3 minute read

Captain Jack

“I just live.” explained Jack Davenport, who hasn’t wasted a moment of the century he’s survived. Born in 1922 in Newark, New Jersey, Jack’s journey in golf started as a caddy at fourteen years old. Caddying for four hours earned him ten dollars then, but Jack had no complaints. “I could buy a double dip ice cream for five cents back then.” he joked. Jack’s ironclad work ethic took him to the Navy where he earned his gold wings as a pilot. Piloting took him to the Pacific during his service, where he flew in antisubmarine patrols in the Battle of the Coral Sea. Jack went on to become the Aviation Advisor to the Chief Information Officer and later served as Naval Liaison to the United States Senate at the Pentagon. Years later, he pinned his own golden wings onto his grandson, who followed Jack’s footsteps into service.

Outside of his valuable military career, Jack holds the role of being the patriarch to his family alongside his priceless wife, Betty. Together they love 12 children, 27 grandchildren, and 48 great grandchildren who all enjoy annual cheesecake bake-offs that include plaque and trophy prizes! Jack also competed in annual golf trips with a group of up to 24 friends. These trips were meticulously documented and included each player’s handicaps, scores, course maps, and customized rules that changed every year. These golf trips are another testament to Jack’s habitual loyalty and his consistency once again paid off when he achieved a hole-in-one! Today, Jack visits the gym four days a week, and his healthy, conscious, lifestyle has given him a strong heart and a sharp mind to continue his long, fulfilling life with his lovely wife and incredible family.

Cart Girl

Where did you grow up? I was born and raised in a small, rural town in Georgia until I moved to Florida at the end of my freshman year of high school

Which group of people did you associate most with in high school? I didn’t really stick to any sort of clique; I was nice to everyone who was nice to me.

What is your favorite sport to play? I did competitive and sideline cheer through middle and high school, which I miss doing a lot.

Favorite to watch? Baseball

Do you enjoy playing golf? My golfers have got me to try to hit the ball a few times, but I definitely need some practice.

Are there any golfers in your family? My cousins, great uncle and grandfather like to golf.

What do you feel makes this club special? What makes Juliette Falls special is the beautiful scenery and animals you get to see while playing on the course, and how much the staff truly care about the course and guests

What is your favorite part of being a cart girl? My favorite part of being a cart girl is getting to know so many different people, hearing their stories and bringing a little sunshine to their day.

If you weren’t a cart girl, what would you be doing? I’m in school to become an ultrasound technician specializing in obstetrics and also model.

What is your memorable moment working as a cart girl? Most memorable moment would have to be our annual Big Dog’s Tournament & Superintendent Tournament where most of our regulars are all playing and have a good time.

What is the funniest thing you’ve ever seen on the golf course? Watching our fox squirrels chase each other and sound like they’re barking makes me laugh and is one of my favorites past times while waiting for golfers.

What type of music do you prefer? I listen to all types of music, depends on what type of mood I’m in.

What hobbies do you enjoy? When I’m not a work I’m usually at the gym or spending time with my friends, or mom and pets.

What is your idea of “the perfect date”? My idea of “the perfect date” would either be a relaxing picnic somewhere quiet, where you can talk and get to know each other or doing something exciting and fun like going to an amusement park.

Relaxed evening at home, or nightclub and cocktails? Most of the time I’m more of a chill girl who wants to just relax, but if I’m off on the weekend and feeling it, I don’t mind going out with my friends and having a good time.

Favorite comedian? Adam Sandler

Favorite type of movie? My favorite type of movie is in between comedy and thriller/ mystery.

Favorite charity to support? My favorite charity to support is St. Jude’s Childhood Cancer Research and American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

What else would you like for us to know about you? I am pursuing a modeling in my spare time and travel to different photography shoots and castings all over.