Spartan Voice Vol. 9 Issue 9

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Spartan Voice


The Student Newspaper of Wichita Collegiate School

January is Depressing. By Kat Bunting

The January Blues By Paige Lamkins Something about the month of January – winter break ending, essays being due, tests being taken, realization that you are exhausted – makes

No upcoming holidays, 5 more months of school, bleak weather, there is literally nothing worse. To try to cheer everybody up, I’m going to make up a list of things to be “excited” about. - Next Monday (and the one after that…) - No snow days because Mother Nature is a frigid (but not snowy) ***** - Sadie Hawkins (read: standing around) - The “Good” Life - Two more months of awful weather - Junior Journey - The Commons will definitely be cold - Don’t worry, there WILL be another APUSH test.

everyone pretty weary. The Spartan Voice asked for your vote, and above is the overall atmosphere of the first 100 students who replied to the survey. Hopefully, February is a little better. - The parking lot will probably ice over and you’ll most likely fall - Sage will probably run out of cookies too! Yay! - There will be more than 1 sink in the girl’s bathroom that works (just kidding!) - And your favorite: YOUR STARBUCKS WILL BE AS COLDER THAN IT IS OUTSIDE (Is that even possible?!?!) And one legit thing, Graduation (only 3 1/2 more years, Freshman).

Not in Spartan Voice this year but still want to contribute? No worries! The staff here at the Voice is happy to accept work from any Upper School student so that it be considered for publication. Email your submissions to Mrs. Cunningham:, or submit an entry to any senior staffer via email.

Ten things that happen in each season of the Bachelor By Grace Rodriguez 1.

The girl who goes crazy before the rose ceremony and ends up getting a rose.


The girl that everyone hates but still seems to always get a rose.


Someone says something highly offensive which causes drama.


Tears, lots of tears.


The girl who isn’t ready for commitment.


The confident girl on the two-on-one date goes home.


There is one girl who says weird things that no one understands.


Amazing dates that can only happen on a TV show.


Awkward dates that seriously make you wonder what you are watching.

10. “This is the most dramatic season yet.”


INTER FAITH By Jenna Farhat The rampant misconceptions surrounding homelessness and the life circumstances that put homeless individuals in the situations they are in plague the homeless community and immobilize us from working towards a solution. We tend to separate ourselves from homeless people by categorizing them as others; a group outside of ourselves and our communities. We act as though we are not susceptible to the difficult life circumstances that can lead to homelessness. We treat the homeless as though members of our own communities and our own social circles have never experienced extreme poverty and homelessness, with or without our knowledge. It becomes all the more important that we have a living soul to associate with- a face, a pair of eyes, a set of aspirations that make them all the more human and relatable to us. The stereotypes we use to categorize homeless individuals only serve to dismiss them as different from us. We rationalize our lack of action by choosing to believe they are different from us; that they lack our work ethic or our dignity or our intelligence. We believe people are homeless as a result of choices they have made.

These false assumptions have the effect of dehumanizing homeless individuals and preventing us from working towards solutions. In order to solve the problem of homelessness we must see ourselves in these people's eyes. We must understand that none of us are immune to falling on the same hard times that these people have fallen on. In taking down barriers of understanding, we may find that we are able to relate to the dreams and values that they possess and realize that they are not much different from us after all. Juliana: "My name is Juliana and this is Jose. What brought me here was I was in an abusive relationship. …I had a very good job, I was making $18 an hour and he was going out there, he got me arrested at my job. I lost my job. I lost my home. I lost everything in a split second. And I ended up

here and I have literally no one to go to. …In the blink of an eye I lost everything. …Everything is just downhill. But I have ComCare trying to get me a place to stay. I've got two weeks left here and if ComCare doesn't help me find an apartment I don’t know where I'm gonna go. [They] will give you a voucher but sometimes you have to be mentally disabled and the only thing I got is real bad depression." How long have you been at the Inter-Faith Inn? Juliana: "I've been here two weeks." What is your favorite thing about the Inn? Juliana: "I like the people that work here for us… I love the fact that they do that. Jose: "There's a TV room." And the men have to stay away from us… You know what I mean?" What do you not like so much about the Inn?

What do you want do when to help your mom when you grow up?

Juliana: "I don't like being around so many people. I get a lot of anxiety. And I love working, I've done aircraft for ten years. My life is to work and take care of my family and the hard thing is to stay here and not have really nowhere to go but we gotta be out looking for jobs. …It's kind of hard to walk everywhere. I have to walk [Jose] three miles to school."

Jose: "Buy her a car." What lessons do you hope to instill in Jose?

Jose: "We can't cook what we want."

Jose: "[I want to be] an actor."

If you could change anything about your past, what would it be?

Juliana: "Now you wanna be an actor but you wanted to be a police officer."

Juliana: "The relationship that I was in. It was okay and then it got very abusive. I ended up with something good (gestures towards Jose) but I would change the relationship that I was in. [Jose's dad] was living in Mexico and he came back and was very abusive. Almost killed me. …He broke my nose twice and messed up my L4 and L5 disc and spit in my face."

Jose: "I wanna be a SWAT!"

What are your hopes and plans for the future? Juliana: "My hopes are to get back on my feet and start working aircraft again. I wanna go to school for AMP (Aircraft Maintenance Program). I want to own my own home. That's my goals."

What are your hobbies? Juliana: "I don’t really have any hobbies right now. Mine were just work and work and work, and taking care of [Jose]. He's got ADHD. …He's supposed to be on Strattera, which is supposed to help because he's getting real aggressive." Where do you go to school? Jose: "Marshall [Middle School]." What is your favorite subject in school? Jose: "P.E. and basketball."

Juliana: "I would teach him to be independent. To stay in school and to go to college. Not to depend on nobody. You have to be independent and work hard. …You have to depend on yourself and you have to keep going to school and getting good grades. He's actually in the honor school. So that's what I teach him… I've worked since I was twelve years old and my grandma took care of me and I had to take care of her and take care of myself." Do you have any role models? Juliana: "I look up to my mom because… my dad died when I was nine months old so she has always worked hard to take care of us. I have a nephew in the hospital that had an aneurysm- a blood vessel popped in his brain- [he is] twelve years old, so [family members] are not able to help me right now- all of their money is going to him… we're trying to keep him alive right now. He's paralyzed from the left side." Jose: "My sister."

Where is your sister? Jose: "With her dad right now." Juliana: "She just didn't wanna come here. …They're in Chicago. …She actually lives with me but coming over here would be really hard. She has a lot of anxiety problems." Did Jose's father have a good relationship with Jose? Juliana: "Yeah he did. … But he doesn’t wanna talk to his dad no more. I've seen him get real angry but the psychiatrist said that it's because of the ADHD he's got a temper. But he's very intelligent. He can snap out of it… he can be real nice. He'll tell me he's sorry and he loves and he don't want me to die." "I was with my daughter's dad for five years and he almost killed me. He almost stabbed me in my back. I've known [Jose's] dad since I was little and I got with [him] and then he went to prison. He took care of my daughter when she was one year old and then he went to prison and he hasn't had a very good relationship [with her]. They get on Facebook and talk. And he lives in Mexico now. He got deported. So I don't get child support. I don’t get nothing."

So is your daughter safe with her dad? Juliana: "Yeah my daughter is safe with her dad. He's got his own company but I still don't get child support. He doesn't help me with nothing." What can you do to keep yourself and your son out of this situation in the future? Juliana: "Save up money. Not get in a situation with a guy. I don’t wanna be with a guy anymore. I wanna just take care of my kids and if God wants me to meet a he'll find me. I'm not guy, gonna go out looking for one. But I'm gonna have a savings account and I'm gonna work hard and go back to school."

How to help... WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP: Cook a meal and bring it to the shelter Used clothing donations of all sizes, hygiene items, bath towels, and school supplies Donate gift cards for meals If you are interested in tutoring children or helping teach a class in cooking, computer are always in demand, literacy, yoga, or really ANY skill you have to offer, please contact Carolyn Kell at

Sadie Hawkins: The Facts... Girls traditionally ask boys to this dance. Is it mandatory..NO. Everyone SPARTAN is welcome.

We aren’t the only ones thinking about Sadie Hawkins… Mrs.Stokley: “Jon Stewart, but unfortunately he is not available.” Mr. Devries: “I’m quite curious to know how Sadie Hawkins would be with Elizabeth Bennet.” Mr.Bullinger: “Albert Einstein, (we will have matching hair

OMG!! Western,

styles) but I hope that doesn’t start


any problems with Mr.Trombold.”

Chill, its a creative way

Mrs. King- “Not Bullinger—I can’t compete with those

for guys to wear jeans

luscious locks...

and girls to wear

Dr.Nixon; “Emma Thompson...”

dresses...not prom

Mrs.Reisner: “Adam Levine”

dresses, just a regular

Mrs. Hall: “Justin Timberlake”

dress you already own. We are not transporting the commons to some barn in Dodge City. But what about the

Mrs.Chrisler: “Channing Tatum or my husband …it’s a tossup” Mr. Ashbrook- Elaine Ashbrook (We can make this dream come true Mr. Ashbrook!!!!!!) Mrs. Ramseyer really wants to go with her daughter Jane, and

music..OMG Western,

if that’s not going to work than she will end up going with her



Chill, there will be a

Wren: “Sarah Palin” Can I get a Hallelujah?????

DJ... with dance music.

These Shoes Will Make You Rethink Your Wardrobe

3. The Furkenstock

By Nicole Withrow and Sydney Lair

1. The Uni-Squirrel platforms

4. The Bejeweled Tevas

5. Converse riding boots?

2. Gucci slippers... $1,800

6. Your Worst Nightmare” platforms

15 facts about the Oscars... 1. If you win a statue you don’t technically own it. A celebrity signs an agreement after they win the Oscar that says, if they wish to sell their Oscar they must offer the Oscar to the Academy for $1! If they don’t sign the agreement, then they don’t get a trophy. 2. There are a crazy amount of rules that have to be followed before a film can be even considered to be nominated for an award. For example: it can’t be shorter than 40 minutes. 3. Only one Oscar winner has been named Oscar…Oscar Hammerstein II. 4. At the reception after the ceremony there are 1,200 bottles of champagne, 1,000 lobsters, 1,200 Kumamoto Oysters, and about 39 pounds of Caviar. 5. Since not everyone shows up to the Oscar, there are seat fillers that are paid 125 dollars an hour just to make the audience look full. Umm…where can I sign up? 6. A rule was created that your acceptance speech cannot be longer than 45 seconds, so if you go over the orchestra just plays over you till you get off the stage. 7. The youngest winner is Tatum O’Neal when she was 10 years old. 8. The oldest winner is Christopher Plummer at 82 years young. 9. Meryl Streep has been nominated 19 times. 10. Cate Blanchet is the first person to win an Oscar for playing an Oscar winner in a movie. 11. The longest acceptance speech ever given was 5 minutes and 30 seconds…must have been before the 45 second rule. 12. The Oscar statuette is 34 centimeters tall and weighs 8.5 pounds. 13. Walt Disney won 22 Academy Awards from 59 nominations, and four honorary Academy Awards. 14. The length of the red carpet that we can only dream to walk on is 500 feet long. 15. Due to a shortage of metal during World War II, the Oscar statuettes were made of plaster for three years. By: Alex Bayless

And you thought the Oscars were gold.... By Celia Babst

SNL brutally spoofed the Academy in their skit last week.

The upcoming 88th Academy Awards

"I think it's ludicrous. We have to make up our

ceremony, coming up in just a few weeks, has

minds. Either we want to have segregation or

caused a bit of a stir. For the second year in a

integration. If we don't want segregation, then

row, the Oscar nominees in the actor category

we need to get rid of channels like BET and the

are all white. Jada Pinkett Smith was the first

BET Awards and the [NAACP] Image Awards,

person to tweet about this fact, and she is now

where you're only awarded it if you're black. If

calling for a boycott.

it were the other way around, we would be up in

arms, it's a double standard. There shouldn't be

"At the Oscars...people of color are always

a black history month. We're Americans.

welcomed to give out awards...even entertain,

Period." - Dash

but we are rarely recognized for our artistic

accomplishments. Should people of color

All of this controversy is building up much

refrain from participating all together?

interest and anticipation for the ceremony,

People can only treat us in the way in which we

which airs on February 28th on ABC Television

allow. With much respect in the midst of deep

Network at 6 p.m. CST.

disappointment. J" -Pinkett Smith via Twitter Film director and activist Spike Lee has come out saying he supports Jada Pinkett Smith and plans to boycott the Oscar as well. However, talk show host Whoppi Goldberg and actress Stacey Dash view the boycott as ludicrous and feel it is completely unreasonable.

Next home BASKETBALL ... Tuesday 80’s THEME WCS vs El Dorado The Spartan Voice Throw it back y’all.....

Accepts the following responsibilities: The Spartan Voice is a newspaper operated by the students at Wichita Collegiate School. Content in the Voice will consist of articles, editorials, letters, and any other material pertaining to the Wichita Collegiate community. The Spartan Voice was founded on the principle that all students should have an opinion in an open, unbiased forum of discussion. Students, faculty, administrators, and parents make up the four fundamental parts of Wichita Collegiate community. Although controversial topics may be featured in the Spartan Voice, no part of the community will be discriminated against. The views expressed in printed material do not necessarily represent the views of the Spartan Voice or Wichita Collegiate School. 2015-2016 Staff & Editorial Board Senior Staff Heba Alshamary, Lily Burgoyne, Jenna Farhat, Noor Farhoud, Kate Sorensen, Bryanna Stocker. Staff: Celia Babst, Alex Bayless, Kat Bunting, Elizabeth Crosby, Sydney Lair, Paige Lamkins, Grace Rodriguez, Nicole Withrow. Visit us online and never miss an issue@


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