vegetal diversity in Guadeloupe

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Diversité végétale en Guadeloupe

The state of terrestrial biodiversity • Au cœur de la Caraïbe et des Petites Antilles, la Guadeloupe regorge d’animaux, de végétaux, d’écosystèmes et de paysages, tant terrestres que marins, issus de la variété des conditions géologiques, climatiques, du sol et du relief qui favorisent une biodiversité exceptionnelle sur un territoire pourtant restreint. Since colonization, the terrestrial biodiversity of the Guadeloupe archipelago has been damaged. In all the islands, degraded formations, herbaceous savannas and thorny thickets gradually replaced the various forest ecosystems after the abandonment of agricultural activities for some. For others, urbanization or agriculture have significantly disrupted their proper functioning. The environments have been very weakened both by human pressure and by natural disasters. Each plant formation presents different stages of deterioration, with their characteristic floral processions. Secondary education is frequent. Thus, the original semi-deciduous forest and the seasonal evergreen forest (a type of evergreen forest) no longer exist except in the form of fragments or more or less secondary islets. The rainforest is itself subject to a "sprawl" which is worsening in a worrying way with an increase of banal and little structuring species. These degradations lead to the loss of rare species, dependent on climatic and sub-climatic formations and presenting a strong ecological and heritage value. Thus, several animal and plant species have disappeared, some of which are strictly endemic, which represents a definitive loss for global biodiversity.

The humid forest We call it "rain forest". Its extends between 300 and 1000 meters , and covers 80% of the heart of the National Park. This mountain forest is dense, lush and rich. Due to the competition between plants for space and light, each one occupies a particular floor: -Very large trees (30 to 35 m): . Gum . Acomat boucan), . Chestnut -Medium-sized trees (6 to 10 m): . Marbri . Oleander -Shrubs and herbaceous plants (from ground up to 10 m ) . Mountain palm kernel . Balisier, . Ferns (about 70 species). -Hanging plants (a tangle of vines, epiphytic plants and epiphyllous) . . White siguine . Fly wing . Pineapple-Wood. The growth of the trees is remarkable. Thanks to the climate, it is continuous all year round. It is a so-called evergreen forest, that is to say which remains evergreen or which keeps its leaves throughout the year, as opposed to trees with deciduous foliage. The giant trees of the dense humid forest have buttresses. These gigantic roots that ensure, in the soil is shallow and often clayey, maintaining the top Sometimes trunk of over 30 meters , give them more stability.

Rainforest The Guadeloupe forest, one of the most complex natural environments in the world, presents several levels of vegetation, extremely rich and diverse. A large number of species are endemic. The forest is an incredible lever for sustainable development and the importance of managing it sustainably must be our constant concern. Its management is the responsibility of the national forestry office , but we must all be made aware of its protection.


Mangroves are forests that grow along coastlines, in calm, brackish (a mixture of seawater and freshwater) and poorly oxygenated waters. The soil in these forests is made up of silt and sediment, most often organic matter . the plants that must grow there are capricious: salt water at a temperature neither too hot nor below 20 °, which must not stagnate at the risk of lacking oxygen. This atypical forest ecosystem between land and sea allows us to discover trees such as mangroves, their stilt roots and their small inhabitants. Between the intertning of roots are the " nurseries " for many aquatic species .

The mesophilic forest With average rainfall (1.80 to 3 m of water per year), it is found in the lowest regions (up to 500 m in altitude). Very largely cleared by man, we now find banana plantations, food crops ... It is characterized by red Mahogany, white Mahogany, courbaril, rosewood.

Dry or xerophilic forest:

This vegetation lives in areas or the annual level of precipitation s is between 1000 and 1500 m with an annual temperature of 25-26 ° C , and is situated both limestone area in volcanic area. Among the dominant trees in the limestone zone, in addition to the wood-cinnamon, we find the bastard acomat , the gray mapou, the guaiac , a small branched tree with yellow-orange fruits where only a few feet remain in nature, especially in “Little Land” and which iguanas love .

The mountain forest It is also called "cloud forest" and appears from 1000 m . The vegetation becomes less luxuriant, due to the often violent wind, excess humidity and the persistence of clouds. It does not exceed 1.50 m in height and takes on a stunted appearance. There are mainly savannas made up of red or yellow mountain pineapples and mountain thyme. The only trees are the mountain mangle and the oleander. The very high summits are covered with mosses, lichens, lycopods. In the primary tropical forest, an important and varied flora develops, including 300 species of trees and shrubs, a few hundred species of orchids.

Wild orchideae take advantage of the undergrowth to flourish

Tropical fruits grow in large quantities in the gardens

Guavas, lychees, mangoes, pineapple papaya

Cocoa, cashew, maracudja apple

Coffee, peppers are grown in gardens

Flamboyant, bougainvillea

Exotic flowers grow in large quantities with very beautiful shades

Vanilla, curcuma, ginger, ylang ylang, jasmine: All these tropical species also grow in Guadeloupe

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