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collezione “Cerchi”

ha mutato le misere scaglie in un singolare pavé di diamanti. Una sinuosità che si ripropone lungo le maglie della collana, minuta o dai volumi importanti, in una sorta di nodo, un viluppo posto ad infrangere l’uniformità della catena. È la genialità di Antonio Sartori, il designer orafo milanese, cha genera questi splendidi gioielli dalla particolarissima aura. È una impronta vibrante, riconoscibile nelle deliziose volute della collezione Cosmopolitan, nelle bizzarre circonferenze di Cerchi - l’ultima nata della maison - nei colorati satelliti imprigionati nelle strette dell’oro di Dieci, nelle leggere trame di Ricami o nelle slegate unioni di Wings. Così come nelle eccezionali architetture di Nastri in cui la magnificenza dell’oro supera se stessa. Sublimi sperimentazioni divenute gioielli traboccanti di simbologie e di una non comune eleganza.

Talento Italiano srl 20014 Nerviano, Italy Piazza della Vittoria, 13 ph. +39 0331 415632 fax +39 0331 587036 email web

Antonio Sartori genius. Spirals, strange circles and wonderful shapes. The simplicity of his creations results from a strong research and a lively imagination. There is a deep culture in it. It is quite simple to understand it . It is necessary to interpret the deep essence of Talento collection jewels, the pure materials of which narrate wonderful stories, such as the ones of Vipera collection. Amethysts, tinted quartz and rock crystals like precious stones, Improbable hideouts, gifts, dens of a temptress and sensual creature. Asp that, through its coils, strangle the start and end idea for a never ending life. An almost eternal time. In the splendour of white and yellow , shiny, scratch or rhodium gold, the asp insinuates itself, coils up, stretches out and directs towards the unaware prey. It is a slow dance expressing energy despite of its murderous impulse. We are overwhelmed by its elegance, its slight body,

plain or studded with small diamonds and gem stones of various nuance, raises its head and the poor scales have turned into a unique diamonds pavé. A sinuosity characterizing also the links of a small or big necklace, like a sort of knot, a tangle breaking the chain evenness. It is about Antonio Sartori genius, the Milanese goldsmith designer who creates these wonderful and special jewels. He gives his creations a vibrant mark such as in the lovely spirals of Cosmopolitan collection, in the strange circles of Cerchi, the new born collection, in the coloured satellites set in gold of Dieci, in the light chains of Ricami or in the untied ones of Wings. Such as in the extraordinary structures of Nastri collection where gold is the protagonist. They are sublime experimentations creating jewels of unique elegance, full of symbolical meanings.

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