The Name Magazine #01

Page 47

used by personalities and by a privileged

money of the financial market was Ber-

social class, there is a desire that grows in

nard Arnault, owner and mentor of

other hearts to achieve those products.

LVMH. The objective, in this case, was

We may not have money to buy a Chanel

the creation of products of excellent

dress that is why it is easier to buy a per-

quality, in large quantities, accessible to

fume that signed cell phone or an acces-

the median-high class to a global scale,

sory. By doing this, it is as if we also have

however sufficiently rare to conserve the

become part of this select club. Maybe

aura of exclusivity and high price.

this is why Chanel is one of the most desired brand names.

Maybe most fascinating thing may be the boldness of the men behind the di-

There are also examples of who (re)

fusion and access of these brands. Two

invented Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie,

french men enpersonated this perfect

Lindsay Lohan, Mischa Barton and

image: Bernard Arnault, from LVMH,

many others. Rachel Zoe, the most po-

and François Pinault, owner of the PPR

werful stylist of Hollywood, now joins

Group. They ar both audacious, crea-

her strengths with The Beanstalk Group

tors, and expect great things from the

to develop a line of fashionable acces-

company. The third competitor on the

sories. Purses, jewelry, and watches are

top of this market is the Richemont

included in Rachel Zoe’s collection, whi-

Group, which substituted the charm of

ch will be directed to women of 18 to 30

a company captain in the comand of the

years. The products should arrive in sto-

opereation by the competence of and

res in the United States in 2009. Rachel

anonimous professional group based in

says that no one will be without.

Switzerland. The three holdings follow

What about Kate Moss’s summer

the tactic of not putting all the eggs

collection for Topshop online? There

on the same basket—although being

are flowered dresses, nice and airy, that

a basked made of gold and precious

can be bought online. The campaign was

stones. The LVMH is focused on the

photographed by Inez and Vinoodh, as

luxury business: clothing producers, per-

also the lookbook of the collection. Do

fumes, jewlery, watches, purses, and also

you know what to do? Enter into the

the producers of wine and different de-

stores website, choose the piece that you

partment stores, such as Le Bon Marché

want, see Kate wearing it, and decide to

and Samaritaine. The Richemont Group

buy it or not.

is the owner of Cartier and Montblanc,

But the easy access and consump-

but 10% of the business comes from

tion of these symbolic goods is a result

ten luxury lines united called the Gucci

of many brands together in the same

Group. The gross comes from gigantic

crowd, a formula in the luxurious and

nets as Fnac, Printemps and Conforama.

fashion world. The precursor of making

Look that fascinatation exercised by the

the luxury a center of attraction for the

possibility of access! Tn


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