العدد الثاني عشر انجليزي

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Quarterly magazine issues from Gendarmerie directorate Volume Twelve - decemper 2015

Welcome to our supreme Commander and redeemed King whose oncoming honors the hearts of gendarmerie cavaliers

Your Hashemite Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein May God protect you It is a great honor, sire, on my own behalf, and on behalf of all affiliates of the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces, to raise to the lofty prestige of your Majesty the highest indications of congratulations combined with full loyalty and sincerity to your cherished throne and your wise Hashemite leadership on the advent of the new Hijri year.

Your Majesty the supreme commander; We, on this stateful occasion, recall the noble meanings and values of faith and sacrifice which were planted by your great ancestor the prophet (peace upon him) to defend the future and true religion of the nation to be the best nation produced for mankind, carrying the torches of guidance and raising the human society to the highest levels of boon, success and guidance. Your Majesty, you have been the ideal and the good example in your struggle and stability following the example of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). You have always been the voice of the nation that expresses its pulse, defending the values of the nation and the greatness of the tolerant Islamic message.

Your Hashemite Majesty We, in the General Directorate of Gendarmerie, take upon ourselves, before your Majesty, to march forward behind your wise Hashemite leadership, putting your Lofty royal directions before our eyes to carry the exalted humanistic mission to establish security and general order and to maintain the destinies and gains of our homeland. we derive our zeal from your determination and resolution to perform our sacred duties in protecting lives and property providing all people with peace, tranquility and safety and keeping our motherland safe and quiet. We ask God- the Almighty – to preserve your Majesty and grant you health and blessings, he is the All – Hearing All-Responsive

Happy new year to your majesty Staff Brigadier general The director – general of gendarmerie Hussein Mohammad Al-Hawatmeh


In this 18th issue of the Gendarmerie Magazine, we congratulate His Majesty, our supreme commander, King Abdullah II Bin Al- Hussein, all Jordanian and the officers, warrant officers and members of the Gendarmerie Forces for the new Hijri year, may Allah return the occasion with blessing over the Arab and Islamic nations. Since the issuance of this number that includes many accomplishments is synchronizing with the advent of a new Hijri year full of events, we stand to reflect the past and anticipate the future with all power and determination, proud of the fruits of the past Hijri year and the coming calendar year. We celebrate the accomplishments of the Gendarmerie, the safety pin that is holding embers in a time when we need all possible readiness, day and night, to review our calculations practically and logically on the basis of a framework that rests on facts and the distribution of tasks and duties, taking into consideration the development and haste of the conditions on the regional and international cycle, in addition to the variables of the security scene that exceeded the Arab limits to the international cycle in a peerless manner. According to those visions, the Gendarmerie Forces are moving forward bravely and competently under the directions of our supreme commander, His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al- Hussein, may God protect him, to carry out their sacred and noble mission in keeping the internal security and stability of the Kingdom according to strategies, policies and plans prepared pursuant to a comprehensive, accurate and well informed scientific methodology within short, medium and long term chronological time frames. The march of bestowment continues as there is much to do: providing protection to civil and governmental institutions, diplomatic missions and embassies and vital facilities in the Kingdom; providing safe and secured environment to local and international sport games in addition to emergency duties to enforce law whenever needed in accordance with the best practices. In the middle of all this noise appear the bravery, wisdom and patience of the Gendarmerie affiliates who derive their inspiration from the wisdom of our Hashemite leadership, the tolerance of our true religion and the military manners that are planted inside us the love for our homeland, the eagerness to maintain its assets and respect for human rights. The aspirations of the Gendarmerie forces are like an ever flowing spring or a green tree rooted deep in the ground while its branches are going high in the sky keeping the odorous air of Jordan warm like the spring of its valleys. Such are the knights of Gendarmerie, full of generosity and originality, drawing smiles on the faces and swiping pain over the foreheads. They are everywhere, defending their precious motherland, winding around our Hashemite leadership showing real and true loyalty and belonging, asking God the Almighty to preserve our King and our supreme commander, his loyal crown prince, the Hashemite family and our precious Jordan with its land, sky, sea, border and people with all security, safety and stability. He is the All-Hearer and All-Responsive.

Speech of His Majesty King Abdullah II

before the General Assembly of the United Nations His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein has delivered a speech before the General Session of the Seventieth Meeting Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations; in the presence of his highness Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II, the Crown Prince. Herein after, are the most prominent points: * Here I am, As after I also seek that my children and daughters, your children and daughters, and the whole to live in a world dominated by peace, mercy and love. * Nonetheless, the future of this world, as we all of us are looking for, exposes to a dangerous threat from the insurgents, those who are rebelled of Islam and its noble humanitarian values. * We are congregationally agreed upon the necessity for defeating these gangs. However, before we inquire about the know-how to a quire this goal. Let us ask; If they will not be defeated? * Would we be consent with a future that is dominated with geocoding, decapitation, Kidnapping and servitude?

* I have prioly described, what our world of today, witness is a third world war, and our response for it must have the same magnitude of challenge. * We all should have be on belief that the most important front in this war is waging out in the domain of thought, and its objective is to acquire the minds and hearts. * We in Jordan are proud to work with you to release initiatives that present the importance of tolerance and dialogue on the International domain. * For the embodiment of this, Jordan released initiatives: “Amman message”, and “An equal word”, and “The world week for love between the religions”. *It is imperative for these efforts to continue, and the United Nations to play a central role in that. * We all as, peoples and leaders, have to contribute in building up this road, and give me a permission to suggest here in seven main steps to actualize that.

Here in below is His Majesty, the King’s speech: In the Name of God the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Mr. President, Mr. the General Secretary, your Majesty, your Excellency and Honor. Thank you all, and it is my pleasure to talk to you from this International forum representing Jordan, and as a human who loves and fear God, and who loves all of the mankind, and here I am as a father who seeks that his children and daughters, and your children and daughter, and the whole mankind to live in a world dominated by peace, mercy and love.

religious conflicts to demolish the bases of cooperation and mercy between billions of peoples from all religions and sects, of those who live as neighbors in several countries of ours. This insurgent gang from Islam, as well, exploits the circumstance of closure and doubt between the followers of different religious and principles for the expansion and spreading out its sovereignty. The most of all of that. They grant themselves the absolute liberty, to deviate and wrongly interpret the saying of Allah to justify their heinous crimes. We are gathering today on the necessity of defeating these gangs.

Nonetheless, the future of this world, as we all look forward to, is exposing to a dangerous threat from the insurgents, those who are converted from Islam and its human and nobile values, those who have reached to an extent today to threaten the whole International community. They exploit the

However before we inquire about the Knowhow to acquire this goal. Let us ask: what if they were not defeated? How our world would be then? Would we be consent with a world dominated by genocide, decapitation, Kidnapping and servitude? And with a future which its dominant jurisprudence

is the persecution of minorities, where of the civilized and cultural heritage for all humanity. That which was preserved for how sands of years to be demolished with a method process? I have described what the world of today has witnessed; it is a third world war. Our response should be with level of challenge magnitude, the matter that requires an International action and congregational effort on different fronts. We together should have faith that the most important in this war is waging in the domains of thought, and its goal is to attain the minds and the heart. We all together have to unify the lines as a human community in this war. We in Jordan are proud to work with you to launch an initiative that presents the importance of tolerance and dialogue on the International domain. And for the embodiment of that, Jordan has launched initiatives; “Amman – message”, and “An Equal world”, and “The world week for love between the religions”. The last one was adopted by the United States, four years ago, as an annual event in the purpose of encouraging the people in general, and the youth in particular to adopt the noble principles, tolerance and co-existence. It is imperative for these efforts to continue, and the United States to have a central role in it. We all as peoples and leaders, have to contribute in building up this road. And, give me the permission to suggest here in seven main steps to actualize this. First: let us go back to the fundamentals, to the joint essence and spirit between the creeds and our beliefs, because; unfortunately we sometimes miss the comprehensive image, as the common factors between us are greater than the differences. This matter is represented by the common values that we believe in, like: love, peace, Justice and mercy, due to the saying of Allah, the exalted: “my mercy embraces all things” Surat Al- A’ráf 156. Second: let us change our speech dialect, during my recent tours. I noticed a sign board by the road, it is written on it “Fear Allah” and away of it several miles-another

signboard with the same statement, then another same one, then a fourth one However, the last one says: “ As for the fire hell is the domicile” and I inquired: when and how the frightening is infiltrated to our speech instead of the love of God? Most people might believe that they have no relation with the speech of hearted that the extremists hold. Nonetheless, our world is exposed to threat when aggression, fear and anger dominate on our speech. Either in schools, the religious sermons, and even in our International relationships. Third: let us interpret our creeds in tractions, and what I mean here, is not to stop on performing some ordainments only; such as: prayer, fasting, and paying the

zakat “Alms”, but to grade up these morals to embodying the values and principles of our true religion in our daily life, in each hour of every new day. Hence, to love our neighbor, and to respect whoever differ in opinion with us, and to take care of our children. Every one of us can be able to do something that reflects our faith principles with our God. Fourth: we have to exalt the voice of moderateness. As the most weird paradox in our nowadays, that the extremist voices to exploit the modern media means to spread ignorance! We should not have to allow, those who constitute the great danger on our world to monopolize our screens, the air waves, the internet network, and the social connection instruments. We have also to plant in our media means and the most important from that to plant in our youth minds the moderateness and its purity. Fifth: we have to disclose the false and the hoax on its reality. When we look to the motives of these insurgents those who are converted from Islam, even though to the motives of the extremists in all over the world. We will find that the passion for authority and sovereignty on the peoples, properties and the land is their incentives. They use the religion as a mask, is there anything? Which is more worse than deviating the speech of God to serve their agendas? Is there any lawful act than exploiting the weak and innocent people to mobilize them? We should have to remember here that the world Islamic community embraces a billion and seven-hundred millions of righteous men and women, who represent one fourth of the humanity. As for the insurgent gangs which are converted from Islam, that we see today disseminating corruption on the earth. They represent only a drop in the ocean of our righteous people. Nonetheless, a drop of poison, like this, can poison an entire well. Therefore, we should have to protect our religion and its noble values. So, this is our war as Muslims, and this is our duty. Sixth: Tolerance does not accept extremism; which grows on the status of carelessness of the moderate thinkers.

However the moderateness does not mean the acceptance of those who make evil to the others and reject everyone who conflict with them. Our world war today is not between the peoples, communities or religions. It is a war that gathers the uprights from all religions and beliefs against all the extremists of all religions and beliefs. The leaders of all countries, religions and communities should all have to take an obvious and explicit position against extremism of whatever type or form can it be. And this involves the respect of religion places, either a mosque, church or synagogue. There is no any place which is more important or most influential to embody this respect and co-existence rather that the city of Jerusalem. Where, the Hashemite Custody on the Islam and Christian sanctuaries in sacred duty. We here join our voice to the Muslims and Christians everywhere, rejecting the threats that the sacred places and the Arabian identity of this city are exposed to. My friends, as for the seventh step, it is related with the keeping in touch with, as in this our era, the keeping in touch determines the Know-how to live and the interaction, either in our works, communities or our schools, and all other aspects of our life. Only few years ago, the concept of electronic connection network and the intranet in the connection between the computer sets, it was said the “computer internet” However, how we talk on “The items internet” which means that the internet becomes to link many and various aspects of life. However, the most important from all of this is the concept of “Humanity internet” which is represented in the most highly standard of keeping in touch, that unify our consience, and that gathers us on a same issue. Ladies and gentlemen, we through this our gathering today ratify that the efficiency of congregational work is too much surpassing the power of any individual effort. The General Assembly of the United Nation should have to handle the International contingent issues. Which are represented in the sustainable and comprehensive development that might

provide more opportunities, particularly for youth, and to enhance the possibility of reaching to peaceful political solutions for the regional crises? It is the world duty also to find solutions and to provide relief to millions of refugees in the Middle East. As we face today a huge shortage that the vital programs of the United Nations organizations are exposed to, including; the UNRWA and UNHCR and the world food program. Today the images of thousands of refugees are following us on the European beaches and borders, who seek after the hope away of their homes. We in Jordan have faced this challenge since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. Where in the Syrian refugees are only constituting today 20 percent of the Kingdom population. We took on our shoulders since the beginning a great deal of this human catastrophe burden, and we raised it away from the shoulders of the world community. Never the less, the support that Jordan receives does not constitute but a small part of the cost that we have borne. Now, it is the time for the world community to move in congregational way so as to face this unperceived human crisis, and

to support countries; like Jordan and Lebanon who have borne the pressure of this burden during the last four years. My friends; we should have to work together in all domains that I have mentioned, for the sake of our world future, and the keeping in touch is the key of success. It is imperative, that our joint values should have to be embodied in equality, mercy and hope in all whatever we do of actions. And we should have to connect with each other for the good of all. These joint values and links are the source of the United Nations power, and the promise that has embodied here and together will enable us, even though it is our duty to make the future that our peoples need. A year with more security and power, in which the coexistence dominates, and to contribute all with prosperity and peace. These are seven steps, that I have mentioned which might be able to lead us towards our long-desired objective. And Allah’s willing, our peoples and countries will actualize it, and they will acquire more than that. Thank you Monday 28/09/2015

Speech of the crown Prince in the opening of the World Forum for Youth, Peace and Security

Our youth and our Jordanian Rise In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Your highness, excellency and honor Ladies and Gentlemen

It is said; that the prospers with its visitors of the friends; This saying finds its real ecco in my great home – Jordan. Today, give me the liberty to welcome you all in my beloved country, and be aware that attendance gives me pleasure. That’s because the firm principles of my homeland which are based on mutual peace and respect grows and enhances with every new friendship.

His Royal Highness Crown prince Al-Hussein Bin Abdullah II

We are proud that Jordan is our home. It has never rejected before, any neighbor who sought refuge or relief. It is the home of whoever seeks peace and progress. That’s because peace is not mere a policy, and it is not only a high value. It is a human sign, and it is as well the main stand for the home that embraces us as a one world family. Welcome for all of you in Jordan. In this occasion, I thank particularly our partners; the United Nation Organization with its command of rational vision, and the United Network of making peace for youth, and the organization of searching on a joint ground.

Brothers and Sisters “youth are the future”; this statement might be one of the most repeatable statements, on the Know – how to influence in the future through the formation of its generations. And it is a part of the speech of presidents, politicians and parties; who he possesses the keys of youth minds, the gates of future will be opened to him. This strategy has been followed by everyone who wants to draw the symptoms of the generation. As, when the youth become convinced of any message, then they will devote their life to sacrifice it. Unfortunately, if we look to our modern history, we will find the tyrants, occupiers and terrorists of all aspects, some of them are Al-Qaida and Da’ish, they all exploited the youth and their potentials. Is not it the time to invest that equation for making the peace for building strong generations, that do not influence with the slogans of the people of agendas what so ever it might be. That equation was not the most accurate of today. The world was not young and juvenile more than that it is today. Consequently, there was no a bigger opportunity for influence in the future someday particularly in the Arab world. Where, the ratio of youth under 25 years age worth about 70 % of the whole population. Youth are the strategic balance, and they are the actual wealth. This is what I see every day in my country youth and in the youth of my generation all around the world. Youth are the lines of armies who are ready to redeem their souls and days for the future of their country.

They are the soldiers of peace-keeping who help their brothers in humanity in the catastrophic regions. They are the physicians who volunteered to relief their Arab brothers in the time of catastrophe in Gaza. They are the teachers who go to the refugees’ camps, so as not to deprive the children from the alphabets of knowledge. They are the millions of youth who constitute networks of a free of charge giving. These are examples of what I see or touch, as for instance but not exclusively, this is my generation and these are the decision makers. I emphasize you that my generation of youth is not lack of zeal, in the contrary, they are the most aware of their countries circumstances. They are the most surpassing to their era, and they are the most generation who was able to connect with the world and to let it hear his voice, that’s because he knows well the language of this era. That’s because the electronic space transmitted his voice from East to the West without restrictions or limits. This is my generation and its competent youth, so that they will be partners in establishing a future strategy that suits them. Therefore we are here today, because there is an opportunity in front of us to make a radical change in the future, an opportunity, that we should have to seize it quickly. Because the youth is an exposed category by the others, we are in a race to gain the youth minds; we are in a race with agendas that hunt the youth energies and to mobilize it to serve its own purposes, and we are in a race with the time because our future cannot afford the spoilage of today’s generation capabilities. We are here to build on the conclusions of the open discussion session of the Security Council “The Role

of Youth in Controlling the Aggressive Extremism and the Enhancement of Peace�, which was organized by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during its presiding of the security council in the past of April. We are here to get out with a combination formula of declaration concerning the youth and their role in building the peace and controlling extremism. Hence, this summit might be the first one of its own kind in terms of attendance momentum and the gathering of all concerned parties: of the United Nation representatives, the representatives of the national international governments and organizations unit the arrival to the most important and concerned party of the issue; who are the youth themselves and their organization. Anyhow, I hope, it will be the one of its own kind by adding a down-to-earth and applicable outcomes; through youth active contribution, but not through their shy representation, it is to be the one of its own kind, that’s because the youth themselves will manage to put down the formula of recommendations within the support of experts who are available with us here. Whatever, we; youth need is an area for work, but not a readymade models to abide by, or to shackle our hands. This summit will contribute in creating manifold networks to enable the youth and grant them the opportunities to express their ambitions and their belongings to their humanity. My dear audience Today’ I declare to you that my country Jordan will endeavor to proceed through its membership in the Security Council to sanction an agenda by

the council regarding the youth, security and peace so as to guarantee the youth role in security and sustainable peacemaking, in association with them but not to contribute them only. We have grown up on this here in Jordan with the participation of each one in it: women and men, we have built a well-fortified fortress by the arms of youth and by the sagacity of fathers. I have read an article that has drawn my attention: The young becomes a man after the first time of his dream death. Something pushed me not to content with this quotation as is, However, I call this generous gathering to bear the responsibility of its completion. The economic, social and political challenges had made our youth, men and women, able to undertake the responsibility. Our duty is to provide them with the environment that produces dreams which are viable and applicable, and capable to change the track of their lives, as there is no dream without hope, and the hope is an essential right of each youth rights. /// hereby stress on this right, and let us urge them to dream, a bigger and remote dream in each time, so that to be the greatest youth generation ever know only throughout the history, but rather the makers of the greatest specific skip witnessed by the world, towards peace and the living peacefully together. May peace and blessing of Allah be upon you. Friday 21 / August / 2015

The Royal visit ‌

meanings and significances

It is my honor and pleasure, with the issuance of this issue of Jordarmarie Journal to convey the greetings of His Majesty the Supreme commander King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein, the great, to you, tougher with his extreme proud and appreciation to every one of you, either personal, non-commissioned officers, and officers on all levels. It was a honor from his majesty to pay a visit to the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces on Monday corresponding to

Major General General Director of Gendarmerie Forces Hussien Mohammad Al-hawatmeh


26th October 2015, which has the greatest and best influence in our selves all. You are the chevaliers Gendarmerie, the true men, who are keeping their eyes open on the homeland security, lightening the darkness of its long night by your vigilance and with your high fronts that will not bow but to His exaltedness; Allah the One and the only One. The orientations of our Supreme Commander may Allah keep him safe and sound, always and ever, as a torch of light that we are guided by, and a method of action, and to oversee our promising future, God willing. As his Majesty vision for this distinguished security foundation, with its history and achievements on the ground to be a contemporary security force with a highly grade of qualification, training, armament and high spirits. Which imitate its similar ones in the

world, and to compete the security challenges and crises before it occurred, in light of the blazing struggles and wars around us, we in Jordan are not away of it. Oh chevalliters, as we feel proud today full of healriosity and joy by this Royal visit, let us renew our loyalty and belongings, all to this Hashemite command by seeing, action and achievement on the ground, and with industrialist and professionalism, let us reflect our skill, that we have trained on in the institutes, schools and in the fields of honor and manhood, let us arrange our priorities, that there will be no any priority that precedes our sacred mission for maintaining the internal security and stability of the kingdom will all momentum and power. Due to the current regional security circumstances and its accelerated variables of reflections on the local, regional and Global levels. This requires from all of us to work according to the strategies, policies and plans which are applied in the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces and the application of it in accordance with the highest grades of professionalism and commitment by the essential values, which the most important of it, is the respect of human rights either the citizens, the expatriates and the Guests of Jordan. We, in the General Directorate of

Gendarmerie forces, are an integral part of the friendly harmonious and the gathered around its Hashemite command, those who defend its security and stability. We stimulate the vigor’s and momentums of the men who will never be pity or bow but to Allah. We talk to the mind and thought in an ambient where the extremist thought is penetrated, and spread its poisons with in the different media means, terrorizing, torturing and murdering in the name of Islamic religion. However the Islam is free from these acts. Oh, The Chevalliers of Gendarmerie, the chevalier men of the homeland, we move together with you towards the high, and we predict the promising future for our homeland to remain always and ever the dearest and the beautiful, and the strongest by the arms of its men, those who redeem it with hearts and souls. We supplicate to Allah, almighty to protect and guard our commander and leader, His Majesty, the Supreme Commander to grant him the long last age, to dignify his, kingdom, to entertain him with a bondant and good health, and to save and protect Jordan, its army, and its security bodies, and to maintain its power, sovereignty, security and future, He is the most nearest and the supplication responder.


His majesty expressed his pride and appreciation to the exerted efforts and distinguished performance of the gendarmerie members in order to maintain the riches and acquisitions of the homeland. Brigadier general Al-Hawatmeh asserted that the gendarmerie forces is working to carry out the directions and visions of his majesty the supreme commander, move forward in development and modernization and raise the efficiency of its affiliates to be a security institution able to carry its noble mission, hold its security and humanistic message and perform its duties in full efficiency and professionalism with the cooperation and coordination with the other security agencies to ensure the enforcement of law and the preservation of human rights.

His Majesty the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Visits the General Directorate of Gendarmerie His Majesty King Abdullah II, the supreme commander of the Armed forces, visited the general directorate of gendarmerie where his majesty met the General Director Brigadier General Hussein Mohammad AlHawatmeh to discuss several issues of concern to the gendarmerie forces. His majesty listened to a brief presented by Brigadier general A l Hawatmeh in which he demonstrated the accomplishments of the gendarmerie forces as well as the future training plans and programs for the purpose of taking its affiliates to the highest levels of readiness and professionalism.

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Minister of Interior Opens the Fourth Conference On Internal Security in the Middle East Hosted by The Gendarmerie H.E Mr. Salameh Hammad, Minister of Interior, patronized the Fourth Conference on Internal Security in the Middle East which was hosted by the General Directorate of Gendarmerie and organized by (Fleming Gulf) which is specialized in security studies in Cooperation with the Gendarmerie forces during the period 6 – 8 / 10 / 2015 at Kempinski Hotel / Amman. In his speech in the opening ceremony, the minister of interior assured that the Hashemite leadership always supports and contributes in building the capabilities and experience of the Jordanians and provides them with decent living as well as enhancing the international peace. In his speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations, His Majesty King Abdullah II presented an extensive guid to solve the civil, regional and international disputes that are storming the Middle East Countries. He also pointed out the importance of holding such conferences that hold lots of idea and aspirations which contribute in establishing security and stability which have become the dream of many peoples of the region because of the bloody changes and developments that are continuously storming the area. He added that the scientific, practical and objective method to deal with those problems is to find and implement successful solutions with full constructive coordination and cooperation among countries giving opportunity to the academics and experts to place plans after providing them with all their technical and logistic needs, in addition to establishing the concepts of accountable freedom pursuant

to the concepts and principles of human rights. The minister of interior referred to the Jordanian model in keeping its internal security utilizing the wise visions of the Hashemite leadership which were executed by successive governments and the Jordanian citizen who preserved his country, culture and glorious history. On his part, the General Director of Gendarmerie, Brigadier General Hussein Mohammad Al – Hawatmeh welcomed the attendants asserting the geopolitical position of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and its enjoyable security and stability thanks to the wisdom of His Majesty the Supreme Commander of the Jordanian Armed Forces King Abdullah II Bin Al – Hussein – may God Protect him-despite the surrounding armed Conflicts that caused the displacement of a large number of refugees to Jordan with all the consequent negative effects and reflections on the economic, developmental and security aspects. Al – Hawatmeh explained that the security relapse and the extension of extremism that take place in the middle East region are the result of the


strict ideological creeds and wrong understanding of religion and that the like conferences come to join the international efforts to fight radical thinking and to immunize the societies, especially the youth, and to put strategic plans by a group of local and international academics and experts to maintain the security and development of our societies and countries. On the other hand, in the first day of the conference, some academics and experts presented research papers and discussions related to the internal security of countries such as anti-terrorism and extremism, cross-border security challenges, accuracy of spatial geography in fighting terrorism and the relationship between the NATO and Jordan in addition to border security, means of transportation and protection of refugees. It is worth mentioning that the opening ceremony of the conference was attended by a number of ambassadors, director of general security, security attaches and a number of the senior officers of the Jordanian armed forces, security agencies and relevant official bodies and institutions.

Al Hawatmeh says good-bye to peace-keeping forces companies that depart to Haitti The General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces has celebrated in the Directorate of special assignment Gendarmerie by the graduation and the Farwell of the private police companies and the platoon of special assignment who depart to Haitti to participate within the working International peace-keeping forces under the umbrella of the United Nation. The Director General of Gendarmerie forces, Staff Brigadier General Hussein Mohammad Al– Hawatmeh, conveyed-through a speech delivered to the participants-the greetings of His majesty, the Supreme commander of the Armed forces, and his honor with the efforts that the Jordan security man exerts through his participation in the International Peace-Keeping Forces. Explaining the importance of security and humanitarian role that the Jordanian peacekeeping Forces takeover within these forces in different parts of the world, and what it shows of high and distinguished level, and that’s could not be but the fruit efforts of His Majesty King Abdullah П Ibn Al- Hussein – may Allah keeps him safe which have given a good reputation on Jordan as a civilized country, qualified and able to participate in the International Peace-Keeping Force, and providing services to the countries people that suffer from different disorders and disputes. The Staff Brigadier General Al Hawatmeh invited the participants to maintain the good and remarkable reputation that Jordan entertain under his judicious commad and to

abide by the Hashemite school morals that calls to moderateness, straightness, and the fulfillment of duties, assigned to them with perfect proficiency, distinguishes and neutrality, and the work with one team spirit so as to maintain their security and safety, and to keep on the vivid image of the homeland. It is worthy to mention that the participants were received practical and theoretical trainings in different issue together with the skills that contribute in the elevation of the participants competency and to enable them to perform their duties in the land of mission proficiently and delegently: some of the subjects that were trained on; were (The human rights, the police techniques concerned with investigations, The riot control, the elections security, the weapons, the dealing with emergency accidents and the neutral catastropheies)

The Gendarmerie participates in the rehabilitation of ‘Irak forest in Ain Al-Basha District By an instruction from the Director General of Gendarmerie Forces, Staff Brigadier General Hussein Mohammad Al-Hawatmeh, The Director General of Gendarmerie Forces, and through an invitation from Al - Mawsoum center for training and developing of local communities, has participated in the field campaign for cleaning and planting “ ‘Irak” forests in Ain Al- Basha district which were exposed to a big fire in past time. This participation comes, setting out of the strategy of General Director of Gendarmerie Forces, openness towards the local community and the performing of supportive communal works which are deemed to be as integral part of its work. The participation included, the works of relandscaping the forest, as cutting the dilapidated trees, and transport it, and cleaning the forest. In

order to prepare the way for the fourth coming step represented in planting new forestry trees. From their side, the people in-charge of the campaign, praised the distinctive efforts, that the affiliates of Gander Marie Forces have exerted in keeping security and discipline, in addition to their continuous role in enhancing and supporting the bodies and foundations of the local society, holding up a slogan of (The Gendarmerie quits our quarrels and plants our trees).


Al – Hawatmeh meet Secretary General of the Jordanian National Committee for Women’s Affairs The General Director of Gendarmerie, staff Brigadier General Hussein Mohammad Al – Hawatmeh. Met in the General Directorate of Gendarmerie with the Secretary General of of the Jordanian National Committee for Women’s Affairs Dr. Salma Al – Nims and Mrs. Angelica Young, General Coordinator of National Action Plans at the U.S comprehensive Security Institute and their companion delegation. Al – Hawatmeh ascertained the extensive outlook of the Gendarmerie that includes all categories of society to enhance the concept of comprehensive security as well as the female factor that proved high efficiency in providing security services. The delegation listened to a brief presented by the gendarmerie department bureau manager about the roles and duties of gendarmerie women being an affluent and basic element in the Gendarmerie forces due to the nature of their duties.

On her part, Dr. Al – Nims praised the efforts of the General Directorate of Gendarmerie by making the female element in Gendarmerie as a Keyelement relating to their tasks and duties. Mrs. Young expressed her admiration and fascination by the distinguished level of the Gendarmerie forces, especially the Gendarmerie Women, wishing to establish a distinctive partnership with the Gendarmerie forces especially in the field of exchanging experiencesand courses.

Creation of Military Retirees and public Service offices Pursuant to the directions of His Hashemite Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al – Hussein, the Supreme Commander of the Jordanian Armed Forces – may God protect him – about the necessity of communicating with all the military retirees and paying them Continuous care and support as a Kind of fidelity and appreciation for their distinguished performance during their military service. The General Director of Gendarmerie staff Brigadier General Hussein Mohammad AL – Hawatmeh reinstructed to create military retirees service offices in each of the north gendarmerie, middle gendarmerie and south gendarmerie as connecting links between the General Directorate of Gendarmerie and the military retirees and their local communities to probe their conditions, identify their requirements and recognize their problems. A number of retired gendarmerie officers were appointed to run those offices with the availability of communication through the website www.jdf.gov.jo .


On the other hand, and due to the belief of the General Directorate of Gendarmerie in the necessity of communicating with all categories of society, the public relations and moral guidance department opened a public relations and public service office starting from June 9, 2015, and it receives the inquiries and calls of the local community’s members on Tel. No (0772692567) and Fax No. (065630213) and on the E-mail of the General Directorate of Gendarmeri: www.jdf.gov. jo – public service link.

Prince Mir’ed Bin Raad visits the General Directorate of Gendarmerie His Highness prince Mired Bin Raad, chairman of the Hashemit Military Body to the Injured, visited the general directorate of gendarmerie where he met its general director Brigadier General Hussein Mohammad Al-Hawatmeh . Al-Hawatmeh talked about the role of the General Directorate of Gendarmerie in attending the gendarmerie injured by providing them with the necessary followup, moral support and fulfillment of their needs and requirements. His Highness the prince praised the initiatives launched by the General Directorate of Gendarmerie in the frame

of maintaing communication and followup with its injured military personnel and providing them with all Kinds of support.

Conclusion of the Fourth Conference on Internal Security in the Middle East The Fourth Conference on Internal Security in the Middle East, which was hosted by the General Directorate of Gendarmerie between 6-8 /10/2015 in Amman and organized by (Fleming gulf) specialized in security studies was concluded. The conference, over three days, discussed some research papers presented by a number of local and international academics and experts in which they explained. how to utilize the information and experiences of the participants to create professional innovations and employ modern technology in their works. The sessions included several issues related to internal security, anti-terrorism and extremism, cross-border security challengs, accuracy of spatial geography in fighting terrorism, border security, transportation means and protection of refugees, protection of children, integrity and transparency, UN police response in peacekeeping forces, internal challenges and the future of operation and control room, the future of defensive cooperation in the middle east and discussing the role of moderate Islam in confronting radical thinking in the Arab Islamic countries. Retired staff Major General Sayed GhineimArab Republic of Egypt-, president of conference, presented a brief about the recommendations of the conference which will be provided to the security agencies

and their relevant institutions to be studied and executed to serve the internal security of the countries. Of the most significant recommendations are: the necessity of taking comprehensive measures in fighting terrorism to include all the political, economic, social, security and developmental dimensions on the international level, the necessity of collective action whether (Arabic-Arabic) or (Arabic-international) under the umbrella of the United Nations and the Interpol, positive outlook to activate the joint Arabian force to help in finding solution to struggles in cooperation with the rest of the international forces and finally the necessity of exploring the phenomenon of electronic terrorism and remove the obstacles facing this study for the regional and international benefit of all countries.


“The Middle East Forth Interior Security Summit” By hosting the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces The Minister of Interior: The method of the Hashemite Command is a clear embodiment on the reform track and the propagation of peace and love spirit throughout different parts of the world. The Director General of Gendarmerie Forces: The worldly wisdom of the Hashemite Command and the awareness of the Jordanian citizen have made from Jordan a good example of security and stability. The control of terrorism and extremism are priorities and the private Agenda of the summit.


The hosting of the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces, for the Middle East Interior Security Summit “In its fourth edition and by an organizing from the specialized in security studies (FLEMING GULF) company, comes as an obvious sign of the Jordan’s distinction in security and stability in light of the security challenges and the accelerated changes that the whole world witness, and the Middle East region in particular. The summit works, that have continued in the period between 6–8 October, have held within its general context, several thoughts, studies and researches concerning the two phenomena of terrorism, the extremist thought and its influence on demolishing the minds and societies, the ways of confronting to them, the acknowledgement on different expertise of the countries in this regard, and the reach out to recommendations and suggestions so as to apply them on the ground at reality. His Excellency, the Minister of Interior, Mr. Salameh Hammad who patronized the summit opening has delivered a speech in the presence of a number of ambassadors, the security director general, the security attaché’s, and a number of senior officers of the Jordanian Armed Forces, the security body and the relevant official entities and foundations, where, he emphasized in it, that the National Hashemite Command had submitted and still submit to the whole world, serious and central contributions and looking forward to provide security and peace, so that all mankind to entertain with the ways of dignified living, away from the sectarian and national conflicts and disputes. Pointing out, that the last speech of His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein, before the General Assembly of

actualize within the contributions enrolled in the summit work agenda; whereof, several experts and people of competency from the world different countries participate in it. The Governor Waleed Shawkat, from the Jordanian Ministry of Interior, talked on the terrorism control and the internal and external security challenges.

the United Nations, is deemed as an obvious methodology on the road of reform and the spread of peace and love in different parts of the world particularly in the Middle East region. The Director General of Gendarmerie Forces, the staff Brigadier General Hussein AlHawatmeh, said: Whatever Jordan entertains with, of security and stability in light of blazing and surrounded region with risks. Thanks to the worldly-wisdom. Of the Hashemite Command, its sagacious vision, and the consciousness of our hybrid Jordanian citizens, who become a live example of a warring his interest, and contributes in building up his future, and the future of his homeland, and he realizes the know-how to face challenges, and the going forward to push on the steering wheel of development and modernization. Al-Hawatmeh added: The Jordan hosting of this summit is a clear confirmation on the Jordan distinction with its security stability. The homeland unity in all of its components is one of the reasons of its strength and might. In light of what the Arabian region is witnessing of events. The country components, as a command, people and foundations became more consolidated and more stuck up with principles which confirm that the security bodies and the armed forces are from the homeland tissue and they are the supporter and the assistant performing their sacred duty for protecting Jordan, the Jordanians and their guests. In the first day of the summit works, there have been submitted work papers: Experts and specialists in the domain of security, and academics have talked; the papers handled the talk on the security challenges that face the region all in all, and the know-how to overcome it, and the salvation of the communities from ignorance and the running after it. The summit sessions were presided by the retired Major General Sayyed Ghunaim, the expert of National security-Egyptian Armed Forces-who denoted-in his opening speech-to the objectives and the aspirations that, this summit seeks to

And the essential nature of the internal and external security exchange and its positive reflections for the sake of confronting the extraneous phenomena on the societies. In addition to shedding light on the Jordanian state administration and its capability to deal with the internal and external challenges, and reduce of its influence on the Jordanian National security in light of the external environment influences, such as; the increase of immigration to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the effects resulted from that. Lieutenant Colonel Muthanna Abu Abboud, the deputy director of the North Gander Marie Forces pointed out to the trans-borders security challenges in the Middle East. Whereto the Middle East region has faced a state of political and security instability which has reflected mainly on most countries of the region, one of it is Jordan which looks to its national security in a high grade of importance. The Commander Richard Walton from the Terrorism Control Command in the United Kingdom said: the issue of terrorism control constitutes an International anxiety on the level of countries and on the level of concerned world organizations, and on the level of specialized security bodies in confronting this evil, which threaten security and stability in all of the world countries. Where every country might not be able to work a part from the other countries in this concern. The matter that, it is inevitable on the security bodies in the countries to quickly develop its tools and to enhance its plans in facing what cope up with development and the continuous change in the world of crime. The Staff Brigadier General Mukhled Nahar Al-Hajaya stressed on the combined war operations in the General Command of the Jordanian Armed forces. The Arab Army and what have been put on its shoulders of responsibilities for maintaining the interior security.


Particularly, during the period of a huge number of Syrian refugees flow to the Kingdom, whereas the refugees’ flow has contributed in reducing of the interior stability. He, as well, demonstrated that the Armed Forces has dealt with a great number of infiltration attempts to and from the Kingdom within the Syrian-Jordanian borders, and the attempts of smuggling arms that constitutes danger on the national security in all of its dimensions. The staff Brigadier General Aref Al-Zaben, the director general and the Military Commander of King Abdullah II for Special Operations and Training Center (KASOTC), touched on the talk regarding the role of temperate Islam in confronting the extremist radical thought in the Arab Islamic countries, and in his talk on Da’ish, he said: ‘our region, today, faces dangerous challenges with threats our nation and our social tissue due to the growth of extremist thought which assumes Islam in diversified styles and fashions. The matter that in its role has sorted a terrorist organization that was able to exploit the security and political vacuum, the policies of dogmatic expelling and attraction, so as to dominate extensive areas of the brotherly Arab countries’ lands. This requires a congregational coordinative and active effort and pioneering role of the territory and the state, and in the tight cooperation with our global partners. As the nature of confrontation outweighs and outreaches the potentials and the limits of any individual country. As there is no in accessibility for any country from the risks of expansion of this organization. Consequently, we call all the concerned countries to join in to this effort. The colonel “Morabito Giuseppe”, the director of North Atlantic Treaty-The Middle East college in NATO Defense college of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Italy Republic-talked on the need of execution of the effective cooperation to fight terrorism in the region. Pointing out that, Jordan who is the private partner to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, has a main and active role in enhancing the regional security, that’s


because the Jordanian Geo-political current situation explicitly imposes on Jordan to be a part of this coalition. In addition to, that Jordan is a strategic, security and military partner to the United States, and a direct partner in several former operations with the treaty. As for, Mr. Charles E. Stall Worth, the deputy commissioner in Borders and Customs ProtectionInterior Security Administration of the United States of America, pointed out that the availability of the joint program of borders’ security supports too much the Jordan potentials to respond in a greater speed on the accidents. He denoted; that the Jordanian security forces continued the execution of programs so as to prevent the occurrence of what he called “terrorized attacks” in the country, mentioning to the necessity of various agencies to participate in order to reach to the active application for the borders security and the transportation means. Mr. Andrew Harper, the representative of the United Nation High commissioner for Refugees in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, touched on the talk concerning the commissariat in concern with the protection of the refugees through the treatment of the types of discrimination, against them, in light of the growing fear, of that the refugees constitute a part of the security fears, and to overcome the economic difficulties in front of them. The engineer colonel Mohammad Al-Falnah, the director of Development studies and Research in the General Directorate of Civil Defense, as well, handled a subject, where he talked in it about the strategy of Civil Defense and the conveyance of variables, and the habilitating of the personnel to be prepared and ready, shedding the light on the know-how to manage the risks and dangers on the national standard. On the second day of the summit actions, the

discussion papers continued to be provided; the first discussion paper was submitted by the Colonel Hussam Al-Majali, the Transparency and Human Rights office director in the General Security Directorate which held a title. “Transparency, Impartiality and the Human Rights”, he mentioned in it, several assignments of this office in the domain of human rights, transparency and the knowhow to receive the complaints and grievances that come from the citizens throughout different types of means and ways, in concern with some transgressions and suggestions of the personnel in the General Security Body, and to provide the entities and organizations that concern with the human rights by the office works; in terms of its objectives and the issues’ nature, that the office shoulder to investigate in it, and any other inquiries. The French Ambassador in Jordan Mrs. Caroline Dumas talked on the terrorist attacks that the French Capital Paris has exposed to during the period from 7 – 9 January of the current year, where, a number of innocent victims were killed. She pointed out in her talk, that France has recently deployed seven thousands additional soldiers in the Capital (Paris) streets to prevent the terrorist operations, in addition to, executing a number of trial initiatives and programs for controlling the terrorism and extremism, showing her country readiness for cooperation in controlling the terrorism and extremism with different friendly countries. After that, a discussion and dialogue session was held, where, a number of experts have dialogued with the participants of the summit, concerning the future of terrorism and extremism in the Middle East region and the know-how to control it. Where, the questions and inquiries of the audience from different countries have been answered, in this regard. This session was followed, with a lecture by Mr. Abdul-Aziz Abdullah, the director assistant of Coordination Section of Drug Control Office –

The subsidiary Directorate of the Middle East and North Africa in the International Interpol. He talked in it, on the response of the United Nation Tolice to terrorist threats and the initiatives which were launched to protect the citizens from this evil, He also submitted a brief report on the essential nature of the International Interpol work, for the sake of controlling the crime and to limit the spread of terrorism and to arrest and capture the terrorist cells within the coordination and cooperation with various neighboring countries. The summit summarized its work with a number of recommendations, some of its prominent are: the necessity of taking a comprehensive methodology in controlling the terrorism, so that to include the whole dimensions (The political, economic, social, security, and developmental dimensions), and not to be exclusive on a country by itself, however it is to be in the International level, and the necessity of congregational work throughout the umbrella of the United Nations and the Interpol, and the positive view to active the joint Arab Force to help in finding out the solutions for the struggles, in cooperation with the rest of the International forces, in addition to the necessity of studying the electronic terrorism phenomenon, and the removing of hindrances in front of the execution of this study by serving the countries in both the regional and International domains. The hosting of General Directorate of Gander Marie Forces to this summit is deemed to be an embodiment to its methodology for building and updating the security strategies and the thought exchange with various entities, for serving the homeland and the citizens’ security and the generations’ peace. As, the valuable lectures have held between its tucks, several messages that would reach the best ways and means to confront the terrorism and to control it throughout the efforts consolidation and the fruitful cooperation, in this regard, in between the countries, and to acknowledge on its trials, the matter that will contribute in enhancing the potentials of the security bodies its effectiveness and professionally. It is worthy to mention that on the margin of the summit, the minister of Interior, within the events of the first day, has inaugurated the Agricultural companies’ exhibition for the summit.


General Director of Gendarmerie Lectures at the Royal National Defense College

The general Director of Gendarmerie, Staff Brigadier General Hussein Mohammad AlHawatmeh asserted that the establishment of the General Directorate of Gendarmerie came as a response to the eminent royal visions aiming to focus on specialization to encounter the emergency security challenges and effectively contribute in enhancing the interior security and stability in coordination with all other security agencies in addition to realizing the concept of comprehensive national security and sustainable development patronized by his Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein – may God protect him. In a lecture presented in the Royal National Defense College titled “The strategy of Gendarmerie and its location in the national security”, Al-Hawamtmeh pointed out that national security is fundamental for success of any state because it is the main element that ensures and supports all the other national strategies. He explained the position of the general directorate of gendarmeries strategy in national security, its main objective and evaluating the performance efficiency in the interior security policies. The general director of gendarmerie talked about many comprehensive national security concepts and the increasing security challenges like sit-downs, marches, demonstrations, illegal crowding, intellectual terrorism and armed terrorism. He pointed out that the Jordanian arena witnessed challenges and reflections because of Jordan’s central geographic location and the influence of the crises and disorder in the surrounding countries. With regard to the duties assigned to the gendarmerie forces, Al-Hawatmeh clarified


that the most prominent duties are maintaining security and order, enforcing law, controlling riots, providing the necessary protection for all diplomatic missions, providing support to the security agencies when needed and performing any assigned duties for the sake of keeping security and order. Al-Hawatmeh assured that the general directorate is striving to foster the trust of citizens through the firm and efficient management of crises and security operations with full guarantee of human rights, integrity and neutrality in addition to improving and enhancing the security level through preventive measures as well as the gendarmerie affiliates, which contribute effectively in the march of development and construction. Al-Hawatmeh stated that the cooperation and coordination with the armed forces and security agencies on the highest levels yielded in realizing a distinctive degree of security and stability indicating that the accession of the gendarmerie forces to the Euro-Mediterranean Organization for Police and Gendarmerie Forces with Military character” FIEP” has brought many benefits to the Jordanian gendarmerie by building the organizational, structural and administrative capabilities among the member countries as well as exchanging security experiences and training. In the end of the lecture, which was attended by the commander of the Royal National Defense College and the members of its steering body, the general director of gendarmerie answered the questions of the participants of the war and the national defense cycles.

Al-Hawatmeh honors the people of sport achievements in the Gendarmerie forces. It was celebrated in the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces, in the presence of its Director General, the Staff Brigadier General Mohammad AL-Hawatmeh, by honoring the people for sport achievements of the cadre affiliates, and the handing over of the cups to the winner directorates in the directorate sport championships for the first half of this year. The operations and training assistant, the head of the administrative commission of the sport Union of Gendarmerie Forces delivered a speech during the celebration, and he talked on the sport achievements and the honoring conclusions that the different sport teams in the sport union have achieved, which include an elite of distinguished athletes on the local and international arena. Thereof, the celebration has involved on paragraphs for the sportive presentations team in the arts of self-defense, Taekwondo, and the Geo-getso that were reflected on the advanced and distinguished level of the Gendarmerie Forces. This honoring came for a number of sport teams that have attained on advanced ranks in the local and International participations. Where, the futsal of soccer national team has obtained the following titles: The world championship of International police in each of Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Portugal and Jordan, in addition to the title of Red Bull championship of Jordan, which was qualified it to Red Bull International championship in Austria. The Taekwondo National Team has been honored, as well, for the attainment of Bahrain sixth International Taekwondo championship, and the Karate National Team for the attainment of golden medal and two silver medals and a bronze one in the open Turkish championship, golden and silver medals Marmarah International championship, and the Kick Boxing National Team for its attainment of five golden medals in Thailand championship for civil defenses and the National Team for athletic games for its

attainment of the first rank, in the International outcher mavathon race of 6,10,22,50 Kms in Austria, and the futsal National Team over 35 years for its attainment of the title of International police championship (wispa) in Jordan, and the National Team for Boxing for its attainment the title of Jordan open championship with a balance of five golden medals, and the National Team of Judo for its attainment the title of kingdom open championship the men category with a balance of five golden medals and the /National team for weight lifting for its attainment of two golden medals in the kingdom championship for weight lifting, and the National Team the volleyball, and the beach ball for their attainment of Al-Wafa’ for the Supreme Commander championship, and the Jordan open championship for the Beach ball, and the National Team of the hand ball for its attainment the title of the martyr mu’ath Al-Kasabeh championship, and the title of AlIstiqlal championship. The director general of Gander Marie Forces has distributed the cups on the deserved champions. Whereof, the cup of soccer championship was handed to the Central Gander Marie director, and the cup of the volley ball championship to the director of Political Gendarmerie Security, and the cup of Boxing championship to the director of Grander Marie Special Assignments, and the cup of ‘Tug of War” to the South Gander Marie director. The General Secretary of Gendarmerie Forces’ sport union pointed out that this honoring came as an appreciation for the golden achievements of the Gendarmerie Forces National teams. Particularly it hosts elite of the distinguished athletes in all games, those who were having obvious finger prints in the Jordanian and International sport arena. The honoring celebration was attended by a number of senior officers of the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces.


Intellectual Extremism Manager of public relations and Moral guidance department Colonel Ma`en Al- Wraikat

Every now and then, extremism appears in the civilized societies. It constitutes a gate for crime and terrorism to form a local and international crisis. Extremism is fueled by the youth, who are supposed to build and develop the society, turning them into devastation and destruction tools against lofty values and societal peace.

Extremism has many forms from which is the fanaticism of extremists to one opinion and preventing the others from expressing their opinion. This means that they are Convinced that they are right and the others are wrong let alone their violence, vulgarity and roughness in preaching and their odd appearance.

Extremism, as defined by linguists, is: standing at the extreme, and it is the opposite of mediation and moderation. It also means chaos or exaggeration even though it is commonly used for exaggeration and excessiveness only.

Extremism causes negative effects upon its followers and consequently their surrounding environment. The extremist has a pessimistic outlook. They underestimate and mock the deeds of others. They are described by rushness, poor self –Control, deviation from good intentions and moderate actions, love for apparentness and fame, rejection of the other, rejection of rationality and logic in dialogue and discussion. They impose their opinion and do not approve the international technical development which they believe to be intended to fight and perish them. This creates difficulties for the extremist to adapt with real life and leads them to adopt a Conspiracy theory in dealing with others deciding to defend themselves and their beliefs using all legitimate and illegitimate means as they believe to be the only reformers in life.

Extremism also stands for hperbole which means the rise of something until it exceeds the limits. Extremism is the deviation from the destination which is the paved course to pass, and the extremist is one who is gravitated to either end. In the religious law, it is hyperbole in a creed, thought or doctrine or else which is relevant to a religion, group or party where “hyperbole� Could be released intending extremism Extremism is connected to beliefs and ideas which are far from what is politically, socially and religiously known and agreed, with no connection of those beliefs and ideas to violent materialistic behavior against the society or state. When extremism correlates with materialistic violence or threat of violence, it turns into terrorism. Extremism is always in the Circle of thought, but when extreme thinking turns to violent patterns of conduct like assaults against freedom, property or lives or the formation of armed organizations that act against society and state, it turns into terrorism that must be Confronted.


The jut of extremism problems on the international scene is obvious and this creates wide access for the crimes of terrorism and serious threat to the international peace and security especially in the Middle East where we witness political deterioration and disorder through violent and fanatic acts. Amman Message came as a clear statement from the scholars of the nation

from the cradle of the Hashemites, the Jordanian Capital, to the Whole World expressing the persistent and Sincere endeavour of the kingdom to protect Islam and Muslims from terrorism and extremism that intercalate the name of Islam in every terroristic and extremist act. The religion of Islam has become the scapegoat of the free civilized World because of the acts of the extremists who claim to be the evangelists of Islam while they are in reality fighting it and acting against it.

disasters and enmity of nations. They pictured Islam as a savage religion not as a religion of mercy and peace. the radical thinking is threatening the identity of the nation by unlettering others about its history , marginalizing its role and underestimating its profile and principles. Extremism Causes disagreement in the nation by raising differences, fanaticism and regionalism. It abuses its sacraments by military occupation or by hurting the holy Quran or the prophet (peace be upon him).

Amman message contained the pure Islamic values which were stated by the scholars of the nation. It indicated that the followers of one of the four Islamic doctrines of Sunnah (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali ) in addition to the Jafari , Zaidi , Ibadi and Zahiri doctrines are all Muslims and Cant be regarded atheists , and their blood , honor and property are not allowed to be harmed ; and according to the fatwa of Azhar Sheikh , they of the Asha`ri , Soufi and Salafi creeds or any other Islamic doctrine that believe in Allah , His messenger and the principles of Islam Cannot be regarded as disbelievers.

It is time for our youth who slid in the maze of blind extremism to open their eyes, join the men of right, throw up the contamination that hit their minds and return to the true religion of Allah the Almighty who said “call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way. Lo! thy Lord is best aware of him who strayeth from his way, and he is best aware of those who go right�.

The Similarities between Islamic doctrines are much more than the differences so as those of the eight doctrines agree on the basic principles of Islam. They all believe in one God, that the holy Quran is the Word of Allah which He preserved from distortion and that prophet Muhammad is the messenger for all humanity, so how Can the extremist consider any of those as atheist ? The extremist thinking Caused fear of Islam and Muslims and brought them


Surah An-Nahl (125).


The Electronic terrorism The Director of Communications and Information Technology Administration-Colonel Khaled Sayil Al Ghuwairi

The modern Technological Revolution in the domains of communication and information technology has led to essential changes that affects directly on the form of life in the whole world. Where, the depending on the means of modern information technology becomes to increase day by day in all life aspects. Nevertheless of the too many advantages of the modern electronic instruments of facilitating the life ways and the increase of well fare means. However, there is also a dark face of this technology which is represented in the worse and harmful uses of these modern technologies, some of it are the electronic terrorism and the electronic crime which became a danger that threaten the whole world. The internet can be used for opening new horizons of technical knowledge and progress, for all of educational, health and economical institution.


As well as, the getting benefit of it in marketing, advertisement, and the other numerous services, and this in the essential purpose that it has founded for. Nonetheless, and in the same time, it has opened the back doors for inflictors and robbers to commit several violations and crimes, particularly that threaten the individual and society security, of that crimes which passively influence on the social and notional security of all of the world's communities. These kinds of electronic crimes represent a great international risk, which should be confronted and stand against by gathering the local, and as well individual and community efforts, due to what these threats hold on both the individual and community domains. The most dangerous part of electronic terrorism resides in the easy use of this weapon with its severe influence and harm on the individuals and communities where the terrorist can be performed from any place (a residence, office, cafÊ‌etc.) and this what pushes us all to concern with this type


of terrorism that's due to the diversification of its risks and the types of destruction that it causes, either on the individuals, communities, or countries. The electronic terrorism became an obsession which terrifies the whole world, after this world becomes exposed to the terrorist's attacks throughout their use of the internet to spread the dangers that become aggravated within the passage of days, which no more conquered by borders, and no more expelled by distances.

The concept of Terrorism and the Electronic Crime. The technical terrorist crime concept can be determined, as; any criminal activity, where, the different electronic devices and the technological means can be used directly or indirectly as a mean of target to execute the intended terrorist act. The electronic terrorist crime can be defined as a hidden crime characterized by the speed and development in the techniques of its commitment, less aggressive in execution, and a transbordering, and difficult to be approved, due to the difficulty of finding material evidences about it. As it is easy to demolish the evidences concerned with it. Someone looked to it as "a criminal activity, which is conducted within the internet network for the purpose of spreading the extremist thoughts, either if it was, political, religious, or racial to dominate on the conscience of the individuals, and to deteriorate their creeds, and to blaze up their muting, and to exploit their sufferance, to actualize private goals which contravene with the community interests. It could looked to as "a usage of the official computer, with its systems, programs, attachments and the means of communication for committing the terrorist crimes, either that technology was the place of committing the crime, or it was the tool of committing it, or either it was through the internet website or without it. Through the previous presentation we come to a conclusion that the electronic terrorism is:

The aggression, frightening or threat, either materially or spiritually, by using the electronic devices, issued by the countries groups, or individuals, on the human, his religion, person, honor, mind and his property without right, in all of its types or images.

The electronic terrorism can be divided into three categories: - The crimes that might be targeted the systems and information as a target. - The crimes that use the information technology devices as tools to commit it. - The crimes that connect with the content of information sites and its environments. The technical terrorist crimes are characterized with a number of characteristics that distinguish it from the traditional crimes, some of the most important of those characteristics are: 1- The usage of modern technologies and innovative techniques of each operation of the crime stages. 2- The internationalization of the crime and getting it out of the national and regional limits, either in the stage of preparation, execution or the conclusions resulted on it, either the urgent or the deferred of it. 3- The multi-national of the individuals and organization who are connected with it, and the increase of participants in the crime, and those who are harmed of it in a great scale, so far the tools of modern technology are available. 4- The complication of the prepared circumstances for detecting those crimes. 5- The increase of its cost and the exaltedness of its influence of its influence on the social structure, hence in terms of the magnitude of victims and injured, substantially and psychiatrically, as well as the destruction that harts the properties, like; buildings and machineries and so on.

As, in relation to the committers of such kind of these crimes, it might be looked to them as follows: - The technical electronic criminal is the person who contravenes the law, and who he has electronic knowledge to use the computer, the internet website, and the communication devices alongside with, and here from, we find out that the criminal in light of the cultural globalization system is called "The Digital electronic criminal" and it is a term that has several legal electronic and linguistic significances. In terms of the legal terminology; the technical

electronic criminal is called by the scholars and jurisprudents of the criminal law, the term of "The informative criminal" who means; the person who has technical and administrative tactical skills of using the computer and he is able also to break through the secret code in order to change the information, to imitate the program, or to transfer from the accounts by using the computer itself, As, in terms of, the electronic terminologies, the experts of electronic information security launch a terminology of "Hackers" which is a combination at the word "Hacker" that means; the man who performs the operations of breaking-through and the damaging through the internet website. They as well, launch the term of ""crackers on the specialists of the programs of codes decoding, but not the destruction of networks, as they are a type of specialized "Hackers". If we look into these crime, the technique of committing it, and the behavior of its committers, we will found out that the opportunity is feasible for those criminal, either individuals or communities, to debilitate the community and to demolish it, without having need to shoot any single bullet or to launch even one missile.

The Technique of the Technical Terrorist Crimes The crimes in the recent times have increased in a scale where with it becomes difficult to determine its committers and to punish them, that because of the use of digital technology techniques, that made it difficult to reach out the criminal, in light of this modern technological and spatial system.

It might be possible to summarize the technical terrorist crimes techniques into the following: • The electronic criminal techniques in aggression on properties, which involve the criminal auctions through the internet, the beggary via internet, and the seize on the credit cards, the techniques of criminal transfer through the digital technology. • The digital electronic criminal techniques of aggression on the honor and soul, which includes the erotic chatting and the establishing of porno sites, transmitting porno electronic massages, and originating sites for practicing sex affairs throughout the internet. These techniques might be used by the terrorists for blackmailing and attaining money or information that might be employed in another terrorist act. • The digital electronic criminal techniques which are harmful to the society security, some of it are the prevention of access to the



sites through the internet, by dumping the targeted sites with a huge collection of data with a great speed. • The threatening techniques throughout the internet and spreading the discrimination by inflaming the racial discrimination and the digital electronic forgoing of financial documents. • The techniques of forgoing statements, information and computer outputs. • The fund crimes, such as : the robbing of financial information and properties, breaking through the banking accounts, transferring financial sums from the accounts of customers to the account of hackers, and the crime of information destruction. • The crimes of assaulting the data of electronic governments, and the material element of this crime has various images, some of it are; the illegal access to the electronic government sites, and the assaulting on the personal fata, and the violation of the secrecy and privacy of data, the assaulting on the electronic signature, and the aggression on the coded data.

The role of community towards those crimes: 1- The devotion of the family role, informatively, that means the urgency of the parents to be literate with the information technology, and the usage of internet and the knowhow to deal with it, in a way, that enable both of them to control the child or the adult one using or browsing the internet website. 2- The concern of school in all didactic stages by exploiting the technology of internet for educational purposes, and implanting and teaching its culture to the child on a way that he become aware of its risk prior to know its privileges. 3- The control on the groups of his mates, that might push the adult towards technical deviation, either through the meeting in internet café' or in the chatting booths, and the social connection sites, or in the rest houses and attaining the harmful expertise between them, about those illegal behaviors which are obtained from that techniques. 4- Setting up a strategic formula to develop the electronic knowledge, the applied forms of electronic crime techniques. There are several applicable forms of the digital electronic crimes techniques, as we mentioned before, that there are crimes of criminal style, and others that have political style and



we will deal with three electronic crimes, particularly, that crimes which use the "internet" being considered as one of the most important these tools which is used for committing such of these crimes, and we mention herein some of these examples: 1- The remote leading of terrorist groups, so that there will be able through the internet website to spread the extremist thoughts, either it was political, religious or racial, which dominate on the individuals' emotions and corrupt their beliefs, and exploit their sufferance to actualize private goals that contravenes with the individual and society interest. 2- The coordination of organized crime group efforts to exploit the internet website in the trade of white slaves, through making deals of selling the girls and promoting drugs. 3- The crimes of threatening the national and military security: In the recent, there have occurred several accidents which show the interception of some military centers to the crimes of information hacking in order in order to get an access and to obtain saved information on electronic and digital saving devices.

Challenges of the crime control in light of the modern Globalization system. The confrontation of and controlling the electronic terrorist crimes have becomes a great challenge in light of the new globalization system, that's due to the techniques of technology which is used in these crimes on one hand, and the variety of its shapes and diversity on the other hand. As, those crimes are too much and diversified, and quick spreading, and it include all aspects of life, which makes it to represent a dangerous threat to the individual and society security. Therefore, we find that there is no radical solution that is recommended, to prevent the electronic crimes in its different shapes. The electronic crimes vary in its shapes and diversify in its committing techniques, and it appears in every day with new techniques of commitment. According to the technical development that occurs quickly, in all means and techniques of the modern communications consequently, it is imperative that all international efforts to consolidate together, for putting up a comprehensive security strategy for information system, whereof its elements and the responsibility of access to it, to be determined, in addition to setting up the accurate emergency plans, and to test and review it periodically so as to reduce the influence if this global evil.

Operations management ... Rules of Engagement Deputy Manager of operation management – staff Lt. Colonel Emad Nawwaf Al-Majali

The work of gendarmerie forces is governed by a set of Central values that aim to plant the spirit of loyalty and belonging to God, the homeland and the king to achieve the main objective, which is ensuring comprehensive security for the homeland and its citizens, assets and capacities. And in order to provide the comprehensive security umbrella for the homeland, the general directorate of gendarmerie, when executing operational duties, implement many practices and methods the most important of which is (the general and special deterrence which can be achieved by following the gradual use of force considering the use of the relevant rules of engagement). The rules of engagement are defined as special directives based on legal material that form working directory and mechanism that explain how to deal with different situations in harmony with the validities provided by the applicable laws and legislations to the military and security agencie and consequently using the necessary amount of force to perform their duties provided that using force should be the only means. The members of the general directorate of gendarmerie may use force during the performance of their duties to protect themselves, colleagues or innocent people on the operation scene within the limits of law. when any breaker of order attempts to attack or harm them, Needless to say that the use of force by the affiliates has to be necessary and directed to the source of danger and

in appropriation with the size of danger. It should also, be intended to control and not to kill, as the force user has to give warning that they are about to use the firegun and to give chance for response on the condition that such act does not expose anyone to a potential danger. The rules of engagement are not a law; they are rather internal rules placed by a military unit to apply upon themselves within the frame of the national and international laws and general practices, realizing the principle (protect yourself, your colleague and the innocent). This should be done without exceeding the limits or overusing fire or force. The purpose of applying and adherring the rules of engagement are to execute the duties professionally, efficiently and orderly. They are the guiding light for the gendarmerie forces when using force after depleting all the other available means. The rules of engagement are the guide for handling any emergency faced by any unit of the gendarmerie forces until taking the necessary measures to deal with that situation. The safety of the security agencies is the basic pillar for the security of the country. It is sacred and should be kept intact against any party and for whatever reason. This requires all the formations and units in the general directorate of gendarmerie to maintain high preparedness to be able to deal with any situation with high efficiency in the right time and place to prevent whosoever from touching the national security of Jordan.


Captain / Qusai Jaradat The public Relations and moral Guidance

(Apostles of peace and love …. They reflected the vivid Image of Jordan –Aba- Hussein)

The private police companies in Haitti

Apostles of love and peace

Lieutenant General Khoussei Louis Joe Brandi

Brigadier General Sergei Therolitte

Mrs. Luliana Boanca

Major Na’il Al- Bourini

One of the Caribbean Sea countries. It was a Spanish colony; until its occupation by France in 1626 C.E Spain had recognized this occupation in 1679 C.E Haitti, is deemed as the most ancient black republic in the world. And the second independent country in the Western half of the Globe. It entertains with independence since 1804 C.E. Nevertheless, during that period, it had gone through tyrant rulers, who had not exerted any efforts for the sake of their people well fare, so the country was afflicted with the continuous political aggression acts. In 2000 C.E, Legislative elections were conducted in Haitti, of the representative council. The opposition parties were skeptical concerning its impartiality, and they claimed to cancel it. In November 2000 C.E, there have been conducted presidential elections which were boycott by the opposition parties, where, Aristid has won by a ratio of 90%, and which are deemed as a counterfeiting according to the opposition parties as well. In 2004 C.E, a quo d'état had happened on the Aristid regime, with a support from the United States of America, after a chaos in the country the spread of corruption, the drugs trade and the aggression acts. In 30th of April 2004 C.E. The United Nation Forces, entered once again to Haitti, to achieve stability and security after the sanguinary aggressive incidents in several cities there, according to a request by Haitti representatives for the United Nations. Jordan had joined to participate under the umbrella of the United Nations within two companies and a team of special assignment (SWAT) and with a staff estimated with 280 security men in August 2004, so As to support the International efforts for maintaining security and stability, and to stop the aggressive acts and the blood shed there. And as a belief of the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces to have peace mind and to keep in touch with its sons in all domains of work. A media delegation was sent to Haitti in July 2015 C.E., where interviews and meeting were held with the command of International mission, which has praised The great and important role of Jordan participation within the United Nations Forces, that had an obvious effect and an impress of what Haitti had reached today of security and stability. The Lieutenant General Khossai: Luis Joe Brandi, the Military Forces Commander, of the forces related to the United Nations has praised the Jordanian force and their field efficiency, and he said: We dispatch with them joint patrols, they are qualified security men and good friends. The General Commissaries of International Police in Haitti Brigadier General Sergei Theorell stressed on that the Jordanian participation is very important, particularly


after the destructive earth quake that struck Haitti and the difficulties that had faced. They make a brilliant human and security work, and the Jordanian force helps us throughout its expertise, whenever, the local police is not able to deal with the incidents and the riot acts in the street. The Human powers In-charge of Haitti Mission, Mrs. Luliana Ioanca, emphasized; that, through her long expertise in Haitti Mission which is expanded for four years, I have come to conclusion the Jordanian security man is distinguished with professionalism and accuracy in work and experience and high skill, and I hope in the near future to see in the assignment land the participation of the feminine element. The commander of the first company (19) in Haitti, Major Na'il Al- Bourini, which is existed in the capital port price about the nature of the assignments and duties entitled to the company, that represented in the protection of enterprises which belong to the United Nations, and the making of joint patrols with the International Military Forces, and the National Police and to make closing checkpoints in cooperation with the local police. As, for the assignments of the second company (19) that situated in Julief city, the Lieutenant Colonel Ayman Al- Sarairah, said: Alpha represented in the protection of enterprises which belong to the United Nations, and the making of joint patrols, and closing checkpoints with the local police, in addition to any task required, and according to the requirements of the security work. Some of the assignments of the special assignments platoon (SWAT) which belongs to the security unit (14), the platoon commander Captain Mahmoud Al Azzam talked; that its duties is to protect the (VIP), and to help in arresting the out of law individuals, and the assault in cooperation with the police companies which belong to the United Nations and the local police, in addition to the evacuation and rescue operations. They are the chevaliers of Aba – Hussein, the chevaliers of security and peace and the messengers of love. Their fronts are high, and they are the ambassadors of Jordan, so that the countries, that were torn of the conflicts and local wars, to entertain with the security and tranquility, and so that the message of Jordan to the whole world, to be: we are with peace and security. They are the chevaliers of the Gendarmerie, everyone who have dealt with them, witnessed and he will witness to them from the world nationalities, by the competency, professionalism, and the skill of work and accuracy, that was the abstract of training, teaching and habilitation that you get from the fields of General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces, so that the Gendarmerie security man to be the center of focus of esteem and admiration of our judicious Hashemite Command, and the whole world.

The Spanish National Guard Translated by: Warrant officer / Mohammad Ahmad Al- Jamal The Spanish National Guard is deemed to be the most ancient security bodies of military character in the European continent that the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces connected with in twinning projects, and the agreements of exchanging security expertise, as a result of joining the General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces to (The Federation of Intermediate-European police and Grand Marie Forces (FIEP) of the military character). In the mid of nineteenth century, the Spanish Kingdom was a destroyed country by the Independence war and the war of (Carlist І). Consequently, numerous criminal and insurgent on the law gangs and the road thugs were spread in all parts of the Kingdom, particularly in the rural region, the matter that, need had risen to handle the security disorders. The Spanish National Guard was established and it has been declared on the 28th of March 1844, with an idea that was inspired from the French National Guard, it depends on, that this authority would be a civilian in everything, except the organization and discipline, and would be connected with the ministry of war. However, it was not a part of the army. On 12th of November 1844, Duke (Ahumada) was officially designated as the General Inspector of Spanish National Guard, and his rank was a Lieutenant General in the army. He planted in the men of National Guard; the dignity, honor and the personal conscience for serving the public discipline and the people. The matter that granted the National Guard a unique personality which is distinguished

with full dedication, sacrifice, dignity and the cooperation spirit. Gradually, the responsibilities of the National Guard continue to increase on the stretch out of its concern regions. It had provided the support to the other security forces, where the country became more secure. The National Guard was distinguished with good performance in the difficult attitudes, and it was adapted with the country development to match with its new shape and the democratic rules. Today, the Spanish National Guard assignment is to guarantee the protection of citizens in facing the crimes that might threaten them, the execution of laws through providing the violated persons to justice, to defend the rights and the basic freedoms, to maintain the public safety, and helping the civil defense body, to guide the traffic and to protect the nature, and to conduct rescue operations in the mountains and seas, and the performing of assistance and the protection of citizens. The National Guard manage to be near the people, and to work in all parts of Spain throughout more than 2000 various institutions and human forces estimated with more than 80 thousands members, that enabled it to carry out its duties proficiently and diligently.


Peace- Keeping forces in Darfur a shining image and love message Captain / Tayseer Al-Batayneh Public relations and moral guidance department Since peace is the greeting of Islam and because growing the seeds of goodness is deeply rooted inside us, our gendarmerie cavaliers dashed to regions that suffer and witness struggles, catastrophes and crises. They have been the messengers of love and the ambassadors of peace as they stamped their human prints and added a new Jordanian glorious page over lands exhausted by civil wars, which displaced and snatched people. The gendarmerie peacekeeping forces have arrived in those areas to mitigate the calamities of the helpless children, elderly and women who perceived white hope in the Hashemite leadership and the Jordanian security agencies working under the umbrella of the United Nations. The Jordanian peacekeeping forces reflected the shining image of the Jordanian security man and played distinctive roles in keeping security and stability on the regional and international levels. They were real men, holding the slogan "hand for peace and hand for order" which was materialized in each of their movements. They enjoyed firm determination, bowed to nothing but God the Almighty and were falcons in the sky and lions on the ground. They performed gross tasks and duties to maintain the international security and peace as well as providing in kind, food and medical aids so as those countries viewed the Jordanian leadership and security agencies as a shining hope in the darkness. The efforts of building hospitals and schools are examples of the continuous Jordanian bestowment to serve man and humanity. Jordan, by virtue of the successful Hashemite leadership, has greatly and positively interacted with the international duties of peacekeeping depending on the principles and foundations of its foreign policy based on moderation and mediation, respect for international conventions and agreements, human rights and non- interference in the affairs of others which are fixed principles in the Jordanian policy in its international relations. The Jordanian participation in the international peace - Keeping forces extended notably resting on the message held by Jordan with its Hashemite leadership over history and through full trust in its Arab army and security agencies which turned to be an example that transpassed the limits of our dear homeland. Jordan has always believed in its noble human role and its vision of the world as a place dominated by security, stability and peace that merge from the United Nations convention, which calls to support international peace and


security. The wide Jordanian participation in the peace-keeping mission in Darfur aimed at revealing the international pivotal role of Jordan as a peace loving country that has experiences and qualifications which received the admiration of the whole world. The soldiers of king Abdullah II were able to adapt with their tasks in any spot in the world and could utilize the experiences of the others and identify a verity of cultures and experiences that they acquired through their work in the peacekeeping forces. In view of the international experience and , the distinctive performance and eminence of the mission enjoyed by the General Directorate of Gendarmerie , this participation has been the greatest evidence of the loftiness of this mission as the participation of Gendarmerie Forces in the peace-keeping forces in Darfur can be traced back to 2007. This participation is of two types according to the nature of the participation: • The first is through the international observers • The second type of participation is through the formed police Units (FPU) During the visit conducted by the media delegation from the General Directorate of Gendarmerie forces there in the month of holy Ramadan in 2015, we arranged several interviews with some leaderships on spot whereupon Mr. Abdullah Basho, the special representative of the United Nations and the African Union missions explained that the Jordanian forces are the best envoys of their country , the Hashemite kingdom of Gordon , and for example , some Jordanian officers

Colonel Ahmad Makram are occupying high posts that reflect the professionalism of the Jordanian security agencies in performing their assigned duties. Brigadier General, force commander kita added that the Jordanian officers master their work and exhibit high professionalism and serious work. We have also recognized their high education and commitment to work and Jordan ought to be proud of such best representative officers. On the other hand , Colonel Ahmad Makram , planning manager of Darfur mission , pointed out that the participation of eleven women police officers in the mission as international observers, which is considered the highest rate of woman participants of all the countries, serves the principles of the United Nations work and preserves the privacy of some duties of the mission in dealing with women in this conservative region.

General kita

Hence, the General Directorate of Gendarmerie, through its training plans, was keen on preparing and qualifying the participants in the international peace keeping forces by training them on all the skills related to peace-keeping and human rights. There, they performed security and human roles whereby the Jordanian participation received credit from far and near and Jordan attained peerless respect and appreciation for its effective role in spreading the principles of justice and peace on the international level. The cavaliers link night with day deriving resolution and strength from the instructions of their religion and the Hashemite leadership to become the source of security to those who lost safety and the merciful hand to those who lost decent living.

Mr. Abdullah Basho


Knight of the Issue 1st Lieutenant Eng. Jerius Farouq Al-Farah

From this point, we cannot but to raise, claiming, our respect and esteem to all affiliates of Gendarmerie forces, to those who did not hesitate a bit to exert every effort and sacrifice to reflect the honoring image of the Gendarmerie forces which are variegated with different types of achievements and the marsh of development. A knight of Gendarmerie forces chevaliers and a good example of the firm will and the high spirit he filled up the quiver of determination towards the creation, distinction and innovation, with activity and vitality around the hour. He contributed with his work in the elevation of the goal ceiling of the General Directorate of Gendarmerie forces and its goals until each of its moments were enlightened with achievement and development throughout the usage of all capabilities and by depending on the potentials and qualifications. • Designing, developing and executing a tactical, operational and mobile communication portfolio, and another patrol portfolio that ensures the military and civil wireless and non-wireless communications with the characteristic of intensifying the status of transmission, with a developed technical specifications, and finally the acquirement of financial saving on behalf of the Gendarmerie forces estimated with (22000) Jordanian Dinars instead of buying it form the European Companies. • The participation in developing and updating the programs of capsules systems and wireless apparatus, and therefore acquiring a financial saving of behalf of the Gendarmerie forces estimated with (27500) Jordanian Dinars. • The supervision on executing of the project of the command and control in terms of the communication systems and its supplies, in addition to the work on developing and modifying of the operation rooms and the operational machineries which belong to Gendarmerie forces throughout the installing of modern wireless communication systems and apparatus in it. Consequently, to guarantee the security and privacy of the information, and to acquire financial saving (The expenses of design, execution and installation) in case that some private companies implement that work. • Providing the solutions and ensuring the wireless communications in some special cases, regardless of the site, and within acquiring a financial saving that worth (20000) Jordanian Dinars


on behalf of the Gendarmerie forces instead of purchasing these solutions and mounting them one site. • The ability to determine and control precisely and quickly the technical problems on the towers and the joint wireless communication network, despite the non-availability and non-existence of special testing tools at the Gendarmerie forces during the current period (knowing that the price of these apparatus is not less than 80000 Jordanian Dinars), And also working to find alternative and immediate solutions until the repair of mall function, radically, by the private communication authority, being the responsible entity on the network administration. • Designing and executing the sites of special presentation of the communication and information technology administration within the International SOFEX exhibition for the years 2010/2012/2014 in an advanced distinguished and reactive style, in addition to participating in it as an essential incident. • The initiative to computerize and archive all of whatever related with books, reports and achievements related to the wireless communications department, and the work to follow and settle it, and the maintenance of the entries computerizing. • The initiative to maintain the work, and to intensify the watches during the official, sensitive and important duties, and during the visit of official delegations, and within the depression • The initiative originates a group of connections on the wireless apparatus, special and combined, between the operation rooms and the centers of command and control of different security bodies, to acquire connection and to transmit the important information during duties among each other›s, and the permanent endeavor to acquire the combined cooperation duly concerning whatever related with the communication systems and sets. • The participation with a technical team of the communication and information technology administration, and in coordination with the maintenance department workshops for studying and determining a mechanism to install a controlling system (cameras) ambient area of Jawad mechanism (mark 3), so as to acquire a financial saving worth (320000) Dinars for 40 machineries.

• The participation in finding solutions to protect and maintain the capsules systems and the manual and mobile wireless sets and its subsidiaries from the losses resulted from the daily use of these sets in the assignments the matter that acquire a financial saving for Gendarmerie forces with an approximate ratio of 35% of the maintenance of the sets and systems and the reduction of mall functions. Knowing that the maintenance cost of the set at the mother company, abroad the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is highly exaggerated , and a surplus amount to be added on each set, worth (150) Dinars as transportation charge. • Preparing and designing an illustrated video for the achievements of the wireless section in a way that shows all works and achievements concisely. • Preparing a scheme that shows the knowhow of apparatus maintenance measures since the access of the apparatus to the concerned workshop until the re-handing it to the concerned units. • Compelling and preparing pamphlets and brochures related to the capsules systems and the wireless communication sets, and it was adopted as a formal method for study. • Providing and preparing several studies and work sheets in addition to numerous scientific, administrative and security thoughts and suggestions, some of which are (The security Engineering for placing modern technological plans and methods for protecting the important establishments. The recycling of papers on the standard of Gendarmerie forces or the security bodies. The techniques of electronic conversion …) • Preparing an example of form evaluation for the lecturers and courses supervisors related with the communications that seek to evaluate and improve permanently the training performance. • Preparing and setting up technical specifications and the budgets of different sets and communication systems, and the participation in the tenders technical committees, and the field trials, and the permanent endeavor to fulfill the best offers and discounts from the companies. • The initiative and starting of a study to design and implement a special system to control the bottom of the machinery and to install a mobile camera instead of the reflecting mirror for scanning and security detecting the bottom of the machinery at the entrances of military units that belong to Gendarmerie forces. So that this system to be implemented through the cadres of communication and information technology administration, by achieving a financial saving in case of execution that reach up to an amount of (75000) Jordanian Dinars for one system at

each entrance of the military unit. • He obtained numerous courses in the field of wireless and microwave communications, and video and wireless transmission systems, and the digital joint connection system of the command and control center, and the operation rooms, in addition to a course in flying a plane without pilot. • A lecturer and supervisor of several courses at the wireless communications systems and sets, and the systems of digital joint connection of the command and control centers. • Attending and participating in several symposiums and lectures related to the communication systems in addition to escorting the official delegations. • He is distinguished by good behavior and conduct, a distinguished personality, able to exploit the feasible resources in the best way. He has a creative, innovative and distinctive spirit, in addition to an obvious vision and mission, and the ability to provide the required service; he is abided by the code of industrial behavior and the general ethics of the profession, the matter that reflects his good image, of what the Gendarmerie Forces personnel are distinguished with in general. • The medals and spiritual and substantial incentive awards. • He obtained the military meritorious medal of the forth degree upon the issuance of high royal decree on 16th of April 2013 A.D • He obtained several thanking letters and moral and substantial incentive awards from the directors of General Directorate of Gendarmerie Forces, and the directors of communications and Information Technology Administration. • He was recommended to the award of prince Nayef medal for the Arab security on the category (The Distinguished Security Performance).


The Activities of the General Directorate Of Gendarmerie in Pictures

• Graduation of the Red Cross course.

• Visit of human resources assistant to the jordan gendarmerie institute for human rights and peace support operation training .

• Formed police units / FPU course to the institute.

• North Gendarmerie members executing a blood donation campaign / Al – Mafraq governorate

• Graduation of peacekeeping units.

• Visit of the French delegation to the institute.


In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Telegram H.E. Staff Brigadier General Hussein Al - Hawatmeh The General Director of Gendarmerie Forces may God preserve him May peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you, with great thankfulness and appreciation, we received your nice and delicate congratulations and your true wishes that you sent to us on your own behalf and on behalf of all your brother officers, warrant officers and individuals of the gendarmerie on the advent of the new Hijri year (1437). And we, as we exchange the greetings with you on this blessed occasion, we ask God the Almighty to return it on you while enjoying health and hale and on our dear people and Islamic nation with boon and benevolence.

Your brother Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein



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