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New light on Eddas and Nordic Culture. Our quest is to promote the profound wisdom contained in Heathenry, Paganry, Ásatrú. Allegory and symbolic language revealed. Our Norse Ginnungagap is the Great Void, Brahman, the Unified Field of physics. We shall become literate on symbolic language and allegory in poems and myths. The Abyss is, here in Óðsmál, rediscovered. Óðsmál, research since 1990, reveals the profound origin of our ancient Norse tradition. This comprehensive work, the Óðsmál series, tells us why and how we choose to be born - and our whole purpose of life on earth. The Óðsmál research project is supported by Ministry of Education and Culture in Iceland and Hagþenkir, The Association of Non-fiction and Educational Writers in Iceland.


Pearls of Wisdom

October 16, 2018