appreciate in the business of families, and teenage lives, there are times when things get misplaced, left behind, or in the wash we would expect this would be on the rare occasion. If you have further queries or concerns in relation to uniform please do not hesitate to contact me at the College from mid January. Wishing you a safe and enjoyable Christmas and holiday season. Cath Cath Eichmann Assistant College Principal

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