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Holy Blossom Temple Bulletin

April/May 2011 | Adar II/Iyar 5771

Membership Fees + Annual Campaign Donations = A strong and caring Holy Blossom Temple For more details, please see page 6.

Life at Holy Blossom M O N D AY

Mondays @ the Temple 10 a.m. | Apr. 4 to May 30 (no program Apr. 25) Yom Ha’Shoah Commemoration 7 p.m. | Dr. Michael Mason May 2 Yom Ha’Zikaron/Yom Ha’Atzma’ut Celebration 6 p.m. | May 9 Blanche and Harry Posen Memorial Lecture 8 p.m. | Prof. Gabi Ben-Dor May 30 T U E S D AY

Advanced Hebrew Grammar 11 a.m. | Rabbi Edward Goldfarb Library Book Club 10.30 a.m. | Janna Nadler May 3 and 31 The Way of Halachah 7.30 p.m. | Rabbi John Moscowitz Apr. 26 to May 10 Blanche and Harry Posen Memorial Lecture 8 p.m. | Prof. Gabi Ben-Dor May 31 W E D N E S D AY

Sisterhood Torah Study 9.30 a.m. | Rabbi Edward Goldfarb Yiddish Novel 11 a.m. | Rabbi Edward Goldfarb Adult B’nei Mitzvah 7.15 p.m. | Rabbi Yael Splansky T H U R S D AY

Jewish Religious Responses to the Rebirth of Israel 10.30 a.m. | Rabbi Michael Stroh Apr. 7 to 28 Sisterhood Kallah: Two Very Different Minds: Martin Buber and The Chazon Ish 9.30 a.m. | Rabbi John Moscowitz Apr. 28 F R I D AY

Little Blossoms 9.30 a.m., 10.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. | Apr. 8 to June 24 (no class on Apr. 22 due to Pesach) S AT U R D AY

Torah Study 9 a.m. | Rabbi John Moscowitz Shabbat Sermon in Celebration of Yom Ha’Atzma’ut — Israel’s Independence Day 10.30 a.m. | Amir Gissin May 7 S U N D AY

Temple Singers Rehearsal 10 a.m. Family Mitzvah Day 12.30 p.m. | May 15

For more details about Holy Blossom Temple programming or events, or to confirm information, call (416) 789-3291 or and The Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning at Holy Blossom Temple generously supports many of these programs.


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Remembering in honour and in dignity | In Perspective Rabbi John Moscowitz jmoscowitz@holyblossom.org

Rabbi Karen Kedar, author of “God Whispers: Stories of the Soul, Lessons of the Heart,” writes the following with regard to our loved ones we can never forget, and whose funerals — perhaps most especially the morning of — we will always remember. The morning you wake to bury me you'll wonder what to wear. The sun may be shining, or maybe it will rain; it may be winter. Or not. You'll say to yourself, black, aren't you supposed to wear black? Then you will remember all the times we went together to buy clothes: the prom, homecoming, just another pair of jeans, another sweater, another pair of shoes … You will remember how I loved to dress you. How beautiful you were in my eyes. The morning you wake to bury me you will look in the mirror in disbelief.

You'll reach for some makeup. Or not. And you won't believe that this is the morning you will bury your mother. But it is. And as you gaze into that mirror you will shed a tear. Or not. But look. Look carefully, for hiding in your expression, you will find mine. You will see me in your eyes, in the way you laugh … So let me tell you, one last time, before you dress, what to wear. Put on any old thing. Black or red, skirt or pants. Despite what I told you all these years, it doesn't really matter. Because I told you all these years, you are beautiful the way you are. Dress yourself in honour and dignity. Dress yourself in confidence and self-love. Wear a sense of obligation to do for this world, For you are one of the lucky ones and there is so much to do, to fix. Take care of each other, Take care of your heart, and your soul ... As at every spring time, a number of moments of collective and public

memory are now before us. We will say Yizkor at Pesach (Mon. Apr. 24, at 10 a.m.) and at Shavuot (Wed. June 8, at 10 a.m.) to remember the beloved dead in our families; at Yom Ha’Shoah (Mon. May 2, at 7 p.m.), we will recall those who died in the Holocaust; at Yom Ha’Zikaron (Mon. May 9, at 6 p.m.), we will stand tall for those who stood bravely in fighting for the State of Israel. Memory is deeply personal and profoundly collective. In all of our rememberings, of the personal and of the peoplehood kind both, keep Rabbi Kedar’s words in mind and at heart. Let’s dress ourselves in honour and dignity and in so doing, ensure the enduring memory of the one and the many.

From Jane Fonda to Judaism What's with the "Jane Fonda" part of the title? Visit rabbijohnmoscowitz.blog.com for Rabbi Moscowitz's explanation.

Worship D A I LY S E R V I C E S

Monday to Friday at 7.30 a.m. Shacharit | Monday to Thursday at 6 p.m. Mincha | Sunday at 9 a.m. Shacharit On Fri. Apr. 22 and Mon. May 23, 2011, Shacharit Services will be held at 9 a.m. S H A B B AT S E R V I C E S

Friday at 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat | Saturday at 10.30 a.m. Shabbat Morning and Family Shabbat Services

Tot Shabbat will be held on Fridays, Apr. 1, 15, May 6, 20, June 3 and 17, 2011. On Apr. 1, May 6 and June 3, the potluck dinner and Service begins at 6 p.m. On Apr. 15, May 20 and June 17, the Service and craft evening begins at 5.30 p.m. Shabbat Fusion will be held Fridays, Apr. 29, May 27 and June 24, 2011, at 6.30 p.m. The Bulletin is published throughout the year by Holy Blossom Temple, 1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9. Telephone: (416) 789-3291; Fax: (416) 789-9697; Email: templemail@holyblossom.org; Website: www.holyblossom.org. Honorary President: John A. Geller; President: Mark S. Anshan; Rabbis: John Moscowitz; Yael Splansky; Karen Thomashow; Edward Goldfarb; Cantor: Benjamin Z. Maissner; Cantorial Soloist: Lindi Rivers; Director of Education: Deborah K. Spiegel; Rabbi Emeritus: Dow Marmur; Senior Scholar: W. Gunther Plaut; Executive Director: Benjamin Applebaum; Holy Blossom Temple Foundation Chair: Alison Schwartz; Director of Membership: Loriellen Karam; Bulletin Editor: Judy Nyman; Design and Production: nymanink.concepts that click Holy Blossom Temple was founded in 1856 and is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Canadian Council for Reform Judaism.

April/May 2011 | Adar II/Iyar 5771


A sacred bridge | Cantor's Notes Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner


"Music speaks louder than words. It's the only thing that the whole world listens to. When you sing, people understand.” In a recent article on URJ.org, Cantor Alaine Katzew describes the healing and bonding power of music, and how music affects our lives. “Music can function as a fantastic tool for outreach and keruv, drawing people together in creating an inter-religious global community. Singing ensembles thus function as a community within a community.” It is in this spirit that we anticipate the celebration of an “Interfaith Choral Extravaganza.” This collaboration of church and community choirs in one voice exemplifies human unity through the power of music. A combination of four church and community choirs — numbering more than 130 singers — will lift up their voices in harmony, singing unto G-d as one galvanized community; it is for the sole purpose of bringing together hopes and aspirations

for a more tolerant world with peace and understanding between human beings. Music is truly the language of the soul. It gives us hope and lifts our spirits. Music remains with us throughout our lives and soothes our souls, evoking emotions and memories. It tells us the story of our People, our morals and our values, and unites us all in times of sadness and happiness. The Sacred Service, Avodah Hakodesh,

A Sacred Bridge — A Community Under One G-D Sun. Apr. 10, 2011, at 8 p.m. Menno Singers, Peter Nikiforuk, Conductor | Etobicoke Centennial Choir, Henry Renglich, Conductor | Hillcrest Christian Church, David Warrack, Conductor | Lachan Jewish Chamber Choir, Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, Conductor | Holy Blossom Temple Choir, Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, Conductor | Holy Blossom Temple Singers, Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, Conductor Soloist — Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner Organist — Alison Riseley-Clark Piano Accompanist — Nadia Adler

We can all help Free Gilad Shalit

Raise Awareness

Add the Gilad Shalit PicBadge to your Facebook picture: www.picbadges.com/free-gilad-shalit


Email the International Committee of the Red Cross urging further pressure on Hamas to provide basic humanitarian rights: Yael Eytan tel_aviv.tel@icrc.org 4

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is a landmark in the history of Jewish music. For the very first time, Ernest Bloch, a composer of world stature, was commissioned to write a complete setting of a Jewish service for cantor, choir and symphony orchestra. This massive work is the realization of humanity’s love of G-d, in fellowship and brotherhood. The work was composed between 1930 and 1933, and received its first performance in 1934.


Write Gilad’s parents, Noam and Aviva Shalit: c/o Magbit Canada, 48 King George Street P.O.B. 7280 Jerusalem 91072 There is strength in numbers. Thousands of Canadians emailing the International Committee of the Red Cross forces them to pay attention.

Celebrating and commemorating 2011/5771 Erev Pesach

Erev Seventh Day Pesach

Mon. Apr. 18, at 6 p.m. This pre-seder Service welcomes the Festival.

Sun. Apr. 24, at 6 p.m. Please join us for this Erev Yom Tov Service.

First Day Pesach Tue. Apr. 19, at 10 a.m. This congregation-wide Service with the Temple Singers and our Simcha Band will include Songs of Freedom and Songs of Hallel. A festive kiddush lunch will follow the Service, and creative children’s study programs will be integrated throughout the morning.

Holy Chag Pesach Tue. Apr. 19 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Students from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 6 are invited to join Rabbi Karen Thomashow to celebrate Pesach with lunch, learning, art, music, games, festive snacks and a goody bag! Cost: members $18; guests $36. To register, please call Lisa Isen Baumal (ext. 242), at the Temple. Temple students in Grade 7 to 12 may register to be a counsellor for the day for community service hours.

Yom Ha’Atzma’ut. Consul General Amir Gissin will address the congregation on the subject of “Israel’s Current Challenges.”

Seventh Day Pesach and Yizkor Yom Ha’Zikaron/Yom Ha’Atzma’ut Mon. Apr. 25, at 10 a.m. At this congregation-wide Service, we will celebrate the last day of Pesach followed by Yizkor Services and then a kiddush lunch for all.

Yom Ha’Shoah — Holocaust Memorial Day Mon. May 2, at 7 p.m. Please join us for a Service of music and poetry, remembrance and reflection. In June 1944, at the age of 14, Michael Mason was taken from his home in Budapest. From farm labour to Auschwitz, from the heavy labour camp of Muldorf to the train ride that was intended for certain death, his is a remarkable tale of survival.

Travellers to Israel Sat. May 7, at 10.30 a.m. All congregants who have travelled to Israel in the last year will be honoured with a group aliyah, on the Shabbat before

Mon. May 9, at 6 p.m. Join with the Beth Tzedec and Beth Sholom congregations at Holy Blossom at 6 p.m. for a Service to mark Israel’s Memorial Day. Then at 6.30 p.m., we’ll stay together to celebrate Israeli Independence Day, with food, music, games and activities for children, as well as food, culture and study for adults.

Family Mitzvah Day Sun. May 15, at 12.30 p.m. Take part in one of eight simultaneous hands-on mitzvot for parents and children up to Grade 8. To register, please call Elana Fehler (ext. 221 or vm. 532), at the Temple, or email efehler@holyblossom.org. Cosponsored by HBT Family Programming and the Leo Baeck Day School Parents Association.

April/May 2011 | Adar II/Iyar 5771


Our Annual Campaign | what you need to know Anita Lapidus

Chair, Annual Contribution Campaign

It has now been five years since our Temple restructured its membership dues system. You may recall that our prior system was a fair share graduated fee tied to family income. With our current fee structure, everyone is now treated equally. Only upon request do we now use a discreet process to assist those needing financial support with our flat-rate system. D U E S S H O R T FA L L

As part of the restructured dues system, we also introduced an Annual Campaign. Its sole purpose is to compensate for the revenue shortfall that results from assisting members who request and demonstrate financial need, and who want to continue to be part of our Reform synagogue community. For example, at Holy Blossom, 15 percent of our members are over the age of 80. But some of these long-time members of our congregation can only afford to pay $50 a month. Although this is certainly a meaningful contribution, it represents a dues shortfall that needs to be made up elsewhere if Holy Blossom is to continue offering a full range of services to all our members. Similarly, we have had many new

young families join our membership ranks over the past five years. However, for a young family with three young children, the total cost for Religious School tuition and Temple dues is almost $6,000. This outlay is not possible for all. To ensure that young member families become an integral part of our community, we provide financial assistance to qualified young families. But that contributes to our dues revenue shortfall as well. And so we need to have an Annual Campaign to help make up the difference. E N A B L I N G A L L T O P A R T I C I P AT E

I urge every member of this generous congregation who has the financial capability to make a contribution to the 2011 Annual Contribution Campaign. It will mean that no Holy Blossom programs or services will have to be cut back or eliminated. Just as importantly, it will allow every member, regardless of financial situation, to participate in the excellence of our Worship Services, our many and varied Jewish education opportunities and all of our social action programs. Your Annual Contribution Campaign mailing will be arriving soon. To make your donation to the 2011 Campaign, or for more details, please call Loriellen Karam, Director of Membership (ext. 227), at the Temple or email lkaram@holyblossom.org.

The strength of Holy Blossom Temple


Number of hours students and teachers spent in our Religious School classrooms in 2010


Number of meals served during Out of the Cold’s 20-week winter season


Total number who attended PreSchool Tot Shabbat, Tot Shabbat, Hot-Shot Shabbat and Little Blossoms Services and events in 2010


Total number of Adult Learning classes taught by the combined rabbinic staff in 2010


Cab trips provided to allow our seniors to attend Mondays @ the Temple throughout 2010


Contributions to the annual campaign that would be needed annually if all members were capable of paying the full amount of their Holy Blossom membership dues and Religious School tuitions

Wall of Honor


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Confirmation and Shavuot 2011/5771 Confirmation Sat. June 4, at 10.30 a.m. Our entire congregation is encouraged to join us for the Shabbat Morning Service when our Grade 10 Confirmands ascend the bimah during the Torah Service in a special ceremony. This will be followed by a congregational kiddush in their honour.

Erev Shavuot Tue. June 7, at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome to this erev Yom Tov Service.

Tikkun Leil Shavuot Tue. June 7, at 9 p.m. A cheesecake reception and plenty of good coffee will make our learning sweet. At

9.30 p.m., we will learn together during Shavuot Study with Derek Penslar, Professor of Jewish History, University of Toronto, who will discuss “Thou Shalt Not Commit Murder — But When May You Kill?"

Yom Tov, Baby Blessings and Yizkor Services Wed. June 8, at 10 a.m. Hear the chanting of the Ten Commandments and the beautiful Book of Ruth. Honour the memory of loved ones. All babies born into the congregation in the last year will be invited to the bimah for a special blessing and welcome. Enjoy a congregational kiddush lunch. Creative children’s programming will be provided throughout the morning.

Holy Chag Shavuot Wed. June 8 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Students in Senior Kindergarten to Grade 6 are invited to join Rabbi Karen Thomashow for Shavuot tefillah, lunch, learning, art, music, games, festive snacks and a goody bag! Cost: members $18; guests $36. To register, please call Lisa Isen Baumal (ext. 242), at the Temple. Temple students in Grade 7 to 12 may register to be a counsellor for the day for community service hours.

Last year's Holy Blossom Temple Confirmands

April/May 2011 | Adar II/Iyar 5771


Building this world together | Our Schools Pam Hamovitch

Pre-School Principal phamovitch@holyblossom.org

The joy that our Pre-School children bring to the Temple at large never changes. Their young voices singing and giggling or the sound of their discoveries and footsteps continue to convey a sense of vitality, renewal and growth in our midst. A PRICELESS GIFT

While the Temple community at large has been focused on renewal and growth, our values and our commitments remain unchanged. The overwhelming sense of fulfillment and gratification we feel by our work of ‘heart’ is a priceless gift. For the sake of Kita Aleph

Kita Hei


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our future generation, we will continue building together. Recently, the Temple held a memorial event for the late Debbie Friedman. Like many schools, numerous songs written by Debbie have become an integral part of our holidays. Many of her lyrics come to mind as I write this piece about our Pre-School. For example: “We must study and teach exploring new ways. We’re going to build this world together. So the children will grow and be the teachers one day.” We continue “to build this world together.” Our ultimate goals are unwavering. We want to ensure that children develop a love for learning, a strong sense of self and pride in being Jewish. Learning to get along with others by reaching out to the world at large begins in the early years. Our monthly trips to Baycrest to sing, our annual Kita Dalet

Chanukah toy drive, our ‘Loonies for Lunch’ program, and our mitzvah trees and tzedakah coins are but a few ways we are teaching the importance of looking after each other. A R E V I TA L I Z E D J K

The Ontario Government too is calling for renewal and change. As part of the province’s plan to build a strong school system and well-educated work force, we too have adopted The Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program. Our Pre-School is currently running its first extended-day Junior Kindergarten with tremendous success! The photographs below are merely images of the incredible vitality inherent in our School. We will continue to “study and teach, exploring new ways … we’re going to build this world together.”

Kita Bet

Our Congregational Family Welcome to Our Temple Family We are delighted to welcome the following new members and their families to Holy Blossom Temple: Caren & Neil Simon, and Jonah and Isabella

Mazal Tov Leonard Levy, on receiving his 50 years as a Past Masters Certificate from the Mount Sinai-Pillars Lodge 522. Lorie Shekter Wolfson, on receiving the 2010 Colleges Ontario Award for exemplary service for her leadership in the development of the George Brown waterfront campus and on receiving the Ontario Association of Social Workers 2011 Inspirational Leader Award.

birth of their grandchildren Cory Lewis Ungerman, son of Jessica & Steven Ungerman, brother to Ryan; and Stella Blue Glicksman, daughter of Samantha & Mitchell Glicksman, sister to ZoÍ; and Yonatan Glicksman, son of Sharon & Jeffery Glicksman (Israel). Michelle & Daniel Wittlin, on the birth of a daughter, Abby Stella Wittlin, sister to Olivia and Ashley. Proud grandparents are Eleanor & Lawrence Wittlin and Debbie & Henry Nirenberg. Proud great-grandmother is Lillian Sokalsky. B’NEI MITZVAH 26 Nisan 5771/Apr. 30, 2011 Max Valentine, son of Stephanie & Mark Valentine

BIRTHS Marty Herman, on the birth of a granddaughter, Liora Marley Charezenko, daughter of Talia & David Charezenko, sister to Mattia and Eli. Other proud grandparents are Pia Brown, and Arlene & Sam Charezenko. Proud great-grandparents are Donia & Lou Brown. Janeth & Alex Henry, on the birth of a granddaughter, Sadie Ella Cox, daughter of Alana & Jeff Cox, sister to Taylor. Other proud grandparents are Phyllis & Tom Cox. Proud great-grandmother is Riva Henry. Dana & Jonathan Mansoor, on the birth of a son, Benjamin Noah Mansoor, brother to Julia and Raquel. Proud grandparents are Arlene & Fred Farber and Ronnie & Fred Mansoor. Happy Iscove, on the birth of a grandson, Shalev Peled, son of Rachel Iscove Peled & Chagai Peled. Other proud grandparents are Melvyn Iscove, and Sylvia & Shaul Polopodin. Proud great-grandparents are Rosalyn & Seymour Locketz. Caren & Neil Simon, on the birth of a daughter, Isabella Blake Simon, sister to Jonah. Proud grandparents are Sandy & Allen Thomas. Shawnee Slan & Hersh Glickman, on the

3 Iyar 5771/May 7, 2011 Jacob Roher, son of Joanne & Jeffrey Roher

3 Iyar 5771/May 7, 2011 Noah Davis, son of Laurie & Michael Davis

10 Iyar 5771/May 14, 2011 Tyrah Kalman, daughter of Nancy Crossley & Carl Kalman 17 Iyar 5771/May 21, 2011 Oliver Blatt, son of Joanne Godel & Warren Blatt

17 Iyar 5771/May 21, 2011 Jonah Feldberg, son of Raquel & Alan Feldberg

In Memoriam The congregation sympathizes with the recently bereaved familes of: William Braitman, husband of Jacqueline Braitman, father of Barry Braitman and Adrienne Braitman-Dan Cayle Chernin, wife of Dwight McFeeDutkiewicz, daughter of Beryl Chernin, sister of Franky Chernin, Barbara Chernin and Nancy Chernin Helen Fogel, mother of Rosie Uster, Phyllis Gould and Sandra Srebrolow Chris (Klara) Hoffman, mother of Diana Shiffman Joseph Israel, brother of Milton Israel, father of Deborah Micheler and Rochelle Peters Shirlee Klein, mother of Eric Klein, Lani Buchbinder and Paula Klein Zeilig Leibovici, husband of Mina Leibovici, father of Martin Leibovici and Yolanda Leibovici Jeremy Lightstone, husband of Jennifer Thung, father of Lee Thung Lightstone, son of Margaret & Ian Lightstone Harold Mandel, father of Lezlie Grossman, Heather Samuels and Michael Mandel, brother of Seymour Mandel Faye Mintz, wife of Al Mintz, mother of Harley Mintz, Donnie Mintz, Risa Mintz, Bonnie Jackson and Steven Mintz, sister of Jenny Appleby Sidney Nathan, husband of Ruth Lipson Nathan, father of Geoffrey Nathan, Cindy Buim Lipson, Robert Lipson and Martin Lipson, brother of Sheila Curtis Julian Nesbitt, husband of Mary Nesbitt, father of Paul Nesbitt and Karen Dezeuze Marilyn Scolnick, daughter of Kathryn Solmon, sister of Ken Solmon, mother of Laina Eskin and Michelle Belchetz Jean Silver, mother of Eleanor Steinberg and Joyce Spiegel Corinne Simon, mother of Neil Simon and Randy Simon, sister of Bruce Lewis Henrietta Vine, mother of Rita Vine

April/May 2011 | Adar II/Iyar 5771



Jean Anshan, In Memory: Sherri Wolfish & David Factor Mark S. Anshan, In Honour: Sherri Wolfish & David Factor Meta & John Spiegler, In Memory: Sherri Wolfish & David Factor BROTHERHOOD MITZVAH FUND

Evelyn Florence, In Memory: Lynn & Ken Tepper ARCHIVES FUND

General Donation: ÉSC Monseigneur-de-Charbonnel Catholic High School



General Donation: Goodman & Company, Investment

General Donation: Holy Blossom Temple Stagecraft

Counsel Ltd. Bernard Fluxgold, In Memory: Family and Friends of Bernard Fluxgoldz”l Rabbi Edward Goldfarb, In Appreciation: Annie & Michael Appleby and Family Shirlee Goodman Klein, In Memory: The Bishin Family;

Company; Nyman Ink Cayle Chernin, In Memory: Muriel Cohen Bonnie Croll & Robert Henry, Mazal Tov: Joan & Donald Granatstein Abe Greenblatt, In Memory: Corrine & Neil Berinstein and Family

Mira Goldfarb & Adam Berkowitz and Family; Sharon

Steven Jacobs, Mazal Tov: Marilyn Hahn

Neiss & Dr. Gordon Arbess and Family; Deborah

Holly Goren Laskin & John Laskin, Mazal Tov: Hersh

Siegel & Eric Beutel and Family Faye Mintz, In Memory: Wendy & Elliott Eisen

and Cassidy Family Lauren Laskin & David Gluck, Mazal Tov: Hersh and Cassidy Family


General Donation: Ronna Rubin Michael Davis, Mazal Tov: Carol & Nolan Grubert Helen Fogel, In Memory: Diana & Marvin Goodman

Faye Mintz, In Memory: Shelly Berenbaum & Chuck Litman Dedicated Volunteers at the Out of the Cold Program, In Honour: Ann MacPherson & Earl Bederman


Jordan Garb, Mazal Tov: Miriam & Marvin Dryer

Brooke Sacks, Mazal Tov: Emily Rayson

Gabe Garmaise, Mazal Tov: Glenda Mindlin

Shirlee Goodman Klein, In Memory: Michelle & Gavin

Joe Weinstock, Mazal Tov: Esther Zeller Cooper & Morris

Naimer and Family H E N R I E T TA A N D J O S H U A C H E S N I E E N D O W M E N T

Leonard Levy, In Honour: Karen & Marvin Donin;

Cooper Beatrice Young, In Memory: The Hersh Family


Marilyn Farber; Sybil & Jack Geller; Beth Goldstein &

Beatrice Young, In Memory: Henrietta Chesnie

Dr. Barry Rosen; Diana & Marvin Goodman; Etienne


& Aubrey Kaplan; Nancy & Peter Theimer and Family



Faye Mintz, In Memory: Stephanie Lennox

Arnold Cohen, Yahrzeit: Joy & Charles Cohen


Lindi Rivers, In Appreciation: Hailey Smith; Jill Smith

Beatrice Young, In Memory: Joy & Charles Cohen



Ethan Wise, In Honour: Florence Hertzman

Rabbi John Moscowitz, In Appreciation: Wendy & Elliott

Alyson Oaknine, Bat Mitzvah: Andrea & Avy Oaknine


Gabe Garmaise, Bar Mitzvah: Sue Rebick & Steve

Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Appreciation: Annie & Michael

Faye Mintz, In Memory: Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood

Julian Nesbitt, In Memory: Marilyn Farber and Family Beatrice Young, In Memory: Marilyn Farber F LO R A L F U N D


Garmaise Oliver Blatt, Bar Mitzvah: Joanne Godel & Warren Blatt


Edward Karabanow, Yahrzeit: Ellen Karabanow JEAN FINE SENIORS FUND

Zach Babins, In Honour: Mondays @ the Temple


Dr. Kaganovsky, In Honour: Mondays @ the Temple


Julian Nesbitt, In Memory: Sheila & Bob Smolkin

Sol Kaiman, In Memory: Thelma Rosen-Berris

Michael Ryval, In Honour: Mondays @ the Temple

Glenda Mindlin, In Honour: Etta Ginsberg McEwan

Chun Wong, In Memory: Sally & Ben Jacobson Don Wright, In Honour: Mondays @ the Temple Peter Young, In Honour: Mondays @ the Temple G A R F I N K E L F A M I LY F U N D

Leonard Levy, In Honour: Randi & Alan Garfinkel R A B B I E D W A R D & FA G I G O L D FA R B F U N D F O R JEWISH LITERACY

Sylvia Bongard, In Honour: Fagi & Rabbi Edward Goldfarb


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Wendy & Elliott Eisen, Mazal Tov: Gay & Gerry Lokash Cantor Benjamin & Hope Maissner, Mazal Tov: Annie & Michael Appleby and Family; Susan & Barry Borden Bonnie Lawrence Shear, In Honour: Alba & Dr. Jerry Graner; Sonya & Bob Slater MUSICAL LEGACY FUND

Dr. Harvey J. Kugelmass, Yahrzeit: Helene & Jack Kugelmass Henrietta Vine, In Memory: Helen Lyon

Appleby and Family; Iris Drache Rabbi Edward Goldfarb, In Appreciation: Ruth Nathan and Family Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In Appreciation: Wendy & Elliott Eisen; Ruth Nathan and Family; Rita Vine Cantor Benjamin & Hope Maissner, Mazal Tov: Razelle & David Roebuck Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner: Henrietta Vine, In Memory: Taffy Benjamin; Ellie Moidel & Marvin Miller; Mary & Henry Seldon; Sheila & Bob Smolkin; Barbara & Floyd Stern S H A C H A R I T B R E A K FA S T F U N D

Nancy Sara Bigio, Yahrzeit: Matilda Bigio Irvin Burnstein, Yahrzeit: Helena Burnstein Harry Cash, Yahrzeit: Mary Jane & Dr. Barry Cash; Lillian & Dr. Stanley Cash Ruth & David Cohen, Yahrzeit: Mimi & Malcolm Kronby William Frohman, Yahrzeit: Amanda Frohman

Our Congregational Family Esther Gorlicky, Yahrzeit: Frances & Murray Ellis


Phillip Gorlicky, Yahrzeit: Frances & Murray Ellis

Dr. Ruth Stern Dexter, In Memory: Honey Wolfe and

Bella Gruenspan, Yahrzeit: Myrna Sandler


Charles Hershfield, Yahrzeit: Janet Hershfield and Family Chris Hoffman, In Memory: Diana & Dr. Norman Shiffman Nathan Kozloff, Yahrzeit: Susan Himel & Neil Kozloff and Family May & Morris Kronby, Yahrzeit: Mimi & Malcolm Kronby Bertha Rosen, Yahrzeit: Lazarus Rosen Jacob Sandler, Yahrzeit: Myrna Sandler William Shoichet, Yahrzeit: Shirley & Leon Tessler Rachael Stern, Yahrzeit: Martin Stern


Annalee & Brian Schnurr, Mazal Tov: Ellen Karabanow Michael Ryval and the Actors and Crew of The Last Days of Rachel Samuel, Mazal Tov: Vallry & Arieh Waldman YOUTH AWARDS FUND

Janice Feuer & Andrew Morrison, Mazal Tov: Edith Kirzner Henrietta Vine, In Memory: Edith Kirzner

Harry Uster, Yahrzeit: Rosie & John Uster

Holy Blossom Temple Foundation The Holy Blossom Temple Foundation raises funds to support Temple activities, programs and projects. To make a donation to any of our existing funds, please call The Foundation at (416) 789-3291, ext. 265. Nine percent of all donations and investment income is generally set aside to help with administration costs and special initiatives. We apologize but due to space constraints, not all donations will appear in the Bulletin issue closest to the date on which the contribution was made.

Leonard Levy at 90 His father celebrated Bar Mitzvah at the Bond Street Synagogue in 1904. He celebrated Bar Mitzvah, also at Bond Street, in 1934. Having moved from downtown to mid-town with his family as a young teenager, [Leonard Levy] would often walk over from Burnaby Ave. to follow the construction of the new Holy Blossom Temple in 1936/37. His love, though, is hardly for the building alone; it is more for the congregation, for its rabbis, ranging Leonard is the apple in my eye. What an inspiration and such a wonderful man. May you go from strength to strength and live for many more years to come sharing your wonderful spirit and stories with all of us. – Corinne Black from Isserman to Thomashow, for the Jews and their God. The photo of the first Confirmation class on Bathurst Street — June 1938 — shows him

standing proudly on the front steps of the new Holy Blossom Temple … Few stand for their community as Leonard Levy does for Holy Blossom Temple. I really mean stand for — for Leonard embodies a congregation with a strong past, and no less, a desire to ensure a vibrant future: not as the

same place as of decades past, but not neglecting that past either. Our greatest blessing is celebrating Leonard’s 90th birthday together. He is and always has been an inspiration to me, my children and grandchildren. Sadly, we miss Mulya, my mother, and Sybil and Dave too. But the halls of Holy Blossom will be ringing with joy honouring an amazing man. Thank you Rabbi for such a loving story about my Dad. – Ellen Levy Reichbaum

The preceding is an excerpt from Rabbi John Moscowitz’s blog, From Jane Fonda to Judaism, including comments from readers. To read the complete post on “Levy at 90,” as well as other posts, please visit rabbijohnmoscowitz.blog.com. April/May 2011 | Adar II/Iyar 5771


Jewish and inspirational teen volunteerism Rabbi Karen Thomashow


Our sages tell us (as recorded in the Mishnah — the early common century book of laws and lessons stemming from the Torah) that there are four types of people when it comes to giving of ourselves. The first sort says: “What is mine is mine and what is yours is yours.” The second sort says: “What is mine is yours and what is yours is mine.” The third sort says: “What is mine is yours and what is yours is yours.” Whereas the final sort says: “What is mine is mine and what is yours is mine.” S E L F L E S S N E S S A N D M O D E R AT I O N

After the identification of each sort, the sages make some comments for consideration. With regard to the penultimate or third sort, they say:

“This sort is pious.” By this account of our sages, our tradition extols the selfless, who truly is often the one who says: “What is mine is yours and yours is yours.” To the sages, too, the sort who says: “What is mine is mine and yours is yours” is a fine kind too. In other words, selflessness is an ideal, but not necessary to do in the extreme, rather in healthy moderation. Our sages share this insight, among many other important reasons, to stir within us, for example, the will to give of ourselves to the wider community — whether of time or talent or resources, etc. Volunteering time and talent is certainly one such way to fulfill this piety or religious obligation. I am moved to raise this teaching at this time, as most recently the number of teens volunteering on several fronts in our congregational community has greatly inspired me and others. And now is one of the most exciting seasons in our Temple to volunteer.

| The Last Word


I would like not only to commend those teen members of our congregation who volunteer at Tot Shabbat, Family Services, Wednesday Hebrew School, Sunday Religious School, Festival children’s programming, community concerts and mitzvah days (among so many other opportunities), but to invite all our teens to consider the Temple your volunteer home too — following the example of your own peers, as well as the calling suggested by our tradition.

Teen volunteerism at Holy Blossom For ideas and opportunities to volunteer at the Temple, please visit the Teen Volunteerism page on our website, at www.holyblossom.org.

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