1971 Chacahoula

Page 332

Ward Stovall. Dow Processing, Munroe Andy Slrecker, Phoml.lU:Y. MonTor. Richard Stutes. Phamuu;J, Sulphur Trisha Sweene)', HisiQl)" St. Mori tz, S..... i!zerland Ray Talbo!.. Phamw,cy, Slidell

Robert TanZ}'. 8usillCH Admini.slTalio1l, Don Tassir, Pharmacy. Wes! Monroo Bob Taylor. Phamlac),. Greenwell Durand Taylor, , , Mon roe

Pau l Taylor, Sptech Themp),. Shre¥cpo11

Gary TIlOntpson . Liberal ArLJ, Monroe Mary Sue Tiller, EdlK.alioll. Monroe Polly e Tillman, Education., ~o nroe Lee Tllomas, Ph amUlCY, Monroe Cand ie Thom pson, Ed&alion. Closter, N

Seniors John Th ompson, Pka.nnaC)", Monroe

Alma Thornhill, Liberal Arts, Monroe

Stewart T od d. Liberal Arts. Houston;Tf;x.

Beverly Ton os. Home £Corwmies Ed...

Greenville, Miss.

Ci ndy Tripp . Liberal A rts, Monroe

James Tripp . Bftsin~s.s Adm inistration, Monroe

Rebecca Troege l, Pka,rmacy. Mansfield

Haskell Tull, Pure and Applied Sci.,

Jacksonville, Fla.

Pau l Tumin ello. Bu.3irum Administralion,

Stueve port

Bill Turner, Busin£$j AdminislralioTl ,

Baton -Rouge

Kevin Tusa, Plmrm<lCY, New Orleans

Ma rion Unde rwood . Ma/.h, Lake Pr()~'id e n ce

Virgi nia Underwood, A ccounting.

Lake Providence

Mary Utl ey . H. and P. E, Metairie

Jim my Varnad o, M a rkeling. Monroe

Joe Ven tim iglia. EdnCa/;,ofl, Brookl yn. N. Y.

Lee Verret, Phc.rmacy, Arnaudville

Ruben Villalobos, A rt Education,

Sa n Antonio; Tex.

Failh Vinyard. £lem. LL, Pon cha!oula

Terry Vogt, Pharmacy. Ferrida y


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