The Name Magazine #01

Page 51

Brazilian Taste cars

Audi, BMW X5; Honda, Hummer, Lexus, Mercedes Benz, Mustang e Nissan Maxima


Honda, Triumph


Armani, Diesel, Gucci e Polo


Movado, Rolex e Tag Heuer

dream assets goal

Apartamento, casa, se especializar profissionalmente e ter o prĂłprio negĂłcio Mandar os filhos para a universidade

in technology that can be a modern and

down upon or ignore. There are those

brand new cell phone or the most recent

businessmen that also focus their busi-

music player, without removing their

ness solely on the Brazilian community,

eyes from their laptops, which is the

that have success in what they do.

most important thing of the moment.

Within the thousands of Brazilian

Many businesses more and more are

businessmen, one of the pioneers is Pa-

increasing their interest in this huge and

blo Maia, that lives in the United States

prosperous market, there are examples

for 26 years, since he came to learn En-

of mortgage companies, that even in the

glish and computer management in Te-

home crises, continue moving thousands

xas. Maia works with mortgages for 10

of transactions. Many other businesses

years and was the first to do this within

and corporations request research data

the Brazilians.

to know how to market for the Brazilian community.

During this period of tome the Group Pablo Maia, of which he is the

More and more there are facts that

president, sold more than 1,000 hou-

show us how Brazilian businesses and

ses, especially to Brazilians. For three

goals are growing more in the past five

years, Pablo Maia started another reno-

years, than the similar American busi-

wn business, that is selling properties –

nesses, for example, in the construction

apartments, houses, and condominiums,

sector. To whom does the credit go to?

urban and rural houses in Brazil to Bra-

Well, here within the famous opportuni-

zilians that are living in America. There

ties that exists in all places of America.

are also Americans that decide to invest

Without mentioning that the Brazi-

after going to Brazil. These American

lian businessmen can see and take ad-

clients are looking for guidance and are

vantage of opportunities that many look

doing great negotiations also. Tn


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