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nature requires specialized project experience in riverfront landscape architecture and engineering and consultants with regulatory agency experience on complex riverfront open space projects. The nature of this work, while minor within the larger context of the riverfront, will very likely require project approvals required of the USACE Section 404/Individual Project permit and the MNDNR Public Waters Work Permit. Minor alterations to the park’s shoreline bulkhead, or the construction of the overlook may fall within the requirements of the USACE Section 10 Nationwide Permit. Open comment periods for interested stakeholders are an important part of the project approval process and securing project support in advance of the permitting process is an important aspect to building support necessary for approvals. Consideration for the sequence of work and project approvals is required. Portions of the Park improvements may be completed without regulatory approval. These include minor adjustments WR WUDIČŒF SDWWHUQV DQG RWKHU PDWWHUV XQGHU WKH RSHUDWLRQDO RU standing permit jurisdiction of the City. Where earthworks and other primary, large scale repairs are necessary, the proposed work should be designed, permitted and constructed as one project to meet regulatory requirements and expedite approvals. For example, repair work to allow the lower portion of the park to be functional will require raising the elevation of the shoreline. To compensate for the increase in shoreline elevation, portions of the shoreline and backslope earthworks will need to be removed as compensatory storage. As is customary, due diligience investigative reports will be necessary to serve as the basis of design. These will include underwater inspection- manually and/or by side-scan radar- of existing underwater structures. Geotechnical borings and the recommendations of a geotechnical engineer will be required before improvements are designed atop the existing levee. 7KH ČŒQDO GHWHUPLQDWLRQ DV WR KRZ WKH SURMHFW ZLOO EH SHUPLWWHG should be part of the professional scope of services by the project landscape architect with experience in riverfront projects and the USACE regulatory process. With that in mind, this process typically commences with a meeting between the design professionals, the project sponsor (City/NGO/NPO) and the USACE and MN DNR. We encourage the Park Committee to be active and to meet with regulatory agencies to discuss the project, but please note that as the Park Committee is currently an ad hoc group of stakeholders, any meetings between the Park Committee and the regulatory agencies should be considered advisory for informational and courtesy purposes.

7KH /RQJ 5DQJH 9LVLRQ 3ODQ SURSRVHV Č?H[LEOH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ whereby no one portion of the Vision Plan can be an obstacle to achieving other portions of the Plan. For example, given the location and scope of the Latsch Island Overlook, fundraising, design and construction for the proposed sculpture and the surrounding improvements could occur without undertaking the more thorough MN DNR or US Army Corps permitting, or substantial changes to Levee Park (other than the closure of Cal Fremling Ave). In another example, the proposed Switchyard Gardens realistically anticipates the continued decline of active rail lines in urban downtown areas throughout the United States. The Gardens responds by envisioning a series of public walkways and garden spaces with interpretive stations and sculptures that recall the importance of rail freight in the development and vitality of Winona. The Gardens are proposed not as a vehicle to replace the rail, but rather, as a vision of what can occur after rail freight service in downtown is no longer warranted.

AREA A and AREA M: Levee Water Front Trail Connections As discussed in the 2007 Riverfront Revitalization Plan, the multimodal trails along the existing provide an important opportunity to create connections throughout the community and riverfront. The 2007 Revitalization Plan prescribes improvements to Vision Plan Areas A and M. Area A proposes the widening of the levee on the “City sideâ€? so as to create adequate width necessary for the Waterfront 7UDLO )URP D UHJXODWRU\ SHUVSHFWLYH WKH SURSRVHG PRGLČŒFDWLRQV would require coordination with adjacent land owners as well as design and engineering plans and USACE permits for required top RI OHYHH PRGLČŒFDWLRQV $UHD % SURSRVHV WKH PRGLČŒFDWLRQ WR WKH ULYHUVLGH RI WKH OHYHH ZHVW RI +XII 6WUHHW 7KH UHSRUW UHFRPPHQGV VLJQLČŒFDQW PRGLČŒFDWLRQ WR WKH ULYHU VLGH RI WKH OHYHH E\ SODFLQJ WKH ZDWHUIURQW trail at an elevation below that of River Drive. In addition to the grade separation, pedestrian/vehicle separation is enhanced with a vehicle safety barrier at the shoulder of River Drive. Given recent tragic issues concerning life safety at River Drive, an accelerated review to prioritize the construction of the proposed grade separated trail and vehicle barriers along River Drive from Huff to the Marine Art Museum is strongly recommended.

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