6 Óðsmál for bairns - Syn Glasir Valhöll einherjar

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Guðrún Kristín Magnúsdóttir


Óðsmál for bairns - Norse Edda

Syn Glasir Valhöll einherjar wash off that sin-fitlh ! it cloggs the channels !

6th Óðsmál skræða for bairns


our beautiful goddess that pertains to our purity

Glasir Valhöll einherjar ISBN 978-9935-467-06-5 2014 Freyjukettir, Norræn menning http://www.odsmal.org


freyjukettir@mmedia.is; odsmal@mmedia.is ´No no no, my beloved bairn!! We do not go into Glasir like this!!!´

Óðsmál is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Education.

2 The name Syn spans sin satya (Sanskrit true , virtuous) sannur (Icelandic true) sattva the sinless existence. Synjun (Icelandic) means refusal, denial, turned down. How can sin, refusal, and Truth be attributes of one and the same goddess? They seem to be opposites, right? stem sidh(2) Sanskrit means to chase away, hinder, disallow

paapam (sin)

satyam eva djayate Truth always conquers.

Syn is a sieve, who lets into Glasir only the pure. Our filth, sin, clogs, ignorance, trÜll shall be sieved out, away, gotten rid of. Our eyes and sight allow us to see. That we take for certain. But we realize not that what we claim to see is only the world. Each one´s world has, as we might expect, exactly the same qualities as the one who makes it. His purity, his ignorance, his vision decide. We do not see that we do not see as the seers.

3 What we claim to be a bright day, is only darkness if we are not seers, pure men, clairvoyant, omniscient.

What we call darkness of night, is for the seer bright illumination. Of course we do not understand this -- until we can see that we are Ginnungagap.

Human consciousness is ginnungagap ginnungagap is Truth, is sattva. We do not need to believe anything, or believe in anything, but wisdom, knowledge, science, and understanding are what we need. Belief in the letter is not forbidden - but - that can blind us on Truth. Understanding is much much better. Blind belief can actually be blinding. In the seeking of understanding, I recommend understanding our Syn. Her role is the highest and most important.


4 When we are badly stressed -- knowing it or not realizing accumulated stress in us -(some clogging here and there in the nervous system might not be perceived of) then we have filth and tröll and ignorance in our body. These impurities -- efficiency of an impure man is draining -retard our evolution, impede our inborn ability to see our divine inner core and essence. -- effortless efficiency of a pure man is powerful --

body-cells in a stressed man´s body, accumulated impurities / sin

body-cells in a pure man who has purified his physiology, his Sleipnir (nervous system).

Men in tröll do not perceive of what Glasir the golden-leaves wood is. They do not know what Valhöll is, neither intellectually nor of experience. No-one ever told them that Valhöll is the goal and purpose of their life. Perhaps they never gave it a thought. Besides that hearing words in not enough. Purpose of life on earth is to become pure and reach Valhöll fully alive.

in Glaðheimar, and at Ægis, all sin leaves us, all stress in our bodies evaporates, gets released and vanishes. We get rid of all impurities, due to the, purifying, perfect orderliness here.

5 We need to be pure in order to get into Glasir. Stress clogs the sieve. Yes there is that sieve. This is what goddess Syn in us stands for.

Here we have a ´before and after´ ad, but no cheating Sounds simple and easy on the picture and is even easier when we apply the easy technique. The fastest method to become pure is to use an effective natural technique to take a trip to Glaðheimar, Ásgarður, be pure consciousness for a while leave our dear thoughts where they belong in other words: nýsa niður.



6 Here we have a picture of you and me, our nervous system and our weapon. That is Óðinn, our Gungnir (vibrations) our weapon, our human magnificent nervous system, Sleipnir

and a valkyrja, who serves our individual consciousness, Óðins when we go to Ásgarður. Sleipnir is our vehicle, does not enter into Ásgarður. Patiently waits outside. The performance to nýsa niður, be pure consciousness exclusively, is a technique. Valkyrkjan serves this technique. Does not enter into Ásgarður. Only serves us. I enter, my individual consciousness enters, and now becomes universal consciousness, ginnungagap exclusively. I sacrifice my individual consciousness for a while, and I become endless eternity.

7 By transcending regularly, diligently --diligence is what Iðunn stands for-nýsa niður twice daily, we purify our nervous system. Glasir is full of light and beauty. In Glasir there is divine joy. The word glad means both blissful and wide. Glaðheimar are our home which is unbounded and full of joy, infinity of our own consciousness.

Our symbolic language is beautiful. We take a gandreið, goose-ride. Álftarhamur, swan-guise, means flight in the immortality of our own consciousness

foto detail Mbl



Now we face a dilemma. Those men who really would need the wisdom for their own good for their own evolution and self-purification do not spot the importance, see no point in these teachings because of their own ignorance. This is a little vicious cycle, actually. Yes, really. I could say: -Burn it. They would reply: -Burn what?!! Ullur what!!?

Some men have just started to grow some interest, a little bit. Asking questions. That is Loddfáfnir in the middle part of Hávamál. Advice þörf (useful) if… IF he understands. It is not given that men understand words that they hear. Luckily, some men are getting to an exalted stage, wanting to become einherjar, aim at Valhöll for real, want to become enlightened in this life-span. They set the course on that. So they will soon understand 3rd part of Hávamál. if, only if, they have access to a technique that really leads to transcending. Many a man has wasted a life-time in useless techniques, even tortures. Good intentions, lots of trying, even life-span after life-span. One thing to avoid is pretending to be pious.

´Behave´ like a saint, make looks that indicate einherji. Some can deceive. People do not always see through fraud and mockery. Pseudos try to believe the deception themselves, and try not to fall out of the role(!).

9 Most of us only know our material life in our usual life on earth which, of course, we claim to be the only reality when we know nothing else. We might hear stories about enlightened men but we know not how they got enlightened. We know not what this exalted stage of consciousness is!!! We know not that each one of us is (should be) on his path towards enlightenment. It is tempting to mock holiness. Some even get money for such Schauspiel. Behave like an enlightened guru might have behaved. But that is the surface only. Some get paid. A girl who was a priest at Ăžingvellir, an alcoholic, was always sober on Sunday mornings at mass. We have little (or big) troubles in life, isn´t that just normal? Everyone has his troubles, right? Sometimes a little bit of ill health, or big health problems, isn´t that just normal? Must be, or else there would be no doctors.

mark in stone, mark in water, mark in air (post traumatic stress disorder). Of course.

Some bad events result in PTSD Many events are irritating. People can be lousy, get on our nerves.

That is normal (??). That is normal (??).

Actually it is not normal. Some only know trouble-lives and problem-worlds. Told to carry burdens. Know not that they create sin in their physiology. Eat sin, think sin.


10 Nobody educates us about our thoughtlessness. Our stupid life-style. Can this education of ours bear then name education? Purpose of life is not taught. The true knowledge got lost (or hibernated) during the dark ages.

Ránardætur below Planck scale line: The Unified Field and the trinity Óðinn Vili Véi

(daughters of Rán)

surface-waves on of Ægir

above line: the ego, thoughts, longings/desires, senses, objects of the senses, i.e. the worlds that we make out of Freyja, the space-time bubbles. Now the knowledge and wisdom has come to us. We are heading for satyuga. Kaliyuga coming to its end.

Evolved bairns, old souls, are being born.

Syn is a motherly goddess

11 loves us all.

Syn does not say: -Thou canst not enter Glasir, my beloved dirty bairn. She says: -Now look!! This filth is not appropriate for a human, my beloved bairn!! After a dive into Ægir mun Vilbjörg vaka (Vilbjörg shall awaken). By all means, my beloved bairn, wash off all impurities.

Sin clogs our physiology. It is but accumulated stress in our nervous system, in the cells in our bodies due to our bad deeds and impure life-style, wrong behaviour, wrong food, ou stupidity, lack of education on purpose of life; lack of understanding of our inner divine Being, our real selves.

Apakríli ISBN 978-9979-895-08-4

So we start by purifying our physiology. That is easy.

12 Our body is the means. The only purpose of a life in a body is evolving, spiritually evolving!! Living men are the ones that have (should have) purity as a goal. In Helja (Hel) nothing is really happening. She is a break between life-spans. Every single cell in our bodies is ginnungagap. Ginnungagap is the only there is. Then we have what we call creation, not knowing that it, also, is ginnungagap. --- Because of Gungnir which we perceive, we take that world of individual intellect, ´matter´, energy, our thoughts, for the only tangible and therefore see it as being here for real. All this is ginnungagap. Where else could Gungnir or anything be?

©: Clobal Country In the profound tranquillity there is perfect balance, the perfect orderliness, -- Rán in Ægir -- which we reach by nýsa niður, be pure consciousness only. Here we access our innermost perfect orderliness and imbibe it.

Accumulated stress dissolves during transcending, we föllum aftur þaðan (fall from there again) into thoughts. This is how the technique works. We might call it self-consecration, which is for real, not a superficial act or ceremony. Then we shall stop filling our bodies with stress.

13 Those whom the gods love - guðin elska are young when they die no matter how old they become (this their present body, i.e.) because men who regularly sóast, (transcend) are pure and ever-young.

ambrosia, amritanam, epli Iðunnar (apples of Iðunn) They are easily found! Closer than we think. Inside us. We might not see goddess Sól (Sun) because of our filth, tröll, ignorance, sin.


14 Brynhildur valkyrja svefnþorni stungin. (stung by þorn of sleep) She fell out of her dharma (that which upholds), violated Nature´s Laws.

Some might live millions of life-spans without any access to the greatest wisdom. Do not know why they have chosen to be born. Do not know Syn. Do not even try.

15 Stress accumulates. We have to sieve it out.

We produce stimulants --- as animals also do --to be able to flee or fight in times of threat This served as means to save our lives from danger, peril. Animals run or fight, adrenalin here useful, and gets sived out, but we sit down, sweat and get palpitations. At the best we cry. That which Nature intended for saving us is now on the way to kill us. The perfect way to sive the unwanted stuff out of our bodies is to nýsa niður. Then Syn will be happy!


16 So - Our pure body is the key and the way to gain enlightenment. Pure physiology, a pure man. No small thing this knowledge. The goal of life is so easily accomplished.

Nature behaves in accordance with and works for the enlightened, an einherji. He, in turn, thinks and performs in perfect harmony with Nature. We might not see the whole picture. We claim to be good and feel that we should get good only in return. But our old Urรฐur, whom we now have forgotten, could be hitting us back as our due Skuld. We have to understand this Law of Nature. Verรฐandi is always correct. No use becoming jeolous because of the obvious success of others develop self-pity as we try to be good but things seem not to be going our way. Only thing we have control over is our present Urรฐur. We have free will. We shall be in control of our present life.

17 Be careful about what we do, think, say. All living entities on earth are on their evolutionar path. Each one on his own - like us.

We shall not kill life. Killing is always a sin. No matter what it is. We enjoy sin if we eat what has been killed. Carnivorous animals kill, because that is their interent nature. Animals can do nothing other than to live by their nature. We are, on the other hand, supposed to know the differenct between right and wrong. (I sincerely hope this to be true) We should stop eating the sin of killing. Eating sin results in ama (impurities that clog) accumulating in our precious physiology.

18 Eat only pure food. Purity in behavour, behavioual rasayana, shall be favored. By plunging into Ægir again and again, we purify our physiology. Then, in turn, we easily, spontaneously, make the right choices. We really will understand the difference between wrong and right actions. We are not animals any longer. So, let´s behave according to that. We can, by our free will, rule, and be in charge of the whole world. Because we possess a human highly evolved nervous system we can learn to nýsast niður, transcend the triguna. It is in pure consciousness, ginnungagap, that our power to rule is found. We should know that our road leads to Valhöll. Purpose of all life is in Þundar-flow, dharma, of evolution to higher states. Now we know why we are here. Nothing other than enlightenment, becoming einherji, is of any real worth in life. We cannot possibly see the whole picture We are in charge of Urður alone. Not the unfathomable course of action. Too often circumstances seem to be completely out of control! Stage of evolution of the nation, of the whole world, should not be undermined. Every man has to find pure consicousness within himself. Sjálfur gefinn sjálfum sér. (Hávamál: I given to my Self) Really practical to understand the goal. Then we do not give up. We know the purpose. Little things we take lightly. We know what we shall do and whatt we shall not do.

Be careful about every your Urður.


To nýsa niður results in geting rid of impurities and sin. Tröll and ignorance leave us.

The goal:

become an einherji in Valhöll, preferablely in the present life-span. *********************



Goþrún dimmblá: --My teacher, Maharishi, Indian physicist, points out to us where to find the knowledge and the understanding, and he teaches us the technique to transcend, nýsa niður. Best of thanks, Maharishi, my great teacher. Óðsmál http://www.odsmal.org http://www.youtube.com/Goiagodi

1990 Freyjukettir freyjukettir@mmedia.is odsmal@mmedia.is

Norræn menning, þekkingarsetur, Kálfholtalæk

Óðsmál, book 1996 ISBN 9979 60 165 5

21 Krakka-Óðsmál in fornu 40 krakkaskræður 2011 in Icelandic available on Amazon, search: odsmal ISBN 978-9935-409-42-3 /43-0 /44-7 /45-4 /46-1 /47-8 /48-5 /49-2 /50-8 /51-5 /52-2 /53-9 /54-6 /55-3 /56-0 /57-7 /58-4 /59-1 /60-7 /61-4 /62-1 /63-8 /64-5 /65-2 /66-9 /67-6 /68-3 /69-0 /70-6 /71-3 /72-0 /73-7 /74-4 /75-1 /76-8 /77-5 /78-2 /79-9 /80-5 /81-2 40 Óðsmál for Bairns 2014 Amazon, search: odsmal ISBN 978-9935-467-01-0 /02-7 /03-4 /04-1 /05-8 /06-5 /07-2 /08-9 /09-6 /10-2 /11-9 /12-6 /13-3 /14-0 /15-7 /16-4 /17-1 /18-8 /19-5 /20-1 /21-8 /22-5 /23-2 /24-9 /25-6 /26-3 /27-0 /28-7 /29-4 /30-0 /31-7 /32-4 /33-1 /34-8 /35-5 /36-2 /37-9 /38-6 /39-3 /40-9 **************** Skírnismál ritual - script for bairns ISBN 978 9935 409 83 6 Óðsmál - The Unseen Reality ISBN 978 9935 409 84 3 2013 Norse Edda Spiritual Highlights - 978-9935-467-00-3 (2014) Óðsmál for bairns 1 Þór 978-9935-467-01-0 Óðsmál for bairns 2 Ægir and Rán 978-9935-467-02-7 Óðsmál for bairns 3 trinities 978-9935-467-03-4 Óðsmál for bairns 4 Þjóðvitnir Ullur Heimdallur 978-9935-467-04-1 Óðsmál for bairns 5 in Iðavellir - triguna 978-9935-467-05-8 Óðsmál for bairns 6 Syn Glasir Valhöll einherjar 978-9935-467-06-5 Óðsmál for bairns 7 Sif Easter 978-9935-467-07-2 Óðsmál for bairns 8 Freyr Skírnir Gerður - poem Skírnismál 978-9935-467-08-9 Óðsmál for bairns 9 tell me, wizard 978-9935-467-09-6 Óðsmál for bairns 10 upbringing 978-9935-467-10-2 Óðsmál for bairns 11 Rígur (on Edda-poem Rígsþula) 978-9935-467-11-9 Óðsmál for bairns 12 yule þorri gói 978-9935-467-12-6 Óðsmál for bairns 13 Hel Mímir valkyrja 978-9935-467-13-3 Óðsmál for bairns 14 svinnur, Valföður´s wine, Gungnir, Glaðheimar 978-9935-467-14-0 Óðsmál for bairns 15 Óðinn, sons, Sleipnir, Valhöll 978-9935-467-15-7 Óðsmál for bairns 16 Týr and Fenrir 978-9935-467-16-4 Óðsmál for bairns 17 Sól and Nanna 978-9935-467-17-1


22 Óðsmál for bairns 18 Frigg Sága 978-9935-467-18-8 Óðsmál for bairns 19 Fjörgyn Mother Earth 978-9935-467-19-5 Óðsmál for bairns 20 The Great Goddess 978-9935-467-20-1 Óðsmál for bairns 21 Skaði Njörður Baldur 978-9935-467-21-8 Óðsmál for bairns 22 jötnar Geri Freki 978-9935-467-22-5 Óðsmál for bairns 23 jólasveinar elves gandreið 978-9935-467-23-2 Óðsmál for bairns 24 Gods days planets and more 978-9935-467-24-9 Óðsmál for bairns 25 Haftsænir Gapþrosnir Geirölnir valkyrja 978-9935-467-25-6 Óðsmál for bairns 26 ginnungagap and the 5 elements 978-9935-467-26-3 Óðsmál for bairns 27 ginnungagap - nýsta ek niður 978-9935-467-27-0 Óðsmál for bairns 28 Þund 978-9935-467-28-7 Óðsmál for bairns 29 Sanskrit and Old Norse 978-9935-467-29-4 Óðsmál for bairns 30 Huginn Muninn Valhöll einherjar 978-9935-467-30-0 Óðsmál for bairns 31 pure nervous system 978-9935-467-31-7 Óðsmál for bairns 32 tröll jötnar thurse-maidens wights dwarfs 978-9935-467-32-4 Óðsmál for bairns 33 Urður Verðandi Skuld 978-9935-467-33-1 Óðsmál for bairns 34 guided bird´s view 978-9935-467-34-8 Óðsmál for bairns 35 sound and ´matter´ 978-9935-467-35-5 Óðsmál for bairns 36 mighty old Nature 978-9935-467-36-2 Óðsmál for bairns 37 consciousness-based education 978-9935-467-37-9 Óðsmál for bairns 38 waging peace 978-9935-467-38-6 Óðsmál for bairns 39 food digestion behavior 978-9935-467-39-3 Óðsmál for bairns 40 ignorance gone, Mímir regained 978-9935-467-40-9

Old Norse names and terms are derived from Sanskrit

23 Ginnungagap is consciousness in motion, iðandi. Knowledge is in ginnungagap, Perfect orderliness is inherent and reflects in the Universe and in our bodies in the image of ginnungagap. Ginnungagap is the only there is. Unified Field of Total Natural Law is Ásgarður. We shall understand why we decide to be born what the real and only purpose and goal of each our life-span on earth are find the sheer beauty and profundity of our reverent forefathers´ wisdom, knowledge, science of life, science of consciousness. We shall understand and appreciate the wisdom contained in our spiritual and cultural heritage.

Sleipnir, human nervous system Óðinn, human consciousness


24 far að finna opt (visit often)

Óðinn conquers Óðinn

Óðinn gefinn Óðni, ég gefinn sjálfum mér.

I conquer my self

Unity, Singularity Human individual consciousness is ginnungagap


satyam eva djayate Truth always conquers

Óðsmál in fornu for bairns

Our forefathers´ profound science of life no stress-sin should accumulate in our body ISBN 9789935467065

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