3 Óðsmál for bairns - Trinities

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Guðrún Kristín Magnúsdóttir


Norse Edda

trinities Óðsmál for Bairns

3rd skræða our trinities ISBN 978-9935-467-03-4 2014 Óðsmál research is supported by The Ministry of Culture and Education

Óðinn Vili Véi

nýsið niður, nemið upp fimbulrúnir (Norse Edda poem Hávamál) transcend acquire fimbul-runes (skill in action). The TM-technique leads to transcendence; hundreds of scientific research EEG brainwaves´ research




freyjukettir@mmedia.is; odsmal@mmedia.is

1990 Norræn menning

rune ýr ýviður yew-tree 3 roots of askur Yggdrasils mjötviður mær, mjötuður at raganrök the ancient tree moans: ymur hið aldna tré god Ullur dwells in Ýdalir 3 wells, like Urðarbrunnur, Mímisbrunnur, from which the ash nourishes (brunnur means a well)

Urður Verðandi Skuld, law of karma, (see skræða 33) a Law of Nature personified, as we sow so we reap, an action set forth returns to its origin, sooner or later, always just.

Óðinn Vili Véi in ginnungagap seeking knowledge. Thish movement gives rise to space element. rishi devataa cchandas in samhita (Sanskrit) ancient science, HilbertSpace Observables States in Unified Field, physics, modern science. The three in one about Mímir, the memory of all, memory of who we are in reality: Óðinn (consciousness) -- the process of remembering -- that which is remembered Note that Óðinn and Mímir are not two, as he who remembers the remembered is a part of the one-ness of remembering; one who remembers is unified with his memory; I become more one than ever when I remember who I really am

we are man-trees found on shore, we have 3 roots in the 3 wells, get nurtured from the abyss of waters


gods Óður Hænir Lóður bring divine attributes; we men are divine creatures, receive the godly gifts brought to the man-trees, but we do not behave accordingly - we need constant nourishment from our roots no-one knows the unity and one-ness from which all trinities come but that is the eternal ginnungagap




vaata pitta kapha (Sanskrit)/ And- Eld- Sæ-hrímnar -- in perfect harmony in Valhöll.

Valhöll is the stage of consciousness of an enlightened man. Soon, each one of us, reaches Valhöll fully alive, enlightened --


þursamegir þrír, three thurs-sons (mögur as Gaelic mac) 3 qualities of ámáttk árborin the mighty primordial Nature sattva radjas tamah, triguna, who rule the whole world. Bossy, but unseen. They show up on Iðavellir where tívar arrange the Laws of Nature Triguna of Nature stir up the dynamic silence of tívatún (where gods dwell): tefldu teitir unz kómu - played happily until (unz) Nature showed up!! tún (pronounce toon) is dynamics (Greek word-stem s). This is here the Unified Field of Total Natural Law infinite silence and infinite dynamism in balance reflecting the perfect order of ginnungagap. Our three-in-one shall further be elaborated: þræll karl jarl

-- 11th skræða: Rígur, different stages of evolution of men.

(thrall free-man earl)

HárrHærriÞriði High Higher Third who all three are Óðinn Ómi (one of Óðin´s many names) -- aum; A opens to eternity, Ú (pron. oo) maintains hidden, M is endless


same as A(Vishnu) Ú(Shiva) M(Brahma) silence dynamism creating, Shiva Vishnú Brahma, the trinity of aatma - brahm oneness, ginnungagap, consciousness

5 Hávamál in three parts, understanding of Hávamál according to stage of consciousness of each one

कमम कन्द karma kanda, उपासन कन्द upaasana kanda, झन कन्द

jñana kanda.

* First part of Hávamál is for crude men, basic behavioural code.

Elsa-Brita Titchenell, theosophical writer, calls it the Emily Post advice:

do not blow thy nose on the table-cloth when thou art a guest at a banquet - and such

* Middle part for our Loddfáfnir, who really is acquiring interest, wants to know, perhaps learn by heart only, -- asks and seeks knowledge, not mature enough for the wisdom though -* rúnatal for the refined man who understands spititual evolution of man, sees the purpose and goal of human life. The three-in-one, CBE, Consciousness-Based Education see skræða 37 * student - * studying – * the material studies All knowledge is structured in consciousness, the student is consciousness. * he who knows, Óðinn rishi, the knower * searching for knowledge, Vili devataa, * what is known, Véi cchandas dhíí dhriti smriti, and eld sæ, learn understand remember, vaata pitta kapha

bairns of Loki: Fenrir Hel Jörmungandur


6 We can go on and on:  alfa vita gamma (Greek letters) names of brain-waves measured by EEG þeta, θ, is actually also one sort of brain-waves, thus not a perfect trinity. The TM-technique practiced brings correlation to alfa-waves, the rishi, Óðinn. While gamma is cchandas Véi A M Ω, alfa my o-mega (Greek letters) beginning middle end pertaining to creation, obviously -- only worldly stuff has beginning middle and end, like askur Yggdrasils who collapses at ragnarök. End is also relevant for Sun-Gods Horus Dionysus Jesus Attis Baldur and the rest -- all-worldly cycles -- but ginnungagap has no beginning, no end, ergo no middle. Note: A M Ω does not go for ginnungagap, consciousness. Three pillars for health: quality food - quality sleep - quality behaviour; our bodies are a means to evolve during each life-span on earth. (39th skræða) We have to take good care of our body. We need it pure for spiritual evolution. Pure physiology, a pure man, and our goddess Syn will be happy. The only purpose and goal of being born is evolution to perfection. Father Son HolySpirit one of the threes yet seen as one

triptych, three-cross too.


Freyr sends his ray, Skírnir, to materially-oriented Gerður. perhaps seen as a cycle, as we start probing ever deeper into spiritual life, but Freyr Skírnir Gerður are the three-in-one because the divine, Freyr travels as a ray, Skírnir (the meaning of the name, from Sanskrit) on Freys horse (symbolizes divine power) to mankind, Gerður waking us up from what we (wrongly) call waking-state to let us realize that we are ginnungagap, our divine part to be found in lognfara lundur Barri within man, telling us, like Jesus, to seek and find in the right place! Within! We use three fetters on ignorance, Fenrir; perhaps not any trinity, though: Drómi (a weak act, by us half-asleep) Læðing (laziness and carelessness) Gleipni (action in accord with Natural Law); two useless attempts, then the Týs correct, divine solution using 6 subtle essences of Nature, in the hands of the dwarfs, dvergar (= primordial powers used) adding a bit of courage and determined mind to support righteousness.

(skræða 17)

All good three?



irminsul, ancient, found all over Askur Yggdrasils the roots of askur draw up something unseen --- as all trees´ roots tend to do --we can call that something ´the sap´; -- inside all our worldly stuff is this sap, the flow, the wine of Valföður. We look into matter, ´particle experiments´, to try to find something, only to find flickering unstable superstrings and quarks, Gungnir. Looks like some flow, perhaps river Þund, mighty flow of something not tangible. Drasill is from Sanskrit root drís (see) or from trasa (what moves, is not static) and yggur could be related to hugur hyggja hugsun (here: concern). Not only ógn (ógn, threat, to be feared, as scholars say). Science claims HilbertSpace--Observables(/Operators)--States to be in ginnungagap, which is consciousness, the Unified field, so we understand ÓðinnViliVéi

ÓðinnViliVéi = rishi devataa cchandas in samhita We shall compare modern science and ancient Vedic science, plus the profound wisdom and science found in Edda poems and myths

9 On the white drawings on page 8 we have the un-created either above or below. which makes no difference, as there are not ups and downs here. Neither is there time, nor space, nor directions. Only the 10-D Reality. In ginnungagap, The Unified Field of Total Natural Law, the ÓðinnViliVéi-curiosity, or seeking, starts (HilbertSpace Observables States --- trinity in the Oneness ---).

ginnungagap, is self-referral, curves within Itself. Cannot refer to anything other, as there is not any ´other´. Here is the potential for everything. The Oneness is consciousness moving -- iðandi -- in motion the Supreme Knowledge pure. All knowledge is structured in Consciousness. We happen to be consciousness, ginnungagap, so the process is within us. But beware: Vili hides Óðinn and Véi hides both Vili and Óðinn. Then, on top of that trouble, the three brothers hide ginnungagap out of our sight. We so lose track of the whole process. Which counts for utter ignorance on our behalf. How come? What happens? All is within. But we do not see. How can we become so blind as not to see who we are? We make an ego, a birth in a body, in order to evolve to perfection, but we know not!



prajnjya aparadha (Sanskrit) : --- our intellect makes a fatal mistake!!

on the drawing above: regla means order, orderliness; rugl means confusion disorder twaddle,

the yellow bulb: when we live from the wrong place, i.e. from the unstable division-idea.

Here something happens that we should understand -- intellectually to begin with: Óðinn Vili Véi perpetually go to and fro; from three to one again, three one three one three one very fast, as nothing is to be found other than knowledge. We are caught up, unforgivably, in the division, and we think and reason from there! Ginnungagap is the perfect order and pure knowledge. Instability is in our worlds. The perfect harmony is everywhere, only, we do not live it. We do not transcend. Þjóðvitnir (below) runs some tricky business in ´Óðsmál for Bairns´.

(4th skræða)

He plays a character who uses our prajnya aparadha (the ´mistake of our intellect´) He has abundance of stuff to offer and we are not aware of our rugl (twaddle). We take his bait. We, blindly, allow our senses to rule the mind.



my drawing above ©Clobal Coutnry above line: ego, our stuff, and our believes; below line: Infinite Correlation

We end up as a foot-ball for the triguna. sattva radjas tamah (Sanskrit), Norse Edda: þursamegir III, 3 qualities of Nature. The ruling triguna s´ domain is the whole world. Nature. If we learn the technique to nýsa niður (transcend), we rid ourselves of them for a while. That is how we also learn, gradually, to work from pure consciousness. The TM-technique has been scientifically verified to really work, EEG shows that we transcend. TM is easy, natural, easily learned, and works, effortlessly, from the first dive to really nýsa niður (transcend all thoughts).


12 On this picture I have þursameyjar III, (3 thurs-maidens). They take over from their late fathers, þursar, which means: evotution ! my theory.

Skaði determined, Gerður does not want Gunnlöð gives us mjöður -- seeks Baldur to understand -- the precious mead of wisdom-the sun-god ---Gerður enjoys her vanity-Spiritual evolution of every individual evolution of nations evolution of mankind. Skaði takes over from Þjazi. Her firm goal is Baldur, enlightenment. Gerður will be better than Gymir; finds her divine nature, meeting Freyr Gunnlöð keeps the precious Kvasir-mjöður, and gives us (/Óðinn) abundantly. Gunnlöð wants us to stay in Hnitbjörg, sheds tears when we have to leave. We must fly home to Ásgarður -- to deliver the mead of wisdom to the gods. Do we know that we get born only to evolve? Are we stubborn Gerður? Now we know that our forefathers knew! Our forefathers´ priceless knowledge has been preserved in disguise. We now reveal the allegory -- Óðinn yppir svipum fyr Sigtíva sonum -We now see the profound wisdom contained in our poems and myths.

13 The kitchen in Valhöll. Ignorant teachers used to mock the Eddas: Stupid naïve stories about fighting einherjar. They even claimed einherjar to be dead. These teachers did not want to understand. The kitchen in Valhöll has the cook Andhrímnir (air), the pot Eldhrímnir (fire), the boar Sæhrímnir (water.

Hrím is frozen, or it is rhyming, perfectly pure. If we boil water, the steam is pure H2O, if we try to freeze sea-water, only the water gets frozen the minerals contained therein are simply residues.


14 And- eld- sæ- air fire water, are found all over in creation. (aayur-ved is the know-how of this particular life-span, (not that science of life)) There are correlating body-types vaata pitta kapha, (see aayur-veda, skræða 39) in all kinds of combinations, but always all three (VP, VK, VPK, KP, KV -- etc.)

We have the 5 höfuðskepnur (´main-created´), elements, that become these three. Höfuðskepnur are: akash (space), air, fire, water, earth, They have always been five, Modern science recently found that out. The old teachers did not know (did not want to know) this:

Beautiful Valhöll-kitchen-science.

from: Dr.John Hagelin quantum physicist

Perhaps the generations that chanted the poems did not understand all of them, but they preserved the poems and myths, perhaps for thousands of years. Perhaps the ´silly´ stories, the disguises, served as a protective shield? The ignorant ones did not destroy the whole lot, because it was so funny. Besides: Truth cannot die. By being everlasting is how it proves to be Truth!



The man-trees, Askur and Embla, a valkyrja (she is born along with man), Óðinn and his Gungnir

these 3 gods Óður Hænir Lóður give the man-trees human attributes…… *****************************************************************************



. .

My Excuse



name is Þjóðvitnir,


but this flood of information is not good for my business -- there exists a law that bans dishonest advertising in competition on the free market -so

I have to protest.

you do not see because


dwarf at the doors of Dellingur

I am a mythical character. I

You are blindly taken in by


chant spells for some chosen ones.

supply-and-demand trap -


blooming business.

Now go to skræða #4. The best of the 40 Óðsmál for bairns.

I am such fun. What kind of stuff are those gods bringing to the babies in the cradle,

the poor little Askur and Embla, örlöglaus manntré í fjöru man-trees on the shore - fate-less, örlög-less?

just ducks (önd)......


........good colors (litir góðir), for the little babies to have fun with and perhaps a long poem (óður) chanted specially for them for fun. All is fun for babies. Óður amuses them by singing for them.

I am fed-up by this endless gabble jabber about allegories, hidden meaning --- that nobody understands anyway ---

I have decided to cut it all off. My business needs men on the animal-stage of evolution. so

Skírnir is, f.ex., spoiling for Gerður her primitive joy and fun she enjoys in the worthless rubbish in Gymisgarðar. Skírnir is pointing out to her to use a life-span to evolve, telling her about hrímþursar and geitahlandi (goat´s urine) as stagnation.

I want all the world´s

Gymisgarða-Gerðar to be fond of finery only.

My supply of worthless stuff for the senses, keeps the senses insatiable. The senses bring heap of toys to the ever-thirsty mind ! More than the stupid mind of a stupid man can take !


I only need to make sure that the human mind does not seek Glaðheimar. Then people start that stupidity called ´evolving to perfection´. That ruins my business.

I tell all people that ginnungagap does not exist. Just a fake for the credulous.

That nýsa-niður-transcending-rubbish in these stupid Óðsmál. ´Sacrifice human individual conscious into universal consciousness´ ! Ridiculous ! ´Stop thinking´ ! What a priority, man ! ´Put mind to no use and merge into Nothingness´ !!! How can any man buy this garbage ! Nobody understands anyway - luckily - so

I need not worry !

Einherjar, the enlightened men , are NOT


customers !!

I shall explain in details in my private # 4 skræða for bairns my big and best one. The one with the bright-red cover OK - you can listen to that boring trinity-blather but

I shall await you

- around the corner

Cheers ! ...........************************************************************........................


Little völva cannot help laughing: -Please, Þjóðvitnir !! Thy territory is far too big already ?!! Thou hast millions of people as customers for thy worthless instable stuff: people that life a material life only. Enough is enough, isn´t it ?! Why doest thou not chant wit and good things as was thy job in olden times? We know that many are born as men for the first time, just out of the animal stage, but thou shalt not try to retard the evolution of all men by offering flickering stuff. Let the skræða #4 be enough for the advertisement of your stuff.

here is one born as man for the first time.

So on we go with our threes: The trinity mentioned on page 5 in this skræða is the most important one - and very few realize the importance of that we ourselves are the knowledge. Knowledge is structured in our consciousness. * the student - * to study - * what is studied is a three-in-one CBE - Consciousness-based Education (see skræða 37) is a huge success everywhere in the world - founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Global Country The student has to know that all knowledge is within and then learn how to access it effortlessly. Every bairn has unlimited potentiality within. Do we know that it is not human to err ? Only perfection is human, if we want to bear the name, human.



The 3 bairns of Loki. I have Miðgarðsormur surrounding our world here, biting his own tail.

Fenrisúlfur feeds on flaws, Helia is our peaceful rest between life-spans Jörmungandur could be an air-born pony - he might be a good creature. Loki could be us, mankind, fucking up things, and then trying to amend. We live in these three phenomena, Fenrir Hel Jörmungandur. and we have always a choice. Man has free will, and the responsibility to choose. Urður is our acts and deeds. We, and we alone, are responsible for every action, every word spoken, every thought which sooner or later bring our Skuld we created by our Urður. A Law of Nature.


We should never ever violate the Laws of Nature. That will feed Fenrir, Fenrisúlfur. We shall never feed any evil. Fenrir is accumulated stress and filth, created by people. Bad deeds, greedily abusing Nature, carelessly, by accident, or deliberately. Each one of us has gone through many life-spans, perpetually we dwell in Hel, only to carry on to the next life-span because we shall go on evolving to perfection. At the least reach Valhöll. Note: ´one life-span only´ was invented in Southern-Europe in the middle ages by a few men; the purpose: to put a time-pressure on men, a tool to rule. This is still around/used in some theocracies.

I tend to see Jörmungandur, offspring of Loki to be our goal in life: to fly enlightened in our vast skies of consciousness on our mythical wings. Gandur in the word gandreið means a goose, gander, and stands for spiritual heights. This is the purpose and goal. Please tell everyone why he is here on earth.

The fastest way to that goal is to nýsa niður (transcend) regularly all our life. Take a trip to Glaðheimar every day, join in the feast at Ægis, imbibe fimbulrúnir to use in life on earth. ********



End of an amusing skræða full of worthy trinities and things we never thought about before - because nobody told us. Goþrún dimmblá thanks her teacher for the knowledge in Óðsmál in fornu: -My teacher, Maharishi, Indian physicist, points out to us where to find the knowledge and the understanding, and he teaches us the technique to transcend, nýsa niður. Best of thanks, Maharishi, my teacher Óðsmál website http://www.odsmal.org http://www.youtube.com/Goiagodi

1990 Óðsmál Norræn menning freyjukettir@mmedia.is; odsmal@mmedia.is Óðsmál, book 1996 ISBN 9979 60 165 5 (out of stock, ask libraries) pls go to www.amazon.co.uk (or .de, .fr, com) search odsmal for Óðsmál-books new theories, the real meaning rediscovered, learn to understand: symbolic language, allegory, abyss of meaning, etymology, gain profound understanding, the beauty of our forefathers´ wisdom, and literacy in the broader sense Nýsið niður (transcend), nemið upp fimbulrúnir (gain skill in action) TM is an easy and effective technique hundreds of scientific research show effects of really transcendingþ life only in the world of triguna is superficial Glaðheimar is our real home living here gives fair winds in life


Óðsmál - Norse Edda Spiritual Highlights - 978-9935-467-00-3 Skírnismál ritual - script for bairns ISBN 978 9935 409 83 6 Óðsmál - The Unseen Reality ISBN 978 9935 409 84 3 Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál

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Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál

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Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál

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bairns bairns bairns bairns

2014 2012


1 Þór 978-9935-467-01-0 2 Ægir and Rán 978-9935-467-02-7 3 trinities 978-9935-467-03-4 4 Þjóðvitnir Ullur Heimdallur 978-9935-467-04-1 5 in Iðavellir - triguna 978-9935-467-05-8 6 Syn Glasir Valhöll einherjar 978-9935-467-06-5 7 Sif Easter 978-9935-467-07-2 8 Freyr Skírnir Gerður - poem Skírnismál 978-9935-467-08-9 9 tell me, wizard 978-9935-467-09-6 10 upbringing 978-9935-467-10-2 11 Rígur (on Edda-poem Rígsþula) 978-9935-467-11-9 12 yule þorri gói 978-9935-467-12-6 13 Hel Mímir valkyrja 978-9935-467-13-3 14 svinnur, Valföður´s wine, Gungnir, Glaðheimar 978-9935-467-14-0 15 Óðinn, sons, Sleipnir, Valhöll 978-9935-467-15-7 16 Týr and Fenrir 978-9935-467-16-4 17 Sól and Nanna 978-9935-467-17-1 18 Frigg Sága 978-9935-467-18-8 19 Fjörgyn Mother Earth 978-9935-467-19-5 20 The Great Goddess 978-9935-467-20-1 21 Skaði Njörður Baldur 978-9935-467-21-8 22 jötnar Geri Freki 978-9935-467-22-5 23 jólasveinar elves gandreið 978-9935-467-23-2 24 Gods days planets and more 978-9935-467-24-9 25 Haftsænir Gapþrosnir Geirölnir valkyrja 978-9935-467-25-6 26 ginnungagap and the 5 elements 978-9935-467-26-3 27 ginnungagap - nýsta ek niður 978-9935-467-27-0 28 Þund 978-9935-467-28-7 29 Sanskrit and Old Norse 978-9935-467-29-4


Óðsmál for bairns 30 Huginn Muninn Valhöll einherjar 978-9935-467-30-0 Óðsmál for bairns 31 pure nervous system 978-9935-467-31-7 Óðsmál for bairns 32 tröll jötnar thurse-maidens wights dwarfs 978-9935-467-32-4 Óðsmál for bairns 33 Urður Verðandi Skuld 978-9935-467-33-1 Óðsmál for bairns 34 guided bird´s view 978-9935-467-34-8 Óðsmál for bairns 35 sound and ´matter´ 978-9935-467-35-5 Óðsmál for bairns 36 mighty old Nature 978-9935-467-36-2 Óðsmál for bairns 37 consciousness-based education 978-9935-467-37-9 Óðsmál for bairns 38 waging peace 978-9935-467-38-6 Óðsmál for bairns 39 food digestion behavior 978-9935-467-39-3 Óðsmál for bairns 40 ignorance gone, Mímir regained 978-9935-467-40-9

We shall understand why we decide to be born what the real and only purpose and goal of each our life-span on earth are find the sheer beauty and profundity of our reverent forefathers´ wisdom, knowledge, science of life, science of consciousness.

We do supreme research in consciousness. All there is abides here. The real scientific age !

The whole purpose of life is to gain enlightenment

Óðsmál in fornu

(/the ancient)

for bairns

Our forefathers´ science of existence What is the purpose of being born? ISBN 9789935467034

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