Spartan Voice #10

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FEBRUARY 4, 2011



100th Day of School Approaches!

! Here at Wichita Collegiate our 100th day of school will be February 9th. Here are some ideas for celebrating! 1. What can you do in 100 seconds? Time yourself and let us know. e.g. How many times can you jump rope in 100 seconds? 2. Make yourself a 100 day to do list. Do at least 10 things! 3. Watch a video about the Model-T --100 years old this year. 4.Make a list of everything you buy until you get to $100. 5.Make a list of 100 books you have read. 6. Write a short story of 100 words. 7. Write a list of 100 of your favorite things. 8. Create a playlist with 100 songs. 9. What are the 100 top movies? 10. Collects $1 from 100 people and donate it to charity. 11. Make a list of 100 things to ask Dr. Nixon. 12. Take 100 photographs. 13. Do 100 push ups. 14. make a list of 100 things you have learned. 15. Count to 100 in another language. 16. Make a 100 calorie snack. 17. What 100 objects could you fit in a 5 oz. cup? 100 beans? peanuts? 18. How tall is a stack of 100 pennies? The coin of your choice? 19. Make number sentences that equal 100. e.g. 5 X 20 = 100 (3 X 33) + 1 = 100 (300/6) X 2 = 100 20.

Where would a 100 step walk take your from your house? From your classroom? From your bedroom? 21. Find some people whose ages total exactly 100. e.g. Mom is 32 Dad is 35 sister is 9 brother is 3 friend is 11 cousin is 10 --------------total 100 22. Toss a coin 100 times and graph the results... head and tails. Yeah!

23. Research 100 people born 100 years ago.


24. Learn about the Nasdaq 100.

“Illegitamus non carborundum”

Thus begins the rallying cry for moderates, 25. Compare the cost of progressives, Republicans, Democrats and grocery items 100 Americans in general. A fitting anachronism of years ago. old and new, this “modern Latin” phrase embodies the appropriate response to several of 26. List 100 multiples the key problems facing our country. of 100. 27. Think about what you will be doing 100 days from now. 28. Find 100 cool inventions. 29. Do 100 drawings. 30. List 100 things in the room you are in . 31. Make a list of 100 things you would like to try. 32. Research the 100 best basketball games ever played. 33. Think of 100 ways to help someone. 34. Learn about the world in 100 B.C. 35. Write a song with 100 notes. 36. Make a time capsule for people in 2111. 37. List 100 famous people alive today. 38. Take a picture of a friend 100 times.

The first is the unending spin doctoring of the far right and the so-called conservatives now in power. Their extremist views echo the Jihadist rants of others who oppose the true America, while ignoring the deeply held convictions of the majority of even their own members. Convictions like truth, justice, equality, national pride and moderation which are revered by Republicans and Democrats alike. The lionizing of words by these media moguls and propaganda artists has a chilling effect on our nation’s very soul. Our culture no longer honors the virtues and advantages of everything that is embodied in the word “liberal” instead placing too high on pedestal the bastardized and misunderstood concept of “conservative.” The average citizen now improperly attributes negative aspects to a positive force, and god-like aspects to one that is by far over-rated. Even ‘moderate’ has been spun to appear as if it were actually wishy-washy, so using the label “conservative” instantly creates support for even the most ludicrous of propositions. Indeed, the self-righteous and self-deceived delusions of two parties of “conservatives” now threaten the freedom from religious persecution that my ancestors and this nation’s many generations fought for. These usurped parties do it by using the trumpet of their own word as the embodiment of the intent of a forgiving God, whose true words they ignore. Yet this televisionevangelist type of public policy postulating is very mesmerizing to a lost populace searching for a better way, and they repeat the lies of the far right while voting away their own rights.

The stripping of funding for the arts, removal of personal freedoms and hard-handed media bites that disguise the true issues, do nothing to move our great nation forward. Cuts are made in programs that support both basic human rights and the furtherance of culture and progress. Even our public media, the last bastion of truth in reporting and the stalwart defenders of the Constitutionality revered right of Freedom of the press, is under constant fire from those that abhor the harsh glare of unbiased examination. Even the cherished Constitution and human rights of democracy and the right to vote are under attack! Our state’s top election official is proposing that we alienate and frustrate the lower income and other marginalized segments of society, because he knows they support Democrats and democracy. The wrongintentioned move to create barriers to voting reverses centuries of progress in moving towards a better democracy and in increasing the role of the concept ‘one man, one vote.’ Democracy is no longer an honored and respected value. It has become another tool to control and oppress. The divisiveness of the conservatives’ rhetoric only serves to perpetuate government gridlock, lost opportunities towards progress and the disparity between the few and the many. The distance between the haves and the have nots increases at an alarming rate under this type of governance through malice, and the average person votes in favor of a concept they don’t even understand, at their own peril. These decades of political strive have been wearying even to the faithful and it is easy to lose sight of the goal. We must continue the good fight, and never lose our hope for the future, as it is only through out hope that great things will be achieved. The problems facing our nation are many, but the creators are few. It is evident who is behind the abuse of our democracy. It is necessary for true conservatives, liberals, moderates, progressives alike to end the extreme bi-partisan politics and begin the struggle back to sanity, freedom and greatness as one nation, indivisible. It is fitting that this should begin with a modern twist on a ancient language. “Illegitamus non carborundum” “Don’t let the bastards grind you down!”

39. Make 100 cupcakes or cookies! 40. Read 100 pages of a new book. 41. Think of 100 ways to “go green.” 42. Sing 100 songs, or one song 100 times! 43. Walk 100 steps. 44. Collect 100 items from nature. 45. Try the “locavore diet”--items produced from within 100 miles from your home! 46. Say hello to 100 people. 47. Raise Spartan Spirit 100% 48. Get 100% on a Precalc quiz. 49.Find out 100 facts about American History. 50. Drive 100 miles. 51. Nap for 100 minutes. 52. List 100 world events that have occurred in 100 days. 53. Be quiet for 100 minutes. 54. Learn 100 things about 1911. 55. Hold a yoga pose for 100 seconds. 56. Cut 100 calories from your diet. 57. Try not to facebook for 100 hours! 58. Make a list of 100 ideas. 59. Tweet 100 characters. 60. Write a message to 100 friends on Facebook. 61. Imagine 100 years in the future. 62. Measure 100 inches, 100 yards, 100 centimeters. 63. Count how long it takes until you see or hear 100 commercial in one day. 64. Choose 100 movies you WANT to see. 65. Spend $100 -- because you have been in school for $100 days. 66. Have a party for 100 people. 67. Go to 100 Collegiate events. 68. Donate $100 to impoverished children. 69. Make a list of 100 places you would like to visit.

Bowling for Scholars !

By Serjay Sambros

Scholar's Bowl is great if you enjoy answering trivia. Trivia by definition is useless knowledge. But Scholar's Bowl tends to have more scholarly questions, so you could consider scholar's bowl trivia as useful. At least in terms of history or science class. Otherwise, scholar's bowl is mostly a collection of high school students that have nothing better to take part in, and most consider a Scholar's Bowl meet a social event. For me, sitting around waiting to competitively answer trivia is not a social event. But for most of these kids I'm sure it is the equivalent of homecoming or something similar, except that most of these kids fit in here. This of course is excluding our Scholar's Bowl team, which seemed to be the only team that lacked an article of hot topic clothing. Perhaps that's how everyone sees everyone else at a scholar's bowl meet, no one would admit to themselves that they don't fit in.

Maybe they all imagine that they are all normal and are equals to the kids that compete in athletics. No, it is not a social event for me, because I just enjoy answering trivia, but more importantly I enjoy winning, which one our team did. But, after all is over, I have to admit that I went to a competition to answer trivia questions and I enjoyed it, just like all these other weird kids.



coach fiegel

By Jake Barrett.

Q: Coach, How did you spend your Snow Days? A: Well, I went to see Kid Rock, listened to some music and tossed a few snow balls!

SAY CHEESE! Coach Messamore and Sam Brown looking tasty! Coach Messamore will be going to Dallas for the Superbowl this weekend. Just as a fan by the looks of it!!!

LOOK OUT!!!! Beiber and his Mama are coming to the Super bowl . . We at Spartan Voice are just kind enough to give you fair warning! Proceed with caution. 70. Go to 100 places in Wichita that you have never been to before. 71. Run 100m. 87. Save $100 in coupons. 72. Make 100 free throws. 88. Invest $100. 73. Give Raymond Taylor 100 starburst candies 89. Make a list of the 100 ugliest words. 74. Recycle 100 items. 90. Write 100 words in a foreign language. 75. Plant 100 plants. 91. Plan a weekend for visitors with only $100. 76. Collect 100 weird items and them make a display. 92. Calculate the cost of 100 random items. 77. Find 100 funny jokes or youtube videos. 93. Make a collage of 100 faces 78. Make a list of 100 ways to improve the school. 94. Make a sculpture from 100 pieces of the same item . . pencils, 79. Make a list of 100 ways to improve yourself. balls, socks, rubber duckies . . . 80. Pick up 100 pieces of trash. 95. Listen to 100 new songs to find one you love. 81. Thank Mr. Ashbrook for 100 things. 96. Design a 100 acre park. 82. Thank you parents for 100 more. 97. Give 100 hours of your time to the community. 83. Find 100 recipes you want to try. 98. Find 100 pieces of art that appeal to you. 84. Memorize 100 random facts. 99. Give yourself 100 reasons to be happy. 85. Blow up 100 balloons. 100. Give 100%-- all the time! 86. Clean your house for 100 minutes.

An Outsider’s Take on the Vietnamese New Year Festival Opinion By: Jake Barrett

What do you get when you combine two-person lion costumes, tons of people who don’t speak English, red money packets, red sticky rice and five thousand egg rolls? Yep, it’s a Vietnamese New Year party. Last Sunday, January 30, 2011 was the day of the Vietnamese New Year. There was a huge festival at Magdalen Catholic Church in the gymnasium for all of the parishioners, but it was not just Magdalen attendants, it was all of the Catholic Vietnamese people in the city and suburbs. There were at least two hundred people there, maybe even three hundred, and all of them were cheering in Vietnamese when the banner dropped, symbolizing the start of the New Year. There was a big show with six two-person lion costumes where they ‘fought’ and then they had to reach up very high to grab the money packets hanging from the ceiling. They were at least twenty feet high, so the person in the back had to have the person at the mouth stand on their shoulders and stretch to make the grab. The people who perform in the costumes have to train all year for the New Year festival. The lions also walk all around the crowd to have all of the children, and anybody else who wants to, ‘feed’ the lions treats of red ‘lucky’ money packets. After the lion show, there were several little dances where children and teens in traditional Vietnamese clothing danced and modeled. It was very interesting, even though I couldn’t understand the language that the music was in. Finally it was time for the food! There was red sticky rice, chicken (I think), noodles and the best food of all: egg rolls. The line wove all the way to the back of the gym, and it was well worth the wait. The egg rolls were fantastic, as well as the red sticky rice which was very sweet and chewy. I was told that they prepared five thousand egg rolls for the occasion, yes, five thousand. By the end of the festivities, they still managed to run out! Even though I couldn’t understand what was being said or what was going on exactly, I sill had a great time. It was very fun and culturally enlightening and all that. Still, the best part were the free egg rolls. F.Y. I. 2011 is the Chinese year of the Rabbit. Vietnamese year of the Kitty Cat.

Jersey shore

Things have changed in America over the past year. The sky is still blue, the Royals still suck and Sarah Palin is still an idiot. But something is different. America is now a guido nation. It is no longer uncommon to see a tanned guy with spiked hair on steroids walking down the street with an equally tan, half plastic girl. Much of this craze can be attributed to the popular MTV show “Jersey Shore”. This “reality” television show has taken American viewers captive. Snooki even has a New York Times bestselling novel out right now. With guido-mania out in full force right now, I find it appropriate for me to do an investigative report on life on the shore. For those of you wanting to follow along as I commentate on this episode, the description my DVR gives me is “Ronnie and JWoww make up, upsetting Sammi; Mike learns Deena’s secret.” Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Jersey Shore has a new character? Who is Deena? And why is she so interesting looking?As Grace Kurban would say “She’s a grenade.” JWoww is crying and Snooki is hugging her from behind. Has Snooki gotten taller? I swear she’s almost 4’6 now. Although all the other dudes are tools, Vinny seems like a pretty chill dude. I can see myself knocking back some brewskies with him (can I say that?). Snooki’s friend Ryder shows up. I didn’t know Oompa Loompas mingled with humans. Snooki and JWoww can’t fix the locks on a door so they ask “Are there any juice heads around here?” Apparently it’s cool to be on roids now. Ryder and Deena drink margaritas and go on a roller coaster. Sounds like a great idea. Snooki shows up in Jersey to reunite with Ryder. I don’t really care, so I’d like to take the time to let you know that peanut butter on top of Nilla wafers was God’s greatest gift to man. The crew goes to “Club Karma”. Vinny picks up a girl, Sammi gets jealous that Ronnie is talking to another girl. You know, the exact same things that were happening in season one. The group eats some amazing looking pizza and Ronnie kicked Sammi out or something. Man that pizza looked good. Ronnie has roid rage and throws Sammi’s clothes all over the floor. PROTEIIIIIIN. HAHAHAHA. Pauly’s bug eyed face as he saw the trashed room was the highlight of the scene. They have a vuvuzela that they call the “grenade horn”. Vuvuzelas have now been ruined. Awww Ronnie is crying. Roid cry. Sammi keeps saying “If you’re friends with her I’m out.” Good. Please leave. Hmmmm. Well as painful as it has been I have made it halfway through this episode. This show is terrible. If you have made it this far in you’re a trooper. This is Max “the Salami” Craddock signing out.

THE SPARTAN VOICE: STAFF: Max Craddock, Serjay Sambros, Ellen Healy, Riley Kemmer, Rachel Klingenberg, Tara Kneller, Alex Waldeck, Diana Kim, Jake Barrett, Zach Alvarez, Devon Rutledge, Kalli Sikes and Brooke Winthrow. The Spartan Voice accepts the following responsibilities: The Spartan Voice is a newspaper operated by students at Wichita Collegiate School. Content in the Voice will consist of articles, editorials, letters, photographs and any other material pertaining to the Wichita Collegiate community. The Spartan Voice was founded in the principle that all students should have an equal opportunity to share their opinion in an open, unbiased forum of discussion. Students, faculty, administrators, and parents make up the four fundamental parts of the Wichita Collegiate community. Although controversial subjects maybe featured in the Voice, no part of the community will be discriminated against. The views expressed in printed material do not necessarily represent the views of the Spartan Voice or Wichita Collegiate School. Contact: like us on facebook “spartan voice”

Horoscopes . . . your prediction of future events. Serjay Sambros Aries March 21-April 19 Come on! Donʼt be scared try something on the 100 list! Taurus April 20-May 20 This will be the best day of your life. Tonight: Study Precalc.

Gemini May 21-June 20 Who came up with the title Good Life anyway? Certainly not Alexander the Great. Cancer June 21-July 22 Life seems like a reality show right now. How pathetic. Stoop to conquer already. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 If you are lucky you can Facebook Dump first. Virgo Aug.23-Sept.22 Make a new friend. Perhaps at a Scholarʼs bowl meet? Libra Sept.23-Oct.22 Slow down already, geez. Scorpio Oct.23-Nov.21 Tell Keisha sheʼs pretty. “Itʼs Friday, we rollinʼ.” Sagittarius Nov.22-Dec.21 Justin Bieber wants you to follow him on Twitter. Just say no! Capricorn Dec.22-Jan19 Consult King Lear: Nothing will become of Nothing. Aquarius Jan.20-feb. 18 If you do donʼt go to the Basketball game in full out spirit gear it will be a catastrophe. Oh, bring Donut Whole Donuts too. Pisces Feb.19-March 20 Do not see what is done, only what remains to be done. and for those of you sticking with Ophiuchus Beware of rodents.

teen angst movie of the week

By Mr. Myers

Better Off Dead (1985) Starring John Cusack. After his girlfriend ditches him for a boorish ski jock, Lane Meyer decides that suicide is the only answer. but his increasingly inept attempts to off himself only bring more agony and embarrassment. His socially awkward neighbor, Ricky and the foreign exchange student from France play a huge part in Laneʼs ultimate decision on life and love.


I woke up. It was like any other morning: racing the clock to make it to school on time, no time

for breakfast, no time to waste. I can’t have another tardy; Mr. Nesmith has become a close friend over the years. Almost as if detention is a regular time where I catch up with him, on what we’ve been up to since my last “visit”. My tardy slips are starting to stare me in the face in Humanities, due to Mr. Mykel’s newest decoration. Instead of a poster, Mr. Mykel puts the senior tardy slips up, as if it is wallpaper. I find it very clever and quite humorous , seeing my fellow classmates who aren’t morning people either. But lately it seems as if I’m the only one up there. Anyways back to the topic. The roads were really icy with the worst kind of ice, black ice. It is almost impossible to detect black ice, making it extremely unexpected and unwelcome. If you live in College Hill, off of Douglas, you know that we have brick roads, making it even more slippery. I was driving a bit slower due to the weather, but was more anxious than ever to make it to school on time. As I was turning out, my car began to loose control. My tires lost all traction, and I started slipping sideways. Remembering driver’s ed, I followed where the car wanted to go…. That was stupid. Eventually I hit this little, navy blue car that was parked in an unfortunate place. My car took on the crash like a pro for its old age. My faithful beast hit the car, lightly on its side, stopping with the blow and only giving me a little whiplash. I began to freak out; it happened so fast to the point where all I remember is slipping and sliding and the sound of metal on metal. I was close to opening my door when this pickup truck came suddenly out of nowhere. It hit me hard, denting my door and leaving many bruises for later. I was so spooked that I didn’t get out of the car until the man in the pickup opened the door. I must have looked disheveled, because he kept asking if I was ok, if I was hurt. I didn’t feel anything except the shake of the car, and I wondered if I looked bad due to his constant question, “Are you ok?” I took a peek in my review mirror, to see nothing hurt but my pride. I hadn’t noticed that I started crying. Like always, I looked puffy and pink and realized that the man thought he did more damage to me than my car. I felt pretty embarrassed, and tried to calm down.

A man from across the road shouted “Hey, you hit my neighbor’s car!”… Thanks Captain

Obvious, it’s icy too! The parked car didn’t have as much damage when I had hit it first, but after being sandwiched between the little car, and the big pickup, I had no doubt that there would be more damage. There was. The man in the pickup helped me out and telling me what to do. I was shaking and unaware of it. Eventually the owner of the little car stepped out, with his walking chair and a smile. I was weirded out why he was smiling but then I soon recognized his face. It was Mr. Bennett, a kind old man from church. He then called out, “Thank goodness it was a Healy!” He then asked the man in the pickup and I to step inside to exchange information. I came into the cozy, quaint home to the smell of cookies. Mrs. Bennett had been baking some chocolate goodness in the kitchen. She gave me a huge hug and told me to not worry; that these things happen. She then gave me three cookies, and told me a story of her first crash. Luckily I had hit the car of a nice older couple that I’ve known since I was three years old. But sometimes you’re not so lucky, hitting a guy who loves his car more than his friends. And I was sure thankful that these people were so kind and understanding. It is so much better to stay calm, cool and collected, than scared, angry and upset. So if you are ever in a big car crash, I hope that you aren’t, always remember to stay as calm as possible, to act mature, confident, and to be thankful for the good news, rather than the bad news.



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