29 Óðsmál for bairns - Sanskrit and Old Norse

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Guðrún Kristín Magnúsdóttir


Sanskrit and Old Norse (íslenzka samskrít)

We also do research in consciousness ! 29th skræða íslenska samskrít Sanskrit and Old Norse ISBN 978-9935-467-29-4 Freyjukettir, Norræn menning 2014

Síðhöttur सिद्धर् थ Gangleri गङ्गलहसि siddhartha gangalaharí artha is goal -artha pronounce: art-ha siddhí perfection -- perfection as a goal gangalahari is a wave of knowledge from the river representing wisdom see also: Christian Andreas Holmboe (Gegnir.is) and Keshava Deva Shastri see also: (private library) http://www.odsmal.org http://www.youtube.com/Goiagodi

siður seiður svadha sidhya siddhi svadha is gefinn sjálfum sér, given to oneself.

Gunnlöð and Kvasir, the mead of wisdom;

ु भेलु भेलुक भेलूपिा Yoga yog

bhelu bheluka bheluupuraa Bölverkur, who makes holes

योग योग ् is union, to unite, yoking to one.

In the most relevant meaning here, individual consciousness and universal consciousness.


भगवद्गीता सकसिदधीता गञ्गजललवकणीकापीता bhagavad gitaa kinchidadhitaa gangajalalavakaníkaapiitaa Sañkara, Bhadja Govindam 20: to have bhagavadgitu a little bit heard --- and have started to understand the profund message --is like to have tasted a drop of ambrosia, enough to start on the way to enlightenment. To start understanding a little bit in Bhagavad gita, is the same as tasting a drop from Ganga (Ganges), the river of wisdom and knowledge. It does not imply that we drink the water from the river, because this is symbolic. The rivere Saraswati can be seen on satellight pictures, and is also in ou head. These sacred rivers are found in our physiology. see: Tony Nader MD PhD, Human Physiology ISBN 81 7523 017 7

A drop from Ganga is the very beginning of wisdom? Water is here divine wine, flow of wisdom. Gangleri is gangalaharí, a wave of wisdom -- from the river of wisdom. We can not bottle drops of water from Ganga and sell to men so that they get enlightened, or start on the way. We do not gain wisdom and transcendence by hanging on a tree, hang for 9 nights, sæla sig hvorki á hleifi né drykk úr horni (no food, no drink). Und and geir (wound and a spear) is here too, like in the Jesus on a cross hanging, symbolic language for something more profound than unenlightened men perceive of. In Icelandic a road-sign is called ´a priest´: talks about the narrow road but never goes there himself

3 Fimbulrún-pills are not for sale in the shops, sales gimmick -- tomorrow morning I wake up enlightened --

like slimming pills -- said to work overnight -I´ll wake up thin tomorrow morning. To nýsast niður twice daily is a life-time hobby, that make us better and better. If we transcend in groups, we give all men a better world. (see: The Maharishi Effect) Sleipnir is well versed in carrying us to and fro. All correct practice makes experts. The TM-technique, when correctly practices, automatically deepens mind and awareness. The nature of life is that all is easy, all brings joy. Nature chooses the way of least effort and greatest achievments; The easiest method yields the best gain. Naturally. We need to give the snoozing symbolic language a kiss of love and we wake up. We a re asleep not Truth. Truth never sleeps.


4 Bhagavat gita XIV 8; pramaadah drómi aalasya

प्रमाद neglect Drómi

प्रमादः or dhrúva ध्रवु

आलस्य Læðingur


laziness of a no-goody, having toxic mouth: crocodile)

् सिद्रासभि niðurdrepandi, depressing drómi,

like Brynhildur who got herself into pardnjyaapradaha

stunginn svefnþorni

प्रज्ञ अपिध

by not following the perpetual connection ginnungagap-ÓðinnViliVéi.......... nidra

सिद्र somnolence, drowsiness, dreary

B.gíta XIV 9 pramaade sañdjayaty uta

प्रमादे (locativus) in neglect

् िञ्जयत्य उत

truly involved in, or caught up in

that is when tama-guna overshadows the knowledge, and man is tethered, or caught up in, the inertness of negligence. B.gíta XVIII 35 mada

मद pride, arrogance

This was only a tiny bit of translations along with some explanations. and now a tiny bit of grammar-bore for fun: In Sanskrit there are many cases of the nouns nominative, accusativ, instrumentalis, dative, ablatívus, genitiv, locative, and vocative. In Icelandic we still have vocative, addressing case. Vinur (friend), vin voc. We also still use intstrumentalis a lot like in flemtri sleginn, fear-struck (not ´by´ fear), and snævi þakinn (snow-covered).

5 Gleipnir will hold to ragnarök. (we hope) pralaya

प्रलय ragnarök pra líí प्रली dissolute, vanish into previous, go back.

We should take a look at Christian Andreas Holmboe and his writings. He tells us about words that are only to be found in norræna, Old Norse, Icelandic and in Sanskrit not to be found in any other European language, like

् अध्वि adhvan way, Ullur úl

öndurr Ullur öndurás, Skaði öndurdís.

् उल and Skaði (perhaps Skanda) both two of them understand

that we need to learn to ski about in the snow-covered mountain tops = the higherst wisdom, we have to open up and make the way, keep it easy and smooth, fairway, to gain pure and rational understanding. Acuteness, sagacity.


Olympos, abode of the gods, panþeons, polyþeons, also is a snow-covered mountain-top.

Ullarhylli Open up what??? shikshaa

What on earth would that be? On mountain tops!!

सिक्ष open up the wisdom, like a bud becomes a blossoming flower.

We se layer after layer, deeper and deeper, by which our comprehension blooms. This is what CBE, Consciousness-Based Education, is all about -- in all schools, in the whole world.

(skræða 37)

Knowledge opens up from within --as Þund is this outflowing power of expansion-like the flower that simply makes use of water and sunshine from Nature. Within the flower all the know-how lies. Seed, in its own ´emptiness´ keeps the intelligence, how to become stalk, roots, leaves, color, seed, all from the colorless and formless sap, all the knowledge, as the flow of wine, the divine wine, all that is needed is inherent.


6 We can work and learn everything as effortlessly as a flower opens up, opens up from within. - Gradually everything becomes clear to us - on the surface. Have you seen sun-energy batteries? I have seen a stahpatya-ved fountain, that sprouts when the sun shines not when the sun is behind a cloue, and not during dark nights. And the flowers around the fountain open up when the sun shines close when it rains, and during dark nights. Nature, and nature of man himself, is the same as the nature of flowers. All is at hand, no effort needed. Intelligence and knowledge is innate. If we want to have a really good batteri in ourselves, the wisest and simplest is to hnýsast niður regularly. Twice daily all life. Delightful recharge. It is only the stress, filth, ignorance, that make us blind to ourselves. ama

अम is toxins that accumulate in our physical systems.

soma is what we seek to have in our body,


- the glue of the universe.

Note that ama and sóma are words that exist in Sanskrit and in Icelandic. Sanskrit is a living language. Has been spoken continually for thousands of years. In Sanskrit there are some two kinds of m, two of r, written in many ways, 4 n, 2 h, 2 t, 2 th, 2 d, 2 dh, 3 s, consonant-clusters, like ksa, and that kind of finery. Devanagri is ancient, a little different originally, contains some 750 characters, or thousands if all is counted. There may be differences in pronounciation too. Sometime one and the same sound has several ways of writing. Sandhi changes sound according to neighbor-sounds; The Icelandic expert in scripts is Dr.Gunnlaugur Briem (now moved from CA to Calabria), she who knows all sbout runes is Dr.Þórgunnur Snædal (moved from Akureyri to Sweden).

7 In Sanskrít are singular, dual, plural - still existing in Icelandic too. In Ved the Sanskrit (sam-skrita) is sounds from the innermost, from the gap. (Not actually uttered words as we see them.) Un-created sounds of the gap -- which wise men can hear. The Big Bang of Freyja sounds from the gap between words. ´From word I seek word´ is in Hávamál. Creacion is very old. Gungnir of the primordial sounds is good for our physiology. Re-create, tune us in. (Note that Latin-alfabet transliteration can no way give the right pronounciations.) We should not translate the words of Veda. Rather listen to them in Sanskrit. To pronounce them is healthy for our physiology. Their Gungnir, their vibrations. Learn the sandhi-rules, learn the many meanings of each word, and the many words for each term. Let´s look at the Icelandic word örlög ör-lög. Dictionary-translations without understanding are of no use. Misleading. How many meanings has ´lag´ plur ´lög´, and how many ´ör´? -- Count them! We are richer if we learn Sanskrit. We´ll even understand our own mother-tounge better. Many feminine words end in -r in Icelandic (Dr. Guðrún Vilmundardóttir). We should compare them to Sanskrit. (Has not been done; a good topic for a thesis !) Sanskrit is the mother to Euorpean languages, and many others in the world. I do not understand why scholars do not see that. (Perhaps Max Müller brain-washed them.) An Icelandic lady, expert in languages, said: ´We even are going to study two unrelated languages like Icelandic and Sanskrit´ (What do they learn in these universities?)


8 Our forni siður (our ancient tradition) was not understood during the dark ages. Verses do not get changed as much as narration, prose. Poems are a bit better off. Many things, of profound meaning, have been preserved in poems and myths, perhaps for thousands or years. Puraa kathya forn kvæði old legend Siðurinn (swa-dha, siddhi) could never die because it is about Truth. Forni siður (puran siddhi) might be many thousand years old. It is fun to understand this in context with sanantana dharma, --- The Perennial Truth --- . Truth is in all men. We do not need any of these ephemeral tags. There exist all kinds of systems. Some dear to men, so they use them. We might be able to find a deeper meaning --as that would suit the feelings of some--. Institutions use a lot of the olden terms --and we should point out to adherents that they dig up the origin and its true meaning. All this is ginnungagap: enjoyed by the senses, fun of life, Gungnir the sense doing their job bringing little joys to mind longings, wants, desires, mind and the sphere of thoughts, thinking belief (very stubborn thing) ego, intellect my real consciousness Óðinn Vili Véi Unity, Singularity, Intelligence, Universal Consciousness, ginnungagap

9 Belief is an all-worldly phenomenon. Belief can be overwhelmingly strong on the all-worldly sphere, that men walk into certain death for creeds. Do we know that strong belief can blind us to reason? Life without a connection to our own consciousness, is not what we are born to. Of course men have hobbies, passion, even an easy wellpaid job in connection to some belief-system -- but one thing is necessary. In dark ages bad things happen: Fredrich Max Müller, a German who worked for the English, got a job, an enormously well paid job (sums in GBPs are known) for a military power and ist common-wealth racket exploitation. Common wealth is a false name as it was to steal other nation´s wealth in a far-a-way land. They oppressed, maltreat, impoverish, and abuse workers, as child labor was by the banned in GB. Their trouble and obstacle was, that the culture of the oppressed nation was profound and strong that British mission got no reception, and their weapons could not clieve their culture. The profundity of their culture was ab obstacle for the invaders, the oppressors.

That makes us think of Bhagavad-gita about Brahman, ginnungagap: weapons cannot clieve it, fire cannot burn it, water can not wet it wind cannot blow it away. (II 23) Max Müller´s task --for the British military -- was to try to break down the culture. He was bright, became a rascal for money. He was advertised as ´the great scholar´. He invented a story about some Arians for the sole purpose of destruction. He even tried to lie that Veda had come from Edda. That did not work. But the rest of the lies is still taught in schools! ---Veda are un-created sounds that the enlightened hear; men do not know this.--Max Müller´s fabrications are still around. Lies can be persistent. This is one incident of many about how empires in conquests can brain-wash us. Some lies cannot even be corrected. First now some corrections have shown up. An all-wrong teachings of so-called Indo-European languages is still around. Perhaps Max Müller learned from the Romans: Roman Empire decided to abuse Jesus. Strategie. Forgeries of Paul´s letters are still recited. Later Roman Empire (/ Churchianity) wanted to get rid of Heathenry. Brake it down with lies. They imprinted that Northern and Germanic tribes couldn´t read and write, until Latin letters were most gracefully given to us, but the truth is that they burned all rune-writing as ´devilish´, and the Latin alphabet threat-imposed upon us. Some so-called ´scholars´ are still chewing on the lies and inventions of the Roman Empire.


Do we really think that the poems and myths were orally conveyed until they were written with Gothic of Latin letters? What about saying that they existed in runes? The Gothic alphabet was invented as a compromise between runes and Latin letters.

Please study thoroughly ´Maddaman með kýrhausinn´ by Helgi Hálfdánarson. Someone invented the term ´clash of civilizations´, misleading for encroachment, colonizing, and the ruining of cultures by Theocracies, when they were expanding their territories. There are no ´clashes´ if we simply stay at home, of visit other cultures in peace.

You should open Gegnir.is to find Holmboe, C.A. and his works. B.1896, Danish. A wealth of amazing topics. He wrote about similarities in Samskrit and Icelandic: He found the game ´Komdu nú að kveðast á, kappinn, ef þú getur´!! Some common grammar-rules and -usage, how sentence is built up, use of words, endings of words, how meaning of concepts correlated between Sanskrit and Icelandic, and roots and stems who are the same, actually. More on Icelandic and Sanskrit: Shri Srinivasachari points out, in his book ´Learn Sanskrit in 30 days´: ýr ya + rí The pronouciation of the rune ýr is perhaps not here with us nowadays, but ýr is thought to correlate to endings in some Sanskrit words. The sound ýr can, so, be found in Sanskrit. That we did not know? There are many things that we have not been taught. No-one remembered them. Stress and filth and ignorance makes man blind to themselves. Imprinting is tenacious. ama

अम is about clogging toxins that accumulate in our physiology.

soma is what we want to be the endproduct of digestion


- glue of the universe.

How many languages other than Icelandic and Sanskrit have ama and soma in their original meaning? Do not forget our extended and profound symbolic language, that provokes multi-layers of our mind: Skírnir travels on Freys horse as a ray of divinty to the worldly (Gerður). And Sleipnir is a pony. A horse gives us a certain special feeling.

11 A horse is strong and swift. Works often for man.

(Note: not an elephant who is strong, not a wolf that is fast)

Now we can ´feel´ how the symbolic language affects our thoughts and feelings. Strength and flexibility of human nervous system is a vehicle, Sleipnir, the pliant. (Loki as a mare is the mother, Svaðilfari steed of the þurs the father. Not any divine linage.) Horses are of great help to us -- and we shall tame them beautifully. What does Sleipnir do for us? What is his role when we nýsum niður?

् तवि tavas strong healthy powerful

becomes words like þjóð týr Týr Tevtonar/Teuton (the people)

तसवषी तवीष tavísjii tavíísja is hrein mær himna both two names Indra´s daughter (---like Þrúður is Þórs dóttir---). (pliant and brisk) Þjálfi og Röskva are features of electricity, serve Þór as such. Electricity is all-worldly and has these qualities: þjált and röskt.


तसवषी ´´the powerful = a horse.

Sleipnir Hófvarpnir Pegasus Jörmungandur Hrímfaxi Glófaxi magnificent pack of powers, swift sky-vehicles, doing great services to us. But ginfaxi is galdrastafur, a stick of great magical power, holy and thorough. Can also be a powerful horse of great use for us.

We have now started to think a lot, understand and feel. So good so far, but not enough.


We shall also have to nýsast niður to do research in consciousness. We now know that we are not only this our body, which we make for a certain purpose, but immortal ginnungagap, which fire cannot burn, weapons cannot clieve. In consciousness we now do research. Now and henceforth, all our live-span. Thinking about the worldly is not enough. We need sublime understanding. Pure understanding, found in our own consicousness in the most peaceful state of awareness. Research in consciousness. We do that when we nýsumst niður to Ægir. Here we find the Whole. Unity, Singularity. naitaavataa viditam bhavati iti

ि ैतावता सवसदतं भवतीसत

--- my beloved friend Ram Svarup points out --- in is book: ´The Word as Revelation, Names of Gods´, which he wrote for fun, he tells me. The Whole cannot be known from some ´that much’ (defined); from Upanishad. The Whole is not any of these divine powers that we invoke, ginnungagap cannot be known by some parts or partial anything, not from little things, even if all Its names are supposed to indicate It, mean It. By worshiping something out of context we lose the sight of the whole. One loses sight of sjálfum sér (himself). húta

हुत same stem as guþ, tells me Ram Swarup, who is an enlightened genial man,

púróhítam, many times worshipped, to whom the fórn (sacrifice) is given (færa, bring), vagn vaha

वह that carries fórn (f.ex, fire agní); man´s body is this vagn (cart, wagon).

We use worldly phenomena as symbols, physical or mental concepts, goðmögn such as Sól, Máni, Ægir, sky, fire, Hræsvelgur, which are (-- like the symbol cow, Auðumbla, and horse --) found in the world. Fé is pashú

पि,ु tethered animals; fé rún Freys fjárföður pashúpati ;

also pashupati (father of animals) of the 5 elements, of the 5 höfuðskepnur.

13 Only men living higher stages of consciousness really understand names of gods; their names do not refer to understanding on the plane of thoughts. Guðin (the gods) are some kind of Truth inside us, says my friend Ram Swarup. kim yat tat sat chit anaanda Sometimes symbolic language makes use of intangible concepts. Yet we understand their qualities. So it is usable. Even if these immaterial ´things´ are only pictures. Qualities that we know are made explain what we do not see. See what I mean? We know phenomena on sphere of Gungnir, Ymir, þursamegir III (triguna), and use them to explain what senses do not perceive. Personifications are fatally dangerous. To the ignorant are people or statutes. Even worse are jargons, words and concepts that nobody understands. We are told to believe in them. Understanding and human reason is not needed. Terminology from institutions leads to utter stagnation. Don´t believe in such words. All has to be fully researchable. Nothing is not explorable. All is researched in our own consciousness. Is clear and fully understood. Every bit of the symbolic language points to the whole. And all contains profundity. Stokkar og steinar (wood and stones) are guide-lines into the Whole. We should not isolate one thing, or one god, to worship exclusively out of context. We have access to the experience of the Whole in our own consciousness. Not is enough to learn all physics, and all the world´s word by heart, as understanding come by living Glaðheimar of consciousness. Knowledge abides here, is structured here -- in us. We have unhindered access to it by research in consciousness. All things and concepts in the world of symbolic language. point to one and the same Wholeness. The divine is in everything we use to indicate something divine. All is ginnungagap. Nothing is outside ginnungagap. All there is is That.


14 Guðsmóðir (god´s mother), spring-gyðja, powerful gyðja of creation? creating universes? the story of Gerður and Miríam who have divine visits coming to them un-asked? cooperation of purusha prakríti? yingyang? or man and his divine inner nature?

Jesus says: One thing is necessary. Now we should know that it is not thinking about the divine. Not an-dacht, but ´and-akt´, find the spiritual -- as I as bairn thought it to be.

Í stokkum og steinum (in woods and stones) is ginnungagap. Heathen men do not believe in stokkar og steinar. The worldly is a cue. The worldly leads mind to the Oneness of all. In statues and icons there is ginnungagap. They are simply a cue. Don´t worship the cues, don´s worship idols. Let them lead the waking mind inwards to what they are meant to indicate. Lead to That, which is found within all of us. Then transcend to find it. If we worship ideology, systems, we are the prey of narrow-mindedness. Systems can actually prevent, deter, as that is all-worldly and contentious art only. In the first commandment of a theocracy derived from South, ´other gods´ are specified. Gods are plural, a neuter word, but strategy bans that, allows a masculine singular god only. That one, taken out of context, is given all attributes and implementations. In a big church-assembly the huge debate was: as God is all-mighty, can He then create a stone so big that He Himself cannot lift it? Some 150 lucky Icelanders get huge official wages for a job which consists of such ideology.

All we need is true understanding. All these words can be dismissed. We shall simply do research in consciousness. All knowledge is here. All topics in our universe, including guðin (the gods) and Laws of Nature, refer to the Whole. Without the Whole nothing can be. A fire-work show at the best.

15 In consciousness we do our research. All is known here. We do not worship without that. De profundis te clamavi, pater? We desperately address something that is far away. What would be far away? Ginnungagap is near, is close, is us. A despairate man would never desperately shout to himself, because he is here. Whatever labels we put on in our perennial search for ourselves we should be ginnungagap only - be without the triguna for a while. The path is from me to me. Easy.

Men of many religions use TM to deepen their experience of the divine Jewis rabbis, Churchian preasts & -bishops, muslims, aþeists, Pagans.

There will be 8-10.000 pundits in the brahmasthan of India (/geographical center). This science of consciousness is the only that matters. Not the theorems. Heathen men have a convenient method of ridding themselves of theories and rules and commandments of the institutional religions: thouself lead thyself


sjálfur leið þú sjálfan þig.

Skip all rules and commandments. They will not suit everyone anyway. Men are on different stages of evolution. Accordint to Rígur, we do not all understand in the same way because of our different evolutionary stages. Some don´t understand profoundity. Some live the prufundity. Heathenry is completely useless as a tool to dominate others. All men need is to know ginnungagap in life by their own experience. Avoid intermediaries. Then we will understand what the enlightened ones are saying. We get all wisdom by doing research in consciousness. When we become enlightened, live Valhöll in one of our life-spans, preferably now, the words of Jesus are easily understood, and easily and naturally lived in daily life. Then we do not have to try to live by theorems.


16 Now we are Jesus - all Jesuses of all times, enlightened teachers. Vilbjörg mun vaka (will be awake)

Please make a clear distinction between the teachings of the enlightened ones and how religious institutions abuse prophets. Jesus cries over their sins. Óðinn yodhin from yuddh (fight) and also from yaa (stem i ) yaat (1)

या यात ् going, who travels;

opposite to aavasita


(Latin vátés skáld poet)

stays, not moveing

gives the feeling of movement and performing, doing something. We should have the feeling for what the meny names mean and indicate. Names are not meaningless labels. Please understand all names. Óðinn flows all over. He is flow and movement. By doing research in consicousness we start getting the feeling for the true meaning. What we say, and what we think, provokes feelings. In Bhagavad gita

भगवद्गीत Krishna addresses Arjuna by many meaningful words:

* son of his mother, so to touch his heart and feelings, his love for his relatives * a brave bane of foes, to invoke his duty as a Kshatriya. This is what creates the great conflict in Arjun on the battlefiels:

* mind and * heart are in a conflict so they can no way be assimilated * duty and * love -- both worldly -- imcomopatible, make action impossible.

Conflict is a stress-maker. -- Our world of thoughts and feelings is full of conflicts.

17 3rd

Krishna has an easy solution: bring in the element. As simple as that. Do not get caught up in worldly conflict. Not necessary at all. Put the light on to see. We are not the worldly, only we are here in our noble body to evolve -- and to accept our Skuld. Inside all these quarks, leptones, bundles of feelings, atoms, molecules, are we ourselves, við sjálf. (have I already told you that we are ginnungagp??? I somehow have the feeling that it already has been mentioned, hmmmm?)

nístraiguñyo bhav

् ु भव without सिस्त्र ैगण्यो 3guna (qualities of Nature) be, Arjun !

bhagavadgíta II 45: Be without þursamegir III, Arjun, without the duality and dyad (---which is in the world, always---) firm in purity, (---nístha---) not attatached to gain and possessions, possessed of the Self and thou shalt perform actions having abandoned attachment. bhagavatgítan II 48: yógastha kúrú karmaañí

योगस्थ कुरु कमाथसण

all thy actions coming from the non-duality, Oneness, stand firm in ginnungagap, nístha, when thou actest. This is exactly the way to know galdur, kunna 9 galdra góða and all the ljóð,

(Hávamál visa 138 and on)

be able to use them effortlessly in life. This is the only natural state of man. Some call is miracles what the pure ones do, such as walking on water. tarati shókam aatmavit from chhandogya upanishad

तिसत िोकमात्मसवत ्

He who knows svinnur, pure awareness, overcomes all sorrow and troubles, pratyavaayo na vidyate

प्रत्यवायो ि सवद्यते bhagavadgíta II 40

no obstacle is for man who takes his awareness inwards to himself. Sleipnir is the perfect vehicle.


18 svalpam apyasya dharmasya traayate mahato bhayaat a little bit of this Þundarflæði, dharma which upholds, blows great fears away. dvityat eva bhayam bhavati duality is the cause of fear. When we are afraid we do not think clearly. In fear we do not discriminate, do not use our frontal brain, only fight and flight reactions. Fear makes us narrow-minded, shuffling, and lacking all sound reason, even lost in thicket of words, so blinding that we no longer see our own faults. Now we destroy fear. Fear is unnecessary. Bad invention. We work from realms so profound where the concept fear not even exist. Effortless actions in Þundarflæði (-flow). Greatest achievements, least effort. Spontaneously perfectly right. always evolutionary, in flow wit Þund, in flow with dharma, gain support from our almighty Nature. Least effort greatest achievements. Naturally. As Nature performs actions. That is what we call practical! All men can do this. Luckily education is changing to the direction that we all learn to do research in our own consciousness, from preliminary school to PhD. We not only learn using our head, but from finding all knowledge within. The student comes first. Within him is all knowledge structured. tattvadñjan

तत्त्वझि ् Icel.: því-kunnugr,

knows ginnungagap

tattva what is the great knowledge, knowing that we are it, wisdom of life in ginnungagap -- knowledge in pure consciousness of all men. not philosophy, but the very basis of it, not ideology unless it has its firm basis, nístha, in Unitity Itself, not foggy theorems, only our own experience.

Modern science and Vedic science together.

19 We start to think clearly, and we ask: where from does thought come?

We are waking up from our waking stage. About time. The Sleeping Beauty cannot sleep forever. Snow-White must get her kiss. We of all bed-time stories must wake up now. Edda vé ása (name in ´Óðsmál in fáðu´) comes from veda vyasa tefla teitir í túni


teitur, díídivi, bright, shining, akin to týr, tír. díídíví deva devataa

दीसदसव देव देवता

swa-dha sjálfum sér gefinn

स्वध siður,

to seek within and find there sjálfan sig (oneself) in the unboundedness of Glaðheimar, sjálfur gefinn sjálfum sér Maharishi is a title


the great sage, vitringur, who teaches, a seer that teaches others.

Gungnir the finest created, vibration; shakti is power shaakti


हेष हेस्ष ु

hesja hesú hinoti to throw,


Geirlöðnir is Óðinsnafn, löðnir Lóður laðar Gunnlöð -- invitation, hospitality, löð, Lóður is from vrítra


who is an ancient guð.


20 Gungnir, vibrations is weapon of consciousness. The most subtle. Sleipnir a horse, vehichle, strong apt quick and knows where to go. savana hú hava hodd hödd Vanir tívar guð rögn regin Rán æsir díar -- names of gods in context with meaning höft og bönd sutra (to sew, a thread) Súúrya gnaa


िूय थ (mask) sól (as a goðvera),


िूि becomes Þór, clear, shining

divine female, a wive, Gná ghana curvy blossoming, sent from Frigg dís

सदि ् dísh

to bring to light, to want to show

daivi shakti daiva shakti

दैसव िसि दैव िसि

divine effect of the unlimited organizing power of Laws of Nature tíva-power ámáttkir divine powerful Iðavellir C.A.Holmbo claims the prefix tý (as in tý-vaskur, tý-hraustur) to be from Sanskrit atíati-



means super superior over, becomes prefix tý- in Icelandic.

sva-sthya. whole and sound, health, not partial (sva in oneself sthya standing)

manusya loka

ु मिष्यलोक world of men.

Manus and Moeses the same -- symbolic for leading on man´s evolutionary path. Most likly Loki is here a world, loka, and all our stupid actions in the world. Loki is doing all kinds of stupid things, and that might be we, man. Then he despairately takes to rescuing from his wrongs. As all stupid men: sees afterwards what he should not have done. Geri, the greedy, swallows, glutton, name from forn púrañ

ु ancient पिण

siður from swa-dha gefinn sjálfum sér


गि gara

given to oneself

or siður comes from siddhi perfect, perfection, or súddha

सिसद्ध िद्धु

which is a divine mead, guðamjöður, or the cleansing, the purifying; sinni Sólar (consort of sun) i.e. Máni moon, immortality-rays of Máni are guðaveigar, súdhaañsuú naakra nykur

ु ु soma िोम िधाण्ि

िक्र (crocodile, peeps up goes down) and njósn hnýsast (to nose) same stem

unbelievable metaphore of submerging - be waterlogged !!! refers to transcendence! bhur, bhuu bhuurbhuva brainchild of Brahman, a world (burr, Brimir and such) hagall hagl jökull (hail, glacier) khadjala


खजल खज्ञल khadñjala dewdrops fog rain

kha/kham tóm/rúm/himinn (space sky)


djala water

My own mother spoke beautifully, and I had marvellous teachers of Icelandic, like Helgi Þorláksson and Grímur Helgason. They taught reverence to our mother-tounge. Once Grímur was to read for us from the Icelandic Sagas, which he so dearly loved. He had chosen his favourite part. Little low chatting was heard in the class when his reading went on. Grímur stopped reading. This gentle man rose from his seat, closed the book saying: -I do not throw pearls for pigs. He gracefully walked out of the class-room. All was quiet. The silence during long after he had gone. I can still hear this silence. And I still feel ashamed. ás vas alda þar es ymir byggþi (byggði) - vasa sandr ne sær ne svalar unnir - þ…. ( in the beginning there was the sound (ymir om), nothing else yet created )

22 Long long before the Icelandic Sagas were composed, Norse peoples had their writing. That is our runes. Not the Latin alphabet that later was threat-imposed upon us. In ancient manuscripts we can even find musical notes of tunes. How could the Norse men become so brainwashed and blind to their treasures? How could Max Müller blind and brainwash so many with forgeries called research? Östen Kjellmann, í Den forna seden, Valkyrie-förlag, Gautaborg, claims Vikings to have been ´stealing back´ the wealth that had been stolen from them and accumulated in monasteries. Vikings were not pirates, but a well-organized army. Formerly free farmers had been enslaved on their own farms, not allowed to bear arms or weapons, as they should be peaceful as was Jesus. Östen writes a thick book, containing many quotations, in many languages. Östen´s research on the lies and the defamation that our culture suffered. All suppression rips of fetters when the world consciousness heightens (/now). Men do not become peaceful by being suppressed to thraldom and slavery. Even if they collected all runic scripts - under the false motivation that the books would be thoroughly researched in the cloisters, and then the whole lot was burned at the stake, runes could not be destroyed. Men did not easily let go of carved bed-decor, and huge rune-stones are not optimal fuel, as I see it. A church in Sweden was being repared, and underneath they found a rune-stone. Holy places and fanes of Heathens were taken over and changed into churches. They covered the rune-stone hastily so that the press wouldn´t find out as that would only retard the reconstruction of the church. We could do without the word trúarbrögð (religion), later invented for a purpose: to let men see siður and theocracy to be compareable categories. But knowledge and institutions are not comparable. Flower and house not the same category. All concepts in our worlds are of this world and can be disputed on endlessly.

23 I don´t think we find the word trúarbrögð (religions) in Sanskrit nor in Old Norse. I suppose this came with the theocracies. They even try to call that stuff nýi siður, new siður.

Faithful and trustworthy is, ní-stha, a better meaning of trú (believe) than creeds.

These skræður are to kindle the fire of understanding We shall understand why we decide to be born what the real and only purpose and goal of each our life-span on earth are find the sheer beauty and profundity of our reverent forefathers´ wisdom, knowledge, science of life, science of consciousness. We shall understand and appreciate the wisdom contained in our priceless spiritual and cultural heritage. Research and publications supported by the Ministry of Culture and Education.

Freyjukettir freyjukettir@mmedia.is

Norræn menning, þekkingarsetur 1990 odsmal@mmedia.is


Goþrún dimmblá:

-My teacher, Maharishi Mahes Yogi, an Indian physicist, an enlightened great guru, asked me to perform this work. He points out to us the knowledge and the understanding, asks us to find the wisdom in our own traditions and religions, and teaches us the easy technique to nýsa niður (transcend). The knowledge has come down, and we shall tell all men. No suffering shall ever be, the beauty of life only everywhere. Best of thanks to thee, Maharishi, my teacher.


ु deva guhya देवगह्य

the whispered sacred secret guhya gúhjýa of deva (/tívar) Óðsmál, book 1996 ISBN 9979 60 165 5 Óðsmál in fáðu, streaming DVD VHS 2000 Óðsmál in fornu 40 web-skræður 2009 http://www.mmedia.is/odsmal/fornu27apr09/efnisyfirlit.htm Óðsmál in fornu efnisyfirlit, book 2010 ISBN 978-9935-409-40-9 Valhallar Óðsmál in gullnu, book 2010 ISBN 978-9935-409-41-6 http://www.odsmal.org http://www.Youtube.com/Goiagodi nýsið niður, nemið upp fimbulrúnir

Books available on Amazon, search: odsmal ; or search: freyjukettir Skírnismál ritual - script for bairns ISBN 978 9935 409 83 6 Óðsmál - Norse Edda Spiritual Highlights - ISBN 978-9935-467-00-3 Óðsmál - The Unseen Reality (2013)

ISBN 978 9935 409 84 3


Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál

for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns for bairns

1 Þór ISBN 978-9935-467-01-0 2 Ægir and Rán 978-9935-467-02-7 3 trinities 978-9935-467-03-4 4 Þjóðvitnir Ullur Heimdallur 978-9935-467-04-1 5 in Iðavellir - triguna 978-9935-467-05-8 6 Syn Glasir Valhöll einherjar 978-9935-467-06-5 7 Sif Easter 978-9935-467-07-2 8 Freyr Skírnir Gerður - poem Skírnismál 978-9935-467-08-9 9 tell me, wizard 978-9935-467-09-6 10 upbringing 978-9935-467-10-2 11 Rígur (on Edda-poem Rígsþula) 978-9935-467-11-9 12 yule þorri gói 978-9935-467-12-6 13 Hel Mímir valkyrja 978-9935-467-13-3 14 svinnur, Valföður´s wine, Gungnir, Glaðheimar 978-9935-467-14-0 15 Óðinn, sons, Sleipnir, Valhöll 978-9935-467-15-7 16 Týr and Fenrir 978-9935-467-16-4 17 Sól and Nanna 978-9935-467-17-1 18 Frigg Sága 978-9935-467-18-8 19 Fjörgyn Mother Earth 978-9935-467-19-5 20 The Great Goddess 978-9935-467-20-1 21 Skaði Njörður Baldur 978-9935-467-21-8 22 jötnar Geri Freki 978-9935-467-22-5 23 jólasveinar elves gandreið 978-9935-467-23-2 24 Gods days planets and more 978-9935-467-24-9 25 Haftsænir Gapþrosnir Geirölnir valkyrja 978-9935-467-25-6 26 ginnungagap and the 5 elements 978-9935-467-26-3 27 ginnungagap - nýsta ek niður 978-9935-467-27-0 28 Þund 978-9935-467-28-7 29 Sanskrit and Old Norse 978-9935-467-29-4 30 Huginn Muninn Valhöll einherjar 978-9935-467-30-0 31 pure nervous system 978-9935-467-31-7 32 tröll jötnar thurse-maidens wights dwarfs 978-9935-467-32-4 33 Urður Verðandi Skuld 978-9935-467-33-1 34 guided bird´s view 978-9935-467-34-8 35 sound and ´matter´ 978-9935-467-35-5 36 mighty old Nature 978-9935-467-36-2 37 consciousness-based education 978-9935-467-37-9 38 waging peace 978-9935-467-38-6 39 food digestion behavior 978-9935-467-39-3 40 ignorance gone, Mímir regained 978-9935-467-40-9

Krakka-Óðsmál in fornu 40 krakkaskræður 2011 in Icelandic: ISBN 978-9935-409-42-3 /43-0 /44-7 /45-4 /46-1 /47-8 /48-5 /49-2 /50-8 /51-5 /52-2 /53-9 /54-6 /55-3 /56-0 /57-7 /58-4 /59-1 /60-7 /61-4 /62-1 /63-8 /64-5 /65-2 /66-9 /67-6 /68-3 /69-0 /70-6 /71-3 /72-0 /73-7 /74-4 /75-1 /76-8 /77-5 /78-2 /79-9 /80-5 /81-2 Krakka-Óðsmál in fornu and their names in Icelandic: 1. kálfaskræða: Þór ISBN 978-9935-409-42-3 2. kálfaskræða: Ægir og Rán ISBN 978-9935-409-43-0 3. kálfaskræða: þríeindir ISBN 978-9935-409-44-7 4. kálfaskræða: Þjóðvitnir Ullur Heimdallur vítahringurinn markhópur ISBN 978-9935-409-45-4 5. kálfaskræða: á Iðavöllum tefla teitir í túni unz koma þursamegir III ISBN 978-9935-409-46-1 6. kálfaskræða: Syn, Glasir, Valhöll, einherjar ISBN 978-9935-409-47-8 7. kálfaskræða: Sif, Ester, tyllidagar, merkisdagar, vetrarkomugleði ISBN 978-9935-409-48-5 8. kálfaskræða: Freyr Skírnir Gerður Skírnismál Gerðargleði ISBN 978-9935-409-49-2 9. kálfaskræða: segðu mér seiðskrati ISBN 978-9935-409-50-8 10. kálfaskræða: heiðið uppeldi ISBN 978-9935-409-51-5 11. kálfaskræða: Rígur ISBN 978-9935-409-52-2 12. kálfaskræða: jól þorri gói ISBN 978-9935-409-53-9 13. kálfaskræða: Helia, Mímir, valkyrja ISBN 978-9935-409-54-6 14. kálfaskræða: svinnur, vín Valföðurs, Gungnir, Glaðheimar ISBN 978-9935-409-55-3 15. kálfaskræða: Óðinn synir hrafnar eljur Sleipnir Valhöll einherjar ISBN 978-9935-409-56-0 16. kálfaskræða: Týr og Fenrir ISBN 978-9935-409-57-7 17. kálfaskræða: Sól og Nanna, dauði Baldurs ISBN 978-9935-409-58-4 18. kálfaskræða: Frigg Sága ISBN 978-9935-409-59-1 19. kálfaskræða: Fjörgyn jörð móðir ISBN 978-9935-409-60-7 20. kálfaskræða: gyðjan mikla ISBN 978-9935-409-61-4 21. kálfaskræða: Skaði Njörður Baldur ISBN 978-9935-409-62-1 22. kálfaskræða: jötnar Geri Freki ISBN 978-9935-409-63-8 23. kálfaskræða: jólasveinar álfar gandreið sthapatya-ved ISBN 978-9935-409-64-5 24. kálfaskræða: guðin dagarnir reikistjörnurnar mannsheilinn ISBN 978-9935-409-65-2 25. kálfaskræða: Haftsænir Gapþrosnir Geirölnir valkyrjan ISBN 978-9935-409-66-9

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And now to get the feeling for Icelandic and Sanskrit go through the following. This comes from Christian Andreas Holmboe. Just look Sanskrit words up in the dictionary to get their meaning


and you will be amazed how the meaning correlates. Sir M. Monier Willams, concise, over 2000 pp, small fonts Paníní was a great grammatician. Counted 2000 roots or word-stems in Sanskrit. Paníní made a list of 2343 root, and there are even more of them. Sanskrít is profound, beautiful, rich, - if we do not learn Sanskrit we will be the poorer for it. 500.000 words can be found known are 1750 different roots having 2490 diverse meanings. The language has been la living language for thousands of years, At least 500 are alive nowadays, multiple words derived from each one.

sañj sajj (frb sañdj sadjdj) sac (frb sahtcsh)

िञ्ज ् िज्ज ् िच

icelandic word hang

(hanga, hika) veit ek að ek hékk -- kynnast, þekkja, njóta, vera eign e-s, vera gefinn e-ju, halda sig við, stunda, setja sig í samband við, tilheyra, - enjoy practice know belong, in touch (hékk in past tense in Hávamál, told afterwards, no thought in the ´hang´) samga

सिवाथण बद्धु



nírvana blow the flame the off (here stop thinking; has other meanings too) búddha wotan ódin Óðinn


aatmavantam sjálfur eign síns sjálfs

þyrja af túúr


ु ् og ध्रवु ध्रक

dhruk og dhruva verður draugur

dhííra týrr


् सि​ि सि​िचि bhraash val

nisse, sá sem þvælist um á nóttunni nish nisha-tsjara

भ्राि ्

brísing, skína

वल ् becomes fela, úlpa,


वल ् nálgast, koma aftur, vera hulið, snú aftur heim

Imagine Valföður wearing/covered by úlpa/hidden on travels from his Valhöll Some claim Robin Hood, Hróðbjartur höttur (artha

अर् थ ) in the wood to be Heathenry;

He sought refuge with the nuns, wounded, and they were asked to take blood as was often done for healing purposes (and the nuns got paid for) taking too much so that he fainted and passed of in the arms of the ´caring´ sisters, whom he trusted.


हुल hylja, úlpa


कू प ्

valr velaa



snöggur dauðdagi

valaya armband vulva úlfliðr vaha vah

वह वह ्


verður ísl.: vagn vegur

þýðir: bera, flytja, koma með, færa (t.d.fórnina), ofl. vriddha veda vela


वृद्ध वेद


vayuna vesh

वयिु वेि ्

úr úri úru úruxi bhúúrdnjdnja vara



उरु (sbr rúnina) वयिु ver

víf ; ve vi वे वी faðma umvefja,

raahú dreki


radñj raadñjan og ríkatha ratha reið röðull

mahas miti

vé, vayana (temple)

भूर्झ् थ björk

særr varuna

ु vapús वपि

edda öld alldr

महि ् समसत

सवव्ह giftast, taka sér fyrir maka

िाझ ् िाझि ् सिकर्

िर् meiðmar


máni mál mund

maas maasa maa



mennt mantri

yódha yaaddha yatha

goti guð

यधु ्

guð gunn yúdh

योध याद्ध यर्

maana maanas (hugur) muna, meina, maður, maanava

सवमि​ि ्

vi-manas víma vakra lúth


लुठ ्

lúbh Lofn

verður: bagall, haukur, vík (bogið, bugða) blóta (ofl) þýðir: hljóma, óma, hreyfa við, örva, velta (o.m.fl.)

लुभ ्

Mardöll mríd vlíí fljóð

मृड ्


shaatrú shaatrava hata shapta


िात्र ु िात्रव

(a-shatrú óvinalaus)


shama hamingja mjöður (mead) madhu madhura

भा भाि ु

माि मािव

bhaa bhaanu Bragi

og bradjdj braga



hól, skálld -- chandas chandííga

छन्दि ् छन्दीग skálld

sbr rishi devata cchjandas (frb tsjandas) óðinn vili véi tsjapa (chjapa)

छप skapa

shava savara shaagara seva saara sjár sær safi Sarama garmur sannur sat sraddha

श्रद्ध ्

híma (snjór)

herra Hlín hlýða hreifur

श्र ु


himinn (himalaya, þar sem snjór er) sbr Himinbjörg

hríd hjarta


श्र्दृध góður guð sauður


vííhaara vedi vihaa


(trú) kredda og shridh



ित ्


हृष ्

heyra, hrópa (Hróptur)

सव वीहाि वेसद सवहा himinn/paradís ve वे vernda

हृद ् , हृ

hrí fría, rífa omfl.

frjósa, omfl, t.d. skratti

हंि svanur

(hamur, þ.Hemd) gás ; garga

spasha svaks

स्पि स्वक्ष ्

spá spakur

skállda úr skhala og cchandah svan saungur

स्वि ्

गगथ grágás


कं ि



príí priya

karl kaara


jarl og yatr


प्र ् सप्रय


en aashís

प्रेम prema kærleikur

friðill kær

príí lof og prís (blessa), aasíírgeya

(kar=ger, gera) verkamaður, vinnuhjú


सचन्ह (framb. tsjinha)

geyja (þt.gó) söngur með blessun, benediktsjón

् löngun आसि​ि ् er ósk eða bæn, aashaa आसि​ि ósk

cetas (tsjetas) cetana (tsjetana) geð shuka hugða, úshíí ósk löngun regin skína raadñjan radñj

चेति ्


उिी िूक

िाझि ् िझ ्

kroppur af klríp krip (lat facere) gera, ahamkara (gera sig einstakling) drottinn (auka við, efla, afl) drih þund (brynja) hylja pud túnda

तण्ु ड boginn,

यि​ि ् सकिण

पदु ,्


ृह ्

Þundur dhnú dhn dandaara

तण्ु ड bogi

् ध्नू ध्न दन्दाि

kírnir glittir skín kírana (ljósgeisli) yashas geisli (ath Skírni)

yat yuvan ídull idia (iðja) Iðunn? dñjala gal (gala galdur?)


् वु ि ् यत य

vinna efla varðveita


kná, kenna

ljóð þjóð dñjati khardñja




झाव ् lifa

dýrðka hörgar (húsguð) sid

hagall khadñjala


khadñjala hagl

Hel hel kvölld kaara

यात ु

वद ् सवद

khardñj dýrðka ´höft´

सषद ्



djúr dýr dñjíívana




vad kveða vid sviðr

bhas fastr (eldr) vrit nish

वृत ् gervi

् सणि hnýsa

(hulið, falið)

( í djúpa hugsun) nýsta ek niður

njósna hnýsa nísh dharma þarfi yóga

सि​ि ्



gægur af yúddh


bhaga hagur

(meðal (af rót jñríí


यद्धु ्

dñjari Eir

guð, gunnur


bali (kraftur, styrkur (lat valere, e valor)




dala dallr deila dálkur, Heimdallur verdens deler

tamas dhúúma

् म तमि धू

(tama-gúna= tami-dumbi-Gunni) dimma þám(þokuloft)

en Gunnarnir eru sat(-gúna) gúna (kk)

ित ्,


ु er eiginleiki (líka einn þáttur reipis ofl.) गण

िजि, tama(-gúna) तम

् तल bjöðr himinn, bhava veröld (abhava=not-world), bhavas himinn rúmið भव भवि भू fjörgyn bhúridñja himinn kham aapa

आप haf

údaka dögg

ु भसिझा

खम ्



kha geymir

apas fljót á (lat. aqua fr.eau; höfuðskepna)


hlér sala salíl vatn

himinn kham fjörgyn bhúridñja

िल िसलल

drápa (geðjast, gera ánægðan ofl) tríp drasill drösull


तृप ्

trasa það sem hreyfist (ekki kyrrstætt), t.d.líkami

(ekki ólífrænt efni), fær e-ð/e-rn til að hreyfast/titra drómi dhruva


Bhagavad gítu XIV 8 pramadaalasya


drómi og læðingur

pramadaalasyanidraa (-nídra sofna dotta niðurdreginn) aaryaya (sbr arya) jörmun irmin (sbr irminsul) gandha gandur gó gói


kýr, nautsmerki gógrasa gras


आर्य्थ गन्ध

dorri þorri hrútur, (Vædderens Tegn) hrútmánuður dhanú túr harpa gharmma

घर्म्थ (hlýnar; --

ghraa grey

तिु ्धि ु

með skerplu vísar Holmboe í pólsku og rússnesku)


िभु (temple) súbha (fagurt) yúvati ung kona,

यवु सत

frauð froða parandja

वसहि varhi

en yúvan er sama orð og ungur á íslenzku.

पिण्ज पिझा (afros paradnja freya fröja priya príí)

Sköll og Hati

svadjamdatta, óskapaður, sjálfur gefinn sjálfum sér goð gyðja shúddh shúdh shrota flóð flæði


suddhaa er seiður

िद्धु ्िदु ्

shrota suddhí,

ु िद्धा

Mundilfari mandala

ु ) श्रोत िसद्ध


Mímir smríti (fbr. ísmrítí)


röskr vrísha (Röskva) sandur jörð (vasa sandr né sær) ksamaa ksam Ómi (aúm) A(Vishnu) U(Shiva) M(Brahma)

क्षमा क्ष्मा

अउम् ॐ

prakkari prakara


prestur prastha (presbytes fjarsýnn af elli) pokur púki púúdñjaya rögn regin (fr. roi, lat. rex) raacnja

पूझय िाझ िध

rún raha (einvera) rahas leynilega leynt seva sevin savi Gná gnaa

् िेव िेसवि िसव


spá drís (sjá) pasya

ृि ् पश्य gera klárt, sýna

स्वक्ष अक्ष spakr speki

tjón tyadñj


ु leyndarmál िह िहि ् ; guhya गह्य

Sjöfn sjafni sefi (vinátta)

tsjaksús (chaksus, auga) skyggn skýrr

kotra tsjatur/4

röð raadñja rach réttur row röð)

ु ् चक्षि

svaksa aksa skarpskyggni

चतिु ् --- sbr. tyaktva

sem tekið hefur verið burt,

sangam tyaktva, ekki samhangandi við hið veraldlega lengur, not now clingint to - freed from fetters laus úr viðjum efnis og orku, frelsaður úr efnisheimsfjötrum

eða ksina


स्ति ्स्तृ tírr

star stú strá stjarna sundra

ृ आृ

drí aadrí

tívaskr (tý-vaskur) ati-vaadñja


tungl þungstóll sólar túngíípaata

उल ् उल्का úshíí

वास्त ु

ulli ylja velgja volgur úl úlkaa Ullur



vaastu (rétt lóð í sthapatyaved byggingarlist) vist

वृ विण

væringjar vrí vraña

yggr ýgr (e.ugly) úgra vita


अल al álfur

vitnir úlfur

अश्र ु ashrú úgra

उग्र (ógurlegur)


Ægir ægir öglir aahí

उग्र gýgur

आत्मि ्

aatman óður Óður

aayus (sbr aayur-veda, ævi-vitska) ævi aayu ir

इि ् elja iraa इिा

úpavasta fasta


kamyya hamingja


कं र्य्


आय ु eisa


rídñj ridñjú réttr drengur rístí rísta



ऋझ ु ऋझ ्

krís krassa rista rita kam



काम gaman gimlir himinn kvæmur

kalatra klettur garpur karva kíírttí kúl skulld krít


् कू प kúúp


kaarava hrafn kúrva kripna kúp korpa


kúla höll

उल ् कुल

kuh gautr kukl

कृ त ् garður hiðr (ofl); hringr rein reita

(sem þýðir 5) fingur


paña peningur falr

pashú (bundið húsdýr) fé paashava pashya

पश्य spá

ु द परूवे

fimbulfambi paamara Óðinn búddha

(sjáið að p verður f hjá okkur)

पि ु पािव



púruveda fróður

् काव सिता


प्रख्यात prakhyaata frægur paríksa freista

कुह ्


ksetra heiði setur

५ पण्च

कािव कुिव कृ पि

(frægð, orðstírr) skart

(kaví er skáld sjáandi) kaava kvítaa kveða


kúpa (hola hellir)

बद्धु ्

púra púraaña forn

ु द परूवे

ु पिाण ु पिा

fagr fága bhaga bhavat bóndi

भ्रेझ ् bhredñj

बद्धु ्

भवत ्


भझ ्



Fun ? Icelandic word gaman (fun) is from Sanskrit kam (love, be in love)

Óðsmál for bairns


सिद्धर् थ Gangleri गङ्गलहसि



Our forefathers´ science of consciousness

ISBN 9789935467294

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